Monday, March 10, 2014

Charterbeat Distorts Charter Coverage

That private dollars help the charters is fine, but they remain publicly funded institutions, and it is irresponsibly shortsighted to spend that money without also benefiting the host districts.... Your article notes that students at the Success Academy charter schools outscored public school students in standardized math and reading tests. While this may be encouraging for the charter school movement, it is not unequivocal proof of the charters’ superiority.... NY Times letters to editor
Today's Chalkbeat - which we refer to as Charterbeat - Rise and Shine headline: De Blasio's charter schools beating a political loss.

A loss? While his response has been inept -- they should have me as a consultant as I know Eva's game plan as well as anyone -- today's letters section of the NY Times, always a good indication on where the public that reads the paper is coming from, shows a different story - every single letter basically criticized Moskowitz and Success and charters in general and in fact were supportive of de Blasio. (Read them below).

The Times always splits the baby in the letters section reflecting the rough % of responses they get on a controversial issue. That today pretty much 100% are opposed to the charter lobby in some way is an indication. Just watch those expensive and massive commercials begin to backfire on them.

By the way -- Carmen Farina doesn't get it. Eva doesn't want seats - she wants the buildings -- it is all about real estate. Allow her schools to grow into shared locations while undermining the public  school until she gets sole control of the building -- and then offers to take them off the hands of the DOE for a buck -- and then convert them to condos.

Charterbeat in transitioning from Gotham Schools made sure to eliminate its nightly summarizing of the blogs where the truth is often read. They must be matching Cuomo in its contributions from the charter lobby.

Here are their links today:

Rise & Shine

Charter school space wars

Mayor Bill de Blasio has an uphill road to climb if he wants to carry out his plan to charge rent to charter schools.

Public Advocate Letitia James will ask a judge to delay charter school admissions while her lawsuit against co-locations proceeds.

De Blasio predicted that the lawsuit would ultimately prevail in court.

Ginia Bellefante: De Blasio’s heat over the co-locations he canceled instead of the ones he preserved shows that he has lost his ability to control the narrative.

Former Gov. George Pataki, who spearheaded the state’s charter school law, criticized de Blasio’s approach to charter schools.

Gideon Stein: The state should give charter schools extra funds that co-located ones should turn over to their fellow schools.

An advocate says Cuomo’s choices show that he prefers big-bucks charter schools to regular public schools.

Richard Whitmire: Lost in the debate is the fact that some charter schools do better than others in educating students.

Chancellor Carmen FariƱa said she would try to find space for a Success Academy school threatened by her co-location decision.

Still, Success Academy parents plan to sue over their canceled co-location plans.

And here are the more realistic public opinion letters on the Times.

To the Editor:
Re “Mayor and Operator of Charter Schools Do Battle in Albany” (news article, March 5):
The conflict in New York over public charter schools and their host districts brings into sharp and painful relief the core flaw in the charter law. It was unwise to create a parallel system designed to compete for dollars and success.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo have the opportunity to work together to foster collaboration between the two publicly funded school systems. Successful charters should share their successful practices not only through modeling that success but also through teacher training partnerships and other collaborative ventures.
That private dollars help the charters is fine, but they remain publicly funded institutions, and it is irresponsibly shortsighted to spend that money without also benefiting the host districts.
Swarthmore, Pa., March 5, 2014

To the Editor:
The heated back and forth between Mayor Bill de Blasio and charter school advocates like Eva Moskowitz exposes the contrast between the public interest and self-interest in their positions.
The charter schools movement began with the intention of creating places where educators and their communities could try out new ways to educate students who struggled in traditional public schools. They were meant to benefit those who remained in public schools — not undermine or displace them.
Unfortunately, the opening created by the originators of the charter school movement has been exploited by management companies and individuals within the charter school industry who see our schools as a source of personal profit — including Ms. Moskowitz, who earns a lavish salary. As charter operators continue to put their interests ahead of the children’s, it’s about time that public officials like Mr. de Blasio step in to advocate for each and every child, not just a chosen few.
Executive Director
Integrity in Education
Washington, March 5, 2014

To the Editor:
Your article notes that students at the Success Academy charter schools outscored public school students in standardized math and reading tests. While this may be encouraging for the charter school movement, it is not unequivocal proof of the charters’ superiority.
Parents who choose charter schools may be more dedicated to their children’s education than other parents. Hence the better performance of charter school children may owe as much, or more, to greater parental involvement than to any programs of the schools themselves.
Randomly assigning children to attend either public or charter schools and then testing their progress is the only scientific way of making a comparison. Similarly, studies purporting to show the advantages of pre-K will not be definitive if the programs involved parental choice.
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., March 5, 2014
The writer is a retired pediatrician and professor of pediatrics.

To the Editor:
Public schools, especially those in inner-city New York, do not always serve children well. Classes can be large, teachers overwhelmed or inadequately trained, facilities in disrepair, essential equipment like copiers in short supply, art, music, science, physical education absent. Mayor Bill de Blasio proposes that charter schools pay rent to their host schools. Money may indeed help the situation.
Some charter schools have spruced-up facilities, renovated bathrooms, brightly lit hallways, the latest technology, smaller classes and longer days. In a building in which a Success Academy charter and a public school share a building, the contrasts are painfully clear.
These contrasts, demonstrating, not so subtly, to the public school students how little they are valued, can be remedied. Success charters and some others have access to impressive funding from philanthropists. Instead of paying rent, what if a charter school were required to improve an entire building to the same high standards it enjoys?
That would be a start, and who knows, smaller classes, science, art, music and physical education for all, healthy meals and better teacher training might follow.
New York, March 5, 2014
The writer is a retired science teacher and worked as a science curriculum consultant to Success Academy.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Monday March 10, 4PM: Rally at Harlem School for Victims of Moskowitz Attempt to Push Out Special Ed Kids

Which kids are really getting hurt in the charter wars?

Rally To Support de Blasio and Public  Schools in Harlem Tomorrow
Where:  Outside PS/ MS 149
When : 4: 00- 5:00  March 10
41 W.  117th St between Lennox Ave and Fifth
Subway:  2 or 3 to 116th
Even as Mayor Bill de Blasio’s  handling of the issue of charter school co-locations has disappointed many, it has signaled the end of the era when the likes of entrepreneur Eva Moskowitz is granted whatever entrepreneur Eva Moskowitz  wants, regardless of how many public school children are displaced, short changed and treated  as if they are second rate citizens.    

Over the past week and more, Moskowitz has received absurdly favorable press in New York City papers, even as she once again removed children from schools during school hours, this time to bus  them to Albany as if they were adult lobbyists.  After years of incredibly favorable treatment by the Bloomberg administration, de Blasio has had the political courage to stand up to Moskowitz and her billionaire backers.   

As a result, Moskowitz  and her  friends in the media are doing all they can to paint her and Success Academies  as victims and create the false appearance of overwhelming public support for Moskowitz and the  horrific and destructive policies of Mike Bloomberg.  

They have flooded the air-waves with slick, heart-tugging commercials, engaging in a multi-million dollar public relations campaign designed to do nothing less than trick the public into forgetting that de Blasio won by a margin of 75% over Joe Lhota, in large part because of de Blasio’s rejection of Bloomberg’s education policies, of which Moskowitz  is such a perfect example.   

Today we have an opportunity to once again reaffirm the public will, let Moskowitiz’s billionaires know that they do not own our schools and our city, and let de Blasio know he is not alone.
Please, if you can, come and let your voices be heard loud and clear.  Come and remind Moskowitz’s billionaire backers that we live in a democracy. Above all, come and help insure that all of our children are shown the dignity that all children deserve.

Patrick Walsh

Chapter Leader

PS/ MS 149


You Mean, That Jessica Tisch? Bratton Chooses Tisch

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton names Jessica Tisch as deputy commissioner of information and technology

Oh, you mean that Jessica Tisch?

Apr 15, 2008
Today's Post includes an op-ed calling for voters to decide on term limits so Bloomberg can run again. The piece claims Bloomberg has outperformed, citing his record in improving the schools. It's written by a Jessica Tisch, ...

Apr 07, 2009
I wrote about the ridiculous NY Post editorial her "brilliant" daughter Jessica sent supporting Bloomberg's 3rd term: "Average Citizen" Jessica Tisch Calls For Bloomberg 3rd Term. Posted by Norm @ ed notes online at

May 15, 2011
... in decisions concerning our children. Leonie Haimson: Merryl Tisch's daughter Jessica , wrote that oped in favor of overturning term limits and a third term for Bloomberg, based upon his terrific record at running our schools.

Putin Crimea Annexation Modeled on Eva Moskowitz Invasion of NYC Schools

Kremlin insiders have revealed that Vladimir Putin modeled his invasion of Crimea on the successful takeover of numerous public schools by Eva Moskowitz and her Success Charter chain. Sending shock troops into a building in advance? Check. Rolling local political forces in a media blitz? Check. "Eva Moskowitz has more power than Kim Jong-un," said a Putin spokesman.

Two who lust for Moskowitz-like power

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Susan's Saturday Special

Here is a collection for your weekend reading. I know the latest Common Core outrage is long but I hope you will read it with careful attention. This assault on first graders sits at the core of what corporate ed deform is all about.

Contrast this with Kate DiCamillo's wonderful memories of a read-aloud.

With the help of teachers who refuse to remain silent, I try to bring not just complaints but the details of the assault that will compel people to action.

The fact of the matter than unless and until teacher behavior changes, the corporate raiders win.

And by 'change in teacher behavior' I mean REFUSAL.

I often post things in 'Notable Quotes' that never make it to the announcement list. For example, go over there and take a look about what the surgical community's perception of surgery residents. It certainly sounds familiar.

Thank you, Steve Krashen, for 'noticing' almost as soon as I posted it.

There are new cartoons:

Gates/Obama Personalized Learning

Bribery, Coercion, and Manipulation for Primary Graders

What the Taxpayer Funds

I think the resistance community has reached the point where we should move on from complaining. I don't want to sound too self-serving here, but my goal is provide information that will help us to that next step--active resistance and refusal.

Give me liberty [to choose my curriculum] or . . .


I've told Nekko my cat who screams for me to come join him in palaver at 5:30 a.m. to expect tidings of great joy with Daylight Savings Time.


Common Core: Asking First Graders  To Extract and Employ Evidence About Producers and Consumers
Susan Ohanian

First graders of the nation, unite!

Adults: read this and brush up on your indefinite pronouns.

Big Data Means Big Questions on How That Information Is Used
Natasha Singer with Ohanian comment
New York  Times blog

John Podesta, the counselor to the president is leading the Big Data Privacy review and this should alarm you.

National Reading Month: Kate DiCamillo on the Power of Stories
Kate DiCamillo


Here is a great statement by Kate DiCamillo. Do yourself a favor and read it.

I won’t seek a 5th term on the Orange County School Board
Judge 'Rick' Roach


Orange County school board member Rick Roach says he no longer recognizes his profession.

To the editor
Kevin Mann
Daily Telegraph

Good comment on what passes for 'news' in our press.

To the editor
More Than a Score
Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Tribune that a school is not a democracy and teacher should just give the standardized test. More Than A Score, a Chicago group working to end the misuse of higj stales stamdardized testing, responds.

Does David Coleman Operate from 'Heartfelt' Motives?
Susan Ohanian and multiple writers
Wall Streeet Journal & New York Times

Read how major newspapers covered upcoming changes in the SAT.

The Way  Bill Gates Makes Things Work
Susan Ohanian

The Gates Foundation is funding online college textbooks.

Malloy administration’s farce of a hearing on Common Core
Jonathan Pelto
Wait What? blog

Connecticut Democrats remain committed to Common Core

Connecticut parents seek guarantee they can opt students out of standardized tests
Rachel Chinapen
New Haven Register

Jesse Turner, director of the Central Connecticut State University Literacy Center, speaks out--loudly.
Order the CD of the resistance:
"No Child Left Behind? Bring Back the Joy."
To order online (and hear samples from the songs)
Other orders: Send $15 to
Susan Ohanian
P. O. Box 26
Charlotte, VT 05445

BREAKING NEWS: the Assembly will do last minute interviews on Monday because Democrats are saying they will VOTE NO on incumbents

I dropped by my state assemblyman Phi Goldfeder's office the other day with some materials on this Regent election.

From Carol Burris:
Dear friend of public education
 On Tuesday, the legislature will vote yea or nay on the re-appointment of the 4 incumbent Regents.  Often we hear that the legislature does not control education policy and therefore there is little that can be done to influence the course of testing , data collection and the Common Core.
This, the appointment of the Regents, is your representative's  best and most direct opportunity to influence educational policy and 
be responsive to the thousands who came out to express their unhappiness at forums across the state.
BREAKING NEWS: the Assembly will do last minute interviews on Monday because Democrats are saying they will VOTE NO on incumbents
Please write to your representative and send a simple message: Vote "no" for the re-appoinment of the four incumbents. Follow up with a phone call. Send a message on twitter.
Let them know you will be watching.
You can find their contact information here:

Thank you,

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Nation: The Absurd NY Tabloid Propaganda War Against de Blasio's Reasonable Charter School Policies

...The New York Post's false attacks on de Blasio and charter schools.... The Nation
I have more on the anti-Eva counterattack -- but with no strong response from de B it all goes for naught. How weak is de Blasio/Farina turning out to be? I predicted that charters won't pay one dime in rent. RBE at Perdido points this out and how deB is already pretty much a one-term mayor --- guess who will challenge him? I say Eva.

Here is the article from The Nation. I'll follow with Juan Gonzalez' piece soon.

reprinted at alternet

This article first appeared in the Nation and is reprinted here with their permission.

Last week, the de Blasio administration declared war on charter schools, at least according to the New York Post. Governor Cuomo rushed to the barricades, telling a rally in Albany yesterday: “We are here today to tell you that we stand with you.… You are not alone. We will save charter schools.”  Families for Excellent Schools, who organized the rally, claimed the Mayor's decision was met with universal opposition and characterized the move as the back end of a quid pro quo with the teachers union for endorsing the mayor.

Wondering what actually happened? The de Blasio administration released a memo reviewing forty-nine co-location decisions made last fall by the lame-duck Bloomberg administration. A co-location is when two schools occupy the same building, and it’s been a controversial aspect of the charter-school movement. Many charters, which usually serve fewer special ed or bilingual students than regular public schools, get free rent on space in the regular public schools that charter advocates so often disdain--often space that the regular school needs..

De Blasio’s chancellor, Carmen Farina, set aside four of the decisions that won’t take effect until the 2015–16 school year to give more time for study. It ordered thirty-five of the forty-five remaining plans implemented. It called for one to be revised. And it cancelled nine planned co-locations. Six concerned regular public schools, which also often co-locate. Three were for charters.
All three of those cancelled co-locations were for charters proposed by Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy network. Her defenders see that as proof that the mayor, a long-time critic of Moskowitz, was singling her out. But given the aggressive expansion plans of the Success network, it’s not that surprising that she has a large presence on the list. 

Moskowitz will now need to find space for those students, including some already attending Success Academy’s Harlem 4, which had outgrown the two other co-located sites it was using. Given that Success Academy is rolling in money—Moskowitz reportedly pulls down $475,000, more than the president of the United States—it seems likely she’ll come up with something. Contrary to the shorthand way some have reported it, de Blasio didn’t rescind the schools’ charters—he couldn’t—he just said they can’t use public school space.

(And for the record, the teachers’ union did not endorse de Blasio but his chief rival Bill Thompson in the Democratic primary. The UFT did back de Blasio in the general, along with the rest of the universe.)

Overall, fourteen charter-school co-locations—including five Success Academy ones—got the green light from Farina.

Full disclosure: I’m a charter-school parent. 

Oh, oh -- read about that aspect here.

But mostly it seems like everyone is just playing to the script. Charter-school advocates have been waiting for de Blasio to drop a daisy cutter on them. And they’re reacting as if he did, when in fact his administration rendered a pretty modest and narrow decision, especially given the sprawling ambition of the Bloomberg-authorized co-location wave it was reacting to. The de Blasio DOE’s touch was so light, in fact, that Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Public Advocate Letitia James have said they’re going ahead with a lawsuit to challenge some of the co-locations the de Blasio administration approved.

Unfortunately, that will just perpetuate this unproductive argument about charter schools. It’d be better to move on, treat charters as the minor part of the system they are, and figure out what to do for the 94 percent of public school kids who don’t attend charters. The lawsuit just gives the governor another opening to swoop in and “save” charter schools. Yawn.

Sorry, it is better not to move on and allow these cancers to grow inside public schools.

Read Next: Joseph Featherstone reviews a new book by charter school advocate-turned-critic Diane Ravitch.

Support and Criticism for de Blasio from from Anti-Charter Wing

How weak can they get? I voted for de Blasio in the primary because of the poor options. But when it came to the general election I just couldn't do it and wrote in the name of a real reform Staten Island activist who is running for the state board of regents. I'm so glad my instinct that deB would cave won out.

Perdido Street School  
De Blasio Caves To Eva - That didn't take long, did it? City education boss Carmen FariƱa retreated in the charter schools fight on Friday, saying the city is now searching for spa...

Moskowitz Again Uses Children As Political Props and Tabloids Cheer - For the third time in as many years, Eva Moskowitz, czarina of the Success Academy charter school empire and heroine of the campaign to privatize our publi...
Leonie Haimson writes:

See Interview w/ FariƱa below by Juan Gonzalez below where he writes: “She’s even studying the facts. In the case of PS 149, for example, the Education Department officially projected that the co-location of Success Academy would produce enrollment at 132% of capacity. What idiot bureaucrat plans for an overcrowded school?”

Sorry to say 12 of the co-location proposals that she is allowing to go forward will push the school building to 100% utilization or more; which we know is an underestimate of the actual level of overcrowding, since the Blue Book utilization formula does not properly capture the need for smaller classes, art and music rooms, programming of lunch at reasonable hours, access to the gym, or the need for specialty rooms for mandated services to students with disabilities.

See the PEP agenda for even more co-locations to be voted on in May.

Under the “revised” co-location of American Dream charter into PS 30 in the Bronx, the building is projected to go to 123-141% capacity!

She also says: “She won’t keep approving small schools that only require more high-paid supervisors to run them.”

But most every new school she is approving require not just more space, but more administration, including high-paid principals, etc., wasting money on bureaucracy that could go to hiring teachers for smaller classes.  We have seen a huge explosion of spending on out =of-classroom positions the last ten years, with a sharp decline in the number of teachers, causing ever-increasing class sizes.

What idiot bureaucrat plans for an overcrowded school?

Gonzalez: Mayor de Blasio is not being overly harsh on charters, he's just not letting charter administrators do whatever they want

In the battle with Eva Moskowitz over charter schools, Mayor de Blasio is only restricting Moskowitz's power and putting limits on her control over the interests of city school children.

Comments (3)

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi

David Handschuh/New York Daily News

Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa said that under the Bloomberg administration, Eva Moskowitz could do 'whatever she wanted.' Not anymore.

Nothing personal, says Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa, but there will be no more favored treatment for Eva Moskowitz and her Success Charter Network.
During an extensive interview Thursday, FariƱa explained her decision on whether to move ahead with 45 new schools the Bloomberg administration had approved to open this September in public school buildings.
In the end, FariƱa gave the green light to 36 of those co-locations, including 14 new charter schools — a number some public school advocates consider too high.
FariƱa even approved five of eight new charter schools sponsored by Moskowitz’s Success Academy network.
In only one case did she deny a planned expansion of an existing school — killing Success Academy Harlem Central Middle School’s plan to move 194 middle school students into PS 149 on W. 117th St.
So the notion being bandied about by Moskowitz, and in newspaper ads and television commercials sponsored by the charter school lobby, that Mayor de Blasio is “axing” charter schools and denying parents the program of their choice is pure nonsense.
It’s just that Moskowitz doesn’t get to call the shots anymore. “She was allowed to do whatever she wanted” in the past, FariƱa said, but the days of “favorite treatment” are over.
Our new chancellor is actually listening to all sides .
She’s even studying the facts. In the case of PS 149, for example, the Education Department officially projected that the co-location of Success Academy would produce enrollment at 132% of capacity.
What idiot bureaucrat plans for an overcrowded school?
“The people who did these space assignments were not educators,” FariƱa said.
From now on, she will apply four criteria in reviewing proposed co-locations. She won’t put elementary and high schools in the same building. She won’t keep approving small schools that only require more high-paid supervisors to run them. She won’t approve co-locations that require expensive renovations of school properties.
And, most importantly, she won’t allow reduced services or seats for special education students.
“These are the most vulnerable and highest needs kids in our system,” FariƱa said, but “they were the first kids to lose space or be moved” under the prior administration.
No one is happier about her policy change than the parents and staff at the Mickey Mantle school, a program for autistic and emotionally disturbed children that was slated to lose space and seats to the proposed expansion of Success Academy.
“Our school already lost a music, a theater arts and an art room the past few years,” said Barry Daub, principal at Mickey Mantle. Those losses happened to make room for Harlem Success 1, launched in the same building in 2006.
Mickey Mantle would have lost enrollment and even more space if FariƱa had approved the Success Academy expansion.
“We would be doing physical and occupational therapy in the halls,” Daub said.
Yvette Santana, whose grandson Aaron Cruz is a fourth-grader at Mickey Mantle, is furious at the way parents and children are being pitted against each other.
“We don’t want to throw anybody out, but it’s not right to take away the programs our children have,” Santana said.
FariƱa’s people say the four middle schools in the 22-school charter network Moskowitz already operates have enough empty seats to absorb the 194 students from Success Academy.
No child is being denied an education. It’s just that one charter network is no longer getting everything it demands.

Zakiyah Ansari: Fed up with Cuomo - But is She Fed Up With UFT Assault on NYSUT Leadership for opposing Cuomo?


Dear Norm,
I want to pass along this email from Zakiyah Ansari, public school parent and Advocacy Director for the Alliance for Quality Education. She is furious with the governor's abandonment of public schools in this state, and you should be too.  Read her story, and sign her petition:
Greg Basta
Deputy Director
New York Communities for Change
I'm angry! Governor Cuomo claims to be the “students' lobbyist,” but his actions tell a different story. For the last four years, he has severely underfunded New York's public schools leaving public school students with limited opportunities and diminished abilities to compete. Then, just this week he vowed to divert funding to privately-run charter schools, which make up only 3% of the student population in the state. He cannot call himself the students' lobbyist when he has ignored the needs of 97% of the students in this state. 
For the last four years, Governor Cuomo has kicked our public schools around like a soccer ball. He has forced them to make painful decisions, like having to choose between offering music classes or Kindergarten. This is absurd! Schools shouldn't have to choose between the very basics and students shouldn't be missing out on vital opportunities. It seems that Governor Cuomo is more concerned about appealing to his re-election campaign donors, like the Wall Street backers of privately-run charter school, than the students of New York who he claims to be a lobbyist for.
I will not stand idly by while he undercuts the future of a generation of students! Will you join me in holding him accountable to his constitutional obligation to educate every student? Sign the petition. 
In solidarity,
Zakiyah Ansari,
Advocacy Director of the Alliance for Quality Education

CamiGate II - Continues to Threaten Tenured Newark Teachers

Just read this horseshit.
Effective means you had 6 weeks training from TFA. Remember that contract Randi and Cami signed a year and a half ago? Why not just ignore it? The waiver she is asking for apparently violates the modified state tenure law, but why quibble?

From: Superintendent Anderson
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 11:32 AM
To: Teachers - ALL
Subject: Update

Dear Teachers,
As I have shared in many conversations, brown bag lunches, press articles, and informal briefings over several months, NPS is facing a serious budget shortfall. As student enrollment has fallen dramatically and is projected to continue falling, we must make difficult decisions. I assure you, we delayed teacher layoffs as long as possible by making cuts to central and administration budgets. But, we are at a point where we must plan for the future and, unfortunately, that will require reducing the size of our teaching force to match the size of student enrollment.
Layoffs are difficult and I realize that some of you will be personally affected. Unfortunately, we have no other choice.  As a result, I am now trying to make sure that as we conduct them, we do so in a way that is least disruptive to our students’ learning.
Current state regulations would make this bad situation even worse by forcing us to completely ignore teacher effectiveness in making layoff decisions and consider only years of service. Therefore, last week, the district asked the New Jersey Department of Education to make performance a key factor, alongside years of service, when making decisions about teacher layoffs.
If the state grants our request, we could ensure our most successful teachers—many of you who have served our city for years—remain in the classroom. I have heard personally from many effective teachers (and national research would support) that good teachers want to work with colleagues who push them to be better. We also know that good teachers have a life-long impact on students. I believe including performance as a key factor is the best thing to do for students and teachers.
Whether or not you agree with me on this issue—and I realize that some of you may not—I want to be clear that we will need to conduct layoffs even if the state does not grant our request. You are likely to have many questions about when layoffs will occur and how many people will be affected. While we don’t have the answers yet, I wanted to reach out to you as soon as possible with the information I do have.
I promise to keep you updated along the way as we learn more specifics. My staff and I will also be hosting Q&A sessions in many schools over the next several weeks and months to update you and clear up any misinformation. Look for more details about these events soon.
During this difficult time, I know you will stay focused on the students in your classrooms and for that I thank you. As always, I deeply appreciate everything you do on behalf of our students every day.
In Service,

Brooklyn Community Education Councils Slam De Blasio Giveaway to Moskowitz and Other Charters

The Community Education council of District 20 and 21 invites all community members to join them at I.S. 96 Seth Low to Rally on Friday, March 7, 2014 at 2:30 PM.

Imagine if these communities and the principals closed all the schools in these 2 districts so people could attend the rallies.

Community Education Council District 21 calls on Chancellor Farina and Mayor de Blasio to reverse the decision to implement co-location plan for I.S. 96, Seth Low, and I.S. 281, Joseph B. Cavallaro.
            Last Thursday’s announcement regarding the continuance of charter co-locations at I.S. 96, Seth Low, and I.S. 281, Joseph B. Cavallaro, is a major setback for our community.  There was such hope that Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Farina would finally listen to the voices of parents and community members.  Many of us now feel only disappointment and frustration. In the fall of 2013, the Community Education Council District 21 passed two resolutions opposing both co-locations, we have rallied, gone to both PEP meetings and still our voices were not heard.  2014 had such potential for parents and yet again, we have been pushed to the side.  We have been given a promise that they will do things better in the future.  What about the children and their families that are already attending I.S. 96 Seth Low, and I.S. 281, Joseph B. Cavallaro, don’t they count too?  I understand that they based their decisions on families that applied for seats for September 2014 and the deadline was coming.  Our children’s educations should not be about deadlines.  We provide excellent educational opportunities for all children in this district and have seats in our traditional public schools for the children who have applied.  More time should have been taken to visit and speak to schools, families, and community members regarding the co-locations. There is no need to rush putting two more elementary schools in our district. We have and always will supply a high quality education for every child in our district’s traditional public schools.   Mayor de Blasio's plan is to provide full day, high quality Pre-K programs to
53,000 students in 2014. With two elementary Charter school co-locations opening in 2014 in our district, what middle school space can the Chancellor guarantee will be available for these students in the future?
            It’s time to come together once again as a community! Let our voices be heard loud and clear “We say NO to the co-locations decisions on I.S. 96 and I.S. 281, Joseph B. Cavallaro”. The Community Education Council District 21 calls on Chancellor Farina and Mayor de Blasio to reverse the decision to implement co-location plan for I.S.96, Seth Low and I.S. 281, Joseph B. Cavallaro.
The Community Education council of District 20 & 21 invites all community members to join them at I.S. 96 Seth Low to Rally on Friday, March 7, 2014 at 2:30 PM.

Video from PEP meetings where the PEP was slammed by CEC 21:

Thursday, March 6, 2014

EvaGate: Media Worm Turning on Moskowitz - and Cuomo

...what is potentially precedent setting is Moskowitz’s possibly using taxpayer money given to her school for the purposes of educating kids and using it instead to finance a political protest that deployed those kids as lobbyists for her agenda. Also precedent setting is what this does to the definition of the very term “public school.” Remember, charters are privately administered but they are still classified as public schools for the purposes of taxpayer funding. Yet, Moskowitz is asserting the unilateral right to close her network of ostensibly public schools for the specific purposes of lobbying on behalf of her private organization’s political and economic agenda.... 
...Cuomo proudly attended Moskowitz’s rally, endorsing the possible use of taxpayer money to fund such political protests. Similarly, much of the media coverage hasn’t even bothered to mention the possible illegalities involved in such a move....
 Imagine a traditional public school’s principal unilaterally shutting down his school for a day and then using the school’s buses to take the student body to a political protest demanding more money for that principal....
...What’s different here is the use of an ostensibly public institution – and possibly public dollars – to lobby for private interests, and to do so in a way that uses children as the lobbyists. It is a prospective precedent that no doubt has the school privatization movement and the for-profit education sector rejoicing.... David Sirota
Well it's about time that someone in the media has started paying attention to the crucial illegal, immoral, child abusing actions of Eva Moskwowitz, Cuomo and the charter lobby. Let's hope they rejoice no longer. Always expect them to take the extra mile -- sort of like closing a bridge to traffic for political retaliation.

Charter school leader pushes kids to become her personal lobbyists

By David Sirota
On March 6, 2014

Charter schools have long been loved by the private sector, and the rich. And for good reason.

They are technically public schools, and so they receive lots of public money, but they are privately run, often by for-profit companies. Their ratio of administrative spending to instructional spending is often higher than the ratio in traditional public schools. Though that has left charter schools typically performing no better than traditional public schools, it has translated into a taxpayer-subsidized gravy train of spending on unproven technology from education corporations; it has raised the prospect of major private profits for investors; and it has delivered outsized paychecks for those who run charter networks.

Charter schools have provided much the same jackpot to lawmakers. As just one iconic example, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has traded support for charter schools for massive campaign contributions from the same financial industry that has funded the movement to privatize the public school system. As part of the bargain, Cuomo has at once demonized public school employee pay, while promoting charter school leaders like Eva Moskowitz whose taxpayer-subsidized salaries are far higher than their public school counterparts.

As if all of this wasn’t troubling enough for the future of public education, now it seems the charter school movement is asserting the right to unilaterally shut down their schools and turn kids into campaigners and lobbyists for the charter school industry, potentially at taxpayer expense. Indeed, earlier this week, the New York Daily News reported that Moskowitz, a national charter school icon, announced classes would be cancelled at her 22 taxpayer-subsidized schools and “that hundreds of parents and students will be bused to Albany to protest” on behalf of Moskowitz’s charter school network.

The purpose of the protest was to amplify Moskowitz’s demand that her privately run, publicly funded company be allowed to expand into existing traditional public schools and use public buildings without paying rent. Among other things, that would provide an infusion of public revenue to pay Moskowitz’s $475,000 a year salary. It would provide such an infusion of public cash even though Moskowitz is trying to prevent public officials from auditing her network’s finances.

What is big news here is not a wealthy education entrepreneur using her own political clout to protect her own economic interests. That’s standard operating procedure in American politics.

No, what is potentially precedent setting is Moskowitz’s possibly using taxpayer money given to her school for the purposes of educating kids and using it instead to finance a political protest that deployed those kids as lobbyists for her agenda. Also precedent setting is what this does to the definition of the very term “public school.” Remember, charters are privately administered but they are still classified as public schools for the purposes of taxpayer funding. Yet, Moskowitz is asserting the unilateral right to close her network of ostensibly public schools for the specific purposes of lobbying on behalf of her private organization’s political and economic agenda.

To fully appreciate the significance of the move, consider a hypothetical. Imagine a traditional public school’s principal unilaterally shutting down his school for a day and then using the school’s buses to take the student body to a political protest demanding more money for that principal. That would almost certainly generate a backlash, involving everything from parental outrage, legislative hearings into misuse of public funds and even potentially a criminal probe. And if it happened in New York, it would almost certainly earn a slam from Cuomo.

But that’s not what happened this week. Instead, Cuomo proudly attended Moskowitz’s rally, endorsing the possible use of taxpayer money to fund such political protests. Similarly, much of the media coverage hasn’t even bothered to mention the possible illegalities involved in such a move. Indeed, the only prominent mention of the precedent seems to be coming from New York City councilman Daniel Dromm, who announced he will hold an oversight hearing into “the legality of a school leader closing schools for entirely political purposes.”

Of course, private corporations have long used their workforces and their economic power to try to influence politics. What’s different here is the use of an ostensibly public institution – and possibly public dollars – to lobby for private interests, and to do so in a way that uses children as the lobbyists. It is a prospective precedent that no doubt has the school privatization movement and the for-profit education sector rejoicing.


De Blasio Wasting His Charter Election Mandate - It is Time for He and Tish James to Make a Stand

Candidate de Blasio promised he’d start charging well-financed charter schools that got rent-free use of space in public schools. He did not like the idea of two different sets of kids getting different educations under the same school roof. One group gets a quasi-private school with no overhead in public school space.
Grade that F — for favoritism.
Mayor de Blasio is just doing what he promised to do during campaign... There has been a lot of barking over Mayor de Blasio's plans to tax-the-rich to fund pre-K and take a hard line on charter schools that take resources from public school students. But that's what got him elected in the first place... Daily News columnist Dennis Hamill
Finally, a piece that makes this point. Didn't he defeat pro-charter Joe Lhota with 75% of the vote? How inept politically on his part. But Michael Powell in the Times has the wrong take on the ineptness.
He decided last week to let most plans for charter expansion go forward — save for three schools run by Ms. Moskowitz. As a result, many dozens of children are without schools for next fall. Credit is due the mayor. With this decision, he succeeded at the devilishly difficult task of making a martyr of Ms. Moskowitz.
WTF, Michael. You mean deB's mistake was not giving in to everything she wanted? No, his big error is NOT going on the attack -- pointing the money she spends on advertizing, her salary which is higher than his, the chancellor and the president. Or her voracious attacks on schools she occupies. There is just so much stuff out there. But we get silence.

And the charter lobby alliance with Cuomo may well cow the other charter critics like Public Advocate Tish James, who is holding a meeting Saturday regarding this issue (Tish James Calls for March 8 Meeting: Dear CEC, PTA presidents and Elected Officials Impacted by Co-Locations)
and will "update" people on the status of the lawsuit she and City Council speaker Mark-Viverito filed but put on hold. My guess is that they are both being scared off. The James powerful speeches at the PEP meetings (here and here) seem to be turning into little squeaks. Just to remind you, let me run the first James clip from the Oct. 15 PEP.

Dennis Hamill seems to be the only media person who gets it.
So this week, it’s charter schools.
Every week, his sore-loser critics want Mayor de Blasio to break another campaign promise to those who elected him.
De Blasio, a progressive Democrat, ran on a platform of complete reform of the NYPD’s out-of-control “stop, question and frisk” policy under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. Joe Lhota, his Republican opponent, promised to continue the policy and reappoint Kelly.
The city went to the polls and gave de Blasio about 75% of the vote.
And when de Blasio appointed Bill Bratton police commissioner to implement stop-and-frisk reforms, the mayor’s “shocked, shocked” critics painted him as a Socialist Sandinista who is inviting a return to the bad old days of the crack epidemic.
They wanted de Blasio to break his campaign promise.
This is ridiculous. Especially since under de Blasio/Bratton, this city has already enjoyed a 21% dip in murders during the first two months of the year.
De Blasio the candidate promised to tax the rich a paltry sum to help fund universal prekindergarten in public schools.
When Mayor de Blasio moved to keep that promise, his critics had a meltdown. They preferred a different plan suggested by Gov. Cuomo, who, in an election year, must appeal to a much broader statewide electorate.
De Blasio’s critics got headlines. But they are the minority who either voted for his opponent or did not have the civic pride to vote at all.
Now de Blasio’s sore-loser critics demand he break this campaign promise, too.
And this week, it’s charter schools. 
Candidate de Blasio promised he’d start charging well-financed charter schools that got rent-free use of space in public schools. He did not like the idea of two different sets of kids getting different educations under the same school roof. One group gets a quasi-private school with no overhead in public school space.
Grade that F — for favoritism.
De Blasio’s critics like to point out that many charter school students are minorities. So what? So are most New York City public school students.
The mayor’s critics even resort to making this a contest of how many people show up at rallies in Albany. One thousand people at a pro-de Blasio prekindergarten rally as opposed to 7,000 at an anti-de Blasio save-the-charter-school rally. Both are laughable numbers out of a public school system of 1.1 million students.

But Dennis Hamill gets this part wrong too. People showed up at the Moskowitz rally because SHE WAS ALLOWED TO CLOSE HER DAMN SCHOOLS AND FORCE PARENTS, STUDENTS AND STAFF TO ATTEND.
Not one word about that outrage in the press. What if de Blasio closed Brooklyn schools tomorrow so they could support the rally at Seth Low? Oh, would the press be screaming. 
Hamill finishes with a powerful point.

The only rally that mattered was the election last November.
De Blasio ran as a liberal Democrat on a progressive platform against Lhota. The choice was clear: Turn left or turn right.
De Blasio won in a landslide.
Some rich and powerful people don’t like the people’s choice of taxing the rich for pre-K. The police union doesn’t like the new stop-and-frisk policy. Parents of charter school students don’t like de Blasio’s new policy.

But the people have spoken.
The bottom line is: De Blasio was elected to reform stop-and-frisk, tax the rich to fund pre-K and curb the freeloading charter schools in public school buildings.
Now his sore-loser critics want him to break all those campaign promises.
Which would make de Blasio a phony and a liar to all those who elected him.
The NY Times' Michael Powell has a different slant. While absolutely correct on the inept de Blasio politically on the charter issue, Powell focuses on the Cuomo factor.

“Cat in Albany Is Outfoxing New York City’s Mouse”: “Credit is due the mayor. … [H]e succeeded at the devilishly difficult task of making a martyr of Ms. Moskowitz.”

Maybe the problem was with the metaphor.
Mayor Bill de Blasio took office and talked “progressive,” with ambitious plans for an income tax on the wealthy and an increase in the minimum wage. He rallied unions and activists and parents, and the sense was of a dog howling, and putting on notice the bigger dog in Albany.
Two months later, it turns out that the more apt metaphor was of cat-and-mouse.
Mr. de Blasio has taken the role of the impulsive mouse, demanding this cheese and that, and not quite knowing how to end his game. And Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has taken the role of the big cat who can treat the mouse kindly — and, with a whack, send it tumbling back into its hole.
Evidence of the mayor’s diminished state came on Tuesday, when he took his crusade for a tax to fund universal prekindergarten to an armory in Albany a few blocks north of the Capitol. The turnout was not much to boast of, and it was made up mostly of union members who were in town to lobby for various causes.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chris Pavone's "The Accident" Gets NY Times Rave Review

Mr. Pavone writes: “First the web devoured book clubs, then magazines, and now its maw is agape, ravenous, ready to swallow the whole bloody publishing business.” Luckily, unputdownable books like Mr. Pavone’s help keep the business alive and well... Janet Maslin, NYTimes
Chris, who is my long-time friend Vera Pavone's son, hits another home run with his 2nd novel. Since I am way behind on my reading, I didn't get to read his first novel, The Expats, until 6 months ago and it was even better than I thought it would be -- not my usual genre. Chris is appearing at a book signing at a Barnes and Nobles next week but I will be deep into the final rehearsals of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying before our March 14 opening.

Chris Pavone, whose novel "The Expats" won an Edgar Award. Credit Nina Subin


By Chris Pavone
385 pages. Crown Publishers. $26.

Continue reading the main story

Tish James Calls for March 8 Meeting: Dear CEC, PTA presidents and Elected Officials Impacted by Co-Locations

Letitia James is making some noise, but it remains to be seen if that is all it is. The meeting announcement doesn't seem to call for de Blasio to revisit the recent decisions and announces an update on the law suit against co-locos. My guess this is not a good sign.

With de Blasio waffling and shaky on the charter/co-loco issue - see Ravitch - The Big Lie about Mayor Bill de Blasio and Charters - Ravitch gently chides him for handing Eva and the charter lobby almost everything they wanted. Their strategy is working in pushing him off the agenda he was elected for.
The question before the Mayor is whether he will continue to fund a dual school system--one sector able to choose the students it wants--and the other sector serving all. He is trying to have it both ways, and it doesn't work. He gave the charter lobby almost everything it wanted, and they still came after him as if he had given them nothing at all. ...Ravitch
I can't make it as there is a MORE meeting on Saturday followed by a happy hour (MOREistas LOVE happy hours). Here is the James email:
Dear CEC, PTA presidents and Elected Officials Impacted by Co-Locations,

I am writing to invite you to a working group meeting with Public Advocate Letitia James and the plaintiffs of the co-location law suit regarding the status of the Department of Education’s (DOE) planned co-locations.

The meeting will take place this coming Saturday, March 8 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at 195 Montague Street, 3rd floor, Brooklyn.  Please rsvp to no later than Friday, March 7th.

During the meeting, we invite you to share your concerns regarding the process related to Education Impact Statements and engagement with the larger school community around shaping policy and priorities in districts citywide. We will also use this meeting to update you on the status of our co-location lawsuit and review a suggested set of principles to be given to the DOE as criteria to be used moving forward for future co-located schools.

We will then have an open meeting to hear from all parents, teachers, SLTs, CECs and elected officials.

Lastly, we will be holding a press conference to share our new principles with the public and invite you to join us to display our unity in calling for an amended colocation process that strengthens schools and builds a better community.

We look forward to meeting with you on Saturday,

Best wishes,
Letitia “Tish” James
New York City Public Advocate

Event Details
Date:               Saturday, March 8, 2014
Time:               10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location:         195 Montague Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn
*****Press Conference will immediately follow the event*****

10:00 AM – 11:45 AM          CEC, PTA Presidents and Elected Officials Meeting w/Public Advocate James
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM             Meeting to hear from parents, teachers, SLT’s, CEC’s and elected officials
1:45                                         Press Conference       

DOE Gives UFT Ed Foundation Over Million $$ Contract to Implement

 Contract Agenda Item 13
Professional development for schools that adapt the New York State P-12 common core learning standards vendor name: UFT-Educational Foundation, Inc. 

Annual amount $1,223,646 Options (renewal options) : none

To be voted on at March 18 PEP at Prospect Hts HS.