Monday, August 27, 2018

School Scope: The NY Times Tackles Socialism – Oy! - Norm in The Wave

Published Friday August 24, 2018 -

School Scope: The NY Times Tackles Socialism – Oy!
By Norm Scott

When I read articles or talk to people not attuned to “the left” or “progressivism” I find those who are not on the right are being lumped into the same category of leftist – I even see the NY Times as being branded as “left.” The major media has been mocked as being anti-left by the hard core left since I first came in contact with active leftists in the early 70s. A guy who had become my good friend, after only knowing him for a few months, told me he was a communist and his parents were too – he was what is known as a red diaper baby. I was astounded – I was a classic liberal at the time. Since Stalin, liberals have generally been opposed to communism and socialism because nations who called themselves such had histories of denials of individual rights and suppression of critics. Liberals are savaged by many on the left.

The NY Times has had a recent spate of columns and articles on the Bernie Sanders brand of socialism, known as social democracy. Paul Krugman, far from being a radical leftist, had disparaged Bernie Sanders throughout the 2016 election and beyond. His August 17, 2018 column (Something Not Rotten in Denmark was a reversal of sorts where he examined the state of Denmark, a paragon of social democracy, which had been lumped in on FOX News to Venezuela. Calling that fake news would be a kindness. Krugman gave Denmark a very favorable report. Here’s a small portion:

American politics has been dominated by a crusade against big government; Denmark has embraced an expansive government role, with public spending more than half of G.D.P. American politicians fear talk about redistribution of income from the rich to the less well-off; Denmark engages in such redistribution on a scale unimaginable here. American policy has been increasingly hostile to organized labor, and unions have virtually disappeared from the private sector; two-thirds of Danish workers are unionized.

Apparently the election of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has galvanized attention for social democrats. I guess Bernie was looked as an old lefty grouch, but when a pretty 28-year old says she is a socialist, the media goes nuts. Chris Cuomo was no less aggressive than his brother in questioning her on CNN and her intelligent response on the costs of health care shut him up. See the video:

Social Democrats are viewed by segments of the radical left as being to the right because they support liberal democracy and multi-party systems and elements of capitalism. Last week I touched on some of the differences between Marxists, Leninists and others with the SDs and I’ve been reading historical works going back to the last half of the 19th century and up to the 1917 Russian Revolution on the differences.

Understanding historical context on almost every issue on the table today is crucial to gaining a deeper understanding. When history and context are ignored or swept under the rug, we are dealing with versions of tainted news. We may disagree on interpretation, but let’s at least have all the facts  - as long as we can agree when a fact is in fact a fact, which in today’s world of “truth not being truth” may be a hard case to prove.

Read Norm’s version of The Truth at

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