Tuesday, May 29, 2012

NYC Teachers Support Parents on Field Test Boycott in Letter to Walcott

You can show your support for the boycott of Pearson Field testing which uses students and teachers as guinea pigs to test sample questions in days of tests this June. There is lots of action around this issue. Find out if your school is on the list to tested by checking the links at the end of this post.

Teachers and concerned citizens,

A handful of parents fought back against high-stakes testing last month by refusing to have their children sit for the state tests. Most recently hundreds of parents across New York City have been telling their principals they do not want their children to participate in the Pearson standalone field tests that schools are required to administer this month or next.

While many teachers would like to be able to join parents in boycotting the tests, we also know that such risks require a strong union leadership that is willing to support teachers in taking job actions of this kind in protest of unjust DOE practices.

For this reason several teachers have instead drafted a letter to Chancellor Walcott and the DOE requesting permission to not be required to participate in the June field tests. You can read and sign the letter here. The letter is polite and in no way could be considered insubordination, but please know that it is an open letter and we will be sending the names of those who signed along with the letter to the DOE and to press within the next several weeks.

Below is the text of the letter. It has already been endorsed by Movement of Rank-and-file Educators, the social justice caucus of the UFT. Please share widely with those who might be interested, and sign on by clicking here. Non-teachers such as concerned parents or community members can also sign on in support.

May, 2012

Chancellor Walcott and the New York City Department of Education
52 Chambers St
New York, NY 10007

Dear Chancellor Walcott and the New York City Department of Education,

We, the undersigned educators of the New York City schools, are writing to respectfully request that teachers across New York City not be required to participate in or proctor the Pearson stand-alone field tests that the New York State Education Department plans to administer in most schools this month and next. Our reasons for reaching out to you with this request are many-faceted, and while we will comply with any decision that is made, we would ask that you please consider our concerns with the field tests before coming to a decision.

To begin, many parents have become increasingly frustrated by the use, nature and abundance of standardized tests in our schools. We have seen this personally, in conversations with parents who express their concerns to us as their children’s teachers. And we have also seen it as a city-wide movement, which recently included a group of parents who refused to have their children sit for the New York State ELA and Math exams.  This effort by parents, organizing alongside concerned educators through the Grassroots Education Movement’s Change the Stakes committee, was supported by many more parents who said they would like to remove their children from the state exams but were concerned about the consequences. In explaining their reasons for choosing to boycott parents wrote that the increased focus on improving scores has forced teachers less time focussing on “inspiring a love of learning, fostering creativity, or encouraging critical and interdisciplinary thinking.”

Additionally, hundreds of parents organizing  with groups such as Time Out from Testing, Change the Stakes and ParentVoicesNY have now submitted letters to principals in schools across New York City stating that they “respectfully request that the school not give the [stand-alone field] tests at all, and that all students benefit from a day of instruction rather than waste yet another day on test-taking.” In the letter, parents cite concerns such as wasted instructional days and the use of their children as guinea pigs for the research purposes of “a for-profit corporation without [their] consent or permission.” We feel that as teachers it is our responsibility to be responsive to the concerns of the parents whose children we serve, and we would like to support this most recent parent effort around the stand-alone field tests.

Secondly, as teachers we agree with parents that excessive testing is damaging to our students. Indeed, the use of standardized tests to make high-stakes decisions about children, teachers and schools has been repeatedly documented by researchers to have negative consequences on children and on their education.  We have witnessed worrisome anxiety in the children we are charged with educating as the increased pressure to perform on the state exams affects them. We have seen- and in many cases been forced to comply with- a narrowing of the curriculum and the neglecting of non-tested subjects. We think that the use of time for test preparation as well as the number of days taken up by tests and practice tests is unconscionable.  Considering all this, we cannot in good faith subject our students to additional testing days in May and June without at the very least requesting permission to recuse ourselves from this practice on moral grounds.

Finally, we feel that the form and use of the stand-alone field tests are inappropriate for their stated purpose, and we lament the intended long-term strategy of increased “accountability based on tests” of which these field tests are a part. The use of stand-alone field tests for the purpose of norming state exams has been repeatedly criticized by experts. In fact, the NYS Education Department itself blamed stand alone field-testing in part for the need to re-calibrate the cut scores on the 2009 state exams that moved thousands of students across the state from passing to failing.  We also know that the field tests are meant to pilot various questions for exams that will then be used as part of the new New York State teacher evaluation system. We feel that the use of test scores in any form to evaluate teachers is inappropriate. The Board on Testing and Assessment of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences has warned that so-called “value added models” based on test scores cannot be considered fair or reliable enough to make operational decisions about teachers.  But even if such models were improved, the consequences of using tests to evaluate teachers will be damaging to students’ education for reasons mentioned previously, and will also have a negative effect on school culture. The money spent on contracts with Pearson and other for-profit companies to develop, field-test and administer these exams should instead be spent on increased resources for classrooms and on supporting the educational and non-educational needs of all children, in particular children living in poverty.

In conclusion, we would like to assert that our request is in no way intended to be insubordinate but instead to raise concerns about the field tests and to respectfully request that educators across New York City not be mandated to participate in tests to which we have moral objections. Teachers need to be empowered to stand up when we recognize injustices done to our students and ourselves, and we need unions that support teachers in taking on such challenges. Indeed, teacher protections and the ability to take collective action against injustice help us protect children. We hope that you will consider our request, and we thank you for your time.

Concerned teachers of the New York City Schools

Endorsed by Movement of Rank-and-file Educators, the social justice caucus of the UFT


PRESS RELEASE - Change The Stakes Demands Full Disclosure of School Testing Program

Elementary and middle schools in NYC will be administering field tests in June.
Do you know which grades in your school will be tested?
Read our press release
Click on your school’s borough to find out which grade and subject will be tested in your school.
Take a stand against high stakes testing!

The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorials: Dad, Paul and Pete

It's been a tough week and Memorial Day brings up lots of thoughts about people missed, primarily my dad who died unexpectedly on Tuesday at the age of 94. That it was unexpected was in many ways a good thing, an indication he was relatively healthy for his years. Actually, remarkably healthy, living alone in a large apartment, refusing any outside help other than my bringing him his favorite foods so he didn't have to do much cooking.

He did have the usual health suspects: hard of hearing, macular degeneration and very poor teeth. We addressed all of these issues in some way over the past few years: hearing aids - which he didn't wear, lucentis injections in the eye to arrest the wet macular, and a brand new set of choppers, which since he got them a year and a half ago, led to his gaining, or at the very least, maintaining his weight, a very good sign for the elderly.

Well, he did eat just about anything and a week ago Friday I brought him a stash -- 4 tubs of Bryers ice cream (if I ever get in that age range and I have anything near my dad's digestive system, it will be Caty bar the door time when I get in the vacinity of food), shrimp with egg plant from a local take out Chinese place (ugh), Hebrew National LARGE franks, and a pile of other stuff.

Tuesday when he didn't answer the phone all afternoon and evening I grew concerned. He often was difficult to reach due to not hearing the phone, being asleep or immersed in his one hour daily routine of taking a hot bath, something he said was the reason for his lack of aches and pains. Over the years I had raced over there a few times expecting to find that he had fallen or just died of a heart attack (he did have a mild heart condition), always relieved to find him OK. This time I had more dread and at 10PM on Tuesday I was dialing 911. He looked to be asleep in a beach chair near an open window where he must have sat down to cool off, maybe after his bath. EMS said he had been dead about 6 hours. He was wearing his push-button alert, which obviously he never pressed. So I guess that may mean he never felt enough distress to call for help and  died in his sleep  -- hopefully.

Just yesterday I heard of one of my former colleagues, now 82, who fell in her apartment, broke her hip and lay there for 5 days until her niece came over and found her. (Get your elderly relatives one of these alerts). That my dad didn't have to go through anything like that is a sign that, as the rabbi said, he was a lucky man in many ways. In fact his nickname was Lucky. And that will be a story for another time.

He told me that when he was gone to throw a party for him with his favorite foods. (I used to ask, "Can we also order some stuff that is edible?") He said he is treating, so as long as the check from beyond doesn't bounce we have a plan. Will we survive ice cream, pastrami, and shrimp with eggplant in the same meal? We'll know in a few weeks.

Paul Baizerman
Last year's Memorial Day was the last time I spoke to my old friend and mentor Paul Baizerman, who I found out had died in December 2011, about a week after I returned from New Zealand. No one wanted to email me the news while I was traveling. I could write forever on the influence Paul had on me and others as an activist and in many other areas of life. Paul was someone who was a leader, and we don't find many of these around today. We traveled to Cuba together in 1978 and then spent 2 weeks racing around Mexico in his Volkswagon a few years later. I was over at his and Vera's place almost every day to chat about teaching and politics. "You eating," Paul would ask as he raced around the kitchen putting things together for dinner? The wrong question to ask me, of course.

We weren't as close over the last bunch of years but I called him a few times a year to get his reading on what was going on with the struggle in education. I could also write many blogs about Paul but will hold off for now. A memorial was held for him back in January and I taped some of it, so maybe as the anniversary of his death approaches in December I will tell the full story about Paul, though I will load up an edited version of the videos for his friends.

Pete Fornatale memorial
So in addition to the sadness of today, was that we had tickets last night to a memorial for legendary DJ Pete Fornatale who suddenly died late last month after a stroke. I wrote about it then. We had met him a few times at book signings out here in Rockaway where he also lived. We listened to Mixed Bag every Saturday at 4PM on WFUV. Pete wrote a book about Bookends, the Simon and Garfunkle album and was touring with Aztec Two-Step, doing commentary as they played the S and G songbook. Last night the scheduled concert was turned into a memorial at City Winery on Varrick St. with Pete's 2 sons and others taking over the commentary. It was a real treat that Tom Chapin was there -- and they played Harry's W-O-L-D, one of our favorites. We had seen Harry (and Tom) in concert many times. Harry has been gone 30 years now. (I hear his son may be involved with some of the high stakes testing activities going on which would be a perfect circle.)

Well anyway, here are some little pieces of video a shot using my cell phone.


Enough maudlin sentiments. Time to turn up the barbecue.

The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Join MORE Members at Chapter Leader & Delegate Meet-Up - May 31

Given the Unity winner take all system in UFT elections (to take place in March 2013) the only way to really change the union is school by school. If you are a chapter leader or delegate (or even if you're not) come on down and meet others looking to change the union where it counts: at the school level where the grass roots grow. And if you will be around this summer, look for announcements for more activities.
Join MORE: http://morecaucusnyc.org/join-the-movement-of-rank-and-file-educators/
Chapter elections are underway and MORE is really making our presence known! Please forward and come to the next meetup of new and future chapter leaders and delegates. If you have recently won your election, please come celebrate your success share your story!

**** Please Forward Widely ****
Chapter Leader & Delegate Meet-Up
Inline image 1Are you a chapter leader or delegate (or know someone who is) and want to get advice and strategize with others? Want to build a strong, active chapter but not sure what that would entail? Or are you not currently in a union position at your school but just interested in UFT structure, chapters in general, the responsibilities of chapter leaders and delegates, etc?

Here is a chance to connect with other folks who are Chapter Leaders, Delegates, or just thoughtful union members to compare notes, get advice, and talk about how we can build stronger chapters.

Thursday, May 31st, 4:45pm
at The Grey Dog - 242 w. 16th st. betw. 7th and 8th (1/2/3/A/C/E to 14th or L to 8th Ave)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Corrected - Melissa Harris-Perry: Alter Interrupt

Our working conditions are out students' learning conditions. ----NYC HS Teacher Megan Behrent (MORE).

UPDATE: There are 2 clips, the 2nd didn't include Megan Behrent of the Movement of Rank and File Educators. Megan points out that the more important question than bad teachers are the fact that 50% of the teachers leave within 5 years. Also raises need of support to give teachers best chance to be best they can be.

Alter: Adult interest groups not always best for children. We're not bashing teachers.
Ha. Doesn't he mean only the unions are adult interest groups? As if TFA and DFER and Students First and Success Charters are not adult interest groups.

Alter uses ed deform code words: adults interests, not children and he and the other ed deformer on the panel still try to shift focus to the so-called "bottom." She said, "we know there are bad teachers." Hey there are bad pundits like Alter -- probably bottom 1% - and does he always have to talk about himself? HE shows his support for teachers through donors choice or HIS nephew is in TFA and is going to stay -- want to bet Alter's nephew is not in the classroom in 5 years?

In the 2nd clip Megan doesn't get to say a word while Alter blathers and the other ed deformer gets the last word. Harris-Perry had to make her point over Alter's interruptions and attempt to steer the conversation away from her criticism of KIPP - which he actually accomplished. With the only teacher in the room relatively muted, she promised Megan a return appearance. Megan should have spilled coffee on Alter when he began to talk.

See below the jump for a transcript of part 2:

YOU'RE FIRED: Crooked Daily News Editor Collin Myler Still on Payroll

Collin Myler: YOU'RE FIRED

Collin Myler was behind the “FIRE ’EM! Exposed: Perv Teachers Still on Payroll" story. Now it is time to give Collin Myler a '0" on his Editor Data Report (EDR). (I had this story on the back burner for a couple of weeks and a Sunday morning is a good way to clear some backlog.)

The DOE partnered with the Daily News in trying to trash teachers who were charged but not found guilty, releasing 16 names that were ordered blasted across the pages of the DN. Remember the shameful DN article about IS 318 for supposedly having 60% of its teachers with low TDA's which led to some of them charging the elementary feeder schools were cheating?

(This will lead to the upper grade teachers in those schools charging the lower grade teachers with cheating --- really, a great way to build a school community -- all this the result of the insane "accountability at the bottom" movement as a solution to the education problems --- and I must point out, something the AFT/UFT signed onto as far back as the mid-80s.) Myler engages in irresponsible journalism which has a much bigger negative impact that teachers with low TDAs.

Chaz was one of those 16 teachers and responded with very strong words, as did many other bloggers, including Ed Notes. Myler should be fired immediately given this headline:

Perverted teachers still working

The NY Times gave Myler himself a bit of ink a few weeks ago:
In the four months since he became editor of The Daily News, Mr. Myler, 59, has made it clear that he identifies with the sensibilities of the common man.
When a jury was unable to reach a full verdict in the trial of a police officer charged with raping a teacher, the front-page headline in The Daily News screamed, “What Does a Woman Have to Do to Prove She Was Raped?”
The headline for another cover story, on teachers accused of unseemly conduct with students, read: “FIRE ’EM! Exposed: Perv Teachers Still on Payroll.”
 Come on now Collin. It was a teacher who was raped. Did you check her TDA?
But every now and then in his rollicking journalistic adventures, Mr. Myler has become the story, or at least an integral part of it — and that became the case again on Tuesday, when he found himself a prime target of a British parliamentary panel’s report on the phone-hacking scandal that has engulfed Rupert Murdoch’s British newspapers.
The panel concluded that Mr. Myler had misled them about his knowledge of the illegal behavior, which puts him at risk of being cited for contempt of Parliament.
Reality-Based Educator commented on Myler:

Daily News Editor-In-Chief Colin Myler May Be Called Before Parliament For Punishment

Does Colin Myler still get to run the Daily News now?

The last non-member of Parliament called to apologize before Parliament was in 1957. And the last time Parliament imprisoned a non-member of Parliament was in 1880. But Myler, Crone and Hinton face all three of those possibilities. In addition, it is believed that Hinton may eventually face criminal charges related to the News Corporation hacking scandal as well. I wonder, can Colin Myler run the New York Daily News from a British prison cell?
It seems in the world of the Zuckerman Daily News only innocent teachers accused and later exonerated of allegations need to be fired.

Daily News editors found guilty of lying to Parliament and accused by a Labor MP of sending reporters to dig up dirt on investigators in order to get them to drop their investigation of his newspaper - those offenses are apparently not cause for concern.

Just another example of the two-tier justice system we have in our neo-feudal society these days - one where elites can pretty much do anything they want with impunity, and another for the rest of us where even a remark on Facebook can get you fired.
Read the original DN story:

Perverted teachers still working

Saturday, May 26, 2012

WAGPOPS Brilliant Expose of Citizens of the World Charter Ponzi Scheme

Falsely inflated demand for charters exposed: The evidence that these two proposals put forth representing the demand for more elementary charter schools is preposterous.  
The proposals point to the New York Charter School Center’s data of 4,000 children on waiting lists at various charter schools in District 14, using self-reported data gathered by survey from charter school operators. Additionally, the data is pooled -- without delineating the waiting list by each charter school, the grade level of the applicants, or where the applicants live, these numbers are meaningless.....
We believe that there is a place in public education for charter schools, but Citizens of the World is bastardizing the original intent of charter schools. We have a district wide model for school choice in place. 
We are deeply concerned that our children will be fodder to what appears to be a ponzi scheme on the part of their developing CMO to use our New York City funds to pay backtheir debts in Los Angeles, opening more schools with more start up grants based on inflated projections, and enrolling more and more children in order to stay afloat with a financially unsustainable model.
We recognize that parents with children who are not yet school-age are unfamiliar with NYC DOE schools and are easily seduced by a campaign that maligns public schools generally. These parents have been led to believe that the glossy brochures, Power-Point presentations, and expensive marketing are offering something different, new, and special. Not only are the “dream schools” these parents have been sold already open (and under-enrolled) in our district, but our local elementary schools offer even more of what parents have expressed as desirable than these proposed charter schools.CWSNY1 and CWSNY2 are poor copies of our existing neighborhood schools.The CWSNY1 and CWSNY2 proposals are an insult, not just to our neighborhood public schools, but to the NYC DOE that developed mandates which these twoproposals pretend to be unique and proprietary to their individual schools. CWSNY1and CWSNY2 have nothing to do with providing “high-quality public school options for families,” and everything to do with politics.

Williamsburg and Greenpoint Parents for Our Public Schools (WAGPOPS) is a group based in District 14 that is doing great work.  Eva Moskowitz' husband, Eric Grannis, wants in on the action. WAGPOPS is trying to stop him and wrote a 45 page document to SUNY, the authorizing agent. Really, though long, this is a must-read document. The kind of work the UFT should be doing -- if the leadership weren't on the wrong side of the fence (see the article in the NY Teacher about how wonderful co-locations can be.)

Here is the link http://www.scribd.com/gemnyc/d/94382088-WAGPOPS-Letter-to-Suny-Opposing-Citizens-of-the-World-Charter-Schools and I'm embedding it below for the lazy ones.WAGPOPS Letter to Suny Opposing Citizens of the World Charter Schools


The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Friday, May 25, 2012

One Third of Chicago Teachers Hold Massive Rally

 Unashamed Randi posing as a CTU supporter

Who is that lady on the right trying to get into the picture and pose as a militant? Was Randi embarrassed at all that Chicago union leader Karen Lewis pulled out 10,000 teachers, a third of its force out for a rally when the UFT, with almost  4 times the number of teachers, could never come close to that percentage? Really, how dare Randi wear a CTU shirt?

Watch Chicago TU build for a potential strike incrementally against one of someone Rhambo Emanuel, even more vicious than Bloomberg. This take real preparation and orgaanizing with an aim towards the bigger issue


Here is in-depth coverage from Substance:

Huge crowds rally and march for union and public schools in Chicago while 'Mayor One Percent' tries another publicity stunt at a White Sox baseball game

By the time Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis rose and took the microphone in front of more than 4,000 of her union's 30,000 members at Chicago's iconic Auditorium Theater on May 23, 2012, the . . .

Rally outside ran during the same time as the massive rally inside the Auditorium Theater

At the overflow rally outside of the Auditorium Theater, thousands of teachers, other Board of Education workers, and their supporters stood across Michigan Ave. from Roosevelt University and cheered as speakers listed reasons to stand . . .

When more than 4,000 CTU members booed Rahm and Arne... Chicago Teachers Union posts first of several videos outlining history of hypocrisy on corporate school reform

Less than one day after the massive rally and march that will precede the strike vote of the 30,000-member Chicago Teachers Union, the Chicago Teachers Union has released the first of several videos showing . . .

CTU President cites 'proudest day of my life,' while Astroturf groups try to regain footing

By the end of the day on May 24, 2012, Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis had sent an email message to the membership, thanking them and also urging them to mobilize against the latest . . .

The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE): Statement on Mulgrew Story

Below is the Movement of Rank and File Educator (MORE) official position on the Mulgrew affair - oops - I mean story.

Word is that Unity Caucus is trying to brand the stuff Jeff Kaufman and I have been writing about the Mulgrew scandal story as "the opposition."

As I've pointed out we are not THE OPPOSITION but 2 individuals commenting - which we have the right to do, as opposed to the Unity ant hill. While I've been working with MORE (as a fairly small cog), Jeff has not been involved with MORE other than doing a joint workshop with James Eterno (who is involved) at one of MORE's events. Anyway, I have my personal opinions but also had input in this statement which represents the sentiments of the people involved in MORE. Unlike Unity, this went through a democratic process with lots of people chipping in. Ahhhh, the fresh air of democracy!

MORE Statement on Michael Mulgrew

MORE is committed to democratic, activist unionism and accountable leadership. Our members have devoted years to challenging  the Unity leadership’s pattern of  bargaining away our rights and calling each give-back a victory, while at the same time we do the daily work of teaching and advocating for our students and their parents. We have also opposed the undemocratic functioning of the Unity leadership which has marginalized opposition voices, discouraged membership activism, and has used its absolute control of the union machinery to foster a patronage system that rewards cronyism instead of competence.

At the same time we will not join with the New York Post in its crusade against teacher unionism because it is a campaign not just against Michael Mulgrew but against all New York City educators. The recent scandal to which the Post has dedicated at least two days of coverage is typical of the journalistic standards one would expect from a Rupert Murdoch publication. As of this writing, the Post has published no actual evidence of any wrong-doing: no witnesses to the alleged sex scandal and no testimony supporting the supposed conspiracy between Mulgrew, AFT President Randi Weingarten, and Mayor Bloomberg to cover it up.

MORE will continue to educate and organize UFT members to build a stronger, more democratic union. We note that the challenge we face is far deeper than any alleged conspiracy hatched in 2005. In fact the union leadership has negotiated concessions at least as far back as the 1995 contract — some of us trace it further back than that. We believe the answer is to build a movement of rank and file educators around an alternative vision of unionism. At no point will we make common cause with the Post or any other anti-union force, even if they happen to attack one of our partisan opponents.

The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Unity/UFT On Sidelines in Jeffries/Barron Race

Neutrality in essence supports ed deformer/charter mole Hakeem Jeffries as the UFT wholesale sellout to ed deformers continues. Yes, boys and girls, the UFT at the Delegate Assembly yesterday said "no mas" allowing the deformers to capture a Brooklyn Congressional seat. Well, I predicted in yesterday's post that the UFT would actually support Jefffries but I guess they can't go that far. However, sitting this out is support, just like sitting out the mayoral race last time was supporting Bloomberg. (Just watch both Bloomberg and Mulgrew support Quinn, which should tell you something about there the UFT really stands.)

I'm not always a fan of Charles Barron over some of his bombast, but he and his wife, State Assemblywoman (and former teacher and principal Inez Barron, who I just love), have stood up for teachers, parents and community time and again in the WalBloomKlein years. Oh, and did I say he is adamantly opposed to mayoral control in any form – no tweaks like the UFT wants – and for local control that would empower parents and teachers at the school level, something that both Bloomberg, Bill Gates and Randi Weingarten/Michael Mulgrew all oppose.

At yesterday's DA, which thankfully I skipped, the Unity ant hill went along, leading their flock to slaughter.

Here is a post on the story from NYCTeachers.com

Mulgrew & UFT Execs Sit Out Another Important Political Race

We all know how spineless Michael Mulgrew and the UFT executives were when they sat out of the most important mayoral race ever in New York City.  The UFT helped Bloomberg get his third term as mayor when they sat on their hands and did not endorse William Thompson.  How the teacher's union can sit out of a mayoral race is beyond comprehension.
Mulgrew and the UFT executives are showing that they are still not looking out for the best interest of their members, as they sit out of the very important Brooklyn Congressional race between Charles Barron and Hakeem Jeffries. Barron and Jeffries are running for the seat that the retiring Ed Towns held for many years.  The UFT is not looking out for the best interest of their members and that is a huge problem.
Charles Barron has been endorsed by NYCTeachers.com because he is a strong supporter of the teachers of New York City, and he has been on the frontline fighting against school closings, teacher layoffs and public funding being used for Charter schools.  Hakeem Jeffries receives funding from Charter school organizations and Charter school advocates, which is a slap in the face to teachers of New York City and to the union.  The expansion of Charter schools is an attempt by Bloomberg. Klein and many of their friends, to bust the union and to control public education  dollars.
How can the UFT not fight against a guy like Hakeem Jeffries, who will play a part in busting their own union and hurting their own members.   DC37 is smart enough to understand that a vote for Jeffries is a vote against unions and teachers, so they have decided to endorse Charles Barron.
Mulgrew and the UFT executives MUST answer questions about this move or they should be ousted immediately, for not looking out for the teacher's best interest.
Teachers must go out in full support of Charles Barron if we care about our profession.  Pass the word on to all teachers and educators. 


The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Wave: Mulgrew Mania

This hopefully is my last post on the Mulgrew story. It will appear in published form in The Wave this Friday, May 25, 2012. Today is an emergency DA -- to deal with endorsements of useless politicians who will sell us out. Watch them endorse ed deform darling Hakim Jeffries over Charles Baron, while not my favorite either, at least stands up to the ed deformers. Given the outcomes, we might as well dig a giant trench and dump our – excuse me – your – COPE money into it. I'm sure the Unity faithful will give Mulgrew a standing O and we'll see a lot of (well-deserved) NY Post bashing. I'm probably skipping this and heading right up to the much MORE interesting Movement of Rank and File Educators Planning Committee meeting. First I have to head outside an smoke a stogie and listen to the Mets game.

NOTE: See my disclaimer below about the fact that the lunacy expressed here is not reflective of the policies of any of the groups I work with. But just watch the underhanded campaign by Unity and New Action slugs to paint views by people like me and Jeff Kaufman as "policies" of MORE and ICE when in fact we are expressing individual points of view, something totally anathema in the Unity ant hill.

Mulgrew Mania
By Norm Scott

Name a school where a sex act never took place and I'll show you a religious school. Wait, I take back that last part.

In case you didn’t hear, the NY Post’s hit girl, Susan Edelman, did a story about UFT President Michael Mulgrew’s alleged affair with a guidance counselor at his school when he was a teacher there after a recent law suit was filed by a teacher with poor ratings. The suit claimed they were caught in the act in 2005 and it was covered up by the union and the DOE in a blackmail deal to force the union to give away numerous teacher rights in the 2005 contract and beyond. Ergo, that is the reason the teacher is facing potential termination. A Hail Mary pass to save his job. What rubbish! The blackmail, I mean. And probably the “caught in the act charge”. As to the affair, I had heard something about it years ago, but, who cares? As I said above, name a school where a sex act never took place….

The idea that the UFT had to be blackmailed to sell out the teaching corps is ludicrous when we know it is in their DNA to give away decades of hard won rights and pieces of the contract, whole chunks at a time. The interesting part of the charge was that Mulgrew took his supposed lady up the ladder with him to a juicy full-time patronage job at UFT headquarters. But really, does anyone expect people in power to function differently? Corporate leaders, government leaders, union leaders and just about anyone running anything always bring their lovers and pals along for the ride. I mean, why else do you want to come out on top if not for perks like that?

Well, the questions being asked on many of the blogs and in school lunchrooms is, did he or didn't he? If he didn't he has a hell of a libel suit against the Post and the teacher and lawyer spreading the charges. But really, who cares?

My basic take it that it will be a hill of beans. How can it be proven? In today’s world what difference does it make if Mulgrew had a relationship with someone in the school other than the fact she got a full-time union position? The UFT is top-loaded with political patronage people feeding at the union dues trough what’s one more? They used to say the same thing about Al Shanker and Sandy Feldman, who he tapped as his successor. She only worked one year as a teacher before going to work for the union. Rumors floated around for many years. If it was true, which I doubt, really, how quaint to think it wrong for union leaders to put their lovers on the payroll?

The court case will go nowhere. I totally disagree that there was any blackmail involved in getting the Unity Caucus leadership to sell us out. Selling out has been in their DNA since the early 70's --- you should see the materials we put out in those years. Like nothing changes. Why would a party like Unity Caucus with absolute power after running the UFT into the ground for 50 years worry about actually fighting the ed deformers when there are loads of opportunities for a union hierarchy to jump on the gravy train sucking money out of public ed and putting it in private hands?

Will the scandal affect the Unity/Mulgrew team in the UFT elections in March 2013? I doubt it. I’m working with a new group, Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE), which has announced it is running a slate against Unity/Mulgrew in the elections. MORE put out a statement that said: “MORE is committed to democratic, activist unionism and accountable leadership. Our members have devoted years to challenging the Unity leadership's pattern of bargaining away our rights and calling each give-back a victory. We have also opposed the undemocratic functioning of the Unity leadership which has marginalized opposition voices and discouraged membership activism. At the same time we will not join with the New York Post in its crusade against teacher unionism because it is a campaign not just against Michael Mulgrew but against all New York City educators. The recent scandal to which the Post has dedicated at least two days of coverage is typical of the journalistic standards one would expect from a Rupert Murdoch publication.”

Many bloggers, even internal critics of the union leader, have jumped all over the sleazy NY Post owned by the out and out criminal, Rupert Murdoch. (Did they hack Mulgrew’s phone?)

One of my fellow MORE members, Michael Fiorillo, commented: “John Kenneth Galbreath said that all revolutions are the kicking in of a rotten door, and we all know the UFT structure is rotten, despite the presence of decent, hard working people in the union. That's the destiny of every entrenched, single party state, and that's the potential significance of this story: at a certain point, the superstructure is so internally compromised that it can no longer support itself, and crumbles before a gust of wind.” Well, I’m not so sure it is about to crumble, at least until a group like MORE can convince enough people to support them.

Blogger South Bronx School wrote: “We as teachers and UFT members in this time of constant change and attack from the outside must not let our petty little sh-t to get out, especially in the New York Post. The only method to remove Mulgrew and his ilk are to educate the teachers on how we can affect change from within and take ownership of the power many of us yet to realize we have.” -- Shame on Joy Hochstadt and Andrew Ostrowksy).

NYC Educator said: “I don't need to recount the stories about the UFT President. The Post has done a fine job of that, demonstrating it does not discriminate between lowly teachers and union leaders. It's willing to convict any and all of us without a trial, without a hearing, without conscience, and without reservation.”  --(Trash Teachers! Sell Papers!)

My guess is the Mulgrew story has a shelf life of about 10 minutes. The one-sided role the Rupert Murdoch faux press plays will leave a lasting after taste that hopefully will continue to discredit and undermine his entire agenda. And hopefully take Joel Klein, his BFF – at least until one or both of them are doing perp walks – with him.

Norm blogs daily (and sometimes twice daily) at ednotesonline.com

Does anyone have Randi's comments on the Mulgrew story? I need a few laughs today.

The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

PRESS RELEASE - Change The Stakes Demands Full Disclosure of School Testing Program

 The primary purpose of the June stand-alone testing period is to allow Pearson, the State’s education testing contractor, to perform research for operational exams it will then sell to the SED.  The State is on record as stating participation in field testing is “not mandatory,” yet schools and parents in New York City have been kept in the dark and not advised that they have a choice about whether or not their children should participate.
-----Excerpt from Change the Stakes Press release

UPDATE: Read Gotham Story: With field tests approaching, parents are reprising protests

One of the beauties of working with the groups I've been involved in has been watching as each groups shows the flexibility to spin off other groups that manage to find their own niche. Thus ICE spun off GEM which became a separate group that evolved into something quite different from what was intended --- a focus on the defense of public education and to battle charter schools, very different from the ICE focus on the UFT. Then GEM spun off a committee called Change the Stakes to focus on high stakes testing (which ironically, was one of the original goals of GEM but got lost in the shuffle somewhat).

What a pleasure to see the CTS group evolve from teacher dominated to parent and teachers working in concert as it attracted many amazing parents, some active for the first time, who were objecting to their kids being subjected to high stakes tests.

I've followed the evolution of this press release for the past 10 days and the work put in has been remarkable. Painful at times, but remarkable. And I think a remarkable outcome. I mostly stayed out of it ---- there were so many quality points made and the democratic debate taking place, so far away from anything going on in the UFT, makes me kvell.

I'm a little late in getting this up so I just copied and pasted from Leonie's blog. More on this coming tomorrow based on the wonderful work being done by our testing expert, Fred Smith. And more coming from two other groups, Parent Voices NY and Time Out From Testing. All of this is an opening salvo in what promises to be a major movement in this city and nationally to fight back against high stakes testing, which will hopefully include a new film by GEM/Real Reform Studios on HST. And yes, expect the UFT, while making an occasional squeak about the evils of the tests, to remain on the sideline.

Elementary and middle schools in NYC will be administering field tests in June.
Do you know which grades in your school will be tested?
Read our press release
Click on your school’s borough to find out which grade and subject will be tested in your school.
Take a stand against high stakes testing!


Change the Stakes demands full disclosure of testing program, including field tests in June

Unbeknownst to most parents, the state is imposing yet another round of standardized testing in June. You can check to see what grade your child's elementary or middle school is field testing here.  High schools are also field testing the Regents; more more information here and here.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                     Contact: changethestakes@gmail.com                                                               
May 21, 2012                                                                         
CTS Demands Full Disclosure of School Testing Program
Calls Pearson’s June Field Tests a Waste of Time and Money
 New York City – Change the Stakes, a coalition of parents and educators in New York City, announces its opposition to the latest round of standardized testing, the stand-alone field tests that are scheduled to be given in June.  Over a thousand (1,029) public elementary and middle schools in the city are scheduled to participate in this additional statewide testing.  Last week, science field testing took place in 116 other New York City schools.
The price tag for this extra developmental testing is conservatively estimated to be $3 million. It comes on top of the six days (540 minutes) of regularly scheduled English Language Arts (ELA) and math exams administered just last month, when the items being field tested were embedded within the state-mandated tests.  This doubled the amount of time needed to complete the exams. 
The New York State Education Department (SED) and test publisher, NCS Pearson, Inc., have not provided advance notice to the public about the June field tests nor sufficiently explained why they are necessary. Moreover, testing experts regard stand-alone testing as a dubious practice at best, and virtually useless when conducted so very late in the school year.
“June is a terrible time of year to test children—be it operational or field testing,” asserts Fred Smith, a test specialist formerly with the city Department of Education (DOE). “The expectation that children will be motivated to perform at their best near the end of the year doesn’t even rise to the level of wishful thinking,” stated Mr. Smith.  He also points out that stand-alone field testing by SED was discredited for yielding misleading data on which to develop new tests. “In 2009, SED’s test advisers acknowledged this approach was problematic because students who took the exams knew they were experimental.”
SED’s elementary and intermediate school field tests will be administered between June 5th and 15th.  Most schools will test only one grade between 3rd through 8th; however, 259 (23%) of the schools are being asked to give the experimental exams on two grade levels.  (Change the Stakes is providing user-friendly information about all field test school and grade assignments broken down by borough at changethestakes.org. Parents can visit the website to find out what tests are due to be given this June in their children’s schools.)
The primary purpose of the June stand-alone testing period is to allow Pearson, the State’s education testing contractor, to perform research for operational exams it will then sell to the SED.  The State is on record as stating participation in field testing is “not mandatory,” yet schools and parents in New York City have been kept in the dark and not advised that they have a choice about whether or not their children should participate.
“Our kids are being used as guinea pigs for the financial benefit of Pearson, to the detriment of their own educational experience,” said Deyanira Ruiz, who has a daughter in a grade that has been selected for field testing.  “They’ve already lost untold hours to test prep and the April math and literacy exams, reducing the amount of time devoted to art, physical education, social studies, and languages,” she added. 
Some teachers are questioning the use of valuable class time for field testing. Lauren Cohen, a teacher in Manhattan, is fed up. “Far too many of us teach in schools that already face enormous pressure to dedicate an excessive amount of classroom time to test preparation between September and April.  My school received a notice, on Pearson letterhead, informing us that we must also give an ELA field test to 3rd graders in June,” she said.  “Field tests supply no useful information to teachers or educational benefits to children. My students are burnt out on testing, and this meaningless drudgery will take away valuable learning time,” stated Ms. Cohen. 
Fueling a rebellion among parents against the upcoming field tests is the disclosure to date of roughly 30 errors, along with some questionable content, on the tests administered in April. The state forbids the disclosure of test items, further undermining parent confidence in the exams themselves. Diana Zavala, parent of a 3rd grader in Manhattan, contends, “Transparency and accountability should also apply to the corporations making the tests. If we are to believe these tests are worthwhile and that the company is making ‘better tests,’ we should be able to examine them.” She added, “but what we really want is more teaching, less testing, and assessment that is more connected to the actual learning that takes place in the classroom.”
Change the Stakes is Calling for the Following Regarding June Field Testing:
  1. The DOE should immediately disclose specific information about the stand-alone field tests, explaining their nature and purpose and notifying parents of children in the 1,029 field test schools about the dates the tests are scheduled to be given.
  2. Pearson and the SED should address the claim by independent testing experts that the timing and format of these tests make it unlikely they will generate reliable data needed to develop valid operational exams.
  1. SED and DOE should allow parents and entire schools to opt out of participating and only administer field tests to students in schools/grades for whom explicit parental consent has been granted.  The need to obtain authorization to test their children from parents or guardians should extend to all testing when the main objective is to support research and development for commercial testing products.
  2. Non-participating students in schools and grades undergoing testing should have a meaningful educational alternative activity during the testing period.
To schedule interviews with parents or teachers, please contact Andrea Mata @ changethestakes@gmail.com. Testing expert Fred Smith can be reached at fjstats@aol.com
Change the Stakes, a committee of the Grassroots Education Movement, was formed to expose the damaging effects of high-stakes standardized tests. We are a group of parents and teachers working to build and unite opposition to high stakes testing in New York City. Our membership includes a group of parents who refused to have their children tested during the regular State exam period in April 2012.  We believe high-stakes testing must be replaced by more educationally-sound and balanced forms of student, teacher, and school assessment.  
See our online petition demanding that New York State develop a non-punitive process by which parents concerned about the impacts of high-stakes testing on student learning can opt their children out of standardized tests.
Change the Stakes collaborates with other groups working to challenge high-stakes testing in New York, including Parent Voices NY and Time Out From Testing