Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Highly Paid and Privileged UFT Staffer Geof Sorkin Attacks UFT Classroom Teacher Using Unity blog

Yes Virginia, Unity has a blog. And it's designed to pump up its own membership whose morale is flagging. Sorkin engaged in a public attack against a UFT member.
  • UFT Welfare Fund Under Attack: Unmasking the Falsehoods and Unity Caucus’s fight to Defend our Healthcare

Published Sept. 23 during Sorkin's supposed working hours, 
he attacked middle school special ed teacher and editor of the popular Educators of NYC with 17,000 followers, led to guffaws among the few who actually read it at the idea that Unity Caucus has been fighting to defend our healthcare.

Sorkin, or his ghost writer wrote,
..we must ask who are Educators of NYC? Is this really a substantial group of people that represent a wide range of interests or is this merely one person pushing his agenda?  Would the blog be better known as Educator of NYC? Isn’t it Daniel Alicia authoring this piece? Why make it seem anonymous? If there even are multiple “educators” are they even all New York City based?
As the UFT election nears, please remember that having a real plan, from beginning to end, is a vital leadership strategy. Catch phrases are fun, but without substance, they fail. Beware of the sensationalism you will continue to hear from them!
Sorkin's mention of the UFT election is a clear sign of the panic engulfing Sorkin and others at the top levels in Unity. (Unity Grows Desperate: Offers something old (Attacking critics)

Here is a response.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They aren’t nudnicks. They are cretins who have sold their soles to the devil. Yeah, I know the correct word is souls but they do not have souls or integrity. There is no moral compass floating through Unity. It’s the river of money and power that drives Sorkin, Mulgrew, Barr, Pepper, let’s not forget Weingarten as the mastermind behind it all.