Putin Cites Mulgrew/Randi Takeover of NYSUT as Inspiration for Crimean InvasionI admire the Unity Caucus operation tremendously. I only wish I had such control....My next invasion will be Brighton Beach to protect the Russian speaking population in Brooklyn.... I am looking for a condo in Brooklyn as a base of operation but the real estate prices are crazy.... Vladimir PutinEd Notes, March 4, 2014
UPDATE 7:30: Trusted source says Pallotta just retired. No drama. Also - no signs of early resistance to the move to Person.
- NYSUT: MORE Challenges Unity, VP Candidate Arthur ...
- Revive NYSUT (Pallotta/Mulgrew) OK With Non-Union P...NYSUT President Iannuzzi Condemns Treatment of Stu...
Salary Breakdown (2019)
- Gross Salary: $219,807
- Allowances: $0
- Official Business: $19,256
- Other Compensation: $3,916

Karen Blackwell Alford
E.D. 24 (UFT)
Carl Cambria
E.D. 25 (UFT) -
Mary Vaccaro
E.D. 26 (UFT)Executive Board Member -
Amy Arundell
E.D. 27 (UFT) -
Mary Jo Ginese
E.D. 28 (UFT)
Mary Atkinson
E.D. 29 (UFT) -
Anthony Harmon
E.D. 30 (UFT) -
Michael Mulgrew
E.D. 31 (UFT)Executive Board Member -
Elizabeth Perez
E.D. 32 (UFT)
E.D. 33 (UFT) -
Richard Mantell
E.D. 34 (UFT) -
LeRoy Barr
E.D. 35 (UFT)Executive Board MemberAT-Large-
Debra Penny
E.D. 24 & 25 -
Michael Sill
E.D. 26 & 27 -
Sean Rotkowitz
E.D. 28 & 29 -
Thomas Brown
E.D. 30 & 31 -
Janella Hinds
E.D. 32 & 33 -
Shelvy Y. Abrams
SRP At-LargeExecutive Board MemberAnne Goldman
Health Care At-Large
Melinda Person - Candidate for NYSUT President
Dear NYSUT Members,
I’m writing to you with great hope for the future of public education, for our students and those we serve, and for all of the amazing NYSUT members working in service to our communities. It is the difference our classroom teachers and school related professionals; our higher education, healthcare and public service professionals; and all NYSUT members make every day that strengthens my confidence in the future of our union.
In just the last few years, we have faced historically significant challenges — a global pandemic, violence in our schools, non-stop extremist attacks on education and unions, school staffing shortages, chronic underfunding, and threats to our economic and retirement security. Public education is truly at a crossroads.
So, why am I hopeful given all we’re up against? Educators have always been my heroines and heroes, and I know firsthand what they can mean for students and a community when they have the support they deserve. Educators are called to this profession by a singular purpose: an unwavering, unequivocal commitment to our students’ learning, well-being, and potential. Our members do these jobs because they want to make a difference, contribute to their communities and, if all goes well, change the world. This is the spirit that is driving me to take this next step to help lead our union in the years ahead.
New York is routinely ranked the best state to be a teacher, and that’s because of our strong unions and what we’ve won over decades. In my time at NYSUT, we’ve modernized our advocacy and member engagement, built out powerful regional political operations, and fought back against politicians trying to destroy public education and our union. Through our Pipeline Project we’ve elected NYSUT members to all levels of government including the State Senate and Assembly, propelling educators directly into seats of power. And as I write, state leaders are poised to implement the NYSUT-supported funding formula that will put more than $2.7 billion in additional funding to work in schools across our state this year, finally fulfilling the promise of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity lawsuit.
We won these things together. I’m proud of our victories to date and eager to keep fighting to continue accomplishing our goals alongside so many of you. I’m ready to put my more than two decades of experience in education and advocacy to work on behalf of NYSUT members, as a fierce advocate and dedicated public school parent with a strong track record of results in my roles as Executive and Political Director of our union.
I have a vision for education here in New York State, pre-k through post-grad, built through conversations with so many of you. I’m focused on creating workplaces where students and educators can thrive, ensuring our professions are enticing and sustainable career choices, and growing NYSUT’s power because the more powerful we are, the more we can win together. Here’s how we achieve that vision:
Creating workplaces where students and educators can thrive: To foster success, we need to build an environment where all staff have adequate resources, strong support and a baseline of respect. That means improving our working conditions, providing professional autonomy for educators, focusing on school safety, and tackling long-standing issues like a counterproductive overemphasis on high-stakes testing. Moreover, every student deserves a safe, welcoming and affirming learning environment.
Ensuring our members’ professions are enticing, sustainable career choices: NYSUT members have dedicated their lives to the service of our communities and deserve respect, dignity and economic security in return. Fostering a pipeline to and through a career in education means addressing staffing shortages, fixing Tier 6, guaranteeing retirement security, and ensuring all our members are backed by strong contracts with good pay, benefits and protections.
Growing NYSUT’s power, because the more powerful we are, the more we can win together: NYSUT’s strength lies within our membership, and I’m committed to growing the strength and size of our union through deeper member engagement using both current programs and new tools to expand member outreach, coupled with expanded organizing to form new units. We’ll keep our political program strong and send more NYSUT members and education champions directly into the halls of power. And with our Public Schools Unite Us campaign, we’ll continue driving forward public education as a solution to what divides our nation–because through high quality public education for all, led by our trusted educators, we can build a stronger future for all of New York.
For all the challenges that our state and nation are working through, I firmly believe that we are a big part of the solution. Public schools bring students together from all backgrounds, incomes, races, and religions–and it’s in our public schools where they socialize, play, learn and grow together. Our divides are not unbridgeable. People can disagree and still see each other’s humanity. We should be moving not left, not right, but forward.
I hope that I can continue to earn your support in this election. Over the coming months, I look forward to many opportunities to engage directly with you about the future of our union and of public education in New York State. We’re facing major headwinds, to be sure, but I am confident that together we can accomplish anything.
In solidarity,
Thank you for this, Norm. We routinely and rightly criticize politicians for making decisions about education despite having no teaching experience. It is absurd to endorse a non-teacher to lead NYSUT and make decisions on behalf of teachers.
It most assuredly is ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is the fact that it seems to be par for the course, and not an unusual experience for the UFT. Of course, it reminds us all of Randi Weingarten’s pre-inaugural activities and harried scampering for education credentials. (I believe she may have successfully talked to several hundred teachers in leu of experience - waiver granted.) Then, of course, there was/is Mulgrew - an English teacher, who showed workshop videos - a disgrace to all English teachers, workshop teachers and CTE teachers everywhere. It would be interesting to compile a list of all current and past Uft hierarchy and see how they ‘got’ their positions. I would say the majority, if not the vast majority received it through pointed (Unity) succession and not through even a perfunctory democratic process.
Wow!! I've been trying to catch up on the facts and this is an excellent account of what's happened through the years with AFT and where we're heading for, if we don't stop them! Huge Thanks Norm!!
In your history I think you could have sharpened the narrative. It appeared that Iannuzzi and his allies on LI were far more inclined to be anti-Common Core and pro-opt out of testing, influenced by huge LI opt out movement.
So he was replaced by Karen McGee because at that time, Mulgrew was pro CC and pro testing, but when McGee turned out to favor opt out of and esp. oppose rating teachers w/ test scores, they replaced her with Pallotta who would reliably parrot whatever was the UFT line at that time.
See https://ednotesonline.blogspot.com/2014/03/nysut-president-iannuzzi-condemns.html
Eventually NYSUT moved against the untenable rating system – despite the fact that Mulgrew had originally supported it. Unfortunately, the media including Chalkbeat got the narrative backwards and reported that UFT replaced McGee b/c she was too supportive of rating teachers with test scores!
Well done,as always, Norm! "The Amazing Randi" was betting on being the National Education Secretary under a Hillary Clinton White House, but obviously all that went to hell...I think that would have caused a major re-shuffling of the deck of "usual suspects"...another thought: living upstate now as I do, and having subbed locally in the Onteora School District (i'm in Woodstock), there is a real disconnect with the city's concerns,even here where there are lots of former city-ites...teachers I worked with seemed really dedicated as a group, but from what I could tell,much lesspolitically involved as union members...just my impression, though...
You didn't credit Andy on fighting for improving Tier 6. UFT did nothing, Andy did the work, Mulgrew took the credit.
And on teacher ratings during the pandemic they didn't publicly battle - but they were arguing in opposite directions.
Hey— thanks for referencing Hasidim in a post about a conspiracy to undo NYSUT from within. That’s a great look for our Union. Maybe we should build a wall around UFT or storm NYSUT HQ with flagpoles.
Hasidim, Unity - voting block lemmings.
Good job on promoting anti semitic ideas Norm. Hasidim as a voting block? Like there's no other group in the world that votes based on common interests. Way to go.
You didn't teach in Williamsburg and watch the Hasids load the school board, fuck the public school kids and steal $8 million bucks. They are Jews to me.
I don't care where you taught or what you saw. This blog post is anti semitic. Your bullshit promotes hate of Jews.
I call busllshit on your bullshit. I consider the actions of many Hassidic group as anti-semitic. See how they undermined public schools in Lawrence and upstate. Shame on public school teachers who are OK with that. And their voting based on what a rabbi tells them is also antidemocratic. You probably support the attacks on democracy in Israel -- You support breeders of anti-semitism.
Hasidic Jews are the most visible members of the Jewish community. When anti semitism rises in this country, they are always the first to be attacked. Your blog, and subsequent comments give comfort, and justification to hate filled people. Your comments were anti semitic and propagate hate of Jews at large. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Norm Scott promotes hate of Jews.
Typical. Anything related to Jews can’t be criticized. Most Jews I know are really pissed at harmful political behavior that hurts society at large. And Jews in general. As a Jew I felt I learned to think independently and chsllenge. The Jews in my school were often the ones to stand up. Let us know what you feel about Ilan Omar. As secular Jews we learned how to stand up for us and others. In my school it was often jews who stood up. The Catholic Church seemed to teach obedience to authority.
Not the first time I’ve been called a self hating Jew. You ought to check how secular Israelis who serve in the army feel about that community.
Hey Norm
This guy is just a loser Unity guy who can't stand the exposure.
I agree with 9:24 Norm. You expose the crap going on in Unity on the city and state level in this article and this guy picks out a one word joke which I wouldn't have used because it gives this Unity apologist an opportunity to distract and smear you and cover up what you are reporting. That's the tactic of the right wing. This guy is probably fine with tearing down Palestinian homes to build settlements and if you said something about it you would be a self-hating Jew.
You remind me of the time an Ed Notes cartoonist did one of Randi and Joel Klein and Tom Murphy came up to me after and said the cartoon was anti-semitic. How I asked and he said look at Randi's nose. I told the cartoonist and he said her nose is her nose.
Where's the anti war movement?
Check the demo of right wingers in DC on Saturday. But there is a left wing anti war movement too.
The push to put Melinda in power has been in the works for almost 2 years. It's all been very carefully orchestrated. You see, two years is the minimum length of NYSUT membership required by the NYSUT constitution for all officer candidates. No, Melinda is not a teacher, and she holds no teaching certificate. She has been quietly "double dipping" as a substitute teacher for the past two years. Becoming a substitute allowed her to become a NYSUT member. So, even though she holds two titles at NYSUT and earns 220k, this is what she's been doing on the side. All while Andy has also been parading her around the state, and putting her name on initiatives , letterhead, emails, etc. And all of this while seemingly ostracizing the awesome Jolene DiBrango, a well respected, hard working officer. I'm not sure how well liked or respected Melinda is, but word is that the NYSUT staff do not care for her, referring to her as a "power whore." And, be aware of the timing, everyone. Andy announced his retirement and Melinda announced her candidacy on Feb 10th for a reason. This date is the deadline for officer nominations. So, anyone upset with all of this has no time to make sure Melinda would have an opponent. Feb 10th was also the deadline for anyone to submit proposed constitutional amendments, like, for example, an amendment that says officer candidates must hold an actual teaching certificate, or have real classroom experience. Personally, I'm disgusted with NYSUT. I will NOT be voting for her, even if she is the only candidate and doesn't need my vote.
Jolene DiBrango should be the next NYSUT president.
Are there any public records of Person's teaching or license? It looks exactly like what they did with Randi.
Not sure. https://twitter.com/MelindaJPerson/status/1623508747879317505?t=UGOXd6hiV1IPLs0w6HtPMw&s=19
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