Sunday, February 23, 2020

Hint of why no Bernie for AFT/UFT - In 2007 UFT Leadership Attacked Opposition Presidential Candidate for Being a Socialist

While the AFT Ex council recommended locals choose between Biden, Warren or Sanders, I still think Sanders is fundamentally taboo to the leadership but due to strong Bernie sentiment and support they couldn't leave him out. (Later I will report on that "democratic" phone call they used to make things appear democratic.)

UFT leaders come from a less radical socialist background that was shaped by the cold war and the 1930s battles in the teacher union in NYC between hard-core communists and socialists.

Despite the AFT Ex Bd including Bernie Sanders as one of its three recommended candidates, activists on the left in the UFT - which is the engine that moves the AFT - know full well that the historical anti-left stance of the union since its founding 60 years ago has not disappeared. As recently as 2007, the ruling Unity Caucus put out a red-baiting hit job on the opposition presidential candidate for being a socialist. Since the opposition to Unity has always included a strong left component, even in the recent incarnation of the opposition as MORE (before The Faction hit the self-destruct button), we still were hearing hints of red-baiting.

We saw at the debate the other day when Bloomberg called Bernie a communist that there is the tendency to lump all people on the left in one band - Marxixt-Leninist revolutionary socialists - which is very different from Bernie's democratic socialism which I interpret more as social democracy which is a European model, especially Scandinavia, far from Marxist-Leninists. Now I do believe that Bernie decades ago probably flirted with M-L brands of socialism as I and others did. But Bernie needs to

In March 2007 Ed Notes reported on the attack on ICE-TJC presidential candidate Kit Wainer who was running against now AFT president Randi Weingarten.

Unity Propaganda Machine Treads in Dangerous Territory, March 14, 2007

From its very founding, the UFT has had an anti-left strain in its DNA. And no matter how Bernie brands himself, and his brand of socialism should be amenable to our politics, in reality our leaders see Bernie's history as being a sign that he is not to be trusted. Signs that he has flirted with more radical elements in the past with his support for the 1980s version of the Sandinistas being a clue, along with some kind words for Castro. I and many others supported the Sandinistas when they overthrew a vicious dictatorship and opposed the Reagan Iran-Contra deal to overthrow them. So most progressives supported the Sandinistas as the alternative to the old American-supported dictatorship where American nuns being raped was considered OK. Are we surprised that there were people in the streets yelling death to the yanqi that propped up an vicious dictatorship? And we hear even liberals talking about how undemocratic the Sandinistas were - but especially bad today with its own form of dictatorship under Ortega. I think we have learned to be very careful about undemocratic socialists. (Yes Virginia, I have personal experience with that type.)

As for Castro, many on the left opposed the non-democratic nature of Cuba while praising certain aspects like medical care and education --- I visited in 1978 and also praised some of what I saw. The other big charge against Bernie is his honeymoon in the Soviet Union in the 80s - horrors. Many Americans went there - and his comments that there are things we could learn from them are not that outrageous -- like they did have universal health care and an education system that was much praised. Too bad they learned more from us in terms of oligarchic capitalism which led to Putinism and then we learned from them to go  to Trumpism.

Bernie need to emphasize the democratic aspect of democratic socialism vs the capitalistic socialism where government flows money to the top 10% instead of the bottom 90%.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Will Bloomberg Destroy the Democratic Party?

Bloomberg must be buying super delegates by the bushel.
Who has a better chance of unifying the Democratic base? Bloomberg or Sanders?

Bloomberg is as interested in making sure Bernie doesn't get the nomination as he is in defeating Trump. But a bigger outcome of his efforts may be to undermine the Democratic Party.

To me it is clear as I said in my last post (AFT Endorses 3, I Predicted Bloomberg Brokered Convention Strategy) that Bloomberg entered the race banking on a brokered convention, which would fracture the party. If he hadn't entered the race and merely put his money behind one candidate who could challenge Bernie he could have had moved the needle down to a two person race.

But his ego wouldn't allow that and thus he has weakened the middle candidates - Biden, Pete, Klobuchar - probably fatally - thus leaving him to hope he is the last man standing. But his performance in the debate has really exposed him. However, if Biden shows a glimmer, he's still in the game. If Pete finishes a strong second to Bernie so is he.

Ironically, Bloomberg seems to have boosted Warren back into the discussion and the powers that be may settle on her as the alt to Bernie instead of Bloomberg. But she is hemorrhaging money and will barely cling on until super Tuesday.

Bloomberg and his class are so threatened by Bernie - and were by Warren but since she turned toward the center maybe not so much now since they feel she can be influenced. So fundamentally Bloomberg and even some others in the party may be willing to engage in open warfare even if Trump wins to keep the left from gaining control of the party like Trump did to the Republicans.

AFT Endorses 3, I Predicted Bloomberg Brokered Convention Strategy In Nov. 2019

  • POLITICO Pro Breaking News: American Federation of Teachers urges members to support Biden, Sanders, Warren

  • Bloomberg Strategy: A Brokered Democratic Convention, Super Delegates (Randi is one) - I bet on Klobuchar being the brokered choice- Nov. 25, 2019

So the news yesterday was that the AFT held some kind of town hall - I found a message on my machine -- another rigged event to make things look democratic - we heard for months that Randi wanted Warren but her weakness put them in this position of Biden (Mulgew running as delegate), Warren and Bernie who we know is the last choice so a victory of sorts for Bernie, just like the non-endorsement by the Culinary Workers in Nevada after they attacked Bernie was a victory of sorts after some kind of pushback from the rank and file. I bet the AFT polls must have showed some strength for Bernie. But to endorse these 3 pretty much takes us nowhere and in fact moves us to a brokered convention - which I where I believe Randi wants to go so she and her super delegates make the difference.

And it is clear that Bloomberg is the least likely candidate to beat Trump.

OK. So I was wrong on Klobuchar as a consensus. But the article below from Politico pretty much affirms my prediction on the Bloomberg strategy, though I didn't consider how many Dem hypocritical politicians Bloomberg would buy, including my own congressman, Gregory Meeks -- and I'm going to a fund raiser tomorrow for his primary opponent Shaniyat Chowdhury -

The key to the Bloomberg strategy are the 750 party chosen super delegates, of which Randi is one (and possibly Mulgrew). We know that Bernie is not the choice of the party leaders because he is an existential threat to their control in addition to being a threat to their political stances on a number of issues, including on foreign policy of policing the world. And note the Bloomberg team's suggestion that the others get out of his way -- and don't be surprised to see some money floating in their direction (I wonder about Yang dropping out.)

In 2016, the super delegates threw their support to Hillary and the way that unfolded upset Bernie people since they are not elected delegates. But Hillary did have the majority anyway. This time the super delegates can't vote until the 2nd ballot - which Randi claimed was one of her ideas when we saw her at an appearance at the CUNY Labor School a few months ago. Recently with Bernie looking like a threat, there were some calls to go back to giving them a vote on the first ballot to stop Bernie.

Bernie is expected to have a plurality but with so many candidates not a majority, so on the first ballot no one will win.

The question that was asked by Chuck Todd at the debate about these rules and only Bernie said the plurality should get the nomination - he wasn't given time but did get in the point about the unelected super delegates having the ability to overrule the leader.

Now if it's close in terms of numbers - say Bernie  has 1000, Biden 700, etc - then I can see some discussion where someone with 51% of the delegates gets the nomination. That process would be a problem. But say Bernie has 1700 out of the 1900+ and the others gang up to pool their votes along with super delegates. That will not be pretty and already people are thinking of going to the convention to push back in the streets against this possibility. It would certainly split the party and lead to the same type of situation we saw in 1968 in Chicago where the party machine made sure to hand Hubert Humphrey the nomination over Eugene McCarthy and cause enough of a split to elect the much hated Nixon (even more than Trump is in some ways  - of course in 1968 Trump was recovering from his bone spurs). Even with that split Nixon only won be a hair.

If say Bloomberg get pushed ahead of Bernie in a brokered convention, we will have a disaster. I'm not even shocked at how many Democrats are willing to overlook so much baggage Bloomberg carries. Imagine Trump trotting out woman after woman who makes claims against Bloomberg. And imagine Trump trotting out example of people who were stopped and frisked just for giggles.

Bloomberg quietly plotting brokered convention strategy

The effort is designed as a potential backstop to block Bernie Sanders by poaching supporters from Joe Biden and other moderates.


LAS VEGAS — Mike Bloomberg is privately lobbying Democratic Party officials and donors allied with his moderate opponents to flip their allegiance to him — and block Bernie Sanders — in the event of a brokered national convention.
The effort, largely executed by Bloomberg’s senior state-level advisers in recent weeks, attempts to prime Bloomberg for a second-ballot contest at the Democratic National Convention in July by poaching supporters of Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats, according to two Democratic strategists familiar with the talks and unaffiliated with Bloomberg.

The outreach has involved meetings and telephone calls with supporters of Biden and Pete Buttigieg — as well as uncommitted DNC members — in Virginia, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma and North Carolina, according to one of the strategists who participated in meetings and calls.

With Sanders’ emergence as the frontrunner in the presidential primary, Democrats in those states have recently raised the prospect that the democratic socialist could be a top-of-the-ticket liability.
“There’s a whole operation going on, which is genius,” said one of the strategists, who is unaffiliated with any campaign. “And it’s going to help them win on the second ballot … They’re telling them that’s their strategy.”
It’s a presumptuous play for a candidate who hasn’t yet won a delegate or even appeared on a ballot. And it could also bring havoc to the convention, raising the prospect of party insiders delivering the nomination to a billionaire over a progressive populist.
Other candidates have quietly been in contact for months with superdelegates — the DNC members, members of Congress and other party officials who cannot vote on the first ballot at a contested national convention — but none have showcased it as a feature of their campaign, as Hillary Clinton did in 2016.

Asked about Bloomberg’s efforts, spokeswoman Julie Wood said Thursday, “We have an enormous apparatus that is constantly reaching out to all types of people for support and to explain why we think Mike is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump."
The rule prohibiting superdelegates, or automatic delegates, from voting on the first ballot of a contested convention was instituted only after the last convention, which followed a primary in which superdelegates overwhelmingly sided against Sanders and with the establishment-oriented Clinton.
The reduction of those delegates’ power was a major victory for the Democratic Party’s left flank, while many Democrats, regardless of ideology, believed it could help broaden the party’s appeal to young voters skeptical of centralized party power. Earlier this year, when a small group of DNC members began gauging support for a potential policy reversal to allow superdelegates to vote on the first ballot, DNC officials quickly dismissed the idea, and even proponents of a change acknowledged they could not get traction for it.

If Sanders secures a plurality of delegates but loses the nomination on a second ballot, many moderate and progressive Democrats alike predict the national convention in Milwaukee would devolve into chaos.

Bloomberg’s effort comes as the prospect of a contested convention becomes less and less remote. That development is in part because of Bloomberg’s own late entry into the race. The billionaire former New York City mayor’s deluge of spending on television advertisements and campaign infrastructure put him into contention, while further muddling the Democratic primary field.

Many moderates, including Bloomberg’s supporters, fear that the centrist vote may be divided, allowing Sanders, the more progressive senator from Vermont, to reach the convention with more delegates than any of them.
If Sanders accomplishes that — but fails to amass the 1,991 delegates necessary to clench the nomination on the first ballot — superdelegates could prove pivotal, a possibility raised in Wednesday’s presidential debate.

Asked if the person who arrives at the convention with the most delegates should become the nominee, even if he or she falls short of a majority, Sanders said “the will of the people should prevail” and that “the person who has the most votes should become the nominee.”

In contrast, Bloomberg and every other candidate suggested convention rules should dictate the outcome — meaning only a candidate with a majority of delegates should claim the nomination.

Following the debate, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who has endorsed Bloomberg and chaired the 2012 Democratic National Convention, said a second ballot will likely be required this year.
“I think everybody’s going to be scrambling for delegates,” he said. “And I think all the candidates made that clear, except for Sanders.”

Bloomberg was battered in the debate here Wednesday, his first since announcing his candidacy. Bloomberg, who is bypassing the first four nominating states and focusing instead on Super Tuesday, was criticized for his extraordinary wealth, for allegations that he made derogatory remarks about women and for his years-long defense of “stop-and-frisk” policing.
But Bloomberg’s fortune has allowed him near-limitless spending, and his campaign’s outreach to superdelegates reflects an operation that can afford not only to advertise, but to organize in any state.
Rising in recent polls, he has sought to cast the contest as a two-person race between him and Sanders, despite the votes that other moderates — unlike Bloomberg — have already won in early contests. The campaign this week suggested Biden, Amy Klobuchar and Buttigieg are only siphoning votes away from Bloomberg and enabling Sanders.

“Look, I think if the election were today, Bernie Sanders would come out of Super Tuesday with the delegate lead,” longtime Bloomberg adviser Howard Wolfson told reporters Wednesday night. “In part that is because the moderate lane of the party is split, and … many of the candidates are going to split that vote. Now, that may change between now and Super Tuesday, but I think if the election were today, that would be the result.”
He called Bloomberg “the best-positioned candidate to take on Bernie Sanders.”
Responding to a question at the debate on Wednesday about whether the person with the most delegates should be the nominee, Bloomberg said, “Whatever the rules of the Democratic Party are, they should be followed.”
Asked if that meant the convention should “work its will,” Bloomberg replied, “Yes.”

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Class Size rally and hearings CORRECTED: Hearings moved to Friday at 10 AM , Feb. 28

NO RALLY -  And please come testify at the City Council Education Committee hearings on class size starting at 10 AM, across the street at 250 Broadway 14th floor, to express why this issue is important to you.

Also please distribute the attached flyer widely.
Leonie Haimson

Class Size and School Overcrowding Citywide Trends - Here is a presentation explaining why class size is important, with data showing city
For more information, email

John Oliver Destroyed Every Argument against Medicare for All

The current system, as Oliver put it, is a “shit sandwich”, while “Medicare for all who want it” is “still a shit sandwich, only with avocado on it because the same shit still remains.”.... John Oliver

While this John Oliver video is great we still need a direct attack on the union arguments we see coming out of the UFT and the culinary workers in Nevada about "losing" their wonderful plans which were negotiated with employers which took a chunk out of our salaries in exchange.

And one of the sidelights - or lowlights - of the union attack on Bernie  was claiming they would lose their current plan while in presenting the more favorable - to them - Warren plan as "replacing" it. Subtle but not so subtle. I've seen Randi or her surrogates do attacks on Bernie (less preferable to them than Bloomberg - or Trump.

(Randi trashed Bernie supporters for their attacks -- I must recall some of the vicious Unity crap when we ran against Randi - like the 2007 red-baiting attack on Kit Wainer for being  - horrors - a socialist.)

You know what? I bet there is some level of benefit to the unions from private insurance plans - look at our own welfare fund administered by the UFT - and how much control that give the leadership. Do you think there's some patronage that would go away under Bernie's plan?

Imagine our unions using the fave argument of the charter industry which is attacking teachers, public schools and our unions - CHOICE.

As John Oliver says -- the American health care system gives you so many choices - on how to get fucked.

The point purposely left out with plans to give people a choice is that it maintains the massive health care private bureaucracy at enormous cost. Thus funding the private and public option is so enormous there is little chance for it to succeed - which is exactly the point of their attacks on single payer -- a hell of a lot of people no longer get to profit -- and I'm thinking that includes some very big institutionalized unions.

Don't forget how in recent contract negotiations we have to help the city save lots of money in our health plans - and there has been some erosion. So wow - what a hit that we no longer have to negotiate on health but ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT - SAY - REDUCING CLASS SIZE?

American healthcare — so many ways you can choose to get fucked - I was wondering when John Oliver would get around to explaining Medicare for All, and here he is

Here is the Daily Kos report:

Darth Stateworker

I just finished watching Last Week Tonight, and in my opinion, tonight's main story about M4A should be required viewing for anyone on the subject.

Oliver, in his usual brilliant style, systematically destroyed every argument against M4A:
  • Nobody knows what it will actually cost.  Anyone saying otherwise is full of shit.
  • Most cost estimates come in at or below our nations current public and private sector combined health care spending, and even if it doesn’t end up that way, it’s worth it.
  • The idea of “choice” is an illusion.  Most people have one choice:  Whatever their employer offers them.
  • People often have no choice at all in emergencies but to go out-of-network — often even when they’ve gone out of their way to try to stay in network.
  • Under M4A, every provider is in network.
  • The “wait time” argument about other nations with nationalized healthcare that is currently a favorite of those opposed to M4A is basically bogus and based on non-emergency or elective procedures.
  • People wait ridiculous amounts of time *now* because they simply cannot afford the co-pays and deductibles needed to be met to get said procedures.
  • A system where people have to choose between one life saving medication or another due to cost is inherently unjust.
  • Yes, people in the health care bureaucracy will need new jobs, but that can be handled and is part of the plans offered by both Sanders and Warren.
  • The current system, as Oliver put it, is a “shit sandwich”, while “Medicare for all who want it” is “still a shit sandwich, only with avocado on it because the same shit still remains.”
And finally, the most succinct point:
  • If you’re arguing against M4A, you’re arguing for all of the flaws and unfairness inherent in our current system and you need to own that.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Fred Smith: Dispatch from 2017: How Bloomberg won and Ross Douthat: The Bloomberg Temptation Will the Democrats try to replace Donald Trump with a power-hungry plutocrat?

Trump has Putin envy; Bloomberg hearts Xi Jinping. --- Ross Douthat, NYT, Feb. 15, 2020
Michael Bloomberg reminds me of no one more than Donald Trump. .. Arthur Goldstein, NYC Educator,
Fred Smith wrote this amazing piece 4 years ago about Bloomberg beating Trump and posted it this morning.
Finally, here's something spoofy I wrote that the Daily News published in 2016 describing how Bloomberg won the presidential election that year.

In many ways, it is a blueprint that presages what we are witnessing now.
Fred Smith
Dispatch from 2017: How Bloomberg won 
It is Jan. 20, 2017, and Michael Rubens Bloomberg, an honorary Knight of the British Empire, is about to take the oath of office and become the 45th President of the United States of America.

The media have been given a copy of the inaugural address — which, as advertised, will be the shortest one ever delivered, less than two pages. This type of brevity has served our next President well. Throughout his career, he has let his actions, organizing ability and money speak for him.

It was that winning combination that took him all the way to the White House during the tumultuous election year. Exhibiting his smarts as a bottom-line businessman, it was in the early summer that Bloomberg said he would give $200 to everyone who voted for him in November. That promise kept his advertising expenses down.

To justify his generosity, President-elect Bloomberg proudly declared that he had always paid his own way and no one could buy him — to the contrary, he could buy others.

Bloomberg was simply updating the same formula he used to gain re-election as New York City mayor in 2009, when he beat Bill Thompson by 4.4 percentage points. Then, he spent $183 per vote, which tapped his wallet to the tune of $102 million. This allowed him to run without depending on outside funding and the influences and obligations that attach to such campaign contributions — an opportunity that only extremely wealthy people can take.

At the national level, it became a slightly costlier proposition, but Bloomberg kept his per-vote costs down by cutting out the consultants and ad buys and sending the cash directly to the people — provided they'd cast a ballot for him. At a cost of $200 for each of 66 million votes (the number Obama won in 2012) — which were strategically spread around the country to maximize electoral vote totals — his purchase of the presidency set him back $13.2 billion, leaving his net worth at a comfortable $25 billion.

That’s rich
That’s rich (John Marshall Mantel/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
And that is likely to grow, given that it is now being placed in a "blind trust" for the duration of his term or terms in the Oval Office, much as it grew in his 12 years at City Hall.

True to character, Bloomberg ran an economical race. He used only two slogans, both of which could be considered a bit self-deprecating, perhaps, to show his sense of humor: A Bicycle in Every Garage, and He'll Save You From Yourself.

At the same time, he was able to fend off a couple of sticky issues raised anew last year. Bloomberg again denied his corporation created a hostile climate for women, who were said to have been given hush money to settle harassment suits. It didn't hurt that one of his opponents was a fellow billionaire known for objectifying and insulting women.

And Bloomberg simultaneously scoffed at criticisms that, as New York City mayor, his administration's supposed accomplishments were largely the result of a massive news management operation and press agents keeping unfavorable stories out of the media.

One of the handful of times he really got testy as mayor was when reporters kept asking how anyone could take seriously his claims about raising city students' reading scores.
Last but not least, 73-year-old Bloomberg had to address the age factor. During the election, scrutiny on that point, too, was blunted by the fact that both opponents were also veritable geezers.

Now that it is inauguration day, pundits are already speculating about a second term — or a third, the Constitution's 22nd Amendment be damned. Bloomberg has good reason to believe that in 2024, the Supreme Court's new chief justice, Joel Klein, will find a way to interpret the amendment to suspend term limits.

In the interests of disclosure, I voted for Michael Bloomberg for President. We need a businessman running our country. And with my occasional need to purchase print cartridges, $200 is nothing to sneeze at.

Smith, a testing specialist and consultant, was an administrative analyst for the city's public schools.


Douthat is a conservative but I've been thinking the same kind of things. When I read that despite Bloomberg's problems he is so much better than Trump I see the same kinds of thinking among Trumpists who excuse his
history and behavior because on some issues he is good for them.
Thus Bloomberg would do to the Democratic Party what Trump did to the Republican Party.
Norm - 2/15/20


The Bloomberg Temptation

Will the Democrats try to replace Donald Trump with a power-hungry plutocrat?
Opinion Columnist

Democrats considering this sales pitch should be very clear on what a Bloomberg presidency would mean. Bloomberg does not have Trump’s flagrant vices (though some of his alleged behavior with women is pretty bad) or his bald disdain for norms and rules and legal niceties, and so a Bloomberg presidency will feel less institutionally threatening, less constitutionally perilous, than the ongoing wildness of the Trump era — in addition to delivering at least some of the policy changes that liberals and Democrats desire.
However, feelings can be deceiving. Trump’s authoritarian tendencies are naked on his Twitter feed, but Bloomberg’s imperial instincts, his indifference to limits on his power, are a conspicuous feature of his career. Trump jokes about running for a third term; Bloomberg actually managed it, bulldozing through the necessary legal changes. Trump tries to bully the F.B.I. and undermine civil liberties; Bloomberg ran New York as a miniature surveillance state. Trump has cowed the Republican Party with celebrity and bombast; Bloomberg has spent his political career buying organizations and politicians that might otherwise impede him. Trump blusters and bullies the press; Bloomberg literally owns a major media organization. Trump has Putin envy; Bloomberg hearts Xi Jinping.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Video: Bloomberg and The Legacy of Stop-and-Frisk - Between the Scenes | The Daily Show

This is the best speech against stop-and-frisk (and Bloomberg) I've ever heard. Should be circulated to everyone you know..... from a friend

Friday, February 14, 2020

Bloomberg Daughter Secretly Marries Ed Deform/FES Slug Kittredge, De Blasio Appoints Merryl Tisch Daughter, Carville Agrees with Trump in calling Bernie a communist

Will Jeremiah Kittredge be Bloomberg's Jared Kushner? Remember that Bloomberg will fire Betsy DeVos and replace her with Eva Moskowitz who was Trump''s first choice.
And does Jessica Tisch need another government job handed out by our so-called progressive mayor? (Did the Tisches give to his bogus pres campaign and is this payback - a quid pro quo?) And how funny that both Trump and James Carville call Bernie a communist - birds of a feather?
A couple of interesting bits on two daughters of NY billionaires connected to ed deform. Jeremiah was head of astroturf Family for Excellent Schools (FES) and note this: "The charges stemmed from a woman’s complaint that Kittredge, during an education conference at a Washington, DC, hotel, “sticks his head in my chest” in an elevator and commented on her “big boobs,” POLITICO reported."

Perfect son-in-law from sexist Bloomberg.

Mike Bloomberg's daughter Emma secretly marries Jeremiah Kittredge

Sue Edelman had the story from a tip:
(If link doesn't work see story below).

And remember that Bloomberg as presdent will destroy

In Dec., Merryl Tisch’s daughter Jessica was appointed by de Blasio as Commissioner of Dept of Information Technology – formerly at NYPD in charge of counter-terrorism and surveillance. 

Merryl Tisch was the Regents agent of ed deform and a close ally of Bloomberg who I think  may be her next door neighbor - when we protested at Bloomberg's home in 2010 we were hitting two birds with one stone. I mean does another billionaire daughter need a job in govt?

Ed Notes took some shots at poor Jessica over the years:

You Mean, That Jessica Tisch? 

March 9, 2014: NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton names Jessica Tisch as deputy commissioner of information and technology

Apr 15, 2008
Today's Post includes an op-ed calling for voters to decide on term limits so Bloomberg can run again. The piece claims Bloomberg has outperformed, citing his record in improving the schools. It's written by a Jessica Tisch, ...
Apr 07, 2009
I wrote about the ridiculous NY Post editorial her "brilliant" daughter Jessica sent supporting Bloomberg's 3rd term: "Average Citizen" Jessica Tisch Calls For Bloomberg 3rd Term. Posted by Norm @ ed notes online at
May 15, 2011
... in decisions concerning our children. Leonie Haimson: Merryl Tisch's daughter Jessica , wrote that oped in favor of overturning term limits and a third term for Bloomberg, based upon his terrific record at running our schools.

Here's some more:

and see this 2008 oped she wrote for the NYP supporting overturning term limits so Bloomberg could run a third time:

By most measures of successful urban management, Mayor Bloomberg has outperformed. His administration has presided over extensive real-estate development in the city, improved schools and reduced crime.

Here's the full NY Post piece from

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Stanley Cohen and Beverly Peppers Obits: Graduates of Madison HS and Brooklyn College

I learn so much from reading obits. And Boy Madison HS has some grads - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, former Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN), Carole King, Andrew Dice Clay, Sandra Feldman, Marty Glickman, Martin Landau, Chris Rock, Judy Sheindlin, Sonny Werblin,  and my brother-in law.

A day or two apart two obits of 97 year olds appeared in the NYT and both graduated from Madison and went to Brooklyn College. Here are excerpts but read them both especially Beverly (Stoll) Pepper.

Dr. Cohen was born on Nov. 17, 1922, in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn to Jewish immigrants from Russia. His father, Louis Cohen, was a tailor, his mother, Fannie (Feitel) Cohen, a homemaker.
After surviving polio in childhood, Stanley attended James Madison High School in Brooklyn. He majored in both biology and chemistry at Brooklyn College, graduating in 1943.
An American artist who long worked in Italy, she created towering forms whose evanescence belied their giant scale.

The daughter of Irwin and Beatrice (Hornstein) Stoll, Beverly Stoll was born in Brooklyn on Dec. 20, 1922, and grew up in the Flatbush neighborhood there. Her father sold carpet and linoleum and later fur coats; her mother took in laundry and was an activist for the N.A.A.C.P.
Beverly wanted to make art from the time she was a child. After graduating from James Madison High School in Brooklyn, she entered the Pratt Institute, in the same borough, where she studied industrial and advertising design.
Already fascinated with construction, she tried to enroll in an engineering course there but was denied: Engineering, she was told, was no fit subject for a woman.
After earning a bachelor’s degree from Pratt, she worked, miserably, as an art director for New York advertising agencies. She took night classes at Brooklyn College, studying art theory with the painter Gyorgy Kepes.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Chicago Teachers Don't Endorse Bernie Sanders As Warren Supporters Push Back

Bernie Sanders courted the Chicago teachers union endorsement. Here’s why it didn’t happen.... Chalkbeat 
If there was any union you would expect to endorse Bernie Sanders, next to L.A., the CTU would be the one. But it didn't happen.
Chalkbeat  reports:  Shortly before Chicago teachers went on an 11-day strike this fall, Sen. Bernie Sanders headlined a rally at the union’s headquarters. The space was packed with teachers, many carrying blue “Bernie” signs. His appearance was a show of support for Chicago educators as they pushed for a contract guaranteeing higher pay, smaller class sizes, and more social workers and school nurses. And in his speech, Sanders linked his presidential bid to the union’s fight.
So what happened?
This report from Substance has some details of the CTU Del Ass last week where the Sanders endorsement recommended by the CTU Ex Bd to the Delegate Assembly (their chapter leaders) was rejected by a slim margin. Which is interesting and demonstrates the leadership control is not solid (here in NYC there is no way an EB reco would be rejected by the DA). In 2016, CORE caucus which is in power endorsed Bernie but the leadership wouldn't follow suit and I believe that was the work of Randi and her gang in keeping them officially out of Bernie's hands and it wouldn't shock me that Randy's hand was operating on some of the leadership in the CTU.
The PAC/LEG committee offered no endorsement for the U.S. presidency. The last time it did was 2008 (Obama). However, the CTU E-Board recommended that we endorse Sanders for president. Note: Even if we endorse someone for president the law forbids any monetary contribution. Delegates Beth Eisenbach and Tara Stamps spoke against endorsing Sanders (International High School), Debby Pope and one other delegate spoke in favor of it before the question was called. The vote was 121 in favor, 136 against, and 28 abstentions. I voted in favor of the measure.
At this point Stacy Davis Gates went to the floor and motioned that the CTU take an official position of neutrality as opposed to looking like we rejected Sanders. After a short debate the House voted in favor of neutrality with one “No” vote.... Substance, February meeting of the CTU House of Delegates By George Milkowski - February 7th, 2020 
Chicago area long-time union activist Fred Klonsky sheds some more light (click the link to read it all).
Some teacher locals like Los Angeles, have moved to endorse Sanders. The Boston Teachers Union and the MA-AFT endorsed Warren, while the MTA, the largest union in the state and affiliated with the NEA has not voted on endorsement. But Chicago may be more typical. Members are divided. The endorsement process and use of political action money by the teacher unions – one out of five union members in the country are in the AFT or NEA – is in disarray. From here it seems like a case of chickens coming home to roost.... Fred Klonsky: More on union endorsements and political action money. No CTU endorsement for Bernie.
After the left-leaning teacher union in Los Angeles (UTLA) endorsed Bernie last fall I expected Chicago to follow due to the similarities in the politics of the leaderships. But one of my correspondents in the CTU who opposes the leadership disagreed and kept assuring me that the CTU would endorse Warren. At that time word was floating around that Randi was favoring Warren so I expected there might be signs of Warren support. Given what I know, the CTU Ex Bd would endorse Bernie but there must be enough Warren people to create doubts. Knowing the internal politics and how Warren is viewed by many on the left as being more centrist than people think, there must be some gnashing of teeth. A vote of 136-121 is pretty close, esp with 28 abstentions. The 138 is not necessarily an anti-Bernie vote but reflects the uncertainty we are all feeling.

But do note that none of the other candidates are even in the discussion. No Biden, Pete, Amy - no centrists at all.

Compare that to the UFT where Mulgrew is sending a message by running as a Biden delegate to the convention, which at this point seems just plain weird but a sign of where the leadership of the UFT is coming from - and expect the UFT Del Ass to be roughly in line with them. In other words -- Bernie couldn't get a cup of coffee. Are teachers in Chicago and LA so much more progressive than here in NYC or are we missing something? One thing I know - even in the fractured former opposition where the ICE and MORE crowd on the left have a number of disagreements, all of us pretty much align with Bernie as you can tell from these blogs:
Bernie Sanders Catch 22 -


The left in the teacher union forms Labor for Bernie groups (I am a member) and uses the UTLA endorsement of Bernie as an example, and there seemed to be little pushback in LA even if the process used (Bernie or bust) had some flaws in terms of members who support other candidates, as I pointed out in November.

In more divided unions there is a problem and Fred also points to a history of union endorsements and how the funds are allocated. The late George Schmidt broke with the leadership over a flawed endorsement strategy. I reported on that story in Nov. 2014:
Now that a faction of the leadership of the union has surrendered its last pretexts at transparency and democracy.... George Schmidt on the Chicago Teachers Union, Nov. 2014, Chicago Teacher Union Update -  George Schmidt in Substance and Lee Sustar in Socialist Worker
I wrote in Ed Notes: Los Angeles Teachers Endorse Bernie, Chicago May Follow, wither the UFT? -- November 18, 2019.

Some more thoughts and links on the issue:

EDNOTES: Iowa Results Not so Positive for Bernie, Romney for Dem Candidate for Pres, KOD for Joe: Mulgrew Goes Biden, Could UFT Back Bloomberg?

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Iowa Results Not so Positive for Bernie, Romney for Dem Candidate for Pres, KOD for Joe: Mulgrew Goes Biden, Could UFT Back Bloomberg?

I see trouble for Bernie and the Bernie or bust folks in the Iowa results, but I'll get to that in a moment.

Is Mulgrew the Kiss of Death for Biden?
The NY Post had a piece about Mulgrew running personally, not as UFT president, as a Biden delegate, which with the UFT leadership record on endorsements pretty much doomed Biden in Iowa and the rest of the campaign. James Eterno has some comments on the ICE blog (try not to read some of the comments on a full stomach.) But let's also note this quote:
Biden is getting a big assist from the Cuomo-led NYS Democratic Party. Cuomo is a Biden booster — though the governor hasn’t officially endorsed him after the ex-veep stumbled through early debates.
Yeah, UFT for Cuomo in 2024.

Joel Klein for Ed Secretary?
Now the word out of UFT/AFT sources was that Randi favored Warren but as Warren has dropped I can see the mercurial Randi looking elsewhere. But what's left to choose when Bernie is off the list? Here comes our old friend Bloomie who I read consulted with Randi when he was deciding to run. I have rarely heard one positive thing said about Bloomberg by a NYC teacher who worked in the schools. Many of the issues you are reading about concerning the schools, from grade inflation, to abusive principals to discipline chaos to tenure issues can be laid at Bloomberg's feet and his henchmen, Joel Klein and Dennis Walcott with a Cathy Black tossed in the middle for 6 weeks.

Bloomberg is even more anti-union, anti-teacher and anti-public schools than Obama and probably Trump. He is also a dictator and could be worse than Trump for democracy because he would be more competent than Trump in control and unlike Trump would use his money to buy off anyone. Bloomberg also uses fear but add money to that and he is really dangerous.

Randi will have a hard time selling him even to those Unity Caucus loyalists but I bet she can.

Romney joins John Bolton as a new hero of the increasingly pathetic Democratic Party. But why not have another millionaire like Romney join Bloomberg and enter the race for Democratic nominee to run against Trump? He can join the many centrist Dem candidates in defending Romney - er - Obama care  - which was the Romney/Republican health care alternative pre-Obama and the insanity of the Republican Party.

How Bernie and the Left may have taken a hit in Iowa
It's 9PM and 92% of votes are in and Bernie leads by 5000, 24 to 22%  in popular vote on round 1 but less than 2000 on round 2 where other second choices go to the candidates, but Pete leads in delegates by 1% point and that is how they determine an official winner.

This is a farce where Dems who complained about Hillary winning the popular vote and bitch about the electoral college have the same system in their primary. I just saw a video of Pete talking about the 2016 election and saying that elections should be determined by the popular vote -- except when he is the one who benefits. At any rate, they fundamentally tie, just like Hillary and Bernie fundamentally tied in the 2016 Iowa caucus.

I love reading the pro-Bernie left wing do the spin instead of the analysis. One thing about socialists - they are always optimists about the coming revolution - you have to be after 150 years. On the left, The Nation is OK with Warren or Bernie while on the further left - Jacobin - it is only Bernie. I subscribe to both but at this second I lean toward The Nation.

Now Bernie has built his electability argument on getting people out to vote - which fundamentally he didn't do in Iowa where the turnout was the same as in 2016 and way below 2008.

Last time Bernie got 50% of the vote against Hillary and this time about half that. So let's assume that last time a whole batch of his votes were anti-Clinton as much as pro-Bernie, which would explain the drop-off plus the many alternatives the voters had.

But let's divide the voters into centrists and progressives. Pete, Biden and Klobuchar together got over half the vote, which sends a signal of sorts.

If you add Bernie and Warren together as the Progressive wing, you get about 45%. But Houston, there is a problem for the left.

The left Bernie or bust people have been slamming Warren for being a slightly more progressive version of Pete or Biden or Klobuchar. After all she loves capitalism but wants to reform it.

So if you move Warren out of the progressive camp and into the category the left Bernie people love to put her in, then her numbers go into the Pete, Amy, Joe column and the win for the center wing is overwhelmingly closer to 75%.

I'm dying to see how the Bust people spin the outcomes this time and in the future.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Trump Weather Denial Echos China Supprression of Info on Pandemic

At critical turning points, Chinese authorities put secrecy and order ahead of openly confronting the growing crisis and risking public alarm or political embarrassment.... As New Coronavirus Spread, China’s Old Habits Delayed Fight, NYT,

Senior officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration privately disavowed an unsigned statement issued by the agency last year that rebuked its own weather forecasters for contradicting President Trump’s false warnings that Hurricane Dorian would most likely hit Alabama, new documents show.... NY Times

I just hope there is not a pandemic here in the states that Trump views as a political threat and orders the CDC to suppress info. Do you think it inconceivable for him to do that? Then you're living under a rock.

There were two seemingly non-related items in the Sunday (Feb. 2, 2020) NY Times:

A major piece on the Chinese government punishing doctors who tried to get the word out on the growing threat of the virus:

and a small article on Trump admin pressure on the National Oceanic and Weather Administration to issue reports supporting Trump's false reporting on a hurricane. How far are we from the same type of actions in China in suppressing science info.
Newly released emails show officials at NOAA told the agency’s scientists it did “not approve or support” a controversial agency statement issued after the president falsely said that Alabama was at risk from Hurricane Dorian.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Bernie takes hits from left and right for Apology to Biden on Corruption

The fallout over the Zepher Teachout piece in The Guardian saying Biden is corrupt ('Middle Class' Joe Biden has a corruption problem) ...continues even after Bernie apologized, saying he doesn't believe Biden is corrupt.
Bernie is both right and wrong. Is Biden corrupt - or rather more corrupt than most other politicians? I think Biden is a normally corrupt politician  and I don't blame Bernie for playing politics to try to keep a coalition together to beat Trump. But the left and Fox commentators (of course) criticize Bernie for saying he's sorry for the Teachout article. But she makes some very important points.

I watched some comments on Tucker Carlson and others on Fox who wanted Bernie to slam Warren and - of course they would -- but some of what they said had some truth - Bernie does not have killer instinct - they felt if he went all Trump he could be a massive force. Remember this is how Trump took over the Republican Party. Bernie will not be able to do the same to the Dem party because this is not Bernie personality. If it was Hillary would never have taken that recent hit at Bernie. But I prefer Bernie as he is and not as a Trump clone. 

But we do get that there are many people who do not love the Dem party and lean toward Bernie the more the attacks come. (I saw some doozies on The View the other day.)

Here is some commentary on the issue.

Churchill: Zephyr Teachout is right about Joe Biden

2 days ago - ALBANY — Earlier this week, Zephyr Teachout called out the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics. Nothing new there. The fight ...

Sanders Apologizes to Biden for Surrogate's Critique - The ...

3 days ago - Senator Bernie Sanders apologized to Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Monday after a Sanders campaign surrogate wrote an opinion article accusing the former vice president of having “a big corruption problem.” Mr. Sanders distanced himself from the piece by Zephyr Teachout, an associate ...
3 days ago - Teachout detailed three major areas of concern: Biden's prioritization of the financial industry over working Americans, his ties to the healthcare ...