Showing posts with label Brandon Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brandon Johnson. Show all posts

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Let's Go Brandon - Chicago Election exposes UFT/Unity, CAN YOU IMAGINE IF NYC HAD A TEACHERS' UNION AS POWERFUL AS CHICAGO? + Rally and Petition Updates


A blow to the corporate wing of the Democratic Party

Left leadership in Chicago and LA outflank corp Dem type UFT leadership in NYC as CTU elects one of its own as mayor while UFT suffers 30 years of failed mayoral endorsements.

Happy Easter Sunday,

It's a beautiful day and I have to put on my Easter bonnet and go roll some eggs, so I will make this quick without my usual convoluted meanderings.

The subject of the week for many of us has not been the Trump indictment, or even the Wisconsin Supreme Court election (over-hyped in that the Republican controlled legislature can impeach the judge), but the remarkable mayoral victory of former Chicago teacher and CTU organizer Brandon Johnson, the new mayor of Chicago. That would be like one of the UFT special reps becoming mayor -- OK, LOL yourself to death. Oh, one top level UFT employee did run for office - in the primary against Robert Jackson. one of our major supporters in the state senate. 

Vasquez, with a record of being a staffer for the pro-charter State Senator who Jackson defeated, is not a registered chief lobbyist for the UFT.

I was chatting with James Eterno on Friday while watching Majority Report with Emma Vigeland hosting while Sam Seder is taking his NYC public school kids to Europe. James cut the video and posted it on ICE. (EMMA VIGELAND ASKS: CAN YOU IMAGINE IF NYC HAD A TEACHERS' UNION AS POWERFUL AS CHICAGO?)

(James is giving me tech lessons he learns from his daughter.)

Considering, its sort of funny how Sam Seder never addresses the UFT or local union issues (except for Amazon or Starbucks) while he covers union issues on a broader level. The newbie union movements are always sexier than the old staid unions tied to the corporate wing of the Dem Party, like the UFT. Delving into how undemocratic and corrupt they are can lead people to use that to promote anti-unionism, a card our own beloved union leadership tries to pull on the opposition to shut them up.

But with the Brandon victory (oh, did he mess up those Trumpie Let's Go Brandon chants), Sam's partner Emma V addressed the victory - twice this week. I'm hoping to get MR to do more on the comparison of the left teacher unions in LA and Chicago compared to the center right/anti-strike, anti-Democratic, Republican talking points UFT. Did RTC chapter head Tom Murphy screaming at the people who put up 3 signs in back of Tuesday's RTC meeting and calling for security and threatening to end the meeting remind you of Tennessee Republicans? (RetireeTeacherChapter Meeting - the Horror of Holding up a sign).

On Wednesday, Emma pointed to how the deck was stacked against Johnson - Police vs Teachers? Come on! The Chamber of Commerce, the Arne Duncan (who succeeded Vallas as Chi school head) and was Obama ed chief  public school destroyer) crowd, including anti-leftist Obama working strings from behind the curtain? Yet Johnson got 80% of the black vote and built coalitions with many other groups, including the Working Families Party. Remember how the UFT did Cuomo's bidding and abandoned the WFP here in NYC years ago.


 Here are the program notes:

Jarod Facundo and Luke Goldstein, writing fellows at The American Prospect, join Emma Vigeland to discuss Brandon Johnson's unapologetically left-wing campaign for Chicago mayor, his rejection of the Chicago political establishment, and what his victory represents for progressivism across the nation. They explain how Johnson even found himself in this runoff against establishment candidate Paul Vallas, after entering the race barely above 2%, and the role of local organizations like the Chicago Teachers Union and United Working Families in his success. Also, the positive impact of Johnson's riskier policy strategies, presenting a wide breadth of solutions to the voters’ public safety worries rather than taking a “tough on crime” tact. Full interview with Jarod Facundo and Luke Goldstein:

A definite must listen on how Johnson built a coalition and outpolled the incumbent and even Chewy Garcia who is well-known.

On Friday, there was a shorter segment with Alex Pareene, who is often a guest on MR. We loved

Here is the section James posted on Friday


Please play this segment from The Majority Report to every UFTer you know. 

The Chicago mayoral election between Brandon Johnson and Paul in some ways came down to teachers union vs police union. Guess who won? Johnson, who was backed by the teachers!

There is more to it than teachers vs cops but  it was a close election and Johnson does not win for sure without the CTU. 

The analysis from Emma Vigeland and her guest Alex Pareene on Friday's Majority Report should be played over and over to NYC teachers who feel powerless. We can be just as powerful as the CTU. We just have to remember we are a union and stand up for ourselves collectively.

Emma said it perfectly: "Can you imagine if New York City had a teachers' union as powerful as Chicago? Wouldn't that be awesome?"



I've been asked to write an article comparing the teacher unions in the biggest three cities in the nation and that will take a deep dive into history.

In the meantime I have to prep for tomorrow's RA organizer meeting with a rep from a State Senator who supports the NY Health Act, which the UFT opposes -- why back a public health plan when you can funnel money private corporations? 

And then on Tuesday, is the big rally at noon.



LEVER TIME PREMIUM: Analyzing Brandon Johnson’s Surprise Victory In ChicagoThe Lever team explores the big progressive win.

Apr 9, 2023 Rebecca Burns
Brandon Johnson’s mayoral victory in Chicago proves that sometimes, passion and organizing can beat heaps of plutocrat cash.

Check out Pete Zucker:

Why The UFT is Weak by Guest Blogger Mr Mackey


Petition info - my mailbox overflows - hitting 5K:

Rally info:


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