Sharon Higgins has been in the front lines in the battle against ed deform for a hell of a long time especially in the exposure of crooked charter schools. She has focused on the Turkish charter Gulen chain. Now she is involved in a film called Killing Ed and will be at the premiere as will Diane Ravitch tonight at the Cinema Village tonight (22 East 12th Street).
I remember when Sharon got in touch in December 2009 about having lunch on a visit to NYC from Oakland. I told her I would get a bunch of teacher and parent activists together and we met at Karavas in the Village. That was the first time Julie Cavanagh met Leonie Haimson and Lisa Donlan. We also had Michael Fiorillo, Sam Coleman, Khem Irby and a bunch of other people. Sharon and Leonie connected to each other and other parent activists around the nation to form an nationwide organization with Diane Ravitch 2 years later. Julie and Leonie became buddies and did some amazing work together.
Hi Norm,I hope this note finds you well.I'm reaching out to my NY and NJ contacts to let them know about this film.
Announcement:KILLING ED, a new documentary about the Gulen charter school situation -- and what may very well be the worst case scenario of ed reform / school privatization abuse -- will be premiering in NYC starting on Friday, March 25th. I appear in it as well as Diane Ravitch, Noel Hammatt, and others.
If you live in the area, I hope you will be able to attend and/or spread the word.
The film will run from March 25-31 at Cinema Village (22 East 12th Street). See 3707
Check out the trailer and more at
Filmmaker Mark Hall worked on this project for over four years and I believe he has presented a very balanced look into what is going on. My sense is that even people who think they are aware of the situation will be somewhat shocked.
If you can make it to the 7PM show on the 25th, we can say hi to each other there!Best,
NYC: Go See an Important Film Tonight
by dianeravitch
KILLING ED will be shown in NYC for one week.
Mark Hall’s important new film about corporate reform and the assault on public education will be shown starting Friday in New York City at the Cinema Village, 22 East 12 street, at 7 pm.
The show will run for one week.Mark will be there Friday night, along with Sharon Higgins, an Oakland, California, parent who has written extensively about charter school scandals (she has a website called “charterschoolscandals”), especially the Gulen charter schools. I will be in the audience.
Hall is touring the country with his film. Check the schedule to see if he is coming to your city or state. If not, contact him to arrange a showing. @KillingEdFilm