The progressive populism of Bernie Sanders nearly toppled the establishment of the Democratic party but Clinton and Obama came to the rescue to preserve the status quo. And I do believe Sanders would have beat Trump to avert this neofascist outcome!... Cornel West
A couple of post-election pieces for your reading pleasure that beat up the Democrats. I may do follow-ups on some of them in more detail. I'm interested in the intersection of class and identity politics - how to walk that line without abandoning either.My research suggests that Rust Belt populism is rooted in the region’s loss of locally owned industry — not simply because of economics but because of how that loss hollowed out the community structure that once connected people to politics, leaving residents alienated and resentful..... Josh Pacewicz, WAPO
I posted some pieces about Bernie Sanders on the issue and how the Hillary wing of the party distorted what he was saying:
- Bernie Sanders Nailed It On Identity Politics and ...
- What Bernie Sanders Gets Right About Identity Poli...
MORE is holding a discussion around the election in mid-January. ICE also had a discussion a few weeks ago that was informative.
I'm not agreeing with all points raised, just putting this stuff out there for discussions trying to assess "wha' happen?" I particularly liked the WAPO piece because it analyzes how the Dems lost the working class -- and links that to the decline of unions. Which makes sense. The right have understood that by killing or weakening unions it could break their unity and ties to the Dems. This was the plan since Reagan -- the the outcome has been economic disaster for the middle class -- wages has have been stagnant since the early to mid-80s -- DUHHH! Reaganomics and the right wing assault. For educators, the phony Nation at Risk Reagan commissioned to go after education was the opening shot. That our major union leader Albert Shanker signed onto this report was the beginning of the end of our ability as teachers to fight back. Randi only continued Shanker's capitulation to ed deform.
An interesting piece from the Washington Post.
Here’s the real reason Rust Belt cities and towns voted for Trump
2. The Nation:
What Is the Left Without Identity Politics?
Four writers consider the question dividing the Democratic Party.
By Walter Benn Michaels, Charles W. Mills, Linda Hirshman and Carla Murphy
3. Liza Featherstone's interesting take at The Guardian
Feminists misunderstood the presidential election from day one
4. Cornel West: Goodbye, American neoliberalism. A new era is here