Sunday, November 26, 2017

Another de Blasio Giveaway to Success Charters - Playing the Consolidation Card

There is a proposed consolidation of P.S. 269 and P.S. 361, buildings K864 and K869 (where P.S. 361 is currently located). If approved by PEP, PS 361 would become vacant. The NYCDOE is proposing to use the vacant space for the opening of a new Success Academy middle school that will serve rising middle school students from Success Academy- Bergen Beach and Success Academy Bensonhurst, both of which would serve fifth grade students for the first time in 2018-2019. ... A concerned parent
We recently pointed to the giveaways in District 21 with commentary from Leonie Haison.

De Basio Caves in Blackmail Scheme: Eva/Success S...

Leonie does more spadework on the consolidation plan:

If the two schools are zoned and have separate zones, then the merger should need CEC 22 approval. 

According to the most recent Blue Book (2015-2016), PS 361 is made up of two buildings, with a total enrollment of 538 and combined utilization of about 100% -- and lacking 3 of its allotted cluster rooms.  The minischool has lots of preK and Kindergarten classrooms.

22    K864    P.S. 361  (OLD 89) - K    363    411    88
22    K869    P.S. 361 MINISCHOOL - K    175    128    137
Here are the annual space surveys:

The main building has a swimming pool according to this, which I'm sure Eva would love.

The BB says PS 269 is at only 55% capacity with 390 students and with a capacity of 736; it is also lacking 3 of its allotted cluster rooms.

If these two schools were consolidated and their enrollment figures from that year are still the same,  that would put the combined enrollment at 928 and would put the school at about 127%.

PS 269 would likely lose a lot of classroom space, including science, ESL rooms etc.

And we know the capacity formula is aligned with larger class sizes than they should be.

Leonie Haimson
Executive Director
Class Size Matters

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