It is fairly clear that Mulgrew’s negotiations have been all about protecting the health – not of our members and retirees – but of this [stabilization] fund (p.16):.... Jonathan
Scheinman is basically a scribe for the City-MLC, not an independent arbitrator.... James, ICE Blog
More from Jonathan:
Collusion: I have made the case before: Mulgrew, Nespoli, Garrido, the whole
MLC, Scheinman, Adams, and the City’s financial administration, starting
with the OLR, plus the insurance companies – they are all working in
concert. They are colluding. And they leave the evidence all over the
place ...I am absolutely convinced that Scheinman worked with the City and the
leadership of the MLC unions, including Mulgrew’s people, in creating
his 12/15/22 “Opinion and Award.” JD271Collusion and Bullying by OLR/UFT/MLC (Mulgrew et al)
UFT Ex Bd member Nick chimes in at New Action on the brewing UFT/MLC/Adams/Scheinman Scandal:
UFT Members Take Note: Medicare Advantage is a Consequence of Backroom Bargaining -
Nick homes in on the vote for the 2018 contract which is a factor in this mess:
this all comes down to the 2018 (and 2014) contract(s). Scheinman only has the right to intervene here, because Mulgrew promised healthcare savings to the City that he couldn’t make happen (and without the informed consent of membership).
And there was not informed consent - Was 2018 the Worst Bad Deal Ever?
Nick has also been pointing out that Mulgrew and Unity try to paint the thousands of people who opted out and support the battle to preserve our healthcare as the bad guys:
The only ‘villains’ in the official story are a “small group of unaffiliated retirees,” (p. 19), i.e. the retired left-opposition. This substantiates what we’ve been saying all along, that the people who have been fighting for better healthcare will be scapegoated by the people in power who destroyed it. Don’t get me wrong, that ‘small group of retirees’ has said some things I disagree with. Grandfathering is NOT a solution here. We must preserve traditional Medicare both for current AND future retirees.
And never lose site of MedAdv scandals:
Portside: As Scandals Mount, So Do Calls To Abolish Private Medicare Advantage Plans ...the private health insurance program that a recent Senate report said is "running amok" with "fraudsters and scam artists." "In reality, so-called 'Medicare Advantage' is neither Medicare nor an advantage."...
will be blood - er Lawsuits - UFT Leadership Joyful as Crooked - er
Biased Arbitrator Scheinman Issues 25 day Ultimatum: Sign with Profit
making Aetna (owned by CVS) and change Admin code or Medicare
Disadvantage here we come
Scheinman is not an independent arbitrator here. He has been chairing
the Tripartite City-MLC commission on healthcare. How does he have
jurisdiction in this matter as the City and union leaders are basically
in agreement here?
Jonathan agrees with James about Scheinman having no jurisdiction:
Scheinman’s decision-making power as the arbitrator for the Tripartite Health Insurance Policy Committee arises in the case of a dispute
(From the 2018 letter referred to within the UFT as Appendix B)
Where is the dispute? Does Scheinman actually have any authority here? There are no positions for the parties, because the parties appear to be not in dispute. Everyone agrees about who needs to get screwed (me, and you).
Scheinman NOT designated arbitrator for Medicare Advantage issue
Oh, and oh no. Scheinman has been named to resolve disputes on items 1-4 in Appendix B. But the current issue, Medicare Advantage, comes from item 5. The agreement doesn’t cover point 5. Maybe that’s why Scheinman does not begin by establishing his authority? Point 5 only calls for recommendations.