Showing posts with label UFT election 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFT election 2022. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Electioneering on Union Time: Unity HSVP Janella Hinds Visits Camille Eterno's School but doesn't stop by to say hello

This seems like a rather obvious electioneering event, especially with all of this literature with her image on it just sent out to members there.... CL Comment

UFT Team High School's facebook page - this is one of only three posts they've had since 2020. It's the only school visit they've posted since at least 2019 if not longer....

Here is clear proof of the misuse of UFT personnel for electioneering. So we are tracking UFT employees, paid for with our salaries, engaging in electioneering on union time. I don't even think they should be engaging in breaking trust with people who pay their salaries on non-union time somewhat iffy.

Naturally, the visit of HSVP Janella Hinds and Queens HS District Rep James Vasquez to Camille Eterno's school was all about union business. I wonder if Unity leaflets were included in the visit as a gift to the staff.

Camille would welcome a visit from Mulgrew for a debate.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Handicapping the 2022 UFT Election: Can United for Change Win? Part 1 - UFC Unique Coalition, Unity on the Attack, Will UFC Hold Together?

Mah nishtanah halailah hazeh mikol haleilot?  
How is this UFT Election different from all other UFT Elections? 

Tentative Ans: The UFC Unique Coalition, Unity on the Attack 

UFT Unity is in a lose lose situation. If the percentage of their vote dips below 65 percent there will be a bloodletting in Unity and if not we will have a hobbled union when contract negotiations start in earnest. ....South Bronx School, running with UFC

This year they're (Opposition) making nice, but next year they'll devolve into the same incomprehensible ideological battles on which they thrive."... NYC Educator, running with Unity.

It was perhaps the best lock in all of sports — until it wasn’t. A No. 16 seed had never defeated a No. 1 seed in March Madness until UMBC shocked the world by toppling Virginia in 2018. ... Oddsmakers
Unity Caucus is the longest running continuous autocracy in the world over the past 60 years - except maybe the Chinese Communist Party -- but I'd maintain that even they have had more internal party democracy than Unity. There are no Las Vegas odds on the UFT election - yet.

Monday, March 21, 2022

This is my 6th UFT election cycle since the 2004 election and I think I've learned a few things - or not. In the past I never expected us to win.  There was always hope we would make heavy gains as a way to build a serious opposition to Unity but have always been disappointed.

Results have been remarkably similar (I'll do a year by year breakdown as part of this series) with the 2019 three caucus oppo to Unity disaster being an exception which we mostly toss out in our analysis except for a few lessons - lessons that have driven those three caucuses to come together along with others into the United for Change COALITION -- NOT CAUCUS. This is an important point to keep in mind over my next few blogs about the UFT election.

Whither United for Change Coalition
We cannot emphasize enough: UFC is a temporary arrangement for the elections with no post-election plans at this time, though there has been some back door chatter. Of course the future of UFC to some extent depends on the election outcomes:
  • Partial win: some ex bd with big gains with retirees, divisionals and functionals: 
  • Partial win similar to the past: Winning HS seats.
  • Total loss with no change from previous elections.
  • Winning it all - In past years I'd always say Zero chances. This time I wouldn't even consider it a #16 vs 1 seed but I'd actually give some odds of possibilities if everything broke right -- a subject for a future post in this series- what would it take to win. Crucial point- UFC would be a sort of parliament with lots of points of views and no one is shy so a win would be very vibrant and in fact UFC would actually make changes that would decrease the power of a victor by reducing the winner take all policy -- and if they didn't do that much I would join the new opposition- which would be Unity - YIKES!  But there also might be food fights at Ex Bd meetings.
Every one of these options is on the table in this election.
What is different? UFC - a remarkable coming together of almost every voice opposing Unity (and some backroom voices allied with Unity) over the past 50 years plus a plethora of newcomers - and young newcomers, including some key people who either ran with or voted for Unity in 2019. 
  • New Action
  • Solidarity
  • MORE
  • ICE
  • Retiree Advocate
  • Educators of NYC
  • Independents - The Uncaucus including ex-Unity supporters
Danger signs for Unity
Nick Bacon, elected on 2019 Unity slate, is running for UFC Ex Bd HS-- is now co-director of New Action and has been doing great work on their blog and has brought a young perspective to New Action. Some blog pieces:
Daniel Alicea - who voted for Unity in 2019 and has become a glue of sort to bring all the oppo groups together. He is now co-host of the WBAI Talk Out of School with Leonie Haimson. His program Saturday had two fab interviews: A Conversation with Noah Teachey and Arlene Laverde.

While we have seen defections from the oppo to Unity, these two represent a reverse defection and have brought creds to the oppo and function as a uniting force since they don't carry old baggage.

A New MORE -- One story-- In the past month I have been working closely with a youngish MORE member who joined after I left and brings well-needed diversity to the oppo and became very active in the election around the end of petition time, one of the most remarkable people I've met. She's organized and relentless in getting even old farts like me to do stuff. If she and others like her remain active, that represents the biggest long-term threat to Unity. One day I will tell the entire story. 
Bonding -- Yes, there may still be some old resentments from the past but every day I see bonds being formed between people from different caucuses. If that lasts and grows ----- 

There is a delicate balance between caucuses that compete with each other for members and influence - always fragile -- and the affiliation of what I call the Uncaucused - people who do not want to be affiliated with a particular group's ideological - they find the boundaries too limitiing - but are opposed to the Unity leadership. 
This forces an even more delicate balance but the input of this unaffiliated group has actually kept things relatively peaceful once the stresses of choosing candidates in a balanced manner where every group felt represented  - was out of the way.... An  excruciating process where consensus was the rule turned out to give UFC the best field of candidates I've every seen plus the largest group running in decades -- around 400. And we could have had more but as the chief of petitions I begged people to stop recruiting as I had only 2 suitcases.
Unity Caucus leaders full well know the long-term stakes which explains their high level of push back compared to previous years. Peter at South Bronx Schools thinks their response is due to fear of losing: UFT Unity The Smell of Fear. "In the past, the opposition had won high school seats and in my opinion UFT Unity just dealt with it." 
This time they really want to bury the opposition and shut them out of winning anything. Imagine if they are successful and the oppo gets a significant portion of the vote and gets no ex bd or AFT/NYSUT positions. I can see going to court over dues taxastion without representation.

More control to Unity than even Putin has in Russia. Unity may invade the pockets of resistance to their rule -- oh, I forgot -- they already do that by using their district reps to get their lit on teacher boxes.
I believe Unity is too arrogant after 60 years of power to think it can really lose. Unity is putting up an extraordinary effort in hope of ending the UFC coalition threat and relegate the other caucuses back into the competition with each other. 2019 was a dream year for Unity and they kept the opposition completely out of the Executive Board for the first time since the 1993 election.
I will go deeper into the founding, the evolution of UFC and its potential in future analysis, most likely after May 10. 

I see the long-term possibilities of UFC, win or lose as more important than the election outcomes itself. Winning some seats on the Ex Bd is important but the oppo has been doing that for decades with similar outcomes. Winning a significantly larger share of support from UFT members, even it UFC loses the election, is a key to the future health of UFC and the union as a whole. Getting larger turnout would be a major move. Getting in the high thirties approaching 40% would be win.
Some people connected to Unity don't think there is much of a chance of UFC surviving the election:  Arthur Goldstein, who is once again running with Unity for HS Ex Bd says, "I tried working with opposition for years and it's a dead end.  This year they're making nice, but next year they'll devolve into the same incomprehensible ideological battles on which they thrive." Arthur, who I still consider an over 15 year friend despite some recent rancor, has some legit gripes against MORE from past years -- I had similar gripes but would never have been driven to run with Unity. Well, maybe I will when Unity is the opposition caucus.

I would have agreed with Arthur a year ago about future infighting. Unity has always known that the more oppo caucuses there are competing with each other, the better for their control. Having had negative experiences (I'm too libertarian in oppo groups over the years I have some to see consensus coalitions, where individual caucuses cooperate but are free to operate on their own, as a potential model for an effective opposition in the UFT.

Some people who are skeptical of the opposition and also of Unity control have told me they want a vibrant opposition that won't win in order to present a credible threat to Unity that would wake them up and make them better. I can see that point of view. If you think UFC can't win, that is one reason to vote UFC - for the health of the union. Even Unity people who hate Mulgrew are thinking that way -- close the gap and get rid of Mulgrew.

The biggest disaster the UFT would face would be a massive victory for Unity with an 80% vote and a breakup of UFC where an arrogant autocracy will continue to make bad decisions and take the membership for granted. And most of all, consolidate the power of Michael Mulgrew. To see just how bad that would be for everyone -- 

Jon Halabi, who was with New Action, is now independent and also works with Daniel and Nick as glue to keep the UFC coalition working together, hopefully post election.

More Halabi reads:

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

#UFTElections - Petitions - What we can learn about the upcoming election - Part 1

With the UFT election petition campaign coming to a close. I've gotten a good read on the potentials in this election from the petition campaign. I can actually predict some vote totals from certain schools based on the success of petitioning and the effectiveness in organizing in that school. In this and followups I will share what I can without stepping on too many toes. We are keeping a spreadsheet with numbers submitted and from where they came from. If I get my proposal for school level percentages of voting to be reported I can check the spreadsheet against those numbers and I bet I will be pretty accurate.) I also have been getting a lot of reports on the state of the attitudes in schools regarding the Unity leadership -- it seems more people have heard of the existence of Unity caucus than in the past.

This is the 6th petition campaign I have helped run  - 04, 07, 10, 13, 16 and I've learned from my mistakes in each one. This time I think we ran a flawless campaign due to the support of the amazing crew from Retiree Advocate who have given up 3 Wednesdays plus another one today and this past Sunday to assist, plus the in school people led by Lydia from Solidarity (a wonderful partner0, Mike from MORE who worked as a liaison, the Eterno clan, and of course my main partner in crime Jonathan Halabi who I worked with so well in the 2016 election.

Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022

Rice Pudding at diner signing
This Friday is the deadline for petitions to be turned in to get on the ballot for the UFT elections when ballots go out on April 8. After weeks of work as the point person for the United for Change coalition, I'm shlepping 2 suitcases of petitions with thousands of pages (an entire forest) to 52 Broadway this morning to meet up with others from Retiree Advocate to try to finalize everything and turn them in today so I can go home with empty suitcases.

Why two days early? I live by the words: Shit happens. I can imagine going in on Friday and I get sick or in an accident. Unity runs unopposed, which I'm sure would make them happy.

Well, anyway, I survived an intense 4 weeks and a possible divorce over forgetting to get chocolates for Valentines Day --- my excuse of being preoccupied didn't work and it cost me a day of silent treatment and no dinner. But today I hope it is freedom day. We want to turn in at 2 and then hang out for late stragglers before the DA and then the petition store is closed. (I am still getting stuff in the mail but yesterday's mail is the last I'm turning in.)

Big turnout at Bryant Park

There are about 400 people running with a few late comers coming on board. We started out aiming for 700 but handling that number seemed too much and I urged people to stop recruiting. About 130 are retirees and we could have had 300 due to the Medicare situation but I don't believe we should run so many retirees compared to working members. People could have signed up dozens in their schools but the strategy of having so many people from one school isn't all that effective. Theories abound that most opposition votes come from schools where there is an active and proficient organizer to get out the vote. 

But petitions are an indicator of the effectiveness of the organizer and as the point person I have a good read on where votes will be coming from. Of course today we are handing over all that info to the UFT membership committee. Would it be beyond Unity to take a peek to see where our strengths lie? Some in the opposition argue that we should hand in the minimum as a strategic move but most of us feel that would be a betrayal of the process. So instead of handing in 900 officer petitions, we will hand over 3000. Late arrivals at the DA will be brought up to the office at 4:30.

Bobby, Bennett and me Sunday at 40th St library after a full day of work


We will try to listen to the Assembly while waiting.

Gotta get ready to catch the ferry dragging my suitcases. I will be back tomorrow with some petitions stories that might be early election indicators.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

UFT Pres. Candidate Camille Eterno with Daniel Alicea: WBAI Saturday, 1 PM; Halabi calls for Unity to Replace Mulgrew, Election petition return day

The UFT’s leadership has an opportunity to make the union stronger. Will they do the right thing?... Over the course of the pandemic members of our union have seen our union leadership in different situations and different ways than before the pandemic. Policies affected us directly, in what were truly life and death situations. Members who never paid attention paid attention. And now that members were paying attention, what did they see?..... Jonathan Halabi

This is a wonderful explanation of how teachers were thrown under the bus. All other city workers union stood up for their workers for as long as they could. Mulgrew said he didn’t try because he knew he not win, so why did we vote for you. Try, try and you may succeed. I am sick of this mess, teachers are left to fend for themselves. Kudos to you. double thumbs up.... Comment on New Action blog. Dear Michael Mulgrew, We’re Overworked!

Why You Should Vote for Camille Eterno - This is not going to be a wordy post. Just want to get right to the point. I could go on an on about how Camille Eterno will be there for the members of ...

There's a lot of anti-Mulgrew talk out there. Jonathan Halabi touches on a crucial issue -- the activation of people in the UFT who had never been active before.

A high school teacher who has not been active in UFT politics but is running with us for AFT delegate, at one of the biggest high schools in the city sent this:

I've been reaching out to everyone I know in the elementary schools since that seems to be where we need most support. Spoke to 4 elementary school teachers at 4 different schools. All friends of mine. At least 2 of them indicated they were already supporting UFC. I encouraged them to spread the word at their schools. The other two seemed to lean UFC as well - UNITED FOR CHANGE - UFT: HOME - 

These are the kind of rumblings I haven't seen before. I went to a petition signing party at a home on Long Island last Sunday expecting to find 5 people. Instead there were 25, mostly from Queens elementary schools happily signing 400 petitions. This is an area rarely penetrated by the opposition and an indication of a shift of sorts. One woman in her 50s was so excited and said she ordered a UFT sweatshirt which she will wear around her school.

The day before MORE held a signing event at a bar in lower Manhattan for 70 people. I tried to imagine a merging of the Sat MORE event with the Sunday Long Island event and my head began to swim. Yet here we are -- two signing parties with such a contrast but for the same candidates. I couldn't have imagined that happening even 6 months ago.

Hear the alternative to Mulgrew, Camille Eterno: From Daniel-

Join me, Sat 2/12 at 1pm on @WBAI 99.5 FM  as I chat with @NYCSchools educator & parent, Camille Eterno about the state our our city schools and her run for president of @UFT. We will discuss smaller class size, mayoral control, health & safety, evaluations, ATRS, more!--

Jonathan Halabi wrote a scathing blog obliterating Mulgrew on his record. His call for Unity to replace hm at the top of the ticket for the benefit of the union. In fact if Unity were to replace Mulgrew, their odds of doing better in the election go up.

While the internal leaks of unhappiness with Mulgrew inside Unity stopped once the UFC coalition was announced. reports come filtering in of hidden Unity support for UFC and backroom offers to assist. I won't believe that until I see it. 

Those are signs of Mulgrew lack of popularity internally. Jonathan Halabi blogged about just how bad Mulgrew is and asks:

The UFT’s leadership has an opportunity to make the union stronger. Will they Do the right thing?

He is asking Unity to replace Mulgrew at the top of the ticket to save the union. I guess from the perspective of hoping UFC will win, the worst thing that can happen is Mulgrew not running. But not to worry - Unity has no mechanism to make Jonathan's wish come through. Unity is a pseudo feudalistic system which requires Shakespearian-driven solutions. Mulgrew will be running for president against Camille Eterno. The choice can be no clearer. But if you are in doubt, go read Halabi filet Mulgrew under the following headings of transgressions:

  • Policy, Pandemic, Conciliation
  • Running Meetings Poorly, and Being Obnoxious About It
  • Endorsements
  • In the Field
And the deepest cut of all, Medicare Advantage / Mulgrewcare.
Retiree votes make up 40-50% of those who vote in UFT elections. I would say the major threat to Mulgrew and Unity is the potential loss of enough of those votes to cause real damage to Unity.
Go read through them and think of whether you want Mulgrew as president for the next 3 years.
Jonathan, who is running for HS VP on the slate but is urging Unity to do the right thing to save the union even if it allows Unity to stay in power.

He says:
...while I do not support the reelection of this leadership, it is still OUR union. I am fiercely proud of our union. I want it stronger, better.

So United for Change has a better (still slim) chance in the election because Michael Mulgrew is at the top of the Unity ticket.

But the UFT is weaker, has less support from members, with all the negative attention Michael Mulgrew has garnered. We all suffer with him in the lead.

We (United for Change) cannot do the right thing here. It has to be Unity. Make our union better. Shore up support from members whose confidence in the union has been shaken through the pandemic. Even though it hurts my election chances, I am asking, pleading with Unity, do the right thing. Remove Mulgrew. Replace him with someone, anyone. Promote him to some position where members don’t see him.

Because in the end, no matter who wins, we all lose if members are turned against our union, against the UFT.

I'm not sure we don't all lose if Unity wins without Mulgrew. The Unity machine has been in charge since the UFT's inception over 60 years ago and that is the problem. Mulgrew being pulled would only lead to another leader who would distract us. I saw that happen when Randi was becoming unpopular and Mulgrew took over. "A breath of fresh air" proclaimed an opposition supporter who quickly jumped on the Mulgrew bandwagon and is now a full time UFT employee. Other Randi haters came on board too. 
Mulgrew may be toxic and often inept but so is the Unity machine where loyalty is prized over competence. Besides, there is no mechanism inside Unity where a coup could take place.
And who is on that Unity bench to be taken seriously as a UFT leader? I used to think it might be Evelyn de Jesus but Randi snatched her away for AFT Executive Director and potential heir apparent.

In many ways this all a fantasy and Jonathan knows that and is making a point about just how bad Mulgrew is. 

This past Wednesday, Unity met to sanctify its slate. There are supposedly petitions with Mulgrew's name as president that are due next Friday, though no teacher has actually seen these petitions in schools. I think the UFC election committee, of which I am a member, should ask to see these petitions. 

But if the opposition wins high schools and challenges in middle schools and makes a big leap in elementary schools and oppo retiree vote climbs to around 40%, I would bet Jonathan will get his wish before the next election. Which is why even if you are Unity and don't like Mulgrew you should vote UNITED FOR CHANGE.

And here's a little secret - many Unity people are actually saying they will, some even offering to campaign for us in their schools. 

I'm still in middle of the petition campaign for UFC, along with Jonathan, and this weekend is "turn in and collating time". Today in Bryant Park from 1-4PM near the ping pong tables and tomorrow a team is meeting nearby to put all ths reams of paper together. 

It's going to be 60 degrees today so stop by at Bryant Park and even if you don't have a petition, I will have one for you to sign.

We should have had  a system of electronic signing so entire forests didn't have to die for the UFT petition campaign. 

Friday, February 4, 2022

UFT Election Committee Feb. 2 Meeting, Bad Weather, Covid, Hamper Petitions Efforts for UFC, But Not for Unity As I join others in venturing out today on icy roads

A Unity stooge on Facebook stated that Unity does not do caucus work such as signature signings at 52 Broadway or the district offices. I call total BS on that.... Comment on: UFT Elections: Petitioner and Pensioner Reveal Fear and Loathing Toward Unity Caucus/UFT Leadership

Funny, we were in 52 and union people were asking us where to sign. How many Unity people have been seen going around schools to get signatures? Their signings are mostly internal Unity, not asking teachers to sign on their free time. I actually think if there is a court case over UFT election process, petitioning will be a factor. Also how Unity gets 8 union employees on the election committee which meets when they are on the union clock.

Friday, Feb. 4, 2022

I reported on how many retirees met up this past Wednesday to sign a pack of 450 petitions for the  United for Change at-large candidates.

I was literally on my feet from 10:30-4:30 supervising the signings - in shifts to avoid close quarters -- and people still hadn't finished but Mike Shulman, Kathy Perez and I had to go up to the 19th floor for the Election Committee meeting. Every Unity member, all on the UFT payroll and getting paid for attending were prosent while UFC was short two members - one who tested positive and one with childcare issues.  

See my report on the meeting below these comments. But think of the optics of a full house for Unity.

Remember - we asked for a delay in the election for a few weeks or electronic signatures and were turned down by the Unity dominated election committee - they get 8 and the UFC get 5 members in the Unity Caucus version of democracy. I reported on that back in January:  

Thursday morning I went to a school to pick up petitions with 35 signatures. There should have been 60 but the main guy was out with covid with a possibility he got it from having to use his spare time to get them signed.  We've had people who agreed to sign not be able to show up. In past elections we would get a big space and get 60 people in the room for a mass signing. 

To follow the same rules for petitioning for this election borders in criminality.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

UFT Election Ground Hog Day - A Repeating nightmare and this is not a movie: As We Warned UFT Leadership - Teachers/Retirees Down With Covid

80 plus Retiree: Norm, I'm still positive with Covid and can't come today to help.
UFT Chapter Leader running with UFC: I've been out a week with Covid and haven't been able to petition.
HS Teacher: Norm, I'm down with Covid and will be out for a week. I know I promised over 50 signatures from my school but I only reached 30.
Elementary school candidate: Can't circulate his petitions because he has pneumonia

If you are pissed off at the Unity gang, donate to United for Change.

Wednesday, Feb. 2 - 

Ground Hog Day - A Repeating nightmare and this is not a movie. While UFC people are in their schools on the lunch hours scrounging for signatures to get on the UFT ballot, Unity people don't seem to be much around schools. Camille Eterno is getting signatues. Let me know if anyone sees Mulgrew in their school doing the same. 

Notice the note for Unity Caucus members: They are meeting at Fashion Industries HS at 6PM next Wednesday. I'm tempted to show up with a picket sign accusing them of trying to murder the opposition.

Many of us have to race around the city collecting petitions and running small mass signing events instead of the one shot events for 60 people at a time we used to run.

But the almost criminal Unity Caucus leadership knew all that when they refused to consider changing some rules for this election.

UFT Exec Bd Vote Opposing Electronic Voting: Mike Shirtzer and another are Lone Dissenters, 13 Reasons For Electronic Voting as Unity Echoes Republican Vote Suppression, MULGREW SAYS PRIVATIZED HEALTHCARE ISN'T PRIVATIZED

Monday, January 31, 2022

UFT Elections: Petitioner and Pensioner Reveal Fear and Loathing Toward Unity Caucus/UFT Leadership

Monday - Jan. 31, 2022

I was about to post a piece of analysis on the upcoming UFT elections and the 10 day old petitioning campaign when this missive came in over the transom this morning (see below). 

But first let me tell you a story told to me the other day by a friend, a UFT retiree whose husband, also a UFT retiree, died two years ago, just as the COVID was hitting.

She had been under his SHIP (UFT retiree supplement) plan. So she tried to contact people at the UFT and got nowhere - she understood the situation with the virus. When she finally reached someone at UFT Welfare, he was not only no help, but nasty and unhelpful. So she went higher up the ladder. The lady was nicer. My friend explained that she had written to the welfare fund within some deadline but the higher up said she had no record and fundamentally was no more helpful than the nasty guy. So my friend threw up her hands and dropped SHIP altogether. It just wasn't worth her time to keep pounding on the UFT door. She is running on the UFC slate.

Now back to the morning missive:

Must disturbing thing I've gotten so far while petitioning for UFC for the upcoming UFT Elections:"I don't wanna sign... you don't know how Unity retaliates." The petitioner was shocked and dismayed more so because this came from their CL no less. Everything came to light for this member, as he reflected on the last months with this passive CL that continues to allow abusive admin create schedules of teaching SIX in a row, 1st period preps with last period lunches, no PD Mondays/PE&OPW Tuesdays and a scrubbing of students grades not witnessed in years. This CL barely holds Chapter meetings, will members stay lost in the dark. He's not Unity (never got the 'gift card' or signed off on the 'loyalty oath') but after quite some time under Lara learned "...if you're not WITH Unity, you stay our of Unity's way. Unity will simply ignore your pleas if you have problems in your school." A culture of fear perpetuated by a caucus, should NOT EXIST in a UNION.

She is running on the UFC slate. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

UFT Unity Joins Keep Schools Open at any cost brigade, Unity Controlled Election Committee says NYET to election modifications in face of raging pandemic

UPDATE - Breakthrough infections in NY up 7-fold., “Exclusive: Biden sending medical teams to six states to help hospitals overwhelmed by COVID-19,” including NY.  --- Tell UFT leadership

  • I've never seen anything spread as fast  -- it's approaching Measles--- epidemiologist on Omicron 
  • Ask UFT officials about horrendous conditions in the schools and you get a shrug and a "what can we do?"
  • What struck me at the election committee meeting was not just the hard position on petitioning, but the sense of callous disregard for UFT members and children's health and safety ... UFT election committee member.   
  • I'd see the entire city of Newark unemployed before I allowed one single teacher's aide to die needlessly... John Abeigon, Newark Teacher Union president 
  • President Michael Mulgrew spent much of the Town Hall telling you how wonderful you are for risking your health in a pandemic to come to work...ICE blog

The latter point is hysterical given the outcome of Tuesday's UFT election committee meeting where Unity members acted like the pandemic was over.


I was at a surreal zoom meeting of the UFT election committee Tuesday where the 5 United for Change reps were outgunned by the 8 Unity, all on the full-time UFT payroll on the UFT clock, plus a UFT lawyer. The UFC whose teachers actually spend their days in classrooms, called for emergency changes in the one month UFT election petition campaign beginning next Wednesday, lasting a month, in the teeth of a massive virus outbreak in NYC schools which has caused enormous disruption to normal school activities.When the lawyer cited constitutional issues with all our requests, I asked where in the constitution does it say the caucus in power gets 8 reps and everyone else gets 5.

Just in the past two days, at least two key members of UFC tested positive with one dealing with more than mild symptoms. And the young son of another tested postive today. Until a few weeks ago I didn't know many people who had Covid at the same time. Now it seems everyone working in schools are being exposed. Maybe it's ok over the long run to give us herd immunity. But people have been asking for a few weeks of zoom to let this pass. And we asked for the same thing.

I thought I was at a Trump rally where the Keep Schools Open at all costs campaign was in full force.  Ya know Omicron is mild -- mild means you don't end up in the hospital.

The Unity line lines up perfectly with the lies being told about infection numbers by de Blasio.  UFT/Unity also buried the stories about the poor filters used in schools by the corrupt de Blasio admin by giving a sweetheart contract to one of his campaign buddies. Or that teachers are spending their own money for masks and testing kits. Or that students are walking out: HUNDREDS WALK OUT AT BROOKLYN TECH.

A Unity hack twitter account liked and reported an attack on these students that claimed radical teachers were behind it. You know, students at Tech are not smart enough to figure out the school was unsafe on their own. I know non-radical teachers at Tech and they say there are rampant infections. There is even a parent who is a major commentator on YouTube whose daughter goes there and she mocks the education she's been getting the past week. Lots of auditorium time.

The Unity election 8 (mostly district and special reps) acted ho-hum. Like nothing has changed since the Dec. 5 first meeting, despite the massive Omicron outbreak in the schools.

I wrote about the first election committee meeting in early December: 

At that time, Omicron was still a blip and the one month petitioning and election schedule seemed workable. The UFC people even supported the Unity resolution to get only wet signatures -- no electronic signing. What we fought about was over electronic voting in the election itself. I posted about that issue when it came up on the Ex Bd where I believe only two members voted against.

The reactions of the election committee are almost funny when you consider that all UFT courses for retirees were announced as going on line. And all Retiree chapter meetings are online for the entire school year. But asking people to race around schools in their spare time to gather signatures is fine.
There was a lightness of being in the zoom - a total sense of no urgency. Like if you get sick fine. Like long covid doesn't exist. And reports of childhood diabetes. Or that Omicron is one of most infectious ever -- it may be milder for short covid but the increased numbers put enormous pressure on hospitals.

I raised the point that the numbers before December were not worrisome as  every teacher is vaxed but the sudden rise in numbers of vaxed teachers infected in such a short time is astounding. Vax won't stop you from getting it but will mitigate - however greater numbers will be getting it.

NYC Elementary school teacher with children of her own

This was a special meeting called in response to a request by UFC/New Action rep Michael Shulman who raised a number of points and requests based on the vision of asking teachers to go around schools gathering signatures in the midst of the worst outbreak we've yet seen with hopes that a few weeks will lead to safer conditions:

  • Waive petitioning for this election.
  • Add two weeks to petitioning time and move the election back two weeks.
  • Allow electronic signatures.
  • Reopen the issue of electronic balloting in the face of the pandemic
The Unity 8 rejected every suggestion. I wasn't surprised at their rejection but was astounded at the arguments they were making which seemed so similar to Donald Trump in the initial stages and President Biden today. But then again, the UFT leadership is Democratic Party central and lines up perfectly with them.
Arguments against? Infections are down from last week. Message - it's over. My head hurts from smacking myself. They were proud when a UFT nurse at NYU joined in the pooh poohing. Ya know, like hospitals seem fine. Probably we're hearing fake news about cancellations of elective surgery.

Like there's no way teachers are getting sick -- 
Two key UFC candidates tested positive on Monday are home sick with some serious issues. The message -- get out of bed next week and go petition.

Every one of these Unity people are either full-time UFT employees who are actually getting paid to attend the meeting and at most spend a period a day in a school. Unity will be holding a big petition signing event at Fashion Industries HS on January 19 after the DA. Someone should go picket the event.

Here are some more voices from classrooms being ignored by the Unity/UFT leadership.

NYC UFT Member twitter thread:
  • Well. Thanks to the NYC Mayor and DOE I contracted COVID on my first day back at work after being exposed to multiple students who were positive. Here is a/thread about my experience /1
  • I’m an itinerant related service provider for the DOE and am routinely in 3 or 4 schools per week. I worked on Monday servicing students in grades K-3 in my elementary school. Testers were there in the morning. /2
  • I was unable to get tested because I was “not on the list.” Tuesday night I was informed via school-wide email of positive cases. I was not alerted as being a close contact. However, when I returned to school Wednesday, several of my students were absent so you do the math. /3
  • I alerted my supervisors for my itinerant position. They told me that as long as my home rapids were negative and I was symptom free, I should go about “business as usual” and travel to my other schools as scheduled. /4
  • So I went for a pcr test and also did home rapid tests Wednesday, Thursday, 2x on Friday (because symptoms started that night), and Saturday. All my home rapids were negative. However, Saturday night I received my PCR results and, lo and behold, they were positive. /5
  • As a result of these failed policies by the DOE, numerous students and staff in MULTIPLE schools were exposed to me. I am 100% certain I was infectious despite negative rapids b/c my husband and two children - who are under 5 and therefore cannot be vaxxed - all have symptoms. /6
  • This illustrates yet another hole in the system. My daughter is in 3k. There is NO DOE testing protocol for 3k and prek kids. They are among the MOST vulnerable as they cannot be vaccinated. Some also have difficulties wearing masks. /7
  • Hospitalizations for unvaccinated kids are on the rise. Also, my mother and MIL - who care for my infant son - were both exposed through me. They are both over 65. Our nanny was also exposed and she has underlying health concerns /8
  • Q: How many of students, educators, and our loved ones have to get sick and die before the DOE does it job and implements REAL policies that protect us? A: all of us. They don’t care. /9       




Mulgrew is holding a town hall. Get your bingo card.