Make sure you fill out the survey (click here) and if you can not make this meeting, but have thoughts to share please feel free to respond to this email Jia LeeThis Saturday starting at noon, attendees at the MORE monthly meeting (open to all) will chew over the numbers and the campaign and look for ways to move forward. See how we did in meeting the goals set. The only 2 MORE presidential candidates in history, Julie Cavanagh and Jia Lee, will help lead discussions. There are various visions for MORE moving forward and there will be some fascinating, and at times heated, discussions. And the MORE summer series will be up for discussion.
If you had any experiences regarding the election you want to share take the survey. This is an attempt to be more scientific rather than fly by the seats of our pants as a way going forward. Hey, maybe the entire election venture is not worth the effort and MORE should be an uncaucus. Or if MORE wants to contend for power what level of organizing must it do and what strategies are needed to be followed?

Dear Colleagues, Friends and Fellow MORE/UFT Members,
First of all, THANK YOU for inspiring so much hope in this UFT
election. It’s been one of the most intense and amazing experiences, and
I’m incredibly proud to stand with so many principled folks.
Please take a moment to fill out the survey so we can get your feedback on the election and how to move forward.
Join us this Saturday at CUNY Graduate Center 12-3pm 365 5th Ave at 34th st. -Midtown NYC
After the 2013 election, we did a similar reflection and analysis
of the numbers and then set some goals. It’s really empowering to see
we’ve met a number of the goals we set!
- Increase Weekly Update membership from 507 to 3000 by Fall 2016
- Increase dues paying/voting members from 100 to 300 by Fall 2016
- Increase focus on school and district (geographically based) organizing.
- By Fall 2016, Increase # of Chapter Leaders and Delegates connected to MORE from 80 to 200
- Hold trainings for Chapter Leaders/Delegate elections, contract, and general election in each borough by Fall 2014 (CL/delegate and contract) and Fall 2015 (city-wide elections)
- Have at least 1 contact in 50% of schools by 2016
- Complete internal mapping project by fall 2014, having database running and operational. Use strategically to target outreach, for distribution and tasking/1:1 organizing
- Run a well organized campaign and democratically chosen slate in 2016
- Increase voter turnout in city-wide UFT elections from 18% to 35%
- Win High School Executive Board seats in 2016 and increase total votes in all other categories.
It’s time to think about what our goals, including some of the same above, we could set for the upcoming year for ourselves.
If you would like, please check out our Platform 2016 to get a sense of the scope of our vision and values.
Make sure you fill out the survey (click here) and if you can not make this meeting, but have thoughts to share please feel free to respond to this email
Looking forward to hearing from you!
In Solidarity,
Jia Lee
UFT Chapter Leader – The Earth School
UFT Chapter Leader – The Earth School
After Burn
After the meeting Arthur Goldstein and I will be heading back to
Rockaway where he is meeting his family who will be attending the Sat
Nite performance of Follies where I get to display my vast acting talent
as one of a large group of party goers hanging out on stage for the
entire act 1.
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