Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Caucuses Don't Win Elections - People Do, A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS - January ABC-UFT Blast — opportunities to organize for A BETTER CONTRACT

My husband just heard from a retired teacher friend who expressed how much he liked yesterday's ABC webinar -and how strongly he feels about its bread and butter platform.... UFT Retiree and delegate 

I will delve further into the somewhat remarkable Sunday night ABC retiree meeting for which 540 people registered and almost 300 showed up. Over two hours into the meeting, there were still many people still there. It became clear that there was a gang there to troll and even disrupt to try to force ABC into an alliance with the caucuses.  Marianne attended the meeting and here she delves into some of the issues, though I must say, I don't have agreement on Samuel Gompers. There are lots of flaws that have been exposed. Note this:  

During World War I, Gompers and the AFL energetically supported the war effort, attempting to avert strikes and boost morale while raising wage rates and expanding membership. He strongly opposed the antiwar labor groups, especially the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). 

So Gompers was tamping down the labor movement during the war while the capitalists made enormous profits. Not a great look. Think of Shanker's support for the Vietnam war and how he made sure the UFT sat on the sidelines. So I don't think unions should never get into issues beyond the union. And Gompers did use his support for the War to affect the unions in a negative way -- bread and butter by the wayside.

Major labor victories came in the generation after him by industrial unions highly influenced by left wing, including communists. But even the left were able to organize workers by sticking to bread and butter issues. They fell when their Stalinist roots came out when Stalin made his dirty deal with Hitler in 1939 -- I believe that opened them up to witch hunts -- the communist dominated Teacher Union in the UFT, which had great influence, began to wain after that, some proof that Marianne's thesis is on target. The rise of the UFT took another 20 years but their success was bread and butter. Before they even existed the HS night school teachers went on the first teacher strike for more pay and won double their salary after a very short strike - a lesson that resonated.

But her points that the caucuses that have fought Unity over the decades have failed to win more than the high school exec bd seats, except for the one lauded 1985 victory for the HS VP - and that opportunity is long gone since they changed the rules in 1994 - are right on.

ABC is not a caucus with their often arcane mechanisms and controls but a more free-flowing group of individuals, many from caucuses and some independents with nothing set in stone. 

This concept bothers the caucus control freaks who ask who is in control and who is making decisions and how are decisions being made. They can't conceive of nor have faith in the ability of people to come together for a common interest and somehow function. I find that once you're in the cocoon of a caucus, you lose some level of creative problem solving as there is always a hierarchy that runs the joint and lots of people on the periphery with an attitude of go along and get along. There is a stifling of sorts that I often found suffocating, except for ICE of course which ran on a more open free-wheeling basis, which drove the structuralists, many of my friends on the left who seem to require a sense of control -- and I also find people with a dim view of the rank and file and the ability to organize them -- caucuses haven't been able to over decades so they make excuses -- the people in my school are too busy, etc and never take responsibility. The roots of the caucuses uneasiness with ABC lie in this attitude.

I would ask you to list the things the caucuses have done so far this year as we approach the halfway mark of the school year? Hand out leaflets at the DA? I exempt RA, which is not a normal caucus with 11 people making decisions, which has been the most active group at the DA and in charge of the RTC meetings -- a busy plate.

I read an interesting review in the NYT Sunday about the late David Graeber, one of the founders of Occupy. 

Graeber had a bullish view of human potential unfettered from constraint. He emphasized the possibility of “democratic improvisation,” which would take place “outside of the control of states, in which diverse sorts of people with different traditions and experiences are obliged to figure out some way to deal with one another.”

I agree with him and have a bullish view of people and believe in the possibility of reaching them. And if we don't manage to do that, at least we will have tried.

Caucuses Don't Win Elections - People Do


 Here is part 2 of the Marianne video:


January ABC-UFT Blast — upcoming opportunities to organize for A BETTER CONTRACT

Join us via Zoom for the ABC Retiree Organizing Committee meeting on Sun,1/5 at 7 PM. Also, join the UFT Member Assembly on Tue,1/14 at 7 PM. And still a chance to sign up for our election slate!

Dear UFT Members,

Happy New Year! From everyone at A Better Contract (ABC),we hope you had a restful break well-spent with family and friends. With 2025 kicking into high gear, it’s time to get back to it! Our union proud, union strong, grassroots movement of working educators and retirees continues to grow and capture the imagination and heart of our beloved union.

Here are some things we have happening during the next couple of weeks

ABC UFT Member Assembly on HEALTHCARE – Date Changed to Tuesday, January 14 @ 7 pm

At last month’s ABC Member Assembly, we discussed the ABCs of PAY. This month, we’ll be discussing the ABCs of HEALTHCARE.

Whether you’re a UFT Retiree or UFT In-Service member, our premium-free healthcare is under assault. Let’s meet to discuss the current risks and challenges facing our union, and to discuss what needs to be done to protect and expand premium-free healthcare long into the future.

We had tentatively scheduled it for January 7th, however, we’ve moved it for Tuesday, January 14th at 7 PM.

Join us! Let’s organize for A BETTER CONTRACT that protects and improves our healthcare. All are welcome.


Run With ABC in the UFT General Election – Slate Signups Open Now!

We want you (yes, YOU!) to run with ABC in the upcoming UFT General Election.

We are asking all UFT members, regardless of political inclination or caucus affiliation, to participate in ABC’s non-partisan grassroots movement of UFT members demanding A Better Contract — both with the City of New York and with our union leadership.

We are actively fielding candidates for UFT officer positions, Executive Board, NYSUT Representatives and AFT Delegates.

Go to slate.uftmembers.org to sign up, and we will be in-touch very soon with more information.


Thanks so much. We’re looking forward to connecting with you soon and getting back to work on transforming our UFT.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to get more involved, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create a stronger, more equitable future.

Stay updated with us at: http://abettercontract.org

To run on the ABC slate for the 2025 election, go to: http://slate.uftmembers.org

To join our organizing work groups, go to: http://join.uftmembers.org

Download, share and print a flyer to post at your school/work site: flyer.uftmembers.org

And follow us at:

The Wire: Powered by Educators of NYC
Urgent Call To Action: Tell City and union bosses to — Get Out of Our Pockets! End Retiree Copays, Pass Intro 1096
We are witnessing the systematic erosion of the healthcare benefits of NYC retirees and active city workers while costs are being transferred to us — at a time that the cost of living is skyrocketing…
Read more

Disclaimer: This is the official website of the “ A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT” slate. It is not an official site of The United Federation of Teachers. The site title describes a group of dues-paying UFT members organizing for a better contract with NYC and our union leadership. Information shared by us should not be considered officially from the UFTorganization.

Thanks for reading A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS! This post is public so feel free to share it.



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Marianne Pizzitola Homework: A Better Contract is calling all educators! UFT Members sign up!

Happy New Year

A Better Contract is calling all educators! UFT Members sign up! They are planning for their next election! 


They are holding a meeting Sunday, January 5th at 7 pm!  CLICK HERE


Dear Fellow Retirees & Retirees in Training,

We hope you had a great holiday weekend!   New Years is this week, and our FB page is still closed, BUT!   You have missions to complete!  Our page reopens on January 2nd. 


We started a new homework series.  There are three assignments below.   More to come! Next week. 


Please remember we two cases running concurrently, the Copay Case known as Bianculli vs City of NY and the Nuclear Option case known as Bentkowski.   Both are working their way through the court, and there are no scheduled court dates yet.  The Bentkowski case is set to be scheduled come May.  SO our legal team is preparing our briefs. 


This new year, we are thankful we were not forced into Medicare Advantage and we did not have to pay copays for the last 2 years!  Don't let anyone tell you, you can't fight City Hall! 





Send this email to City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and her staff, CM Lynn Schulman, CM Crystal Hudson, CM Carmen De La Rosa, Henry Garrido, Michael Mulgrew and Harry Nespoli. 


Its time to tell them to get out of our pockets!   CLICK HERE




HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 2 - but only if you are an educator (UFT) 

A Better Contract is calling all educators! UFT Members sign up! They are planning for their next election! 


They are holding a meeting Sunday, January 5th at 7 pm!  CLICK HERE




Send this email to Lynne/UFT!  CLICK HERE 

If UFT Unity now believes in protecting Traditional Medicare are they going to support our efforts? Inquiring minds want to know.



Our Campaign site is updated!   

We are starting to add candidates who commit to helping retirees!  As more reach out to us or agree to meet and support our issues, we will add them.


We expose what the unions knew and how much the negotiated away and never told you. We bring receipts! If you want to see the documents, the link is in the description of the YouTube video.
A Conversation With Jim Walden, Candidate for Mayor

Fundraising for candidates end January 12th to qualify for 8x matching funds.  If you live in the 5 boros, you $10 donation= $80! To donate to Jim for Mayor click here. Those outside the 5 boros, your donation does not multiply.  


We will have our Friday Night update this week at 7:30 pm and of course join me on the radio Friday 7 AM. Listen LiVE HERE


This email was sent to pdob...@aol.com. Click here to unsubscribe.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

ICE-UFT Meets in Broad Discussion of UFT Election

As usual, I am totally invigorated by an ICE meeting. I never fail to hear some new point of view or some angle I hadn't thought of. As usual, everyone gets to say their piece, as often as they feel they need to. And still the meeting lasted less than two hours. It was so great to be with old and new friends. And ICE is

as much about friends you can trust as it is about UFT politics. While I didn't have rice pudding, I did have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which shot my glucose levels up but not enough to have to put an insulin needle into my belly.

Published on the ICE blog: https://iceuftblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/upcoming-uft-election-is-discussed-at.html

Upcoming UFT Election is Discussed at ICE Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024 - Merry Xmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Submitted by Norm Scott

ICE had an excellent discussion on the UFT election Sunday night with a mix of retirees and working educators on zoom. Two prominent ABC activists were invited to participate. Questions were raised early on by people who had not been fully informed on all the election permutations about the advisability of running two slates. The history of ABC as a group that began meeting last April and through October included all the caucuses until they dropped out, was reviewed and enlightening. 

I love the smell of chemo in the morning - Norm Health Update - Because Some People are asking

Wednesday, Dec. 25 - 

Merry Xmas and Happy Hannukah - the candles are waiting tonight after we get back from China New Star on Flatbush Ave. later.

Chemo 8 - week two -Chemo 9 scheduled for Dec. 31 - But at least my TDA distribution comes through that day.

Since my health update when I got out of the hospital (I'm Baaaack - Norm Almost breaks Medicare after 15 days at MSK Hospital for Pancreatic Cancer Surgery), I've been asked how am I doing by a number of people (thanks for the concerns). 

I came back from a two week trip to Spain in October, 2024 at 200 lbs. Now I'm 170 - which is not the worst thing. Symptoms began around Thanksgiving 2023, but who thought of pancreatic cancer, though it was on my mind due to a very close friend dying of it around that time 3 months after diagnosis. My mother-in-law and another close friend died of it too so it has never not been on my mind but I never thought it would hit me too.

Well the good news was that my recovery from the operation went well and I regained most of the weight I lost while in the hospital. I was feeling great by early August when I had a teleconference with the oncologist who said I looked great but now they'd have to beat me up again with 6 months of chemo given every two weeks. First I had to have a port installed in my upper chest so they wouldn't have to tax my veins. I have this bump with a wire running to my neck. Don't mistake me for Frankenstein.

The chemo regimen goes like this:

FOLFIRINOX, a combination of three chemotherapy drugs (5-FU/leucovorin, irinotecan and oxaliplatin) 

First they take a blood test and wait for the results before deciding to give the chemo. Takes about a half hour. The chemo session itself involves giving steroids and anti-nausea meds first, followed by chemo1- oxaliplatin- for an hour and a half, followed by an injection to prevent pain from the next chemo2 - irinotecan  which is a half hour, followed by hooking me up to a 48-hour chemo3 - 5-FU/leucovorin-  drip pack connected by a tube taped to my stomach to my port. Two days of awkward trying to manage the pack. I guess that's better than trying to load all the chemo into me in one shot. After 48 hours I go back to MSK to have my pack and needle removed and they give me a bone injection shot to help produce white blood cells.

I found out after my first chemo that two weeks later my wbc had dropped too low to give me chemo and they gave me two days of short term bone shots that caused a lot of bone pain in my ribs and spine. But they assured me the long-term shot would not be bad and it hasn't been. They postponed me a week but the day before my chemo I tested pos for covid and MSK has a two week quarantine so chemo 2 didn't come until a month after chemo 1.

Since then I have been on target. I scheduled my chemo on days that would not stop me from attending the DA and RTC meetings. With RTC meetings off until March that makes the rest of the scheduling easier - I prefer Tuesdays so I can get disconnected Thursday and go back to Rockaway. The first days of chemo are not too bad - I seem to get hit a week later with inability to eat for days and have lost 6 or 7 pounds in those days. Two weeks ago I briefly hit the low 160s for the first time since I was about 9 and looked like a skeleton but I'm back to 170 and looking better. I even started going back to the gym. I need some muscle mass - arms paper thin - don't ask me to make a muscle. 

One more thing. 

chemotherapy can cause peripheral neuropathy, a condition that occurs when the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are damaged. This is called chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) and it certainly has for me so far but not terrible with some tenderness in tips of my fingers and toes. 

The oxaliplatin for an hour and a half is the big culprit and when things got tough around treatment 6 they decided to make that the last time they would give me oxaliplatin with the idea not to kill the patient with the cure. I was concerned that not taking this hurts my long-term chances but the nurse told me the DR never gives oxaliplatin past #8. I know a 5 year pancan surviver, a doctor who is my age, who has some permanent damage and he went with oxaliplatin through #10 when the neuropathy had reached his knees. He felt she should have stopped it at #9. I also have a friend with a more severe case of pancan who went the full 12 and now can barley walk or use his hands to open a door. 

So though I had tough days after chemo 7 - 3 or 4 days of no eating, followed by a few hyper days, today starts week 2 of #8 and my doc gave me a prescription for cannabis and I went to a nice place that does med cannabis and they gave me a spray and a pill to take for appetite stimulation and I started fooling around with it the other day. 

One slight but of good news - I hope - is the blood marker CA19-9 which is not normally done but is a sign of pancan. My number on diagnosis was 230 - normal is 40. That cinched I had pancan. My friend's number was 1800. My doc friend told me to get a marker of CA19 before my first chemo and I had to push them to give it to me. It dropped to 19 - so removing the tumor of course was major good news. I took another CA 19 last week and it was 26 - stat insignificant -- so far -- they will watch this number after the chemo - which when it wears off may open the door for those invisible proto-cancer bastards that are not killed can come back. 

Anyway, I'm hoping my last chemo #12 will be on Feb. 11 in time for my 80th birthday first week of March. 

The election stuff has kept me engaged and active and working with some fun young people. Arthur's recent blog captured my feelings of the sense of fun and freedom working with ABC. I've been invigorated despite the chemo.

We are doing a retiree event on Jan. 5. Here are excerpts from Arthur - who hates meetings but is having a nice time when ABC meets or chats.

All ABC Wants for Christmas...

...is a responsive union.

Happy holidays to all. I wish you a joyous and fulfilling week off. I’m working with a new and different group, for me at least, and I’m excited. I’ve been composing a presentation to share in our next forum on January 5th at 7 PM . This one is for retirees and if YOU are a retiree, I hope you will join us.

I was at the very first meeting of what became ABC, last April, if I recall. It was pretty rough. There was no particular agenda. There were maybe 25 or 30 of us. I then lost touch for a few months, but came back at the urging of Norm Scott, for my money the gadfly / conscience of UFT. (I suspect he was born retired, but he insists otherwise.)

I started going to meetings, and the oddest thing happened. I started actually enjoying them. I hesitate to admit this. It may tarnish my reputation. The Unity trolls like to call me angry, among other things. And why not? Name calling is a whole lot easier than actual argument. And what can they argue? That they were right to sell us out?

I know, for teachers, worthwhile meetings are borderline inconceivable. We’ve all been through meetings. Our vision of hell is the endless faculty meeting, with the principal droning on and on about Some New Thing that, within months, would be discarded and replaced, just like Every Other Thing he’d talked about. 

ABC meetings were different for me. They weren’t dominated by any one person. No one had an agenda that precluded anyone else’s. No one talked about how smart they were, or the brilliant deals they’d made. We talked about what we read on surveys. We talked about building a platform by consensus, from comments we’d received. We talked about sending it back for approval.

I wrote nothing in the platform, but I edited it for brevity. After eliciting feedback, it appears we are going with it. There are things I’d like to see there that didn’t make it, but as part of the group, I’m going with the flow.

I see things changing. I see new possibilities. I see Unity members waking up and questioning whether their gigs are worth the terror and loathing of constantly appeasing King Mulgrew. I see better things in the New Year.

I envision A BETTER CONTRACT with both the city and our union. If you’re a retiree, join us on January 5th. Help us figure out how we get there. If you’re in service, you’ll get your chance too. I’ll keep you posted.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

UFT Elections: The Two Slate Solution - Keep Calm

The level of upset amongst the world of opp over two slates is over the top. Calm down folks.

How one non-Unity slate can still win in a 3-way race. 

A few key takeaways up front:

  • I've maintained the only way to win this election with the prospects of building dynamic change into the UFT is by enlisting large numbers of working UFTers. Do not rely on retirees to win and dominate a fossilized union (yes I am one of these fossils.) The current configuration of the legacy caucuses unfortunately leads us in this direction.
  • The 63% retiree vote that the legacy caucuses are relying to deliver will not hold up for this election. In the 2022 UFT general election retirees won 29% -the same number they did in the 2021 RTC election. In the latter election word was out about the medicare situation - my biggest disappointment in that election was not seeing the retiree vote expand. That we didn't increase the retiree vote from the year before when few knew about the health plan changes. That led to me being pessimistic for the June election. I was wrong. We ran a great campaign but the difference maker: Marianne. Where will she land in this election and if she doesn't get her people involved the retiree vote will drop significantly.
  • Unity still won over 10k in the 2024 chapter loss. Expect that to hold and grow as Unity supporters may have turned on Tom Murphy as RTC leader but may not be willing to turn over the entire union to what will clearly be labeled a left-wing opposition run by legacy caucuses that they have fought for years. RA did not have a bad rep a year ago.
  • ABC is the non-ideological, non-sectarian option with people from every caucus, including Unity, so Unity retirees who know the score may go ABC, but not with a slate dominated with MORE candidates. 
  •  The numbers from the UFC full frontal coalition vote in 2022 were not much different from the smaller MORE/NAC coalition in 2016. Why would this election be any different from the in-service vote (Mah Nishtanah), especially since what was UFC is diminished? Given the 2022 vote and reduced caucus coalitions, I maintain Unity would win the election if we were limited to a coalition run similar to UFC, which the legacy caucuses not even reaching the same levels of organizing that UFC had reached.
  • Oh, but what about the retiree and para votes from last spring? They are not automatic and must be worked for. Fix Para Pay is aligned at this point with ABC. So Don't forget the 27k para potential vote. The in-service para vote, with 27k paras, long ignored by the opposition,  may prove more crucial than the retiree vote if we get turnout. Note: A key organizing strategy is taking direct aim at this vote with a plan to fight for para pay instead of the Unity policy of telling them to be happy they have a job.
  • ABC with a drastic new approach to not just running in the election but open to taking the election-building process out from behind closed doors and get more rank and file involved - and it has been working. Sample: 100 showed for a zoom for paras and district 75 on Tuesday, and over 50 for a High School zoom Wednesday, including chapter leaders from large high schools, including some key people from Unity.That followed a general meeting with 260 people. Think each in-service having some kind of network outreach in their schools. ABC is building the broadest coalition and still invites all legacy caucus members and supporters to run on the ABC independent slate with no labels. Already some have signed up to run. Is it enough yet? No. But there's a long way to go before ballots go out in May and petitioning starting Feb. 12. And ABC has the petition king: ME.
  • Almost 40% of Trump supporters in NYS are in a union and many of them in the UFT and also anti-Mulgrew. Many have been non-voters in the past. With an ABC option that is focused on bread and butter and without a leftist ideology reputation, they may vote. Some will say how dare you hope Trump supporters vote for you? How dare I run to win.

Saturday, December 21 - The shortest day of the year, starting tomorrow the days grow longer

Something to look forward to. 

Did I tire you out yet with my key takeaways? Here's some more analysis.

June joy in oppo Mudville turns to fall blues as Mulgrew offers teeth and eyes, soon to be followed by feet (every member gets a silver sneaker once a year.)

After the para and retiree elections plus the TRS election (UFT's 3 Consequential Elections) showed gaping holes in the Unity Caucus machine, two things happened. 

Enormous excitement and hope amongst the anti-Unity forces and fear and despair and rending of garments and gnashing of teeth in the halls of UFT/Unity. 

LeRoy Barr at a UFT staff meeting while they were in Houston at the AFT convention in July warned them that the oppo was coming for their jobs and Unity went into full gear by the end of the summer with a full-court blitz to defend itself by word salad changes in their positions on Medicare, getting better dental, and sending their troops into the schools (not always to their advantage). And it just may be working to some extent. We insiders may LOL, but to the masses in the rank and file who think a caucus is some kind of rash (and they may be right), some of this blitz registers. 

Then came the opposition which is, and always has been, a contorted mess. From enormous excitement in June and August, we have seen a split in what began back in March with a unified view of the 3 caucuses and ABC, and ended in October. I will go into the timeline and details at another time.                  

So, now the fear, despair and rending of garments and gnashing of teeth has infected the oppo and Unity forces are perking up, though some Unity staff have noticed the budding excitement and have reached out asking about what will happen to their jobs.

Even at Tuesday's final RTC meeting of the year, a few retirees who I didn't even know stopped by to say they are big Ed Notes and Arthur readers and were very worried about a two oppo slate. I was even called by a friend and current MORE member asking if there was anything he could do to help heal the breach. My response was long (of course) and complicated and had to include the history going back to March and through October to understand the current situation. I keep getting called out on my insistence of showing background history- that I should focus on today, but context and history count. You can't grow a plant if there are no roots. 

Is there a way forward to running one united slate? I tend to say no at this point and will proceed in this analysis to my theory of how the only slate than can win is ABC, even if it might seem far-fetched.

So let me start with some history, of course.

The 2022 UFC coalition failures

United for Change was a milestone in UFT history as every oppo group joined in and we ran 400 people, a massive undertaking that included, RA, MORE, NAC, ICE, Solidarity, EONYC, OT/PT and some independents. 

UFC's main success was the increased % for UFC but that was due to Unity drops which did not go to UFC. That dropped Unity vote just might shift into the ABC column due to the Unity presence in ABC.  UFC did not bump up the in-service vote or even the retiree vote in that election.

Look at the charts Jonathan posted and note the key turnout numbers for in-service compared to retirees:


I contend that with a weakened UFC, these numbers will remain constant for the caucus coalition, with the only wild cards retirees. The only way to win is to go after the 80% who don't usually vote, not an easy task but that looks like the major initiative of ABC and to siphon off Unity votes.

In a follow-up I will explore this issue with a forensic analysis  and breakdown of strengths and weaknesses of the caucuses and what they have done so far with further analysis of how ABC can win a two slate race.

In my conversations with progressives over this election, their response is to tell me this goal of reaching deep into the schools is wishful thinking -- that people are too busy and overworked to care. I guess being in the schools they know about the apathy but they seem to have given up on breaking through. I still have faith and confidence.

I get being excited by the retiree win and the opportunity it offers. How ironic that the usual suspects in the oppo who have opposed the influence retirees had in UFT elections when they were pro-Unity have now seemingly shifted positions and want to win with the retiree vote. 

I end with an big OY! See next post for the VEY!

And don't forget if you are a retiree, Join the ABC zoom:

ABC's Retiree 2025 UFT Election Committee to launch with Zoom meeting on Sun, January 5th, at 7 PM


Monday, December 16, 2024

ABC's Retiree 2025 UFT Election Committee to launch with Zoom meeting on Sun, January 5th, at 7 PM

This is getting to be fun - reaching to people in new ways for an election.  Registration over less than 24 hours has been very brisk. If you are a retiree hop for the Jan. 5 event with Arthur, Pat, Laura, Claudia and me. Arthur is working on a dynamite slide show.

Monday, Dec. 16, 2024

In this upcoming historic election race, we will wake a sleeping giant and take back our union ! RSVP for our Zoom meeting: http://retiree.uftmembers.org

This went out on The Wire, but I want to share it with you. Please come meet with us on January 5th to discuss how we, as retirees, will move forward with a democratic union. - Arthur Goldstein

Hey UFT retirees!

We're gearing up for the 2025 UFT citywide election campaign and need your invaluable experience, expertise and passion.

Join us for the first zoom meeting of ’A Better Contract’ slate’s retiree election committee.

We will meet on Sunday, January 5th, at 7 PM to strategize and organize for the upcoming 2025 UFT citywide elections.

RSVP, now: http://retiree.uftmembers.org

RSVP: ABC UFT Election Retiree Committee

Your voice continues to be crucial in preserving and improving our healthcare, pension, and retiree benefits. We need leadership that is committed to ensuring no more givebacks and willing to stand up for all UFT members.

Let's come together to ensure our hard-earned rights are protected and our collective future remains safe and secure.

Don't miss this chance to make a difference in this historic election —see you there!

  • Arthur Goldstein, RTC Vice Chair and former UFT executive board member

  • Pat Dobosz, UFT RTC delegate

  • Laura Genovese, UFT RTC delegate

  • Claudia Giordano, UFT RTC delegate

  • Norm Scott, UFT RTC executive board member

RSVP: ABC UFT Election Retiree Committee

ABC (A Better Contract) is dedicated to building a union where every member feels valued, heard, and empowered. We are union proud and union strong. We are non-partisan and focused solely on bread and butter issues.

With your support we can continue to challenge the status quo, win the upcoming 2025 Union leadership election, and bring about the change we need.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to get more involved, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create a stronger, more equitable future.

Finally, please take a moment to check out our landing page to see how you can get involved: http://uftmembers.org

Stay updated with us at: http://abettercontract.org

To run on the ABC slate for the 2025 election, go to: http://slate.uftmembers.org

Download, share and print a flyer to post at your school/work site: flyer.uftmembers.org

And follow us at: