Monday, May 9, 2016

Unity Caucus Candidates A-D: The 750 AFT Convention Goers Who Vote as ONE

Continuing our series of publishing the list that appears on your UFT election ballot of all loyalty-oath signing Unity Caucus candidates running for AFT/NYSUT delegate. Last night we published the 222 chapter leader list - A List of 222 School Level Chapter Leaders Running for Unity: Loyalty Oathers Who Will Sell You Out When Told To which appeared to offend some Unity Caucus people who left comments defending themselves, which have sparked some responses.

I am doing the rest of the 750, many of them district reps, retirees, officers and UFT staffers plus others I do not know. If you know them and what they do leave a comment and I'll fill in the info. I'm doing this in alphabetical order because there are so many.

By the way - did you know that Randi is running as one of OUR delegates?

Do the math just for the upcoming AFT convention: Airfare to Minneapolis, at least 4 or more nights in a top level hotel, meal money. Figure at least $2000 a head times - make it 800 because they shlep special guests along too. I get almost $2 million of your dues going to cover this junket. No wonder they will sell your whatever bridge the leadership is putting on the market.

Again, thanks to Jonathan Halabi for gathering the info.

Melvyn Aaronson Off
Alan Abrams DR 22
Shelvy Abrams
Kenneth Achiron Ret
Yona Adika
Andrea Agre
Don Albright
Karen Aldorando
Emma Alexander
Karen Alford VP EL
Roseanne Alkhatib
Renee Allen Walker
Lorina Allert
Sherease Alston
Bradley Alter
George Altomare Ret
Carmen Alvarez Off
John Amato
Seva Amos
Sharon Anderson
Marie Andino
Donna Anglin
Sophy Aponte
Lisa Arian
Portia Armstrong
Angela Artis
Amy Arundell FT
Robert Astrowsky Ret
Patricia Atia DR
Mary Atkinson FT
Ina Babb-Henry
Joshua Baez
Sherlyn Bailey
Dolores Balboa
Tracey Ball Douglas
Adreianne Barksdale
Anthony Barnes
Leroy Barr Off
Claudette Bart
Nancy Barth-Miller
Normel Batson
Reynold Batson
Timothy Becker
Alexander Bell
Mashantuck Bell
Bertha Bell-Lee
Jacqueline Bennett FT
Thomas Bennett
Robert Berger
Phyllis Berk
Jeffrey Bernstein FT
Doreen Berrios-Castillo
Doreen Bevilacqua
Howard Bloch Ret
Linda Bloch
Peter Bloch
Patricia Bonadonna
Sally-Ann Bongiovanni
Klaus Bornemann
Margaret Borrelli FT
Kendra Bowman-Burns
Jennifer Brancaccio
Jocelyn Brathwaite
Erika Brown
Helena Brown
Joan Brown
Shajada Brown
Thomas Brown Off
Glenda Bryant-Bonas
Vasiliki Buccellatto
Adeliz Burgos
Zina Burton-Myrick FT
Robert Burwick
Robert Cain
Isabella Calisi-Wagner
Sandra Callahan
Jose Camacho
Emelina Camacho Mendez FT
Paulette Camarinos
Carl Cambria
Brian Campbell
David Campbell
Brenda Caquias
Cassie Carlo
Chandice Carroll
Andrea Carte
Frank Carucci Ret
Leo Casey x- wtf?
Casserene Cassells
Priscilla Castro
Angelo Caterina
Floresta Chapman
Donna Chartash
Monica Christie
Dwayne Clark FT
Bernadette Clemons
Michelle Cohen-Weill
Joseph Colletti
Mark Collins
Dominique Colon
Reginald Colvin
Catherine Connolly
Aracelia Cook
Alice Cooper DR 27
Donna Coppola
Cecilia Cortez
Rosemarie Cortijo
Doreen Crinigan
Patricia Crispino FT
Theresa Ann Crivelli
Yadira Cruz
Melissa Cuadrado
Santina D'Angelo
Tabio Da Cruz
Clare Daley
Rodrick Daley
Margaret Dalton-Diakite
Michelle Daniels
Rita Danis
Elizabeth Darby
Allison Davis
Marina Davis
Maria De Candia
Anthony Debetta
Regine Dejean
Evelyn Dejesus
Arlevia Deloach
Cathy Deluca
Adhim Deveaux
Robin Di Palma
Ellen Diamond Jones
Lorraine Donlon
Kerry Dowling
Ellen Driesen
James Duncan
Sandra Dunn-Yules
Pamela Durante
Tammie Durosinmi
Bridget Dyzenhaus

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A List of 222 School Level Chapter Leaders Running for Unity: Loyalty Oathers Who Will Sell You Out When Told To

Some people ask me who are the 750 Unity delegates that will elected and will get the perks of the Unity patronage machine with free trips and union job offers.

Thanks to the work of Jonathan Halabi for putting together a list of all Unity people who are running -- 222 Unity CLs from the schools are running in the election (the list may not be complete and I am not including CLs from functional chapters).

They are part of the 750-800 who will go to this July's AFT convention in Minneapolis (we will publish some more including district reps and other in the future), all expenses paid by our dues, to vote as ONE for anything Randi and Mulgrew wants them to vote for. They will also go to the NYSUT convention next April and stay at the NY Hilton to make sure Unity keeps control against any challenge from Stronger Together. Also on our dues.

When the 2018 contract comes up for a vote, no matter how onerous it is, they will sell it to the members of their schools. They owe their loyalty to Unity and the UFT leadership, not the members who elected them. Now there are even more Unity CLs and some delegates who are not running for election. Who knows exactly hoe many CLs and delegates they have - and if you add functionals and retirees (300) they have the DA under control - unless and until the non-affiliated start attending en masse.

Their numbers explain how they can control the Delegate Assembly. These are the ground troops Unity uses to control the membership.

That is why I maintain that the more important elections are the chapter leaders and delegates (next in 2018) than this election because each one of these people will extract some votes out of their schools.

My guess is that the opposition needs to get people active in 500 schools before they can dent the Unity machine enough to make a difference.

I sorted them by district. High Schools are district 71-73 and 76-79, reflecting the borough high school districts.

First Name Last Name Division District School
Donnamaria Fiscina ES       1 Public School 015M
Dennis Gault ES       1 Public School 019M
Ellen Gentilviso K8       1 Public School 110M
Kelvin Almonte ES       2 Public School 002M
Jessica Harvey ES       2 Public School 003M
Gloria Winograd ES       2 Public School 006M
Haydee Melendez ES       4 Public School 155M
Benjy Blatman ES       5 Public School 125M
Beverly Dais ES       5 Public School 154M
Alexandra Fischer JH       5 Kappa Iv 302M
Conchita Fluitt ES       5 Public School 197M
Peggy Girtman-Atkins K8       5 Public School 161M
Marquis Harrison JH       5 Frederick Douglass Acad-M
Faiza Khalid ES       5 Public School 036M
Lee Nelson ES       6 Public School 005M
Zacharaiah Plotkin IS       6 Intermediate School 052M
Ruanlisa Seignious ES       6 Public School 132M
Marie Baker AD       7 Ms/Hs 368 Info & Network
Rashad Brown IS       7 Intermediate School 224X
Daniel Burke AD       7 Bx Envision Acad
Dawn Campi ES       7 Public School 029X
Ross Chodan AD       7 Urban Asmbly Math & Sci
James Council IS       7 Ms 296X @ I184X
Josef Donnelly AD       7 International Comm Hs
Sierra Jorgensen ES       7 Public School 157X
Evan Lewis AD       7 The Leadership Inst
Corinne Barros ES       8 Public School 062X
Jeanette Cano-Lawson ES       8 Public School 048X
Roxanne Mathurin ES       8 Public School 093X
Tracie Abrigo ES       9 Public School 063X
Bernadette Alexander ES       9 Public School 204X
Kimberly Felder AD       9 Bx Schl Law/Gov/Justice H
Monica Hilton ES       9 Public School 028X
Adrienne Moore ES       9 Public School 132X
Daiansa Padin ES       9 Public School 163X
Suri Santos-Paulus JH       9 Intermediate School 313X
Joann Sims IS       9 Intermediate School 219X
Michelle Allen ES       10 Public School 360X
Sandra Hernandez ES       10 Public School 205X
Egar Irizarry Jr ES       10 Public School 226X
Bonnie Kirkwood K8       10 Public School 279X
James Regan ES       10 Public School 095X
Mark Talty ES       10 Intermediate School 206X
Sakinah Taylor ES       10 Public School 033X
Lauren Weintraub ES       10 Public School 054X
Diane Lucas ES       11 Public School 103X
Christine O'Callaghan ES       11 Public School 106X
Timothy Rankin JH       11 Bx Alliance Middle School
Robert Roache AD       11 Bx Hs For Visual Arts
Karlene Turner IS       11 Intermediate School 144X
Ivan Borras IS       12 Entrada Acad 384X
Crystal Coss ES       12 Public School 061X
Erica Gabela JH       12 Intermediate School 190X
Donald Saint Germain VO       12 Bx Career & College Prep
Stevie Burrell AD       13 Bedford Acad Hs
Valentino Ellis AD       13 Benj Banneker Acad
Luther Lohr ES       13 Public School 287K
Pamela Curcio IS       14 Intermediate School 318K
Teri Mascioli ES       14 Public School 034K
Keith Miller IS       14 Intermediate School 071K
Charles Rabbach ES       14 Public School 297K
Andrew Stein ES       14 Public School 380K
Sergio Zamora JH       14 Jr High School 126K
Ariel Arroyo IS       15 Intermediate School 051K
Suzann Bassil ES       15 Public School 039K
Kathleen Massar ES       15 Public School 001K
June Boyd JH       16 Jr High School 057K
Ashley Brown AD       16 Rsrch And Srvc Hs
Latrice Curry ES       16 Public School 035K
Lesia Davidson ES       16 Public School 335K
Jean Derico ES       16 Public School 243K
Shalibra Frazier ES       16 Public School 262K
Shameeka Hunter-Tindal ES       16 Public School 081K
Sabina Nwenyi ES       16 Public School 028K Warren
Shawndell Stewart ES       16 Public School 005K
Wendy Walker Wilson ES       16 Public School 025K
Sandra Amede IS       17 Intermediate School 061K
Karen Haughton ES       17 Public School 092K
Lisa Highland ES       17 Public School 289K
Nomvuyo Hyman JH       17 Middle School 375K
Tracy Lee K8       17 Public School 161K
Barbara Reill ES       17 Public School 167K
Amy Bernstein ES       18 Public School 272K
Eileen Cohen ES       18 Public School 135K
James Enny IS       18 Intermediate School 068K
Gail Ericson ES       18 Public School 233K
Gordon Marshall IS       18 Intermediate School 211K
Christopher Townsend ES       18 Public School 268K
Errol Wade AD       18 Bklyn Acad Of Sci & Envir
Janet Zysberg K8       18 Public School 235K
Chaitram Aklu IS       19 Intermediate School 292K
Matthew Dunn JH       19 Van Siclen Community Ms (Dunn = Dunne?)
Lesley-Anne Jones ES       19 Public School 158K
Denise Salowski ES       19 Public School 214K
Joseph Usatch JH       19 Jhs 311K @ Ps 190K
Lynette Azar K8       20 Public School 180K
Joanne Carillo ES       20 Public School 186K
Beatrice Desapio IS       20 Intermediate School 062K
Joshua Houston IS       20 Intermediate School 030K
Haroula Koutsidis PRKC     20 Pre K Ctr @ K780
Thomas Pascarella ES       20 Public School 048K
Joanne Bullaro ES       21 Public School 100K
James Eugenio IS       21 Intermediate School 228K
Jackie Herman IS       21 Is 98K Bay Acad
Georgia Nikoloudakis ES       21 Public School 095K
Joann Savage ES       21 Public School 153K
Lance Schatzman ES       21 Public School 329K
Steven Blum ES       22 Public School 269K
Fern Carriero K8       22 Public School 207K
Cynthia Dinkins ES       22 Public School 139K
Lori Fiorentino ES       22 Public School 236K
Marie Kallo IS       22 Intermediate School 234K
Martha Murray K8       22 Ps/Ms 109K
Sean Blanks IS       23 Intermediate School 392K
Elizabeth Green K8       23 Public School 150K
Sonja Hill K8       23 Public School 041K
Dawn McDonald ES       23 Public School 284K
Christina Roundtree ES       23 Christopher Ave Comm Scho
Grace Small ES       23 Public School 156K
Richard Burke ES       24 Public School 019Q
Subrina Cek IS       24 Intermediate School 093Q
Diane Chiauzzi ES       24 Public School 153Q
Patricia Crowley IS       24 Intermediate School 005Q
Jeanne Gausman ES       24 Public School 239Q
Martin McKeown ES       24 Public School 143Q
Tracey Miller IS       24 Intermediate School 125Q
Rebecca Murphy ES       24 Public School 091Q
Joseph Natale IS       24 Intermediate School 061Q
Fredda Pichardo ES       24 Public School 007Q
Deborah Sherlock ES       24 Learners And Leaders Ps 3
Susan Stark ES       24 Public School 088Q
Loretta Tumbarello ES       24 Public School 229Q
Andrew Holz K8       25 Public School 164Q
Lamar Hughes ES       25 Public School 201Q
Teresa Fauvell K8       26 Ps/Is 266Q
Stacy Gangi ES       26 Public School 188Q
Kathleen Muzyka ES       26 Public School 173Q
David Waltzer JH       26 Jr High School 158Q
Simone Harris K8       27 Public School 043Q
Denise Johnson ES       27 Public School 104Q
John Krattinger K8       27 Public School 042Q
Victoria Primiano ES       27 Public School 062Q
Sandra Wilks-Duplan ES       27 Public School 223Q
Renee Williams ES       27 Public School 273Q
Arthur Zander IS       27 Intermediate School 210Q
Angela Morgan ES       28 Public School 050Q
Richard Niccolich ES       28 Public School 174Q
Anthony Valentino ES       28 Public School 139Q
Nancy Aromando ES       29 Public School 118Q
James Cutrone K8       29 Public School 138Q (James=Jamie?)
Melody Davis K8       29 Public School 268Q
Kristian Lisowski ES       29 Public School 033Q
Rana Quamina ES       29 Public School 135Q
Diane Allison ES       30 Public School 148Q
Jessica Baity ES       30 East Elmhurst Community S
Geraldine Clark ES       30 Public School 092Q
Adele Goldberg IS       30 Intermediate School 204Q
John Gordon IS       30 Intermediate School 145Q
Katherine Kurjakovic ES       30 Public School 011Q
Victoria Mulligan ES       30 Public School 078Q
Joann Rodeschin ES       30 Public School 150Q
Sandra Electra Rodriguez ES       30 Public School 151Q
Ashley Rzonca ES       30 Woodside Comm School Q361
Catherine Sarlo JH       30 Jr High School 010Q
Deborah Strack-Cregan ES       30 Public School 069Q
Noel Warshaw ES       30 Public School 127Q
Melody Anastasiou K8       31 The Si Sch Of Civic Ldrs
Kathleen Bayer ES       31 Public School 016R
Jessica Jacobs ES       31 Public School 052R
Matthew Kirwan ES       31 Ps 74R Future Leaders
Patricia Mezzacappa IS       31 Intermediate School 061R
Susan Pulice ES       31 Public School 056R
Veronica Torres-Romero ES       31 Public School 031R
Joyce Baldino IS       32 Intermediate School 383K
Debra Elhadri ES       32 Public School 075K
Helene Loomis ES       32 Public School 274K
Erin Oates IS       32 Evergreen Ms Urban Explor
Deneil Pollock-Campbell ES       32 Public School 299K
Richard Skibins ES       32 Public School 123K
Lia Galeano AD       71 M L King Arts & Tech Hs
Peter O'Donnell AD       71 M L King Hs For Law &
Glen Pandolfino AD       71 Hs For Environmental Stud
Tolleyne Dickerson AD       72 Bx Lab School
Matthew Foglino AD       72 Wings Acad Hs
Novelette Foote AD       72 Fordham Ldrshp Acad/Bus/T
Ana Garcia AD       72 Antonia Pantoja Prep Acad
Michael Hayes AD       72 Harry S Truman Hs
Alan Richter VO       72 Schl Tourism And Hospital
Catherine Scott AD       72 Bx Engineering Tech Acad
Maria Bucca AD       73 James Madison Hs
Deborah Caquias AD       73 Cultural Academy Of Arts
James Cochran AD       73 Hs For Youth & Community
Teresa D'Ambrosio AD       73 Sheepshead Bay Hs
Catena Daskalakis AD       73 New Utrecht Hs
Stuart Rothstein AD       73 Midwood Hs
Charlene Tuff AD       73 Edward R Murrow Hs
Michelle Arellano SP       75 Ps 138M @ Ps 030M
Shernice Blackman SP       75 Ps 177Q Robin Sue Ward Sc
Freddie Cole SP       75 X754 @ Jeffrey Rapport Bx
David Doorga SP       75 Public School 168X @ Ps 2
Lorraine Ferrannini SP       75 Public School 037R
Pierre Labissiere SP       75 Ps 53K @ Spring Creek Hs
Hans Marryshow SP       75 Ps 256Q @ Beach Channel H
DJ Meehan SP       75 Public School 224Q @ P26Q
Paula Thomas SP       75 Ps 4Q @ 179Q
Lisa Viscovi SP       75 Ps 993Q @ Ps 208Q
Alphonse Vota SP       75 Ps 721R @ The Hungerford
Shawn Ramos AD       76 New Dorp Hs
Michael Solo AD       76 John Dewey Hs
Kevin Wilkinson AD       76 Progress Hs
Adam Bergstein AD       77 Forest Hills Hs
Charles Dibenedetto AD       77 Richmond Hill Hs
Brian Gavin AD       77 Grover Cleveland Hs
Sharon Kletzkin AD       77 Math Sci Rsrch Hs
Vivian Nobile VO       77 Thomas A Edison Hs
Lucas Rule AD       77 Pathways College Prep Sch
Dino Sferrazza AD       77 Benjamin N Cardozo Hs
Jacqueline Shendler AD       77 Young Women'S Leadership
Michael Friedman AH       79 Pathways To Graduation Q9
Geraldo Maldonado AD       79 Manh Compre Night&Day
Mark Rentflejs AH       79 East Bklyn Community Hs
Troy Sill AD       79 Passages Acad

Join the Thunderclap! For #MORE2016 Get Out the Vote

What's a Thunderclap? You learn something every day. Join in. Let's see if social media outreach pumps up the vote this election cycle.

From MORE's Dan Lupkin:

Join the Thunderclap! You can think of it as an "online flash mob." Click the link to take part in a coordinated Get Out the Vote message across Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Fewer than 18% of working educators voted in the 2013 UFT elections; let's send a message to our colleagues and to UNITY caucus that NYC educators deserve rank-and-file leadership. It's time to demand a genuinely member-driven union!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Some Predictions as UFT Election Ballots in the Mail: 63 Thousand Retirees Can Vote - Division Totals Below

UFT members should start receiving their ballots today, tomorrow and Monday. (If you don't get it by Tuesday May 11 contact the AAA to get another one.) Vote totals for MORE/NA are very dependent on how hard people work in their schools to get the vote out. In the past I think the totals were suppressed because people didn't do enough.

My long national nightmare ends on May 26 when I observe the vote count before heading downtown for the MORE end of election party. I only have a thousand more leaflets to get out.

Unless there are some very big surprises in the outcomes that would offer hope for the future, I will consider myself on F-U time - my sense of obligation to do UFT work and try to build an opposition crap ends. I have no intention to be involved in another election. I may continue to do stuff but guilt will no longer be a driving force because if MORE/NA can't make even a bit of a dent this time then what is the point for someone like me to stay deeply involved? There will still be an opposition and I intend to report more openly on goings on in MORE and the rest of the opposition. In other words, be more of reporter than an organizer. And I have a lot to report, including doing a detailed tell-all history of MORE.

Retirees Largest Block in UFT
Check out the numbers of ballots sent out. Aside from the outcomes, we will be watching how many were returned in each division. Note that the biggest batch of ballots sent out were the 62,991 to retirees and about 30-33% generally return their ballots, with roughly 80-85% going to Unity. Assume 23000 return this time and retiree preferences stay the same, the election starts with Unity having almost 20,000 votes and MORE/NA with about 3,000 based on past numbers.

If MORE/NA can get over 20% of the retiree vote that would be a breakthrough.

Let's assume a bump for MORE/NA due to the recent retirees not being all that happy.

Give Unity - 17-8,000, MORE/NA - 4-5000.  Can MORE/NA make up a 12- 14,000 initial vote gap by outpolling Unity in the other divisions? Before I address that issue here is some relevant info on the retiree vote.

Up to 23,000 of these retiree votes count for a full vote. If the number or returns goes above that then they are prorated. So theoretically if 46,000 retirees vote each counts as a .5 vote. Unity Caucus has adjusted the number allowed up from 15000 to 18000 to 23000 as more retirees vote. Only one time did the actual vote totals go about the limit.

If retirees break much above the 23,000 number this year will Unity try to raise the number again? I am not sure they will raise the limit again. I was an observer at the 2013 count and when we were told that 52% of the returns were retirees some of the union leaders there look extremely uncomfortable with that number. If we get more of a turnout from the working divisions and MORE/NA make serious gains Unity will probably raise the retiree cap to 25000 for next time.

127,000 working UFT members, 66,000 teachers to vote. Can MORE/NA make up a 14,000 gap?

Of course what Unity does in the future depends on the outcomes in the 3 key divisions: elementary, middle school and high school which is where the 66,000 teacher votes reside. (Below I'll address the large block of the over 46,000 non-teaching functionals).

One of the reasons I don't focus on challenging the retiree vote is that the opposition must show it can win the 3 divisional teacher vote first. Until that time there is no point in wasting energy on that battle. If the day comes where MORE wins the majority of teacher votes then a court case becomes feasible on the retiree vote.

If the day comes that the opposition wins these 23 executive board seats it will be a new ball game.

What percentage of teachers will vote? 

Look at how many ballots were sent out yesterday:

·        The total number of ballots that were printed and mailed is 189, 469
o   Elementary: 35, 606
o   JHS: 11,197
o   HS (Academic/CTE): 19,539
o   Functional Chapters: 46, 731
o   Retiree: 62,991

The above numbers are roughly in line with the 2013 numbers except for a 5000 bump in retiree votes.

In the 2013 election about 9000 elementary, 1800 middle  and 3500 high school teachers voted.

These are the crucial areas of concern because retirees don't vote in these divisions, thus giving the opposition a fighting chance. Unless MORE/NA can make a dent in all these divisions little will change in the UFT.

High Schools
Expect the high schools to roughly break 50-50 as they have done over the past 25 years. In 2013 MORE and New Action together got about 2000 votes while Unity got around 1600 but the NA votes went to Unity. If nothing changes it would be a slam dunk for MORE/NA. If Unity numbers go up (though why anyone in high school would vote for Unity) say 4000 and MORE/NA stay the same as last time it is a horse race. I would hope MORE/NA can do better than last time and force Unity to really hustle for those 7 high school seats. If MORE/NA managed 60% that would be a wowzer. Sometimes I have the feeling that Unity is ambivalent about having 100% of the exec bd if we lose the high schools, thus pulling away their fiction of bi-partisanship, one of the benefits of New Action and Unity breaking. But knowing Unity they want the whole enchilada. The only negative if MORE/NA wins the high schools is that I have to treat Schirtzer to a Peter Lugar steak.

Middle schools
The middle schools are interesting given the low vote totals in the past -- out of 12,000 ballots sent out in 2013 Unity only got about 1100 votes. MORE and New Action combined got less than 700 together. How much fun would it be if MORE/NA was competitive in the middle schools? It would take only a flip of a few hundred votes.

Elementary schools
Elementary schools are worth watching to see if Unity totals drop and MORE/NA go up. Unity totals dropped seriously from 2010 to 2013 but MORE/NA were roughly stable.

The elementary outcome will be a key indicator of an anti-Unity movement in the union. If MORE/NA break the 35% barrier I consider that movement. Anything approaching 40% would create panic in Unity.

Functional chapters
They are all lumped together which I believe is undemocratic. Note the large number of non-teacher functional ballots - almost 47,000. Pro Unity totals always come in higher in the functionals. My guess is that Unity maintains very tight control of the individual chapters in the functionals - especially the paras which is the biggest block.
Unity gets higher numbers than in the school divisions even if so many functionals are getting screwed.

Some people knock the opposition for focusing on teachers at this point. I believe this is due to the inability to get much traction in the functionals without some strong leadership coming out of those divisions to work with the opposition. Thus a secretary of para who is ready to help organize in their chapter is a necessary antecedent for making a dent there. What I find is that there are complaints about Unity but an expectation that MORE/NA teachers will do that organizing, which to me is not organic - believe me over my 40 years I've been there, done that and it doesn't get very far.

If you don't get your ballot
·        500 extra ballots were printed for each division used for people who did not receive a ballot and call AAA to request one.

·        AAA is responsible for securing the ballots from the post office on a daily basis and safely storing them until the morning of May 26th.

·        Ballots are opened on the day of the count.

No matter what the outcome join us at the MORE party at the Dark Horse on May 26 to celebrate the hard work people have been doing.