Saturday, June 6, 2015

Assault on a Chapter Leader While UFT Twiddles its Thumbs Plus Comments on Peter Zucker Case

As I reported yesterday, I attended a 3020a so-called incompetence hearing of a chapter leader of an elementary school - Another Chapter Leader Under Assault at a 3020a Hearing - except that the preliminaries took a long time and then DOE legal asked for an adjournment because the teacher had audio tapes of meetings with the principals and they wanted to hear them before proceeding. We were there from 10:15 until roughly 2PM waiting around and chatting.

It was a pleasure meeting the teacher's family - her mother, a retired NYC high school teacher, grown daughter and husband, there to support her. In addition, Paul Hogan and Pete Zucker, now on suspension, were there too. And we met other teachers and their families under assault.

I pointed out yesterday that this case should send up major warning alarms at the UFT.

Cases like this must not be treated the same as a non chapter leader, since employers often target union officials as a way to shut down union activity at the workplace -- and in many ways the DOE over the past 14 years has succeeded in doing just that. That the UFT is not blasting this all over the place is a perfect example of the union's accepting its role as as a head with little body.
After speaking to the teacher yesterday I am more convinced than ever that this is a case that the UFT should be using to make a major point. Her daughter told me that her 2nd grade kids were successful and it was the observations that are being used against the teacher. The real guts of this case are not the observations and charges of incompetence, but the political attack on a chapter leader doing her job.

My worry is that the lawyers, who often think on the narrowest of issues, will focus on responding to the charges without emphasizing that this is a case of political persecution due to union activities.

This is not to say that filing a lawsuit outside the system if you can afford it is not a good way to go. It seems that these lawsuits are piling up and the DOE and Legal is nervous

My advice to the teacher was to point out the duties of the CL and how she executed those duties -- and how the principal used that. She has been in the school for quite a while. How did she suddenly turn incompetent? What is going on is the principal is taking advantage of the new teacher rating system.

The teacher is not using a NYSUT lawyer and is paying on her own -- a lot of people are buying the line, sometimes put out by people with a business model, that they are incompetent on the whole. So far the people I've seen from NYSUT have been very competent and they have presented a political argument, some openly and some subtly. In my mind the fact that Portelos and Zucker still have a job is due to the case that they were targets. And the over-zealous DOE legals often help make that case.

Zucker was a cluster teacher in an elementary school seeing 300 kids a week, no more than once or twice. Let's face it - I was a cluster for a decade - it is often a form of babysitting to cover a prep - though most people do what they can with the job given its limits -- like being pulled for subbing, coverage, mass preps, etc.

The charges of incompetence were a joke. The job was specially created for him to try to make him fail. Like if I were to be put in a kindergartgen class I wouldn't have a clue and it would take me a year or  2, even as an experienced teacher, to figure it out. Of course I would exhibit evidence of not being competent at times.

Zucker is/was a computer/tech specialist. The principal left the computer lab, which he was instrumental in getting for the school, empty and put him in a job they branded, "Character education with literacy." Sure, spend 45 minutes a week with a class and expect results?

The principal, Allison Coviello, testified for 4 days - and the overkill was obvious. Here was a former colleague and first year principal spending an enormous amount of time focusing on cluster teacher Zucker. Didn't she have a school to run? Clearly an obsessive compulsive and it came through. Even the DOE lawyer seemed worn out.

The best part of the Zucker case for me was the claim that he didn't treat kids of parents well by Coviello, who tried to come across was a saint.
A parent came in to testify for Peter and she said he was the only teacher in the school who reached out to her admittedly difficult son and to her. When DOE Legal asked her did she talk to Coviello, the parent responded that she had 3 appointments with Coviello, who cancelled two of them and ended up getting into an argument with her at the other one.

Saint Coviello didn't look like much of a saint.

And I'm hoping that at the end of the day, the Chapter Leader's principal will be exposed for what she is.

There are 3 hearing dates next week and I only can make the last one next Friday and will probably miss the principal's testimony --- this is a case of DOE legal wasting an enormous amount of money and that the UFT doesn't scream this from every rooftop is why the union is a head with no body.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Another Chapter Leader Under Assault at a 3020a Hearing

Cases like this must not be treated the same as a non chapter leader, since employers often target union officials as a way to shut down union activity at the workplace -- and in many ways the DOE over the past 14 years has succeeded in doing just that. That the UFT is not blasting this all over the place is a perfect example of the union's accepting its role as as a head with little body.
I'm heading over to Chambers Street to attend the hearing of a Manhattan elementary school chapter leader who I've been speaking to at the Delegate Assemblies. She has told me quite a story of how she became a target after a lifetime of teaching due to her doing the job of chapter leader. I told her I would try to make some of the hearings. Today her principal is listed as the first witness.

This will be the first hearing I've attended where the teacher is not using a NYSUT  lawyer for reasons I am not totally clear, which means she has to pay the lawyer. Let's see how this works out.

I learned a lot about these hearings by attending. For instance, DOE Legal has 2 units - conduct and incompetence charges. NYSUT lawyers have the same system.

The two NYSUT lawyers, Chris Callagy (Pakter and Portelos - conduct) and Jennifer Hogan (Peter Zucker - incompetence charges), were both pretty impressive. Jennifer pointed out that handing each type of case requires different skills and gave me a great understanding of the thinking behind their strategies. One reason I believe people should not just abandon a NYSUT attorney without careful thought is that there is 40 years of experience in these cases to draw from.

Now, none of these teachers were totally found innocent - there were big fines and Peter just started serving a 4 month suspension without pay, which is a very heavy fine in essence - plus the loss of health care. You can read about Pete's case on his blog: SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL
I'll write more about his case to supplement what he will be writing. 
He called me yesterday and now that he is on suspension, may come down to today's hearing. I'll only identify the teacher if she wants me to, even though her name has been all over certain listserves (something I am careful about doing.) But I will write about the major issue here to me: this is not just any teacher but the elected union rep. Cases like this must not be treated the same as a non chapter leader, since employers often target union officials as a way to shut down union activity at the workplace -- and in many ways the DOE over the past 14 years has succeeded in doing just that.

That the UFT is not blasting this all over the place is a perfect example of the union's accepting its role as a head with little body. OK, Unity slug gang, let's start commenting about how somehow the union really shouldn't pay special attention to a chapter leader under assault.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Reorganization Grievances: Form MORE Chapter Leader listserve

A MORE CL sent an email about programs and reorg grievances to the list for people new to the process and looking for a template...
Once you have "tentative" programs, many staff members will have concerns or questions.  Here's a couple of points-

1- you have 48 hours to grieve your program.

2- I can't address any issue without documentation.  If you want to raise an issue about your program, please bring me a copy of it along with a copy of your preference sheet.  If you did not retain a copy, ask admin for one before coming to me.  It will make it easier and faster to address the issue.

3-contractual rules governing programming are complicated and consider things like preference, rotation, seniority, and there's lots of vague language that gives admin some leeway in programming and considering preferences.  We will look at the contract language together and determine if an issue can and should be grieved.

4- the 48 hour window to grieve a program (a "reorganization grievance") re-opens when you get your final program in September.  These grievances are expedited so they can be resolved more quickly.

5- based on past experience, bringing solutions to programming problems is more likely to solve the problem than grieving it.  In the past we have put our heads together with others in our departments and worked together to renegotiate programs with administration to lighten the load on some teachers.  Before doing anything else, I suggest checking in with others in your department and comparing programs.  Maybe solutions can be worked out.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I have become such an avid MORE supporter since the beginning of this farce contract we are now stuck with!!!; UFT team CuomGrew is in need of a BIG awakening:

MORE has been such an uplifting voice and encouragement to me for a few months now!  Please add me to emails etc... you guys have provided me with so much TRUTHFUL info that I have been able to take back to my school community members!  UFT team CuomGrew is in need of a BIG awakening!  I have become such an avid MORE supporter since the beginning of this farce contract we are now stuck with!!!  Everyone at my off "campus" site... knows that I am a MORE supporter all the way!!!! so again add me and let me know how I can encourage my school members to support you guys for the upcoming UFT elections...I have a daughter w autism that I just began homeschooling so I may not be able to get out to many meetings...but my email is open and I def use social media and texts to encourage my followers to support REALNESS!!!!

Love you all helped to open my eyes to the Cuomgrew Madness!!!!!!!

Lisa R, Brooklyn elementary school teacher
Lisa followed up with
I put in a payroll dispute through the UFT and was told by a salary rep that there has been MANY salaries that are OFF by a dollar or two! This is another way that Michael Mulgrew has cheated this union with this NEW/Current contract. So once again check the payroll portal and see what your yearly salary says and compare with the current uft salary chart and see if you are one of the "MANY" who has been cheated out of a couple of dollars!!!! SMH...MULGREW and his UNITY CAUCUS will NOT be getting my vote!!!

George Schmidt/Substance on Chicago Scandals as Byrd Bennet resigns

Barbara Byrd Bennett was the tip of a corrupt iceberg, to use a dead metaphor in violation of one of George Orwell's main rules of political writing. (See "Politics and the English Language" for a guide to covering Chicago's public schools).
And most of those whose power pushed forward the kinds of corruption now being documented on the front pages following the Byrd Bennett resignation are still in power:
The bombshell was not a big surprise to anyone trying to follow the machinations of Rahm Emanuel's school board since the mayor's inauguration in May 2011. On May 31, 2015, Emanuel's second "Chief Executive Officer" at the nation's third largest school system, Barbara Byrd Bennett, officially submitted her resignation, leaving the Board's Vice President Jesse Ruiz to run the show in his position as "Interim CEO."
Byrd Bennett resigns... New documents show Emanuel and City Hall were in the middle of it all from the beginning... SUPES outfit worked with Swanson and others in the elite to pick Brizard, then Byrd Bennett...

RAHMWATCH: 'There will be no media availability...' Chicago's mayor will continue dodging the press even as the fire burns to his door in the Chicago Public Schools corruption scandals (yes, that's a plural)...

Where else would you expect corruption and scandals galore than in the granddaddy of ed deform? Here we see why having an independent ed press like Substance charting the history of Chicago school politics for 40 years is so valuable. And George in this email to the Substance staff (for some reason I am on this list) shows just how proud he is of the work they do.
WOW! As I was finishing up other activities yesterday thoughts were actually focused on how completely we can now beat out our competitors on all the CPS corruption stories. The first thing, of course, is to remind people that every example of this nonsense was approved by a vote of the members of the Chicago Board of Education, so daily the question should begin with "WTF are you still dong here, David Vitale, Jesse Ruiz... etc.?" At the same time we can work to clean out this particular Augean Stable by identifying all those overpaid mercenaries that Rahm's "team" imported at great expenses to Chicago. 

Our historical approach to reporting has really paid off. It only took me a couple of minutes to find that picture of Beth Swanson from November 2008, when she was Arne Duncan's budget chief. We are definitely the only news organization in Chicago to have a collection of pictures of Sherry Ulery, Tracy Martin Thompson, Rhonda Corr Sargets, Bob Boik, Jack Elsey, etc., etc. ,etc.

And the other materials we have (including more than 100,000 indexed photographs, most by me and David Vance, but some by all of the rest of us) will make it easy for us to provide background as the explosions of corruption continue. I was really glad to have Marybeth's Board report (from the May 27 meeting) and John Kugler's shootings report ready to go when the Home Page got flipped to June 2015. 

But I have to tell you all, even I was surprised at the extent that the Tribune has returned to acting like a newspaper. That's a very good sign. The Sun-Times continues to so some good work, too. Despite some people's silly longings, Catalyst is still the same ruling class shill sheet it was when "Cleveland Catalyst" was touting the best school chief in world history -- Barbara Byrd Bennett ten years ago -- or when even before that they were discovering the brilliant young guy from Hyde Park and suddenly Arne Duncan was our "CEO". (I have to remind people some times about Catalyst's history, so that's this month's notice since now and then I get one of those "But..." responses...).
Another good reason for a news source like Substance is the coverage of the Chicago Teachers Union which even though under the control of friendly forces is not and should not be immune to criticism.

George and staff are on the case.
Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Jesse Sharkey spoke to the Board during the May 27, 2015 meeting. Among other things, he warned the Board that it was breaking its promise not to give away closed schools to charter schools by allocating Peabody Elementary School to a charter (on the agenda for the May 27 meeting). Sharkey noted that on the second anniversary of the massive school closings of 2013 (the Board action closing 50 schools was done at the May 22, 2013 meeting), the Board claimed that the buildings had tobe closed because they were "underutilized." He noted the hypocrisy of claiming there was no need for real public schools in some communities and then putting up additional charters. Substance photo by David Vance.

El Puente, MS 50 Battles Against Eva/Success Take Over in Williamsburg

I know MS 50 - it's a block from my old office at PS 84 and I used to cover that school for computer support. It is in the heart of gentrification territory in the Burg and Eva wants that building even though there are 2 other schools in there.  De Blasio wants to make it a community school with lots of services (MS 50 is one of the 94 renew targets, due no doubt to be starved for years to make room for Eva.)

It looks like my vacation is over. Gotta go and charge the video batteries.

June 1, 2015

Dear Friends,

The NYC DOE is holding a hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2, 2015 to discuss Success Academy’s request to expand its school to 5th grade, starting in the 2016-2017 school year. The hearing will take place at MS50 at 6pm. Those wishing to speak at this hearing must be there to sign up between 5:30pm - 5:45pm.

Please come out tomorrow, June 2nd, to support the MS50-El Puente Community School in our community’s declaration for the future of our school!

We hope that you will join us and declare that:

      We thank the DOE for investing in MS50’s future by selecting it to receive Community School and Renewal School grant funding for the next 3 years, in partnership with El Puente
      As part of these 2 grant-funded programs, we anticipate major growth and expansion of the academic enrichment and family support programs, as well as, and most importantly, growth in enrollment.
      Through this partnership, we are committed to supporting MS50’s transformation into a successful, robust, and model middle school for our community.
      We understand that the Success Academy is petitioning the DOE to expand its school to include Grade 5, beginning in FY17. While we will work with the DOE’s decision, before we can fully support that plan, our community must be assured that any decisions on reallocation of space be made consistent with the mandates and expansion goals of the DOE’s Community Schools and Renewal Schools Initiatives.

Again, we urge you to join us to lend your voice in asking the PEP to support the transformation and future of MS50.


Luis Garden Acosta  Frances Lucerna
Founder & President  Co-Founder & Executive Director
El Puente

Destination: Wedding in Turks and Caicos

Anything better than a wedding in flip flops?

I know you didn't miss me. We got back last night from our cousin's wedding in Turks and Caicos, a place I've never been, nor had a clear idea where it was - it is a few islands sort of between Haiti/DR and Cuba but north of them. Did we need to land at Kennedy and find wet, 50 degree weather? Thanks for great pals Joel and Shelly for picking us up.

We were there for parts of 5 days on talcum powder (choral) beaches with a bathtub warm ocean and so many pools and restaurants at this all in one resort. 96 people came, a tribute to the popularity of bride and groom, Margo and Jared. There were pre ceremony and post ceremony parties that still may be going on.

There was also an interesting cultural mix. Lots of people in their 30s and lots in their 60s. And Jared is Jewish and Margo is Italian/Columbian. I love non-homogeneous events. It was so interesting meeting her family for the first time and looking forward to seeing more of them.

I never thought much about destination weddings before, but now I see how they make sense. People don't just hang out for a few hours but a few days and many bonds are formed. So much went on that I wouldn't know how to even start writing about it. People dancing in the kiddy pool, amazing meals at 17 restaurants  - no reservations, no paying, just eating, too much drinking (and other stuff). We hung out a lot with Carol's brother Dave and sister-in-law Valerie. We also went out to eat with 15 people.

And the people who work at Beaches resort in Providencia are amazing -- treat everyone with dignity and patience without being obsequious.

(And another cousin is getting married at the end of the month - but the destination is Long Island.)

So let a few pics tell the story.

On way to final hour on beach Mon morn, look who we ran into

Brother Dan getting the rings ready - slight glitch

Brother and Best Man Dan with Jared and Margo

Margo's family

Jared's family

I finally got to wear my Tommy Bahama shirt

Monday, June 1, 2015

Mexican Teachers Side with me over Schirtzer - To Boycott Farce Elections

I made the case in my debate with Schirtzer over whether MORE should boycott the UFT elections next year (Read all about it: The Great Scott-Schirtzer Debate: Boycott UFT Elections or not...) but didn't seem to convince many people. But maybe there were some Mexican teachers
eavesdropping at the diner and hearing my brilliant arguments for boyvottin.

Teachers in Mexico Vow to Prevent 'Farce' Elections

Teachers in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca announced that they will be participating in an active boycott of the upcoming elections, ...

Radical Teachers Vow to Block Mexican Elections - ABC News

Sunday, May 31, 2015

ATR James Eterno Elected Delegate from Middle College HS; Why are there ATRS at all?

James' election by a staff that probably had little knowledge of the ATR situation until James arrived, is a significant breakthrough. James proved to his colleagues in every school he was sent to that the vision being promoted about ATRS - as incompetent - and worse - was false.
Having James Eterno back at the DA, along with his pal Arthur Goldstein reporting back is a win-win for us all.

Before I get to the story about James' election as delegate to a school that he probably won't be in this fall, I want to comment on the general ATR situation.

That James Eterno has not been snapped up by schools all over the city is a testament to the disaster the ATR/Open market/end of seniority. The 2005 contract opened the door to massive ed deform once the DOE was freed from having to assign people based on seniority, a system with some flaws, but one that worked, on the whole. Having a thousand or more people floating around the system year after year is a form of insanity.

The essence of the problem to me is the free market approach to education. In that world no principal should ever be forced to accept a teacher they don't want - even if the principal is nuts, or racist or whatever - the principal is king (or queen) and the teacher is mud.

Now we know that BloomKlein wanted to just fire people after 6 months or a year but that would have sunk the 2005 contract, which despite massive publicity, the opposition managed to get almost 40% to vote NO. So BloomKlein knew that had a basic winner in that contract and were willing to take on the costs of maintaining an ATR system as a loss leader- figuring that over time they would get the rest of what they wanted. I believe, the UFT seeing what happened in Chicago where the firing of teachers outright was a key element in overturning that union leadership, realized that they couldn't afford the political price of firing people. So instead, the UFT has worked with the DOE - with a wink and nod - to try to marginalize the ATRs and separate them from the rest of the members to the point where they would just turn their backs on them - figuring it would never happen to them (most don't seem to see the charter school tsunami coming).

Thus, James' election by a staff that probably had little knowledge of the ATR situation until James arrived, is a significant breakthrough. James proved to his colleagues in every school he was sent to that the vision being promoted about ATRS - as incompetent - and worse - was false.

Most massive organized systems like the DOE - have some formats that assign people to other positions when jobs disappear - and in the DOE, often intentionally disappeared. I remember the day that a young black man was assigned to our school by the district to teach special ed. We had no black male teachers in our school - in fact, I don't think we had ever had one. Looked like a win-win for us. My principal, who I suspected - due to upbringing and political views - had biased views on race - sent him back to the district - she didn't want him. The district sent him back to the school. She sent him back to the district - they sent him back a 3rd time -- I remember him sitting on the bench outside the office. I asked him what was going on - he shrugged. In the end, the principal had to accept him and he became an integral part of our staff one of the most popular people in our school. The thought has never left me that the only reason the principal kept sending him back was that he was a black man. In later years when we became friendly he seemed to agree -- but he was accepting of that as the way the world worked.

I tell this story because of the seeming horror whenever we suggest that excess people should be permanently assigned to schools, the way it was done for almost a century in this school system.

Here is James' story on the ICE blog of his election. He has told me that there are some amazing colleagues at his school who went very far towards helping him get elected. Kudos to them.



Saturday, May 30, 2015

EdNotesOnline Reprint, Dec. 2007 - Is New Action Really a Caucus?

Mike Schirtzer, who is digging up all the history of the caucuses in the UFT he can find - found this oldie that I published. Mike wants people to have the full context when New Action runs jointly with Unity with Mulgrew at the top of the ticket in the spring 2016 UFT elections. Of course, anything is possible and NA might contact MORE with the news it wants to rejoin the opposition.

Look at the numbers below. Mike Shulman, running against Randi, received 11,400 votes in 2001, the last time New Action ran its own presidential candidate. Randi, knowing the ed deform assault was going to get hot and heavy and with a unified opposition, their vote totals would go up, started contacting Shulman, who pretty much had control over New Action. Randi knew the weak spots. Flattered, Shulman bit. I actually attended a New Action Exec Bd meeting as the deal was taking shape in Sept. 2002 at the invitation of James Eterno, who was increasingly upset at the direction NA was going in. (A year later he, Ellen Fox and Lisa North would leave NA to help form ICE.)

One of them said how they felt they had more impact, now that Randi was listening to them, than they had over the past 20 years. I just smiled, since Randi has spent 4 years pulling the same scam on me/Ed Notes. I knew how that story would end. I had tried to put all the opposition forces together in a coalition soon after the 2001 elections, but there was too much infighting and positioning -- egos and politics.

New Action plays the positioning game - say they are opposed or for a policy but do nothing about it. And they have allies who even if they argue they are anti-Unity, want to be in the playpen with New Action and by association, Unity. 

I and most people in MORE would welcome New Action back into the fold if they would break with Mulgrew -- old grudges, etc must disappear in these times. That's what they have to do, as Julie and I, repping MORE, made that very point in our meeting with them in the fall of 2013. Still waiting for that call.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Is New Action Really a Caucus?

In the 1999 and 2001 UFT elections, New Action leader Michael Shulman received over 11,400 votes against Randi Weingarten in the UFT elections. PAC, another opposition caucus received 1300 votes. That's around 13,000 voting against Unity. That was the last election New Action ran a full slate. (I posted a reprint of an excellent piece by TJC's Marian Swerdlow that Ed Notes printed in April 2001 over at Norm's Notes at this link.)

New Action gave up being an opposition to join in a United Front with Unity. The result? Their votes shrunk almost in half by the next election in 2004 when
ICE/TJC wrested the high school Exec bd from them.

By the 2007 election, New Action's vote from teachers in the schools was around 1600.With retirees (many of whom are not aware of the sell-out) their vote came to around 3500, a [someone do the math] drop from when they opposed Unity.

So how did that United Front work out for them? Actually, not bad. While having little support in the schools, New Action members serve on committees, they have jobs and offices at the UFT and run around pretending to be an independent caucus.

We wanted to inform the delegates of the situation since New Action distributes their pretend caucus leaflets at the DA. Ed Notes Print edition distributed at the UFT Delegate Assembly on Dec. 12, 2007

Why am I bothering to spend so much time on a group headed for obscurity? With Weingarten, New Action's guardian angel set to leave the scene, we want to hasten their move towards oblivion, as their existence confuses the members and is a road block in the formation of a true opposition. In 1991 New Action actually got 31% of the vote. 16 years later, it's 9%. ICE/TJC's 20% in '07 is a building block for a future opposition.

Note: A New Action executive board member on Weds. called this a hatchet job and tried to compare what they are doing at Executive Board meetings with ICE/TJC. "How many resolutions did you get passed," he asked? Meaning: you couldn't get the 83 out of 89 Unity EB members to support your resolutions while we can through our sucking up to Weingarten. Duhhh! Read on!

The Numbers Tell the Story

Let’s look at New Action’s vote totals on its own as compared with ICE/TJC and Unity in the 2007 UFT elections. (Slate votes only).

High Schools
Unity: 2,183 (57.7%)
ICE/TJC: 1,524 (36%)
New Action: 521 (12.3%)

Number of high school seats on Exec Bd:
Unity: 3 New Action: 3 ICE/TJC: 0

Huh! ICE/TJC triples New Action’s vote and gets NO seats. Assume some of new Action’s votes (in all divisions) came from people who had voted New Action for 20 years when they were the major opposition, didn’t know about the sell-out and were confused. A swing of around 300 votes would have given ICE/TJC all 6 seats.

Democracy INACTION.

High Schools: Total Ballots 19,799
4,568 voted (23%, down from a 31% return in 2004)

The drop of 8% in HS significant. But it gets worse in middle schools where 12,841 ballots were sent and only 2,384 (18.6%) voted, down from the 27.6% who voted in 2004.
Here are the dismal totals.

Unity: 1,499 (67.6%) ICE/TJC: 444 (20%)
New Action: 273 (12.3%)
Elementary schools:
Mailed: 36,912
Returned: 8,904 (24.1%). 34.3% voted in 2004.
Unity: 6252 (76.7)
ICE/TJC: 1337 (16.4%)
New Action: 562 (6.9%)

Results from Elem + MS + HS:
Unity: 9,934 68%
ICE/TJC: 3,305 22.6%
New Action: 1,356 9.3%

Think about it. Less than 10,000 classroom teachers out of 70,000 voted for Unity as a slate. Dismal indeed. Weingarten’s totals are higher with the addition of the New Action votes but even with the addition of the non-slate votes, probably less than 15,000 in all.

To the overwhelming majority of classroom teachers, the union is insignificant. New Action, which at one time got over 10,000 votes, is irrelevant, even with its 8 bonus seats from Unity to be the house opposition.

Six years ago, in Dec. 2001, Ed Notes wrote:

Unity’s biggest fear is that New Action will fade into obscurity and a real opposition might blossom. Unity needs a non-threatening opposition to claim “we are a democratic union.” What better opposition than New Action, growing steadily weaker and less effective? By breathing life into New Action, the union leadership can give them an air of legitimacy as the “loyal” opposition. New Action is perfectly happy to occupy the position. As long as they play this role for Unity, there is little chance of seeing a serious opposition take hold. If New Action didn’t exist, Unity would have to invent them.

Ah, how time flies. Six years later, New Action is handing out leaflets talking about how 8 New Action members were elected to the UFT Executive Board in the UFT elections in March 2007. Unity holds the other 81 and ICE/TJC hold no seats on the Ex Bd.

Ed Notes is making a return appearance at the DA to fill in the missing information.

New Action received an automatic 5 seats from their candidates that also ran on Randi Weingarten’s Unity slate.

The other 3 seats came from running with Unity on the high school level, where they split the 6 seats with Unity. ICE/TJC had wrested these seats from New Action in the 2004 election when Unity didn’t run any candidates in a deal with New Action to have them not run a candidate against Weingarten. This led to the foundation of ICE and the reincarnation of TJC as a caucus active in UFT elections. The 6 ICE/TJC Ex Bd member were such a thorn in Unity’s side, they made sure not to allow New Action to run on their own against ICE/TJC.

What has NA they done with the seats? While their leaflets try to give the impression they are taking action at the Executive Board, they have endorsed every single policy advocated by Unity and have played the role of rubber stamp. (Come to an Ex Bd meeting and see New Action Inaction.) Their last leaflet contained not one word about the UFT’s endorsement of the merit pay scheme even though many New Action members are opposed. The same top-down mentality exists in New Action as in Unity. True birds of a feather.

Sometimes I'm amazed at the predictive powers of Ed Notes.

From the May 2001 edition:

New Action Goes CURR
The non-Unity active membership has declared New Action a CURR (Caucus Under Registration Review). In dropping from 31% to 21% of the vote in 10 years ( a 32% decline) New Action has clearly failed to meet the standards. If there is no improvement in the next election, New Action will be closed and reorganized into a debating society.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Where Ed Notes Stood - or Sat Down - Basic Positions of Ed Notes, Dec., 2000

Fifteen years have passed since I published this statement in Education Notes which was distributed every month at the UFT Delegate Assembly about a decade. I had begun getting reports from George Schmidt and Substance in Chicago about the impact of ed deform. Plus I had experienced a test-crazed principal in the 80s and the 90s and witnessed the impact on school culture and teacher freedom to teach. I tried to bring these early warning signs to the UFT/Unity Caucus leadership, not as a critic, but in a friendly manner -- accepting the bill of good I had been sold that Randi was going to be an honest reformer. My reso on curbing high stakes testing at the DA got a lot of applause, but lost when Randi gave it the kabosh -

Dec. 2000
Where We Sit

Soon to be: Where We Lie Down (preferably in a hammock) [this has come to pass - though that's not me in pic in case you're blind]

Basic Positions of Education Notes
• The classroom teacher should be the primary focus of support. If merit pay ever comes to pass, it should go to those who do the most teaching.

• Everyone should teach. Administrators, union officials, Chancellors, etc. Regular Exposure to Children (REC) by decision makers will give them a proper framework to make rational judgements.

• It’s Not Our Fault: Problems with education are not the fault of teachers or the teachers contract. Our contract does more to defend the children than anything proposed by the Mayor or the Chancellor or so-called advocates for children.

• Testing/standards for children has distorted education and will have a long-term negative impact.

• Testing/standards for teachers has little to do with how we teach and has been used as a political tool by politicians and our union (to keep teaching re- sources scarce as an argument for higher salaries) which admittedly most certified teachers think is a good thing but we view as detrimental to a number of our hard working and capable members.

Farina Casts Vote for 30% Teacher Eval Based on Test Scores

About evaluations: as an ambitious professional, I do not accept the principle that an inherently invalid procedure like misusing a diagnostic tool for children to assess me short form any part of my evaluation. Do we find it acceptable to eat a meal that includes 30%, 10% or 1% inedible ingredients?....Jeff Nichols, CTS
She's drunk.  What percentage should be applied to her job?...Khem Irby, Parent activist

I do believe we need to use test scores for a portion of the evaluations,” Fariña said. “The percentage we use is up for debate. In my opinion, 30% is acceptable.”
Jeff Nichols, CUNY professor and parent activist in Change the Stakes, responded:
Here's how I understand this issue.
Standardized tests can be marginally useful to educators only in the following circumstances:
The educator administers the test to the child. The educator knows both the child and the circumstances under which the test was given. The educator then looks in detail at the test, and in the context of the totality of his understanding of the child, determines whether the test yields any insights into challenges the child might be facing. The educator then makes decisions about the child's needs based on the his overall understanding of the child, informed partly by test results if that seems appropriate.

No advance "percentage" can be assigned to the test score as part of that judgment, both because the score might be completely worthless and because no one can form a professional judgment parsing out the factors that go into it by exact percentages!

Therefore, it is not acceptable to attach ANY stakes to the tests. Test scores could be part of a formal recommendation by an educator that a child needs extra help. But even beneficial consequences should never flow from test scores alone.

About evaluations: as an ambitious professional, I do not accept the principle that an inherently invalid procedure like misusing a diagnostic tool for children to assess me short form any part of my evaluation. Do we find it acceptable to eat a meal that includes 30%, 10% or 1% inedible ingredients?

But even more importantly than the folly of using test scores in teacher evaluations, Farina seems oblivious to this fact that all of us I think are aware of: The moment you attach consequences of any kind to a standardized test, you destroy its original diagnostic function. You create an incentive to mask the problems the test is designed to reveal. Imagine there were a pill you could take before a blood test that would alter its reading of your cholesterol -- and then imagine you'd lose your job if the cholesterol number were the wrong one. Would you take the pill? How useful would the test result then be to your doctor, whose priority is to improve your health -- not tweak numbers to give a false picture of your body?

Farina says "in her opinion" 30% is not too high?

This isn't a matter of opinion. High, medium or low stakes attached to test scores are unacceptable, period.

What am I missing? Is there something Farina knows that I don't?

I think we cannot give any quarter to those who would lower the percentage of test scores in teacher evaluations and call it a day.


Change the Stakes: Open Letter to Carmen Fariña INFORM PARENTS OF THE UPCOMING FIELD TESTS

...stand-alone field testing constitutes a fig leaf covering the State Education Department and Pearson’s incompetence in managing the state’s testing program. It provides the appearance but not the reality of credible test construction. ... CTS to Farina
CTS, the NYC leading opt out group, is being amongst the honorees on June 9 by Leonie Haimson/Class Size Matters at the Skinny (not Broad) Awards event. Through the efforts of our own Fred Smith, the Field Tests using our kids as guinea pigs by Pearson is being foisted on so many kids and so schools. The CTS crew wrote the

You can still get tickets and be in the company of the leading forces battling ed deform here in the city. And you can also support the opt out movement by attending or donating to assist in the work Leonie and Class Size Matters is doing. Click here.

Open Letter to the Chancellor - Carmen Fariña INFORM PARENTS OF THE UPCOMING FIELD TESTS 


May 28, 2015
Dear Chancellor Fariña,

We urgently ask you to inform all parents in New York City about the stand-alone field tests due to be given starting next week. The tests target 1,013 schools and approximately 135,000 children, and the state is trying once again to have schools administer them without any obligation to inform parents that this is happening.

The rapidly growing rebellion against state-mandated testing is about one thing: parents asserting our constitutional right to determine the shape of our children’s educations.  We want teachers, parents and local communities to run our schools—not corporations and privateers.  This is also one of your strongly proclaimed objectives.

Perpetuating high-stakes testing has been the core means by which for-profit corporations and the politicians they back have attempted to usurp authority over our schools. Stand-alone field testing is the expedient but discredited method Pearson has followed to generate test items and preserve its hold on the educational marketplace. The approach has resulted in the development of low-quality ELA and math exams to which our children, their teachers and we have been painfully subjected.

This is not just a philosophical argument over who should control public education and the fortunes of our children, although it certainly is that. 

There are three basic problems with stand-alone field tests all parents should be concerned about:

1)    Stand-alone field testing does not come close to reflecting best industry practices. It has been deemed by testing experts to be an inadequate way to develop test questions, because children do not take the exercise seriously. The information gained from the field tests is inherently unreliable and has repeatedly led to abominable ELA and math exams.

2)    Even if it met professional criteria for producing high-quality test material, field testing  constitutes product development for commercial purposes that demands disclosure and should require informed consent by parents before children are allowed to participate.

3)    In short, stand-alone field testing constitutes a fig leaf covering the State Education Department and Pearson’s incompetence in managing the state’s testing program. It provides the appearance but not the reality of credible test construction.

We appreciate the change in Department of Education policy that recognized the right of parents to refuse their children’s participation in the statewide tests. We know it also applies to field tests, but here we believe the situation requires a separate action.

We ask that you immediately inform all parents precisely when and where the coming field tests will be administered.  We further request that you simultaneously direct principals to advise parents that children are not required to take them. Principals ought to obtain the written consent of parents whose children are targeted for testing—allowing their children to participate. The DOE could set up the same kind of protocol it uses to gain parental permission for children to go on field trips.

In the past four years there has been no advance notice to parents that field tests were being given, much less an effort to obtain consent.  This includes your first year as the Chancellor when your spokeswoman Devora Kaye reportedly said, “We understand the frustration among parents and educators with the frequency of testing. This (field testing) is one of many practices we plan to review this summer and evaluate for the coming year” [Juan Gonzalez, Daily News, June 4, 2014].  What conclusions have you drawn about addressing that frustration, which has only grown this past year? Surely our request for greater transparency is one that you can meet.

The grass roots opt-out movement has been fueled by an increasing awareness of both the misuses of the tests and their alignment with the Common Core, which ever-growing numbers of parents reject.  The opposition will accelerate as more parents realize the state is not only forcing the use of test scores for purposes they never were intended to serve, but is also using the current secrecy surrounding the development and content of the tests to conceal a fundamentally unsound product.

Whatever your own opinion of the role of state tests in our education system, please take action immediately to support the right of parents in New York City to be fully informed about, and to give or deny consent for, their children’s participation in NYSED and Pearson’s June field tests. As you said in a news report on WNYC just the other day, “If you want to make real change, everyone in the community has to buy in.” Parents cannot buy into Pearson’s experimental field testing if they do not know it is happening.

The parents and educators of Change the Stakes

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Long-time ties between NYSED Commish Elia, Gates and AFT - What role does Gates money play in union policy?

Tampa, Fla.—The extraordinary partnership between Hillsborough County Public Schools and its teachers union brought U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan and AFT President Randi Weingarten to Rampello Downtown Partnership School in Tampa today for a roundtable discussion on Hillsborough’s groundbreaking efforts to improve teacher quality
Who really runs the AFT?

“Hillsborough’s teachers are leading change, fighting to create better opportunities for all kids, and driving a range of improvements in schools and classrooms,” said Weingarten. “District officials recognize the union as a full partner in school reform. They understand that frontline educators need to be deeply involved in decisions that affect their classrooms and their schools.”...- See more at:
Chalkbeat reported

Elia's selection drew an unusually broad base of support from New York education groups, from teachers unions to charter school advocacy organizations.


.....including words of praise from our fearless union leaders at the national, state and local level - WeinMulGee --

What does it tell you when our unions and the charter school scum line up together? All scum is created equal.

Oh how I remember how much praise at the Seattle AFT 2010 convention featuring Bill Gates for the partnership between the AFT/Gates and Hillsborough - with Arne Duncan along for the ride.

 I have video from AFT10 with Randi and Gates going ape over the wonderful Hillsborough story. Let's see, Perdido has a nice summary of that wonderful story:

The rundown on new NYSED Commissioner MaryEllen Elia so far:

Creating a fear-based workplace where subordinates felt "browbeaten" and bullied.

Accused of trying to cover up district complicity in the death of a 7 year old special needs child.

Was the target of parent protest for lack of district response after a second special needs child died at a Hillsborough school.

Oversaw a school district that has been accused of racial discrimination in its discipline policies and is target of federal complaint.

Oversaw a school busing and choice program that created a "reign of chaos" at McLane Middle School for ten years.

Was dubbed "MaryEllen EVILia" by some parents for pursuing district policies that harmed children with special needs.

Couldn't play nice with the school board and was ultimately whacked in a 4-3 vote in January.

As usual, our union is up to its ears in complicity under the "collaboration" umbrella.

Is it as simple as Bill Gates buying a union?

Check some of these out:

  1. Gates and Weingarten: Fixing Our Nation's Schools
  2. Dec 20, 2010 - Bill Gates and Randi Weingarten in Washington, D.C. Paolo Pellegrin .... In Pittsburgh and in Hillsborough County, Fla., two of the places where ...
  3. Randi Weingarten | American Federation of Teachers
  4. American Federation of Teachers
    RANDI WEINGARTEN is president of the 1.6 million-member American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, which represents teachers; paraprofessionals and ...
    Missing: hillsboro
  5. Weingarten and Duncan Visit Florida To Highlight Union

  6. American Federation of Teachers
    Oct 14, 2010 - American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and U.S. ... the union-management partnership in Hillsborough County that has ...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

CTS and NYC Opt Out Thumbs Down on Selection of MaryEllen Elia as NYState Commissioner of Education

While our unions at national, state and local levels jumped on the bandwagon, the real stakeholders said a loud BOOOOOOO!


Contact: Nancy Cauthen, Change the Stakes, Megan Devir, NYCOO,

CTS and NYCOO Respond to the Selection of MaryEllen Elia as New York’s Commissioner of Education
We at Change the Stakes and NYC Opt Out have grave concerns about the appointment of MaryEllen Elia as the next Education Commissioner for New York State. We are alarmed both by Ms. Elia’s public record as well as the process by which she was appointed.

CTS and NYCOO Respond to the Selection of MaryEllen Elia as New York’s Commissioner of Education

We at Change the Stakes and NYC Opt Out have grave concerns about the appointment of MaryEllen Elia as the next Education Commissioner for New York State. We are alarmed both by Ms. Elia’s public record as well as the process by which she was appointed.
After trying in vain for years to get the attention of state education officials and their elected overseers, NY public school parents resorted to mass opt outs as a form of democratic protest. Yet, on the heels of an unprecedented grassroots rebellion on the part of parents across the city and state, the Board of Regents has once again ignored our voices. While leaders of various stakeholder groups were apparently consulted about the selection of the Commissioner, leaders of the opt-out movement were not. There was no transparency in the selection process, no public vetting of candidates, no opportunity for public input.
Ms. Elia’s record makes it clear that she is born and bred of the corporate “reform” movement. As she stated in remarks yesterday, she is a strong supporter of both the Common Core Standards and high-stakes testing; she was an early proponent of using test scores to evaluate teachers, complete with $100 million in funding from the Gates Foundation. She also said that the best way to avoid opt outs is to increase communication. That is well in keeping with the views of her new boss, Chancellor Merryl Tisch, who recently said, “I hope over the next year to convince parents to help us help them understand why we test.” Both comments convey to parents a haughty disdain for the state of our knowledge; opt-out families are exceptionally well-informed, and the more we have learned about the policies surrounding high-stakes tests, the more resoundingly we have rejected them.
Ms. Elia’s selection by a unanimous vote signals that the Board of Regents intends to continue to condescend to the growing numbers of parents who reject test-driven, standardized education peddled by billionaires and corporate profiteers. In her few remarks made available to the public yesterday, the one desire Ms. Elia expressed for students – our children – is that they be supported “to be successful with new standards.”

Parents want our children to be held to high standards and we want them to be successful, which is precisely why we demand child-centered, individualized education – without high-stakes testing – to help each and every one of them reach their full potential. We want them treated equitably, regardless of the color of their skin, their cultural background or their abilities. Nothing Ms. Elia has said or done, of which we’re aware, suggests that she shares this vision.

We will reserve final judgment about Ms. Elia until she is on the job here in New York and we see how she approaches parents. But we are putting Chancellor Tisch, the Board of Regents, the Governor, the legislature – as well as the leaders of the UFT and NYSUT – on notice: we are angry, we refuse to be ignored, and we will succeed in restoring democracy to public education in New York State.

Regent Choice of MaryEllen Elia - EVILia - as State Ed Comm Sends FU Message to Ed Deform Resistance

I'm a bit late to the party slamming our new NY State Ed Commissioner, MaryEllen Elia in a UNANIMOUS vote by the Regents. I can get that it might have been a majority of these slugs -- but UNANIMOUS? Where was Cathy Kashin, who has been active up front and behind the scenes in
What NY State has to look forward to
voicing some opposition to the policies? We're betting she wants to replace Tisch and I'm thinking she may have felt that a dissident vote at this time might hurt her chances. While some people are rooting for her, frankly, I don't trust her intentions. But back to MaryEllen Elia, the very worst of the worst person that could have been chosen.

Some people on the Change the Stakes listserve are putting her in the Cathie Black category - I wouldn't since this horror story has an education resume and doesn't need any waivers.

EVILia has been chosen to reign in the opt out movement and other resistance - since she has a heavy foot I don't think it will be by offering olive branches but by using threats.

While some people lament this choice, I don't. We would never see a choice of a progressive like Bill Cala and I would rather deal with an accident waiting to happen than with some slick dude. From what I'm reading, EVILia may not be capable of turning on the charm so I predict great days ahead for we bloggers as she gives us material.

Here are some thoughts from RBE and James Eterno at ICE:

Perdido Street School
NY Board Of Regents To Parents And Teachers: Screw You! - In naming MaryEllen Elia, a former superintendent of Hillsborough, Florida schools to be NYSED commissioner today, the New York State Board of Regents sent... "Reign Of Chaos" For Ten Years At A Hillsborough Middle School Under MaryEllen Elia's District Leadership
We'll be looking at the track record of the new NYSED Commissioner, MaryEllen Elia, nicknamed EVILia by some Florida parents, over the next few posts.
Here's the first piece - the Tampa Bay paper on one troubled school in the Hillsborough district that the paper claims was exacerbated by district busing and magnet school policies under Elia: