Showing posts with label United for Change/UFT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United for Change/UFT. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2022

VOTE NO on Whatever Contract Unity Negotiates/ Resist UFT Cone of Silence, Calls for Open Bargaining

We simply cannot surrender our right to share with our coworkers information that affects their livelihood. We were elected to the Executive Board to amplify the needs of our members, not to make decisions unilaterally behind their backs....
Alex Jallot and Ronnie Almonte, UFT Ex Bd High School (as of July 1, 2022)
The cone of silence descends on the UFT negotiating committee. Some UFT Ex Bd members refuse to sign the Non Disclosure Agreement. 

I believe just about all contract issues have been pre-decided by the leadership already - including what they will accept. Don't hold your breath for inflation matching raises. Any hint of preventing this farce by open bargaining has been disparaged by Unity -- you don't bargain in public.

Until you do:

Turning the Tables: Transparent, Big, and Open Bargaining ...

Feb 8, 2022from Jane McAlevey ... How unions negotiate is a strategic choice. Seldom do union members experience the actual process of collective ...

Seven Steps to Opening Up Bargaining | Labor Notes

Open- versus Closed-Door Negotiations - JSTOR

UFT will put a giant version of the cone of silence over contract meetings.




Thursday, June 23, 2022

I've been mocking the UFT/Unity leadership over its faux negotiating committee farce for years.

Saturday, August 8, 2009
UFT Contract UFT Cast of Thousands Contract Committee
I raised some questions on the then 350 member Neg Comm, now expanded to as many as can fit in the cone of silence dome.

Questions on the Negotiation Committee: How are people chosen to be on this committee? Of the 350 committee members how many are in Unity Caucus? Does secrecy mean that Unity Caucus members don’t discuss the issues brought up for discussion among themselves? Are we to believe that the only discussion that takes place among Unity Caucus members is in the committee room?

If you think top level Unity don't discuss the issues beforehand, take a walk on the bridge you just bought.

In fact, I believe just about all contract issues have been pre-decided by the leadership and their main problem is how to filter the info out to the negotiating committee and how to do it to make it look democratic. Every committee will echo the election committee with a Unity majority. I like that there are people who want to be on the neg Comm even if having to sign the NDA and also that there are people who won't sign.
We know the contract will suck and many in the opposition will call for a Vote No campaign - in fact I'm starting the campaign right now -- oh, shit, retirees don't get to vote on the contract. You working stiffs have my proxy.

Some Unity slug will stop by to comment on how dumb I am.
 I urge people to accept the reality and just call for a NO VOTE NOW.

But most people connected to United for Change who are on the committee are signing the NDA - but we do have some newly elected Ex Bd people who were added to the negotiating committee but are refusing to sign and therefore will not be on the committee -- and they came under attack by ubber Unity Hack Richard Skibbens.  But who cares?
Here is the statement by these two members of MORE:

WE believe our union's contract should be open and transparent to all members and stakeholders (see the work of Jane McAlvey). 
Under the duress of our union leadership's decision to keep talks with management confidential. I am compelled to sign today's agreement because the interests of my chapter must still be represented in these negotiations.

As newly elected Executive Board members, we have been invited to join the union’s contract negotiating committee. In a time of pandemic and budget cuts, it’s critical that we bargain for better salaries, benefits, and working conditions.

As workplace leaders, we also believe that our union’s strength depends on making decisions collectively with openness and transparency. Unfortunately, the UFT has a long practice of requiring members (who are hand-picked) to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) as a condition for serving on the negotiating committee. We oppose this policy because it prevents the membership from holding the committee accountable, puts pressure on the UFT to broker backroom deals with politicians rather than rely on the strength of the union membership, and thus undermines the union’s ability to win a strong contract. For this reason we oppose the NDA, and refuse to sign it as much as we would like to join the committee. We simply cannot surrender our right to share with our coworkers information that affects their livelihood. We were elected to the Executive Board to amplify the needs of our members, not to make decisions unilaterally behind their backs.

The upcoming negotiations with the city must be open and transparent. In this way the membership can be made aware of what’s at stake, can follow the progress of negotiations, and can be mobilized in moments where the city refuses to compromise. Our members are the union, and their activity is the source of its power. Open bargaining is the path to securing the working conditions we deserve, and the schools our students need.


Alex Jallot, Ronnie Almonte

Ex Bd meetings will be fun again next year. 


Thursday, June 9, 2022

UFT Elections 2022: United for Change Files 71 pages of Election Violations by Unity/UFT - Select Morsels

We never delved deeply enough into the Unity vote suppression -- from rejecting electronic voting to the large number of people who never got a ballot and the limited time frame for replacements. Untity figured that if someone were asking for a replacement, it must be a UFC supporter as we were the ones rounding people up. Here is a doozie:

  1. The UFT’s internal Election Committee is not impartial and presents significant conflicts of interest:

    For the 2022 UFT election, the UFT election committee was composed of the Election Committee Chair, an Election Committee Secretary, and thirteen (13) Committee members. The Election Committee Chair and 62% or eight (8) of the thirteen (13) Committee members were Unity caucus candidates; the Election Committee Secretary was also a member of the Unity caucus. The UFT’s General Counsel also attended the meetings to offer legal rulings.

    Election Committee meetings started at 4:30 pm, which made it difficult for any Committee members who are in-service full-time at schools to attend. The only Committee members who are in-service full-time at schools were candidates for and representatives of the United for Change coalition slate.

    The Election Committee Chair participates in UFT Election Committee meetings while working as a paid employee of the UFT. The eight (8) Committee members who are Unity caucus candidates participate in UFT Election Committee meetings as representatives of the Unity caucus while working as paid employees of the UFT, thereby violating the federal regulations set forth in bullet point #7 under the heading Requirements in “Chapter 5: Candidates” of the U. S. Department of Labor's publication Conducting Union Officer Elections, which state, "Union/employer funds and resources of any type may not be used to support the candidacy of any person in a union officer election...”. 

The Election Committee Chair works in the same building [UFT Headquarters at 52 Broadway] in which these meetings are held; as the eight (8) Unity caucus representative members work as UFT Representatives, they have increased flexibility to be at the UFT Headquarters building relative to the in-service teacher United for Change representative members, thereby facilitating the Unity caucus representative members’ attendance at such meetings.

There is grave concern that the composition of the UFT’s internal Election Committee, the actions of the eight (8) Committee members who are Unity caucus candidates, and the fact that the General Counsel, the Election Committee Chair, and the eight (8) Committee members who are Unity caucus candidates are all employed by the UFT, violates Title IV (29 U.S.C. 481) Section 401 (c) of the LMRDA, which states, “Adequate safeguards to insure a fair election shall be provided...” 

-- Excerpt from Election complaints.

Thursday, June 9, 2022,
Monday I sent the document to UFT Election Chair (and Manhattan borough rep) Carl Cambria, UFT Secretary (and Unity Caucus head) Leroy Barr and UFT lawyer Beth Norton. Cambria and Barr are Unity Caucus members and were candidates on the Unity slate in the election. Yet they are doing an "impartial" investigation?

I believe they have 30 days to issue their results, at which point we move on to the AFT and after that to the Department of Labor. Some are marginal but I agreed with throwing in the kitchen sink.

We had to get this in before the 30 day time limit since the elections ended was up.

I've been one of the 5 UFC people on the election committee and have faced the frustrations of serving there -- But I learned a lot about the process and if I ever did it again I would be much more aggressive and also proactive after learning up close as to how Unity operates. I could even see a boycott of a bogus election committee - like who gives a shit if we draw first or last for placement in the NY Teacher? Or order on the ballot? But we did make some moves to get info and raise issues. Our call for district reports was accepted though our call for school reports on voting per centages was declined.
I have gotten way behind the issues - the June 6 Ex Bd and the June 8 DA, plus all kinds of general issues.
[Monday was out 51st Anniversary - a stay at home for the first time in decades because my wife has a broken bone in her foot but still managed to make a delicious surf and turf. Then Wednesday I attended the funeral/memorial at Greenwood Cemetery for a 107 year old remarkable woman. And I was added to the cast at the Rockaway Theatre Company for the upcoming Kiss Me Kate. So excuse the delay for this important piece of info.]
There is too much in the report to put into one blog post -- and James will be also posting on the ICE blog.
Let's face it, they stuffed every mailbox in the city and lost many votes from even last time. Their margin came with the retiree and elementary votes. 

Do I believe UFC would have won if Unity had followed the rules? Maybe not, though with Retirees I think they had a lot of acccess that we did not through their Unity controlled outposts around the nation and the way they ran remote retiree chapter meetings. This is not part of the complaint but probably should have been. We got 30% of the retiree vote - imagine if we hit 50% - a new ballgame. I may not argue we would have gotten 50% if we could rebut the Unity sales pitch -- but maybe 40% and that would have given us over 10K retiree votes and pushed us over the 35% mark of total votes. 

Will the threat of going to Dept of Labor force reforms? Probably not, but by publicizing among UFT members, it will raise the idea that Unity is an entity of lack of democracy.

So why are we documenting these violations? There may come a day where the oppo is close enough to win and the Unity machine will actually attempt to steal the election and this document is a cease and desist order and also blueprint for the future where my hope is the oppo lays all this out up front before the election begins.

My contributions to the document, put together by Christina Gavin, a key player in the election, whose  activism around this issue had made her a particular target of Unity - an that  itself has generated a bunch of complaints on her part), has been a focus on the way Unity set up the election committee (8 Unity, 5 UFT, with a Unity Caucus chair), a tainted complaint process where Unity is judge and jury, and the actions of Unity district reps. I reported on Christina's actions, which have broken new ground in the oppo election response. Christina Vs The Unity Caucus Machine - At May 23 UFT Ex Bd.  Kudos to her.
Here are a few select items -- more to come soon.
  • UFT employees/Unity caucus candidates used personal Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts for electioneering on the part of the Unity caucus in violation of UFT election rules set in writing via e-mail by UFT employee Manhattan Borough Representative/UFT Election Chair/Unity caucus candidate, Carl Cambria, on January 31, 2022:
    Members of the United for Change coalition were denied access to school mailboxes at thirty-nine (39) schools to distribute campaign literature in violation of the LMRDA, Chancellor’s Regulations D-130 § I. B. 4. a., the Policy for Union Visitor Posting of Election Fliers published in Principal’s Digest on December 7, 2021, and the January 18, 2001 Memorandum from the Office of Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining:
  • Postal mail:

The UFT has violated this federal requirement by repeatedly providing inaccurate information to UFC candidates regarding distributing campaign literature by postal mail from UFC’s initial inquiry made on February 7 over the course of fifteen (15) e-mails, one (1) meeting, and one (1) letter until the final message providing accurate information was received on March 16, which was

fifty-six (56) days after the election began on January 19. For a period of thirty-seven (37) days, the UFT adamantly provided inaccurate information to UFC candidates regarding the distribution of campaign literature by postal mail.


The UFT has violated this federal requirement by not notifying candidates, caucuses, or coalitions of the procedures for distributing campaign literature by sending multiple e-mails until a March 29 meeting, which was seventy (70) days after the election began on January 19

UFT employee Manhattan Borough Representative/UFT Election Chair/Unity caucus candidate Carl Cambria and UFT General Counsel Beth Norton insisted that attendees were required to inform the UFT by the end of the following business day, March 30, if they wished to opt into the paid multiple e-mail plan, in violation of the federal regulations set forth in bullet point #4 under the heading Common Pitfalls in “Chapter 6: Distributing Campaign Literature” of the U. S. Department of Labor's publication Conducting Union Officer Elections, which indicate that a union can commit an election violation by “imposing a deadline for making requests to mail literature and, as a result, refusing to comply with an otherwise reasonable request.”

During their March 29 meeting, Mr. Cambria and Ms. Norton adamantly stated that whether or not any candidates opted into the paid multiple e-mail plan, the only thing that the UFT would send out on candidates’ behalf would be a link to a PDF that the candidates had prepared. United for Change had requested to send out full-color formatted e-mail messages with graphics; the UFT refused this reasonable request in violation of the federal regulations set forth in bullet point #6 under the heading Requirements in “Chapter 6: Distributing Campaign Literature” of the U. S. Department of Labor's publication Conducting Union Officer Elections, which state, “A union may not regulate the contents of campaign literature it is asked to distribute ... The union may not censor campaign literature in any way.”

See additional details in Appendix H.

  • The UFT inappropriately allocated campaign advertising space in The New York Teacher union newspaper in violation of the terms of the election as voted upon and accepted by the UFT Election Committee:

  • In the April edition of The New York Teacher, the UFT inappropriately allocated a two (2) page spread to the six (6) WE C U candidates, in violation of the terms of the election as established in January, which state, “Slates- Each caucus gets two facing pages....” and “Independent candidate ads are 4.5 inches wide by 5.5 inches tall.”

    Additionally, the UFT inappropriately placed the ad for the six (6) WE C U candidates in the final position, in violation of the terms of the election as established in February whereby the UFT Election Committee had agreed that the UFC slate’s ad would appear last.


Thursday, May 19, 2022

UFT Elections 2022 - Norm takes a deep dive into #UFTelections2022

Look for further election analysis in my appearance on Noah Teachey's PD Podcast coming soon. Quick takeaways:
  • Unity got slammed, losing votes in all divisions compared to the past.
  • I thought newbie UFCers who actually thought we would win would be crushed - instead many were excited and already talking about 2025.
  • UFC didn't pick up what Unity dropped (except possibly in retirees and a little bit in high schools), just about matching the 2016 oppo numbers. Beware of those calling this a great victory. At this rate of growth I will be 121 when the oppo wins in 2046.
  • UFC gained from 2019 oppo disaster and restored a sense of an opposition, getting the most votes the oppo has ever gotten, winning the high schools with 55% and almost winning the middle schools with 44% and closing the gap in elementary and winning 33% overall, the closest in a long time.  Despite the gains, UFC did not get out the vote as well as I expected. I began the campaign thinking we could win all three teaching divisions. While we did get 44% of the teacher vote, that is due mostly to Unity's failure to bring out its vote, not due to UFC getting a big turnout - matching 2016 is still status quo - as iw winning the 7 HS Ex Bd as we did in 2016. Let's say UFC could win in 2025 or 2028 -- with these numbers? I'm not sure there is enough of a union underneath to deliver.
  • Possibly the biggest achievement of the 2022 election may be the very existence of a United for Change broad coalition. While formed as a temporary vehicle for this election, there are signs UFC will continue in some form while giving each caucus space to develop. The 7 electeds represent all the groups and the candidates have pledged to continue working together. I love that they come from MORE, Solidarity, New Action, ICE - but also they are broad-minded to see outside their own caucus. Preliminaty meetings indicate excitement at working together.
  • Is spending enormous time and money flooding teacher mail boxes with lit - for both Unity and oppo - really worth it. Also - we thought social media would bring out votes -- it didn't. Few will agree with me on these points but I will continue to stand by them. The numbers prove it.
  • Read my pre-election comments posted July 2021:

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Tuesday night I made my third appearance on Noah Teachey's PD Podcast. I could spend hours talking to Noah - and I did - I think I wore him out and he was about to nod off. I talked his ear off with my analysis of the UFT election. When he releases the podcast in a week or so, it will echo many of the things I say here - but with my heavy Brooklyn accent. When I let Noah talk he asked excellent questions. I will post a link when it is ready.
My info is coming from the work of Jonathan Halabi on his blog. Here are his last few posts.

Turnout: It's not just apathy 
Jon goes deep into turnout questions. I hear people in oppo say the biggest issue is apathy about the union. I don't agree - it's apathy about the union elections and general cynicism about elections and caucuses. Many refuse to vote consciously - they don't think it will make a difference.

Then there are the numbers of people who wanted to vote and didn't get ballots plus the number of late ballots that came in. See below at the end of this article for an example from a guy who wanted to vote UFC.

Below are his charts for functional, retiree, elem, ms and hs, with numbers going back to 2004. You have to be UFT election freaks like us to dig into these numbers.

Let's go division by division. I suggest some reforms along the way.

Retirees - massive turnout - over 27K - the UFT is weakened with well over half the total votes come from the no longer working, Unity is strengthened. Lesson retiree impact on elections.

UFC got almost 8K, just short of 30%, which is the highest total by far in a general UFT election. Most attribute that vote to Mulgrewcare, but I don't see it that way. In last year's RTC election we also got 30% and Mulgrewcare was just being announced. I assumed we would go up to 35% or more. this year. But Unity was helped by the plan not being implemented due to the court case and Mulgrew tried to run away from it -- and in some ways was successful. Imagine of the opt-outers were paying $200 a month on Jan 1? It seems even Unity people who were unhappy came home. In the over 3K new votes this time, my guess is UFC and Unity split them with an edge to Unity -- which is sort of good but disappointing as I had hoped we would get a bigger chunk. Unity went all out organizing retiree chapters all over the nation -- all dominated by Unity retirees. 
I don't see us moving much beyond the 30% in the future and may in fact see a slippage. Unless Mulgrewcare is implemented. Watch outcomes in the RTC election in 2024 as Retiree Advocate remains active in the RTC chapter and as a crucial part of UFC.
Since only 50K voted overall and retirees had 27k of that - leaving in service total at 23k - it is clearer than ever that the entire UFT is under the thumb of the rigidly controlled  RTC chapter. We need drastic reform. I would lower the threshold for retiree votes from 23.5K to a sliding scale where retiree votes cannot count for more than 25% of voting totals. Some say they should not count at all but at this time that is going too far. A sliding scale could work but I would give them two ex bd and a possible ADCom VP for retirees. They are still an important component of the UFT and while they should not be able to control the entire election, we should recognize their worth, especially since I am one and have nothing better to do in life than UFT politics.

Functional - worst turnout, drop for Unity, 32% for UFC. 
It's hard to figure out this division which also included retirees - which is so weird  and makes it impossible for oppo to win these 19 Ex bd seats.  Also included is the massive mumber of Dist 75 people. Makes no sense. Teachers should vote in their division, not functional. We need to press for this reform.
Another major reform would be to separate out and report on each funct chapter and pull out retirees and give them and each functional their own ex bd seats.  Ie. - Guidance, secretaries, social workers, OT/PT etc each get an es bd seat based on their division vote. Unity doesn't want this - let's push for this reform, even if we have to expand the Ex bd.

UFC did about the same as MORE/NA/Sol did in 2016. We had hoped to make inroads due to the OT/PT chapter and some key social workers running. I think we missed an opportunity with secretaries -- I spoke to many on my distribution routes and they have a lot of complaints. One thing I thought of but too late -- have UFC people talk to their own school secretaries and other functionals in their own buildings and try to build a network. I hear that there are union organizing trainings people go through. They seem to leave out such fundamentals as talking to people at this level. UFC still got 32%, a record, due to the big drop in Unity votes.

Elementary - UFC had a shot but it was long

I began the campaign thinking we could win this even though the gap from 2016 was massive --5K vote difference. Unity got 7K and we got 2.5k in 2016. I was hoping Unity would look like 2013 with 5K and we could double our 2016 with a strong campaign. 

It didn't happen and we missed a big opportunity as Unity dropped under 5k and we didn't even match 2016. I thought UFC had more outreach in elementary but if we did the GOTV didn't work. I got indications early on with the lack of contention in UFC by the caucuses for Elem Ex bd positions that there was not a sense of winning and when we struggled with petitions early on in that division, I pretty much gave up on winning this division.

34K elem ballots were sent out -- a lot of places to mine in the future. The oppos has a lot of work to do in elementary school. My suggestion: Choose a few key districts where UFC people have decent elem numbers and expand their networks with a local outreach program. Otherwise 2025 will be the same.


Middle school - Close but no cigar - Unity failure, but UFC makes no progress

We have election violations complaints but not enough to claim we lost due to those. I know there were schools where we could have/should have flushed out enough votes to win.

We thought we could win this and aimed our leafleting campaign at middle schools and literally got nothing more than we got in 2016. We barely cracked 900 votes in the entire MS division which has almost 11K. Unity totals were also abysmal --1200. We had 4 great Ex Bd candidates and it is a real shame we couldn't come up with 300 votes. I hear the biggest celebration inside Unity was that Daniel Alicea would not be on the Ex Bd -- after having voted for Unity in 2019, he became a leader of UFC and some in Unity seem to despise deserters. Unity isn't happy with HS winner Nick Bacon, still technically an elected Unity from 2019.

High Schools -- 55% for UFC waa big - I was hoping for 60%.

Ok - I'm a tough grader. Unity got slammed - under 2K - and they really wanted to win this one and there was great disappointment inside the fortress because HSVP Janelle Hinds is popular and people see this as a defeat for her personally. 

Remember, her opponent Jonathan Halabi got 600 more HS votes than she did and pre-1994 he would be on the adcom - as her 2016 opponent James Eterno who got more HS votes than her would have been hten. (Unity changed the rules after Shulman won in 1985 to at large.) 

Considered in the running as a Mulgrew successor, her fans at 52 and beyond were supposedly devastated by this loss. What were they thinking? Unity has fundamentally lost the high schools for almost 4 decades. If we had lost this time, UFC would have very little future. 

I'm adding this point to original post: Unity recruited candidates for HS seats with intention of winning: they chose big school CL or former CLs. They were turned down by some people they asked. Jonathan and I estimated they would bring in some votes. They didn't. Does that reflect Unity failure? Did their own schools come out for them but few others? Or did their own colleagues reject Unity?

Still -- over 21k high school ballots mailed, we have loads of people in the HS and we end up with 2500 votes? We won but UFC people shouldn't risk dislocating their shoulders by too much patting themselves on the backs. Instead, figure out how to get 3-4K in future elections for HS to make up shorfalls in other divisions for a real shot at winning it all. 

A major satisfaction is the election of Nick Bacon who ran with Unity and won for AFT in 2019. He was recruited by his Dist Rep. Imagine the egg on face. Unity seems to hate Nick almost as much as Daniel Alicea. Both of them were keys to bringing UFC together. While we see a number of former oppo people on the UFT Ex Bd with Unity, we now have our own reverse example in Nick -- maybe the first time we've seem an ex bd person go from Unity to oppo.

More from Jonathan

UFT Election Turnout: Four Charts

Let’s dive into the UFT election results. Let’s start with turnout. (For the beginning of the analysis, click here)

Votes Cast tells us more than Turnout Percentage

UFT Election Turnout: Some Observations

How many ballots were never received? How many came in late and weren't counted? Will we ever know?
Hi Norm, I just received my UFT ballot today [May 13] ,what should I do?  I asked for a replacement at 5:30 pm on the day of the deadline [April 25]  to ask for a replacement ballot. I was told it was too late but they sent me a ballot anyway.  Thanks Bill 

Let's see -- He asks for a ballot a half hour after deadline and receives it 19 days later. When did AAA send it out? Why?