Friday, July 28, 2017

NAACP Issues Report Supporting Public Schools and Demands Charter Reforms

With the expansion of charter schools and their concentration in low-income communities, concerns have been raised within the African American community about the quality, accessibility and accountability of some charters, as well as their broader effects on the funding and management of school districts that serve most students of color.”... NAACP report
I attended a debate - of sorts - sponsored by the NAACP and moderated by a somewhat clueless Politico reporter - about a month ago. Carol Burris was very effective in her presentation. The charter slugs were - well, slugs.

This just came in from Carol and the Network for Public Education:

Something wonderful happened again at the NAACP convention. Despite enormous ed-reform and political pressure, the NAACP stood strong and issued a remarkable report in support of public schools that demands charter reform.
In this WAPO Answersheet blog, I summarize the report. You can read it here.

You can also read the full NAACP report here.
Now it is time for us to thank the NAACP.
Send a "thank you" note. We make it easy. Just click here.
If you are not already a member, join the NAACP today.

Thank you for all that you do. Now please thank the friends of public education at the NAACP.

Please share the link to this email with family and friends.

Carol Burris
Executive Director
Network for Public Education

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