Showing posts with label Citizens of the World charter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citizens of the World charter. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Parents Opposed to Citizens of the World Charter: Hundreds, Parents in Favor: 4

The NY State Dept. would allow the Hitler Youth Charter to breeze through and not only would they authorize the Ku Klux Klan Charter School for Racial Harmony but they would wash the sheets.  -- Norm at charter hearing

I actually made it to the Hearing on the proposed co-location of Citizens of the World Charter School in JHS 126 tonight and it was great seeing so many old pals from District 14 where I spent my entire career. Citizens of the World charter is the brainless child of Eric Grannis, Eva Moskowitz husband in their attempt to take over the lucrative vigorish in the gentrified areas of Brooklyn. I've been to so many of these hearings -- this one by the useless -- actually, harmful, State Ed Department charter authorizing agent which lost its beard with the departure of Pedro Noguera could no longer defend their actions in authorizing anything. As I pointed out in my speech -- I was the final speaker -- they would allow the Hitler Youth Charter to breeze through and not only would they authorize the Ku Klux Klan Charter School for Racial Harmony but they would wash the sheets.

Video of some very good speeches is being processed, though the sound system will drown out a lot of it. I just loved the complaints of Believe Charter which co-locates IS 126 after invading 3 years ago with such arrogance but now is feeling the heat from the Moskowitz clan. They may feel they have time but they will get eaten by the bigger charter chains too. If they don't get closed by the DOE first. As I pointed out, what is being sold as choice eventually turns into no choice. But in this case we may be seeing that the Eva hold over WalBloom may influence what schools get closed. With Williamsburg being inundated with charters, close down Believe (which not only should be closed but never should have opened with its crooked leader stealing everyone blind.) You know, it is funny hearing so many people for so many years opposing co-locations but pleading that they are not against charters. Tonight councilman Steven Levin actually called for a moratorium on charters. But wait for the video tape if it comes out.

There were the usual charter chain suspects who all look like clones, with the obligatory pushy parent leading the way -- a white woman clearly who exhibits all the symptoms of being on the payroll or expect to get her kids into what she thinks is a private like school and not have to pay tuition. And then a couple of ladies who seemed earnest but programmed.

One point: the area around IS 126 always has been mostly white -- it is Greenpoint, but that demographic has shifted from conservative Polish/Italian to liberal gentrified and many of these white people, fierce supporters of local public schools and very anti-charter,  have led the fight against Moskowitz and Grannis.

Here are some more pictures with video to follow in a day or two.

Diane Reyna

The face of the crooks from SUNY

CEC14 Stirling leader Tesa Wilson

The face of Citizens of the World future parent - sends kids to private school now -- why not feed off public charter trough?

2 faces of Citizens of World -- Was Eric afraid to show?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fight the Moskowitz/Grannis Machine at Public Hearing, Dec. 5, 6PM

Harlem and Williamsburg/Greenpoint have become two of the most lucrative real estate pieces in what they consider "THEIR PORTFOLIO"...
Under the guise of improving schools they have pushed through ridiculous and unproductive co-locations and flooded our community with unwanted and unneeded charter schools. --anon.
I really want to go to this but was already committed to attending a meeting of Change the Stakes with Bill Ayres (see announcement tomorrow). I covered MS 126 as a district 14 tech specialist in the last 4 years I worked.  I have not yet received permission to publish the name of the author so I am keeping it anonymous.

Subject: Community Hearing : December 5th 2012 at MS 126 6:00 PM

It is no secret that the powers that be are out to take over every piece of real estate they can in District #14.

Under the guise of improving schools they have pushed through ridiculous and unproductive co-locations and flooded our community with unwanted and unneeded charter schools.  Make no mistake, this not an accident. It
is a major part of their agenda.  When the charter school cap was raised last year they fought and - everyone caved into them - to maintain the right to expand charter school without a saturation clause.

The reason is at the heart of the struggle: The communities they are flooding with charter schools: 

Harlem and Williamsburg/Greenpoint have become two of the most lucrative real estate pieces in what they consider "THEIR PORTFOLIO".     Just look at the name of the office that handles school closings, co-locations etc. The Office of Portfolio.

Regardless of anybody's opinion or the stated position of any politician or union, Mayoral Control, via the Panel For Educational Policy, amounts to absolute Mayoral authority.

The Panel does as they are told and has never gone against the Mayor since he fired two members for going against his first proposal.  Thus, we can expect that anything proposed, (my guess is that the Mayor and Chancellor draft the proposals for submission) will in fact be passed by the majority, as they are appointed by the Mayor.  We may not like it but that is the reality of the system that has been created and approved by the State Assembly/Senate.

That said, the reason folks like myself were so vocal about the need for the saturation clause is because we are the ones who are now  forced to live with the results of the failure to obtain such a provision.

DISTRICT # 14 IS NOW SATURATED WITH CHARTER SCHOOLS as a result of the failure of everyone to demand such a clause.   So now we are faced with yet another charter school proposal, as well as the threatened closing of one of our neighborhood High Schools.  

To add insult to injury in a case of that does not pass the smell test, Eva Moskowitz' husband Eric Grannis is now trying to open a Citizens of The World Charter School here in District #14,which he hopes to locate at MS 126.  The expansion of such a charter will only serve to drain much needed resources from our District's public schools.   I understand and respect (though I totally disagree with)  the law that allowed the charter school cap to be lifted, however, this latest school would create a situation where almost 1/3 of District #14 students would be in charter schools.  That is not equitable.  It is totally unfair and I believe it is purely political.

If Charters need to expand let it be to other Districts where parents are actually asking for them.  Our CEC is on record as being against any more charters opening in this community.

There will be a mandatory Public Hearing about this proposal.  I doubt that we will be able to change the outcome but  I encourage all of you and the families of public school students to attend.  These schools belong to the communities they serve not any one person's "portfolio".   We went into this to serve the people not run a real estate trust.

Please come out and show your support of Community Public Schools and voice your opinion about the latest proposed charter school.  Today it is MS 126 being proposed for co-location and Juan Morel Campos HS being slated for closure, tomorrow it could be your school or mine.

The Hearing for The Proposed Co-location of Citizens of The World Charter School  at MS 126 will be held on :

Wednesday December 5th at 6 PM
in the Auditorium of
MS 126
424 Leonard Street
Brooklyn, NY

I look forward to seeing you and hearing our parents teachers and school leaders speaking truth to absolute power.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

WAGPOPS Brilliant Expose of Citizens of the World Charter Ponzi Scheme

Falsely inflated demand for charters exposed: The evidence that these two proposals put forth representing the demand for more elementary charter schools is preposterous.  
The proposals point to the New York Charter School Center’s data of 4,000 children on waiting lists at various charter schools in District 14, using self-reported data gathered by survey from charter school operators. Additionally, the data is pooled -- without delineating the waiting list by each charter school, the grade level of the applicants, or where the applicants live, these numbers are meaningless.....
We believe that there is a place in public education for charter schools, but Citizens of the World is bastardizing the original intent of charter schools. We have a district wide model for school choice in place. 
We are deeply concerned that our children will be fodder to what appears to be a ponzi scheme on the part of their developing CMO to use our New York City funds to pay backtheir debts in Los Angeles, opening more schools with more start up grants based on inflated projections, and enrolling more and more children in order to stay afloat with a financially unsustainable model.
We recognize that parents with children who are not yet school-age are unfamiliar with NYC DOE schools and are easily seduced by a campaign that maligns public schools generally. These parents have been led to believe that the glossy brochures, Power-Point presentations, and expensive marketing are offering something different, new, and special. Not only are the “dream schools” these parents have been sold already open (and under-enrolled) in our district, but our local elementary schools offer even more of what parents have expressed as desirable than these proposed charter schools.CWSNY1 and CWSNY2 are poor copies of our existing neighborhood schools.The CWSNY1 and CWSNY2 proposals are an insult, not just to our neighborhood public schools, but to the NYC DOE that developed mandates which these twoproposals pretend to be unique and proprietary to their individual schools. CWSNY1and CWSNY2 have nothing to do with providing “high-quality public school options for families,” and everything to do with politics.

Williamsburg and Greenpoint Parents for Our Public Schools (WAGPOPS) is a group based in District 14 that is doing great work.  Eva Moskowitz' husband, Eric Grannis, wants in on the action. WAGPOPS is trying to stop him and wrote a 45 page document to SUNY, the authorizing agent. Really, though long, this is a must-read document. The kind of work the UFT should be doing -- if the leadership weren't on the wrong side of the fence (see the article in the NY Teacher about how wonderful co-locations can be.)

Here is the link and I'm embedding it below for the lazy ones.WAGPOPS Letter to Suny Opposing Citizens of the World Charter Schools


The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How Charter Schools Are Only "Public" In That They Feed at the Public Trough

Here is a fact sheet being distributed in Williamsburg/Greenpoint on Eric Grannis' charter that will "compete" with his wife Eva Moskowitz' charters. Email me for the pdf if you want to share.

Citizens of the World Charter Schools
are trying to open TWO privately managed charter schools into our district. They intend to move into our public schools, draw white middle class kids away from our schools and into theirs (with enrollment targets of 55% white families), and take away our valuable art rooms, science labs, music rooms, computer labs, and mixed space for special needs kids. When you scratch beneath the surface of the glossy marketing, are these proposals offering anything new or different?
What do Public Schools offer vs. the proposed Charter Schools?
The Neighborhood Public Schools
Citizens of the World Charter Schools
Project-based Learning
Constructivist Learning models with Differentiated Instruction
Ongoing robust assessment of children’s learning for ongoing academic interventions
Balanced Literacy including leveled library, Workshop Model and Writing Curriculum out of Teachers College
Authentic literature in the classroom
Service learning and integration of meaningful community service with classroom curriculum
Community building within the school community including character education, respect for diversity, and addressing the “whole child” with attention to the social and emotional development of children.
Arts threaded through the Curriculum
Parents involvement in shaping school budget
Parents involvement in the evaluation and assessment of educational programs
Teachers with more than 3 years Experience
Teachers with Masters Degrees +30 hours
Principals with more than 10 years of leadership/classroom experience
Regular job-embedded professional development for teachers including Backwards Planning, technology in the classroom, and re-directing reluctant learners.
Casual policy to hold back children in grades K-3 (grade retention)
A commitment to educate EVERY child in the community
email williamsburggreenpointschools@gmail facebook

CEC 14 Hearing against Citizens of the World Charter School --Videos and More

We published a report on this hearing last week: Report from the Hearing on Citizens of the World C... and here is the video from Pat Dobosz (GEM/ICE/MORE).
Introductions of CEC 14 members. Carrie Marlin of the Division of Portfolio Planning introduces PS 19 network leader, Margarita Nell.
Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez
Carrie Marlin responds to Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez
Senior Supervising Superintendent, Donald Conyers
CEC member, Elaine Manatu: No one can give us answers...
Divisionof Portfolio Planning, Carrie Marlin and her data.
Carrie Marlin and leader selection, Charter pipeline possibilities for Brooklyn.
CEC 14 member Elaine Manatu: It doesn't seem like feedback. It feels like an announcement.
Mr. Donald Conyers speaks about the late Superintendent, Fortunato Rubino and insults parents. he has been in the system for 29 years and only taught for five of those years!
DOE Rep, Jessica speaks about what charters are and introduces Citizens of the World.
Kate Sobel, Board member of Citizens of the World Charter School is given a not-so welcome Williamsburg reception.
Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez: We do not need more elementary schools. Who are you fooling DOE?
Assemblyman Joe Lentol: We have public education going on here that is great public education.
State Committeeman, Lincoln Restler: ...the DOE has one priority...imposing charter schools in each and every school.
Mr. Juan Martinez: We consider ourselves part of a special family here in District 14. Let's not make this a done deal.
Maria Bautista representing Councilwoman Diana Reyna: We do not want any more charter schools in this district.
Jason Otono, Special Assistant for Legal Affairs to Brooklyn Borough President, Marty Markowitz: The office of the Borough President is opposed to any Citizens of the World Charter Schools in District 14.
Representative of Councilman Steven Levin: CM Levein is staunchly against this proposal...
Brooke Parker parent speaking on behalf of all the parents/ schools represented in tour district: Accepting these two Citizens of the World Charter School proposals will segregate our schools.
Brook Parker continues with the consent of the audience...
20120419071907 CEC 14 Hearing]
PS 132 parent, Sarah Porter, asked Mr. Conyers to attend the PTA meetings at every single school and learn about what is going on.
[20120419072218 CEC 14 Hearing]
PS 132 Parent, Sarah Porter on the PS 19 phase out and leadership

Thank you EVERYONE for coming to the Hearing on Thursday!  It was a terrific turnout, particularly considering how many other important forums and Hearings were happening that same night.  And a heartfelt thanks to our elected representatives for really representing!  
It is time for each of us to write individual emails (and get others to write!)  to the SUNY Charter School Institute regarding the Citizens of the World proposals.   Please pass this along to your respective groups and ask them to send some emails as well. 

Enclosed the 22 page comments on the proposal for you to draw from for inspiration.
[Email for a copy].

We need to write as MANY emails as we can from as many people as we can saying as many different things as we can.

I encourage our spanish speaking members to write their emails in Spanish.  Or, write in any other language if you like.
You are welcome to pull directly from the comments.  
PLEASE blind copy so that we can keep a copy of your letter.

Here's an example of an email.  Cut and paste as needed, but make it your own by adding information from the comments:

Dear Suny Charter Schools Institute:

I am opposed to the two Citizens of the World Charter Schools proposals designed for District 14.

Regardless of whether these two proposed schools intend to co-locate in our public schools, our district simply does not need any more elementary schools.  Adding more choice for the sake of choice will undermine the quality of the public schools that we currently enjoy.

Our district is not suffering from a lack of options for elementary schools.  We have eight elementary magnet schools, our unzoned schools have room for out of zone kids, and, by the Fall of 2013, we will have eight elementary charter schools.  The UCLA Civil Rights Project has a recent report underlining  magnet schools as a successful model distinct from charter schools.  We believe that these proposed schools will jeopardize any hope we have of achieving diversity in our four new magnets for elementary schools and will undermine the promise that the NYC DoE made to the federal government to address socio-economic and racial isolation in those schools and our district.

The proposals for Citizens of the World reflects the minimum amount of work that they did to understand our district.  They did not mention our magnet schools at all. No one involved in their proposal had even the vaguest understanding of the choices already available in our district.  These two proposed schools do not offer anything unique in the way of curriculum, programming, or pedagogy.  CWSNY1 and CWSNY2 are copies of the schools that we have.

I am also concerned that.....

