Thursday, June 27, 2013

Analysis from the Right: EIA's Antonucci on Newark Union Election/ What Impact on Randi Nationally as Arbiter of Contract?

Schmuck, why aren't retirees voting in Newark like they do in NYC? .... Mulgrew/Weingarton to Newark Union President Del Grosso isn’t a good idea for education reformers to invest too much emotional capital in collaborative union presidents. Most members are apathetic/agnostic about this stuff – about two-thirds of Newark teachers didn’t vote – but the active ones are generally very clear about what they want from their union: protection. When the officers start wandering far afield, they are herded in one way or another.... Educational Intelligence Agency
First of all, happy first day of vacation. Warning: not only are the days getting shorter every day, so does your vacation. (I'm a glass half full kind of guy.)

We reported on the New Caucus, running under the New Visions slate (NEW Caucus Shakes the Union Election Tree in Newark), winning a majority of the Ex Bd seats and only losing the presidency by 9 votes. The Newark contract brokered by Randi was another in a long line of interventions on her part (Detroit, Washington DC, Baltimore) where money was put on the table to lure teachers into giving up their basic rights and then showing buyer's remorse in the next contract.

(Sorry I have to use an old photoshopped version done for me by David Bellel -- though I managed to add Newark to it. I think a new version could put Randi on the cycle with Arne Duncan.)

See our April 22 post: Randi Sellout Tour Coming to Fruition in Newark.

Only Chicago had the chops to keep Randi out.

I will deal with national implications within the AFT for Randi at next July's convention in LA in another post.

Can New York be next in terms of a contract that so enrages the members that they revolt against Unity? Or has the UFT basically given us a new contract through the King dictum but has obfuscated the issue by not holding a contract vote and also distracting the members with the lure of the upcoming mayoral election and how when they get rid of Bloomberg things will improve.

[Another post for the future though given the Unity plus retiree control NYC will be the last bastion and in fact the deformers may recognize that and will give the UFT enough crumbs to keep the rank and file under control -- ie, Thompson will come through with some bucks.]

Though coming at the issue from an anti-union bias, Mike Antonucci zooms in on some important points. His key point is that "the active ones are generally very clear about what they want from their union: protection."

But Antonucci ignores an important point about NEW Caucus being more than just protection, but social justice along the lines of Chicago and other cities that have seen the growth of caucuses challenging a collaborationist union leadership on ed deform.

Interesting in that we have been having that debate in MORE where some people think MORE has gotten lost in social justice issues and has not emphasized the protection aspect enough. This is a more nuanced discussion than one would think on the surface as most MOREistas think the long-term protection comes from the building of alliances based on social justice. My feeling is that the rhetoric, given the newness of MORE, has not quite been balanced.

But I should point out that NEW Caucus is as social justicey as MORE if not more so. Thus those internal critics who say that if only MORE abandoned social justice they would have done much better in the union elections have a lot of splaining to do.

Let's also point out that one third of the teachers in Newark voted while only 18% of classroom teachers voted here -- I don't have figures for Newark classroom teachers vs overall but it must be higher. And interesting there was a 3rd candidate for President who got 40 votes which if it had gone to New Visions would have given them the entire enchilada.

Below is Mike's complete analysis where he issues a warning of sorts to ed defomers: don't wast your time trying to woo union leaders to collaborate. He may be right. That's how you end up dealing with Karen Lewis instead of Michael Mulgrew.
Posted: 26 Jun 2013 11:03 AM PDT
Joseph Del Grosso, the president of the Newark Teachers Union for 18 years, has received national attention because his views on education reform have evolved from his early days. He negotiated a contract that included performance and differential pay, though he continued to battle district administrators over the budget.

Well, Del Grosso was up for re-election, and he won his 10th term… by 9 votes out of 1209 cast. His slate no longer holds a majority on the union’s executive board, and the 40 votes that went to a third candidate could have swung the election the other way.

Del Grosso’s opposition was the New Vision slate, which won a majority on the board, and whose manifesto you can read here. A sliver should suffice for summary:
For true social and economic justice to be realized in our time it is imperative for education workers to see that their efforts cannot stop when the school day ends. As powerful corporate forces and the politicians who benefit from their donations attack the working class, we must take affirmative steps to link our teachers’ union to other unions being attacked and to working class people in the city and beyond whose very livelihoods are at stake in this so-called era of austerity.
This is the wayof things in teachers’ unions, and has been for a long time (see “TURN Leader Turned Out” from 2006). That’s why it isn’t a good idea for education reformers to invest too much emotional capital in collaborative union presidents. Most members are apathetic/agnostic about this stuff – about two-thirds of Newark teachers didn’t vote – but the active ones are generally very clear about what they want from their union: protection. When the officers start wandering far afield, they are herded in one way or another.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Last Day: Teachers Party All Over the City

I party with Christine Rubino and crew at Clementes in Sheepshead Bay.

One thing I miss about teaching: the absolute joy of the afternoon of the last day. The feeling of floating, the incredible lightness of being off for 65 days with no responsibilities or anxieties about school.

But then you wake up the next day and think: damn, only 64 to go.

Christine was celebrating her recent court win over the Tweedle dees and even though she is still not back on payroll after her 2 year suspension was up June 14 because the DOE keeps trying to appeal, she invited all her supporters to join her in a victory celebration. I'm paraphrasing here but she said: "I lost 2 years pay but the rewards in meeting so many wonderful people have almost made up for it. I've learned so much from everyone."

I had some time to drop by for a while and seeing the scene of joyous teachers free from the oppression for a while reminded me of the difference from the last day happy hours I attended when I was working. We were truly unburdened. Teachers today are carrying so much on their shoulders I never really goes away.

Good luck and a great well deserved summer to all. Just don't take my favorite parking spots that are so free while you guys have been slaving away.

Video: Chicago Students Tossed From Board of Education Meeting

Video of Chicago students taking over the Board of Education Meeting to save schools, prevent education cuts.
From Xian Barrett:

Published on Jun 26, 2013
Members of Chicago Students Organizing to Save Our Schools speak out against unjust and illegal school closing and draconic budget cuts.

The Board of Education continues to sabotage public education and divert money to their political allies. We stood up as the only unscripted student voices at the meeting. We were forcibly removed. The Board continues to destroy our educations, but we will keep fighting!

Sign the petition to support Chicago students:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NEW Caucus Shakes the Union Election Tree in Newark

Teachers react to Randi brokered contract by election by handing union reform NEW Caucus 18 of 29 Exec Bd seats but losing the presidency by only 9 votes. Holy Cow!

There are growing signs that in cities across the land, rank and file social movement oriented caucuses are a-rising.

NEW Caucus Members and Supporters:

As most of you have probably heard, the results of today's election were mixed. 

ONLY 1,220 NTU members cast ballots.  

Joseph Del Grosso maintained the Presidency of the NTU by a vote of 589 to 580.
Michael Dixon won the Secretary Treasurer position by a vote of 644 to 544.

The major change is that for the first time in at least 16 years there has been a major shift in the  makeup of the Executive Board, the NTU governing body. 

NEW Vision candidates won 18 of the 29 seats on the Executive Board.  For the next 2 years these new Executive Board members will work to be activist leaders to help reenergize, revitalize, reorient and rebuild the NTU for the challenges we face.  

The new Executive Board members from NEW Vision slate are:

-  Kevin Arroyo 
-  Akili Buchanan 
-  Sherill Cantrell-Brown
-  Michael Cutler 
-  Victor Fernandes
-  Nancy Gianni
-  Lisa Gray
-  Delores Gresham
-  Alicia Malave-Diaz
-  Al Moussab
-  Pablo Olivera
-  Yari Peres
-  Tariq Raheem
-  Carlos A. Rodriguez
-  Andrew Saperstein
-  Keith Starks
-  Bettie Williams
-  Thomas Wolverton

COME TOGETHER this Friday, June 28th, to witness the swearing in.

3:45, NTU Headquarters, 1019 Broad Street.

Eterno Chronicles Regent Grading Fiasco at ICE Blog

I assume you are aware of the Regents grading mess where because teachers cannot be trusted to mark their own kids' exams, they are sent to detention
grading centers to mark exams of kids from other schools. Or maybe their own since you can't tell anyway. But the DOE needed to toss some money McGraw Hills' way so first exams are sent to Connecticut to be scanned and posted on the internet -- which by the way, teachers could actually access from their own schools. But why quibble.

NYC Educator had his usual funny take.
Thank goodness we have Meryl Tisch making policy for us. In the old days, we would have students taking Regents exams, and kids would give the exams to their teachers. Then, the teachers would grade them. This was a terrible system. First of all, no technology was involved. Secondly, no corporations made money from this. And worst of all, every single teacher in the world is a lying, worthless, conniving. self-serving fraud who cares about nothing but appearance.

Because of this, we now have a far better system. First of all, we've paid McGraw-Hill 9.6 million bucks to scan all the tests. That's a huge improvement. Not only have we given a corporation millions of dollars, but we've also managed to add the element of scanning thousands and thousands of papers. This, clearly, is highly effective, and that's what matters in King Reformy John's feifdom.
Read it all at: Ms. Tisch and the Brilliant Innovation

With so many bloggers out there covering ed issues in so much a better way than the mainstream ed press, I find less and less need to comment myself. I assume Ed Notes readers are checking the blog roll but in case you are missing some of them, here is a quick summary on the current hot button issue of Tweedie incoherence. Every time you see Walcott or Shael or any Tweedie talk their jive, just think of the almost daily fiascoes and laugh in their faces.

James has been doing a great job. Read in reverse order.
MORE has put out a statement:
Regents Scoring Debacle – Trouble for English Language Learners - The following is an op-ed written by MORE’s Joanna Yip about the effect of the Regents scoring problems on a particularly vulnerable population.

Other bloggers have chimed in:


94% Of Regents Exams Graded As Of 1 PM Monday

According to Gotham Schools, 6% of the city's Regents exams still need to be graded.
Tests are still being scanned by McGraw-Hill and teachers sat around the grading centers today with nothing to grade.

Wednesday is the last day of school.

I cannot remember a Regents exam grading season as chaotic as this one.

Will there be some accountability for the Tweedies who put this system into place and signed off on the contract with McGraw-Hill? 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

All Documents Have Been Graded For This RIB

That's the message that teachers across the city have been getting when they access regents exams in a vain attempt to scores them for students.

Look, for three full days, we have have not been unable to access these exams because the private, for-profit company that has been asked to scan and present the exams to us for grading has not been able to do their job. We've sat in these rooms for this time accomplishing nothing (a particular pet peeve of mine) because our department struck a deal with some company that couldn't even deliver on their end of the bargain. This screw up is jeopardizing the graduation expectations of high school seniors all across the city and I'm sure that several hundred family vacations are currently hanging in the balance (with the potential for summer school still alive for many teens who would otherwise know their scores by now).

This whole time we at our schools (grading along the time honored tradition) would have been finished with this task, or would have been very close to finished, by now and none of this would be happening.

You see, we would have delivered, as we have for decades now. They didn't. 

And who will they turn to to fix their screw up? Why us, of course!

The DOE, as rumor would have it, has decided to offer us all per session (DOE-speak for overtime) on Thursday and Friday evenings -and all day on Saturday, as well as all day Sunday- to make up for this train wreck. Yep.

We're in this fiasco because the department had decided -astoundingly!- that it was us who could not be trusted to produce accurate results for our own students! That's right. They concocted this system as a way to keep us and our professional judgement at bay with regard to assessing our own students at our own schools. We're here because we weren't trusted to act as professionals. 

People who read this blog know that I really don't complain and I really don't gripe. Maybe I'll throw out the occasional piece of sarcasm, but wining isn't something I really do. But as you read the blogs and Ed. news sites tonight figuring out exactly what is causing this mess, and as you go into your grading 'hub' tomorrow wondering if it will continue for yet another day and wondering when you will find out how well your students performed on their* state tests  I'd like to you to remember just one thing:

We're here at these grading hubs experiencing this fiasco because they said that they could not trust us to be professional!
And ain't that a hoot!?

Monday, June 24, 2013

PAVE Charter Pre-School Scam

We reported on this story a few times. I was at PS 15 the other day and actually saw some of the PAVE slugs in the building -- but that is a story for another time when I get permission to tell THAT story.

May 31, 2013
Yesterday we reported on the outrage of PAVE charter being handed 400 grand by Tweed to help them steal pre-k kids from the local public schools in Red Hook, which have had their requests to expand their own pre-k ...
May 06, 2013
Remember billionaire run PAVE charter? They moved out of PS 15 and got their own 34 million building. You see charters aren't supposed to have pre-k.
I thought they had taken the PAVE pre-k off the agenda of the May PEP but all they did was change the name of the corporation from PAVE to one of the slugs who works for them.

I posted the pre-k registration question from a PTA president to Walcott at the District 14 Town Hall last week asking for help in registering parents and Walcott pretending not to know what he was talking about. All the while allowing charters like PAVE to set up dummy corporations to register kids for pre-k 18 months in advance while public schools have to tell parents to go find a computer to register online.

Here is the link - go to minute 50 and watch for about 5 minutes as Walcott literally dances around the issue. 

And here is an excerpt from a very excellent post by Leonie on the diversion of public money to charter schools like PAVE at
Crony capitalism and the inequities of NYC charter funding: Julian Robertson and the case of the billionaire scion's preschool -
Note the example of the PAVE charter school, run by Spencer Robertson, the son of billionaire Julian Robertson, a close associate of Mayor Bloomberg's.
In order to evade this prohibition, Robertson the son set up a dummy corporation for a pre-school for PAVE called the "Henry Cooper Westendarp" school, named after PAVE's  director of  finance. This pre-school  is being funded through a separate contract with the DOE to the tune of nearly half a million dollars, and it will help ensure a steady stream of students for Spencer's charter school. 

Julian Robertson, billionaire and non-city taxpayer
Along with Chancellor Walcott, Spencer is also on the board of the NYC Charter Center, which is headed by Phoebe Boyer, who runs both of Julian's foundations, the Tiger and Robertson Foundations, which help finance the Charter Center and other pet projects of the Mayor.  
Yet Julian, whose net worth is  $2.8 billion according to Forbes, refuses to pay city taxes, and has his secretary calculate exactly how many days he must travel out of the city and schedules him accordingly, to avoid doing so. 
See below commentary by parent Jim Devor, outgoing president of Community Education Council in District 15 on the need for an investigation into how the city is providing funds to pay for PAVE's preschool. 

See more at: Crony capitalism and the inequities of NYC charter funding: Julian Robertson and the case of the billionaire scion's preschool -

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Video: McGraw-Hill! Welcome to the trough!

The Regents Exam in NY has been saved from the corrupt hands of the teachers. McGraw-Hill is here to make it all better. Welcome to the trough but, hey, at least get in line with the rest of the corporate suckers....

Carol Burris on Problems with APPR and the English Regents

Wouldst our union do a tenth of the work Carol is doing to expose the
Marching on NY State Ed Dept
bullshit from the crooks at the NY State Ed Department, the leaders of whom if justice is ever served, would be removed in handcuffs. Carol suggests writing them. My suggestion would be to go after them with pitchforks.

Please consider sharing this with principals, teachers, union reps and parents who would care about this.  So much of this is not known or understood.  It will be good to spread this with all who are effected by this plan.
Janine Sopp

Recently, Commissioner King imposed an APPR plan on New York City teachers. When you look at the plan, you see that the scoring band ranges for the first two categories( student growth), are dramatically different from those used this year. For example, this year's scoring bands for Ineffective range from 0-2. But NYC teachers will have an Ineffective range of 0-12. Likewise, this year Effective starts at 9, but for NYC teachers it will start at 15.

Why? Because the score band that is being used for APPR scores  has serious problems that cannot be addressed through negotiations. For example, if you get the rating of 'developing' in all three categories and the scores are on the low end of developing, you will be rated INEFFECTIVE overall.

Despite the fact that this is known to SED, they have yet to honestly address it or speak about it. What is the right thing to do? Have this year's APPR scores not count, and certainly not have scores shared with parents. It is yet to be seen if the NYC "fix" will even work.  I know this stuff can be hard to understand, (which is probably what SED is counting on), but this needs to come to light.

On another note, a South Side English teacher, Chris Webster, did a great job explaining how the passing and mastery cut scores for the ELA Regents were manipulated and wrote to John King about the problem. You can read his letter here:

A NYC assistant principal shows how this change made the ELA passing rate in his school dramatically drop

Is this preparation for next year's Common Core ELA exam?  The problems that are being caused by the so-called state reform agenda are staggering, as are the tax dollars being wasted. It is now officially summer, and you have a bit more time. Write to the Regents. Write to the legislature. Let them know what the first year of APPR was like. Let them know what testing is doing to your students. You can find all of the email addresses that you need on

If you send me your emails to the Regents, Commissioner, Governor etc, I will post them so that others can see them as well. 

follow me on twitter @carolburris

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Leonie: Mayoral Candidate Pledges on hot-button ed issues - Thompson Finishes Last

Another right on post from Leonie Haimson:

UPDATED:  Here are scanned copies of the signed pledges of each of the candidates, responding whether they would support each one of our demands.  If the next mayor is one of these individuals, you can be sure we will hold them to their promises! Sal Albanese (D), Adolpho Carrion Jr  (I), Bill de Blasio  (D), Anthony Gronowicz (G),  John Liu (D), Erick Salgado (D),  Bill Thompson (D)

Previous post from June 14: The parent-led mayoral forum last night at Murry Bergtraum High School was terrific, with parents asking incisive yes/no questions, investigative reporter Juan Gonzalez doing inspired follow-up as only he knows how, and all the candidates giving thoughtful responses.  Below is the livestream video; we will have sharper video uploaded next week, but the audio is quite clear.

The coalition of individuals and groups that put this together, which included Class Size Matters and NYC Kids PAC (the full list is on the flyer)  asked some very challenging questions, and developed a scorecard by which the responses of the candidates could be marked off yes or no.  Here is a pdf copy of the scorecard, with all the questions listed and how each of the candidates responded.


Or you can click on the images to the right and below. 

Carrion, Thompson and Liu came late and so didn't have a chance to answer all the questions, so they are marked "L" for those questions.  However, at the end of the forum, Juan Gonzalez requested that all the candidates to indicate their answers on their individual scorecards and sign them, so that we will have a record of what they promised to do should they be elected mayor.

An informal calculation made at the forum shows these results: Liu and Gronowicz got perfect scores  of 100%, Salgado 87%, Albanese 73%, de Blasio 60%, Carrion 50%, and Thompson 33%.  (I will update these scores when I receive copies of the signed responses from the candidates, hopefully with all the questions checked off one way or another. I will also post these documents here.)
The candidates whose names are crossed off did not attend.  Democrats Chris Quinn instead visited two Orthodox synagogues, Anthony Weiner did not show up though he had no competing campaign events on his schedule. Republicans Catsimitidis, Lhota, and McDonald also chose not to attend.

The highlight (for me): All the candidates promised to commit to specific class size reduction goals by the end of their first term, and if necessary, to raise revenue to meet them.  All the candidates also promised to stop sharing personal student information with inBloom and other corporations, without full parental notification and consent.

The most contentious issues -- predictably -- related to Mayoral control, governance and parent empowerment.  Only Liu, Gronowicz and Salgado agreed to give up three of their appointments on the Panel for Education Policy to representatives who would be elected by parents, though Thompson said he would give up two of his seats.  DeBlasio and Thompson also opposed giving Community Education Councils the authority to approve co-locations and school closings, though they said they would listen to CECs for advisory input.  (DeBlasio explains his position at about 31 min. in on the video.)

Another contentious issue related to require charter schools that are housed in DOE facilities to pay rent; Albanese, Carrion and Thompson said they would not require this. 
As to whether they would take away the school safety officers away from the jurisdiction of the police, Carrion, de Blasio, Salgado and Thompson were opposed. At about one hour into the video are explanations from de Blasio and Thompson about why they answered this way; Thompson said that police should still do the training though the principal should decide whether a student should be arrested.

But please watch the entire forum, and add your comments below.  There are many interesting issues covered, including additional questions asked by Juan not included on the scorecards.  For example, at 1:10 in, there is a discussion about the lack of diversity in the Bloomberg administration, as well as a critique of the decline of Black and Latino teachers in the public schools.

Video streaming by Ustream

Friday, June 21, 2013

Change the Stakes to Discuss DOE's Bankrupt Student Promotion Policies, MORE Study Group on HST

Our meetings are always open and all are welcome.  I can guarantee a lively discussion!  Promotion policies will be the focus on the agenda as well as ways we will move forward to plan for next year.  School may be out for summer, but our work will continue... Janine Sopp
With NYC's bankrupt student promotion policies placing even higher levels of stress on the families of the City's elementary, middle, and high school students, we invite you to join us next Friday.

What - Change the Stakes monthly meeting
When - Friday, June 28th, 5:30-7:30 PM
Where - Room 4202, CUNY Grad Center (5th Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets)

Open to all. Please bring a photo ID to enter the building.

The stuff flying back and forth on the CTS listserve over the reactions of DOE slugs to the opt-out movement has been more than intense -- with threats to force some parents to send their kids to summer school. The epicenter seems to be in District 6 in Washington Hts.

For those not aware, GEM developed 2 branches: CTS and MORE, both independent now (GEM is currently not functioning as an organization). The MORE July 11 summer series event on high stakes testing will bring elements of both groups together.

In the meantime, MORE is running a study group on high stakes testing and is meeting Saturday at 1PM

We're starting off our next working group meeting with a discussion of the first chapter in Unequal By Design by Wayne Au, followed by developing some common understandings to frame the debate around HST, and planning for the summer series event! 

Interested in the history of high stakes testing?
What do you think about the fact the HD testing came out of the
eugenics movement?

Join the MORE anti-testing committee
for a study group on Chapter 1 of the book

Unequal by Design by Wayne Au
Available on OR 
(We can also scan the pgs of Chapter 1 and have it available in drop box. Let us know!)

Saturday, June 22, 1-3 pm
Teachers College library at 
120th and Broadway (525 W. 120th St)
 2nd floor  (talking, eating and drinking are permitted)  
The library is open to the public with a show of ID. 

Hope to see you there! 

Mulgrew Muffs Class Size Question From Parent on Brian Lehrer Show

"Why isn't the UFT standing up for children by fighting the high class sizes," asked a parent calling in? (paraphrase)
Good question. He didn't have an answer. He doesn't have an answer when teachers ask the same question.

Listen to the interview from June 20 -- towards the end.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Walcott at District 14 CEC Town Hall - At Times I laughed Out Loud

There is actually some pretty funny stuff in this if you dig down into the weeds as Walcott talks stats to explain the fall in grad rates. But a must see is the part when a PTA president asks why they have to turn parents away when they register for pre-k because it must be done on computers and why the DOE can't provide a computer in school for parents to register their kids. Walcott and Jesse talk dizzy talk about all the tech stuff they have while ignoring an elemental issue -- let the parents fill out some paperwork and the school enter the data. He really is Slick Denny. Give me Joel Klein or Cathie Black.

At one point CSA Dist 14 head Brian De Vale hugged Walcott while pointing to me and saying, "If he can hug Klein I can hug you."

I know slogging through an hour of video can be a chore -- just FF through Walcott's grad crap etc. If I have time later I'll create a separate video just for the pre-k hilarity.

Oh, No, Thompson

Another UFT/AFT-devised disaster in the making.....the UFT leadership instead went with the candidate who said Bloomberg did the right thing by screwing teachers out of the 8% pattern. ... You can be sure if Thompson is elected, he will turn his back on teachers and pursue the ed deform policies his co-chair, Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch, and his DFER/charter buddies want him to pursue.... Perdido Street School
We predicted this on May 18:
 3-card monte scam

UFT Tilts to Thompson: Tisch, D'Amato, New Action Overjoyed, de Blasio branded as"Left" While SEIU Endorses him

Before the DA yesterday there were actually some people who had doubts about the Thompson endorsement as UFT insiders tried to fool people into thinking there was actually a democratic process by leaking, "This is not a done deal, de Blasio is still in the running." I told everyone I was putting $2 million down on a bet if they want to match -- I had it in cash.

Here are some reports from RBE at Perdido:

Daily News: Weingarten Behind The Thompson/UFT Endorsement

From the Daily News politics blog:
Sources in the labor movement told the Daily News that former UFT President Randi Weingarten, now head of the UFT’s national parent, the American Federation of Teachers, was a deciding factor in the union’s selection.

Weingarten had personally endorsed Thompson and pressed Mulgrew, her hand-picked successor at the UFT, to support Thompson as well, the sources said.
Not a surprise. Weingarten still runs this union.
Remember when the Unity slugs were leaving comments during the election that Randi was gone and Mulgrew was in charge? I once wrote that Mulgrew was ironing Randi's clothes. Nothing has changed. More from RBE:

Mulgrew's Explanation On The Thompson Endorsement Is Just Lame

Here it is - the rationale for the UFT's endorsement of Bill Thompson for mayor:
Thompson was endorsed by the Delegates and then he appeared out of nowhere and addressed the crowd.  (It is amazing how Thompson knew how this vote was going to go and a bunch of UFT for Thompson posters also magically appeared. I also got my first robo-call from Mulgrew a few minutes later in support of Thompson.  This endorsement was a big secret?  Yeah right. Bloggers all called it right last month.)
No longer being allowed into delegate assemblies even when there is room I was on the 2nd floor watching on tv and tweeting.

I retweeted Charter school center slug's pro-Thompson tweet
. "spoke out in support of expanding our city’s many extraordinary charter schools."

YES. Bill, Meryl and Alphonse can give Eva her 40 schools pound of flesh.

Here are some of my tweets which express the sense of things as they developed:
will endorse Thompson based on research: as per ny times art today, high end toilet paper users will decide this election

thompson endorsement but many tchrs will vote Liu first and DeBlasio 2nd with boo to D'amato-Tisch tag team

New button: 12-31-17 for end of Thompson reign as mayor.

Retiree Tom murphy calls question. Suppression of debate won't help get unity for thompson

allows only 1 speaker opposed to speak agst thompson endorsement yet expects unanimous support
hands over uft to anti-union D'Amato and Tisch who gave us bad eval plan. Orwellian. A delegate says:  this is like the world wrestling federation 
shows up. Surprise surprise. Uft leadership supression of discussion will lead to division.
gives Thompson speaking time while shutting up members
This after my retiring UFT official pal Michael Mendel made a plea for unity no matter where you stand. How do you get unity when you at the very least don't give people a chance to make the case against Thompson? Peter Lamphere's point of order was turned away by Mulgrew. That is why Bloomberg's prediction about UFT support is a kiss of death. If you can't run a democratic union most of your members don't give a shit. I wonder of the UFT can get out the same percentage of people to vote for Thompson as they got to vote in the UFT elections? Can the retiree vote in Florida count? You see, it's elementary. Run an undemocratic union and you dissipate your ability to get people to do what you want. Compare that to Chicago where over 90% of the teachers voted to strike and 60% (I think) voted in their elections.

RBE made the same point:
Given the abysmal turnout in the UFT elections, given that the UFT power base (the retirees) mostly resides in Florida and can't vote in a NYC election, and given that many teachers in the UFT couldn't care a whit who Mikey Mulgrew wants them to vote for in September, I don't think this endorsement helps Thompson all that much outside of the extra cash the UFT brings. 
Then they started passing out Thompson posters.
  1. 12h
    they must have super fast printers
    Then I noticed jumping into the fray, Moaning Mona Davids, who supported the anti-union film Won't Back Down, has so much astroturf on her you need a sandblaster to get it off.


    If he wins, teachers will be all set. He'd owe his mayoralty to teachers, you all will get all u want

    Yes, that same Mona who for a time got some bucks and support from the UFT but like every relationship she touches, turns to shit, is complaining about the UFT. 

    So I responded:
  2. But we won't get what u got for supporting film Won't Back Down. Good taste in movies

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Video: Great NYC Bloggers Honored at Class Size Matters Skinny Awards

For too many years Americans have had no choice but to suffer with ineffective reporters accountable to nobody .... blogs are the charter schools of the education reporting - minus of course the cheating and embezzlement .... 
Gary Rubinstein at Skinny Awards dinner, June 18, 2013
The huge turnout at last night's 5th annual Skinny Awards dinner for Leonie Haimson's Class Size Matters is an indication of how important the work Leonie does has become. Parent and teacher activists from New York City and beyond cheered the efforts of Leonie and her two blogger honorees, Francis Lewis HS chapter leader Arthur Goldstein (NYC Educator) - who inspired my blogging efforts - and Stuyvesant HS teacher Gary Rubinstein (Gary Rubinstein's Blog), a more recent convert to educational activism through blogging.

I got to sit with the fabulous ladies (and Fred Smith) of Change the Stakes. This is one crew I want to parteeee with and being District 6 (Washington Hts) based they invited me to join them in post CEC6 celebratory events where I am sure I will have trouble finding the A train for the 2 day trip back to Rockaway. (NEXT CTS MEETING: JUNE 28 - CUNY). Robert Jackon, running for  Manhattan borough president (I would vote for him if I lived there) showed up later after I had put the camera away -- the CTS D. 6 crew are BIG fans of his so he was right in his element.

Below is the entire half hour plus of comments from Diane Ravitch and Patrick Sullivan along with Leonie's introduction of the honorees and an explanation of why she named the awards the "skinny" awards.

I extracted a 2 minute segment of Gary's speech in a separate must watch video of his satire on the state of education reporting -- he better bring a food taster to the next Gotham Schools party.

Gary Rubinstein Satirizes Education Reporting at Skinny Awards 2013 from Grassroots Education Movement on Vimeo.

And here is the full monte - a fun half hour of viewing -- excuse the waiters getting in the way and some of my usual shaky video -- thanks to Prudence Hill for forcing me to use her tripod.

I made sure to chat with Leonie's husband, Michael Oppenheimer, a famous environmental scientist who I invited out to Rockaway before it disappears under the sea --- he is not optimistic for the long-term prospects for my ability to avoid having a salt-water swimming pool in my house.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jeff Kaufman: Does Danielson Measure A Teacher's Effectiveness if Duct-taped to a Chair?

Perhaps under the new system a teacher who learns not to sit in his chair to be duct taped might score some effective points....
The framework concludes that teachers who use respectful talk, read body language and maintain fairness will demonstrate effective teaching in this component. Clearly a classroom that has respectful students who are treated fairly will undoubtedly have a classroom that is conducive to learning and the teacher has a part in inculcating this environment. But to rate the teacher and thereby making her responsible for these outcomes is absurd. There are so many factors that go into student behavior including school culture, student backgrounds and administrative support that to leave a teacher “out there” under this component shows just how insane this framework is for evaluative purposes.... Jeff Kaufman
Jeff continues his invaluable series at the ICE blog. Part 1 is here:Danielson: What We Lost – The Lesson Plan

Danielson: What We Lost – Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

Danielson’s Framework for Effective Teaching has been widely criticized as an evaluative tool by many respected educators including, ironically enough, Charlotte Danielson, herself. Without going too much into the history of the Framework it’s important to note that the four domains of effective teaching are, allegedly, the full description of what makes a teacher effective. According to Danielson’s books the Framework describes aspects of teaching that are essential to effectiveness. Others have tried to create general descriptive systems to analyze professions but few, if any professions actually use these descriptions to evaluate performance. One of the reasons is that there are many ways to perform effectively professional. In fact one might say that the very nature of professionalism is to be able to adjust one’s strategies and tactics in different ways under different situations.

But, of course, John King has, with DOE and UFT approval, made this framework 60% of our evaluations. While the general notion of using such a framework in this way undermines our Contract it will become clearer as we go through the framework.

First up, component 2a. Danielson’s Framework is divided into 4 domains and 22 components. Domain 2 and 3, the “on stage” domains represent ¾ of our 60% or 45% of our total grade. This is due to the observable nature of these domains. Domain 1 and 4, dealing with planning and professional responsibilities, deal with components that are “off stage” and not directly observable and must be inferred to be measured (more about this in another post).

Getting back to 2a a teacher will, starting next year, be rated on the type of environment that he or she creates in the classroom through teacher and student interactions. The framework concludes that teachers who use respectful talk, read body language and maintain fairness will demonstrate effective teaching in this component. Clearly a classroom that has respectful students who are treated fairly will undoubtedly have a classroom that is conducive to learning and the teacher has a part in inculcating this environment. But to rate the teacher and thereby making her responsible for these outcomes is absurd. There are so many factors that go into student behavior including school culture, student backgrounds and administrative support that to leave a teacher “out there” under this component shows just how insane this framework is for evaluative purposes.

When I was first assigned to a yearlong suspension center for students in the Bronx who were found to have committed some pretty heinous infractions I was assigned as one of four teachers in the site. The students rotated from subject to subject in each of 4 rooms. My room and the science room were separated by a wall with windows so the science teacher and I could see each other’s classes. Half way through my class one of my students yelled out, “Hey look, they’re tying up Mr. M.” Sure enough the science teacher was being duct taped to his chair. After school safety released him all I could think about was that they were coming into my room next.

Would my “rapport” with these students permit me to actually teach? Would the lack of any administrative intervention contribute to my ability to maintain respect in my class?

While it is very unclear just how an evaluator would actually evaluate on this component it is pretty clear that being evaluated on this component undermines the spirit if not the letter of our contract. Does this mean that teachers working in what the DOE euphemistically calls “hard to staff” schools can never be effective?

Perhaps under the new system a teacher who learns not to sit in his chair to be duct taped might score some effective points.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Burris, Kaufman, Eterno etc. Shake the Tree on John King/Mulgrew Pro-Eval

Where is the UFT on this?  It looks like they are too busy praising Dr. King's new evaluation system to have noticed any flaws.  UFT President Michael Mulgrew said: "The commissioner's plan is professional and fair and is designed to help teachers improve their skills throughout their careers."  ... James Eterno, ICE blog, NEW TEACHER RATING MATH: EFFECTIVE ON TESTING + EFFECTIVE ON OBSERVATIONS = INEFFECTIVE OVERALL

Even an experienced UFT leadership basher like me is astounded at the continued perfidy of the leadership which has reached beyond Vichy comparisons with their cheer leading for the John King tenure ending plan.
While the ink is drying on John King’s decision and our Union touts how great Danielson is as an evaluative tool it is becoming clearer just how much our current contract was changed without a single vote from one of our members... Under 8E of our contract a lesson plan is for the use of the teacher. Who knows what we gave up to get this provision in our contract but it was important enough to stop principals from routinely collecting lesson plans or forcing teachers to spend punishment time creating documents. An extraordinary example of the abuse was when a bilingual Chinese teacher who wrote her lesson plans in Chinese was given a letter to her file because the principal could not read the plan and would not allow her to translate it... Jeff Kaufman, ICE blog, Danielson: What We Lost – The Lesson Plan
Jeff identifies just one change in the contract. There are more but since I lost 30 years of contracts in the Sandy storm, I'll leave it to you guys to check.
Where oh where is the UFT leadership on this? Are we going to allow working teachers to be rated "ineffective," and face dismissal charges, likely as not with the burden of proof on the teacher, in abject violation of New York State Law? I keep reading about how fair this plan is, and while I've never found it remotely so, it's time for our leadership to stand up and say the law applies to all of us... NYC Educator, Reformy John Doesn't Need Any Stinking Laws--NYC Teacher Ratings Violate Statute
Outside the pro ed deform State Ed Department and its cheerleaders inside the UFT, reactions have been flying around so fast it is impossible to keep up. I am trying to collate some of the weekend stuff.
One of the great selling points of the education law that mandated junk science, for the UFT, was that we would get to negotiate precisely how the junk science would be used to fire us. So they wouldn't just be firing us, we'd be firing ourselves. This is what comes of having that much-coveted "seat at the table." .... NYC Educator, Reformy John Doesn't Need Any Stinking Laws--NYC Teacher Ratings Violate Statute
 I just hope we don't see a food fight break out between UFT people and NYC Educator who is being honored at Leonie Haimson Skinny Awards dinner tomorrow night.

At the ICE blog there are some strong pieces by the dynamic duo of Kaufman and Eterno.

Here is James' entire piece:


Long Island Principal Carol Burris has examined Commissioner John King's ruling on NYC teacher evaluations and found it does not follow the law.
According to the analysis Burris did, a teacher can be rated effective on the two testing components, effective on the observations (other measures) and still receive an overall ineffective rating. 9 + 9 + 45 = 63!  9, 9 and 45 are all effective scores but a teacher needs 65 overall points to receive a grade of developing and avoid an annual ineffective (equal to unsatisfactory) rating.
Next year teachers will be rated highly effective, effective, developing or ineffective instead of the current satisfactory or unsatisfactory.  Two annual ineffective ratings in a row and there is a presumption of incompetence which will mean teachers will then be guilty until proven innocent when the DOE goes for termination.

Everyone needs to read the June 15 piece on Diane Ravitch's fantastic blog as this is unbelievable.

Where is the UFT on this?  It looks like they are too busy praising Dr. King's new evaluation system to have noticed any flaws.  UFT President Michael Mulgrew said: "The commissioner's plan is professional and fair and is designed to help teachers improve their skills throughout their careers."
I'll admit that my aging brain can't absorb any of this stuff. I can say one thing -- I would be looking for another profession.

Another link to Ravitch's piece:
Carol Burris Reviews John King’s Evaluation Plan and Finds It Wanting --  the test score component and the local growth component are rigged.

One comment: King raised the bar for the city on BOTH of the test score measures.  He made it harder to get out of effective on both the growth measure and the local. Both. 

And we hear that Charlotte Danielson supporters are whining about having her ideas misrepresented: Who Distorted Charlotte Danielson’s Message?

MOREista Pat Dobosz said: Then Danielson needs to speak up but she has compromised herself by taking big bucks to keep her mouth shut as did Lucy Calkins.

Blogger NYCEYE has a bunch of posts:

Note how the Buffalo Teachers Union is putting up resistance:
The Buffalo Teachers Federation (BTF) stood up to an ill-conceived APPR; when will the UFT launch its APPR offensive?
Diana Senechal has a piece about principal training bootcamp:
One Tuesday morning in June, a cohort of one hundred novice principals was escorted into a classroom, ordered to fill out a checklist, and then herded into the Low-Inference Room, where they were assigned seats by number and told to fasten their seat belts. “These seats come with seat belts because systemic change is quite a ride,” said a booming voice through the loudspeakers. “You probably don’t want to change, and the teachers are even more resistant than you. So be prepared for some discomfort.”
Bewildered, the principals looked up, down, and around them. Their escort, a consultant named Gil Hines, walked slowly around the room, inspecting the seat belts.
“Which component in the Danielson rubric are we evaluating today?” the voice fairly screamed. “Number 24, provide the answer.”
“Number 24, that’s you, Nina Perotta,” said Hines. “Everyone check your seat numbers, because there won’t be any excuses next time.”
“Which component are we evaluating? It’s on the tip of my brain, it’s something about assessment…”
“Unprepared!” bellowed the voice. “Number 24 receives zero and a warning in the file. Number 96, which component are we evaluating today?”

And at The Chalkface:

Creating Artificial Student Failure in New York @nysed @nysut

JUNE 15, 2013 BY  10 COMMENTS
New York Teacher, Jennifer Fatone, posted some pretty shocking information on the UOO Facebook site recently, along with her comments and a letter to Steven Katz, the Director of New York State Assessments.  This is blatant.  This is wrong.  If there was any doubt that New York has an agenda to show failure in the public schools, the truth is starting to smack us in the face.  If you are in a different state, pay attention.  If this hasn’t already started in your neck of the woods, it probably will soon.
 And this from Florida
New Florida law: Teachers can’t be evaluated on students they don’t have

Why was such a law necessary? Here's why.
Do you have a headache yet? I do. I'm going out to watch my grass grow.