Friday, August 2, 2024

Mulgrew Exposed on Stabilization Fund Raid, Unity Sticking With Mulgrew Albatross

Does anyone think other unions would let me take so much money out of the stabilization fund? Michael Mulgrew repeatedly scoffing and laughing at those who suggested it.

"Norman, I don't want to read any more of your lies," Mulgrew to me after I tried to hand him a leaflet at the May RTC meeting.
Cover blown: Adams made sure everyone knew that our brilliant leadership, along with the equally brilliant MLC, gave the city a billion dollars from our 1.8 billion dollar stabilization fund. They did this in exchange for money teachers earned years ago, and had to wait even more years to get... Adams Throws Mulgrew Under the Bus, Arthur Goldstein
Medicare Advantage is just Medicare Part C, a matter of semantics.... Mulgrew repeated claim while downplaying the significance of privately managed, profit making healthcare.

Friday, August 2, 2024
So who's the real liar? The fact is that the union does owe the city givebacks after signing contracts to agree to it. If they can't screw the retirees who can they screw? 55% of teachers are now Tier 6, so let's also screw them on healthcare. Do you think this might be an election issue next year?

In the meantime, thoughts that Mulgrew might be leaving seem to be dimming. Usually, Unity makes a presidential change by appointing the successor almost a year before an election to give their candidate the status of incumbency. When Mulgrew replaced Randi, it was in August 2009 and the next election was in the spring 2010 (James Eterno was the opponent). 
There has been some talk of Mary Vaccaro or Elem VP Karen Alford as potential replacements but Unity doesn't have a deep bench. How about Joe Biden, he's free?

Giving Mulgrew a prominent role at the recent AFT convention (Mulgrew PR Distraction) in his cover his ass reso calling for protections of senior social security and medicare was a signal of sorts that the Unity ship is doubling down on Mulgrew. 
Unity takes the threat seriously.
LeRoy Barr, Unity Caucus head and second in command to Mulgrew, told the staff to be ready for a battle for their jobs. How vicious will some of them be? The reality is that even if the oppo were to win, there is no way they can replace the staff of the union immediately. And I imagine those who actually do their jobs may well hold onto them. I would immediately hold elections for district reps and if an incumbent can get elected that is a sign they have done a decent job. If I were a district rep, I would do the best job I could to SERVICE THE MEMBERS INSTEAD OF FUNCTIONING AS A PROPAGANDA MACHINE FOR UNITY.

But as the oppo house pessimist, I have my doubts on the ability of the oppo to actually get it together enough to win. (UFT 2025 Opposition Election Update: What are the Possibilities? A slate of people, not caucuses), though I have seen an analysis by Jonthan that if the recent retiree vote was transposed to the 2022 election, the oppo would have won with 52% and Camille Eterno would be UFT president today.

Here is Arthur's take on the Mayor vs Mulgrew.

Adams suggested he was upset about the Medicare situation. Several people asked him about it. Adams launched into an impromptu history lesson, recounting that the UFT was responsible for this.

Adams made sure everyone knew that our brilliant leadership, along with the equally brilliant MLC, gave the city a billion dollars from our 1.8 billion dollar stabilization fund. They did this in exchange for money teachers earned years ago, and had to wait even more years to get. Mulgrew also cleverly managed to negotiate a crap pattern for the city for several years, including a year and a half of zero.

Adams contends the stabilization fund was healthy before Mulgrew made his momentous deal. He further says UFT created the problem, but we’re now running from the problem. 


Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why Mulgrew is not going away: It's because he CAN'T get a job anywhere else. Everybody now knows that he is an untrustworthy snake who only cares about himself. He'll ride the UFT presidential gig till he gets voted out. The money and double pension he is currently getting is simply too good to leave for a job in "the real world".

Pete Zucker said...

Mike Sill will run in place of Mulgrew.

Anonymous said...

Mulgrew needs to be incarcerated.