Tuesday, February 6, 2018

E4E Stealth Infiltrates UFT Delegate Assembly - with Leadership Cooperation?

Stack of Resos on UFT table
Unlabeled -
UPDATE: The resolution described below never came up at the meeting as there was a 6PM adjournment. No one from E4E handed out the reso but a stack was left on the UFT lit table, which we are always told is a no-no - they say they only want official UFT lit and if we try to leave Ed Notes or MORE lit there we get a hassle or even an attempt to throw the lit away. That is why Randi almost 20 years ago mandated there be a special table for alt lit, a table that wasn't there this month or last month.
E4E has found a new way to finagle itself into teacher confidences - Men teach and Restorative Justice....
Last time out E4E was backing Bloomberg's effort to end "LIFO"  (last in, first out) seniority protections for teachers and offering teachers free drinks at local happy hours.  They didn't get very far with this.  But now they are trying a new tack -
She does the principal’s bidding whenever she can to undermine chapter meetings. This piece, which sounds very much like our principal, just reinforces a number of teachers thinking that the principal is working in concert with E4E.... a teacher at a school about the E4E teacher who was handing out the unlabeled reso at the Jan. DA.
A reso from the floor during the New Motion dealing with restorative justice (RJ) was voted up and will be in the agenda at the
Feb DA tomorrow. This was an unusual occurrence at the DA. Some of us smelled a rat.

Actually I smelled a rat downstairs when I saw a lady I didn't know handing out the reso which looked fairly decent but the paper had no identification as to who or what org was behind it. When I asked her where she was from she was evasive. (apparently she is the person mentioned in the opening comment). The reso talked about some pilot program for RJ in District 18 (Canarsie/East Flatbush).

On the surface, the reso was progressive and pro restorative justice and hard not to support. MORE was trying to use the same New Motion time to bring its Black Lives Matter reso, so since Mulgrew called on this other guy - someone named Michael Loeb from a  school in the Bronx right away and not one Unity person opposed it and it passed immediately, I figured this was a diversionary reso to kill time so MORE would never get to the floor. But it all happened so fast - sort of like scoring too soon in a football game and leaving time for the other team to come back -- and MORE got to do its thing, which has led to some blow back against Unity and also from some quarters against MORE.

It's Who Ya Know - A Brooklyn school on the chopping block will get one more chance to improve

The entire school closing show is a scandal. We are working with the MORE CASCADE group on closing schools to expose the crap. I'll report in follow-ups on other schools that did not get grace from His Mayorship.
A low-performing Brooklyn high school slated for closure is getting a new lease on life.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that the city would give Brooklyn Collegiate: A College Board School a one-year reprieve, citing community pressure.
The small high school in the Brownsville neighborhood was among 14 schools that education department officials recently moved to close after this academic year. Along with eight other schools on the city’s chopping block, Brooklyn Collegiate is part of the mayor’s Renewal program, which attempts to turn around struggling schools by investing extra resources in them and providing additional learning time. Officials also plan to combine another five Renewal schools that enroll very few students.
Read more at: 

Monday, February 5, 2018

Class Size Resolution and Video: Workshop on Class Size Lawsuit at Parent Conference

Two items for you in this post. A video of Leonie Haimson and crew - an update on the status of the class size lawsuit. The UFT should back this full-tilt. No one from the UFT was in the room. Or really gives a shit about class size.

Wendy Lecker, Education Law Center

Followed by a proposed class size reso authored mainly by Arthur Goldstein (NYC Educator) with input from James Eterno, myself and we ran it by Leonie Haimson. We were rushed and never put it before MORE steering committee so for now it is being handled by the 4 of us from Another View DA newsletter which is being published for the DA this week.


Resolution on Class Size Reduction

By Arthur Goldstein, James Eterno, Norm Scott

• Whereas, the UFT contract has not changed class size limits in fifty years;
• Whereas reducing class size has proven to be one of the best ways to improve student learning, lower teacher attrition rates and disciplinary problems, and narrow achievement and opportunity gaps between racial and economic groups;
• Whereas NYC schools continue to have the largest average class sizes in the state, and NY’s highest court said that our class sizes were too large in our schools to provide students with their constitutional right to a sound basic education;
• Whereas, UFT contractual class size limits continue to be ignored by the DOE;
• Whereas, the DOE uses outlandish “action plans” to address these limits;
• Whereas, the NYC DOE recently reported class sizes have continued to increase this year;
• Whereas, Article 8L in the 2005 Contract called in part for a labor-management committee to discuss lowering class size if Campaign for Fiscal Equity Settlement funding was available;
• Whereas, the 2007 Contracts for Excellence (C4E) law, which settled the CFE case, required NYC to reduce class size in all grades;
• Whereas, the goals for class size in the city’s original C4E plan, approved by the state in the fall of 2007, are for an average of no more than 20 students per class in K-3, 23 in grades 4-8 and 25 in high school core classes;
• Whereas, the Department of Education has flouted this law flagrantly since 2007;
• Whereas, the DOE gets C4E funding that is often not used to reduce class size; be it therefore

• Resolved, that the UFT will make lowering class sizes to the C4E limits of 20 students in a class K-3, 23 in Grades 4-8 and 25 in high school core classes a major collective bargaining goal for the next contract; and be it further
• Resolved, that funding for this class size reduction should not in any way affect monies for contractual raises for UFT members as the DOE is already receiving C4E money to reduce class sizes from the state.

For decades the DOE has ignored class size, especially Carmen Farina who has disparaged the issue, claiming extensive Professional Development was more important. (How much does PD cost?) Unfortunately the leadership has gone along and removed class size from the negotiating table, claiming doing so will cost us raises. In fact every expense on schools other than salary can be viewed as coming out of potential salary. Even the parental leave issue. Yet the salary pattern is seemingly set outside negotiations. It is time to stop letting the leadership use excuses not to address the growing class size issue in contract negotiations.

See the Class Size Matters Workshop video on the C4E case at https:/vimeo.com/253376916

Hallelujah Piece of Shit Astroturf Families For Excellent Schools Closing Down

Fuck FES and good riddance. Jeremiah Kittredge took FES down with him. Read this almost hilarious account of Kittredge's transgressions by a woman who said she could have broken him in half.

For Immediate Release:

Julia Watson, Statewide Communications Coordinator, AQE


Families for Excellent Schools' Closure: The Defeat of Astroturf Education Advocacy 
NEW YORK, NY (February 5, 2018) — The corrupt charter school advocacy group Families for Excellent Schools is closing in part or full following a series of scandals. They were shut down in Massachusetts for corrupt election activities for which they were forced to pay the largest election law fine in Massachusetts state history. Today it has been reported that they are curtailing operations following the firing last week of the Executive Director as a result of an investigation into sexual harassment charges.

"FES is the latest of the astroturf charter school advocates to sputter into irrelevance in New York State, just another group that tried and failed to do any real grassroots parent organizing,” Zakiyah Ansari, Advocacy Director, Alliance for Quality Education. “The only way these groups can generate a crowd of supporters in when large charter school chains shut down their schools and mandate parent participation in rallies. The lack of any real grassroots support is why their corrupt charter school ballot initiative in Massachusetts failed, even after spending $20 million on the campaign. 

"The one thing FES and others have been effective at is influence peddling with politicians, so keep your eyes open because it will not be shocking if the billionaire hedge fund crowd that backed FES moves their money into a new organization."


New York, NY – Statement from Bryan Lawrence, Board Chair of Families for Excellent Schools:

“This is a sad day for everyone at Families for Excellent Schools. We are very proud of the work we’ve done to help thousands of families stand up for educational opportunity in their communities, and believe our vision of a world where every child has access to an excellent school has never been more important.

Unfortunately, after a series of challenges over the past year and particularly given recent events, we have determined that the support necessary to keep the organization going is not there. We are beginning the process of winding down our work. I want to thank all those who have given their heart and soul to this organization since its inception; I know they will continue to advocate for the families and communities we serve.”

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Video: Parental/Family Leave – MORE Holds Rally, UFT Officials Join in

So it was surprising to see the official UFT banner and Mel Aaronson join the rally and march. Mel who began teaching 10 years before me in 1957 -- he could have been my JHS teacher -- had more stamina than me. Most of the participants were too young to even think of asking Mel a pension question.

Yes, it was freezing and my fingers barely could press the RECORD button. But a dozen MOREs warmed up at the Dark Horse afterwards - that gin and tonic took the chill off. And major kudos to Rosy Clark, the point person for MORE on the rally whose strength and leadership was a major factor. I can't tell you how impressed I am when people take responsibility and do it competently. I bet Rosy is a great teacher.

Below is the video followed by an article we have in our new edition of Another View, being released this Weds at the DA. Also a link to a NY1 clip on the rally. NY1 has done 2 stories based on actions by MORE in the past week.


Parental/Family Leave – MORE Holds Rally, UFT Officials Join in

Saturday, February 3, 2018

UFT's Leroy Barr Equates Black Lives Matter and Opposition to Vietnam War

The very first organized demo/rally I took part in was on May 1, 1971 - yes, May Day, to protest the UFT position on the Vietnam War with a group of activist teachers in my District (14 - Williamsburg) -- Yes, I pretty much missed the 60s but had joined a group of teachers in a group that met regularly and out out a newspaper. We had taken the day off and put out a press release and got some coverage and even attracted some teachers we did not know - and later began to work with them.

So when Leroy Barr connected the UFT stance on the Vietnam War to the Black Lives Matters issue I said WTF. (You can see me on NY1 commenting in an interview with Lindsey Christ -

There has been some blow back directed at the UFT leadership and Leroy Barr for their opposition to the MORE resolution on Black Lives Matter at the January Delegate Assembly when he termed the movement as divisive. I watched Leroy's speech from the 19th floor and sort of felt for him - a black man, the son of a cop and a teacher, who made a fantastic speech at the 2016 AFT convention - trying to navigate some difficult terrain. This time not such a great speech, especially when he raised the UFT non-position on the Vietnam War because it was so divisive as a comparison to wise UFT policy.

Having recently seen the Ken Burns series which did show how divisive the war was but also showed what a disaster it was an how the government lied again and again. Since I began teaching in 1967 pretty much as an unwoke person who bought much of the bullshit I was subjected to, I can get the point  - to some extent. But when I became woke over the next 3 years I began to understand that the neutrality of the UFT over the divisiveness issue was a red herring to cover UFT leader Al Shanker's outright support for the war and his leading us to back all US warhawk actions. If shanker could have gotten away with it in a very liberal union he would have had us support the war.

I remember challenging Shanker directly at a DA 5 years later over his support for neo-con Henry Jackson for the 1976 presidency, pointing out that a year after the massive budget cuts - undoubtedly connected to the toll of the war - and that we couldn't have guns and butter and Shanker's leading our union to not oppose the massive military expenditures was choosing guns over butter and harming our schools, our union and our working conditions. (Note- we were working under a reduced school schedule, the loss of 2 out of 5 preps a week and 15,000 cuts.)

I recalled those days as Leroy spoke and thought that one of the jobs of a union is to help educate its members, which happened to me due to the people on the left who educated me. We shouldn't wake up in spite of the union.

The same applies to the Black Lives Matter movement, which I will address in Part 2.

Video: Parent Organizing 101 - KidsPac/Class Size Matters Conf Jan. 27, 2018

Two Wonderful stories of parent organizing including Bonnie and Kalmiris of Central Park East 1 fame to remove an abusive and incompetent principal -- who by the way is still working in District 4 and is rumored to be resurfacing in another school. I never get tired of hearing, their story especially since some of us in MORE were so deeply embedded in it. But what do you have to do to rid ourselves of evil vampire principals -- put a stake in their hearts?

Also doing a great presentation was Naila Rosario from Sunset Park, an amazing organizer who started with very little other than trying to get her kid into pre-k and from that experience built a powerhouse.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Jacobin - The Case Against Cuomo - But UFT WIll Support Him Anyway

The article fails to address Cuomo's support for ed deform.

Andrew Cuomo Is No Progressive

by dianeravitch
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is running for the Democratic nomination in 2020. He presents himself as the anti-Trump, the real progressive. But New York progressives don’t buy it. They know that Cuomo has helped Republicans retain control of the State Senate. The Assembly passes progresssive legislation, and the State Senate kills it.  An”independent” group of Democrats in the senate vote with the GOP.
Cuomo has refused to help his own party. He likes divided government. Cuomo has been dreadful on education issues. He is the champion of charter schools. He has pushed tax credits for religious schools.
Public schools? He doesn’t like them.
To learn more, read this article:

Andrea Gabor on Global Tech: Death of Bloomberg-Era School Roils East Harlem

Andrea has been following the Global Tech merger with PS 7 story and assault on the school by Dist. 4 Supt Alexandra Estrella for a while. Here is her latest which most people have liked though some have disagreed on the praise of Bloomberg at the end.

Death of Bloomberg-Era School Roils East Harlem

Astroturf Phony Parent Group Families for Excellent Schools CEO Jeremiah Kittredge fired

O, the joy!
DUHHHHH! Jeremiah Kittredge has been totally inappropriate in so many ways. Another loser pal of Eva Moskowitz, who had no comment. Et Tu Eva?
JEREMIAH KITTREDGE FIRED — POLITICO's Eliza Shapiro : Jeremiah Kittredge, the CEO of the pro-charter school group Families for Excellent Schools, has been fired following an "independent investigation" into "inappropriate behavior toward a non-employee," according to a statement from FES board chair Bryan Lawrence on Wednesday afternoon. A spokesman for the group declined to comment further. The group is one of the best-funded charter advocacy organizations in the country. It received more than $13 million from the Walton Family Foundation between 2014 and 2016 alone. It has become omnipresent in New York over the last several years, and has served as an unofficial lobbying arm for Success Academy, one of the nation's highest-performing and most influential charter school networks.
More links:

Pro-charter school group CEO booted for inappropriate behavior - NY ... www.nydailynews.com/.

Pro-charter school CEO fired over 'inappropriate behavior' accusations ...https://nypost.com/..

And for an analysis of Kittredge's disastrous venture into the Massachusettes charter debate - see (also below the break).


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Achievement Gaps Within Schools and at Success Academy --Politico Education

"The report also found that gifted and talented public schools have similar results to Success's integrated schools, considering all students must test into those programs."... Politico
In other words, only Gifted and Talented and Success kids have the same narrowing of the achievement gap between races, seen nowhere else in the city, including other charter schools.

At last week's parent conference we heard how Success gets lists from the DOE of kids who took the Gifted and Talented test and then sent out loads of ads addressed to the kids directly. So they try to poach kids from day one who take the test.

This story at Politico has hints of the games Success plays.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Video: Jamaal Bowman at KidsPac/Class Size Matters Parent Conference, Jan. 27, 2018

Jamaal Bowman is always worth listening to. It is rare to find school leaders with vision and understanding of the damage high stakes testing has done and is doing. He even races against the kids in his school - he won a race in the gym wearing his suit and dress shoes. It's a shlep to the Bronx for me but I may take a shot at going up there Monday night, Feb. 5 at 6PM for his BLM week event -  if my old bones can make it. But I am not racing Jamaal.


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Norm at the PEP - My response after hearing teachers speak up despite fears of retaliation

The Global Tech teachers and students broke my heart. I almost lost it. Well, maybe I did lose it. Here is Vimeo with you tube link below.

You tube: https://youtu.be/hVkXsJuPzmw

Friday, January 26, 2018

Video: Voices of Community Education Council District 3 (Upper West Side) Address Total Lack of Community Engagement and DOE Complicity at PEP

Lack of professionalism and common courtesy on part of the DOE.
Everything was done to minimize community input and family engagement.
DOE hasn't earned our trust.
Going to a PEP where parents, teachers, students and community people show up to talk about being ignored, being ignored by yet another arrogant Farina superintendent, being lied to repeatedly and being used as a prop to give the impression the DOE admin is concerned about them is like watching a horror show in an endless loop.

See the video of 4 CEC 3 members at the Jan. PEP calling out the DOE and Farina administration under de Blasio and if you want to dig further read their astounding letter - all 11 pages detailing the ills of the DOE that will never be fixed even though these parents honestly offer their services. Ending mayoral control is the only answer. At least at the local school boards we knew who to yell at.

CEC 3 letter to DOE -- see full pdf: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/a806f4_f9d8950a31e947cea7c12df1d888da84.pdf

https://vimeo.com/252994409January 22, 2018

Reminder! Parent Action Conference on Saturday

I'm reposting. I'll be there with camera - stop by and say a few words for our little film.

Dear Norman:
Our Parent Action Conference is just a few days away on Saturday, Jan. 27 at the Peck Slip School in lower Manhattan.  Please sign up today if you haven't already!

You can spend the day with fellow parent activists, learn how to advocate for your child and our schools, enjoy a delicious lunch and see a terrific movie; what could be better?

Also, this morning we held a successful press conference along with CPAC and CEC leaders, representing more than one million parents and demanding that the Mayor give parents a voice in selecting a new Chancellor. Watch out for reports on NY1 and the Wall St. Journal.

We're asking for a meeting with the Mayor to discuss how parents can provide input into his decision, to ensure that the next Chancellor has the qualities and qualifications necessary to run the nation's largest public school system and is someone who can truly collaborate with parents. Check out the oped I co-authored with Leonie Haimson in Gotham Gazette on this issue.

Hope to see you Saturday! --
Shino for NYC Kids PAC