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Gloria Brandman as Evil Moskowitz |
These public disputes have made Moskowitz herself increasingly controversial. At a recent meeting regarding Success expansion, one detractor wore a mask depicting Moskowitz' face with a witch hat.... Joy Resmovits, HuffPostThat's our Gloria, making the national news. (Ed Notes, Sept 29, 2014 - MORE Takes a Stand Against Eva Moskowitz at Hearings - Last Monday and Today in Manhattan)
Joy did a nice report on how Eva has hired lobbyists in Washington DC. Read it all here.
The NY Times had a report on the SUNY charter crooks giving Eva more schools. NY Times' Kate Taylor, the reporter who came to the hearing in Brooklyn a few weeks ago did report:
Also see Leonie's piece:About two dozen people went to a hearing in Brooklyn at the end of September, held at Public School 133 in Boerum Hill. All of the speakers, including teachers in local district schools and a representative for City Councilman Brad Lander, voiced their opposition to opening new Success Academy schools in their areas.Some cited limited space or competition for funding, and said that charters drew the most involved families, leaving more difficult students in the district schools. Others said Ms. Moskowitz and her donors intended to privatize the public schools. One teacher wore a witch’s hat and a mask of Ms. Moskowitz’s face.“For the record, everyone here spoke against — no one spoke for — and I’m going to be really shocked to find out that they approved this application,” said David Goldsmith, president of the community education council for District 13 in Brooklyn. “Thanks for caring, Albany,” he added.
Damaging impacts of charters on Harlem's public schools - Empty room at Success charter school taken from PS 175 On October 8. I gave a presentation to the Community Education Council in District 5 on the impact of...
And some of my videos:
Video: Parent/Community Voices Oppose Success as SUNY Approves Eva Moskowitz Charter Scam
Parents and community voices oppose SUNY authorization of Success Academy charters in Manhattan's Districts 2 and 3 - Part 1
Why doesn't SUNY give them space? There's FIT, School of Optometry - even Downstate... parent testimonyVideo from the September 29, 2014 hearing.
For teacher voices see:
MOREistas in the House, UFT Not @ Success Academy ...
and teachers and community/parents at the Sept. 22 hearing in Brooklyn: MORE Takes a Stand Against Eva Moskowitz at Hearin...