Friday, December 16, 2022

#MulgrewCare Update: COLLUSION as Mulgrew promotes MedAdv, There are Calls To Abolish Private Medicare Advantage Plans as Scandals Mount

It is fairly clear that Mulgrew’s negotiations have been all about protecting the health – not of our members and retirees – but of this [stabilization] fund (p.16):.... Jonathan

Scheinman is basically a scribe for the City-MLC, not an independent arbitrator.... James, ICE Blog

More from Jonathan:

Collusion: I have made the case before: Mulgrew, Nespoli, Garrido, the whole MLC, Scheinman, Adams, and the City’s financial administration, starting with the OLR, plus the insurance companies – they are all working in concert. They are colluding. And they leave the evidence all over the place ...I am absolutely convinced that Scheinman worked with the City and the leadership of the MLC unions, including Mulgrew’s people, in creating his 12/15/22 “Opinion and Award.”  JD271Collusion and Bullying by OLR/UFT/MLC (Mulgrew et al)

UFT Ex Bd member Nick chimes in at New Action on the brewing UFT/MLC/Adams/Scheinman Scandal: 

UFT Members Take Note: Medicare Advantage is a Consequence of Backroom Bargaining -

 Nick homes in on the vote for the 2018 contract which is a factor in this mess: 

this all comes down to the 2018 (and 2014) contract(s). Scheinman only has the right to intervene here, because Mulgrew promised healthcare savings to the City that he couldn’t make happen (and without the informed consent of membership).

And there was not informed consent -  Was 2018 the Worst Bad Deal Ever?

Nick has also been pointing out that Mulgrew and Unity try to paint the thousands of people who opted out and support the battle to preserve our healthcare as the bad guys:

The only ‘villains’ in the official story are a “small group of unaffiliated retirees,” (p. 19), i.e. the retired left-opposition. This substantiates what we’ve been saying all along, that the people who have been fighting for better healthcare will be scapegoated by the people in power who destroyed it. Don’t get me wrong, that ‘small group of retirees’ has said some things I disagree with. Grandfathering is NOT a solution here. We must preserve traditional Medicare both for current AND future retirees. 

And never lose site of MedAdv scandals:

Portside: As Scandals Mount, So Do Calls To Abolish Private Medicare Advantage Plans ...the private health insurance program that a recent Senate report said is "running amok" with "fraudsters and scam artists." "In reality, so-called 'Medicare Advantage' is neither Medicare nor an advantage."... 

Scandal ridden healthcare is what Mulgrew, another scam artist, is trying to put us into. And he claims going with Aetna, owned by CVS, will save money.

Nothing like overbilling to save money. And this:

I reported on the Scheinman decision at ed notes yesterday:

There will be blood - er Lawsuits - UFT Leadership Joyful as Crooked - er Biased Arbitrator Scheinman Issues 25 day Ultimatum: Sign with Profit making Aetna (owned by CVS) and change Admin code or Medicare Disadvantage here we come 


Scheinman is not an independent arbitrator here. He has been chairing the Tripartite City-MLC commission on healthcare. How does he have jurisdiction in this matter as the City and union leaders are basically in agreement here?

Jonathan agrees with James about Scheinman having no jurisdiction:

Scheinman’s decision-making power as the arbitrator for the Tripartite Health Insurance Policy Committee arises in the case of a dispute

(From the 2018 letter referred to within the UFT as Appendix B)

Where is the dispute? Does Scheinman actually have any authority here? There are no positions for the parties, because the parties appear to be not in dispute. Everyone agrees about who needs to get screwed (me, and you).

Scheinman NOT designated arbitrator for Medicare Advantage issue

Oh, and oh no. Scheinman has been named to resolve disputes on items 1-4 in Appendix B. But the current issue, Medicare Advantage, comes from item 5. The agreement doesn’t cover point 5. Maybe that’s why Scheinman does not begin by establishing his authority? Point 5 only calls for recommendations.


And here is the full piece on MedAdv Scandals from Portside:

Thursday, December 15, 2022

There will be blood - er Lawsuits - UFT Leadership Joyful as Crooked - er Biased Arbitrator Scheinman Issues 25 day Ultimatum: Sign with Profit making Aetna (owned by CVS) and change Admin code or Medicare Disadvantage here we come


 Initial Analysis from a Retiree Advocate member on today Scheinman ruling

It looks like he's trying to establish the status quo ante, from before the lawsuit. It's a crass ploy to pressure the City Council to amend the Code. 
  • He's ordering the City & MLC to reach an agreement with Aetna, within 25 days, to administer the old Alliance plan. 
  • He's threatening that if the City Council doesn't amend the Code within 45 days he will end Emblem Senior Care.
  • He will allow the City to offer other options to retirees, as long as there is no cost to the City.
  • In the above case, retirees would pay the full cost of any other City plan we chose (so we would presumably still receive our Medicare Part B reimbursements if we chose a City plan). Would the City's offerings include a Medigap plan? I don't know.
  • Which is exactly where we were before Judge Frank's ruling.
It seems to me that Scheinman is threatening to do some things that he might not have the power to do, which will result in lawsuits. By the way, Scheinman is the one who is threatening our collective bargaining rights, not Judge Frank....

Let's be clear -- Mulgrew et al is moving us out of a publicly managed option into this private corp monster where profits come before our health. 

CVS Plans $10 Billion Share Buyback -

CVS Health: Signify As Growth Catalyst, 8% Buyback Yield, And Cheaply Valued

Dec. 08, 2022 4:26 AM ETCVS Health Corporation (CVS)

 CVS Health is a healthcare company known for its CVS Pharmacy. In addition to CVS Pharmacy, CVS Health owns CVS Caremark and Aetna, among others.

Third quarter 2022 results were strong. During the quarter, revenues increased 10%, free cash flow increased 73%, and earnings per share increased 9%.

Analysts on the Seeking Alpha CVS ticker page expect the dividend to grow 5% for fiscal 2023 and fiscal 2024.

Check quick: Does Scheinman own stock in CVS because this can be a $38 billion windfall?

  • when Unity was hard-selling this deal, in an unexplained rush, they clearly said there were no health care give backs. And then they did not provide Appendix B.
  • Appendix B is about health care cuts.... Jonathan Halabi, Was 2018 the Worst Bad Deal Ever?
Can you tell me how there are no conflicts here when the #arbitrator who is supposed to be #neutral is having dinner poolside with the lawyer for the #local731HarryNespoli, the #MLC ??

The arbitrator also said that unless the City Council amends the New York City Administrative Code within 45 days, GHI SeniorCare and all other current “pay-up” plans will no longer be offered once the premium‑free Medicare Advantage plan launches.
So here we are ---- either chance the admin code so the wealthier retirees can pay to opt out, thus furthering inequity, or being forced into MedAdv run by Aetna -- note Scheinmann forces them to deal with Aetna. See my opening question.
Let's look at CVS/Aetna as a profit making company:

2017 - Aetna Doubles Dividend, Boosts Stock Buyback Plans- Insurer’s moves come days after walking away from $34 billion merger deal with Humana

Aetna was bought by CVS in 2018. Amazon shark jaws are open:
Here's a fun fact: 
CVS Health is the parent company of the health insurer Aetna, which Amazon has reportedly reached out to, among other insurers. The move suggests that Amazon is moving along with Amazon Care — its on-demand health service that has at-home care aspirations — quicker than what may have been expected.
Will my Walgreen's prescriptions still be allowed?
CVS turned Amazon down  - for now -- but when can we look forward to having our healthcare managed by Jeff Bezos?

The American Medical Association (AMA) was disappointed in DOJ’s decision, standing by its stance that the merger will harm patients. “We now urge the DOJ and state antitrust enforcers to monitor the postmerger effects of the Aetna acquisition by CVS Health on highly concentrated markets in pharmaceutical benefit management services, health insurance, retail pharmacy and specialty pharmacy,” AMA President Barbara L. McAneny, M.D., said in a statement.

Karen S. Lynch President and Chief Executive OfficerTotal Cash $7,045,167Total Compensation $20,388,412
Shawn M. Guertin Executive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerTotal Cash $4,323,636Total Compensation $14,339,230
Average CVS Health Executive Director yearly pay in the United States is approximately $187,259, which is 133% above the national average.   See more
Nice pay - go ask the clerks at your local CVS what they make.
Here's the good news: 

Mulgrew buddy, so-called "impartial" arbitrator Scheinman, should immediately disqualified. The UFT chose him in 2014 and 2018. 
The UFT statement below dovetails with the Scheinman decision.

UFT: For Immediate Release – Thursday, December 15, 2022

UFT Statement on Arbitrator’s Decision on new Medicare Advantage program

An independent arbitrator has ordered the city to negotiate a new Medicare Advantage program with the Aetna insurance company in the next 25 days.  He also determined that if an agreement is reached, the city’s unions would have a choice of either approving the deal or facing the necessity of paying premiums for health care.

UFT President Michael Mulgrew said:  “In the last decade the cost of health care has been rising dramatically and over the long term only action by the federal government can solve this national crisis.”

“In the meantime, the municipal unions have been negotiating with the city on how to preserve our health care benefits.  Most importantly, we want to maintain plans that do not require our members to pay the thousands of out-of-pocket dollars that most workers now typically have to pay for health insurance.”

“A new Medicare Advantage plan will be  negotiated to keep that premium-free status, and we will make sure that it meets our retirees’ needs, even while saving hundreds of millions of dollars that will be dedicated to other health care services.”

Arbitrator Martin F. Scheinman issued his findings December 15, 2022.  Scheinman, who played a key role in city/union health agreements in 2014 and 2018, has been appointed by the parties to arbitrate any potential disagreements over interpretation of the pact and to enforce its provisions. Scheinman also chairs the Tripartite Health Insurance Policy Committee, consisting of the city and the MLC, which was formed in 2018 to consider how city health care could be restructured to preserve quality while stemming the rising cost of its delivery.

A copy of the full decision is here:

(Scheinman's conclusions start at page 28)
More excerpts from Jonathan:

Was 2018 the Worst Bad Deal Ever?

Here’s the link to the MOA:

Appendix B, as you might guess, is not attached.

In fact, when Unity was hard-selling this deal, in an unexplained rush, they clearly said there were no health care give backs. And then they did not provide Appendix B. James found it. But because the leadership hid it, and most members rely on the leadership for their information, there is no way of knowing how many of those who voted yes on the contract knew there were givebacks. Probably very few, in light of Unity’s brazen lies. Arthur provides a good summary of the Unity rush to get the 2018 contract passed without revealing the health care give backs.

Appendix B is a letter. Here’s a link to the whole of Appendix B (4 pages).

So, we already know, agreeing to cutting health care is a bad deal. But worst deal ever? Let’s look at 1.a, and focus on 1.a.iv

First, a reminder: “savings” are savings for the City of New York and the Stabilization Fund. “Savings” for you and me mean less health care, harder to access health care, or more costly health care.

So Appendix B is about health care cuts.

Let’s focus on line iv. $600 million per yer – on a recurring basis. That means, even though that contract is over, the health care cuts need to continue forward. And worse. Any fool knows, health care costs are going up. So whatever cuts were good enough to amount to $600 mil a year ago, they are not enough today. Unity has put us on the hook for never ending cuts in health care. That’s what makes this perhaps the worst negotiated deal, ever.

Our contract is expired. But the health care cuts continue.

The health care cuts are permanent.

And Appendix B promises more cuts every year that health care costs rise.


More from Mulgrew:

You have my promise that the UFT will not move forward with the new plan until we have agreed on a high-quality plan our retirees deserve.
Where we go from here
During the next 25 days, we will push Aetna hard on these fronts:
  • increase the size of its provider network in parts of the United States where large numbers of UFT retirees live with the goal of getting 98% of the doctors that UFT retirees use in Aeta’s network.
  • ensure that out-of-network doctors who provide services to our retirees are reimbursed by Aetna at the traditional Medicare rate without our retirees being billed.
  • create a real accountability system that ensures that Aetna delivers all rights and benefits to retirees as agreed upon in the agreement; and set up a clear, fast process to rectify any issues.
  • ensure there is an expedited appeals process for denial of care where specialists in the particular field/procedure make the final determination.
  • ensure every retiree, regardless of pre-existing conditions, is accepted in the new plan.

Municipal Labor Committee

Monday, December 12, 2022

Mulgrew/Adams Want to Join in the Rip-Off: How Medicare Advantage plans dodged auditors and overcharged taxpayers by millions

This is the scam Mulgrewcare is looking to as a way to "solve" the high costs of healthcare. By raking money out of the only real public option we have. Let's help it go bankrupt so they can justify eliminating it because you know -- private - like charter schools - have to do it better according to the neo-liberal Milton Friedman economic school.
Even if their plan had no personal impact on me, I would be against it for political reasons - the movement of money from the public to the private profit making health insurance industry. I keep getting asked what are they getting for doing this? I throw my hands up.
December 12, 20225:00 AM ET  Fred Schulte  Holly K. Hacker 

How Medicare Advantage plans dodged auditors and overcharged taxpayers by millions


In April 2016, government auditors asked a Blue Cross Medicare Advantage health plan in Minnesota to turn over medical records of patients treated by a podiatry practice whose owner had been indicted for fraud.

Medicare had paid the Blue Cross plan more than $20,000 to cover the care of 11 patients seen by Aggeus Healthcare, a chain of podiatry clinics, in 2011.

Blue Cross said it couldn't locate any records to justify the payments because Aggeus shut down in the wake of the indictment, which included charges of falsifying patient medical files. So Blue Cross asked the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for a "hardship" exemption to a strict requirement that health plans retain these files in the event of an audit.

CMS granted the request and auditors removed the 11 patients from a random sample of 201 Blue Cross plan members whose records were reviewed.

A review of 90 government audits, released exclusively to KHN in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, reveals that Blue Cross and a number of other health insurers issuing Medicare Advantage plans have tried to sidestep regulations requiring them to document medical conditions the government paid them to treat.

The audits, the most recent ones the agency has completed, sought to validate payments to Medicare Advantage health plans for 2011 through 2013.

#Mulgrewcare Update - Report Examines Shift to Medicare Advantage by Large Employers that Offer Retiree Health Benefits

We work for a large employer. We expect our union to resist these moves. Not the health corp loving UFT.

A new Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) analysis examines the extent to which large employers that offer retiree health benefits are turning to Medicare Advantage (MA), the reasons why they are making this shift, and the implications for retirees and federal spending.

This shift has important implications for beneficiaries and the Medicare program. Unlike Original Medicare (OM) enrollees, people with MA are subject to narrow provider networks and utilization management tools that may limit or delay access to Medicare-covered services. Funneling more Medicare-eligible retirees into MA will likely drive up costs, as Medicare pays more for MA enrollees (including in group plans), on average, than for a similar beneficiary in OM.

New Report Examines Shift to Medicare Advantage by Large Employers that Offer Retiree Health Benefits


Among the key findings:

  • Currently, only 13% of large employers (200 or more workers) offer retiree health benefits. In 2022, half (50%) contracted with MA plans to provide that coverage—nearly double the share (26%) who did so in 2017. 
  • About 44% offered retirees no choice but to receive their health benefits through MA. As a result, those retirees are unable to choose Original Medicare (OM), unless they are willing to give up their retiree health benefits.
  • A driving reason employers cited for offering retiree health benefits through MA contracts was to lower their own financial liability. For some, the adoption of MA “appears to be a strategy to maintain benefits for their retirees, without terminating coverage or adopting other changes that more directly shift costs onto retirees.”

This shift has important implications for beneficiaries and the Medicare program. Unlike OM enrollees, people with MA are subject to narrow provider networks and utilization management tools that may limit or delay access to Medicare-covered services. Funneling more Medicare-eligible retirees into MA will likely drive up costs, as Medicare pays more for MA enrollees (including in group plans), on average, than for a similar beneficiary in OM.

More -

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Stop the Death Panels - Retiree Advocate Holiday Retiree Healthcare Zoom Phone-A-Thon to Stop Changes to Admin Code - Weds. Dec. 14 10 AM

Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022
I hate making calls to politicians, but this time I will do it - even if my local city council rep is one of the few Republicans. But I heard she is getting calls 10-1 against changing the admin code. All those police and firemen in the neighborhood. Mulgrew and the UFT hierarchy wants these changes badly but they now have a plan B if they fail to get the changes --- nuke our health plan altogether. My brian is too simple to wade through all those permutations. You can read more about that on our favorite blogs.
Can we label whatever they come up with as "Mulgrew/UFT/Unity Caucus Death Panels."

 In the meantime, if you are available this Wednesday at 10 AM to join us in Retiree Advocate,  Register Here

Calling all “No-Change-To-Our Healthcare" advocates!! Join Retiree Advocate/UFT for some holiday cheer as we celebrate our accomplishments in pushing back against Medicare Advantage. We'll share our stories on-line with Zoom and toast each other with cups of coffee, tea, or perhaps a stronger beverage of your choice on Wednesday, December 14th at 10 AM.3

The meeting will end with a phone-a-thon where we will make calls together to our City Council members. We’ll ask them to oppose any changes to Administrative Code 12-126, the NYC law that protects our current healthcare coverage.  Scripts will be provided plus your Councilmember’s phone numbers. In addition, more detailed information will be discussed regarding the preservation of 12-126 as it currently stands. 

Holiday attire optional. But we'll be there with bells on!

Register Here


Monday, December 5, 2022

UFT Executive Board report - Dec. 5, 2022 - 22 Minutes of Bliss

Choice of salmon or pork chop
Green beans
Red velvet pie 

Oh, yes, the meeting:

Leo Gordon: How to support non-union staff at union-busting companies during the holiday season.

Mary Jo G: Chancellor came out with a reimagining special education. None of which addresses systemic staffing issues.

Pillars - scaling up effective programs. ASD programs: NEST and Horizon, growing incrementally. PATH program - inclusion model for students at risk for emotional disturbances - it is in 7 schools. Also expanding the SEED - sensory exploration program that therapists are doing after school and Saturdays. Initially 2 in each borough & expanding. Hopefully paying on time. Establishing an advisory council. Advocates and parents. Will find more info and share.

Ilona: Next week the UFT will hold a meeting for school librarians next week. Attendees will wear a shirt

Mike Sill: Thanks to Alex and HS EB because they wrote a resolution but the other ppl who wanted to participate in motivating were not here, but

Rodney: Oppose policy re: not allowing gay men to donate blood except for certain instances of abstinence for a year. Now they want to propose abstinence for 3 months.

Requesting completely revoking the policy and take a step in the right direction. They’re starting it, but still it’s discriminatory, capricious, and arbitrary. Partner w Natl Black leadership on Health; HRC; GLADD. Please support resolution

Change of DA. It will be 12/21 instead of 12/14

Motion to adjourn at like 6:22p: unanimous

Mike Sill: Okay, if anyone wants to tell LeRoy, go ahead.

Quickie UFT Healthcare Updates

Monday, Dec. 5, 2022

It's been a busy day and it's only half over. I'm heading into the city to go to tonight's UFT Ex Bd meeting. We meet at around 5 to talk about stuff then go up to get some dinner. Oh, then there's a meeting. We hope to have a report later.

Earlier Retiree Advocate had a 2 hour regular zoom meeting plotting our next moves. Read another great post from Arthur praising the work of RA. 
UFT Leadership Establishes New Negotiating Policy - I'm increasingly impressed with what UFT caucus Retiree Advocate did. They got together with other city union members and supported the lawsuit...
If Arthur retires I hope he stays involved and joins in the work RA is doing, even beyond the healthcare issues. 

Jonathan has been on the case, even if he's in the middle of some ocean while doing his blog. His latest is another fun read on Mulgrewcare: 

I guess Mulgrew’s court of last resort is our membership. And Unity, faced with losses in every other venue, had no choice. Armed with weak arguments that few believe, they have been trying to convince our membership. To convince them of what? For now, to support the change to 12-126. No matter how thick Unity is, they are not trying to sell members on Medicare Advantage, not today. That blew up in Unity’s faces when they tried to convince our sharp retirees that “Silver Sneakers” would make up for prior authorizations (and denials). Yeah, right.

Unity has been facing opposition. Even some in their ranks are worried about what they are doing to healthcare. And those opposed to Unity and Mulgrew have been vocal. What do they do?

Stifle Dissent

Also read his previous one:


The giant UFT publicity machine is out there shamelessly trying to fool us with a seven-bullet flier and a different lengthy save-the-code-amend-the-code piece filled with disinformation. Marianne Pizzitola has done another video challenging the UFT claim that the UFT is trying to preserve choice of medical plans so we need to change Administrative Code 12-126. In reality, Michael Mulgrew has been trying to limit choice since 2020 as this new video from Marianne shows.

Below is part of the letter on the Request for Proposal for the Medicare Advantage Plan for City Medicare-eligible retirees that Marianne refers to in the video. It is from November 18, 2020.

The MLC question is in the middle column. The City answer is on the right. Notice the City answering that they intended to end most options for Medicare-eligible retirees back on November 18, 2020 and the Municipal Labor Committee went with this Request for Proposal. It would have been implemented except it was stopped in court because it violated Administrative Code 12-126 which protects our healthcare.


Maybe I will get back to you later with further updates. Or not. You all have plenty to read without me.