Friday, April 10, 2015

Impeach -- The Uncommon Ed U. Cator on Cuomo, Tisch: Playing Fast and Loose in a Labyrinth of Deceit

[T]he web of money, appointments, corporations, hedge funds, people, and campaign contributions crisscross so much in this complex money maze that it was difficult to write with any fluidity. It appears to me that Merryl Tisch needs to be seriously investigated as to her part in this web of deceit, as well as many others. The corporate money and real estate connections to Tisch cannot be ignored. There is no doubt to me, however, that Mr. Cuomo may have crossed some ethical lines. There is also no doubt to me that due to the way the impeachment process of a Governor works in New York state that if our senate and legislature were truly the voice of the people, then they would pursue that avenue with much vigor until Governor Cuomo is indeed impeached.....The Uncommon Ed U. Cator
A nice piece of work pointing to Cuomo impeachment possibilities from The Uncommon Ed U. Cator.

Dishonesty, Lies, Deception: Cuomo Playing Fast and Loose in a Labyrinth of Deceit

February 22, 2015 at 10:13am
Cuomo: Playing Fast and Loose in a Labyrinth of Deceit

The impeachment process of a governor in New York starts in the state Assembly and then moves to the state Senate. “It doesn't have to be a crime. It doesn't even have to be an official act. The words are "willful and corrupt conduct in office." It could be a private act. The Assembly decides what's impeachable.”…/impeachment-process-in-new-york-st…

Andrew Cuomo's recent budgetary tactics are completely despicable to me. His”strategy”of blackmail is usurping the budget process and completely circumvents the entire idea of democracy. Holding the budget process hostage in order to achieve his own personal and political goals is nothing short of economic terrorism against his own constituency.

Over the past few days I have had information shared with me and today started digging some more on my own. This writing unfortunately is itself a winding labyrinth meandering from education & campaign donations to hedge funds to Pearson to education reform to tax breaks to real-estate and back. At this point is impossible for me to make it fluid narrative because of all the twists and turns.

After piecing this together though it is difficult for me to believe that Governor Andrew Cuomo has not broken any legal laws of ethics. It is also my opinion that he most certainly has betrayed the working class of NY and the public trust. I also believe that there is enough here to begin the impeachment process.

A reading of the Teachout/Kuhn Washington Park Project paper, “Corruption in Education: Hedge Funds and the Takeover of New York’s Schools,” published recently in December of 2014 clearly shows the amount of private dollars that were pumped into the NYS legislative process last year with the sole purpose of taking over public education.

“New York State is plagued by legal corruption: campaign contributions and outside spending explicitly designed to buy policy outcomes. In 2014, a tiny group of powerful hedge fund executives, representing an extreme version of this corruption, spent historic amounts of money in order to take over education policy.
This paper details this fast-paced purchase of political power, and the threat it poses to democracy and public education in New York State.
A small cadre of men, including Carl Icahn, Paul Tudor Jones, and Dan Loeb, poured more than $10 million into state lobbying and election campaigns since the beginning of 2014, with electrifying results.i Their campaign bears the signature components of the corporate takeover world which they occupy: rapid action on multiple fronts; highly secretive activity shielded from the public view; high stakes, big spending; and top-down power plays that are not accountable to the public.
First, in a span of 10 weeks they spent over $6 million on lobbying that won unprecedented public funding to pay for charter school rent. ii
This was done as part of a campaign orchestrated with Governor Cuomo, designed to frustrate Mayor Bill de Blasio’s efforts to win universal full-day pre-K, paid for entirely through expanded taxation of New York City millionaires.

Phase two of the attack came in the fall elections.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wall Street Fees Wipe Out $2.5 Billion in New York City Pension Gains - NY Times

The Lenape tribe got a better deal on the sale of Manhattan island than New York City’s pension funds have been getting from Wall Street, according to a new analysis by the city comptroller’s office....
Apparently, most of the interest gain on our pension money is going straight to Wall Street.  Disgusting - and frankly, I don't think Mulgrew's comments below communicate the appropriate level of outrage. If I was charged $250 in fees on a $16,000 I had in a bank account, I would be calling up the FDIC and saying that I had been scammed.  If we get charge $2.5B on $160B in our life savings, then we should be demonstrating in the streets.... 
.... comment on MORE Listserve
I should apply for the job of pension fund manager. Frankly, I've done much better than they did over the past 25 years. Or maybe I should run for the UFT pension rep position.
The analysis concluded that, over the past 10 years, the five pension funds have paid more than $2 billion in fees to money managers and have received virtually nothing in return, Comptroller Scott M. Stringer said in an interview on Wednesday.
“When you do the math on what we pay Wall Street to actively manage our funds, it’s shocking to realize that fees have not only wiped out any benefit to the funds, but have in fact cost taxpayers billions of dollars in lost returns,” Mr. Stringer said.
Why the trustees of the funds — Mr. Stringer included — would not have performed those calculations in the past is not clear.
Mulgrew's la-di-da comments are priceless:
Michael Mulgrew, the president of the United Federation of Teachers, said he was happy that his union’s pension fund, the Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York, had been performing well. But he said the fees paid to some managers were “ridiculous” and should be renegotiated if those managers are retained.
“Education’s always being put under reform; maybe some of these financial practices should be put under reform as well,” Mr. Mulgrew said. He praised Mr. Stringer for taking aim at a line of business that has been very lucrative for Wall Street.
Where are our elected pension reps?

What about ratings of principals? Chalkbeat gets it wrong on teacher evals in low performing schools

Oy! I know I should avoid reading at Chalkbeat to avoid cutting into my life expectancy. I'm amazed at how the press and public - and the UFT -- let the people running  schools like John Dewey and so many other schools -- I mean principals who are psychopaths --- off the hook. The CSA must have dirty pictures.

Today's headline piece is piling on:

turnaround teachers

More than 20 percent of teachers at schools in the city's "Renewal" program for struggling schools received the two lowest ratings on their evaluations last year, compared to less than 10 percent of teachers citywide. Also, less than 2 percent of Renewal teachers received the top evaluation rating, compared to 9.2 percent of all city teachers.

The headline alone helps anti teacher groups- look at this Student First tweet:

New analysis from says students at renewal schools are TWICE as likely to have an ineffective teacher:

Look at how Chalkbeat frames it -- as an open attack on the teachers, totally ignoring the key ingredient -- what kind of people are running these schools --- the single most important ingredient in the days of unbridled principal power is - DUH! - the principal.

I'm amazed how this factor - in all the debates - is left out -- but by the way- Cuomo, etc don't trust these people enough to rate the teachers -- hell, I don't trust most of them too. Given the assaults so many of these lunatics have made on teachers over the years I myself have called for independent observers -- from the other direction. And I also tell teachers to videotape their lessons whenever they are observed.

I left this comment at Chalkbeat.
This article is missing an essential ingredient -- the effectiveness of the people running the school -- which is a bigger factor than teacher ratings. If there is teacher turnover it is not due to the kids but to the supervisors - and the often hostile environment with lack of support. Then there is the factor of principals in struggling schools wanting to cover their asses by making sure to have more "ineffective" teachers -- this is going on at John Dewey HS in Brooklyn.
The article quotes a Tweed spokeperson:
“Having a strong teacher at the front of every classroom is critical at our Renewal Schools and at every school,” spokeswoman Devora Kaye said. “We are using an aggressive set of tools to improve these historically struggling schools and we’ll hold them accountable for improved student outcomes.”
Hey Devora -- how about a strong principal instead of the hundreds of looney toons?  And note how silent the UFT is about this issue? Covering for their pals in the CSA?

Laurel Sturt's "Davonte's Inferno" chronicling a decade with 4 awful principals (Cruella, ego-maniac Guido, Principal Dearest, Rosemary's Baby) at an elementary school in the Bronx should be required reading.

The Police - What Can You Believe?

Today's front page of the NY Times story on the police shooting in South Carolina raised the issue of trusting the accounts of police, who have been given the benefit of the doubt when there is no proof otherwise. This is presented as a new thing.

So let me tell a story of the early 70s when I first became active with people on the left through working in the opposition in the UFT. Very quickly, their stories of police actions in negative ways began to shake my faith. Early in my active days at school board meetings, a police car rolled by and a white cop called us n-ger lovers. Then I got a ticked because of my "hippie" look -- the disgust the cop showed -- and an implicit threat when I argued.

So when I found myself being questioned for jury duty and the prosecutor asked the panel if we would believe the testimony of police, I raised my hand and said I wouldn't automatically believe police testimony.

The judge had been distracted while I answered but when the prosecutor told him what I said he went off on me - screaming at me and saying "and you're a public school teacher? Get out of my court room." And so I discovered a way to get off jury duty.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Chicago Election: What Rahm Didn't Win, Despite Enormous Spending

John Arena wins in 45th Ward despite Rahm PACs, DFER attacks.

All politics is local. While it looks like a big loss for the uinon, they did have a few eggs in local ward races. Looking for silver linings, George Schmidt has found a few.
While Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel won re-election by a decisive margin in the citywide elections, Emanuel's City Council opponents are still in power and promise to be even more active in the years ahead. In the city's 45th Ward, on the far northwest side (near O'Hare Airport), incumbent alderman John Arena won re-election by a comfortable margin, despite serious spending by Rahm Emanuel's organizations on behalf of Arena's opponent, Chicago Police Lieutenant John Garrido. By nine o'clock Garrido had called Arena to concede defeat. Arena won with 53 percent of the vote.
Arena has been one of the most consistent leaders of the City Council "Progressive Caucus" since his 2011 election by the narrow margin of 30 votes over Garrido. Arena was targeted by numerous mailings attacking both him and his record, and by on-line slanders as well, during the campaign.

I've just begun analyzing the election results from April 7 in Chicago. What becomes clear is that Rahm Emanuel won the mayor's race, but that most of the aldermen (or candidates like John Garrido in the 45th Ward where our family lives) Rahm supported for the remaining 18 ward races lost. We will be sharing some of these analyses over the next couple of days. There will be more real "progressives" in the Chicago City Council after May 2015 than there were before. 

LESSONS OF CHICAGO'S 2015 ELECTION: First lesson. Negative nonsense at a huge cost failed. The lesson of the 45th Ward...

Ken Derstine, Using AEI Video, Parses Ed Deformers and Randi Collaboration

The second panelist, Sarah Reckhow, (starting at 16:00)  co-authored the policy paper ‘Singing from the same hymnbook': Education policy advocacy at Gates and Broad | Michigan State University . What struck me is how matter of fact she is in the video and the paper about Randi Weingarten participating with them which is obviously assumed by other panelists to be common knowledge. See pages 18 and 19 of the paper which shows Randi Weingarten’s collaboration with them. Sarah Reckhow comments that Randi Weingarten has been working with them to develop a teacher evaluation based on standardized tests......
Ken Derstine
Ken is a Philly-based activist who posted a piece this morning at Schools Matter  about the corporate deformer attacks on the opt out movement: CorpEd Assails Opt Out In Desperate Attempt to Protect House of Cards.

Ken did a video with the Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools and the Media Mobilizing Project about school closings in October, 2013. Our Schools Are Not For Sale.  It has been viewed over 83,000 times.
I stay connected with the struggle with my Facebook and Twitter . I use them as bulletin boards for linking articles about corporate education reform and the resistance to it. I spend at least three or four hours each day posting links to posts I find on the internet about how the struggle is unfolding. The growth of people following is gradual, but some significant people from around the country are following my posts. 
Last week, in response to some of my blogs about collaborationist union Is the ‘new’ education philanthropy good for schools? Examining foundation-funded school reform 
leaders with ed deformers, Ken sent me these comments after watching 4 hours of American Enterprise video:
I have stumbled onto this amazing video from a panel at the American Enterprise Institute (look at this link) on February 5, 2015. This is a spawning center of neoliberalism! This is the corporate education reformers talking to the choir. It is amazing to watch. This confirms everything I said in Who’s Is Eli Broad and Why Is He Trying to Destroy Public Education? from their goals, to their deep collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education, to Randi Weingarten’s collaboration with them. 
I poked around and found this video at AEI of Randi: [NOTE - SINCE REMOVED- WHY? TOO MUCH EXPOSURE?]
During her follow-up conversation with AEI’s Frederick M. Hess, Weingarten confessed that “unions are not monolithic,” stressing that rather than using VAM to assess all teachers, it should be one among several components used to evaluate teacher performance. 
VAM is not a sham to Randi --

Ken gives us more entry points below for those skipping around for nuggets to use in this 4 hour plus video:

I have stumbled onto this amazing video from a panel at the American Enterprise Institute (look at this link) on February 5, 2015. This is a spawning center of neoliberalism! This is the corporate education reformers talking to the choir. It is amazing to watch. This confirms everything I said in Who’s Is Eli Broad and Why Is He Trying to Destroy Public Education? from their goals, to their deep collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education, to Randi Weingarten’s collaboration with them. 

Also, they might present a front that they are powerful because of the subservience of the corporate media, but among themselves they know they are just putting “a bucket in the ocean”. A number of times they ask why the corporate funders keep funding the corporate attack on education when it obviously is not working. They are also aware they are in an ivory tower and have little understanding of their impact on the “grassroots”. This is the video:

This video is also on YouTube and should be downloaded.

This video is four hours long, but watch a little of it to get the flavor. (Warning: I said there is no way I can give four hours to this, but it is so engrossing and important, I watched it off and on for two days and I’m sure I will rewatch parts.) 

Watch the first two panelists in the in the first panel. The second panelist, Sarah Reckhow, (starting at 16:00)  co-authored the policy paper ‘Singing from the same hymnbook': Education policy advocacy at Gates and Broad | Michigan State University . What struck me is how matter of fact she is in the video and the paper about Randi Weingarten participating with them which is obviously assumed by other panelists to be common knowledge. See pages 18 and 19 of the paper which shows Randi Weingarten’s collaboration with them. Sarah Reckhow comments that Randi Weingarten has been working with them to develop a teacher evaluation based on standardized tests.

Anthony Cody had a post about this paper on February 9Reckhow and Tomkins-Stange Document How Gates and Broad Money Got Everyone “Singing from the Same Hymnbook  While he does link the AEI page which has this paper with an easy to miss link to the video of the four-hour AEI conference, he makes no mention of Randi Weingarten’s role.

After watching the second panelist, go to 55:00. There is a real demoralization they are showing. Notice what they say about the impact of the Chicago teachers strike.
The second panel is about the “backlash” against corporate education reform. (starts at about 1:30) The demoralization is very evident here.
Howard Fuller of Black Alliance for Educational Opportunity (which Philadelphia mayoral candidate Anthony Williams is affiliated with - see my article Corporate Education Reform and Civil Rights ) is on the second panel. Notable quote (1:54): “We (BAEO) wouldn’t exist without John Walton and this is one of the reasons I love that man."

At 1:47 the panelist Larry Cuban speaks about the Broad Superintendent’s Academy. He is followed by Howard Fuller. (Starts at 1:51.) His remarks are very revealing about how disconnected these people are from what is the reality in public schools and from the impact of what they are doing. Fuller seems totally unaware that he is working for the same political forces that have been underfunding schools for decades and the money BAEO receives from them comes from the low wage exploitation of Walmart workers.

The third panel, starts at 2:42, is about the future of corporate philanthropy. It starts with Dana Goldstein. I commented about Dana Goldstein on Schools Matter on September 30, 2014. There are also articles on Schools Matter if you do a search in the search engine for “Dana Goldstein". 

The second panelist (2:55) talks about corporate education reform in higher education. Anyone in higher education should watch this…and be very afraid. The fourth panelist, Jim Blew (3:18), left the Walton Foundation to replace Michelle Rhee at Students First. He spends most of his time attacking teacher unions. (Note: He says his father was a teacher union organizer.) One corporate ed reform organization he cites (which has gone below the radar, I never heard of them; they are not mentioned on Sourcewatch) as being very influential is the Fisher Family

This is the initial article that led to my finding this video:
March 24, 2015

Frederick Hess at the end of panel one made an off the cuff comment (at 51:00) which summed up the bottom line for these people.:

“They (venture philanthropist) may not be as powerful as they think they are in terms of shaping what happens in the nation’s schools and classrooms, but they’re very powerful in terms of us being able to feed our families and being able to do the research and analysis we like to do.” In other words, there is no real passion, no real belief in what they are doing; they looking at spreadsheets and each others position papers….and they are just in it for the big bucks.

Ken Derstine

MORE Condolences to Noah Gotbaum After Passing of Labor Deader Dad

Many fighters of ed deform have come to know and respect Noah Gotbaum over his years of support for the struggle. He played a role in our anti-ed deform film - we closed the movie with a clip from him. I joined Noah and others on a trip to Albany to oppose the Cathie Black appointment as chancellor.

I never met his labor leader dad, Victor, who passed the other day (extensive NY Times obit). Noah's step mom, Betsy, has held numerous positions in local government.

In the 70s Gotbaum, as head of DC 37 which represented school aides and lunchroom workers, went head to head with Al Shanker, especially when Shanker made some moves to incorporate them into the UFT.

Noah has worked with people throughout the system, both the UFT, MOREs, GEM and numerous parent groups. He is one of the major thorns in the side Evil Moskowitz.

MORE posted these comments on the blog:

In Tribute to Victor Gotbaum - MORE sends its deepest condolences to our friend and fellow defender of public education, Noah Gotbaum and his family, over the death of his father, Victor..

Victor Gotbaum was among the most prominent union leaders during the glory days of public employee unionism. A great organizer and defender of worker’s interests, Victor Gotbaum led District Council 37, the umbrella organization for most unionized city employees, from 1965, when DC 37 had 35,000 members, until 1987, when it had well over 100,000.
Victor Gotbaum was a lifelong New Yorker, a WWII veteran, a precociously early opponent of the Vietnam War, and a fighter for the rights of working people. During the fiscal crisis of 1975 and after, also known as “The Banker’s Coup,” his immediate reflex was to fight the austerity being imposed on working New Yorkers, and DC 37 members demonstrated the power of working people, coming close to shutting the city down in opposition to the budget cutbacks that took almost a generation to recover from.

Victor Gotbaum understood and devoted his life to expanding the power of workers, and we will use this moment to reflect upon how we will carry on that tradition, as he did, with intelligence, passion and commitment.

Again, our deepest condolences to Noah and his family for their loss.

Victor Gotbaum, the City’s Shop Steward

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Randi's Collaborationist Roots go back to Shanker: George Schmidt - The AFT and the CIA - Part 1

I don't get it - Who or what or how, is voting and supporting the union leadership?  How is the unity caucus organized and who is in it that maintains such ironclad support?  How do I even begin to figure this out?  For 2 years I've been talking to teachers in all areas and I still can't get an answer that makes sense to me.  Help!!! -- M.E., parent opt out activist

I know some will be scratching their heads over this post but I hope it will eventually make sense as I post followups as a try answer M.E.'s question.

As I read the blogs (NYC Educator: The Genius of UFT Leadership),
I see others scratching their heads to try and understand the actions of the UFT/AFT and NYSUT (even though NYSUT, under pressure from small locals at times seems to be going off the tracks -- which was what the Randi/Mulgrew Revise coup was all about last year.)

There is not a simple answer and I'm not sure they my explanations will make things any clearer. Before getting to the essence of the question - it will take a series of blog posts to get to the roots of where the UFT came from as an understanding of the pretty much iron-clad system Shanker and crew set up to assure lifetime tenure for Unity Caucus - not just protection from a rank and file revolt but also protection from governmental and corporate attacks by demonstrating a willingness to collaborate even when such collaboration is against the interests of the members.

Some of you have asked why, given the absolute assault on teachers and their unions, am I putting energy into exposing the historical roots of our union as collaborationist (Why Did the AFT End Its Coca-Cola Boycott?) with so many of the enemies of labor and democracy? (I.e. - Have you wondered what Randi was doing in Ukraine recently with the lame excuse that some of her family had come from there?)

Last summer (2014) at the AFT convention in LA I was chatting with a high official of big city progressive teacher union local who told me an interesting story about attending an international conference in Europe of educational leaders from around the world.

Many complained to her about the role AFT and its agents were playing on the international level, even to the extent of undermining their work -- especially if they were leftist oriented teacher unions.

(Understanding that part of the very essence of the UFT from the beginning was to purge leftists and left ideology out of the American labor movement - especially teacher unions  -- and when the AFT under Dave Selden seemed to be drifting too far left in the early 70s, Shanker pulled off his AFT takeover coup in 1974.)

The role the AFT - and don't forget the UFT is the tail that wags that dog -- at the state, national and international level goes beyond educational issues.

I want to poke holes in the myth that the major goals of what some refer to as the "labor bureaucracy" when it comes to the UFT/AFT are not just self-serving, avaricious and at times, incompetent union leaders --- yes to all of that -- but also committed defenders of the government/corporate/ruling class control of society - and it is from helping maintain that control that they get their perks.

Why support common core/testing, and ed deform in general? Because the ruling class over the past 33 years (since Nation at Risk) has determined that the education system needs ed deform and the teachers have to be the sacrificial lamb to make that happen. The AFT/UFT can live with that as long as they are allowed to stay in control of whatever is left.

And don't forget that it was Shanker who started prepping the UFT to become a non-teacher union through dilution by organizing nurses - and Randi by bringing in home day care workers. And if you add the 40,000 or so not classroom people (ie, paras, social workers, etc.) plus the 60,000 or so retirees, the actual teaching core is a minority. So if they get screwed  - especially if senior and untenured - there are replacement parts all paying the same dues. What about this slogan: They earn while they churn.

Sean Crowley, our Buffalo blogging buddy at B-LoEdScene, commented on my posts about Randi ending the Coca-Cola Boycott?
Educating the ostrich like teacher masses that their AFT Prez is working against them is a job that never ends. Too many teachers still think she supports them. This is imperative and Norm is to be commended. If any of the holdouts still need proof that Weingrovel works against kids and teachers and parents here you go. The rest of us are like yeah that figures. Once you realize she's against you it all makes sense.
Not just ed deform, but foreign policy too 

Yes - it makes sense once you realize Randi is on the other side -- but not just Randi. The purpose of this series of posts is to take the focus off Randi as the perpetrator and put it on the collaborationist institutional ideology installed by Al Shanker and his merry band over 50 years ago who turned the UFT/AFT into an instrument of American corporate/government policy (one and the same also known in some quarters as the "ruling class") --  even when those policies harm the members they supposedly represent. In my view they do not represent us but rather the ruling class by playing the role of pushing such policies down the throats of the members.

The American Federation of Teachers and the CIA by George Schmidt lays the backdrop to explain some of the actions of our union leaders.

Vera Pavone has been hard at work pouring through the George Schmidt 40 year old pamphlet plus the more recent Kahlenberg Shanker bio to help put together our case. (Vera helped us digitize the pamphlet by typing all 86 pages into WORD and Leo Zimmerman created the pdf with the wonderful links (you can spend a week reading just the few pages below).

I am going to post a few sections of George's work to give you the story in small doses.

Before you start think of one question: Given recent history especially, does anyone think the CIA, FBI, NSA and whatever else WOULD NOT WANT TO INFLUENCE, IF NOT CONTROL, THE AMERICAN LABOR MOVEMENT AND USE SUCH INFLUENCE AND CONTROL DOMESTICALLY AND ABROAD?

Here is the first dose - with a short excerpt from George's 2000 introduction.
I was at first pleased—but surprised—to find that intelligent and committed people were still interested in this brief study nearly a quarter century after it was researched and written. Looking back on the 26 years we have been publishing the teachers’ newspaper Substance in Chicago, however, it should not have been as surprising as it first seemed to me. There is the same connection across generations now as there was when my generation struggled to locate and learn the history of American radicalism during the Orwellian brainwash of the early 1960s.

It was Sid who made it clear we had to begin with the devastation that followed the Allied victory over  Nazism in Europe. With his help we could check out the first cooperation between the nascent CIA (when it was still the old OSS) and the Nazi intelligence organizations in those opening days before the “Cold War” even had a name. In the name of The Free World, even before the guns had stopped firing, our “side” was providing haven for the worst fascists, anti-Semites, racists, and white supremacists in history—provided they help “us” against the Soviet Union and mass organizations (especially unions) in Western Europe

Chicago’s     Lester   Davis, who edited the newspaper of the Chicago Teachers Union, is also long gone. A founder of the AFT Black Caucus, Lester kept many of us informed about the antics of the Shanker administration of the American Federation of Teachers during the 1970s. It was Lester’s privilege to describe for me the official behind-the-scenes reception to this little book. Lester told me how Sandy Feldman demanded that the AFT sue me for libel at the AFT executive council meeting that followed the 1978 convention where we first sold this book. And Lester also told me how Al Shanker realized it was far better to allow a little book to circulate than to give its author the right to defend the truth behind that book. I’m sure that Lester’s friend and fellow Panamanian organizer Paul Robeson remained proud of Lester in all that.
Remember - this is from 1978:
Chapter One: Cooperating Around the World

Direct links between the 430,000 member American Federation of Teachers(AFT) and the UnitedStates Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) have been forged and strengthened since the election of NewYork’s Albert Shanker  as AFT national president in 1974. Prior to that time, a number of national union staff members had developed relations with the intelligence agency through the union’s various international affairs programs. Additionally, Shanker’s home local in New York, the huge Local 2 (United  Federation of Teachers) had served as a base for CIA related labor activities through the AFT until Shanker himself assumed the national presidency. It was not until Shanker’s faction (the Progressive Caucus [note: still running AFT]) took national power, however, that the weight of the teachers union became a full partner in government/CIA international affairs.

The AFT’s CIA connections are carried out through three foundations sponsored by theAFL–CIO, the largest multinational corporations and the United States government’s Agency for International Development, AID. The oldest of the foundations, the American Institute for Free Labor Development  (AIFLD), works in the Latin American nations. The African American Labor Committee (AALC)operates in Africa, while the Asian American Free Labor Institute (AAFLI) works in the non-communist nations of Asia. AFT/CIA connections are also carried out through the International TradeSecretariat for teachers unions, the International Federation of Free Teachers Unions (IFFTU). TheIFFTU is one of 16 International Trade Secretariats(OR ITS’s). A number of these predate the cold war and function as multinational unions in the face of the transnational corporations, while a smaller number—particularly those founded after World War II—either cooperate with the U.S. intelligence or were actually established by the CIA itself in cooperation with the AFL and later, the AFL-CIO.

In addition to Shanker himself, national union staff members Al Loewenthal and Anthony DiBlasi carryout international trade union work through the AFT which involves the teachers union both internationally and domestically in U.S. intelligence and State Department activities. Other national union personalities who have participated in these activities include Sandra Feldman, Velma Hill, Ponsie Hillman and Vito    DiLeonardis from Local 2 in New York. Former union staffer Denise Thiry  was among the most active of the AFT’s international people until her resignation in 1976. Thiry’s work included cooperation with the U.S. government in the coup d’etat that overthrew the Allende government in Chile in 1973. Before she was exposed as a police spy in Chicago, Sheli Lulkin, who was co-chairperson of the AFT Women’s Rights committee, had also begun to involve herself in international union and “women’s rights” activities. National union figures from Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco have also participated in the international affairs work of AFT since Shanker’s rise to power.

The most important domestic organization outside of the U.S. labor movement which cooperates in intelligence and State Department activities and is influential in the AFT is the Social Democrats-USA (SDUSA), a small “socialist” party based in New York and affiliated with the Social International (the descendant of the Second International). SDUSA members who serve in national leadership posts in the AFT include Albert Shanker, Sandra Feldman, Velma Hill and a significant minority of the union’s national staff members at the AFT offices in Washington, D.C. SDUSA, which operates out of offices in the International Ladies Garment Workers (ILGWU) building in New York, has a membership of less than 5,000 persons. Through its power within the AFL-CIO Executive Council and certain American trade unions, however, and through its connections with the U.S. government’s Cold War activities, its influence far outweighs its numbers in the top echelons of organized labor in America. 

From this tiny “socialist” grouping are drawn a number of the intellectual apologists for the AFL-CIO’s Cold War policies and for the CIA’s activities. SDUSA members have secured a number of importantstaff posts within the AFL-CIO International Affairs Department and in different unions whichcooperate in CIA-supported labor activities both at home and abroad. Within its own ranks, the SDUSA includes dozens of members with no direct affiliation to the labor movement whose work aids both public and clandestine foreign policy activity. The most prominent SDUSA members active in theseaffairs include Tom Kahn, head of the League for Industrial Democracy (an SDUSA affiliate with offices in the same office), who edits the AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News; Bayard Rustin, chairman of SDUSA and a number of other organizations, who serves as an apologist for “labor’s” racial policies;Carl Gershman, whose writings invariably back up AFL-CIO international positions; Thomas Brooks, who concentrates on writing “histories” of American labor from the anti-communist, Cold War  perspective; and Norman Hill, director of the A. Philip Randolph Institute, which encourages the training of Black labor leaders amendable to the AFL-CIO leadership’s positions.

Allied with the most powerful men and women in the AFL-CIO, the United States government, the transnational corporations, and the CIA, these people are working within the American labor movement to insure the perpetuation of the same Cold War policies that they helped formulate and execute during the last 35 years. The AFT, since 1974, has become their latest ally in that campaign.


Reminder - TODAY - Got $15 Grand? Join MOREs - Rally at Cuomo Fundraiser Tuesday April 7 @6PM - 320 Park Av (50-51St)

If you are in town come and hang out -- I'm crawling in from Rockaway. Anyone know a good bar near Park Av and 50st?

Hey - looking for a fun evening with some fellow merry makers? Cuomo is the most hated man in NY State.

MORE got a call from a local union president outside NYC (naturally) to see if we're interested. Even with a lot of people out of town we're game to go up there and have some fun. (I know, I know - it is blowing off some steam -- but why the hell not?)

Join us in Facebook:

Let’s have a Conversation with Cuomo!
Come to a Rally this Tuesday to greet Cuomo and his friends-

Dinner and Conversation Fundraiser for Andrew Cuomo
When: Tuesday, April 7 at 6:00pm
Where: 320 Park Ave. NYC (Between 50 & 51st Sts.)
Why: To get more money from his friends - $15,000 a ticket so he can do more harm to our schools!

We’ll be giving out free tickets. They may not get you into Cuomo’s event, but you can attend ours! Arrive by 6:00pm, bring your favorite signs and dress up as your favorite hedgefund celebrity!

We need to keep the fight against the corporate assault on public education strong. We must let our elected officials who “voted YES with a heavy heart” for Cuomo’s budget know that they did the wrong thing!
Come on out on Tuesday!
 Can I still fit into my tux?

Hedge Hogs and Evil Moskowitz

Almost five years ago, a fateful agreement was reached. An ambitious then–attorney general, Andrew Cuomo, walked into New York's "power breakfast" hub, the Regency Hotel, and shook hands with Education Reform Now's Joe Williams, the man who could help him secure the hedge-fund community's blessing. Williams told Cuomo that they "were looking for a leader on our particular issue," and according to Williams the attorney general's response was a good one. Since that breakfast, millions of hedge-fund dollars have poured into the governor's coffers, and education-reform stalwart Andrew Cuomo has never looked back.
Thus, over a breakfast .... one man's ambition and a few other men's power overrode the decades-long demands of millions of New Yorkers for fully funded public schools. But what does such a profoundly anti-democratic approach mean for the state's public school system? In less than two weeks, when the state legislature votes on Cuomo's proposals, New York's public-school students will find out.... The Nation, March 2015
And so it shall come to pass.

despite New York's progressive reputation, its school-district funding-distribution system is actually one of the most regressive nationwide, similar to that of states like Texas, North Carolina and Missouri...

Phew! At least Cuomo hasn't turned us into Mississippi --- yet.

The Times put the Success Academy horror chambers story we reported on yesterday (Video of Eva Bund Rally, NY Times Piece on Eva and Success)
on the front page. That story doesn't even scratch the surface. Apparently the reporter didn't talk to people who are forced to share space with the avaricious Eva -- people who observe evidence of brutality all the time. We'll comment more on the Eva piece -- what scares me is how many public school teachers want this system for their kids.

The Nation had a good piece on the hedge hog billionaires with this graphic:

Why Do Hedge Fund Executives Suddenly Care About Poor Kids?
Why the New York hedge fund community has rallied around the issue of education reform, specifically in support of charter schools and against teacher tenure, is more complicated. Their policy prescriptions—basing 50 percent of teacher evaluations on student test scores, for instance—are not in any way grounded in mainstream education research.
"The problem is that Cuomo's backers aren't paying much attention to the people who actually understand how Value-Added Modeling works," explains Professor Julian Vasquez Heilig, an education policy researcher at California State University. "Education statisticians have come out many times saying these models are being used inappropriately and are unstable because other things happen in students' lives outside of the teachers they encounter. When a kids' parents in a high needs district are deported, and their achievement plummets, this actually has nothing to do with the teacher."
Vasquez Heilig added that the reform proposals seem founded on a desire to destroy the development of long-term professional educators, rather than any empirical analysis: "We know 70 percent of teachers will bounce between high performing and low performing from year to year. So this is creating an impossible high stakes testing gauntlet between a young excited teacher and their path to quality, veteran expertise. If you're looking for a cheap churn-and-burn teaching force, this is your policy, but if you want experienced, qualified teachers, committed to a schools' long-term success, this is a disaster."

From a purely business standpoint, however, such cost-effective education reform proposals do make sense for the hedge-fund community, especially given the alternative education reform option: the legally required equitable funding of New York public schools, as mandated by the state's highest court in 2007. Low-income New York school districts haven't received their legally mandated funding since 2009 and the state owes its schools a whopping $5.9 billion, according to a recent study by the labor-backed group Alliance for Quality Education. Yet somehow in this prolonged period of economic necessity, billionaire hedge-fund managers continue to enjoy lower tax rates than the bottom 20 percent of taxpayers.
As a recent Hedge Clippers report pointed out, the hedge-fund community has achieved these gains over the last decade and a half by buying political influence and carving out absurd breaks and loopholes in the New York state tax code. Since 2000, 570 hedge fund managers and top executives have poured $39.6 million into the campaign coffers of New York state politicians. Thus, despite New York's progressive reputation, its school-district funding-distribution system is actually one of the most regressive nationwide, similar to that of states like Texas, North Carolina and Missouri.

Read it all:

Monday, April 6, 2015

Dewey Defeats Truman Moment: George Schmidt is bullish on Chey over Rahm in Chicago mayoral vote Tuesday

Hope springs eternal.
Since people have been asking me for bets during Final Four season, so... I'll take Chuy for 51 percent to 52 percent over Rahm when all the votes are counted finally on Tuesday.

Bets are done by handshake.
Indicators are everywhere we will have one of those joyous "Dewey Defeats Truman" moments again here, as Karen Lewis noted yesterday.

Indicators are everywhere: Here in the 45th Ward, on the very edge of an edgy city (check out our ward map courtesy of Rahm's redraw!...) things look better by the day.

The early voting turnout -- more than DOUBLE! the February primary -- is another key to how the real polls will show the "real facts" (I couldn't wait to quote David Vitale and Henry Bienen one final time or ten).

The future will require "granular" reporting at that point and beyond as the city flushes out the compost heaps that have cost us tens of millions under Rahm's Reign.
For example, I have Barbara Byrd Bennett resigning her lucrative job effective June 2015 -- because, she will say, she has to bring the school year to a termination. From Cleveland (with Catalyst as her cheerleader) she went on to help destroy the Detroit Public Schools, before being brought here by Rahm (along with her retinue).
Meanwhile, most of the out-of-town rats Byrd Bennett brought on to Rahm's Privatization Board of Education are leaving as fast as they can find other gigs. The question is whether they will be leaving with lucrative Chicago
"teacher" pensions. Hmmm...
Not all of them have clout from the Broad Foundation the those ilks. Most recent: "Chief of Staff" Sherry Ulery (CPS has more than a dozen chiefs of staff, much like the Wehrmacht in 1945. Every Colonel General -- er, "CEO" or "Network Chieftain" needs a retinue of flunkeys and "chief of staff" sounds so important...). Like virtually all of them, Ulery never wasted a day in her life teaching (or being a principal) in Chicago. She was one of the Ohio bureaucrats imported to "reform" all of us... Pictures to be published at this week... But first, Tuesday
is still very important to all of us, and to the future of Democracy in America...  George Schmidt

Video of Eva Bund Rally, NY Times Piece on Eva and Success, Massive failure of Albany charter schools a sign of future

Perdido Street School One of the big takeaways from a NY Times report on Eva Moskowitz and Success Academies that went up today: Send your child there if you want them to experience stress, misery and sitting in their urine.   
The Times piece by Kate Taylor finally gets down to the essence of the Eva plantation system. Go and comment to counter the Eva trolls.

And check out this video I shot in March, 2009 of an Eva Moskowitz bund rally in a Harlem armory -- I did it as a commercial for a Save Public Schools conference on March 28 -- an event that made the future GEM into a viable organization.  Look at our message exactly 6 years ago -- we hit every current theme from high stakes tests to ATRs to school closings to charter schools. In some ways this little video was a precursor to our full length movie (I seemed to have lost the almost one hour of footage I shot -- Bloomberg, Klein, Walcott and all the rest of the Tweed thieves were there.)

Albany charter scams fall apart
I've always maintained that over time the charter movement scandals will reach a crescendo. The Albany story may be a first shot as a sign of systematic failure. Four years ago, my wife, brother-in-law and sister-in-law were invited up to stay with relatives in Albany -- her cousin, a very sharp woman in her early 80s out of the blue started railing against the charters in Albany as an outrageous scam -- she was not an educator but as a citizen. My brother-in-law knew nothing about charters and was incredulous at the scam being pulled off. Albany had the first influx of charters in the state and the scam is finally falling apart as reported in Capital.
THE EDUCATIONAL EXPERIMENT THAT FAILED—Scott Waldman for Capital magazine: “A few blocks from the Capitol, a cluster of vacant buildings testifies to the rapid rise and quick retreat of Albany’s charter school sector. Once heralded as a new beginning for children living in grinding poverty and stuck in a long-troubled school district, Albany’s charter system has so far failed to live up to that promise. Five of the 12 charter schools that opened in the last decade have already closed, and others are being skeptically eyed by state officials. The failures of Albany’s charter sector reflect some of the significant questions that surround Cuomo’s push to expand the state’s charter sector in this year’s budget.”

Is Atlanta cheating story about race: Why aren't Michelle Rhee - and Joel Klein in handcuffs?

So let’s see how the justice system dealt with these two cases. When mostly African-American educators at poor schools in Atlanta cheat on tests, they get the book thrown at them .....
"The darkly amusing part of all this is that the harsh sentence in the Atlanta case is seen as a necessary counter to the temptation to cheat caused by the testing regime. So prosecutors devote huge amounts of resources (the district attorney called it the most complex case of his career) and judges dole out long sentences, all to keep teachers in line. No similar deterrent has been created for the industry that sells Americans the most important financial product of their entire lives. We send messages to teachers; we send bailouts to bankers.... from the ravitch blog, Did Atlanta Educators Get Equal Justice Before the Law?
Some pictures tell 5000 words
Mike Klonsky posted this photo on his blog: Taking the fall for Duncan's testing madness 
Mike posted my favorite scene from The Wire where the ex-cop turned teacher finally gets that testing is similar to police crime reporting -- juking the stats "where burglary is turned into petty theft" (

Mike references a John Merrow tweet:
Post-Atlanta convictions, you might want to recall Michelle Rhee's Reign of Error in DC, where cheating paid: 
John had hit a stone wall in trying to make Rhee accountable. If an equivalent investigation instead of a coverup was done in Washington, I would bet a more extensive cheating scandal there just by the nature of the Rhee abusive personality.

Does anyone thing there WASN'T a whole lot of cheat' going on under KleinCott?

I got it pretty early in my career - in 1969 - the results in my 1970 4th grade class were so good I made a chart showing the equivalent of VAM -- how much they all had improved -- and went job hunting with that chart -- no one gave a shit.

But, yes, tests were high stakes for kids -- used to keep them back or put them in homogeneous classes. In some cases an decent student blew the test -- you could make the case for them but some admins didn't listen to teachers.

I'm one of those people who have no problem with cheating on high stakes tests when it's done in the interests of children.
Holding educators accountable for student test results makes sense if the tests are reasonable reflections of teacher performance. But if they are not, and if educators are being held accountable for meeting standards that are impossible to achieve, then the only way to meet fanciful goals imposed from above—according to federal law, that all children will make adequate yearly progress towards full proficiency in 2014—is to cheat, using illegal or barely legal devices. It is not surprising that educators do just that... Richard Rothstein as quoted by Ravitch
I remember a specialized pull-out teacher who one year was outraged at my principal's rigid holdover policy that refused to take teachers into account. She worked with special ed students with severe speech problems and when she found out many of them were being left back she asked me what to do. I told her I knew exactly how many answers the kids needed to pass the threshold set by the principal and that it was too late this year but in the future she should come by before I turned the papers in and if the child was within 1-3 questions of the threshold change those answers for them -- it might mean a difference of a 4.8 vs a 5.0 for the 6th grade -- 5.0 and you passed. I so trusted her judgement better than my principal. (Before she took over our old admin always consulted us and let us pretty much make the final decisions.) I hope the statute of limitations has run out.

Beverly Hall, by the way, was once Supt of District 27 (Rockaway, Howard Beach and Ozone Park) in the early 90s --- not a very happy ending for our district. (See Howie Schwach Remembers Beverly Hall, Former CSD 27).

In an important post, which I am including in full below the break,
Diane Ravitch asks: Did Atlanta Educators Get Equal Justice Before the Law?

Message from MORE: Michael Mulgrew can continue to hurl epithets at the Governor, but he and his supporters share in the blame

First thing's first: we hope you're enjoying a well-deserved Spring Break! We're thankful for union-protected holidays, and we're thankful for all of you, and your hard work over these past few months.

Undoubtedly, MORE-members' participation in fighting Governor Cuomo's initial budget proposal is something to be proud of.  It only takes a quick glance at the media to see MORE members building strong coalitions and speaking out with their communities.  But, with or without UFT leadership, we can't stop now!

The new NYState budget still contains many provisions that will hurt our profession, our schools, our students, and each other. It's time to join with parent-partners in the #OptOut movement against standardized testing, continue to build stronger chapters, and take back our UFT!

Michael Mulgrew can continue to hurl epithets at the Governor. But he and his supporters share in the blame. MORE’s vision of unionism is an organization that can inspire members with confidence, encourage more of them to become active, and organize the kind of broad fightback that can reverse the attacks on teacher unionism and public education. The Unity/UFT model of unionism features militant-sounding leaders who talk tough, but rely on their ability to make backroom deals with local and state legislators. That model just failed again. Lets join together and take back our union, before it is too late.

To read our complete statement on the budget, click here.
And, of course, we hope to see you at our next general meeting, or an upcoming local gathering.  Stay tuned, and stay in touch!