Saturday, July 13, 2013

Fiorillo: Better Randi than no union at all

The fundamental nature of the lack of democracy internally is a bigger threat to the life of the union than the external - in the long run.
I hope you've been following the over 200 comments on Diane Ravitch's blog from people all over the nation, many of whom have learned a lot from us here in NYC on how the AFT and UFT operates. Diane began with a post about her relationship with Randi Weingarten My Friend, Randi Weingarten which opened up a firestorm of criticism of Randi and in some cases unfairly to Diane for posting this. But Diane doesn't censor comments and I'm sure our union officials are not happy over the overwhelming thumbs down on Randi -- we don't even see the usual Unity hacks showing up to defend her.

But as we've been discussing in MORE, the failure of the union on so many levels creates a dangerous internal anti-union - rather than anti-union leadership which leads people to call for ending dues check-off, mandatory dues and other right wing wet dreams. I understand the frustration, especially in the UFT where even if we organized a CORE like caucus with wide outreach, we still would be far from being able to win more than a few meaningless positions. The fundamental nature of the lack of democracy internally is a bigger threat to the life of the union than the external - in the long run.

Below is Michael Fiorillo's response to a call for abandoning unions. And let me also affirm what Michael says about Randi: – who, by the way, has always been accessible and respectful to me personally, and toward whom I harbor no personal animosity....

In my case I have been particularly critical of Randi's leadership since 2001. Yet every time I see her she is friendly and personable and accessible. I know some people see this is smart politics but I am not getting into motivation. If it is politics on her part it works to the extent that we can manage to keep the discussion on a political, not personal, level.
in response to H.A. Hurley:

It may be time to abandon the unions. I can’t think of any beneficial reason to teachers for their purpose, at this time. We used to be able to count on them and I have received their assistance on several occasions. If teachers join for liability insurance only – one can get it much cheaper [...]

While it might be tempting for some teachers to imagine other uses for the money that now goes to union dues, the fact remains that unions are the ONLY institution in the country that exist to defend the rights of working people.
The worst, most corrupt union is still better than no union at all. Despite my criticisms of Randi – who, by the way, has always been accessible and respectful to me personally, and toward whom I harbor no personal animosity – and the UFT leadership, I have no illusions that my life would be better without the union, and nor should any other teacher.
Just as the public schools need to be taken back by the public and reformed in accordance with democratic principles, in the interest of Democracy itself, so too the unions must be democratized and re-energized. Those processes would occur together, and reinforce each other.
As for Diane posting about her friendship with Randi, why should anyone have a problem with it? Diane occasionally writes on the convergence of personal and political matters, and those are important discussions to have.
As for any inferences about her motivation, I take what she writes at face value, and am grateful for the platform her post gave opponents of Randi to educate teachers and AFT members in other parts of the country.
That this forum is so open and wide-ranging, and that the level of discussion and debate remain as high as they do – things that Diane has assiduously cultivated on this blog – guarantees that the truth will assert itself and be recognized among the readership.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Success Academy Evil Moskowitz Sues on State Audit to Keep Dead Bodies Buried While Grabbing More Real Estate

Is this a new way of being able to steal without consequences?  True public schools have to have an accountability of every dollar. The charter schools that are occupying our community schools need to be held to the same standards. ... comment at nycednews
Let's get our fingers into as much pie as we can while claiming we're a public school but make sure the public can't see behind the charter iron curtain.

Leonie Haimson said:
This is the second accountability section of the new charter law that Eva has openly opposed – the other one was the requirement that charters enroll and retain comparable numbers of high needs students – which her charters don’t do and she doesn’t want to be required to do. As Diane points out, Eva’s argument that the state comptroller has no authority to audit her schools puts the lie to any claim that charters are truly public schools. She wants taxpayer money – no demands it – and then refuses to be accountable for it. For shame!

From Ravitch blog:

When New York State Comptroller Tom Di Napoli informed Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy charter chain of his intention to audit its financial records, the corporation sued to block the audit of public funds on grounds it was unconstitutional.
According to the story in a legal journal, “Success Academy claims that a 2009 ruling by New York’s highest court found the Legislature overstepped its bounds by passing legislation in 2005 that authorized the comptroller to audit charter schools.
“Despite fine-tuning in 2010 that resurrected the audits, they’re still unconstitutional, Success Academy claims.”
In fact, Di Napoli has audited other charters based on the change in the law in 2010 that was written specifically to authorize the Comptroller to audit the use of public funds.
In one of Success Academy’s letters to the Comptroller, it asserts that the comptroller lacked the authority to conduct such audits under the state constitution, which authorizes reviews “of any political subdivision of the state” – which charter schools are not.”
Not being “a political subdivision of the state” is another way of saying that the charter corporation is a private contractor, NOT a public school. This has been the standard line of charters across the nation to evade state labor laws and other laws that apply to public schools but not to private contractors.

Proposed New Schools

Success Academy Charter Schools - NYC is applying to the Trustees of the State University of New York to open new public charter schools in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn ("New Success Academies"). Success Academy Charter Schools - NYC will be modifying its application to apply for schools in new Community School Districts ("CSDs") in these boroughs.

The mission of each charter school will be to provide students with an exceptionally high-quality education that gives them the knowledge, skills, character, and disposition to meet and exceed New York State standards, and the resources to succeed and lead in school, college, and a competitive global economy.
Target Population
The schools will serve low-income and/or mixed-income populations residing within the neighborhood or Community School District (CSD)* of location, including English Language Learners and students with special education needs.  The aim would be to educate all students at the same high level, irrespective of socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and/or other status.  We deeply believe that economically and racially integrated school settings provide important benefits to both students and the community.  Students from low-income families benefit academically from attending mixed-income schools, and the establishment of high-quality mixed-income schools raises the bar generally for lagging middle-class schools.  It is a core principle at Success Academy that every child should have access to a high-quality public school option.
*Find Your CSD 

Grades and Enrollment
If approved, the New Success Academies would open in August 2014 with Kindergarten and 1st grade, and add one grade each year until they serve Kindergarten through 8th grade (middle school grades subject to government approval).  The planned total enrollment in the school’s fifth year of operation is 600-675 students.
Academic Program
The academic program will include daily reading, writing, math, and exploratory-based science instruction, totaling approximately four-and-one-half hours each week.  On any given day, students might dive into a good book, hypothesize about whether an object will sink or float, mold a papier-mâché dragon head, sing songs, solve the word problem of the day, challenge a fellow student in chess, write a compelling story, or score the winning soccer goal.  Success Academy scholars are critical thinkers who love learning and are college-bound.
In elementary school, the day will run from 7:45 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in Kindergarten and until4:30 p.m. for all other grades, except one day each week, the school day will run from 7:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Extensive professional development will be provided for teachers on those afternoons.  Teachers will use student assessment data to drive instruction, and employ a research-based, results-driven curriculum that goes well beyond New York State standards

Proposed Schools  Success Academy Charter Schools - NYC is applying to open six new public charter schools in August 2014. In support of its application, Success Academy is seeking community input in the following boroughs and CSDs.
CSD 27
CSD 29
CSD 21
CSD 22

We welcome your comments.  Please use the form below to submit your comments and be sure to select the CSD, if any, to which your comment refers.
To leave a voicemail with your comments, please call 646-747-6196, and be sure to specify the school your message concerns.  We want to serve your great community, and we will endeavor to incorporate the community’s input as we embark on this exciting mission.
We look forward to working with you and becoming an integral part of your commu

TODAY MORE Summer Series 4-7pm

Hello all,
We hope you are as excited as we are for the kick off of our 2nd annual summer series at Local 138 on Ludlow st. Lower East Side, NYC. Today's forum will feature MORE members who are public school educators and parents discussing the opposition to high stakes testing, how it leads to the school to prison pipeline, and how we all can work together to have the schools our children deserve.
Check out this relevant graphic from our brothers/sisters of Chicago Teachers Union 
The happy hour specials are great and it's a fantastic chance to educate, strategize, and of course, socialize!
Save the dates for upcoming summer series

7/25 UFT Leadership: Friend or Foe: An analysis of the leadership of our union and how a caucus such as MORE views them

8/8 How Do We Fight For a New Contract:Strategies for gaining a new contract that benefits our educators, students, and parents. 

8/22 The First Days of School-How to Build an Active Chapter: Organizing and mobilizing your school to fight back against abusive administrators and profit driven reform.

DOE Retaliates Against Children Who Opted-Out

No matter how smart they are, the majority of kids who did not take standardized tests will be forced to attend summer school. ...
The NYCDOE - you know those "Children First" people who are so threatened by the growing parent opt-out of the tests movement-- are forcing kids to go to summer school even it their teachers said that was not necessary. An article in included these quotes by Change the Stakes' Andrea and Diana below:
This spring, public-school students in New York City chose a dicey way to protest standardized tests: refusing to participate. But now some students are paying the price for opting out by having to attend summer school even though their teachers have said they should be promoted to the next grade. Naturally, parents are not happy, and some recently held a press conference at the city’s Department of Education headquarters to protest the promotion procedures. “Children [who opt out of testing] are perceived the same as children who received a low score, even if they are high-performing students,” Andrea Nata, a public school parent, said at the press conference. “This is the second year in a row my child has not been promoted in June.”

“Denying promotion on the basis of parental decision to opt out is a clear retaliation method and scare tactic for future parents to make this an option,” Diana Zavala, the parent of a fourth grader in New York City and a member of Change the Stakes, told TakePart. Zavala’s son opted out of the tests for a second year in a row. He does not have to attend summer school because his portfolio was assessed and he passed.

Many parents, including Zavala, say that at the heart of the controversy is transparency. Parents are routinely denied access to evaluate the tests or see the questions their children got correct or missed. They argue that in many instances a teacher’s recommendation is absent from any decision to promote a student. Summer school, Zavala said, is not the answer for students who opted out or who are in the lower 10 percent. Change the Stakes wants students to have support when they need help during the school year instead of penalizing them with summer school. “For the students who fail the tests to begin with, those students, if really deemed to be behind academically, the answer isn't summer school (for five weeks), but actual support to get the student to grade level,” Zavala said. “And this certainly shouldn't come to a head at the end of the year, but should be something that was ongoing and addressed throughout the school year.”

The article has a misleading headline:

Opting Out of High-Stakes Testing Has Backfired in New York City

In fact the opt out movement and the DOE attempt to suppress it will ultimately backfire on the deformers as parent outrage at the testing mania grows.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ravitch Friends Randi, Fiorillo and Many Others Object

Randi is just the mirror image of Michelle Rhee.  ... Mike from Texas, comment on Ravitch blog, My Friend, Randi Weingarten

Randi Weingarten is no friend of teachers, and has been at the center of virtually every catastrophe that has befallen us and public education in the past fifteen-plus years. ...She is part of the problem, and there will be no effective opposition to the hostile takeover of the public schools until she and her disastrous policies are repudiated by working teachers. ,,,, Michael Fiorillo, comment on Ravitch blog, My Friend, Randi Weingarten.

This comment is interesting in what it doesn't say: "who would folks prefer has Randi Weingarten’s ear: Diane Ravitch or ArneRhee&Co?" Randi as head of the AFT  should be leading the fight. Why should Diane have to compete for Randi's ear over ArneRhee? The very nature of the question is a condemning one. I too trust Diane who along with people like Leonie Haimson, a parent not a teacher, have led the fight that our supposed union leaders have abdicated. ... Ed Notes, comment on Ravitch blog.
Yes I do trust Diane and I have no problem with her being friends with Randi. Even now if I see Randi I am friendly. This is not personal as I always used to tell Randi but political.

Diane's post has gotten loads of comments, almost all unfavorable to Randi, from all over the nation. And for those who mistakenly think that her chosen successor Mike Mulgrew is trying to distance himself from Randi, those are just words, not action, designed to give a false impression.

Randi is triangulating, straddling the fence between ed deform and union leader, unwilling to fight them on every front. Witness the difference from the Chicago teachers.

Here is Michael's full comment - check all of them out and leave your own.
Michael Fiorillo
July 10, 2013 at 9:20 am
With all due respect, Diane, as a NYC public school teacher who has had to live under the consequences of her leadership, local and national, I must disagree with you about Randi Weingarten.

In 2002, the UFT under Randi’s leadership agreed to mayoral control of the schools, a policy it maintains to this day. Mayoral control has been the primary vehicle for destabilizing, taking over and privatizing public education in NYC, and has provided a national media stage for the untruths and deceptions based upon it. Towards that end, Weingarten frequently appeared at dog and pony shows where Bloomberg/Klein’s spurious test scores were touted to the public.

In 2005, Weingarten negotiated a contract that eliminated seniority transfers, whereby excessed teachers or teachers at closing/reorganizing schools were guaranteed positions at other schools based on seniority. It was that contract – which also eliminated teacher’s right to grieve letters to their personnel files – that led directly to the epidemic of school closings in recent years, since Bloomberg and his DOE apparatchiks could now close a school and compel teachers to re-apply for their jobs, and which has led to an army of senior teachers, many of them racial and ethnic minorities, being professionally destroyed.

The destruction of the neighborhood public school, one of the primary objectives of so-called education reform, was enabled and accelerated by this.

In 2009, Weingarten said and did nothing while Bloomberg used his fortune to overturn a term limits law that had twice been approved by NYC voters.

Later that year, she convened a union governance committee, on which I served, to develop alternatives to mayoral dictatorship of the schools, which was scheduled to either sunset or be re-authorized that year. While I and others developed a minority plan that involved much greater community involvement in the running of the schools, the leadership-approved plan would have been a marked improvement over what we have now.

But it was not to be, because Randi Weingarten, without consulting what is nominally the Union’s highest body, its Delegate Assembly, casually threw out that plan and unilaterally endorsed the re-authorization of mayoral dictaorship of the schools virtually unchanged. She actually had the nerve to publicly state at the time that mayoral control had brought stability to the schools.

Shortly after, she and her protege Michael Mulgrew sat on their hands and made no endorsement in the mayoral election, allowing Bloomberg to be re-elected when he was vulnerable to defeat. I assume they thought that by shutting up, they’d get a contract for us. But Bloomberg correctly read their weakness, and four years later we still have no contract, despite her protege’s having enshrined VAM, Common Corporate Standards and evaluation checklists in state law. Her protege and vizier in NYC, despite his faux tough guy persona, got nothing for those concessions.

Dozens and dozens of schools have been closed since then, affecting thousands of children and teachers.

I could go on and on: her coziness with Eli Broad, AFT-sponsored seminars on for-profit opportunities in education at the Aspen Institute, helicoptering in to cities and negotiating contracts, as in Newark, that use the pseudo science of VAM in teacher evaluations, doing nothing while politically-connected charter operators cannibalize public school facilities, egging on her own apparatchiks to boo teachers who opposed having Bill Gates as the keynote speaker at the 2010 AFT convention, while Gates returned the favor the following week by attacking our pensions.

Sure, Randi will write a letter, or get special treatment when arrested at a ritualistic, photo op demonstration protesting policies that she has enabled. Alll of that is misdirection and political triangulation, permitting her to point to a few chosen sound bites when overwhelmed teachers look to her for support.

It’s obviously not my place to question your personal friendships, Diane, but Randi Weingarten is no friend of teachers, and has been at the center of virtually every catastrophe that has befallen us and public education in the past fifteen-plus years.

She is part of the problem, and there will be no effective opposition to the hostile takeover of the public schools until she and her disastrous policies are repudiated by working teachers.
Lisa North adds:
That is she has done nothing to mobilize parents, students, teachers, and community members to organize the fight back it will take to push the privatizers out of public education and really create a strong well functioning school system. The AFT and NEA do have some of the resources to help make that happen. Missing in action.
Michael Pat D:
I would choose Ravitch also and basically trust her leadership and reproach of the ed deformers. BUT we are not out from under Randi. She is as powerful as ever. She has helped to procure some very bad contracts around the country as the President of the AFT as well as the disastrous ones here in NY. She has a strong finger, still, in NYC’s pie and she makes sure she keep Mulgrew in line. She is not our friend. Friends strengthen each other. They don't stab you in the back looking for their moment in the lime light. as Randi does by courting some of the major ed deformers. A friend fights alongside you for what is right. She is not “in our court.” Damage is still being done and Weingarten, unfortunately, is a major player in the cause.

Protest at Tweed Over Racist Comments Draws a Crowd - and TV Coverage

I got there in time to tape most of Monday's rally at Tweed. I have more to share but here are two MORE members speaking.

James Eterno posted these links on the ICE blog.


There is good video and some media coverage of yesterday's protest at Tweed by the Pan American International High School community demanding a fair investigation of allegations that the principal made racist remarks against staff members she was terminating.

Here is a link to more Channel 7 coverage of this story.

Mercedes Schneider on Another Vallas Scam: New Orleans Miracle That Wasn't

It is important for every resistance fighter be aware of the New Orleans story and all the other ed deform scams going on so you are equipped to fight the hype wherever it may come up -- you know, those social occasions with non-educators who see ed miracles touted in the media.

Diane Ravitch posted:
Corporate reformers cling passionately to the myth of the New Orleans miracle because it is all they have. The New York City miracle evaporated in 2010 when the State Education Department acknowledged that the state scores were inflated. The DC miracle never happened. The Vallas miracle in Philadelphia vanished on day one. Arne Duncan’s amazing score gains in Chicago disappeared.
All that is left is New Orleans. The media loves to find miracle schools and districts, but anyone who looks beyond the press releases soon discovers that the Recovery School District is the lowest performing district in the state.
So the reformers say, “But look at our gains.”
Mercedes Schneider takes apart those claims here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

DOENUTS IS BACK With a New Blogger

Welcome back DOENUTS even though the originator has retired -- from blogging, not teaching. I know his replacement, a passionate educator and activist who has gone through the struggle to try to keep his school open.

            School Closure is a concept that on the surface creates a lot of backlash.  When then PEP does their big “vote” every spring, hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of community members turn out in opposition to this policy for a least one night.  People claim that the process is “unjust” “unsound” and “undemocratic,” and while I couldn't agree more, I am concerned that people have gotten so caught up in the idea of school closures that they are forgetting the worst parts of the closures themselves.  It has become clear to me over the past few weeks, that even if we get a mayor who demands a moratorium on school closings, (which is of course no guarantee) the worst parts of school closings might stick around, just in another form.  People believe that a new mayor could mean the end to school closings, and I fear that a new mayor might just be an end to very public school closings, and an end to the opposition against school closings, while school closings are actually still going on.
            What happens when a school closes in New York? 

MORE Summer Series Begins Thursday, 4PM: High Stakes Testing and the Schools Our Children Deserve

Serious discussion while enjoying a happy hour. Check out what people are saying around 7PM. Jia Lee is organizing this with other parents from Change the Stakes, so this should be fun.  
We're kicking off the summer series July 11 by taking a look at the effects of high stakes testing in our schools. Parents from Change the Stakes will be joining us to discuss why a growing parent movement against the high stakes nature of these tests is mounting not just in NYC but statewide and nationally. Discuss HST and its use as a vehicle for enabling destructive policies such as school closures & ranking and sorting students that leads to the school to prison pipeline. The socioeconomic and racial disparity in these policies have been downplayed and must be brought to light. This will be a great opportunity to discuss teacher and parent concerns as well as ways in which we can support each other and build a movement towards enabling schools that our students deserve. 
I'm in charge of the next one on July 25:
UFT/AFT Leadership: Friend or Foe? A full understanding of the role the UFT/AFT leadership plays is a crucial step for any caucus. Through what lens does an opposition caucus in the UFT view Unity, the dominant party in power? As potential partner, foe or something in between?
· To what extent can a caucus challenge the leadership without being accused of promoting an antiunion mentality amongst a disaffected membership?

· Can a caucus create pressure to force changes in policy or would
such changes be cosmetic, co-opting the opposition while strengthening the leadership?

Come to an open debate and discussion on these crucial questions that must be explored before any caucus can grow!
We'll do a little history and have various points of view on this issue. Is the UFT leadership really Vichylike or is that just hyperbole?

Here is the announcement from Mike Schirtzer:
Hi folks,
We know it's a been hot and rainy summer so far, but we hope you are finding some well deserved rest and relaxation.
Please join us this Thursday as we kick off our 2nd annual summer series with a discussion on the proliferation of high stakes testing, the movement to oppose it, and how we can work together to achieve the schools our children deserve.
More info
4:00-7:00pm at Local 138 at 138 Ludlow St. Lower East Side NYC

Before the summer series our steering committee is meeting, which is open to all, we will discuss our upcoming campaigns and membership structure. Join us 2:00pm at Berkli Parc Cafe on the corner of Delancey and Allen St, only a couple of blocks walk  to the summer series. It is good chance to have lunch or coffee with us  and share your valued input.

Look forward to seeing everyone Thursday,
Mike Schirtzer

More details here:
*2013 MORE Summer Series*
* Discussion, Debate, Educate!*

*Every Other Thursday this Summer!* at *Local 138* 138 Ludlow St (betw. Rivington & Stanton) *4-7P**M*

Happy Hour Daily (4pm-9pm) $3 draft beer, $3 wines, $3 well drinks Nearest Transit Stations: Delancey St. (F), Essex St. (J,M,Z) 2nd Ave St (F)

Here are the August events:

Arthur Goldstein Featured in Queens Chronicle on multi-million dollar Regents fiasco

They don’t make anything better — they make things needlessly complicated and funnel money into corporations.They help nobody except Bloomberg’s friends. I have not seen substantive improvement in education under Bloomberg and his band of people — none of whom are educators or teachers. I’m a teacher — I really know what goes on. They never say they’re sorry. They never take responsibility. They cry for accountability but there’s none for them because being a reformer means never having to say you’re sorry. Their fanatic ideologies accomplish nothing — you watch this stuff happen before you and it’s like a catch 22. 
Arthur Goldstein, Chapter Leader, Francis Lewis HS
Good piece in QC:
  • July 8, 2013

Queens Chronicle

Many Regents exams are still missing

Tests lost after going out of state
Posted: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 10:30 am | Updated: 1:29 pm, Wed Jul 3, 2013.
Chronicle Contributor
The city Department of Education has lost some students’ Regents exams due to a new and complicated grading system that sent the exams to Connecticut to be graded.
The system, called “distributive grading,” was initiated by Mayor Bloomberg this year in light of last year’s cheating scandal at Stuyvesant High School, and bans teachers from grading their students’ exams.
As part of the complicated procedure, Regents in Global History, US History, English and Living Environment were sent out of state to be scanned into a computer and sent back to New York via the internet so teachers could grade the anonymous exams.
The scanning machines in Connecticut could not accomodate the size of large print exams that had been shipped out of New York.
“These exams got lost on the way back to New York — we have an entire batch of missing tests because of the DOE’s incompetence,” Adam Bergstein, United Federation of Teachers Chapter President of Forest Hills High School said.
The notice that advertised available positions to grade the Regents did not say having a teaching license was required. One teacher in the ESL department of Francis Lewis High School who graded the English regents reported that when the group of graders was asked how many had never graded a Regents before, half of those in the room raised their hands.
Arthur Goldstein, an ESL teacher and the UFT Chapter President at Francis Lewis High School, was told that those people with no grading experience were let go. The DOE claimed to void the exams they had graded, but Goldstein suggested that those graders may be one reason why some students received grades that were much lower than expected.
Goldstein also explained how insulted he was by the DOE’s opposition to teachers grading their students exam because of their fear of cheating.
“This line of thinking that because I spend a year with a kid — because I read his papers every day — I should not be entitled to evaluate this kid, it’s like saying I shouldn’t be taking care of my daughter because I care about her,” Goldstein said.
“In fact I know my students better than strangers do. It’s just such a ridiculous thing and not only do they not let us grade, but they took the papers and stuck them on trucks and shipped them to Connecticut to be scanned. They added all these extra steps and paid millions to do it for no reason whatsoever. It’s mind-boggling how stupid this is,” he said.
Goldstein explained that as an ESL teacher, he is familiar with common mistakes made by individuals learning English, but that another grader may not be.
“A stranger won’t know the limitations of the student, but I do. All ESL teachers are sympathetic to English language learners. We find the meaning behind the writing, rather than penalize for small errors,” he said.
“You had hundreds if not thousands of English teachers just sitting around for a week and a half because they were forbidden from grading their exams,” Bergstein said. Some teachers were sent to district school sites such as Cardozo High School, but the scanner that was used to grade the exams was behind schedule.
“Not only did you have this productivity loss, but you had teachers sitting around waiting because they were unable to accurately grade essays because the process was being halted or slowed down or not even working entirely,” he added.
Many students who are usually academically high-achieving students, including those in honors and Advanced Placement classes, did not even pass the Regents exam.
Bergstein said, “With no explanation, no evaluation, no appeal, there wasn’t anybody looking into how all of these unbelievably strong academic students did so poorly on exams that normally they would have walked away from with high 80s, low 90s. They have to take this test again so that’s a whole other issue that has deeply upset and concerned teachers. How do you take really strong academic candidates and put them in a situation where they did so poorly?”
In some instances, essays were partially cut off when they were scanned into the computer system in Connecticut, leaving out sentences and paragraphs of the students’ writing. The computer also often omitted the question that was being graded, making it impossible to evaluate the work. And though the grading system was designed to create anonymity, the students’ names and schools were visible.
“The one thing I took from all my fellow colleagues is just the sheer dehumanizing aspect of sitting in front of some terminal hour after hour grading essays,” Bergstein said. “And in some instances it’s entirely unfair to students because although they’re trying to eliminate cheating, if you have somebody who’s not all too comfortable working on a computer to grade essays, these students aren’t being given the opportunity to be judged accurately.”
When the Chronicle contacted the DOE, the DOE alluded to their statement released two weeks ago from the executive director of assessment, Niket Mull, to school principals that said “We understand the importance of having Regents scores back as soon as possible, especially for graduating seniors, and apologize for this delay. We are continuing to work closely with the vendor to accelerate scanning and address the situation. At this time, we expect schools to have access to final results by the end of the day Monday, June 24, as scheduled.”
High school seniors signed waivers and graduation ceremonies were reworded to show that graduation was contingent upon the results of the Regents.
“There’s a likelihood that you have hundreds of students who are going to have to wait until July or August before they even know if they passed a class or passed a Regents or will graduate at all because the DOE decided to basically look outside the city workforce to try to find a cheap source to scan grades into computers,” Bergstein said.
Parents of one student whose Regents is lost emailed Mull to voice their outrage and ask what is being done to find the exam.
The Queens Chronicle obtained Mull’s response which said, “Unfortunately, the exam scoring process was delayed beyond the expected schedule, and a small number of exams are continuing to be scored. We hope to be able to share an update soon, and final results will continue to be loaded for the remaining exams into early next week.”
Mull and the testing coordinator, Marc Bush, did not respond to requests for comment.
“The DOE doesn’t seem to be taking it with a seriousness or importance that it warrants and they really haven’t explained a clear explanation for how they are going to find missing exams,” Bergstein said. “They made a mistake and they broke what wasn’t broken and now they don’t seem to want to take responsibility for fixing it. They’re going to try to find it, but nobody seems to know the procedure and process which will be implemented.”
“They lost boxes of Regents — can you imagine if city teachers did things like that?” Goldstein said. “Bloomberg makes these outrageous gaffes and nobody says anything. It would be funny if it wasn’t so absurd, but this is emblematic of every reform Bloomberg has brought to New York City schools.”
The grading system created by McGraw-Hill Education cost the city $9.6 million. “Money that could have been used to fix up deteriorating buildings or provide supplies for classrooms was wasted on contracting computer-scanned tests,” Bergstein said. “These poor kids are going to have to wait around to see if this incompetence can resolve itself and find what they lost.”
“They don’t make anything better — they make things needlessly complicated and funnel money into corporations,” Goldstein said. “They help nobody except Bloomberg’s friends. I have not seen substantive improvement in education under Bloomberg and his band of people — none of whom are educators or teachers. I’m a teacher — I really know what goes on,” Goldstein said.
He continued, “They never say they’re sorry. They never take responsibility. They cry for accountability but there’s none for them because being a reformer means never having to say you’re sorry. Their fanatic ideologies accomplish nothing — you watch this stuff happen before you and it’s like a catch 22.”

Monday, July 8, 2013

Why is the AFT Giving Credence to a Much Disparaged National Council on Teacher Quality Study?

The goal of NCTQ is to replace university teacher education programs with programs such as Teach for America and similar brief alternative certification programs. NCTQ is funded by union-busting conservatives and neoliberals who see K-12 education as their next business opportunity and are moving to privatize this public resource as fast as they can. 

The methodology of the NCTQ is notoriously flimsy. Our own experience with the organization underscores this charge. After NCTQ’s “experts” came to “examine” our program at Northeastern Illinois University, we discovered they’d gotten our data confused with those of Northern Illinois University... Why is AFT publishing a fluff piece about them? 
.... April Nauman, Ph.D
Why? Because Randi Weingarten is, as usual, triangulating, commonly known in these parts as "straddling the fence" on ed deform. There has been a lot said over the NCTQ study. See Linda Darling-Hammond on the NCTQ Report | Diane Ravitch's blog.

UPDATE: Also Schneider on NCTQ Report: “Put on Your Hip Boots” - Mercedes Schneider here reviews the controversial NCTQ report. Having reviewed the members of the board, she concludes that NCTQ is uniquely unqualified to... 

Here is April's unpublished letter to the AFT in protest.
Response to NCTQ’s “Lighting the Way: The Reading Panel Report Ought to Guide Teacher Preparation,” published in the AFT’s Summer 2013 American Educator

By April D. Nauman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Literacy Education, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago

Why has the AFT’s American Educator published a long feature article by and about the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ)? As an associate professor of literacy education and a proud union member, please allow me to point out the problems in the NCTQ’s logic, the organization itself, and its views of how teacher education programs should prepare future teachers to teach reading.

Kate Walsh and Robert Rickenbrode use nearly two pages describing the intensive care unit checklist to prevent central line infections, developed by Dr. Peter Pronovost at Johns Hopkins University. The authors reason that education is just like the medical profession. Well, not really. Medicine is a hard science; education is a social science. The human spleen works the same no matter where or when its owner is living. The human mind, not so much. Children’s learning is greatly influenced by ever-changing culture and their place in history (e.g., technology has changed approaches to teaching and learning). Moreover, medical research consists of a vast corpus of controlled, double-blind studies. Educational research does not. The analogy of education to medical science is appealing to groups such as NCTQ, which is funded by corporate conservatives, because healthcare in this country is privatized, and they want K-12 education to be, too.

In their article, Rickenbrode and Walsh quote Dr. Pronovost chiding doctors with incorrect beliefs about what causes infection—beliefs, he says, that are “based on information more than a decade old” (p. 31). Rickenbrode and Walsh then go on to extoll the virtues of the National Reading Panel conclusions about reading instruction, which are based on research that is now more than a decade old.

NCTQ likes to refer to the NRP findings as “the science of reading.” This makes it sound very important and conclusive—as though The Truth of reading instruction has now been discovered once and for all. In fact, the NRP’s findings have been heavily critiqued since its release, and more up-to-date research has revealed serious gaps in the report. Ignoring this more timely research seems pretty unscientific.

But apart from questions about the NRP report’s veracity, NCTQ’s complaints that the report’s findings are not taught in teacher education programs is baffling. All five components identified by the NRP—comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, phonics, and phonemic awareness—are staples of all current reading textbooks. It would be extremely hard NOT to teach these components in a class on reading instruction. The methodology of the NCTQ is notoriously flimsy. Our own experience with the organization underscores this charge. After NCTQ’s “experts” came to “examine” our program at Northeastern Illinois University, we discovered they’d gotten our data confused with those of Northern Illinois University.

So why is AFT publishing a fluff piece about them? The goal of NCTQ is to replace university teacher education programs with programs such as Teach for America and similar brief alternative certification programs. NCTQ is funded by union-busting conservatives and neoliberals who see K-12 education as their next business opportunity and are moving to privatize this public resource as fast as they can. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Monday July 8th Noon Picket demanding an immediate, rapid and unbiased investigation by the Chancellor's office

Minerva Zanca
This is the school where our own Peter Lamphere is chapter leader. Thus we have an impeccable source. Some comments on various blogs have defended the principal, claiming she is a Latina and therefore couldn't be racist against African-Americans. I wonder what world they are living in.

I have a doctor's appointment at 10 but hope I can make it down there in time.

Check out this video from WPIX:

Action Alert:
Click here to RSVP by Facebook:

WHAT? Picket demanding an immediate, rapid and unbiased investigation by the Chancellor's office into allegations that a Queens Principal called African American teachers she was firing "big lipped," "nappy haired," and "gorillas."

WHEN? 12 noon, Monday July 8th.

WHERE? In front of Chancellor Walcott's offices at DOE Headquarters in Tweed Courthouse, 52 Chambers St., Manhattan (4/5/6/N to City Hall)

ENDORSEMENTS: Teachers and staff from PAIHS Elmhurst and around the city, Councilwoman Jullissa Ferreras, Assemblyman Francisco Moya, Kevin Powell and BK Nation, United Federation of Teachers (UFT), Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE), Independent Community of Educators. [List of endorsements in formation].

Peter Lamphere,, 917-969-5658
Kevin Powell,, 718-399-8149

WHY? Pan American International High School will be without any African American teachers next year, because two teachers have been fired after a Queens Principal, Minerva Zanca, made racist comments about them in closed-door meetings with her assistant principal. The third African American teacher is leaving the school because of severe budget cuts to her hugely successful Theater program which were racially motivated.

We demand that there is a full investigation into these allegations and, if they are substantiated, that the DOE hold the principal accountable to its zero-tolerance policy against discrimination. We also demand that the discontinuances of the personnel involved (Teachers John Flanagan and Heather Hightower and AP Anthony Riccardo) be reversed.

Local Councilmember Julissa Ferreras says "The allegations brought against Ms. Zanca are very serious and concern me deeply. As a representative of an extremely diverse district, I cannot and will not stand for this type of behavior."

Kevin Powell, president of BK Nation, adds "It is not only important to have high standards for our public school teachers but we must also support the good ones, like these teachers, who are completely dedicated to their young people. I find it unacceptable that a principal can engage in this kind of conduct without any repercussions. We are not going to stop until due justice and process is served here."

See media coverage on WNYC and PIX11 News for more details. 

¿DÓNDE? En frente de la oficina del Rector de Educación, Dennis Walcott. 52 Chambers St., Manhattan, la sede del Departamento de Educación  (Trenes 4/5/6/N a City Hall).


PATROCINIOS: Los maestros de varios lugares alrededor de la ciudad y facultad del colegio Pan American International High School, Concejal Julissa Ferreras, Kevin Powell y BK Nation.[Lista de endosos en formación]


Peter Lamphere, peter.lamphere@gmail.com917-969-5658
Kevin Powell,, 718-399-8149


 ¿POR QUÉ? El año escolar entrante, Pan American International High School quedará sin maestros afro-americanos porque dos maestros fueron despedidos después de que la directora, Minerva Zanca, hizo algunos comentarios racistas tras las puertas privadas de su oficina con Anthony Riccardo, su vicedirector. Una tercera afro-americana también se aparta de su posición como directora de teatro porque ha sufrido demasiadas cortas a su presupuesto a mano de Zanca, que fueron motivadas por razones raciales.

Estamos exigiendo que haya una investigación a fondo en cuanto a estas alegaciones y, en caso de que salgan verdaderas, que el Departamento de Educación ejerza su política de no tolerancia contra discriminación. También exigimos que las descontinuaciones de los dos maestros, John Flanagan y Heather Hightower, y el vicedirector, Anthony Riccardo se inviertan.

La Consejal local Julissa Ferreras dice "Las acusaciones presentadas contra la Sra. Zanca son muy graves y me preocupan profundamente. Como representante de un distrito muy diverso, no puedo y no voy a permitir este tipo de comportamiento." 
Kevin Powell, el presidente de BK Nation, asegura que, "No solo es importante tener estándares altos para nuestros maestros de escuelas públicas, sino también hay que apoyar a los buenos maestros, como estos, que son completamente dedicados a sus estudiantes. Lo considero inaceptable que una directora pueda participar en este tipo de conducta sin consecuencias. No vamos a dejar de luchar hasta que la justicia apropiada y el proceso adecuado se hayan realizado. 

Vean la cobertura de los medios de comunicación en WNYC y Noticias PIX11 para más detalles. 

Diane Ravitch, Susan Ohanian Battle the Mean Machines of Ed Deform

There was a time boys and girls where Diane and Susan working together would have been somewhat shocking. But the ed deformers, having gone so far, are bringing all sorts of people together --- like the humans against the machines in The Terminator.

I love the idea of Susan and Diane channeling Sarah Conner.

Here is a July 2 post from Diane's blog:
Susan Ohanian has been speaking, blogging, and agitating against bad education ideas for many years. Her writing is informed by a finely tuned sense of humanism–that is, she cares about people, especially children, more than big ideas and grand policies that treat people like widgets.
She speaks with honesty, candor, courage, and integrity. She is tireless. She is the real deal. She has taught every grade in school. To Susan, every issue always comes down the same question: is it good for children?
Susan Ohanian is a fearless advocate for children and good education, grounded in reality, not abstractions.
She is truly a hero of American education, and I gladly add her name to the honor roll of this blog.
To get a sense of her work, read one of her latest posts.
I especially enjoyed this tribute to Mr. Rogers.
Susan regularly posts cartoons that lampoon the madness of the NCLB-Race to the Top regime.
See here.
And here.
And here.
And here.
Read her collection of Outrages.
And for more, read her running commentary on the Common Core.
You can - and should - subscribe to Susan's (almost) daily compilations with her comments on relevant ed issues.

A Chicago Teacher's Action Inspires Antitest Crusaders - 14 Years Ago

"He's not going to teach in our system," --Paul Vallas
"What kind of people would do this?"  -- Mayor Daley

The district has brought in university professors to review questions, recruited graduate students to take tests before they are administered and hired a testing-research concern to evaluate its exams. Mr. Vallas says the Substance case hasn't influenced such moves. "We have always ignored Schmidt," he says. ..... Wall Street Journal, May 25, 2001
How come Ed Notes was able to report the Chicago ed deform story that was to spread around the nation as far back as the late 90's - which we did to all the UFT delegates and leadership on a regular basis (leading me to a ---DUHHHHH moment)? Because of George Schmidt and Substance, where I began to read Susan Ohanian for the first time.

I just looked back at the Ed Notes May and June 2001 issues and I must publish them online so you will see the full nature of the Unity Caucus sellout.

Susan Ohanian republished the full story of George's career-ending actions in 1999 with this article from those 5-25-01 in the Wall Street Journal.
Ohanian Comment: It occurs to me that since this website was not launched until a year after George Schmidt's courageous Act of Principle, many readers of this site don't know exactly what he did.

Substance cannot survive without the support of people who claim to believe in resistance. We all owe George--big time. Subscribe--and donate--now. Today.
Page One Feature

A Chicago Teacher's Action Inspires Antitest Crusaders

By Robert Tomsho,
Wall Street Journal

CHICAGO -- When copies of the citywide Chicago Academic Standards Examinations came into teacher George Schmidt's possession in 1999, he did something unusual: He published them in his newspaper.

Although the tests, completed by students earlier that year, were still being given on a no-stakes trial basis at that point, the act got Mr. Schmidt denounced, fired and sued for $1 million. But as President Bush pushes a sweeping proposal for U.S. schools to adopt achievement tests nationwide, Mr. Schmidt was also transformed into a hero among students and educators in the grass-roots antitest movement.

The admirers do not include Paul Vallas, chief executive of the Chicago school district, whose lawsuit against Mr. Schmidt alleging copyright violation is pending. Chicago, like most other school districts and states,
doesn't want the exams published because it would cost too much to produce or buy all new questions each year. "His intent here was to sabotage," Mr. Vallas says.
But the publication of the CASE tests in Substance, a newspaper edited by Mr. Schmidt, exposed a number of test questions with sloppy wording or seemingly accurate answers treated as incorrect among the multiple choices.

The world-studies test asked whether economic systems determine: "a) what trade should take place, b) food and language, c) how much goods are worth," or "d) which people should be employed in certain jobs." The answer the school district wanted was "c," but Mr. Schmidt asked Substance readers to "imagine an economic system that didn't help determine trade" or "the kinds of employment people can have."

Another question asked which event was the "spark that ignited" the Civil War. The only answer acceptable was choice "d" -- "the attack on Fort Sumter" in April 1861. But also valid, Mr. Schmidt argues, was choice "a" -- "the election of Abraham Lincoln" five months earlier, which prompted the secession of seven states and the Confederacy's formation.

District officials stood by those items and others, saying the answers they deemed correct were the best of the lot. Carole Perlman, director of student assessment, says perfection was too much to expect from a test in the trial stages, but adds that district officials were embarrassed by some of the questions published. "It certainly wasn't something we were happy about," she says.

Chicago began moving toward rigorous application of standardized testing after being denounced as the worst district in the country by William Bennett when he was education secretary during the Reagan era. In 1995, the state Legislature handed over control of the schools to Mayor Richard Daley, who put his former budget director, Mr. Vallas, in charge. To make sure that teachers followed its back-to-basics curriculum, the new administration pumped $1 million into developing the CASE tests. Students in grades nine to 12 now take the CASE tests in 11 subjects and junior high students will eventually take them as well.

'Sick of It All'

Former President Clinton praised Chicago as a model of school reform, but within the city, testing became a tempestuous issue. Parents protested after eighth-graders were held back or required to attend summer school because of their scores on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, a national test. Already required to take a raft of other standardized exams, high-school students launched demonstrations of their own as the CASE tests were prepared. "We were pretty sick of it all," says Will Tanzman, now a Yale undergraduate,
who helped organize the protests.

It was the sort of tumult that Substance had thrived on since 1974 when it was founded by substitute teachers pressing for better working conditions. If the muckraking monthly's tenor could be shrill, it also made a mark with a late-1980s series that helped lead to the conviction of an administrator for molesting students.

Mr. Schmidt was teaching ninth-grade English at Bowen High School when he became its editor in 1996. Under him, the paper regularly harpooned administrators and promised confidentiality to school personnel who provided story-generating tips. The paper also blasted Chicago Teachers Union leaders for being too cozy with the administration. "It's just generally antiestablishment, whether the establishment is the union or the board," says CTU spokeswoman Jackie Gallagher.

A burly 54-year-old with a push-broom mustache, Mr. Schmidt has never shied away from an argument. During Chicago's Democratic National Convention of 1968, he and a few other protesters were arrested for criminal trespassing after they waded into the midst of some bivouacked troops to talk. Later, he worked on a quixotic campaign to organize a labor union for soldiers.

Though rated a superior teacher in job evaluations, he could be
unconventional in the classroom. In the fall of 1998, Mr. Schmidt and other ninth-grade-English teachers were advised to cover Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" in preparation for a trial run of CASE the following January. Since he didn't yet have to use CASE results to calculate class grades, Mr. Schmidt advised his Bowen High students to go see the 1968 Franco Zeffirelli movie based on the play. In his judgment, incoming freshmen had enough adjustments to make in Bowen's tough culture, so he never taught Shakespeare before the second semester.

The English exam that Mr. Schmidt administered was among the six CASE tests that Substance later published -- 140 questions in all: two English tests, two in Algebra, and one each in world studies and U.S. history. Mr. Schmidt, whose basement serves as Substance's headquarters, says he received the tests anonymously at his home in unmarked packages, one of which was left dangling from his doorknob in a grocery bag. School-district officials, who later investigated, say they aren't sure how he got them.

Stumbling Rhetoric

Some of the snafus he highlighted involved seemingly careless editing. Of Martin Luther King Jr., one English question asked: "Which of the following activities of King's actions directly led to his imprisonment in the Birmingham Jail?"

But the phenomenon of multiple good answers was more serious. The history test asked which of these items contributed to America's industrial growth: population increase, government regulation, availability of natural resources, or increased taxes. Population increase was deemed correct, but Mr. Schmidt questioned why natural resources should be excluded, or even government regulations "allowing the use of public lands for railroads and the massive immigration to provide factory labor to exploit natural resources."

Ms. Perlman, the school-district official in charge of developing the test, concedes that that item "was possibly not a very good question" but adds that bad questions sometimes slip through multiple screenings before being caught.

Seeing the questions from various tests in Substance "woke everybody up," says Barbara Radner, director of DePaul University's Center for Urban Education, who was working with Chicago schools at the time. "The questions were uneven and some of them were confusing."

Perplexing the Mayor

But city and school officials accused Mr. Schmidt of violating copyright laws and district regulations while rendering hundreds of expensive questions useless for future tests. "What kind of people would do this?" Mayor Daley asked at one news conference.

The school district got a court order barring Mr. Schmidt from publishing more exams and sought more than $1 million in damages from him for copyright violations in a pending federal lawsuit filed in Chicago. Mr. Schmidt contends that, as an editor, it was his First Amendment right to publish the tests.

While the union hierarchy kept its distance from the matter, Mr. Schmidt was removed from the classroom and assigned to a central-office job. There, for a time, he designed refrigerator magnets that listed emergency numbers for latchkey kids.

During a three-day disciplinary hearing at the school-district office early last year, Mr. Schmidt flew in expert witnesses, one of whom likened the CASE exams to a game of Trivial Pursuit. But the district succeeded in limiting the matter to a simple question of whether Mr. Schmidt had violated district regulations, and the presiding administrative-law judge agreed that he had. In August, the school board finally dismissed Mr. Schmidt.

Seeking his job back, late last year he filed a still-pending lawsuit in Chicago asking a state court to review the firing, claiming the board's move was arbitrary and capricious. Chicago school officials say they stand by their decision. "He's not going to teach in our system," Mr. Vallas says.

Chicago teachers and other observers say that recent editions of the CASE tests are much improved. The district has brought in university professors to review questions, recruited graduate students to take tests before they are administered and hired a testing-research concern to evaluate its exams. Mr. Vallas says the Substance case hasn't influenced such moves. "We have always ignored Schmidt," he says.

'Big Inspiration'

But word of Mr. Schmidt's plight has spread wherever people have taken aim at one-size-fits-all testing. A call for donations by one sympathetic Champaign, Ill., teacher has helped to raise more than $80,000 to defray Mr. Schmidt's legal expenses, which now total more than $110,000. "This has really been a big inspiration to people around the country," says David Stratman of New Democracy, a Boston advocacy group that is trying to organize a teacher boycott of state exams in Massachusetts.

Jeffrey Orr says that what Mr. Schmidt did helped inspire him to boycott this year's CASE exams at Chicago's Whitney Young High. "If you are not shown your mistakes, then there is no way you can ever possibly learn from them," says the 16-year-old sophomore.

Meanwhile, copies of the latest CASE tests continue to arrive at Mr. Schmidt's house. He recently used one of them to help his own son figure out how he had done on the district's algebra test. "I think every parent ought to have that right," Mr. Schmidt says.

— Robert Thomsho

Saturday, July 6, 2013

When in the course of human events....

....I actually manage to finish putting together a tiny shed after 6 weeks of "work". You think it is the schedule of "work one hour, rest seven?"

I mean this is a 54" by 27" snap together Rubbermaid shed. It actually takes about a half hour to put it together. So why did it take almost 2 months?

I actually started to post something serious about the Declaration of Independence, democracy, Bunker Hill, Egypt, Dirty Wars, the UFT, MORE and whatever else popped into my head. But it's too hot. So I'm going over to my brand new shed and taking a vertical nap.