first glance, this appears to repeal the teacher evaluation law APPR,
increases charter school cap by 100, and appears to undercut
Commissioner's authority over non-public (read Yeshiva) schools... Leonie Haimson
Aside from the awful stuff about raising the charter cap which would do a lot more to undermine union teacher jobs than the eval law repeal.
Here is the NYSUT response:
Flanagan must think we were born yesterday. The Republican State Senate
majority leader showed again last night how little he and his GOP
colleagues respect public school teachers.
of passing S.8301, a clean bill with 55 sponsors in the Senate to
reduce testing and fix the evaluation system, Sen. Flanagan introduced a
bill that ties APPR to millions of dollars for the charter industry and
his political donors and to loopholes for private schools. This is just
another distraction and a stall tactic.
Our message has not changed. The Senate must pass S.8301, with NO STRINGS attached.
Reject Sen. Flanagan's gambit. Tell your senator to demand the majority leader allow a vote on S.8301 now.
vast majority of Senate Republicans joined all the Democrats to
co-sponsor S.8301, our bill to fix New York's flawed and unfair teacher
performance review law, weeks ago. Yet for all their talk about
supporting it, Senate Republicans failed to even allow an up or down
vote. They could have done it, but they didn't.
Reject Sen. Flanagan's gambit. Tell your senator to demand the majority leader allow a vote on S.8301 now.
have been working for years to return control over teacher evaluations
to local school districts and teachers. Thanks to you, we are closer
than ever to fixing New York's flawed and unfair teacher performance
review law. Our bill passed the Assembly 133-1. Now the Senate needs to
honor teachers by voting on S.8301 now, with no strings attached.
Let's get this done now!
In solidarity,
Andrew Pallotta NYSUT President
Leonie has been on the case of the shameful response to the lack of education in yeshivas which get money to teacher certain subjects but don't.
See the video I shot of the YAFFED press conference:
Video: YAFFED Press Conf - De Blasio, Farina, Felder Slammed
Here are Leonie Haimson's comments on her must read nyceducationnews listserve:
New Flanagan bill re yeshivas
Here is Yaffed’s ceo, Naftali Moser’s analysis of the Yeshiva portion of the Flanagan bill/