Thursday, September 26, 2013

MORE/Change the Stakes Jia Lee and Fred Smith on Panel HST Panel with Shael Polokow-Suransky

I hope Shael doesn't join Marc Sternberg in jumping the Tweed ship before this event. Does he think he has a chance to be chancellor? (I'm betting on Cathie Cashin). But the word is that Shael could be interim Chancellor until the Sandanista appoints Raul Castro to the PEP.

You are invited to come to our Community Education Council

District 15 Public Meeting 

High-Stakes Testing and District 15 Common Core Test Results 

Date: Monday, September 30, 2013

Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Location:  MS 51

350 5th Avenue


Brooklyn, NY 11215
  • Shael Polakow-Suransky, Chief Academic Officer, NYC Public Schools
  • Anita Skop, District 15 Superintendent
  • Anna Allanbrook, Principal of Brooklyn New School, PS 146
  • Jack Spatola, Principal of Beacon School of Excellence, PS 172
  • Jia Lee, Parent Activist and Teacher at The Earth School
  • Leonie Haimson, Director of Class Size Matters
  • Fred Smith, Change The Stakes

How did your kid's school do on the Common Core tests? Representatives from the DOE will break down the scores for our district. A panel of educators and activists will respond with a critical discussion of high-stakes testing and its implications. They will present alternate perspectives on the 2013 test scores and what they mean to us as concerned public school parents, educators and administrators.  

District 15 Community Education Council

131 Livingston Street, Room 301

Brooklyn, New York 11201

Message from Eva, La General: Parents, You Don't Have a Choice NOT to Attend

And if your choice is to have your little scholars be in school that morning instead of being force marched over the bridge, screw you!

PS: I'm going to run for mayor against that sorry-assed Sandanista in 2017 and need you and your scholars for political fodder.

Then there is this post from Diane Ravitch

As previously reported on this blog by an anonymous teacher at Eva Moskowitz's Success Academy charter chain, parents, teachers, students, and staff have been directed to participate in a march across the Brooklyn Bridge on October 8 to protest any slowdown in allocation of  public space to charter schools or any effort to charge the charters rent for public space. Some readers doubted the authenticity of this claim, but in fact it is true, as reported by website Gotham Schools.

Another reader of the blog sent this comment about why she will not march, nor will her children. 

She writes:
I am also a parent of a child at Success…this email is Real and participation is MANDATORY. As Eva said in her advocacy meeting the only excuse parents have for not attending protests or rallies is if someone (that someone being a woman because men are not excused) is within two hours of giving birth. She also noted that there would be at least 10 “events” a year and we are all required to attend. What is insane to me is that they argue the importance of classroom time so much so that they do not consider a Doctor’s appointment during school hours an excused absence but she sees it necessary to close schools down for several hours to protest. These children (most of them being kindergartners and 1st graders) should not be made to march any bridge they are children not pawns. Needless to say, we will not be participating.  I believe in standing up for my beliefs.
The point is a political show of force to impress the mayoral candidates, especially the Democratic candidate Bill de Blasio, who has publicly said that he will impose a moratorium on co-locations and would charge rent instead of giving away free space.
On this website, we have occasionally debated whether charter schools are public schools. This mandated march--the schools will be closed so that everyone will participate--would be illegal if the Success Academy charters were public schools.
By the way, Eva Moskowitz (a lawyer and former member of the City Council) is now paid $475,000 a year for managing schools enrolling fewer than 5,000 students, about double the salary of the schools' chancellor who allegedly oversees the education of 1.1 million students.

This is the letter sent to parents. They are asked to support "choice," but they are not allowed a "choice" about whether to march in support of the charter chain.

Dear Parents,
Your child’s education My high salary is threatened.  Our very   My personal political machine's existence is threatened.  Opponents want to take away our funding and our facilities.  These attacks are a real danger — we cannot stand idly by.

This is an outrage: My 500 grand salary cannot be sustained if that schmuck makes us pay rent even though it is state law that we do. But who cares about state law when you have all the leaders on your side?

 There are hundreds of empty classrooms all across New York City, and more than 1,000 district schools share space without a complaint.  Yet our opponents want to penalize our success — and are proposing legislation to do so.

These issues are tremendously important.  If we lose ground – literally, if we lose access to public space – we cannot fulfill our commitment to you and your scholar.

Which is why you – you and your scholar, your friends and relatives –  must join us on Tuesday, October 8 to march with other charter parents across the Brooklyn Bridge.

What: Parent March across the Brooklyn Bridge in support of charter schools and parent choice!

When: Tuesday, October 8, 7:30am-11:00am.  Buses will pick you and your scholar up from school at morning arrival, and you will be dropped off at Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn. We will delay the start of school until after the march.

Where: The march will start in Cadman Plaza, go across the Brooklyn Bridge, and end in City Hall Park (Downtown Manhattan).  All families will then take a subway back to school after the march to drop off scholars for the rest of the school day.

Don’t let opponents of ed reform steal your children’s future.  This is about your child, your choice.  Your voice must be heard.  We must show public officials that parents will fight for the right to choose excellent schools.
Eva Moskowitz
Founder and CEO
Success Academy Charter Schools

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Portelos Hearing: DOE Legal Invalidates Chapter Leader Election at IS 49SI

Imagine a union allowing the employer to invalidate an election for building rep and remaining mute.  

Multiple contract violations involved in principal's refusal to meet w. elected CL on a regular basis, consult committee, etc. Not that they ( union bureaucracy)  care.... observer at Portelos hearing
How absurd. They've had 500 +days to investigate him and they are just *now* "checking" his "in-laws' wi-fi"? WHILE the hearing is underway?  And for what purpose? Are his in-laws Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? Are they looking for H-bomb diagrams? WTF ! Last week that investigators were there... or at his *own* parents' house ....  THE NIGHT BEFORE THE OPENING HEARING. They were talking to HIS CHILDREN. I was appalled..... observer
I am adhering to a non-mandatory request from the hearing officer not to go into the details of the charges and the hearing. But what follows occurred before the hearing formally resumed on Monday (Sept. 23) with an objection from the DOE attorney – there were 2 of them plus an assistant -- when will the press begin to question the astronomical cost of this case where not one negative word about how this teacher taught children is mentioned?

The DOE lawyer,  Jordana Shankman, objected to Portelos standing outside the school from which he has been banned since April 26, 2012 and claimed he was doing it to intimidate witnesses. The fact that he might have been there as a way to address issues that some staff members might want to raise with their chapter leader lead to the bizarre DOE claim that he was not the chapter leader.

We were all shocked to learn that IS 49SI principal Linda Hill's refusal to recognize Francesco Portelos as the duly elected chapter leader was ordered by DOE legal.

In other words, the DOE has interjected itself into a chapter election by unilaterally declaring the election for chapter leader as null and void. When questoned by NYSUT lawyer Chris Callagy, Principal Hill said it wasn't she who made the decision not to deal with Portelos but the order was issued by DOE legal. Later on in the hearing, the DOE attorney made a point of reiterating this. Callegy managed to get Hill to confirm that the Staten Island UFT maintained that Portelos was still the elected chapter leader.

DOE lawyer Jordana Shankman also outrageously asserted that Portelos had no right to be in front of his school even on his own time and that he should be in the "place he was assigned."

In the meantime, since last year, the principal's cronies have initiated 3 failed attempts to recall Portelos.

My question to the UFT is: What will you do about it when the DOE, looking to paint a teacher as dangerous and threatening to a staff as grounds for dismissal must suffer the inconvenient truth that said staff elected this "threat" as their union rep and then the DOE declares that he is not their union rep as a way to make their case?

In fact it is hard to decide who to be more pissed off at: the DOE or the UFT for standing by while this farce continues. Imagine a union allowing the employer to invalidate an election and remaining mute. Wouldn't one expect the Staten Island UFT borough office to take a strong stand here? To consistently affirm that Portelos is the official school chapter leader? To go into the school and address the principal's attempts to foment recall votes? To join Portelos in holding meetings outside the school grounds to show support instead of letting him stand there alone and be accused by the DOE of acting like a terrorist while trying to serve the people who elected him?

In fact, information sometimes filters out of the UFT inner sanctum that UFT officialdom would be perfectly happy to see Portelos be found guilty and just go away. I'll leave the "why" to speculators.
There were 4 MORE retirees at the hearing. The next hearing date will be Monday, Sept. 30, 10AM.

Principal Hill testified how she consulted with DOE legal, network legal, her union's legal and goodness knows how many "legals"? The major "educational" innovation of Joel Klein has been the number of lawyers he added to the payroll.
Imagine the costs of this attempt to get rid of Portelos.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Teacher Insurgency in Mexico - TONIGHT - REPORT BACK From Mexico City to NYC:

From Mexico City to New York City

Teacher Insurgency
in Mexico
Tuesday, September 24, 6 p.m.
CUNY Graduate Center

365 5th Ave. at 34th St. Room 5409
B, D, F train to 34th St.; 6 train to 33rd St. (photo identification needed

Since mid-August, teachers in Mexico have electrified the country, striking against unionbusting educational “reform” laws that threaten to throw tens of thousands out of their jobs while privatizing and potentially eliminating schools in impoverished and indigenous areas.

This is not your usual protest: the teachers drove the Mexican Congress out of the capital, and twice blocked Mexico City’s airport. Up to 40,000 strikers are camped out in the capital’s main square, the Zócalo, in front of the National Palace, refusing to accept the anti-teacher laws.
Their example is an inspiration to us in New York and elsewhere as we face a global offensive against public education.
Come to a reportback and discussion with NYC educators who were
present in Mexico City and Oaxaca during this struggle.

*Gloria Brandman, NYC teacher, UFT Chapter Leader, MORE (Movement of  Rank and File Educators)
*Tami Gold, professor and filmmaker - PSC Hunter College Chapter 
 *Marjorie Stamberg, NYC teacher, UFT delegate, CSEW (Class Struggle  Education Workers)
Video Reports from Oaxaca and Mexico City

Light refreshments
For more information, call (212) 460-0983

New Content at SusanOhanian.Org, Sept.

As usual, Susan can keep you up all day reading her collection of stuff. Have fun.
I just received another birthday party invitation--this one from student about to celebrate her 40th birthday. She was in my 3rd grade class in 1982-83--10 years removed from the other student. She is the student to whom I gave more of my heart than any other. . . and the love continues to be returned. My only gratitude to Facebook is that's where she found me.

Cartoon: It may mean jail.

Early Childhood Standards of Common Core are Developmentally Inappropriate
Truth in American Education with Ohanian comment
American Principles Project

Thank you, Conservative Common Core bashers! May some Progressives follow your lead. Dr. Megan Koschnick makes some on-target observations about how inappropriate the kindergarten standards are. I very much appreciate her use of specific examples.

 Common Core Standards: Conservative Victory or Debacle in the Making?
Anthony Cody
Education Week: Living in Dialogue blog

Anthony Cody puts Michael Petrilli's feet to the fire.

The Common Core money war
Nirvi Shah and Stephanie Simon with Ohanian commen
Politico ProEducation

It's interesting that David Coleman is trying to reassure religious groups about the Common Core.

Is it 'Parents Uneducated' or Press complicit in Misinformation About the Common Core?
Susan Ohanian
comment on NPR

NPR's Claudio Sanchez says In Push For 'Common' Standards, Many Parents Left Uneducated
. I'd say the focus should be on he and his fellow journalists.

New Buzz Words for Learning Common Core Vocabulary
S. Krashen & S. Ohanian comment on Marlene Sprenge

11 Tips on Teaching Common Core Critical Vocabulary ignores reading; instead we get Critical verbs as a 3-act play.

No More Carrots, Lots More Stick: The increasingly imperious Arne Duncan
Frederick M. Hess and Max Eden
Weekly Standard

Duncan's increasingly imperious behavior may be our best hope for defeating Common core. As Hess and Eden point out, 'In legislating by fiat, Duncan is ensuring that partisan fissures over the Common Core are likely to grow and that conservatives will have to step in to push back on this supersizing of the federal role.'

Go, Arne!

Parent Arrested After Asking Questions at School Meeting
Ann Miller

Yours is not to reason why,

Yours is to do or die.

And get kicked out of a public meeting for asking uncomfortable questions about the Common Core.

To the editor
Stephen Krashen
Columbus Dispatch

Krashen points out their IS a magic bullet to close achievement gaps.

To the editor
Stephen Krashen, Professor Emeritus USC
Hartford Courant

As people feel the economic stress, cost for implementing the Common Core tests is definitely something they can understand.

Merryl Tisch: Chosen By God
Susan Ohanian

Your refrigerator doesn't work? Call the president of GE. Problem with schools. Call on God's appointee.

A Toddler on 3 Different Psychiatric Meds? How Drugging Kids Became Big Business
Enrico Gnualati

Big pharma has discovered a lucrative new market in kids.  The monetary price of the pills is staggering, the physical cost to children much more staggering. As Common Core works to further standardize children,and parents worry about their children 'measuring up' to standard, there will be more demand for drugs to aid this process.

Underpaid 83-Year-Old Professor Died Trying to Make Ends Meet by Working Night Shift at Eat an' Save
Daniel Kovalik
Pittsburgh Post=Gazette

The final days of an adjunct professor reveals how badly adjuncts are treated--but the university involved won't admit it.

Private Schools Jettison a Key Test: Concerns That Test Preparation Rendered Results Invalid
Sophia Hollander
Wall Street Journal

You can bet your bippy that wealthy parents will find some other way to spend $568 (plus test prep grooming) to help their preschoolers perform.

That’s not autism: It's simply a brainy, introverted boy
Enrico Gnaulati

Autism spectrum diagnoses are up 78 percent in 10 years. We're dramatically overdiagnosing it in everyday behavior. Here's a provocative excerpt from a new book on the topic.

Youngest Kid, Smartest Kid?
The New Yorker

Very interesting research on red shirting here.

It may mean jail


Where Are Rhee, Kopp, Klein, Moskowitz, E4E, DFER When it Comes to Defending Food Stamps Program (SNAP)? might think that ensuring adequate nutrition for children, which is a large part of what SNAP does, actually makes it less, not more likely that those children will be poor and need public assistance when they grow up. ... Paul Krugman, NY Times
You mean SNAP might actually be more effective in fighting poverty than charter schools or TFA teachers? Yes it is.
economists Hilary Hoynes and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach have studied the impact of the food stamp program in the 1960s and 1970s, when it was gradually rolled out across the country. They found that children who received early assistance grew up, on average, to be healthier and more productive adults than those who didn’t — and they were also, it turns out, less likely to turn to the safety net for help.
 So all these people claim to be fighting the civil rights issue of our times by building political machines to fight teacher unions, tenure, urge teachers be evaluated by test scores, pour loads of money into defending the common core.
... almost two-thirds of SNAP beneficiaries are children, the elderly or the disabled, and most of the rest are adults with children.... 
You might think that ensuring adequate nutrition for children, which is a large part of what SNAP does, actually makes it less, not more likely that those children will be poor and need public assistance when they grow up. 
Where is the outrage from those intrepid ed deformers on this issue? Not one dime to fight a real struggle against the Republican assault on hungry children. What better example of their true agenda than to see Eva Moskowitz close schools for half a day to march against De Blasio's plan to make them pay the damn rent? (City charter school advocates plan to reprise a 2012 political rally. GothamSchools, Daily News, Post)
Conservatives seem, in particular, to believe that freedom’s just another word for not enough to eat. Hence the war on food stamps, which House Republicans have just voted to cut sharply even while voting to increase farm subsidies.
Hey Paul. It ain't just conservatives.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Reign of Error on Brian Lehrer - 30 Issues: Diane Ravitch on School Reform

Sometimes I'm down on Brian over his ed coverage but he gave Diane quite a good platform. But did I have to hear him play yet again a clip from Merryl Tisch? When I hear her it sounds like she's slurping milk between syllables. Diane pretty much covers most issues on charters -- except she didn't point to the attrition rate. Like how the numbers drop in each cohort as it marches on through the grades (no replacement like in public schools). As we showed in our film (see tab at top of this blog) the scores go up as the number of kids goes down through the grades.

The Brian Lehrer Show

Contents of Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School in Newark, NJ Auctioned Off

Contents of Newark, NJ Charter School

Tuesday, September 17th 11AM
Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School
15 James Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Charter Revoked.  Trustee Ordered Auction
Apple & HP Computers
DLP Projectors, Smartboards
Schoolastic Furniture & More

The tip came in this email from a teacher in NYC:
They now hold auctions to sell the contents of closing CHARTER SCHOOLS.  I saw the add in the NY TIMES paper edition Sunday and I looked up the address and it is explained in the link.  So this is where our tax money is going.... from a NYC teacher.
We passed the story on to one of the teachers we know in Newark for follow-up. And I won't even go into detail about school namesake Adelaide Sanford who was a principal in Bed-Stuy and then a NY State Regent. During the 1975 strike over the drastic budget cuts which led to the cut of 13,000 teachers and a shortened school day she was one of the only principals to break the strike and keep her school open, thus in essence choosing to support the cuts. Teachers from other schools in District 16 marched over and picketed her school.
On September 17th contents of Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School in Newark, NJ were auctioned off by A. J. Willner Auctions. Featured items included in the loot were computers, office furniture, teaching aids and musical instruments. How did a charter school end up in this pickle?

Adelaide L. Sanford Charter School was closed by the Christie administration in June 2013 due to its repeated failure to comply with state regulations and its poor academic performance. Opened in 2007 by Fredrica Bey, the school had been on probation for more than a year.

The US Attorney’s Office was concerned with a potential conflict of interest regarding the school’s agreement to lease space from Women in Support of the Million Man March (WISOMM), a non-profit organization founded by Bey.

The school had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past year to rent space from WISOMM, despite the lack of a lease between the charter school and the non-profit.

To further complicate matters, Fredrica’s daughter, Amina Bey served as Adelaide Sanford’s school board president. Both Fredrica and Amina serve on the executive board of WISOMM. Adelaide Sanford was the fourth lowest performing charter school in Newark and a plan submitted to the state last year to improve its academic performance was deemed unsuccessful.

Bey faces two federal lawsuits. The first contends that Bey took $345,325 in federal grant money for at-risk kids and instead used the money to pay WISOMM’s bills. The second lawsuit alleges that Bey favored employees who assisted her in misusing Adelaide Sanford’s funding and fired others who threatened to expose her actions.

In layman’s terms, Adelaide L. Sanford’s contents were auctioned off due to the alleged misconduct of Fredrica Bey in misappropriating federal and state funding to pay charter school rent for space owned by an organization she founded and expenses of that organization. Surprise! Surprise! The school had very low academic performance.
A selection of the goodies. Nothing like fine executive furniture or a plush conference room.

Here is the article in the Star-Ledger

Today: Back to Portelos Hearing

It is game 2 of the Portelos vs the DOE et al and we expect some retiree MOREs to be there. We agreed not to reveal details until the case is over but we can write generally about the hearing. Transcripts are available which I assume can be published one day.

See my reports from the last session.
And Protect Portelos

Sunday, September 22, 2013

MORE Petition Calling for Moratorium on Evaluations

Reality-Based Educator reminded us to sign the MORE petition. We some great discussions at Saturday's MORE meeting and the work of the organization around this issue has been intense and effective. Keep the ball rolling. Here's the link to sign. Will it do any good? Well, if MORE can show thousands of signatures that will send a message to UFT leaders. It will make them talk a better game while most likely doing the same thing because they have nothing left in the tank to do anything different.

A Reminder About The MORE Petition On Teacher Evaluations

While Michael Mulgrew sends out emails to members defending the ADVANCE teacher evaluation system (see here and here), the MORE caucus has put together a petition calling for a moratorium on the New York City Teacher Evaluation System.

If you haven't signed it yet, do so now.
Read RBE's full post where he has a few choice words about Mulgrew.

Merryl Tisch: Might As Well Be a Crook

...when she has a problem with her refrigerator she calls the head of G.E....

Merryl H. Tisch, announced a new program: 13 research fellows would be selected to advise the education commissioner and the 17-member board. The fellows would be paid as much as $189,000 each....Since the appointment of the fellows, public educators' trust in the in New York State Education Department has dwindled to nothing

EdWeek on insularity of Tisch, the Regents fellows, NYSED and those who control ed policy in this state.

How Public is the Public School System?
By Peter DeWitt on September 21, 2013 8:43 AM
When I was a teacher working in a small city school, the superintendent was married to the mayor of the city. Some of the board members worked for the mayor, and some of the school employees were related in some way to the superintendent. It was a good place to work, but it seemed like it was more of the superintendent's kingdom rather than a school district. When I spoke with my former colleagues I told them the story of the small city school kingdom and they couldn't believe that a school district like that existed. 

Unfortunately, our present leadership at the state level in NY is not that different. It seems as though most people at the top know one another, are related in some way, and those in the trenches can't help but feel frustrated. It seems like an insiders' system in which the connected and powerful run the show. And the public has very little input. 

The most powerful player of all is NY State Board of Regent Chancellor (since 2009) Merryl Tisch. A 2009 NY Times article that introduced her said, "Speaking to a group of Catholic educators in a conference room high above First Avenue, Merryl H. Tisch interrupted a dry barrage of bureaucratic references to attendance mandates and Title 2A with a seeming non sequitur."
The N.Y. Times article went on to say,
"When my refrigerator is broken, I don't call the service department," said Dr. Tisch, the newly elected chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents and, by marriage, part of one of New York's wealthiest families. "I call the head of G.E." 

Tisch's relationships are awe inspiring. In the same 2009 Times article, we learned that, "She has enjoyed a decades-long friendship with her Upper East Side neighbor Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. She has celebrated Passover Seders with Schools Chancellor Joel I. Klein. She counts among her closest friends Iris Weinshall, the wife of Senator Charles E. Schumer."

Believe me, I understand that connections are important. Everyone has said at some point in their lives that getting a job is about, "who you know." However, I have always held the belief that public schools were community based and designed to be responsive to the public. 

But now we know there was very little public input into issues like evaluation and the adoption of the Common Core State Standards. Parents, teachers, students and educated professionals at the "ground level" are showing concern about the Common Core State Standards and the developmental appropriateness of them (Read here). 

It just seems that something troubling is happening now and decision making power is being shifted from local school boards to Albany. The connections at the top, and the control and money that they have, gives an oversized role to Ms. Tisch and her friends.

How Public is the Public School System?
A 2011 NY Times article (Winerip) stated,
"In December, the chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents,Merryl H. Tisch, announced a new program: 13 research fellows would be selected to advise the education commissioner and the 17-member board. The fellows would be paid as much as $189,000 each, in private money; to date, $4.5 million has been raised, including $1 million donated by Dr. Tisch, a member of one of New York's wealthiest families."

The same 2011 Times article went on to say,
"Public education has never been so divided, between those like Dr. Tisch, Commissioner John B. King Jr. and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg who support the Obama administration's signature Race to the Top initiative and its emphasis on standardized tests and charter schools; and dissenters on the board, who call it a Race to the Bottom and put their faith in teachers as well as traditional public schools. The Race to the Bottom folks warn that the supposedly free fellows come at a stiff political price."

There are two ways to look at the Fellows and donations that put them in place. One might see their appointment as needed help at a time of change, financed by generous donors. On the other hand, their appointment can be viewed as a gross attempt by Ms. Tisch to impose her will on the State Education Department and its policies. After all, when she has a problem with her refrigerator she calls the head of G.E.... 

Death Penalty for Public Schools?
In schools we have a shared decision-making process. The people who share in the decision may not agree with everything but they agree to what will be the strongest decision from the collective wisdom of everyone on the committee. It's not easy, and getting people who are typically on opposite sides of the fence is a difficult process. However, "at the end of the day", it's about making the best decision for all of the stakeholders in the school. 

Public school advocates are thankful for regents such as Kathleen Cashin, Roger Tilles, Betty Rosa, and former regent Saul Cohen because they speak up against the grain...when they get the opportunity. Winerip went on to write, "Saul B. Cohen, a former president of Queens College who retired in December after 18 years as a regent, is angry that the board was not consulted about selecting the fellows. "They're supposed to be advising us, but we had no role," he said."

Since the appointment of the fellows, public educators' trust in the in New York State Education Department has dwindled to nothing. Unfortunately, looking back at those articles makes me feel as though the public should have seen this coming, especially when we consider the recent comments by Governor Andrew Cuomo.
During a speech in Western N.Y. Governor Cuomo asked for a "A death penalty for failing schools, so to speak." Although he mentioned failing schools, Governor Cuomo has not been supportive of public schools for quite some time. Times Union (Albany) writer Fred Lebrun responded by writing,
"So who or what would the governor sacrifice with a death penalty for failing? The teachers and administrators? He's been beating that dog over public education ills across the state for two years now. Enough. It was insulting to begin with and is now just infuriating and grossly unfair. Andrew Cuomo has done more to demean public education and those who try to make it work than anyone in the history of the state."

What Needs to Change?
There was a time when I thought my experience in the small city school district was unique, and that no other school district in the state could be run as if it was a kingdom. I can now see that I was naïve because the state's public education system seems to be a kingdom that very few of us have access to.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, and I value the government, but I value a government that runs effectively. Over the past few years there has been an increase in testing, teacher and administrator evaluation are all tied to assessments that educators only see on the day of the test, and everything seems to be run top-down...and now they are facing a death penalty.

Brian Lehrer Hearts Campbell Brown: A Play in One Act

Leonie Haimson: Lehrer seems eager to get the views of people like Campbell Brown.

Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer)
@campbell_brown would love to have you join in this afternoon if you're free. #30IssuesChat

Diane Ravitch: Who is Campbell Brown?

Leonie Haimson:
Campbell Brown is a former TV reporter married to Dan Senor (who used to work for Bush); Senor is a board member for StudentsFirst.
 Brown started making noise last year that DOE should be allowed to fire any teacher accused of sexual abuse whether or not it was proven by court or approved by independent arbitrator.  She was the first person given time to testify to Cuomo commission in NYC last year – along with some other politically connected astroturfers.
 Since I think this issue was too volatile for StudentsFirst – esp. since Rhee’s husband has been repeatedly accused of sexual abuse of minors -- she started new organization called the Parents transparency project

that ironically won’t reveal their funders.
 Now it says “The Parents´ Transparency Project is a watchdog group whose mission is to bring transparency to the rules, deals, and contracts negotiated between our state and local governments and the teachers´ unions.”  Joe Williams is also on the board.
 She now serves on the board of Success Academies, and Turnaround for children.  She is all over the place.  Sure to be featured on Education Nation this year.

Ellen: Sex sells......even for Brain Lehrer and WNYC.  Did Murdoch take them over as well? 

Diane Ravitch: I will be interviewed by Brian Lehrer on Monday morning.

Leonie H:
Well thank god he’s having you as a guest -- someone who actually knows something about our schools – in addition to Campbell Brown who seems to have jumped to the head of the list I suppose b/c of her celebrity and sensational claims.


Are Success and other charters violating the law in closing schools for political reasons?

...we are planning a pro-charter parent march on October 8th. Our schools are being closed for the morning. Teachers, parents, students, and central office staff are being required to join the march .....  Success Academy teacher to Diane Ravitch
This is clearly an attempt to put pressure on De Blasio and also in prep for the Oct. PEP meetings.

Of course the press will not raise the issue of the blatant use of children in this manner and Bloomberg will crow. And they will claim this is evidence of support for charters.

Let's see which charters join Eva in this scam, especially since most of them had such low scores compared to Eva (hee-hee-hee) and can't afford to close schools for those precious few hours and fall further behind in closing the achievement gap between their schools and Success.

Tell you what. Let's close all the public schools on Oct. 8 for a few hours and hold a counter march. Let's see exactly how the "support" issue shakes out.

Teacher: The Forced March of Success Academy Parents, Staff, Students

by dianerav
This is a comment signed Concerned Charter Teacher:
"Ms. Ravitch,
I work at Success Academy and thought you might be interested in the following. Just heard that we are planning a pro-charter parent march on October 8th. Our schools are being closed for the morning. Teachers, parents, students, and central office staff are being required to join the march. Other charter schools are joining as well. Several emails from senior leadership make it clear that the event is not optional. It seems very unethical that adults and children are being forced into this political statement, but I don't know what, if anything, can be done."
This is evidence that Success Academy charter schools are not public schools. Any principal or superintendent of a public school who used students and parents to engage in political activities, with or without their consent, would be fired.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thanks to General Diane Ravitch for the Shout Out on Preaching to the Choir

Is Diane Ravitch the George Washington of the educational revolutionary wars? Can we call it World War D (for Deform)? Can we get Max Brooks to write that story?

As I would expect Diane Ravitch took the point I was trying to make in my column this week in The Wave about and extended it to a place I myself wasn't clear about. Preaching to the choir is very needed - to keep up the morale of the troops on the front line facing a firing line from all sides -- including their own union. And rallying them to action. Diane Ravitch has become the general leading the charge into the fire. Teachers, parents and even students are responding. Today's MORE meeting attracted such a crowd of 70 people. And NYCORE last night also attracted 70 --- and a very different 70. And Change the Stakes meeting at the same time had a smaller group with verve and vigor. MORE on the growing activism later.
Norm Scott is the quintessential education activist. He is a retired teacher with many years of classroom experience in tough schools. He brooks no nonsense.

In this review of Reign of Error, he asks the question: What is wrong with preaching to the choir?

He is right. When everyone else–the media, the pundits, the big foundations, the politicians–are agreed that the choir stinks, even though the choir is doing a fine job, the choir needs to hear some preaching. Some people think we can run schools well with novices who come and go every two years. They are wrong. Some people think that schools should be profit-making opportunities for canny entrepreneurs. They are wrong.

Norm knows: The choir needs some help. They need support. Nothing wrong with preaching to them when everyone is disparaging their work, especially when the critics can’t sing. Not even one note.