Showing posts with label defend public education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label defend public education. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Principals, Parents and Teachers Stand up on Ed Eval While UFT Tries to Make a Deal

How sad that so many principals in NY State are standing up on the teacher evaluation mess while the UFT tries to make a deal. Here are a few quick hits.

Principals with principles

Audit Culture, Teacher Evaluation and the Pillaging of Public Education

In this program we speak with Sean Feeney, principal from Long Island New York, about the stance he and other principals have taken against the imposition of value added measures in the new Annual Professional Performance Review in New York State. We also speak with Celia Oyler, professor of education at Teachers College Columbia University, and Karen Lewis, president of the Chicago Teachers Union, about the impact of value added measures on teacher education and the corporate powers behind these measures.

Also: Rye Principal Retires to Fight Ed Deform
NYC Teacher

The Doenuts Blog: The Paradox of the Turnaround Model

Thought experiment.
Let's say you're taking a bubble test and you have only an unsharpened pencil. Clearly you have a problem. Right?
So do you:
A)Sharpen the pencil or
B) Replace it with another unsharpened pencil?

I hope that analogy makes sense in a few moments: The Paradox of the Turnaround Model



 On Wed. night at the CEC 2 meeting, I will be presenting our analysis showing how NYC’s progress in student achievement since 2003 is the second smallest among 10 cities, as measured on the national assessments called the NAEPs.  NYC is also the only city tested in which non-poor students have lower average scores now than in 2003, when the mayor’s policies were first implemented.  Please join us!


Gabe Pressman, veteran NBC reporter, has an analysis which cites our research, and shows the way in which the mayor’s program of high-stakes testing and class size increases has led to a decade of failure: City Hall Fails the School Test

There has been a lot of heat on teacher evaluation systems in recent weeks, from the Mayor, the Governor and the mainstream media, but little light.   Please check out my post, pointing out the responsibility of influential columnists in particular to dig a little deeper at

Please also check out the eloquent account of a teacher who recently quit the profession because of the DC evaluation system, similar to what the Mayor is proposing here.

More soon,

Leonie Haimson

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on the right for important bits.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Update: 100,000 March to Defend Public Education in Chile: SOS on Steroids

Aug. 9, 2011    100,000 took to the streets today to protest the Government Palace (La Moneda) in
Santiago, Chile to demand free quality public education.
Angel Gonzalez

Angel Gonzalez reports:

Support the struggle for public schooling in Chile:

Sun. Aug. 7 more than 60,000 students, parents, community and teachers marched to demand quality free public education, an end to profiteering, regulation of the privatized system and democracy for all institutions.

 Aug. 9   TODAY......A national work stoppage, mobilizations, march and  a 10 PM Pot & Pans Banging for public education. (something to consider here)

Aug. 12  Coordinated day of action across Latin America for public education.

We need to be in solidarity with the struggles for public education from across the Americas.   
Learn the lessons from the successes and failures from all our movements.  What strategies and tactics work and can be applied here in the USA.  
The neoliberal agenda with public school privatization using charter schools was first piloted (1972) in the nation of Chile after a violent and successful CIA backed coup that toppled the socialist Allende government and installed the fascist Pinochet regime.  
The AFT and the AFL-CIO partnered with the CIA in promoting Milton Friedman's neoliberal politics 
& Dictator Pinochet's barbaric torture & shock doctrine perpetrated against the Chilean working class.  
The AFT was a partner in Chile's charter privatization in the 1970's.  

See Chilean links below in Spanish.
Angel Gonzalez

Domingo 7 de agosto 2011 17:38 hrs.     

Familias repletan Parque Almagro en acto por la educación

Javier Candia y Cristián Pacheco
La marcha por la educación pública gratuita de calidad convocada por la Coordinadora Metropolitana de Estudiantes Secundarios, la Agrupación de Padres y Apoderados y el Colegio de Profesores se desarrolló en un ambiente de alegría y fiesta en un acto cultural en el Parque Almagro. Cabe destacar que durante el acto central no se registraron incidentes, y la manifestación se caracterizó por la tranquilidad en que participaron, según los organizadores, al menos 60 mil personas.
Lunes 8 de agosto 2011 19:32 hrs.

Movimiento por la educación confirma paro y marcha desde Usach para este martes

Javier Candia
Los distintos actores que conforman la mesa social por la educación reiteraron su llamado a la ciudadanía a participar de las diversas protestas programadas para este martes para exigir al Gobierno que entregue una respuesta concreta ante las demandas estudiantiles. Marchas, cacerolazos y movilizaciones coordinadas a nivel latinoamericano, son algunas de las actividades que se están programando para esta nueva jornada de protesta social.
