Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm Hot, You're Not: The Longest Day Redux (And I Get Treated Like a Dad)

Boy my behind is behind. Here is a follow-up to Tuesday's (June 21) The Longest Day. And was it long. I got home at 10:30 and fell into a rare full-night's sleep.


HOT Yoga
No, I didn't get to Times Square in time to get a mat (they gave me a piece of cardboard), or even a good spot in any of the 3 main locations for the 12:30 Bikram yoga class. I ended up on the sidewalk in front of the Marriott, gazing wistfully up at my favorite 8th floor bar where we love to get a drink before or after a show while looking down on Broadway.

There had to be thousands of people in 3 or 4 holding areas from 48th St down to 45th. Now, Bikram is HOT Yoga in 100 degree rooms so even though it was warm out, this was fairly light stuff for me. By the end of the hour and a half class I was sweaty but not drenched. Sometime during the class I realized that I could go up to the Marriott bathroom and clean up a bit before my next ventures. And so I did after class ended at 2pm. Here is a video link and another one from my Blackberry.


NAACP/UFT in court
I called Mona Davids from the Marriott to see if they were still at the court house for the UFT/NAACP law suit and I headed down there but all I saw was the NY 1 truck and one of their camera women, so I was too late for the dueling press conferences. At least the NAACP and UFT haven't sold out - yet. (Remember last year how the UFT settled with the DOE during the summer for more resources for the closing schools and spend the year crying about how the DOE violated the agreement - DUH!) I don't know, I smell a sell-out since the DOE/Charter tag team always will win as long as the UFT doesn't get into the full match instead of looking for ways out.

Here is a good report from Leonie:
The courtroom was so full of an army of attorneys for the charter schools today that only five people were initially let in the room who weren’t attorneys or press. Only one of these lawyers actually participated in the arguments, a  Paul Weiss attorney; and he didn’t seem to impress the judge very much.

GS says these firms are representing the charters  for free—two of them representing Eva’s chain. Outrageous that corporate America should represent them for free; where are these law firms when it comes to representing public school parents?  Thank god for Stroock, the UFT ‘s law firm, and Chuck Moerdler, who did an excellent job in court today.

The firms are heavy-hitting corporate practices, all of which are representing the charters pro-bono. They are Kirkland & Ellis LLP (New Visions High School, New Visions School for Advanced Math and Science, Teaching Firms of America, Invictus Prep), Arnold & Porter LLP (Upper West Success Academy), Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP (Bronx Success 1 and 2 and Brooklyn Success), SNR Denton (Explore Excel, KIPP Infinity, Harlem Children’s Zone Promise Academy 1 and 2 and East Harlem Scholars).
Check out all the stories at Gotham. And I put up Leonie's take-down of Beth Fertig's coverage of the suit on NPR at Norms Notes: Parents Slam NPR Education Coverage

City Hall Press Conference

Next I went over the City Hall for the May 12 coalition press conference with many of the Coalition for Educational Justice groups showing where the money to be saved could be found. A bunch of politicians were there organizing the event. I often have mixed feelings about CEJ stuff for complex reasons (sometimes unseemly ties to the UFT)- as do other activists in NYC - but the work they do has to be supported. The press conference was followed by a march around City Hall Park after which we went over to join the crew at Bloombegville on the corner of Park and Broadway where they are camping out. See some more pics I took below.

I shot some of the press conference but there are vids up on you tube already from others (links will be here when I get them). Here is a short piece that shows the march from City Hall over to Bloombergville on Broadway and Park.

Dad for a day: Julie Cavangh treats
I had a 5PM meeting so I left Bloombergville and headed uptown. After the meeting Julie Cavanagh took me out for a "father's" day dinner of fish 'n chips. She used to introduce me as her advocacy husband but since I'm exactly twice her age "dad" seems more appropriate. Sometimes she refers to me as "grandpa" during my increasing senior moments.

Last summer, Julie asked me what my goal was. I answered, "Finding 50 more like you." I'll take 5.

It is hard to realize that I know Julie less than 2 years since we have done so many projects together. I've proudly watched her go from zero to sixty at super speed as an activist. Her activism stems from her concern for the children and parents she works with - the invasion of PS 15 by PAVE charter school has helped create a force of nature.

A year and a half ago no one knew who she was. Now there is not an event where she is not in demand or an activist who is not in touch with her. She will be in Chicago and Washington DC in July and will begin to play a role in the national stage. Her ability to organize, get things done and lead is unparalleled. And she will also be taking on the job of chapter leader at her school. Oy! She's never attended a Delegate Assembly. This will be fun to watch.

But for all the accolades (Leonie Haimson at the Skinny Awards dinner called her one of only two people she's met who have star power - Diane Ravitch is the other) Julie has also proven to be one of the kindest, most generous, supportive, people I've ever met with some of the best instincts to do the right thing based on moral imperatives that sometimes leave me shameful at my inattentiveness  – her giving me hell for throwing my gum in the gutter because pigeons might choke on it made me feel like a heathen - though a car would get them way sooner than my gum. Now I walk around with gum stuck in my pockets.

While she often mentions me as one of her mentors, I have learned a lot more from her than she has from me (like loving animals as opposed to loving just your own animal). She insists on doing things right and is often a demanding perfectionist  – that doesn't always mesh well with my often slovenly "it's good enough for government work" attitude. She is someone I listen too all the time and she should be credited as the first person to have the ability to shut me up with one look. I'm a proud poppa indeed.

Well, those fish 'n chips were sure good. Too bad she's a veggie or I would have tried to wangle Peter Lugers for next year.

Well, at least Julie has promised to come visit me when I end up in the nursing home. But then again, so has my 93 year old dad who at our visit to his doctor the other day told her his only problem was that he doesn't have a young woman. I reminded him that young to him is a woman in her 80's.

Photos from the City Hall Rally

Thursday, June 23, 2011

SOS March in Washington July 28-31 - GEM Participation

Members of the Grassroots Education Movement are excited to be participating in the SOS march and activities in Washington from July 28-July31. Our film will have a double concurrent showing on the evening of July 29 at American University, the night before the big march. We also found out that cites around the nation are supporting the event with their own activities. Our film will be shown on July 30 in Las Vegas and Tuscon. Here is an update from Julie Cavanagh, who is coordinating for GEM:

This week Diane Ravitch wrote a piece detailing why she is marching with the Save Our School Coalition this July:  (Please share widely)

The weekend in DC, with the march set for Saturday, July 30th, is shaping up to be an exciting event with real education reformers from around the country lined up to give workshops and speak and there will be a film series as well:

The Grassroots Education Movement will be there presenting a workshop on Thursday, July 28th on building grassroots power and parent-teacher-student- community partnerships and our film, The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman, will be screened twice on Friday evening.
Please consider attending the SOS march.  Visit the site, donate to the cause, and hope to see you there in July!

GEM has a committee working on plans for the march.  If there is anything we can do to support you in your plans to attend please let us know.  We are working on organizing a NYC contingent, more information to come.  In the meantime, Amtrak is offering discounts for the weekend of the march.  The information is below, make your reservation now!

To all SOS WASHINGTON DC Marchers:  Get a discount on your trip!!


Amtrak will offer a 10% discount off the best available
rail fare to ( Washington , DC ) between (July 25, 2011 – August 03, 2011).

To book a reservation call: Amtrak at 1 (800) 872-7245.

Ask for: Save Our Schools March Convention Rate-X08H - 929.


Leonie Haimson summarizes court hearings in the school closure/co-location lawsui - June 22

On June 22 Oral arguments were heard in the UFT/NAACP school closing/co-location lawsuit. State Supreme Court Judge Paul Feinman’s courtroom was packed, mostly with attorneys and reporters, so crowded that initially the guards let in only about five unaffiliated observers (including me.) The cadre of charter school lawyers was especially immense; about 25 of them, all apparently pro-bono. The city sent a handful of lawyers, including Michael Best, and the UFT/NAACP had a small contingent from Stroock, Stroock and Lavan.

Chuck Moerdler, Stroock’s senior litigator, started by saying he had only three main points: One, that the case could be streamlined, because DOE agrees that they need approval from the State Education Department before they can close 12 out of the 19 schools; and yet they have not even filed any applications to do so, as the State Education Commissioner confirmed just that morning.

Second, last year, there was an signed agreement between the UFT and DOE to provide extra help to these schools, as part of settling the previous lawsuit, including an “education plan” that would provide them with more teachers in the ATR pool (absent teacher reserve) and support in myriad ways.

Whether or not that agreement was a binding contract, there was an “obligation of good faith” that DOE had utterly failed to live up to. At Beach Channel HS, for example, the DOE agreed to send 11 ATR teachers , but two never showed up, and another was “illegally” asked to teach special needs students. At Columbus HS, twenty five classes in the fall did not have a single teacher, and the single ATR teacher they sent was only qualified to teach typing and stenography (!) which the school does not offer. At Jamaica HS, where they were supposed to provide a Teacher Center,  the principal received an email about this on June 10, only a few weeks ago, following nearly a full school year of non-action.

Third, as to the charter co-locations: DOE put boilerplate language into the Building Utilizations Plans, they were empty of content until the UFT/NAACP lawsuit was filed; they are still rewriting the BUPS and redoing all the hearings to try to repair the deficiencies, but they are still not adequate.

In any case, these BUPs are “ wholesale revisions,” and according to state law, any “significant” revision of a building plan requires a new six-month waiting period before the start of the next school year when the co-location can occur. It is now far too late in the year. Moerdler went through a litany of some of the unfair and inequitable co-locations that are still being contemplated, with children at the district schools losing equitable access to  bathrooms, libraries, gyms, etc. He argued that the “city of NY which has betrayed” these schools by their failed promises, and that the NYC DOE has one goal only: “the destruction of free public education in New York City.”

The city’s attorney, Chlarens Orsland, was up next. He said that the DOE was “working with State Education Department” to ensure they would get approval to close these 12 schools and that they expected a decision by July 31. The other seven schools (ironically those not on the state’s failing list) can be closed without the state’s approval. He denied that there was any agreement with set timelines to provide extra support to these schools; and cited an affidavit from former Chancellor Joel Klein, who disputed the UFT’s interpretation of this agreement.

( Klein’s affidavit says that the “agreement was never intended to be a mechanism to limit or forestall any of the DOE’s determinations as to the necessity of closing or co-locating schools. Rather, the portion of the letter agreement providing for the Education Plan was a mechanism to ensure that the 19 schools, which had a history of poor performance and student outcomes, received additional resources to enrich the students’ educational experience.”) 


Yesterday's court hearings in the school closure/co-location lawsuit

newsclips on the hearings, see GothamSchools, Post, Times, NY1, WNYC.

Monday June 27: Planned school walkout and march to Tweed by parents of special ed students in Williamsburg/Bed-Stuy (District 14) out to protest Eva Moskowitz Invasion of IS 33

Ed Notes will be there to cover this. I was at the public hearing on June 16 and Khem Irby and I spoke (Norm Scott and Khem Irby take on Success Charter N...) after which we connected up with some of the parents who are organizing this event. GEM/CPE's David Dobosz who lives in the area has been working with them.

June 22, 2011
Good morning to everyone,
My name is Basilica EL Johnson and I am the  P.T.A. President of The Star/P368 program in District 70. I am also the parent of a 10 year old Autistic son who is in attendance in the public school program. My purpose for contacting your organization is request your presence/participation in a school walk out to protest the opening of Success Academy at  K03370 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206 in School District 14. The school site currently houses three schools, including Urban Assembly School for the Urban Environment-14K330, an existing DOE district middle school that serves sixth through eighth grade, Foundations Academy-14K322, an existing high school that serves nine through twelfth grade and an existing District 75 school-75K368,"P368@I033K. The building also houses an Alternative Learning Center-88K988, a suspension center serving students in ninth through twelfth. 
The Success Academy will alter the gymnasium space allocated for the children of District 70, which includes a population of Autistic, Learning Disabled and  Emotionally Disturbed. That will be the beginning of no end. Once the Success Academy is in place, it will start devouring space like the beginning stages of a Cancer growth that spreads until it has consumed the entire entity. This is evident at P.S. 15 in Red Hook, Brooklyn where special education students are receiving their services in hallways and stairwells, all so that PAVE Academy Charter School can have more classrooms. Or, at P.S. 241, in Harlem, where public school students are now forced to learn in basement classrooms bordering the boiler room, all so that Harlem Success Academy Charter School can have more space upstairs.  What actions are to be taken next?  Our children with special needs are all going to be place in a one room school setting, where all classifications are to co-mingle together receiving services that are mandated to receive on their I.E.P. as per federal regulations order i.e DOE?
Therefore, we as parents of Autistic children, all children with special needs and/ or challenges are taking a stand to say NO MORE! Our children have been short changed and pushed aside for too long. And let it be dually noted that Autistic children do not conforn to change readily and acceptably.  Please join us at 70 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn to march from this site and travel to Tweed at 52 Chambers Street, NYC. Help us send a message to Eva Moskowitz, a former city-council member with no former teaching qualifications and whose only interest is that of her being the CEO of Success Academy, that we do not want Change at our school.  Help us to send a message to DOE that public schools matter. And our children matter.
Thank you humbly,
Basilica EL-Johnson
70 Tompkins Avenue
Between Martin Luther King, Jr. Place & Stockholm Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Date: June 27, 2011 @ 8:30am

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dr. Mark Naison - Teach for America and Me: A Failed Courtship

UPDATED: Sat., June 26, 9AM
This June 23 post has reveived a lot of comment and interest as just about anything on TFA does. In addition to the comments below the post there have been a lot of comments on Mark Naison's listserve. I just posted a bunch of them in a follow-up.
So after reading this and the comments, check back in for lots more:

June 23

The following was sent by Mark Naison to his listserve and has sparked a number of comments which I will compile, post in another blog and keep adding to as the come in. I will post links to this piece and the follow-ups on the side panel.- Norm

   Every spring without fail, a Teach for America recruiter approaches me and asks if they can come to my classes and recruit students for TFA, and every year, without fail, I give them  the same answer:  “Sorry. Until  Teach for America changes its objective to training lifetime educators  and raises the time commitment to five years rather than two, I will not allow  TFA to recruit in my classes. The idea of sending talented students into schools in high poverty areas and then after two years, encouraging them to  pursue careers in finance, law, and business in the hope that they will then advocate for educational equity  rubs me the wrong way”

  It was not always thus. Ten years ago, when a Teach for America recruiter first approached me,  I was enthusiastic about the idea of recruiting my most idealistic and talented students for work in high poverty schools and allowed the TFA representative to make presentations in my classes, which are filled with Urban Studies and African American Studies majors. Several of my best  students applied, all of whom wanted to become teachers, and several of whom came from the kind of high poverty neighborhoods TFA proposed to send its recruits to teach in.

 Not one of them was accepted!   Enraged, I did a little research and found that TFA had accepted only four of the nearly 100 Fordham students who applied. I become even more enraged when I found out from the New York Times that TFA had accepted 44 out of a hundred applicants from Yale that year. Something was really wrong here if an organization who wanted to serve low income communities rejected every applicant from Fordham who came from those communities and accepted half of the applicants from an Ivy League school where very few of the students, even students of color, come from working class or poor families.

Since that time, the percentage of Fordham students accepted has marginally increased, but the organization has done little to win my confidence that it is seriously committed to recruiting people willing to make a lifetime commitment to teaching and administering schools in high poverty areas.
Never, in its recruiting literature, has Teach for America described teaching as the most valuable professional choice that an idealistic, socially conscious person can make, and encourage the brightest students  to make teaching their permanent career. Indeed, the organization does everything in its power to make joining Teach for America seem a like a great  pathway to success in other, higher paying  professions. Three years ago, the TFA recruiter plastered the Fordham campus with flyers that said “Learn how joining TFA can help you gain admission to Stanford Business School.” To me, the message  of that flyer was “use teaching in high poverty areas a stepping stone to a career in business.”  It was not only profoundly disrespectful of every person who chooses to commit their life to the teaching profession, it advocated using students in high poverty areas as guinea pigs for an experiment in “resume padding” for ambitious young people

In saying these things, let me make it clear that my quarrel is not with the many talented young people who join Teach for America, some of whom decide to remain in the communities they work in and some of whom become lifetime educators. It is with the leaders of the organization who enjoy the favor with which TFA  is regarded with  captains of industry, members of Congress, the media, and the foundation world, and have used this access to move rapidly to positions as heads of local school systems, executives in Charter school companies,  and educational analysts in management consulting firms. The organization”s facile circumvention of the grinding, difficult but profoundly empowering work of teaching and administering schools has created the illusion that there are quick fixes , not only for failing schools, but for deeply entrenched patterns of poverty and inequality. No organization has been more complicit that TFA in the demonization of teachers and teachers unions, and no organization has provided more “shock troops” for Education Reform strategies which emphasize privatization and high stakes testing. Michelle Rhee, a TFA recruit, is the poster child for such policies, but she is hardly alone.

Her counterparts can be found in New Orleans ( where they led the movement toward a system dominated by charter school)  in New York ( where they play an important role in the Bloomberg Education bureaucracy) and in many other cities.

 And that  elusive goal of educational equity.   How well has it advanced in the years TFA has been operating? Not only has there been little progress, in the last fifteen years, in narrowing the test score gap by race and class, but income inequality has become greater, in those years, than any time in modern American history.   TFA has done nothing to promote income redistribution, reduce the size of the prison population, encourage social investment in high poverty neighborhoods, or revitalize arts and science and history in the nation’s schools. It’s main accomplishment has been to marginally increase the number of talented people entering the teaching profession, but only a small fraction of those remain in the schools to which they were originally sent.

But the most objectionable aspect of Teach for America –other than its contempt for lifetime educators- is its willingness to create another pathway to wealth and power for those already privileged,  in the rapidly expanding Educational Industrial Complex, which offers numerous careers for the ambitious and well connected.  An organization which began by promoting idealism and educational equity has become, to all too many of its recruits, a vehicle for profiting from the misery of America’s poor.

Dr Mark Naison

Fordham University

NYC Screenings of "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman" Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Thursday, June 24, 4:30

New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) & the Public Science Project (PSP) Invite you to a screening of:  Grassroots Education Movement's “The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting For Superman."

What: Screening of “The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting For Superman” When: June 23, 2011 Time: 4:30 PM Where: The Graduate Center, CUNY, 365 Fifth Avenue at 34th street, Room# 6304.01 Welcome Message: Members from the Public Science Project, Center for Immigrant Families, NYCoRE, and the Grassroots Education Movement (GEM-NY). Post-Screening Discussion: Participants will reflect on the film and share strategies around organizing within our local communities. Questions/RSVP: *Please bring photo ID Visit the official film website at: Also... *Join NYCoRE for our end of the school year happy hour after the screening from 6 to 8 PM! Galway Hooker @ 7 East 36th Street (2 Blocks from the Graduate Center)

Saturday, June 26, 1pm
District 17 CEC (Crown Heights)
Film is being shown at 1:00 PM and discussion is after. They are also showing WFS in the morning at 10:00 AM. Reps from the, Special ed office, NAACP, DOE, some charter office will be present.

Where: Middle School 246
72 Veronica Place
Brooklyn, NY, 11226
(Snyder & Albemarle)

SUNDAY - 3PM - Baldwin Long Island church screening (still waiting for details)
Screening will be from 3 - 4:15 at First Presbyterian Church of Baldwin, 717 St. Luke's Place, Baldwin. One block west of Grand Ave. Public parking across the street.


Screening: Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lane Tech High School (one of the largest schools and where CTU leader Karen Lewis taught chemistry for
2501 W. Addison
Chicago, IL 60618

12:30p with discussion to follow. We expect at least 75 teachers to attend.

This is a tremendous film, and a timely response/contribution... labor unions and teachers are under attack and we appreciate that this film dispels the charter school myths infecting our community (teachers included!).

Washington DC Teachers Union held a screening Saturday

Join us on Saturday, June 18, 2011 @3:30 pm


Thank you and the Grassroots Education Movement for providing us an excellent education reform documentary.  We had great discussions and questions from all during our forum. Unfortunately, both DC Mayor Gray and DC Council Chairman Brown were not able to attend because "previously scheduled commitments."  We will continue to invite them to participate in upcoming forums.  Please find attached pictures, printed program and flyer from our most recent forum (Fix Our Public Schools, Don't Privatize! DC Premiere Screening "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting For "Superman"). 
Again, thank you Grassroots Education Movement for this important documentary.

In Solidarity,

Los Angeles

My local union, UTLA is showing your film this week and I was so excited to see a real dialogue alive and vibrant.  I started a blog a few months back called "Becoming Superwoman" meaning that we must all become fearless leaders in real, authentic educational reform.  So many times, we are put on the defense regarding contracts, benefits, test scores and it is time to stand up and it takes so much away from the conversation that needs to happen.  I am beyond waiting!
Please check out my blog at

I am putting together a MeetUp group to organize a dialogue in my local area (Los Angeles).  I am proud to say that I am a slightly below average teacher in LAUSD according to my AVG score, so I must be doing something right.  If i ever teach to the test, it is with full disclosure that this is the power game of the day, so you might as well beat it, but I know too well that my students are more than just a test score derived from 4-5 days of testing annually.  I know that they are more than what I know of them as i meet them crammed into our small classrooms, their 35 or more bodies. 

Paula Cohen
LAUSD Teacher

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on right for news bits.

GEM's Mollie Bruhn Part of Move.On Event Thursday -

I haven't told you much about Mollie Bruhn who has worked with GEM from its earliest days. Mollie was a key player in putting together "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman" and her apartment is the home of Real Reform Studios. (Her partner Darren Marelli did the amzing editing of the film.) Mollie, a former charter school teacher who was fired for asking too many questions, authored the GEM pamphlet "The Truth About Charters." She teaches kindergarten in Bushwick and is one of the Teach for America alums still in the classroom after 6 years.

Mollie sent this:
This past Friday, I was interviewed by a group of people working with They are launching a new campaign, called "Rebuild the Dream," and will be live-streaming a program hosted by Van Jones this Thursday. ( Part of my interview will be included in this presentation. They interviewed a bunch of people who have had to deal with budget cuts/the economic downturn. I spoke mainly about class size increases and education funding cuts.  Van Jones' presentation is going to be focused on exposing the truth about what is happening with our economy (We're not really broke!).
I randomly fell into doing this interview (Leonie recommended me and urged me to do it. Thanks Leonie!) and don't exactly know what shape the presentation/live stream on Thursday will take, but wanted to share the info below with all of you if you are interested in tuning in.
And Leonie this:

On Thursday, MoveOn  is launching  a new national campaign called Rebuild the Dream, with an ad that includes Mollie Bruhn, NYC teacher, talking about the effect that budget cuts would have on her school.
It will start w/ a concert/presentation by Van Jones at Town Hall on Thursday night; be sure to tune into the link below.

Be part of the movement to Rebuild the Dream!
READ THE MoveOn announcement below

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Column for The Wave: The Longest Day

This column will appear in print on Friday, June 25 but is pertinent for today's activities.

The Longest Day
By Norm Scott

June 21, 2011
I’m writing this on the morning of the first day of summer. When summer officially hits at 1:16PM I expect to be in Times Square taking a Bikram yoga class with well over a thousand other people (I’ve been ably prepared after a decade of Anita Ruderman’s classes at Hot Yoga on 116th St.) The first thousand people who show up get a free mat and a water bottle so I gotta write quickly or I’ll be doing yoga on concrete.

Following that I’m heading to the NYS Supreme court on Centre St. for a rally supporting the NAACP/UFT suit to keep closing schools open, including Beach Channel (where the grad rate went up, which was noted on NPR), after which I’m off to a press conference with parent and student groups at the Tweed Courthouse at 3pm where they will present alternative budget and revenue raisers. An ad hoc group in Staten Island held a standing room only town hall meeting last week where all kinds of wasted money was found in the city budget (see my June 19 blog posting for a list).

At 7PM it’s off to Bloombergville  (the current incarnation of the famous depression era Hoovervilles) at City Hall Park where education activists have been sleeping in and rallying. The web site, says: Since June 14, people of Bloombergville have been camping out across from City Hall to oppose major cutbacks in social services and thousands of layoffs by the Bloomberg Administration. Bloombergville has maintained a presence of a few dozen to 150 people around the clock within view of the Mayor’s office. We’re students, activists, and concerned citizens, average New Yorkers most affected by the $400,000,000 of proposed cuts to the city’s budget. (For a fun Bloombergville video:

It should still be daylight when I roll back into Rockaway. But drat, tomorrow the days start getting shorter.

Yes, Let’s Throw Money At Education
I appeared as a guest along with fellow Grassroots Education Movement (GEM) pal and parent activist Lisa Donlan on the WBAI program “Ethics on the Air” last week. I was asked about fixing schools and I offered the simplest advice I could think of: double the staff – teachers, social workers, guidance counselors, aides, paras, custodians. Whatever it takes. A caller asked, “Isn’t that just throwing money at the problem?” “YES. When have we ever really thrown money at the problems in education? Why not try it?” I suggested we swap the defense and education budgets and see if America is a better place for all its citizens after a few years. I find it interesting that a recent study funded by the right wing suggests that reducing class size is not cost effective. But a billion dollars materializes out of thin air to bomb Libya. On the first day one of our super hundreds of million dollar planes crashed. How many less kids in a class would one of those suckers fund?

“The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman” reaches six continents and 50 states
Our GEM produced film has gotten almost 2000 requests from teachers, parents, union officials and even from school superintendents – a demonstration of the anguish ed deformers and their propaganda film “Waiting for Superman” have caused in education circles around the nation and the world. And people are not just watching in the comfort of their homes but are setting up viewings in schools, libraries, churches (there will be a showing in a church in Baldwin LI this Sunday) and larger venues. I have to share this email with you, perfect for a day I’m taking a mass Bikram yoga class:

(See the previous post from India here).

When Diane Ravitch saw this email she tweeted it to her 13,000 followers with a link to order the dvd. Looks like those 4000 copies we had made up will be going, going, gone.

Well, I gotta go and start practicing saying “namaste” so I blend in with the thousands of others. I may just be humming “We don’t need no education, we don’t need no school control” throughout the class.

Norm blogs at Email him at if you are interested in seeing the film.

"The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman" Reaches India

We've been telling you that we have requests from all 50 states and 6 continents. Many of the comments demonstrate the impact ed deform has had all over the world. (Today the film is being shown at Lane HS in Chicago where 75 people are expected to attend.)

Jagdish Madnani to gemnyc

Thank you for sending that DVD all the way to India - we really loved it and feel solidarity towards you guys. We hope its OK if we make many copies of it and pass it around - do let us know whether the copyright is held by you or is it under a Creative Commons license. Of course we don't plan to make it a commercial venture, more of an awareness campaign. Some of the issues facing us in India are different but some issues are exactly the same; so this video would help in raising awareness.

By the way, one of us has written a parody of "We don't need no education" by Pink Floyd. Here it goes:

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no school control

No corporatization of the schools now

Corporates leave those schools alone!

All in all

You don’t fit in there at all!

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no system control

No market driven voucher schemes

Privates leave the public alone!

All and all

You don’t fit in there at all!

We don’t need no education

We don’t need no mind control

Plans and rubrics made by others

Let teachers figure out things alone!

All and all

You don’t fit in there at all!

We don’t need no education

We don’t need no performance control

Market driven indicators

Leave complex teacher rating alone!

All and all
You don’t fit in there at all!

Jagdish & Sriparna

“The best things in life are not things

Afterburn from Arizona:
Just wanted you to know that I’m pulling together a panel of educators from both the charter schools (this one, I know they’re good – have a great reputation with kids who have behavioral problems) and public schools.  I am lining up educators from diverse backgrounds to make a difference in kids education.  So far, I have two educators confirmed.
The public screening of the film will be Saturday, July 16th from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m.  I will be holding a panel discussion with the educators and attendees.  This will be at the Juniper Branch Library in Phoenix at 19th Ave and Union Hills.  I will be setting up additional screenings at the Cholla Branch (Metro Center) and Burton Barr (downtown Phoenix) later on.  I have no idea where this is going, but it’s a start.
Thank you so much for starting the conversation.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Lies Arne Duncan Tells: Check Those Charter School Waiting Lists

My new tactic: whenever charter school proponents talk about their waiting lists ask them to reveal them and watch them run for the hills. Since they are using these "lists" to claim there is demand for their schools which gives them access to public money they should have to make these lists public.

Chicago-based Substance's George Schmidt has been asking for lists for a long time. He discusses the wait list fallacy in this excerpt from this article:

Orwell at the U.S. Department of Education: The lies Arne Duncan previewed while CEO of Chicago's schools are now going viral and national... Arne Duncan claims he speaks for the 'great silent majority' of American teachers... But he's lying again as usual, just as he did in Chicago for eight years

Duncan's teacher bashing policies were so clear by the middle of his time as Chicago schools CEO that he was afraid to appear in uncontrolled settings with real teachers in the school system he served as overseer. He routinely refused to answer questions at press conference that dealt with the factual realities of the Chicago school system, answering every pointed question with the phrase, "I'll get back to you on that..."
I know, because I was usually the only reporter who asked those kinds of questions. By the mid-2000s, the corporate party line in Chicago's mass media had become so tightly controlled that Duncan's utterances, no matter how ridiculous, were treated as "news", while the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times and electronic media simply refused to look at anything behind the lies Duncan was repeating. 

Many of those lies became the talking points of the U.S. Department of Education after Barack Obama appointed Duncan (and his current group of "Chicago Boys") to revolutionize the public schools of the entire nation the same way he had been allowed to revolutionize the public schools of the nation's third largest city. 

Let me share two examples of the Orwellian nonsense Duncan would routinely spout during press conferences. 

As Chicago radically expanded charter schools during the Duncan years, Duncan regularly hosted what amounted to charter school pep rallies, usually co-sponsored by corporate groups that were both anti-union and anti-public schools. At one of those meetings (announcing "Requests for Proposals" for further Chicago charter schools), Duncan floated the claim that the "proof" that charter schools were successful was that charter schools in Chicago (according to Duncan) had "waiting lists."

Whether or not these words are small or bigger lies, they had two pieces which Duncan regularly refused to answer questions about: 

First, which charter schools have "waiting lists" and how long are those waiting lists?

Second, because Chicago has a dual school system consisting of a small number of elite elementary and high schools and a vast number of regular public schools, the only comparison that would have been valid would be to compare the fictional "waiting lists" Duncan claimed for the charter schools with the real "waiting lists" for Chicago's selective enrollment schools. 

But, as noted, Duncan's answer was "I'll get back to you on that..." Which, of course, he never did.

Over the years, as Duncan kept repeating his mantra about the supposed "waiting lists" for Chicago charter schools, I repeatedly requested the lists to verify what Duncan was claiming. By the end of Duncan's time in Chicago (2008), it was clear that several of Chicago's charter schools and "campuses" were actually suffering enrollment declines and that they had no "waiting list" except in the carefully scripted fictions of Duncan and his media handlers. Because the corporate media refused to follow up with factual questions, however, Duncan could simply repeat his talking points, over and over and over, and those talking points would be repeated as fact in Chicago's corporate media.

The "waiting list" was one of the most notorious. 

The other thing I asked for was the "waiting list" for Chicago's most famous selective enrollment public high schools. Again, there was not answer. As everyone familiar with Chicago knows, before elementary school and then at seventh grade, parents scramble to get their kids into the small number of selective elementary and high schools. The most famous of the high schools today are Whitney Young Magnet High School (for decades one of the best public schools in Illinois), Walter Payton magnet high school, and Northside College Prep high school (there are others, but none who have such a large number of applicants). In fact, by the time Duncan was pushing privatization the most, had Whitney Young been allowed to maintain a "waiting list", based on the number of applications Whitney Young would have had a "waiting list" as long as any "waiting list" that could have included all of the city's charter schools.

But Duncan also refused to answer that question, instead returning to the "I'll get back to you on that."

The reason? Duncan's talking points were basically vapid corporate propaganda. And he knows it.

Another example, now national policy, is that claim that certain schools get "100 percent of their graduates into college..." 

Chicago began pioneering that BIG Lie under Duncan, with the help of the Chicago Tribune. Chicago's corporate leaders needed a charter school that could float a plausible lie that racists would believe, and for that purpose Chicago's Urban Prep provided the answers. Under Tim King, a relentless promoter, Urban Prep is regularly featured in the Chicago Tribune and elsewhere as an example of some kind of miracle because, according to Urban Prep (and Arne Duncan, and Urban Prep's corporate supporters) "all" of Urban Prep's graduates get into college. That version of reality began in Chicago even before Urban Prep had any graduates, and it's still too soon to claim anything about its meaning, because none of the graduates of Urban Prep (which continues to expand with the support of those who run Chicago) has been in college for four years. 

FOR MORE - click below for link

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Recheck Those Grad Rates: A School Pimps the Crap

Multiply this story by thousands and we have an entire lost generation of students under Black&BloomWalKlein. How does that equate with the supposed 61% grad rate or whatever Bloomberg is claiming? And how about that 21% ready for college crew? With stories like this can you believe it is even that high?

Hi Norm,

Once again, I find one of your blog posts totally relevant to my day. In this case, it's the past 3 days. Here's the story of 2 bogus cases.

Case 1 - This is a sixth grade girl who has recently been removed from a  class because she threatened to follow the teacher out of the building with friends on the last day of school and "kick [her] ass until [she] dies in the fucking street!"  She failed the ELA and math this year. Her ELA teacher, a lovely person was told to go into her portfolio and find ONE piece of work where she got a 2 or 3.  Her portfolio was basically empty; what was in there was crap. So the teacher goes to admin and says there ARE no pieces where this child has scored a 2 or 3, and that there is almost no work done at all.  She is then told to give the child (along with the 7 others who failed both tests and had no decent portfolio work) a "special" writing assignment, and tell them that if they do a good job and turn it in, they can go to 7th grade.  Well, this one child did not turn the assignment in. My friend goes to admin and shows them the crap that WAS turned in by the other 6 and explains that Screaming Banshee did not turn it in.  She was told to give Screaming Banshee the assignment again, and sit with her on her prep to get her to write it. So she does and the kid writes about three lines of crap.  Again, my friend brings this to admin and is told to take the assignments back and "edit" them, so the final becomes the "rough" draft and a new, "edited" piece becomes the final, and to "edit" so that the finished piece is up to standards. Screaming Banshee still refuses to write another paper, even when all she has to do is copy what my friend wrote on the original piece (which will  be tossed because the old final copy will now become the rough draft.) She was then told to sit with the child as they write the final to make "suggestions" along the way, "to ensure that the work is at grade level". So she basically sat with the kid and told her what to write as the kid bitched and moaned about it being a pain in the ass.

Case 2 - Just today, a teacher is leaving to bring a batch of docs to the Dist office.  The testing coordinator said to wait - something else needed to go that would be ready in a few minutes.  So I sit and wait. About 45' later, the coordinator comes in and said that there was a hold up and she'll have to make the trip later. She went on to say that one of the APs was with a student who also failed the ELA/math and had an empty portfolio, meaning he had to do a "special" assignment. He had flat out refused to do it, so the AP was sitting with him in the conference room until he produced something. He finally did something, but it was crap, so the kid's ELA teacher was called down to "edit" his work and "assist" him in writing his final copy to ensure that it would be the level 3 he needs to pass. The teacher basically wrote the piece for him and at 3:00, the kid was still refusing to copy what the teacher essentially wrote FOR him. And the teacher was told to backdate the work to April or May.

Love it.

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on right for news bits.

New schedule: Join Bloombergville at 12 and 6 every day

Please join us every day for Rallies/Public Gatherings at 12 and 6 PM

General Assemblies at 10 AM and 8 PM
Last night we decided at the General Assembly to have rallies or other gatherings at Bloombergville at 12 and 6 every day. This will not only show support for Bloombergville and opposition to budget cuts but also help sustain and recharge the avtivists sleeping here. Your support is vital and we need your presence here to keep us going. We also voted to hold General Assemblies at 10 AM and 8 PM that are open to all.

Today the New York wing of Real Democracia Ya, the group that organized the recent mass Spanish occupations, will be joining us at 12 and we will have a public gathering at 6. Please join us!

SRO at Staten Islanders for Real Budget Solutions & Against the Cuts Town Hall

A grassroots group has formed to fight the budget cuts - Staten Islanders for Real Budget Solutions: Against the Cuts. On Tuesday, June 14th a standing room only crowd overflowed the 350 seat People's Town Hall Meeting at the JCC on Manor Road. There was a presentation by an economist on where the money really is, followed by people speaking to the cuts and what it means to them.

Our message -

* The poor, working and middle class are paying the price for a crisis that we didn't create. This is simple economics. The answer to the crisis is on the revenue raising side - and that doesn't mean from us. We shouldn't be responding the oft asked question: What should we cut? Following the suggestions of the Beyond May 12th Coalition document, we would like to present an Alter Budget to be delivered by a Staten Island economist who spent 10 years at the Federal Reserve and many more as an economist for Swiss bank.
* We should not pit one agency or service against another. We shouldn't get our piece of the meager pie and go away. We will speak about our issues, our cuts - in one loud voice.

With one voice and many thanx, Loretta Prisco

Alternative Revenue Solutions
Simple:  Budgets are made of 2 things: revenue and expenses.  If there is a shortfall, there are 2 ways to go – raise revenue or cut expenses.  We say “raise revenue”.  These taxes would have little effect or no effect on Staten Islanders, by the way.
Real Revenue Options for 2012
Counter the most drastic cuts immediately
       End subsidies to Big 5 Banks……..……....$100 million
       Close hedge fund loopholes……………….$320 million
       Cut NYC contracts to Big 6 Banks..……....$60 million
       Electronic mortgage recording system
                  must pay fees owed NYC.……………………..$70 million
       Tax millionaires……………………………….....$450 million
       Spend from our $3 billion surplus……$1 billion
                                                                                     Total $2 billion
(May 12 coalition alternative budget plan: Strong Economy For All, Center for Working Families, Fiscal Policy Institute, Good Jobs New York, New Deal for NY)
More Ambitious Options
Invest in our city and its people to rebuild the economy
       Restore commuter tax…….…………....$735 million
       Establish progressive
commuter tax…………………….……...$1.3 billion
       Make insurance companies pay
taxes like other businesses………...…$300 million
       Increase personal income taxes
for the wealthy……………………………...$735 million
                                                                           Total $2.07 billion  (Independent Budget Office)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Next GEM Meeting: Monday, June 20th-- Help Build a Campaign for Test-Free Teacher Evaluations!

The push for test-based accountability is out of control and seems to have no sign of slowing down. Standardized test scores have already been used in New York City to justify shuttering over a hundred public schools; often times that space is then handed off to education corporations known as charter schools. Now up to 40% of teacher evaluations in New York State could be based on tests, meaning that it would be next to impossible for a teacher to achieve a satisfactory rating with a poor grade on test-based measures.

We know that high-stakes testing narrows the curriculum and leads to teaching to the test. Instead of delivering the kind of challenging lessons which foster critical thinking and create thoughtful citizens, teachers feel pressured into teaching in ways we know are not effective: rote drills and memorization of multiple choice questions from previous exams. Students of color are most likely to fall victim to this kind of low-level instruction, which has become common-place in schools which are obsessed with raising test scores.

Join us for the next meeting of The Grassroots Education Movement to clarify our understanding of the ways in which the addition of test-based measures into teacher evaluations connects to the drive to privatize our public schools AND to build a campaign to advocate for test-free teacher evaluations!

Monday, June 20th, 5pm
CUNY Graduate Center
34th St and 5th Ave
(Please bring ID)

After the discussion on teacher evaluations we will break into action groups focusing on a variety of issues like planning the fight against next year's closings and co-locations, building Fight Back Friday for the fall, the Save our Schools march in July, and of course our test-free teacher evaluation campaign. Please join us! All are welcome!

MUST SEE - Battle for Brooklyn This Weekend at Cinema Village -

A group of us from ICE went to see the movie last night and it is a powerful indictment of the corporate-government alliance along the lines of Academy Award winning Charles Ferguson's "Inside Job."

There are also amazing parallels to our own "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman" which Battle for Brooklyn filmmaker Michael Galinsky was kind enough to mention at last night's Q&A. The phony front group paid for by Bruce Ratner designed to divide the community - the Rev Herbert Doughtry and Acorn played a particular nefarious role - reminded us of the charter front groups. So much about the charter movement and the Atlantic yards project rings true.
The main cog in the resistance was Daniel Goldstein, a hero to many and he is the focal point of the film - he was there last night to answer questions.

One sided and proud of it

The NY Times said:
“Battle for Brooklyn,” a documentary about the unending mess that is the Atlantic Yards project, is unabashedly slanted and as a result will probably be dismissed by those it portrays unflatteringly. That’s unfortunate, because this film should be discouraging and dismaying for people on all sides of the project, for what it says about oversize expectations and missed opportunities.

I love when people accuse us of being one-sided - like when the other side has the atom bomb while we have pea-shooters we are supposed to do "fair and balanced." The same was said about our film which someone submitted to HBO where the comment equated us to the multi-million dollar Waiting for Superman and said a third film needs to be done showing the "truth." They can't handle the truth.

  1. Battle For Brooklyn | Film | Movie Review | The A.V. Club

    Jun 16, 2011 ... Most viewers should find the documentary Battle For Brooklyn gripping and provocative, no matter their opinions about eminent domain, ...,57646/
 'Battle for Brooklyn' review: Gripping documentary taps into fight ...
Jun 17, 2011 ... We all see the stories in headlines, we all walk past the neighborhood notices. But "Battle for ooklyn," a gripping documentary about how ...

This weekend is the only showings so far and by supporting the film you will help get it into other theaters. SO GO!!!



Michael Galinsky is the director of the movie on the Atlantic Yards and has recently been getting involved in the ed battles as his child goes to a co-located school. He has been very supportive of "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman". His next movie may be aimed at the ed deform crowd. Try to get over to see his movie this weekend to show support for the struggle against corporate takeovers whether in schools or entire neighborhoods. 

Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn Newsletter
June 13, 2011

Watch Battle For Brooklyn This Weekend -- Help The Film Go National

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fight Back Friday at PS 193K


CORE/Chicago Party Tonight to Support the Puerto Rican Teachers Union

We've been reporting on the situation in Puerto Rico for years - just search FMPR on this blog for loads of background.

The union, led by Rafael Feliciano who has led them valiantly, is under unprecedented attack. It gives you one idea of why the UFT/AFT leadership are so afraid to fight back - their cushy positions would be threatened. Rafi pulled the FMPR out of the AFT back in 2003 calling them blood-sucking something or others (I don't speak Spanish). He is an amazing guy and we had him here at a GEM meeting and got some great footage of him for our film - he has one of the funniest lines.

We are all chipping in to bring him to Chicago for our big conference on July 6 and if you are interested in helping out send a check to Ed Notes, Inc. 518 Beach 134 St. Belle Harbor, NY 11694 - indicate it is for that reason. If you want to send a check to support our movie expenses (4000 dvds and mailing costs have put us thousands in the hole send it to the same place - just say what it is for.)

Rafael Feliciano (right), GEM co-founder Angel Gonzalez and GEM/ICE Lisa North

A CORE Party to Support the Puerto Rican Teachers Union as they Face Unprecedented Attacks
On Friday, June 17th, CORE is having a party to help the president of the  Puerto Rican Teachers Union pay for his plane ticket to Chicago. This is so that Rafael Feliciano and another teacher from the island can come to our National Teachers Conference on July 6th (register if you haven’t already).  It is also Sara Chambers’ 25th bday (quarter life crisis), and we will be grilling boca burgers, meat patties and hot dogs.

We will be having some extreme four square matches, which you probably haven’t experienced since elementary school.  Spirits will be provided but donation is encouraged.

The party is located at 1229 N Bosworth Ave (Milwaukee and Division).  The party will run from 4:30pm-Late.

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on right for news bits.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Norm Scott and Khem Irby take on Success Charter Network at Public Hearing

We attended the public hearing tonight. Success sent one person who didn't speak. The audience had 5 people from one of the current District 75 schools in the building - they will have to relocate within the school due to the Brooklyn Success invasion. The principal was with them. When Khem and I spoke they applauded. David Dobosz was with us. We hung out in the principal's office afterward where they shared some carrot cake and fruit. They were so happy we came out to support them and we made some nice connections. I gave them The Truth About Charters pamphlet and a copy of our film, which I also shared with D. 14 Superintendent Jim Quail who also spent his entire career in D. 14 as teacher and principal.

I usually am not happy when I speak, especially when it's totally off the top of my head. But this time I was a bit more coherent than usual.

If you missed Lisa Donlan and me on WBAI June 15

I am that cancer survivor, and that element of Landeau's attack is the least of it While Another MS 216 Teacher Writes to Mulgrew

Yesterday I had a few conversations with people at the DA who said things along these lines:
Isn't Mulgrew so much more militant than Randi? That was shortly after a teacher from A Philip Randolph brought up how important it was for Mulgrew to come to the school and get involved because so many people were being harassed. So, sure it is easy to sound militant on the mega issues but it seems when it comes down to the school level where people are getting killed, it is a different story.

How about all those massive numbers of newbie teachers either having tenure denied or being extended (sample : one school 8 out of 9, another 4 out of 6)? Is the UFT covering it up? Since many of these teachers are so outrgaged they have told colleagues they will leave is the union thinking: the more that leave the less chance anyone will be laid off and maybe the LIFO issue will go away?

Well, here are some comments today on an old article from March, which has recently been updated (see below*).

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Reginald Landeau, Jr. - Triple Principal From Hell":

I am that cancer survivor, and that element of Landeau's attack is the least of it. I wish to tell my colleagues that I resigned because I had to for my career. The DOE is corrupt, and my success in the case was not woth the risk. But I have not stopped battling this monster, and I will continue until he too is in my position - staying up nights looking for jobs, worrying about his mortgage, his family, his health benefits...

He is undoubtadly targetting a specific cohort of teachers while protecting others. I truly like those protected cohorts, but the truth is the truth. We, as teachers, need to band together, attend PTA meetings en masse, write to politicians and the media, and perhaps make several calls to social service agencies and labor agencies since he is endangering the lives of experienced professionals, and in turn, the students of MS 216.

For those teachers who think they are safe...don't fool yourself. One feather ruffled on the empty head of his pet AP, one opposing viewpoint, and he will treat you too like a piece of trash.
Like I said...and I hope he hears...I will spend the rest of my time on this planet if necessary to be vindicated, both for myself and for the staff of MS 216.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Reginald Landeau, Jr. - Triple Principal From Hell":
Maybe we can get a suitable replacement for Landeau...someone with more moral fiber, more respect from the public, ... like Anthony Weiner.

Another outraged teacher at MS 216Q writes:

I INSIST ON A PERSONAL RESPONSE and still didn't get one.
I still did not get a response to my email and Washington Sanchez came to our school and conducted an SBO election instead of our chapter leader, Rachel Montagano.  She is going through hell at her hearing and she didn't need to be subjected to that crap if the UNITED Federation of Teachers stood behind her when Reginald Landeau Jr. started harassing her.

A year and a half ago, I met you at a District 26 pep rally at Leonard's.  You said that you would visit our school.  We're still waiting.  In that time, four teachers were put through the 3020a process.  Three have lost their licenses to teach.  I thought our union was supposed to protect its members.

I want answers.  I want the truth and I can handle the truth.

*Did UFT Undermine Chapter Leader at MS 216Q by Sen...
Reggie Landau Faces Student Protest Over Treatment...
Does the UFT Bury Stories Exposing How Weak It Rea...

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: And make sure to check out the side panel on right for news bits.

NYC Education Groups Deliver Bloomberg News: Bloomberg Social Promotion Policy a Sham/Seven 50-Foot Scrolls To Mayor Bloomberg With More Than 16,000 Signatures Opposing Classroom Cuts

Bloomberg has often boasted about his promotion policy, saying that previously students passed from grade to grade regardless of whether they mastered material. A RAND study commissioned by the city concluded that the policy had short-term benefits for students affected by it. The study al so confirmed, however, that more students have been promoted to the next grade since the policy was introduced than were promoted before. -
Gotham Schools (9 percent of third through eighth graders sent to summer school).
Bloomberg has police demonstrate Children First:
Bloombergville sleep-in updates:

From Doug:
A high school student, was arrested this morning with absolutely no provocation, but last I heard was about to be released. There is a press conference happening about this with Charles Barron that I think is going to be at noon at City Hall, but I don't have confirmation on that.
From Michael Friedman, who slept-out at Bloombergville last night:  We spent the night in front of Citibank, on Broadway – a legal, public space – across from City Hall, where we had been displaced the night before after police abrogated an earlier agreement  we had with them.  There were about 50 of us, split into two groups in order not to block the bank entrance.  At about 7 am, police began to gather and commenced harassing the group, apparently in response to complaints by the bank manager.  First, they demanded we remove signs from the walls.  Then it was signs leaning against the walls.  Finally, they put up barricades separating the two areas where we were sleeping.  A high school student, who has participated in the sleep-out since it started, was arrested for crossing from one area to the other with a sign in his hands.
Update: The student was released from custody shortly before noon.

MORE Bloomberg Children First
And then there's the high school graduate scam.
These Three Schools Show How Bogus The Graduation Rate Is When It Is Compared To The "College & Career Readiness" Statistics.

Deserved Salutes To Uncle Mike Bloomberg And The 61% NYC Graduation Rate!
And even more Bloomberg Children First

Eva HSA Hearings in Harlem and Williamsburg Tonight

Harlem- from Noah Gotbaum
Please join us tonight at the Harlem PS149/Harlem Success I charter expansion hearing at 41 W 117th St. at 6 pm.  The parents, students, and teachers at PS 149/The Sojourner Truth School are phenomenally eloquent and remain passionate and resolute after 5+ years of fighting Eva Moskowitz and the DOE. 

Please come out to support them, to hear their stories, and to bolster them and the NAACP against the continuing PR storm.

IS 33 Old Building
I'm covering this one as I monitor the extent of opposition in District 14 towards Moskowitz invasion. She has no foothold with parents there yet though I imagine some will come out tonight. IS 33 is in the middle of housing projects and has always been viewed as one of the least safe environments. The last time I was in IS 33 there were gunshots. No, not from the UFT directed at me.
Date, time and place of joint public hearings for this proposal.
June 16, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.Foundations / Urban Environment / P368K@I033K
70 Tompkins Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
Questions about the proposal can be directed as indicated in section IV above.
Speaker sign-up will begin 30 minutes before the hearing and will close 15 minutes after the start. Interpretation services will be provided in Spanish. To request interpretation services in another language, please contact Mr. Taylor at the e-mail address or telephone number above.
VI. Date, time and place of the Panel for Educational Policy meeting at which the Panel will vote on the proposed item.
June 27, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
Prospect Heights Campus
883 Classon Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Summary of all public comment received to date.The following comments and remarks were made at the joint public hearing on February 17, 2011, regarding the co-location proposal:
1. The CEC 14 representative stated that the DOE’s engagement process moved too quickly. Specifically, she stated that the CEC was not able to meet with the Success Academy Charter Network or to spread information to their community about the proposal. She also stated that the signatures supporting the proposed school came from the Bronx, not from the District 14 community.


Kids against teacher layoffs

Hi, guys.  

Please share this with as many people as possible.  I want the message to get out to the electeds - this is about the kids and the future of our city, not about the union or the campaign contributors!

Produced and directed by me, edited by my hubby, nobody was paid.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mulgrew Bends Over Backwards to NOT Mention "Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting For Superman"

He'll need a back brace.

So Mulgrew starts the Delegate Assembly talking about how the ed deformers are failing. "Remember 'Waiting for Superman" he says? A few words on how it failed.

Now's the perfect opportunity to tell the delegates how a group of their fellow NYC teachers have made their own movie in response. Not a word. Of course. Why would the UFT leadership bother to mention one of the most effective responses to the ed deformers? Is it that the movie was made by the Grassroots Education Movement which the Unity Caucus leadership behind the scenes is trashing?

In other news Mulgrew is coming off talking real militant. No give on the lawsuit. No deal that he knows of on layoffs. We may need to get 50,000 people out in July. He's got to be joking.

Question from teacher at A Philip Randolph about teachers in the Bronx who last year got U ratings but were already on the plane for vacation. "This must not be allowed to happen this year" he challenges Mulgrew. Mulgrew just shrugs.

Well, I'm at the Skinny Awards dinner drinking lots of beer so I will be parteeeeeeing.
Norm Scott

Education Notes

Grassroots Education Movement

Education Editor, The Wave

Robotics blog

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