Friday, February 16, 2018

PS 42: “We Will Prevail! -The WAVE Front Page

Great story by WAVE Assistant Editor, Ralph Mancini. I'll be posting video footage as I process it.

A few previous Ed Notes posts on PS 42:
PS 42 Hearing - UFT Puts Skin in the Game
School Scope: PS/MS 42 Closing Drama –

“We Will Prevail!” 

School community refuses to give in on PS/MS 42 closure

[Chapter Leader] John Krattinger led the charge against DOE forces that are looking to shut down PS/MS 42 at Tuesday night’s public hearing. Photo By Ralph Mancini

A green-shirted cavalcade of teachers, students, and other community members lobbied Department of Education officials to keep PS/MS 42 open during a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 13.

United Federation of Teachers (UFT) chapter leader John Krattinger rallied the troops by charging the DOE of blatantly silencing people’s voices by failing to immediately notify elected officials of their decision to shutter the Arverne-based facility, also known as The Robert Vernam School.
“If elected officials weren’t notified, what makes you think they’re telling us the truth?” asked Krattinger in rhetorical fashion while also mentioning that NYC Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña issued positive reviews of PS/MS 42 less than 12 months ago.

“The truth has reared its ugly head—gentrification has come to zip code 11692,” he exclaimed. “They want to take it away from our kids and give it to other kids,” Krattinger added, referring to what many have called the DOE’s agenda to see PS/MS 42 closed to clear the lane for two new incoming charter schools that will reportedly be zoned for new homeowners and apartment dwellers in the more affluent Arverne By The Sea community.
Those living in the poorer surrounding communities would be left out in the cold, according to Krattinger and several other teachers.
The school activist continued his rant by calling attention to the statistics that single out the Beach 66th Street location as the sole Renewal school among 20 others with a rating of “good.”
To that end, Krattinger and other faculty members mentioned that the numbers indicate that PS/MS 42 has shown 122 percent growth in English Language Arts (ELA) over the past school year and a 166 percent surge in math over the same stretch.
Undaunted by the DOE’s claims that the school’s level-one percentages among its student population in both ELA (50 percent) and math (60 percent) far exceeds borough-wide totals, Krattinger promised those in attendance that he and his fellow teachers “have moved mountains and will continue to do so.”
“Mark my words,” he declared, “we will prevail.”
Parents also weighed in, including Rhonda Williams, Lechelle Gulley and Millisa Lenihan, who felt as though their sons and daughters were being treated like second-class citizens.
Attendees at the PS/MS 42 meeting vociferously opposed the DOE’s decision to close their school by shouting, “Save 42” in unison. Photo By Ralph Mancini

Williams peppered the DOE panel with questions regarding the type of staff that will be slated to replace the current faculty staff.
She wondered why her school was on the list of sites that are slated to be replaced when data proves that PS/MS 42 is ahead of six other K-8 Renewal schools from an overall performance and progress perspective.
“How about giving us some help? How about giving us the proper education other schools are given? It’s ridiculous. Our children can learn. They’re not failures,” she insisted.
Fifth-graders Hasson Smith and Demetrius Weekes both professed their love for their environment and their teachers, as well as seventh-grader
Leilani Dyer, who felt her school wasn’t offered ample time to show real improvement.
Fellow seventh-grader Nigel Adu, however, elicited a hearty round of applause for relating how his teachers have guided him to persevere and overcome an assortment of obstacles he once had as a special education student.
“If this school wasn’t here, I don’t think I would be where I am right now,” he concluded at the end of his allotted time at the podium.
Community activist Queen Makkada lobbed a series of verbal attacks against Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña by calling her a “bully” and “law breaker” along with apprising the crowd that the DOE leader didn’t follow civil rights law in endorsing multiple school closures in Rockaway.
Toward the end of the meeting, Danielle McGuire, a PS/MS 42 teacher, expounded on the topic of time that was previously introduced by Dyer. She noted the site’s governing agency had promised to afford the school three years to grow and develop, but has now reversed course.
Less than 24 hours after Tuesday night’s hearing, The Wave learned that Fariña would be visiting PS/MS 42 Thursday afternoon to unveil her plans for a new facility slated to supplant the current school.
When Krattinger was contacted by The Wave to comment on the chancellor’s appearance, he reported that neither teachers nor parents would attend the presentation.
He further remarked that the DOE’s last-minute decision to schedule a meeting at 4 p.m. was another “dirty deal” on their part to keep faculty staff away as the school heads into its mid-winter break that same day.
An official verdict on the fate of PS/MS 42 and other Renewal schools takes place on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at Mary Bergtram High School, located at 411 Pearl St. in Manhattan. The event will kick off at 6 p.m.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

PS 42 Hearing - UFT Puts Skin in the Game
Leroy Barr at PS 42 hearing
What a remarkable hearing last night at PS 42. I have some amazing video. Deputy chancellor Elizabeth Rose was on the dais -- pretty remarkable - and Farina is supposed to come to the school this Thursday at 4PM to explain to parents about the new schools being opened. All apparently due to the firestorm the school community has created, which has led to an enormous presence of the UFT, especially from the Queens borough office, now led by Amy Arundel -- and I give her credit for the response. Almost the entire office staff were at the hearing last night.

What a pleasure to interact with some of these parents, some of whom I've gotten to know since I began covering the story.

Leroy Barr, who has been attacked - unfairly some believe (Mike Schirtzer on BLM Reso: A Plea for More Unity in Our Union)
- for his position on Black Lives Matter week, stood up strong for the black lives being ignored by the DOE at PS 42, which is 72% black. I'll note that many of Barr's critics have not turned up at one closing school hearing, where black lives matter is under attack by the DOE, as of this point. See -Virtue Signalling.
When Rose began to speak, the entire teaching staff put tape over their mouths and turned their backs to her.

Parent comments were spectacular comments. The UFT chapter leader said the new schools were not for our children.

Rose at the end for the first time seemed to guarantee every child in the school a seat but it was fuzzy if that was only for kids who are in the zone. Some parents from other zoned schools raised that point.

When someone shouted out about the teachers, Rose ignored them -- kids can stay but teachers not --- it is so clear what this closing is about -- parents brought up questions about new teachers coming into the neighborhood who don't know the children.

The NAACP made comments about going to court for civil rights violations. Rose squirmed a bit at that.

More videos to come over the weekend and I will post them as I process them, but off for a few days of Valentine Day celebration.

Virtue Signalling

The NY Times refereed to this term in the Feb. 12  F section where they listed the Alt-right vocabulary. The alt-right uses the term virtue-signal to mock liberals who conspicuously express left-wing values, primarily for the purposes of impressing other liberals.

Wikipedia defines V-S this way.
Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values done primarily with the intent of enhancing standing within a social group.[1] The term was first used in signalling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue—especially piety among the religious. [2] In recent years, the term has become more commonly used as a pejorative characterization by commentators to criticize what they regard as empty, or superficial support of certain political views, and also used within groups to criticize their own members for valuing outward appearance over substantive action.

Oh boy, as an obseerver of the left, this strikes a chord. But then again I've been guilty of v-s myself.

Another alt-right term is snowflake -- a weak or overly sensitive liberal. This is especially prevalent in younger generations, who blanch at any hint of conflict or contentious debate. All  must be springtime and roses. Only optimism, never pessimism. Everything's comin' up roses. Some of the excuses or rationals when things go wrong are laugh out loud funny. But I have not been immune to snowflake behavior of my own.

I've heard baby boomer women in certain circles I will not name who roll their eyes at what they see are some of the excesses of the me-too movement.

I ain't touching that one.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2018
More information contact:
Eileen Graham
Lisa Rudley
NYS Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE)
Link to Press Release

NYSAPE Calls on Education and Policy Leaders to Break Their Silence; Stand Up for Educational and Racial Justice in Our Public Schools

NYSAPE calls on the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), NYC Department of Education, NYSED, the professional associations representing school administrators, members of the NYS Legislature, and Governor Cuomo to stand with teachers, students, and parents in denouncing all acts of racism, including the recent racist events at NYC schools MS 118 and MS 224, and to call for an immediate commitment to training for ALL current teachers, pre-service teachers, and school administrators in anti-bias, anti-racist, and culturally responsive teaching.

Jamaal Bowman, principal of CASA Middle School said, “I am horrified and outraged by the recent racist acts committed by a teacher at MS 118 and principal at MS 224. I look forward to hearing comments from the UFT, CSA, and NYC DOE, as their silence at the moment is deafening and heartbreaking. As an educator for over 17 years, a principal for 9 years, and a black man my entire life, these recent incidents provide evidence that America’s history of overt racism and oppression continues to manifest itself as covert hatred and implicit bias in our schools.”
Jia Lee, NYC public school teacher and member of Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) added, “Teachers across the city participated in a nationally coordinated Black Lives Matter Week of Action from February 5-11. One of our central demands is to institute Black history and ethnic studies in our curriculum. Teachers, such as Mercedes Liriano, need to have the autonomy to teach culturally relevant curriculum for our students. If my union’s (the UFT) leadership would have supported this demand, teachers would be much further along in making racially conscious and just pedagogy accessible to our students.”

“While our so-called leaders play politics, every day children suffer devastating emotional injury in our classrooms and schools. Sometimes they literally die. It is time for parents, educators, students, and allies to hold our leaders accountable and demand that they denounce and destroy the infrastructure of racism within our schools,” said Marla Kilfoyle, Executive Director of The Badass Teachers Association.

Bianca Tanis, Ulster County public school parent, educator and founding member of NYSAPE said, “Too many students of color are dealing with an oppressive public education system in which they are subjected to under-resourced and segregated schools, over-crowded classrooms, disproportionate suspension rates, and curriculum and instruction that centers whiteness and upholds racist narratives. This is an educational crisis and those who remain silent are complicit.”

“As the parent of a biracial daughter, I know that when the majority of students are black and brown, but the teaching and principal force fail to reflect this demographic, these are hardly isolated situations. Teachers who, in the best interests of their students, go the extra mile to bring in more than standard scripted lessons should be supported, not stifled or shut down. Moreover, we should be looking beyond these separate incidents to the larger issues of systemic racism in our schools: students and schools of color are disproportionately crushed by “test and punish,” “drill and kill” practices that strip them of a rich curriculum, set them up for failure, and pave the way for charter schools to take over their schools,” said Janine Sopp, NYC Opt Out founding member and public school parent.

Eileen Graham, Rochester public school parent and founder of Black Student Leadership said, “What happened in the Bronx happens consistently throughout the state, including Rochester, and it is shameful. We must use our voice, influence and power to deal directly with individuals who attempt to carry on the legacy of bigotry, hatred, and disrespect, and we must continue to be intentional in our fight for black and brown children who have been historically disenfranchised. As a parent, I know that it is important to educate and empower our children through culturally enriching and diverse curriculum. The people demand that our leaders support the needs of our children.”

“As a mother who has long been involved in both education policy and community politics, I am becoming increasingly alarmed at the lack of responsible and diverse cultural and ethnic pedagogy in our public schools. It is especially disheartening in a climate where our most vulnerable children are constantly being bombarded with examples of normalized racism and an education system that is riddled with policies perpetuating the school-to-prison pipeline. There is absolutely no excuse for anything other than to stand up for our children, especially students in targeted populations. It's time to reclaim our children's time and revamp our education policies and practices!” said Johanna Garcia, NYC public school parent and President of Community Education Council of District 6, Manhattan.

“Unlike our counterparts in suburbia, who can apply pressure to, or directly vote out, school board members who ignore their wishes, we parents in New York City are grievously disenfranchised by the system of mayoral control. The anti-democratic suppression of our voices as we advocate for the rights and needs of our children has gone on for far too long, with low-income communities of color left most powerless of all. If we want things to change, we need to return control of our classrooms to those with a stake in the system,” said Kemala Karmen, NYC public school parent and founding member of NYC Opt Out.

Jeanette Deutermann, parent and founder of Long Island Opt Out concludes, “Across the State, supporters of equitable and just public education applaud and stand in solidarity with the courageous teachers, students, and parents who have raised their voices to demand educational and racial justice. We expect our education leaders to do the same.”

NYSAPE is a grassroots coalition with over 50 parent and educator groups across the state.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Another Dist 4 Supt Estrella Disaster Project: Help Us Save Our School! (Vito Marcantonio P.S. 50)

What irony -- A school named after Vito Marcantonio being closed. Read more in the most radical politician in the 20th century,

Rebel in the House: The Life and Times of Vito Marcantonio | John J ...

I'll be there tonight to tape the hearing and support them. I have some interesting info to share about what was done to the school. The MORE-CASCADE group is trying to get to as many hearings as possible. CASCADE stands for: Coalition Against School Closings, Colocations, and Displacement Everywhere - WOW, if I could remember that I wouldn't feel like someone about to hit 73 years old. Or is it 74? 64?
We need your support at the joint public hearing being held to determine the future of P.S. 50. Please join us to help protest the proposed closing of our school. A school that has been around for over 3 generations for some families.

This school has served students, families, and the community alike. Having over 21 partnerships including The Children's Aid Society (after-school, summer camp, and holiday programs), a school-based health clinic (eye exams and dentist on site), Parent Job Net (helping parents, guardians, and family of students, to obtain G.E.D's, jobs, free workshops and classes, etc).

Basing a school on test scores alone is unfair. You don't give up on a school when it is "failing", you show support and do what it takes, as a Superintendent, a Chancellor, a Mayor, to ensure that time, money, and resources are given to the school in the RIGHT way, so that these kids strive and have an equal opportunity, without losing their second home.

I hope that as a community we can come together and prove that we will not go down without a fight. These kids, our kids, deserve our support.

Paul Singer (The Vulture), Eva Moskowitz Success Academy Slimebag Supporter - Paid for Original Steele File

Greg Pallast: Before Hillary paid for a copy, the file was already written for a news front sponsored by Republican billionaire Paul Singer.  Singer: Better known as “The Vulture.” Singer The Vulture, the court should have been told, has a long history of creating what FBI Director James Comey himself called “salacious and unverifiable” files on his enemies. I know.  Because The Vulture created a file on me. And on elected officials worldwide who got in the way of his next billion.  Poisonous garbage – but really effective, deadly garbage.
In 2011, I flew to the Congo and discovered that The Vulture had seized the funds meant to end a cholera epidemic.  I reported on Singer’s deadly capers at the top of the BBC news, on the front page of the Guardian and on Democracy Now!  ---- Read more at: 
Pallast's story -- I included it below the break -- actually sort of sides with Devon Nunes, though he calls him a liar  --- it's like the world has been turned upside down --- did I and other left-leaning people ever think the FBI WOULDN'T fabricate stuff?

I and other have mentioned billionaire hedgehog's support for Eva's Folly and Paul Singer in particular. (Google his name and Success Academy). Here is a link to one of my posts back in 2013:

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Mike Schirtzer on BLM Reso: A Plea for More Unity in Our Union

I also call on both groups to work together to achieve a common goal: Because Black Lives Do Matter to all of us. Now is not the time for blame or is it the time to scream how things *should* be. Now is the time to roll up our sleeves and get stuff done.... Mike Schirtzer
I asked Mike if this was his official application to join Unity Caucus. I don't agree with some of it but do agree that the black members of Unity are not racist - duh! or mere sellouts. More of my commentary after Mike's piece.
A Plea for More Unity in Our Union

By Mike Schirtzer

UFT Delegate Goldstein HS-Brooklyn

UFT Executive Board member

“We want a union that believes Black Lives Matter”. That is the statement that was published by the MORE caucus of UFT, which I am a member, to be circulated online.

It is also a false statement, one that is unnecessarily inflammatory and unfair.

School Scope: PS/MS 42 Closing Drama – NAACP Jumps into the Fray

I wrote both of these pieces for the Feb. 9 edition of The Wave. I went on the bus with the PS 42 people going to the NAACP press conference Thursday afternoon. They had a spirited group rally in front. A UFT official from the Queens office showed up and somehow we got invited to go in as there as a monthly meeting of the boro pres education advisory council taking place at 6. So the press conf never did take place and will instead take place this Tuesday (Feb. 13) at 5PM at the school before the 6 PM hearing.

As part of the CASCADE group to fight closing schools, we have been attending hearings and offering support. The UFT has shown some activity - Leroy Barr came to PS 42 on Thursday and is supposedly coming to speak on Tuesday - and probably Amy Arundel and others from the Queens office will be there. I can raise issues about what the UFT is not doing but will leave that alone pending the outcome --- there is hope they can play a role in saving the school. If they do I will praise them to the sky.

School Scope:  PS/MS 42 Closing Drama – NAACP Jumps into the Fray
By Norm Scott

Last week I pointed to the political, not educational, irrationality of closing schools that are viewed to be performing poorly. In this follow up I hope to demonstrate there are other factors than mere educational performance behind the decision to close PS/MS 42. I’m writing this on Feb. 6 so I can’t report on the outcome of the NAACP press conference at Queens Borough Hall on Feb. 8 at 5PM. A bus is leaving from the school at 3:15. Email to reserve a seat. And come to the hearing at the school on Tuesday, Feb. 13. There will be food at 5PM and sign-up to speak at 5:30.  It should be some evening, better than the political battles on cable TV. PS 42/MS 42 community vs. the DOE --- more exciting than the Super Bowl.

[BATs in NYC] Bronx principal probed after creating hostile environment for black teachers, students

I walked past the office on my school and noticed a young black man nervously sitting outside the principal's office. I stopped to chat with him and he said he was assigned to the school as a special ed teacher by the district and was waiting to meet the principal. "Good luck" I said, with just a little rolling of my eyes. I had an Irish woman as principal in a school with about 40% black kids and 60% Hispanic. I believed she had some racist attitudes but would never have thought she was a racist.

Shortly after he was gone - I asked someone what happened and was told she said she didn't need him and sent him back to the district. A few hours later he was back. Once again she sent him back to the district. The next day he was back again, ordered by the district to be placed in a permanent position. He became an integral part of the staff for many years and was very popular. He never created waves and she became very happy with him. I think he was the only black male teacher in my school.

Despite some of her attitudes she did seem to care about kids and also hired a number of black women who were paras in our school when they became teachers. So I present the above story as background for the story below.

I know some of my racism denier readers may be skeptical when they read this. Are they really any different than holocaust deniers?

Bronx principal probed after creating hostile environment for black teachers, students: ‘She’s a racist’

The city is investigating explosive complaints from students and staff at a Bronx school saying their principal barred an English teacher from delving into black-history lessons — and targeted black teachers and students for abuse.
The Department of Education launched the probe after kids and educators leveled the allegations against Intermediate School 224 Principal Patricia Catania, who is white, the Daily News has learned.
The 26-year veteran of city schools remains in her $154,257 post even though students and staffers of color say she’s created a hostile environment since she took the top job at IS 224 in December 2016.
 “She’s racist,” said English teacher Mercedes Liriano, 45, who’s worked at the school, where 95% of students are black and Hispanic, for more than a decade. “She’s trying to stop us from teaching our students about their own culture.”
The disturbing allegations — relayed to the Daily News by eight current or former employees and five students — come amid a spate of racially tinged controversies at city schools.
Liriano said she was beginning a class Wednesday when Catania pulled her aside and told her not to give lessons about the famed Harlem Renaissance movement of literature and art in the 1920s.
The order shocked Liriano.
She teaches the Harlem Renaissance, as well as the writings of Frederick Douglass, to her sixth- and seventh-grade students as part of the officially recommended New York state curriculum standards, she noted.
But Catania made clear she had a far different view of what Liriano should be teaching her students, the incensed educator said.
“She said I’m not a social studies teacher so why am I teaching my students about black history?” Liriano said. “Her tone was very harsh, as if I committed a heinous crime.”
 Liriano returned to class and continued her lesson in defiance.
“She’s attempting to stop the students from learning about their own history, and she’s denying them the right to learn about where they came from,” Liriano told The News.
The teacher was so shaken by the experience that she discussed it with her colleagues and students, who responded by wearing all black the next day in protest.
About 75% of the school’s 353 pupils participated in the event, which was organized by kids using Snapchat, kids said.
And 71 students signed a petition calling on Catania to allow the lessons in black culture to continue.

Sixth-grader Savannah Villagomez, 11, said she confronted the principal about her double standards on the day of the protest.
“I asked her why we shouldn’t learn about black history?” Villagomez said. “She said we weren’t learning anything, but she didn’t even look at our projects.
“I was angry,” she added. “She doesn’t know our history and she wants to stop it.”
Catania referred a reporter seeking comment to the Education Department.
Doug Cohen, a spokesman for the DOE, who confirmed the investigation was ongoing, said Catania has no prior disciplinary history. Cohen added that some students are getting lessons in black history from other teachers.
“African-American history is an important part of the school’s curriculum,” Cohen said. “Students are currently working on projects related to Black History Month that will be presented and highlighted at the end of February.”
Liriano said she called 311 to file a complaint about the encounter, which she described as the latest in a string of hostile acts by Catania targeting black and Hispanic students and workers.
Several other staffers echoed Liriano’s accusations of hostile actions toward educators of color. A number of middle-schoolers told The News they were targeted as well.
According to Liriano, Catania told other people that black instructors have poor knowledge of their subjects and are only good at controlling classrooms.

IS 224 math teacher Jacinth Scott said she thinks Catania should be canned immediately.
“She’s a racist, based on her actions and what she does,” Scott said. “She doesn’t belong in this school.”
The Rev. Al Sharpton weighed in on the controversy Saturday.
“This is a disgrace and an insult,” Sharpton said. “(IS 224) needs to know we stand with this teacher and we will be there to do whatever we need to do.”
The Rev. Kevin McCall, crisis director at the National Action Network, said Catania should be replaced.
The trouble at IS 224 comes after The News reported other shocking claims of racism and cultural insensitivity in city schools.
Patricia Cummings, a white teacher at Middle School 118 in the Bronx, was pulled from the classroom on Feb. 1 after it was revealed that she made black students lie face-down on the floor — and then stepped on them — as a lesson on slavery.

And white administrators at Christ the King, a Queens Catholic school, angered students, alumni and activists for refusing to allow a black teen named after Malcolm X to put the civil rights leader’s name on his class sweatshirt.

In the wake of those stories, protesters have descended on City Hall calling for expanded anti-bias training and the creation of an office for culturally responsive education within the Education Department.
But so far city officials have declined to add resources to address the issue.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Another View in the UFT - Feb. 2018 - Family Leave, Class Size, Contract, Attacks on Schools, Black Lives Matter Reso Commentary

The latest edition of our Delegate Assembly newsletter from Mike, James, Arthur and myself. We are Another View in the UFT, in MORE and often in our own schools (except for me of course.)

Distributed a the Feb. DA. If you want a pdf email me at
  • Parental/Family Leave – MORE Holds Rally, UFT Officials Join in 
  • Resolution on Class Size Reduction By Arthur Goldstein, James Eterno, Norm Scott
-->School Closings and Consolidations Inspire Teachers, Parents and Students to stand up; UFT must offer more support; Stories of Awful principals and Superintendents; Focus was on District 4 (East Harlem) Superintendent Estrella                     by Norm Scott
  • Our (Rough) Contract Demands by Mike Schirtzer and MORE/New Action Ex Bd High School Reps
  • -->
  • Is Black Lives Matter Divisive, as Leroy Barr Claims? By Norm Scott

  • Unity Caucus McCarthy/Trumplike Attack on "Loyal" Opposition

    Recent actions by some members of this "not so loyal" opposition are especially disturbing. --- Unity Caucus Leaflet titled "The Loyal Opposition", Feb. 2018
    I'm following up on a blog yesterday - Is Black Lives Matter Divisive, as Leroy Barr Claims? where I took issue with the way Leroy Barr presented the union's opposition to the MORE Black Lives Matter Week resolution at the January DA and also the MORE strategy.

    But the Unity leaflet attacking MORE at Wednesday's DA requires a response. Arthur has already done a number on the Unity leaflet at NYC Educator.

    Arthur points out their utter hypocrisy when they brag about these issues:
    I love that they boast of "fair funding for our schools" first, since the so-called Fair Student Funding is nothing of the sort, with schools getting only a percentage of what they're promised. It's also a huge discouraging factor for hiring experienced teachers, and likely is the reason for many being stuck in the ATR.

    I'm also fond of the "equity, access and opportunity for all students" because UFT Unity has done absolutely nothing to lower class sizes in over half a century. They boast of sacrifices they made to place class size in the contract and fail to mention that most of them were toddlers or not even born when this monumental sacrifice was made.
    When I looked at the Unity leaflet I was immediately reminded of the Trump attack on Democrats and those who didn't stand up to salute and cheer his State of the Union saying they were "traitorous".

    This is an age-old attack by authoritarians that claim the outside enemies of a nation - or union - must lead to restrictions on democracy and internal criticism. For Unity it used to be Giuliani, then Bloomberg (de Blasio/Farina despite many of the same policies are our friends and thus above criticism), and now Janus as reasons to dull criticism.

    We might as well cancel the 2019 UFT elections.

    Perhaps the funniest line was this: Unity/UFT recognizes the value of honest dialogue and internal debate in determining the direction that our union takes on these most important matters.

    Right. We've seen so much honest and internal debate in the UFT.

    The blow back from the controversial Black Lives Matter Week resolution presented by MORE at the January Delegate Assembly and the consequent media coverage which embarrassed the leadership resulted in an outright attack on the MORE caucus and the public reports Arthur Goldstein issues at the NYC Educator blog.

    Now as I will point out in some follow-up articles I even as a member of MORE am also critical of some aspects of how the BLM committee of MORE went about handing this.

    One of the first questions to Mulgrew was clearly a Unity plant raising the same issue about sanctity of the Delegate Assembly -- shhhh -- well, how do you report to the members of your school what happened since you are elected by your school?

    We know that outside reports that might be embarrassing to the leadership is what they are most concerned about and Arthur's reports followed by his analysis, must gall them. I always used to report on DAs in Ed Notes. But when the mainstream press picks stuff up it drives them nuts. That is what happened with the BLM reso.

    Lindsey Christ from NY1 read it there and contacted the UFT to ask for comment, which they refused based on the sanctity of the DA. Linsdey, who I ran into at a press conference we were both covering, told me she laughed and told them it was all over the internet. A smart move would have been to actually go on the record with a response because I think they could have made the case that there are many areas of BLM they would support, but maybe not this specific resolution. Lindsey ended up interviewing me and Jia about Leroy's speech. (

    By the way - I will give Unity credit for their response to the MORE Family Leave demo by sending down Mel Aaronson and a crew with the UFT banner - especially since NY1 was once again covering. That is a direct outcome of their inept response on the BLM story.

    But instead of admitting they could have handled things better, they go on the attack.

    For more on the story, see my blog:

    MORE response to Unity:
    We Want a Union That Believes Black Lives Matter -

    DoeNuts is not too thrilled by either group:

    The Doenuts Blog: BEWARE of those who start fires

    Thursday, February 8, 2018

    Is Black Lives Matter Divisive, as Leroy Barr Claims?

    There is a lot of controversy swirling around the MORE resolution at the January DA and the blow back the union is receiving and their response by attacking MORE. I have issues with both the UFT's position and the way MORE has presented the issue and will go into more depth in followups because this issue scratches at flaws in Unity, the UFT and in MORE.

    Throughout this debate I feel I have two opposing forces on my shoulders arguing with each other. Yin-Yang.

    MORE is claiming repression of debate. Unity is claiming MORE is engaging in dishonest and misleading statements by indicating the union doesn't support BLM when it was really against the MORE reso. But Leroy Barr did not specifically argue about what in the reso was divisive but lumped it all into BLM as being divisive.

    Below is a piece I wrote over the weekend for the Another View newsletter I put out with some other MORE members and some who are not very enamored of MORE at this point. At least 2 MORE people whose partners are people of color and UFT members told me their partners oppose the MORE reso. Yet that debate does not take place in MORE at all -- so when MORE declares the UFT only debated the issue for 5 minutes it would be interesting to see MORE debate the fallout and not assume unanimity. There is a meeting Saturday so let's see.

    I will add more on upcoming posts as the issue develops.

    Read the DoeNuts Blog view by a MORE member:
    BEWARE of those who start fires - "Low blows" and "cheap shots" are taken by both parties involved...
    And NYCEducator, another MORE member:

    Here is my piece.

    From Another View Newsletter - Feb. 2018

    Is Black Lives Matter Divisive, as Leroy Barr Claims?
    By Norm Scott

    At the January Delegate Assembly the argument that BLM was divisive and in the time of Janus was a dangerous place to go was the basis of Barr’s and the leadership’s opposition to the MORE-UFT Caucus’ resolution calling on the UFT to support Black Lives Matter week (Feb. 5-11) which educators from a number of NYC schools are participating in. BLM has often been misinterpreted, leading to the perception that it might be divisive. February is Black History month for decades and we recently celebrated Martin Luther King’s birthday. For some people, even UFT members, these events might be divisive and often the reason is race-based. Let’s not act like this doesn’t exist in our own ranks. The job of a union where many of its members are people of color who have been discriminated against, and with a student population that is 80% children of color, is not to duck the issue but to take it on and address why some members question BLM.

    As a member of MORE I have questioned the process by which MORE decided to bring the resolution to the DA, given that back in December, Leroy Barr and Janella Hinds, both Black, told a MORE leader that the union would not support the resolution because they considered it divisive. Could some compromise have been worked out? Should MORE have gone to the schools and ask for chapters to back the reso as a way to build more grass roots support? Why did a number of delegates who are Black vote against the reso? Was it solely because many are adhering to the Unity line? All questions worth exploring.

    (See the NY1 story on the reso featuring myself and Jia Lee at:
    and MORE response to Barr:

    As for Barr’s justifying the union’s position on BLM as analogous to not taking a position during the Vietnam War, if you saw the Ken Burns documentary, or lived through those times as a UFT member there is way more to the story. See my blog:

    MORE response: We Want a Union That Believes Black Lives Matter -

    UFT's Stirling Roberson: Valentine Day Wear Red For Love the Union -

    But many will wear red for the blood they've shed to abusive principals, drive-by observations, oversized classes, and union officials who all too often ignore the pleas or help.

    Wednesday, February 7, 2018

    Parent leaders and NAACP demand NYC Mayor and Chancellor withdraw the proposal to close PS/MS 42Q

    For immediate release
    Contact: Kevin Morgan 347-410-3061 or
    Queen Makkada 347-456-6518

    Parent leaders and NAACP demand NYC Mayor and Chancellor withdraw the proposal to close PS/MS 42Q

    On Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018, leaders of the Chancellor’s Parent Advisory Council (CPAC), representing all the PTAs and Parent Associations at NYC public schools, along with the leaders of the Education Council Consortium, representing the elected and appointed members of the Community and Citywide Education Councils, will speak and release letters to Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Farina, demanding that they withdraw the proposal to close PS/MS 42Q.

    When: Thursday, February 8th at 5pm

    Where: the steps of Queens Borough Hall, 120-55 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY 11424