Posted: 20 Sep 2011 04:28 PM PDT
the first time, the city teachers union could allow teachers to be
removed from schools based on merit rather than seniority, a union
official close to the negotiations said today.This just came in:
Dear GEM,
Just some more evidence. Today was the ATR fair and there were no high school social studies positions available in Queens. Well, this went up on craigslist this evening. Why didn’t this principal come to the job fair?
Civic Leadership Academy seeks a US History teacher!
Date: 2011-09-20, 3:27PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]20Leadership%20Academy% 20seeks%20a%20US%20History% 20teacher!&body=%0A%0Ahttp%3A% 2Fque%2Fedu%2F2608638121.html% 0A
In partnership with New Visions for Public Schools, the Civic Leadership Academy is seeking a high school US History teachers to begin as soon as possible. Please only apply if you currently hold valid New York State Certification in Social Studies. Experience teaching US History preferred.
To learn more about the Civic Leadership Academy, please visit and .htm
If you are interested in teaching at the Civic Leadership Academy, please e-mail with your resume and cover letter attached. We will follow up with you as soon as possible. Please only apply if you currently hold New York State Certification in Social Studies.
See great videos of Justin Weides arrest for doing nothing and the genesis of the Wall St. Occupation by Jaisal Noor.
Justin Weides arrested and held for 5 hours
Hi friends,For people who would like more information, On Saturday I shot and edited this video about how Occupy Wall Street started -----Jaisal Noor
Some of you may have heard that I was arrested today at Zuccotti Park today during the #OcupyWallStreet peaceful encampment. Here's video:
I did not resist arrest, was detained for about 5 hours and was not charged with any crime. And I'm OK and back in action here :) And I would love to see you at our peaceful encampment!
Follow us on twitter: @OccupyWallStNYC
Love and peaceful change,
Join us on Wed. to protest the budget cuts and class sizes at your school!
Join us at rally this Wednesday, to protest the severe budget cuts to our schools, the increases class sizes, and the loss of valuable programs.
Come and fight for your child's right to receive a quality education!
Class sizes in many schools are far worse than I have ever heard– despite the city’s legal obligation to reduce them – and are now above 30 in many schools, even in the early grades. It is really outrageous how the state and the city have failed our kids.
When: Wednesday, Sept. 21st @ 12:00 P.M
Where: DOE headquarters, Tweed Courthouse, 52 Chambers St.
(take the 4, 5, 6, N & R to City Hall- BK Bridge, or 1, A/C to Chambers St.)
Who: parents and outraged citizens. Co-sponsored by: Class Size Matters, Alliance for Quality Education, NYC Coalition for Educational Justice, NYC Parents Union, African American Clergy and Elected Officials, Charity B.C. of Christ, Cody Cares, Churches United to Save and Heal, Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition, New York Divinity School, and Mirabal Sisters.
A flyer is to the right that you can post or distribute in your school.
Let me know if you have a story to tell at the rally about how the cuts have affected your child’s school by emailing me at
Please also complete our survey if you haven’t already at
AQE also has a survey you can ask your principal to fill out at
Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on right for news bits.
1 comment:
Principals searching for teachers on Craigslist?
Holy moly.
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