Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Leaked: Unity Caucus strategies and questions for Oct 22 RTC Meeting from LeRoy Barr and Vinny Gaglione

Thursday, Oct. 23, 2024
Oh my, the caucus that keeps giving. Expect this to be a regular feature at RTC meetings. Unity in the opposition is so gauche.
Note this point from LeRoy:
Those undecided or not closely aligned with any factions should hear our reasoning and concerns.
He was right that there was an unaligned faction that heard their reasoning (ha) and concerns and they totally lost the room. Keep em coming guys. I toss in a response in red every so often.
First up is LeRoy who I hear may have had a few glum moments at yesterday's meeting. I love LeRoy - seriously -- and would have tried to cheer him up. I was back of room with Mike Sills trying to keep his spirits up.
Dear Retiree Members,

This is a reminder about today's important Retiree Chapter meeting at 1 p.m. As it is a hybrid meeting, if you have not registered for in-person attendance by now, you will likely need to attend remotely.

This meeting will be critical in setting the tone for the rest of the year under Bennett and his administration. Unfortunately, bringing Marianne Pizzitola to this first meeting is a step in the wrong direction. We must ensure enough caucus members are present, especially on the floor, to represent a balanced perspective. Those undecided or not closely aligned with any factions should hear our reasoning and concerns.

If we don’t show up and make our presence felt, we risk handing over control of the Retiree Chapter's operations to a group that doesn’t reflect our values.
[Values: not running democratic meetings where even opposition gets equal time, not fighting to keep our heathcare free with no co-pays, etc.]
As Joe Sicilian said, "We might have lost the battle, but we will not lose this war."

We’re counting on the Unity Caucus to stand firm tomorrow. One important note: if Marianne starts spreading misinformation about healthcare, Medicare Advantage, or our dental plans, please call for a point of information and request input from Geoff Sorkin, who is most knowledgeable about our retiree welfare fund benefits and plans. [Question was asked and Sorkin declined to speak, referring people to see him privately - give him credit - he could read a room.]

We are excited to engage with you in person or virtually today.

In solidarity, 
LeRoy Barr
Unity Caucus Chair
And the always hilarious Vinny:


We UNITY chapter members are being asked to attend Retiree Chapter meetings whether in person or online as often as possible.

We are being asked to be active questioners to what is said and done during the meetings.

For those online, please don’t be afraid to write comments in the ZOOM CHAT during the meeting. I recall vividly the constant comments that Mulgrew is a liar, that Tom is a liar, etc. when Tom was chapter leader. Keep the chat box filled with comments throughout the meeting …. “He doesn’t know how to run a meeting”….“She’s lying”… “Let the audience speak” …. “Retiree Advocates are frauds” … or whatever drivel you can come up with.

As for those in attendance or online, here are some potential questions for today’s October 22 meeting. If in the audience, DON’T READ it from your phone…make it your own.

Vinny Gaglione

For Pizzatola:

I think we should be very cautious about how we engage Pizzatola in questions about the healthcare plan. The fact is that she knows more than most of us and is polished and practiced in taking material and reframing it to her points of view. The latest video of 10 minutes about Michael demonstrates how she does it. For example, the issue of prior authorizations, she takes the real contract and mentions 100+ citations of prior authorization – without ever addressing what those citations say. She mentions how during the court case AETNA agreed that there were going to be times that they rejected a doctor’s recommendations. You can’t argue those things with her without a battery of facts that take so long to recite that you lose the audience before you start. Stay away from arguing about the plan. We are not experts on it. [Holy cow Vinnie -- you guys have been defending a plan that you spent three years claiming was great - clearly you are not only not experts, you haven't reached the stage of amateur.]

Here are some questions that should be plainly asked. She may very well defer or divert with answers but that can be demonstrated later.

Are you a dues-paying union member to what city union and how many years have you been or were its member?

You harp on the UFT and its president often but he has withdrawn support for the AETNA plan. Has the president of your former union done likewise and what other unions have written letters withdrawing their union’ support for the AETNA plan? Why no mention of them? [Another deception - sure Mulgrew withdrew after defending it for three years, based on new data? No it was based on the massive RA election win. The other unions were badgered by Mulgrew to support the Aetna plan only to now see Mulgrew stab them in the back - and some of them opposed the plan all along but Mulgrew gets the lion share of the MLC vote.] 

Below are the attempt at gotcha for Marianne

Other than subscribers, are there any organizations that help fund your activities?

Were there any organizations that initially funded your activities?

How much money has your organization collected each year since its inception? 

Why don’t you publish your income and disbursements as the union is required to do? [Why doesn't the UFT Welfare Fund publish it's income and disbursements?]

Are you regarded as an employee or consultant of the organization and do you receive recompense as such?[How many of your Unity retired cohorts are in some kind of paid position with the UFT?]

How much of that money did you declare for your personal income/expenses each year?

How much does your organization spend on legal costs for the court cases? 

Do you have  a person or group serving as a health benefit consultant for your organization?  how much does it cost and who is paying for it?

For the lawyers:  and if Pizzatola interjects, be willing to say, I asked the lawyer, thank you.

I read a description that the Oct 17thcase that is described as a win is merely a procedural decision and has nothing to do with the substance of the case. Why do you call it a win? Sounds like Trump describing postponements as wins.

Is the premise of the copays case that the City failed to include notice of the copays in their 2022 booklets describing the Senior Care plan?

The judge lifted his own injunction on the copays. In January they start. So what then is the purpose of the copays case? Stop all copays or just recoup the copays paid while the injunction was in effect? Or does the federal case let you get greedy and claim alleged damages?

Is the premise of your major case that the City is obliged to pay the total costs of all retiree healthcare? How does that jibe with Administrative Code 12-126 which says the city is obliged to pay the premium for the medigap plan?

Has anyone given any thought to the political wisdom of these lawsuits. Mayor Bloomberg withheld negotiating contracts with us for 7 years because the union refused to negotiate health care premiums for members. It sounds like some retirees believe that the city has to pay all their healthcare costs. That has never been the case. What happens when the next “Mayor Bloomberg” exploits citizen sentiment against us for grossly mischaracterizing what the city must do for us?

For Benett Fischer:

Why would you not spend the first chapter meeting introducing yourself and your Executive Board and talking about your plans for the chapter’s future? [ Plans for the chapter future? Make sure not to run RTC meetings like Unity did.]

Your invitation to Ms. Pizzatola leaves the direct impression that her public support for Retiree Advocates makes it seem you are beholden to her. She is not a UFT member. Her intrusion in our election and your accepting it was unethical.

There are several thousands of retirees who take advantage, no pun intended, of other health plans offered by the city. Some of them are Advantage Plans. Is it the intention of the chapter to remove these members from the plans that they prefer or remove the plans?

What plans do you have for any changes in the chapter’s activities and programs?

Please describe the process by which motion and other actions will be entertained at meeting.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you a dues-paying union member to what city union and how many years have you been or were its member? Is Vinny Gaglione that uninformed to be clueless that the majority of unions other than the UFT do not require their retirees to pay dues? As a matter of fact, the UFT, local 2, may be the only union within NYSUT that requires its retirees to pay dues for the privilege to pay monthly premiums for SHIP, the catastrophic plan, and other NYSUT so called benefits. Another way to suck money out of UFT retirees to keep the patronage pot filled to the brim.