Monday, November 22, 2010

Ed Notes Exclusive: Bloomberg Fallback Position if Black Waiver Fails

Ed Notes has learned that Mayor Bloomberg, worried about the public outcry over the Unchattie Cathie Black nomination, has a strong alternate waiting in the wings: his next door neighbor's dog Bosco.

Numerous academics were quick to praise the mayor's choice. "I know Bosco well and in many ways she has more educational qualities than Black, having attended doggie obedience school within the last 2 years."

"This is a feminist issue after all," said Oprah, Woopie Goldberg and Gloria Steinem in a joint statement praising the choice of the 5 year old bitch.


See all the job openings at Harlem Village Academies

Paul Moore on Unchattie Cathie and More

Another stunning piece posted on the NYCEdNews listserve by Miami teacher Paul Moore who always goes deep. See Afterburn below for my comments and some other interesting links.

It's another Sunday night. Soon to rest, for tomorrow morning it's back to a real classroom and real students, 18-year-old Black and Latino youth, living in the real world. Been doing pretty much the same thing for 27-years which is one of the many things that differentiate me from Cathy Black and Joel Klein before her as Michael Bloomberg's Valet of Public Schools.

In the real world where I and my flesh and blood students live things are crazy. The word always on the tip of my tongue is absurd. Seems like we're all caught in an Edward Albee play. It's theater of the absurd. How else to explain Cathy Black running the NYCPS?

The global economy's death is at the root of it all. Yeah, the global economy died in the fall of 2008. It was in all the papers. Close observers of the economy know that now the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the governments United States, the European Union, Japan, the governments of the developing countries lead by China are now propping up the corpse by way of something they call "extend and pretend".

A good example of how this works came this week in the case of Ireland. For days the Irish government declared categorically that it needed no bailout. Right up to the moment they admitted an infusion of billions from the IMF and the EU was a matter of survival. Same thing happened to Greece. Soon Portugal, and Italy, and Spain will dance the same Kabuki dance. Eventually California will be dancing with the dead stars as reality washes up on the shores of the United States.

The overriding problem my students and I face is that we live in this corpse. We all do. Description of it is beyond me so I refer you to persons of greater literary skill. Check out the writing of Joe Bagaent and James Howard Kunstler

We're extending and pretending to beat the band down here in Florida. We gave the Irish government a run for their money this week. The Florida Department of Education hauled out all the bells and whistles to announce a dramatic rise in the state's graduation rate. There was an orgy of bureaucratic back patting. If only we could actually live in their made up fantasy world. (New Yorkers can relate if they have any familiarity with the NYCPS' credit recovery program.)

About three years ago the Florida Legislature made the graduation rate a factor in a school's FCAT grade. It was then that real students began disappearing from my real classroom and the real Miami-Dade Public Schools. They were all at-risk students and they no longer existed for the purpose of calculating the high school graduation rate in Florida.

Tomorrow in my real classroom, my real students and I will spend another day wondering when our world and the pretend world will collide and what the explosion will mean for us.

Until the real sun comes up,
Paul A. Moore 


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Press conference at Steiner's Apartment, Monday November 22 at 3:45 and CAPE's letter to Steiner

Here are people with spines. From Leonie Haimson

Please come and bring  your kids!  We will be delivering over 12,000 petition signatures and thousands of comments to Commissioner Steiner, from parents and other concerned New Yorkers, about why he should deny a waiver to Cathie Black as NYC Schools Chancellor.

When: Monday, November 22 at 3:45 PM

Where: In front of Commissioner Steiner’s apartment at 200 E 87th St (between 2nd and 3rd Ave.) (Map here.)

The waiver will be considered by an advisory panel headed up by Susan Furhman, head of Teacher’s College, at a closed meeting on Tuesday.

More info about this in the NY Times here: Panel on Pick for Schools Has Close Ties to Bloomberg

If you would like to let this advisory panel know how you feel about the waiver, you should feel free to email Dr. Furhman at

Thanks, and pass this message on to others who care about the future of our schools,
CAPE writes to Steiner

Hon. David Steiner
Commissioner of Education
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12234

Dear Commissioner Steiner:

CAPE, Concerned Advocates for Public Education is an advocacy organization representative of the parents and educators at PS 15 in Red Hook, Brooklyn, an elementary school that is outperforming 95% of all elementary schools in New York City.  Ours in one of the first groups of its kind that bridges the divide between parents and educators for the purposes of accessing their united voice to inform and influence education policy, of which they are the true stakeholders, but are all too often ignored. 

CAPE strongly opposes the appointment of Cathleen Black as the Chancellor of New York City’s public education system.  Not only was this nomination made hastily and in secret by a Mayor who has ignored our voices over the last eight years; she is unqualified for the job.  Mayoral Control has been a destructive force here in New York City.  It has been a gateway for a privileged few to gain access to our children’s schools often molding them in an image that they would not accept for their own children.  It is time to bring democracy back to the governance of our schools here in New York City.  Mayoral Control was not meant to be a dictatorship, there was and is an expectation that any elected official would be responsive to the communities they serve.
We have no illusions that the appointment of someone with zero experience or credentials in education is anything but another step in an agenda to undermine public education.  We demand a qualified chancellor with a record of service to public education that can be publically judged. The law requires it. And our children deserve it.

Respectfully yours,
Concerned Advocates for Public Education
Parents and Educators Working Together to Protect and Preserve Public Education

Ed Notes Exclusive: Break In at UFT Headquarters

Anyone with information leading to the recovery of Michael Mulgrew's spine, please notify the UFT ASAP
Insider sources at the UFT have informed Ed Notes that an unknown party broke into UFT headquarters. So far the only item that has been known to be taken is UFT President Michael Mulgrew's spine.

While there has been some suspicion that something was amiss from the day Mulgrew took office, the clincher came with this item in the NY Times:
...Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers, the city teachers’ union, said, “All of these people have heavy-duty backgrounds and success in education, so obviously David Steiner is clearly looking at this from the educational side, as he should be.” 
- NY Times, Nov. 19, 2010 - Panel on Pick for Schools Has Close Ties to Bloomberg
The reporters from the Times, having analyzed the panel and interviewed numerous people who raised issues with the members of the Steiner panel to review Cathie Black's waiver, were so incredulous at Mulgrew's comment, one of the lone voices in the article supporting the panel, they immediately called 911 suspecting something was amiss.

An all-points bulletin has been issued in an attempt to recover Mulgrew's spine. This may turn out to be a wild goose chase as some doubt there ever was a breakin in the first place.

Inside UFT sources claim that former UFT president took Mulgrew's spine and other parts of Mulgrew's anatomy when she left to go to the AFT, along with and her stapler.

Excerpts from the NY Times article:
New York State’s top education official on Friday named an advisory panel of eight experts, at least half of them with strong connections to the Bloomberg administration, to help him decide whether to approve Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s controversial choice to run the city’s school system.

Three panelists selected by David M. Steiner, the state education commissioner, worked as senior officials at the city’s Department of Education.

One of those three now works at a foundation that was, for many years, the vehicle for Mr. Bloomberg’s personal charitable donations.

A fourth panelist is the head of a museum that has received almost half a million dollars from Mr. Bloomberg in donations since he took office. 

Three panelists are in charge of sizable urban school districts: Andrés A. Alonso, the chief executive of the Baltimore school system and a former deputy chancellor under Mr. Klein; Jean-Claude Brizard, the superintendent in Rochester and a New York City native who has been a teacher and principal and was a top aide to Mr. Klein; 

The other panelists are: Ronald F. Ferguson, a Harvard economist who focuses on the achievement gap between minority students and white students; Kenneth G. Slentz, a top aide to Mr. Steiner at the State Education Department; Louise Mirrer, president and chief executive of the New-York Historical Society, which has received regular donations from Mr. Bloomberg, and a former top official at the City University of New York; and Michele Cahill, a vice president at the Carnegie Corporation of New York and a former senior educational policy adviser to Mr. Klein. 

 Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries, a Brooklyn Democrat who has long been critical of Mr. Bloomberg’s education policies, questioned the panel’s makeup, saying, “It appears that the deck has been stacked in favor of granting the waiver in a manner that will further undermine public confidence in the appointment of Ms. Black.” 
So kiddies, let's review the panel: Brizzard, Alonso and Cahill all worked for Klein, plus Louise Mirrer who heads a museum receiving donations from Bloomberg.  Hmmm. Let's do the math. 4 is half of 8 and that makes - gee, only one more and Unchatty Cathie gets her waiver.

And let's review Mulgrew's comment:
“All of these people have heavy-duty backgrounds and success in education, so obviously David Steiner is clearly looking at this from the educational side, as he should be.” 

The clincher that Mulgrew was missing something was his classification of Michelle Cahill as "having a heavy-duty background and success in education". The Times piece has this to say:
As one of Mr. Klein’s most trusted aides from 2002 to 2006, she played a crucial role in reorganizing the school system and developing new schools, and was the driving force behind new programs for students most at risk of dropping out. But in 2004, she was denied a state waiver to serve as deputy chancellor, because while she had a dozen years of teaching experience and a master’s degree in urban affairs, she lacked traditional education supervisory credentials. 
Cahill was the much maligned agent of Klein's first deputy chancellor, Diane Lam, and was much vilified by many teachers over her rigid micro-management policies of force feeding the workshop model.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ed Notes Exclusive: First Cathie Black Interview - How She Will Save the NYC School System From the Mismanagement of Joel Klein

Black proposes turning ARIS data into a giant betting parlor

The call came in the middle of the night.

"Norm? Cathie here. Cathie Black. I saw the video of that loser Joel clinging desperately to you, hoping a share of your popularity would rub off on him. Things are not going so well on this end and I want some of that magic too so I decided Ed Notes would be the best forum for my first interview."

"Wow, thanks Cathie. I'm up for a hug anytime you want. Should I come over now?"

"This is not about that, you idiot. Don't you know I am a leading feminist and a pal of Gloria Steinem and she would cut your....never mind."

"We missed you at the Gotham Schools party the other night. Everyone was hoping you would come."

"Never heard of Gotham whatchamacallit. Let's get down to business. I want to share with you my plan for solving the fiscal crisis facing the NY schools by raising a billion extra dollars every year."

I was impressed with her no nonsense approach. I had heard about her fiscal skills and was about to ask her to come over and fix my personal budget. But she went on without giving me a chance to get a word in.

"Look," she said. "We are faced with a major crisis, right?"

"Yes," I said.

"Don't interrupt me, you fool. The Lord Mayor announced 6000 cuts in teachers. Between you and me he's a wus. I'm going to cut double that amount. Then I'm going to trash that entire bunch of clowns who have been criticizing me by raising enormous amounts of money earmarked for the school system."

"How can you do that in the midst of this crisis," I asked, with some trepidation?

"Credit default swaps," she smirked, "and derivatives."


"It's quite simple. We have all this data out there. We know it is all a scam to get rid of high salaried teachers, lower the pay of those left, close schools and replace them with charters and dump kids who can't come up with high enough numbers. And we know this data has nothing to do with the kids or education at all but to force our elite ideology down the throats of the commoners. The scam that it's about children first had been working until that schmuck Joel screwed up the test data this summer. I'm sorry Mike dumped him before the high school grad rate scandals hit so I could take it over real clean, but we'll filter out information on how it was all slimy Joel's fault."

She went on. "Maintaining these data systems like ARIS is expensive."

"You're going to get rid of ARIS," I said? "They will carry you in the streets."

"No, stupid. I need lots of money to expand ARIS a thousandfold by installing it in every child's home. All a parent or child has to do to get us to call the cops on a teacher whose value-added score drops is to press the big red button on the console."

"But how will they know..."

"A teacher's index score will not only be based on a test once a year but include every piece of data about a teacher, including my special interest, what they wear each day to school. Students will rate their dress each day and we will get instant feedback. I'm especially concerned that they don't wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row, which in my book is grounds for instant dismissal, tenure be damned. Imagine we can't fire people for such basic violations of common core standards of dress."

I tried to say something but the phone cord was strangling me. This Cathie woman has Superman power.

She continued, "So why not make better use of the data? I am proposing a system that will allow institutions and individuals to place bets on the chances of schools staying open or closing. We will also have an over-under on school closings and you will be able to use hedge funds to cover yourself both ways. We can even take bets on which schools charters will choose to co-locate in and on the timetable for the local public school to be entirely wiped out. How about placing a bet on the exact percentage number we will trump up to declare a school underutilized?"

"You ARE brilliant. Now I see why you got the job. But doesn't that allow the trumper uppers a leeway to bet on their own numbers?" I said.

"Stupid face, that's how we are paying them - they can make a lot of money, none of it on our heads, by placing bets on the very schools they are closing. Just the way they do it in the stock market. That's why I am such a legendary manager."

I was impressed already but wowed as she went on.

"The real money will be betting on the predicted results on each individual teacher's value-added score - think, you can bet on whether a teacher will go up or down or stay the same, with follow-up bets on how long it takes for the low scoring teachers to be disappeared from the system. That's 70,000 - er - 50,000 teachers to bet on."

"Didn't you say you were only going to double Bloomberg's 6000 cuts? Tha's only 12 not 20 thousand."

"Hah, dickface, that's only for public consumption through press dummies like you."

I could see the money rolling in already. "How will you raise test scores?"

"Easy. Teachers will get their choice of a Burberry coat if they come in with a high VA score."

"With all that money, I expect you will be using it to reduce some class sizes," I ventured.

"Why is there a problem with class size? My kids never had a problem and I don't see why that issue should even come up. Besides, didn't you read Bill Gates' orders for us not to reduce class size?"

"Well I am certainly impressed," I said. I gingerly asked, "People are saying that you were being kicked upstairs at Hearst and that this position is a fallback..."

"How do you think Joel got the job," she hissed. "They had already dumped him at Bertelsman when Mike bailed him out. That's why people like Mike and I hang out together and are so tight, especially when we are all in St. Barts. But it was always clear that Joel did not belong in this crowd. I knew something was wrong but had to read on your blog that he was born in the projects and was the son of a postal worker. Union worker, I bet. Ick! By the way, what did Joel whisper in your ear when he hugged you?"

I hesitated. Joel had sworn me to secrecy. But I couldn't hold back. "He said that he left so many poison pills buried in the system that the bitch would go down in flames. And he couldn't wait to see the reaction to you going to black neighborhood churches every Sunday like he did."

"You've got to be joking," Black said. "Another schmuck move by Joel, actually thinking he had to try to win some people over to his 'this is the civil rights issue of our time' bullshit. Mike told me none of that crap for me. I never have to see one parent or deal with anyone if I don't want. He is covering all bases by buying up all the media, except that pesky NY Times that has been on my case.

"But I'm not worried. Mike's money will take care of them, my little lovely. And their little dog too.  Oh, and if you ever try to hug me, you'll get a spiked heel up your ass."

Eva Invasion: Commentary and Video of CEC3 Meeting at PS 165M

The PS 165 community has geared up for a fight. GEM has met with them and is offering any assistance. Here is the video Angel Gonzalez shot at the CEC meeting the other night.

Watch video at:  GEM
Nov. 17, 2010 - Upper West Side, Manhattan - After serving the community for over 100 years, our space and programs are being threatened. Eva Moskowitz' wants a new private HSA Charter School to co-locate in the PS/MS 165/Mott Hall 2 Campus and over time phase out these three outstanding public schools. 
"P.S./M.S. 165 is renowned for its model Dual Language program, Gifted and Talented Program, and programs for students with special needs. It has a long history of community enrichment. It is not a failing school. Yet, a charter school without this long history of success wants to deprive P.S./M.S. 165 and Mott Hall II of space and resources in order to implement their own programming." 
The school's community rapidly mobilized and loudly opposed the Moskowitz Charter at their Community Education Council - CEC3.

A crowd of over 500, of diverse nationalities, packed the auditorium to express their outrage and chanted: 
"NO to the Eva Moskowitz' Private Charter School Invasion!
NO to a reduced school zone which would bring fewer students to PS 165 and allow the Dept of Education to free up classrooms for private charter expansion."

From Noah Gotbaum, chair of CEC3

Terrific meeting Wednesday night. Thanks to the wonderful PS 165 and Mott Hall II communities for hosting, and for all who participated. Over 700 people in attendance, 100+ speakers, and a strong message of unity to the DOE from our D3 schools, teachers and especially parents that we want the DOE to support and invest in our current schools and kids; and that we neither need nor want a new Upper West Success charter.

Also some excellent feedback for the DOE and the CEC on zoning preferences including a desire for a near term limited re-zoning focused on a zone for 452. We will try to move quickly on this including potentially a formal public hearing on December 2, in an effort to lock things down on a limited basis prior to the end of the year. We would then likely revisit the issue on a broader scale as and when the DOE decides to provide us with adequate information, transparency and the outlines of a plan on how they will provide spaces for all of our D3 kids and schools in the near and longer term.

Along these lines, and as per the attached article below from today’s New York Times City Blog, the DOE now appears to be looking to move Upper West Success into the Brandeis campus rather than into 165 or 145. It is not clear how suddenly the DOE is able to make this space available at Brandeis for Ms. Moscowitz when we were told by the DOE all of last year, and then as recently as our last CEC meeting in October 20th, that the Brandeis space is not “underutilized” as it will be required to support the four growing high schools in the building. Much more to come on a district-wide response to this Upper West Success issue, in the next few days.

Please note that there won’t be a joint Rezoning/Overcrowding Committee meeting tomorrow Friday am, but instead we will plan one for this coming Tuesday evening 11/23 with details to follow.

Please also remember that we need a strong turnout in support of a large new school at the City Council’s Riverside Center hearing on the project this Tuesday morning, 11/23 at 9:30! Also check our web site for other upcoming meetings.

Lastly, many have enquired regarding the link to the petition asking the State Education Commissioner to deny a waiver for non-educators that would allow Cathie Black, the Chancellor designee, to take up her position. The link to the petition - which now has over 10,000 signatures - is Please consider signing on.

All best,


Noah E. Gotbaum

President, Community District Education Council 3 (CEC3)

154 West 93rd Street, Room 204

New York, New York 10025

212 678 2789 office

Thursday, November 18, 2010

PEP Video Highlights

How do we go to teachers and say you need a masters degree and we’re going to ignore the fact that a masters degree is needed for chancellor and most important how do we go to a student in the sytem to study and work hard and pour their heart and soul into their education and build a record of accomplishment and when the big jobs come up if you don’t go to the right cocktail party you’re not going to be considered….I’ve been her 3 years and sometimes this feels like a front seat on a show called “The Death of Democracy.”…every day we get a little bit stronger---- PATRICK SULLIVAN

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest:

UFT Delegate Assembly Craps out on Black Waiver, Unity Frays at the Edges

Just back from taking my wide out to a fancy brunch - at Costco. We must have hit the clam dip booth 10 times. If I can break through the heartburn I have a report from yesterday's UFT Delegate Assembly.

It was nice to see a bunch of Jim Callaghan supporters out in front of 52 Broadway yesterday with signs and a leaflet. I hope people took note.

You really have to sit through a UFT Delegate Assembly and listen carefully to get an insight to the thinking that goes on at the top levels of the union. Over the past few years I have never had the patience to put up with it and focused more on socializing and organizing. But this time I went upstairs to watch on the TV monitors in the hallway - they no longer allow visitors to even set foot in the hall and if they could get away with stopping me they would keep me off the 2nd floor too - but I just tell them to call the cops to have me removed and they shut up.

You know I'm not a hater but I get closest when dealing with Unity hacks because my dues pays these fuckers. I can do a post or two on some recent encounters but there are more important issues. Like how will the leadership figure out a way to try to make it look like they don't like the Black appointment while in fact doing nothing to make it look to the ed deformers, who they really care about, that they're OK with it - wink, wink.

So there was a reso we handed out calling on the UFT to oppose the Black waiver. This reso was based on Black's involvement with Coca Cola and anti-labor practices which have been condemned and I urge you to read it: Resolution for UFT DA: Reject Waiver and Black.

But it never got to the floor. The UFT had its own reso, which when I read it I smacked myself in the head so hard I had temporary amnesia with side effects- like, while Mulgarten was talking on the TV screen he morphed into Randi, who in another deja view moment showed up as the mystery guest at the Gotham School fundraiser a few hours later. They were hoping for Cathie Black but ended up with Randi.

Mulgrew tolds us how he met Black. "She has nice shoes." Hmmm, Mulgrew have a foot fetish? Well, not to worry, he will end up licking her boots at some point. Wait 'till we see 10,000 less teachers and 52 Broadway becomes the incredible shrinking building.

The Whereases start out saying all sorts of good stuff. Like the Chancellor "should have a full and thorough understanding of teaching and learning" blah, blah, blah. Then they shift into the usual obfuscation/waffling tone about NY State Law on chancellor qualifications and the waiver law and the role of the State Ed Commissioner. Then it goes on to talk about the secretive process that Bloomberg engaged in as he tried to thwart the intent of the mayoral control law - which by the way we all told them when they supported the renewal last year he would do anyway. Ho, hum. Then comes the part about State Ed Comm chairman David Steiner, who Mulgrew seems to have a man crush on, "has announced the formation of an independent panel, including educators (my bold), to evaluate the request for a waiver...."

So you see, kiddies, they have actual educators so not to worry. So here comes the kicker:

be it RESOLVED, that the UFT support the process established by [Steiner] as a credible and fair procedure for deciding on the request for a waiver from qualifications for chancellor...promulgated in state education law.

But, but, but - after all you said you are also saying you would go along with Black if they so decide. You could hear the sound of teeth grinding all over the place.

So, there was no real debate as the Unity leadership decided to amend their own reso with Leo Ugh! Casey leading the charge. This 3 part piece of crap calls for, among other things, changing the law in the future to include a nationwide search for a chancellor - sort of like looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

So then it gets interesting. Dave Pecoraro, a long-time Unity parrot at DA's is also chapter leader at the soon to close Beach Channel HS in Rockaway. Dave may be a Unity parrot but he is not a hack. He is a passionate chapter leader and fighter against the school closing and he and ICE's James Eterno built somewhat of an alliance last year as leaders of the 2 large Queens high schools targeted for closing. And the 2 schools the UFT sold out by making a deal with the DOE to allow new schools to open and help kill the incoming freshman classes. Dave was in action at Monday night's meeting with the Queens HS Supt which I taped. A lot of people in the opposition and even in Unity don't like Dave but he's grown on me.

So, he gets up and does something Unity people never do. He adds to their reso: The UFT will oppose the waiver for Black if she does not personally visit every single school on the DOE's list of schools targeted for possible closing. He argues that since she is new to the scene she should these schools first hand. Not radical but interesting. Of course they vote this down.

So far there has not been a person who spoke up and opposed the reso and low and behold a Unity guy gets up and says he is against. Why? Well, he says with some degree of passion, they have closed over 100 schools and what's the point of the whole thing if you turn down Dave's amendment? This is Unity and a sign the waffles and obfuscations on school closings and charter school invasions are wearing the Unity rank and file at the edges.

Mulgrew: There's only one name I don't want to hear. I didn't say it. She doesn't need a waiver.
At least it's not Rhee -  and Unity people go around repeating it

But not to worry. You've been hearing the Unity Klones whispering the R word, while shaking. We could get Rheeeee if Black fails. Oooooooh! We scared. Mulgrew goes all cute. "There are some people who don't even need a waiver. I won't mention her name." The whole place goes weak at the knees at the thought of Rhee, who was just run out of DC on a rail, one of the key reasons being that the Black community was outraged at Rhee's slights, some even bringing up the race issue - some historical antagonisms between Koreans and Blacks - remember the Brooklyn Korean grocery incident when Dinkins was mayor. Maybe that's why he endorsed Black - fear of Rhee. But the idea of Rhee coming in here as the big bad wolf is unlikely. But also the fact that the UFT leadership fears her so is a sign of their weakness.

Can't you just see people all over using the coming of Rhee as a threat to get what they want? Take a cut in salary of Rhee is coming.

Mulgrew on Value-added
"If we lose the case and the scores are publicized, we have to be out there to support them."

At this point I was sorry I didn't bring a nail gun to shoot myself through the ear.

Then it was off to the Gotham School party with Eva, hubbie Eric and loads of charter school slugs. And Randi too. Report coming - once I extract that nail.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Resolution for UFT DA: Reject Waiver and Black

An attempt will be made to place this resolution on the floor at today's Delegate Assembly. Watch the Unity top-level machine sweat this one out. If the delegates were allowed to have their way, even the Unity rank and file are getting restless. But maybe, the leadership sees which way the wind is blowing and will go along. Ed Notes will be there covering.

WHEREAS, Cathie Black has served for nearly seventeen years on the board of Coca Cola, during which time the company has aggressively marketed its unhealthy drinks to children here and abroad, and contributed to the epidemic of childhood obesity, as revealed in today’s NY Times;

WHEREAS, over this period, Coca Cola has also been allegedly involved in death squads who targeted labor organizers in Central and South America, leading to two shareholder resolutions sponsored by the NYC Comptroller, calling for an independent investigation to discover whether  Coca-Cola colluded in anti-union violence in Columbia;

WHEREAS, on April 9, 2005, NYSUT, the parent body of the UFT passed a resolution that included the following clauses;

WHEREAS, more than 3,000 trade unionists have been assassinated in Colombia since 1990; and 

WHEREAS, both NYSUT and the AFT are on record as denouncing what the AFT Executive Counsel has called "the persistent violence against teachers and other working people in Colombia", noting "…that trade unionists continue to be the targets of threats, physical intimidation, displacement and even assassination."; 

WHEREAS, the Coca-Cola Company and its Colombian bottlers are being sued in the United States under the Alien Claims Tort Act for having "contracted with or otherwise directed paramilitary security forces that used extreme violence and murdered, tortured, and unlawfully detained or otherwise silenced trade union leaders."; 

WHEREAS, a fact-finding delegation of labor, educator and student representatives including members of AFT, AFSCME/CSEA and CWA concluded, based on a 10-day trip to Colombia in January of 2004, that Coca-Cola is complicit in human rights abuses in Colombia" and that its "complicity is deepened by its repeated pattern of bringing criminal charges against union activists who have spoken out about the company's collusion with the paramilitaries."; 

WHEREAS, the Proxy Committees of the New York City Employees' Retirement System and the New York City Teachers' Retirement System, holders of 5,257.217 shares of Coca-Cola Company common stock with an estimated market value of $209,132,092, resolved on October 6, 2004 to submit a shareholder proposal at Coca-Cola's next annual meeting asking that Coca-Cola sponsor an independent investigation of allegations against the company, said investigation to include representatives from U.S and Colombian human rights organizations; 

WHEREAS, NYSUT voted in 2005 to refrain from serving or selling Coca-Cola products at its offices or at any venue for its events, meetings, conferences and conventions until the allegations have been investigated; 

BE IT RESOLVED that the United Federation of Teachers will urge Commissioner Steiner to deny a waiver to Cathie Black; based on her lack of educational qualifications, as well as the facts mentioned above.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the UFT will recommend to the Mayor to withdraw Ms. Black’s nomination, and embark on a full and public search to identify an individual with the full educational qualifications and experience to lead the nation’s largest public school system into the future.

Sources for above info:

More PEP POO: The Big Hug

 I'm processing the wonderful videos of the Real Reformers in action last night but this 2 minutes segment of Joel Klein actually sort of praising Ed Notes and giving me a hug was easy to get up on you tube. Reminds me of my principal who when told by the district they were hiring me away said, "My car was stolen today but this makes up for it." A few months later she was hugging me when I came to the school. And then there was that hug from Randi at her last Exec Bd. meeting.

Gee, affection seems to grow the less proximity I have to people. I ought to take a long vacation away from my wife, who considers me the most annoying man on earth. I haven't asked her exactly how many men she is comparing me to.

Before you see the video of a parting hug between Joel and I at last night's PEP, your homework is to read these 2 posts:

Separated at Birth: Joel and Norm - I Miss Him Already


Assessing Joel Klein: What Influenced Him in the Late 60's? What If He Had Remained a Teacher?


Klein finally admitted we were twins, saying each of us felt the other was the evil twin, funny coming from a guy who hangs out so much with Evil Moskowitz.

This never would have been on the record if Julie hadn't ran over to the camera - gee, thanks. I've written two pieces on Joel Klein which are companions to this video. I wanted to hug Joel as a way to say thank you for the way he has helped galvanize opposition to the ed deformers by an amazing group of Real Reformers. Would I have met Julie and Alev and the rest of the CAPEers? Or Leonie and Lisa and Mona and Khem and Bonnie -  some of the leading ladies in the parent wing? Or the wonderful young teachers getting involved with GEM if not for Klein's policies of closing schools, favoring charters, forcing co-locations, multiple reorganizations, etc. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU JOEL KLEIN. May your successor continue your work of helping us organize Real Reformers.

Of course the reaction of my friends - as you can hear - was not totally positive. James Eterno sent over hand lotion. People shunned me - saying they won't come near me until I showered. They're all just haters. (But the depth of hatred towards Joel Klein is awesome - and let me say right here, I am not a hater. I love everybody.)

Some complained that I had let Klein use me to make himself look good. Since when has Klein ever cared about looking good? Well, maybe this was for the press to show what a good guy he is. But really, as my wife who has no connection to anything education-wise said- why should he care about trying to look good? He's gone. In fact, he gave Ed Notes, which has absolutely hammered him, some cache by calling it "powerful and  pointed." It reminded me of the early editions of the print version around 1997. Soon after Randi took over the union, she opened up a Delegate Assembly by holding up Ed Notes and saying, "I love reading Ed Notes." Of course, all the Unity clones now felt it OK to read it and during meetings if you looked down from the stage, you would see half the people holding up Ed Notes and reading it.

Lot's of people speculate whether Joel Klein believes his own bullshit. Some say he knows it's all a con. I take the other view and think he is a True Believer who is passionate about what he has done. I've been in his presence too often not to see the flashes of anger and passion. I do not think it is an act.
I'll say more on this issue another time.

Oh, and what were those words that Joel whispered in my ear? I'll take that to my grave. Or at least until the next post.


Parent activist Lisa Donlan leads Real Reformers at the mic at the PEP
The first of a bunch of reports - check Gotham for more links
How am I going to be able to manage the wealth of information related to the Cathie Black nomination for chancellor and last night's PEP meeting? The best thing about last night were the wonderful Real Reformers with their red RR capes. There was lots of press around to tape them but let's see if any of it gets on the air. Of course we have footage - lots of it.

There's a Delegate Assembly today, followed by the Gotham Schools fund raising party - they were trying to get Black to make an appearance, which I doubt. But if she was as smart as they say she is and had any clue at all she would get her ass in there and try to charm the pants off everyone. But I bet she has no clue as to what Gotham is or the importance it occupies in the local and national ed world. Which is why I sent in my hundred bucks but intend to eat at least double that amount. But if by some miracle Black were to show without paying, I'm going to take home a doggie bag.

But first I have to stop by the UFT for the DA. YAWN! I didn't even waste time and money putting together an Ed Notes. I'm only going for social reasons. I could stop by Evan and Sydney's E4E party (which conflicts with the Gotham event) with DOE officials coming to talk about how value added ratings for teachers will add 20 years to their life expectancy but you have to sign a loyalty oath swearing allegiance to merit pay and bowing down to the VA gods before you can get in. I was going to write more but I turned that story over to my pals at Gotham, who have been way too solicitous towards Evan and Sydney, who are clearly backed by the Tilson/Murdoch types of the world as they try to undermine the teachers union, which has been doing a great job of undermining itself.

Here's a report from Harold, a teacher at John Dewey HS -with the photo above -  about last night's meeting: See more photos here: 
The Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) is the school board arm of the Dept of Education (DOE). Some would say a puppet school board, they serve under the Chancellor. PEP holds these public meetings throughout the year in all the 5 boroughs. Tonight was Brooklyn's turn. The meeting was held in the magnificent auditorium of Brooklyn Tech High School in Fort Green.

Tonight's meeting had a lot of controversy surrounding it. They had to deal with a resolution that dealt with Mayor Bloomberg's pick for Chancellor, Catherine Black. 
Since Ms Black has no background or experience in Public Education, she must receive a waiver before she can take the job. 
There was a resolution on the table to allow the PEP be the sole entity that can issue such a waiver. Otherwise the mayor alone could issue the waiver. 
It was put to a vote and rather then stand up to the mayor and demand someone who is an educator to run the DOE, the PEP folded like a cheap suit and voted the resolution down giving away their power to the billionaire mayor. 
The public was invited to speak and most speakers objected to the choice of Ms. Black and complained about the state of public education under outgoing Chancellor Joel Klein.
There was a lot of frustration in the air because all the public attendees who were advocating for better schools knew their words would be forgotten by members of the PEP board as soon as they step back into their limos. 
City government in action once again. Ha!

Harold also shot a video of last week's Fight Back Friday rally at Dewey:
Fight Back Fridays Video from Nov 12th.

Sol Stern has a great piece running at The City Journal. Oh what fun to see Sol, who used to support all the ed deform crap in a previous life - along with his pal Diane Ravitch - use one of the bastions of right wing NYC journalism to take down Bloomberg and the Black appointment - though Sol, can you write one piece without hocking us with your phonics?

To give the mayor his due, this description of qualifications for the chancellor’s job is consistent with everything he has said since taking over the schools in 2002. Bloomberg always insisted that the managerial and entrepreneurial skills needed to run a successful private-sector company were perfectly applicable to the task of improving the schools. And that renders moot the question of whether Black needs to know anything about education and instruction. The national adulation that Bloomberg has received (some of it self-generated) for his “breakthrough” school reforms has obviously confirmed him in this fundamental belief.
Though significant doubts have now surfaced about the extent of academic gains made by the city’s students during the Bloomberg era, there is little question that Gotham has become the nation’s most visible example of what I have previously called the “incentivist” approach to education reform. For education incentivists, what matters most is efficient management, backed by a series of internal market interventions to maximize the productivity of the workforce (that is, teachers and principals), which will produce better results (higher test scores). The issues related to instruction don’t factor in the equation. Since Bloomberg clearly remains convinced that Klein, a chancellor without a background in education, oversaw eight years of achievement gains simply by creating the proper incentives, there’s no reason for him to believe that Black ought to know, say, the difference between phonics and whole language.
And you may have hears rumors of a very public hug between Joel Klein and myself - I'm still way behind Randi in the number Klein hugs. Julie Cavanagh ran over to take over the camera and made sure to get the video. I was going to burn it but it is being processed now. More later on the reaction of my pals, who sent over hand cleaner, told me they wouldn't go near me until I took a shower and generally shunned me for the rest of the night. They're just haters.

At Randi's last Executive Board meeting in July 2009, she also spoke about how she would miss me and we shared a big hug, which George Schmidt, in town for the week, tried to capture on his camera but was a second too late. The point I tried to make to both Randi and Klein is that my opposition to them is political, not personal - though Randi always tried to paint it that way.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No to the Moskowitz Success Academy Charter Invasions

Hi all,

Tomorrow from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm the Community Education Council for District 3 will be having a meeting to discuss the co-location of Upper West Side Success Academy, a charter school, in the Robert E. Simon School Complex. As you might have heard, UWS Success already tried to claim space in another District 3 school, P.S. 145. These efforts were unsuccessful because of organized action by the community. 

The building now targeted already houses a primary school, P.S. 165, and two middle schools, I.S. 165 Global Scholars, and Mott Hall II. Various members of the community disagree with this proposal because of the negative impact this would have on the existing schools in the building; there is simply not enough space. Another issue being discussed at this meeting is rezoning, they are proposing to cut the zone for P.S. 165, which would undoubtedly decrease enrollment, and make it easier to establish a charter in the building. 

P.S./I.S. 165 is not a failing school. It is renown for its Dual Language and Special Education programs. Community schools deserve to be promoted and deserve to flourish. The establishment of UWS in the building is not supportive to the community schools in the building.

Teachers, parents and community members have already begun to organize in response. Please see some of our efforts at: .

Also, if possible, please attend the meeting in solidarity. Information on the meeting can be found here: and below:

CEC3 Public Meeting
Wednesday November 17th 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
PS 165 The Robert E. Simon School
234 W. 109th St.

- Show quoted text -

Assessing Joel Klein: What Influenced Him in the Late 60's? What If He Had Remained a Teacher?

Randi and Klein operating on the school system, neither qualified
Randi and Klein "fixing" the schools. I should have included this cartoon yesterday a teacher did for me for the Spring 2003 edition of Ed Notes. Very apt in line with the Black story. Click on it to enlarge.

I'm writing this as a follow-up to my piece yesterday (Separated at Birth: Joel and Norm - I Miss Him Already) on some of the similarities in my background with Joel Klein.

I wondered what would have happened if Klein had not left teaching after only 6 months. And also about how the climate of the times and how his brief experience as a teacher may have shaped his views, particularly about the union. I want to point out right up front that I have not had the time to do any research on anything Klein may have said about those years and the political influences on him, so all this is just speculation. But I find it interesting that he seems to have said so little or anything at all.

First let's think about the climate of the times in the late 60's. Just to give you a flavor, I extracted this fragment from Democracy Now's 40 year retrospective of 1968.
May 14, 2008: 1968, 40 Years Later: Student, Worker Protests Sweep France, Leaving Indelible Mark on the Country and the World
May 1968 was a watershed month for France, when a wave of student and worker protests swept the country and changed French society forever. We speak to George Katsiaficas, author of numerous books, including The Imagination of the New Left: The Global Analysis of 1968.

April 25, 2008: Forty Years After Historic Columbia Strike, Four Leaders of 1968 Student Uprising Reflect
Forty years ago this week, hundreds of students at Columbia University started a revolt on campus. Students went on strike. They occupied five buildings, including the president’s office in Low
Klein graduated from Columbia in 1967 and I assume was at Harvard Law School in April '68, so he missed the action. (I had completed one year as a full-time grad student in June 1967 and with the threat of grad student deferments ending I went into teaching in Sept. '67. Ironically, I was in the Columbia library on that day even though I was a grad student at Brooklyn College - anyone could just walk in. It was my first year of teaching and I took the day off because I was doing a heavy duty research paper and the resource I needed was only available up there.)

What was Klein's reactions to the events at his alma mater in the spring of '68?

Just a few months later in the fall of 1968 the UFT went on the most contentious strike in history, splitting apart the historic connection between civil rights and unionism, with many liberals and radicals lining up against the UFT. What is not commonly known is that the UFT had all the teachers in the demonstration district in Ocean Hill- Brownsville go on strike in May 1968, some of the aspects of which may have been drowned out in the incredible events of those months along with the assassinations of King and Kennedy, the elections, the war, etc. Really the most incredible time. Assume Klein was busy with law school and maybe didn't follow these events in the NYC schools.

Where did Joel Klein stand on the events going on in the NYC schools? Assuming he was a liberal, was the strike a basis of his anti-unionism, or at least his antagonism to the UFT? (Remember the Woody Allen line in Sleeper about Al Shanker blowing up the world.)

I was basically unconscious at that time and joined the '68 strike because teaching still scared me and I would take any opportunity not to go into school.

Later on when I became an activist, most of the people I met were very pro-union and very pro-community - faced with the choice they broke the strike. I always maintained that they were wrong- they should have joined the strike and fought things out within the union.

The earliest opposition caucus to Unity was Teachers Action Caucus - almost everyone in TAC broke the '68 strike. (Ironically, TAC merged with another caucus in 1990 to become the current New Action and many Unity stalwarts were still outraged over the '68 strike issue when Randi brought them into the fold in 2003.)

I remember the teacher whose class I took over on Feb. 1, 1969 was a law student at Columbia (he told me he got a good draft lottery number). He had broken the '68 strike- he told me because he was afraid that by striking and breaking the law he feared it would affect his law career - I just remembered his name - I think - Clifford Aron. In retrospect, he sort of reminds me of what Klein may have been like at that time.

Klein teaches
Now jump ahead a short time. As I pointed out, with deferments being challenged, Klein may have -  as I did - jumped into the Intensive Teacher Training Program (ITTP) a little known precursor to Teach for America, where people who had no education degree were given a 6 week summer training program and sent into the schools. I got 10 NYU credits followed by 2 more in the fall of 1967 at a follow-up support course. I parlayed those free NYU credits (imagine, $75 a credit while Brooklyn College was still free) into a Reading MA a few years later.

Klein could have done the middle school math program or elementary program at NYU in the summer of 1969 - his bio states he studied education at NYU - a slight exaggeration as it was probably that same 2 credit course I took 2 years before. But it was thrown into his bio to give him some ed creds. He spent 6 months teaching 6th grade math in Queens - I'm not sure if it was middle school or elementary- and I'm not sure if it was in the spring or fall '69.

So, he came into the system a year after the strike, but the aftermath was still intense. What experiences did he have in those 6 months? I have never heard anything. Did he see teachers who he felt were incompetent and shouldn't be there? If so, did he form a permanent view of NYC teachers? Did anyone help him? What kind of administration? What about the UFT in the school? The chapter leader? A standard Unity hack? Was the union strong in the school?

[I raise this because I entered the school system with a severe anti-ed major prejudice- disdain for people who would study education - no content I figured. But while I struggled, I saw how amazing so many of these people were as teachers - they used me as an ATR- sub in one school for a year and a half so I got to see everyone teach. The guys running from the draft were the worst, I among them. But I emerged with a tremendous respect for teachers before I even decided to stay- and maybe that respect had an impact on my choice to remain.]

All these issues may have shaped a world view in just a few months (he must have gotten a good draft number and must have left in either June 1969 or Feb. 1970.)

So what if Klein never left teaching?
Would he have become active in the union? With his leadership skills, he would have been expected to become a chapter leader at some point. Maybe join Unity? Drink the Kool-aid and become a hack? We certainly know he can drink Kool-aid. Maybe rise in the union hierarchy? Maybe even become President instead of Randi? Can you imagine Klein and Randi contending for power?

Or was he outraged at the '68 strike and would he ignore the union? Maybe aim right away to become a supervisor?

Or maybe join the opposition to Unity, so dominated by the left? In other words, could Joel Klein and I have ended up in the same opposition groups in the early 70's? Nahhhh. That is as far-fetched as a media queen to replacing him as chancellor.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Separated at Birth: Joel and Norm - I Miss Him Already

Cathie Black convenes first meeting of her team
Last Update: Tues, Nov. 16, 8am
(Additions in red)

VIDEO: More PEP POO: The Big Hug

At least he talks like me.

Wow! Joel Klein really did have some ed creds - at least if you read the NYTimes article today by Javier Hernandez (how nice to have him back writing on ed issues), where he points out just how much more qualified Klein was than Cathie Black. In a matter of speaking. I mean there's really qualified and then there's veneer qualified like Joel. And then there's Cathie Black qualified - socializing with the mayor - really the only kind of qualified that counts in their rarefied atmosphere. What kind of value-added score does she get for that?

[Have you noticed the NY Times hammering her with their increasing scrutiny? - see Note below].

Klein taught full time for as long as Randi Weingarten (6 months) and she was no more qualified to lead the UFT and AFT than Joel was to lead the DOE. Ask yourself: which results are worse - the schools after 8 years of Joel or the UFT after 10 years or Randi? Let's call it a draw.
In a five-page letter to state education officials, Mr. Bloomberg mentioned Joel I. Klein’s every possible brush with education, including his time at the Justice Department, his speeches on the rights of the mentally ill, and even a plaque on his high school’s wall of fame. As Mr. Bloomberg repeats the ritual of seeking approval from the state for his chancellor-in-waiting — this time, Cathleen P. Black, the chairwoman of Hearst Magazines — his case may be even more strained.
A crucial part of Mr. Bloomberg’s case in 2002 was Mr. Klein’s “considerable experience in the education arena.” Mr. Klein, the son of a postal worker, attended public schools in Queens and taught math to sixth graders in the city.
“Collectively, this training and experience provide Mr. Klein with the extensive management, educational, administrative, business, analytic, policy and political skills essential to the chancellorship,” the waiver request said.
While Mr. Klein’s experience with New York education was slim, Ms. Black’s may be slimmer.
Not commonly known: Joel and I are twins
I think I'm going to go over to Uncle Joel and give him one big hug at what may be his final PEP meeting tomorrow night - if I can get him to look up from his Blackberry. If I run into him I would honestly tell him what I told Randi when she left: It was never personal, but political.

I know some people despise them both, but in many ways I had more of an affinity for Klein than I did for Randi (maybe because I never worked in the system for Klein other than as an F-status a few days a week). Klein and I at least came from the same place. Randi was from someplace else - I haven't figured out exactly where yet- and I'm not talking about a physical place.

Klein and I are about a year or so apart in age and had many similar experiences through our formative years. We both grew up in a lower middle class setting in neighborhoods undergoing changes. He in Long Island City, me in the East NY section of Brooklyn, a severely block busted neighborhood that went from all white and Jewish to all black and Hispanic in the blink of an eye. 

(Imagine those scary and tough teachers in PS 190, my elementary school - from 1956 when I graduated to less than 10 years later- I would bet my pension that they were shell shocked at the changes - as were the teachers at George Gershwin and Jefferson just a few years later - a real lesson to people who think the quality of the teacher is the key element in whether schools are successful - something Joel Klein never learned first hand it appears.)

Our families were probably similar - his dad was a postal worker and mine was a presser in the garment industry. (My first union experience was my dad coming home from a strike with a "picket captain" are band.)

Both of us went to neighborhood high schools (Bryant and Jefferson) and not the specialty high schools (I totally bombed on the Brooklyn Tech test and I would bet he may have too since an ambitious fellow like him would have gone to one of those schools if he could). When he talks about the transformative experience in high school I totally identify with it. I got a world class education at Jeff that totally prepared me for college - but I very luckily was placed in the college bound group of about 150 students that got very special treatment. Another lesson I learned early on - education was not equal for all. 

Of course Klein destroyed my alma mata while leaving his alone - and the replacement small schools at Jefferson have struggled mightily by all reports. 

(I did after school service credit for a great guy and great teacher in the Jeff school supply room - I think his name was Sidney Zukov- and he at times complained about his classes and how kids didn't want to learn - I told him he should teach honors classes because they were so stimulating. He gave me a look and rolled his eyes- it took me 10 years to realize that look meant those classes were doled out to favorites - I heard years later he transferred to South Shore HS when Jeff started to get real bad.)

At the college level Klein and I diverged. He got into Columbia. I never even thought of applying to anyplace by Brooklyn College, where I felt I also got a world class education. Klein went on to law school at Harvard and I went on to grad school in history at Brooklyn College, aiming for a PhD one day and writing and teaching at the college level.

But there was this pesky war going on and they removed grad school deferments and Klein and I were offered a chance to get a deferment - I think he was a year or two behind me. The offer was for elementary school or junior high math. I chose the former; Klein the latter. Neither of us had any thought of staying in teaching.

I went through hell my first year. I can't believe that Klein didn't have a similar experience - or worse - I was a big guy at least with little kids and he is a small guy with big junior high kids. I don't know about him (and would actually love to interview him one day on just that time in his life) but I had zero experience dealing with people of color and was hit by culture shock.

Now here is where we diverge. He must have gotten a good lottery draft number after 6 months of teaching. I also got a decent number but was in my third year of teaching in 1969/70, with my own 4th grade class - my first full year with a class - which I absolutely loved - and was hooked on teaching. Klein jumped out as soon as he could and went back to law school. I dropped out of the MA in history program at Brooklyn College and got an MA in reading instead. I remained in the system full-time through 2002 and part-time through 2005. Joel came back to haunt all of us in 2002.

Still, no matter how much I criticized Joel Klein, I always felt there was some common ground somewhere in his psyche - we would need a steam shovel to dig it out but something has to be lurking.

At least Joel talks like me.

As for Cathie Black, other than us being the same age, she is an alien from another galaxy.

NOTE: Black will not last long as a candidate with the NY Times clearly taking a position against her.

This Stuff is What Will Make Black Withdraw


More than 47 Schools Slated for Potential Closure

It’s time to stand up to the attack on public education!

Protest Michael Bloomberg and his puppet school board, the “Panel for Educational Policy.” This administration has overseen the school-closing assault and promoted other attacks on our public school system, including:

- Increasing the number of charter schools colocated with our public schools, causing increased overcrowding.
- Cutting school budgets while NOT providing the support schools need to help students.
- Promoting the use of standardized testing as the only method of evaluating students’ progress and teachers’ effectiveness.
- Threatening to publish teachers’ test scores, despite scandals exposing the tests as inaccurate and flawed.
-Increasing the number of quality teachers in the excessed ATR pool who are denied seniority rights.
-Appointing Chancellors and other high level DOE officials who are not qualified for the job.

Tired of the education deform onslaught against parents, students and teachers?

Make your voices heard! Join the Real Reformers. Protest the Panel for Education Policy. This will be the first of an ongoing series of actions to protest the disastrous educational policies that are trying to dismantle public education

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Meet at 5:30pm
Brooklyn Technical High School
29 Fort Greene – Brooklyn, NY 11217
B, M, Q, R to Dekalb Avenue, 2, 3, 4, 5 to Nevins Street, G to Fulton Street.

It is time for school-communities city-wide to organize and mobilize! Contact GEM if you need assistance in your school. See our Advocacy Toolkits on the side panel of this site. Together we can make our voices heard and stop the destructive forces who are undermining our public education system.

Come and let your voice be heard.
    No closing schools!
        Fix our schools, if needed, don't close them!
            Say NO to the privatizers
                We need a chancellor with real qualifications


Join the Real Reformers on 11/16
Don a Real Reformer SuperCape and participate in our rapsong extravaganza in front of the next PEP meeting -

No talent necessary
Capes and lyrics will be provided
We’ll meet up at 4:15 at the corner of DeKalb Ave. and South Elliot Pl. by Fort GreenePark for a mini rehearsal and then go over to Brooklyn Tech HS at 5:15 for the performance.
 Join with us and let your voice be heard

Let’s tell the Puppet PEP that we are not going to let them deform, dismantle and destroy our schools and our students’ education!
See our previous performance at:
[Ed Note: where it will be obvious that no talent is needed]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Meet at 4:30pm
Brooklyn Technical High School is at 29 Fort Greene – Brooklyn, NY 11217
B, M, Q, R to Dekalb Avenue, 2, 3, 4, 5 to Nevins Street, G to Fulton Street.

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Video and News from press conference: Black nomination

Julie Cavanagh, you are the bomb!- Leonie Haimson
Leonie writes:
  1. Our press conference this afternoon to oppose Cathie Black’s nomination as NYC school chancellor was great; we had a turnout of about 50 parents and teachers, and reporters came from nearly all the major news stations and papers. 
Civil rights leaders Norman Siegel and Michael Meyers spoke about to how this selection by the mayor of such an unqualified individual, made in secret, violated principles of diversity and transparency and reeked of cronyism; NYC Council Education chair Robert Jackson, parent leaders Tina Schiller from Manhattan, William McDonald of Queens, Philip DePaolo of Brooklyn, and teachers Julie Cavanagh and Justin Wedes also spoke eloquently how the mayor’s choice of someone without any educational experience or credentials is a betrayal of our children.  The Siegel/Meyers letter, signed by more than 100 teachers and parents is posted here; news stories are already up at NY1, AP/Wall St. Journal, and AP photo.  Watch for us on tonight’s news, and tomorrow’s papers. Thanks to all who came!
  1. If you didn’t make it to our event, you have two more chances this week to attend rallies opposing Black’s nomination :
Monday, November 15 at 10:00 AM at Brooklyn Borough Hall
Sponsored by Chris Owens, Democratic district leader.  For more info, call 718-514-4874 /
Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 4:45 PM in front of Tweed, 52 Chambers Street. 
For more info, contact William McDonald at
  1. Please be sure to sign onto our online petition, if you haven’t already, which has already generated more than ten thousand emails to Commissioner Steiner, the Regents, and state legislators at
And then follow up with a phone call to Steiner at (518) 474-5844. 
  1. And come to the PEP meeting and make your voice heard!  Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 5:30 PM at Brooklyn Tech HS; map here.  Just think, it’s one of the last chances to let Joel Klein what you think.

Perdido Street School:  Why I Have Decided To Support Cathie Black For Chancellor

Like Sarah Palin, Cathie Black Apparently Never Blinked

7 and 1/2 rules for effective (female) managers from Ms Black

Seung Ok: Why Closing Schools Will Always Be Illegal

Mayor Bloomberg and Co. is again attempting to close tons of schools that the community wants open. And to that effect, they will be releasing Impact Statements as required by law. Unless those statements truly list the horrendous effects these closures will have on those students and communities, the city again will be open for a lawsuit.

When a school is closed, the students on track to graduate have the option of transferring out, which they often do. The school being phased out will be left with lower enrollment, and a high proportion of ELL, Special Education, and low achieving students - since other schools tend to reject their applications.

So that school, which needs more support, not less, will have an insufficient budget and number of qualified staff - since special education teachers are the biggest expense in a school (12 to 1 student to teacher ratio). This school will be forced to deny their students legal rights to their services. This is what's happening all across the city. The DOE is forcing schools to break the law.

Because of a smaller staff, courses will have to be dropped. This year in Maxwell HS, chemistry is no longer offered and many teachers are teaching courses out of their license.

Let's not forget the schools that will be installed into the building after the closure. The DOE allows these new schools to reject ELL and Special Education students for the first 3 years. The result on the community is clear. Other schools in the community will have their enrollment of high needs students skyrocket. This is happening to schools all over the city as well.

Those schools targeted for closure must be witness to this travesty and fight it by documenting all the negative effects closures have had on their students. Officially report services not provided to their special education students. Report the number of classes taught out of license. Report the number of ELL and Special Education Students. Document the rise of lower level students concentrating in one school. Document the rise in class size.

And this time - let's approach an organization less complicit than the UFT. In last year's lawsuit settlement, the UFT compromised on keeping schools open by still allowing new schools to co-locate in their buildings (see the case of Jamaica High School). Jamaica High School now has issues of 50 students in some classes and withering space and programs for their students.

Seung Ok