Published November 7, 2022
Tonight, 11-7-22, we are being told that it may be an executive
session for the UFT executive board meeting. We have not been told why
or been given any notice. This means that no observers will be allowed.
We will try to present some regular non-session business tonight
including the bottom two resos. Otherwise, we will be unable to present
minutes tonight.
Resolution on Abusive Administrators
Whereas, hundreds of DOE administrators have been flagged by UFT
members as abusive for creating toxic workplaces, taking liberties with
the contract, and/or targeting teacher unionists.
Whereas, abusive principals can destroy the careers of both tenured
and probationary teachers, and in the case of probationary teachers, can
do so for “any or no reason.”
Whereas, UFT Leadership does not have the power to hire, fire, or
discipline administrators, but does have the power to act on our behalf
by petitioning the State for increased legal protections, negotiating
with the City for increased contractual protections, addressing the
Chancellor during consultation on behalf of affected chapters, and, if
necessary, by organizing the broader membership in solidarity.
Whereas, for several years, the UFT had a multi-caucus committee
dealing with principals in need of improvement (PINI), only to
needlessly disband it in 2016 without any ‘successor’ program.
Whereas, as a result, the UFT has no dedicated formal mechanism for
identifying and pressing for the removal, transfer, or remediation of
abusive administrators.
Whereas, a lack of systematic response by UFT to abusive
administrators damages member morale, and signals to problematic
administrators that they are immune from consequences.
Whereas, in the wake of the Janus decision, failure to address
abusive administrators can lead our members to lose faith in the union,
putting our local at risk.
Resolved, that the UFT will work to amend State law to give
probationary teachers more protections so that teachers and other staff
are not subjected to arbitrary and capricious actions, and be it further
Resolved, that the UFT will work to increase protections and
resources against workplace bullying of our members by principals,
drawing on recent legislation such as Senate Bill S3395A: the New York
State Healthy Workplace Bill. And be it further
Resolved, that the UFT will work in negotiations to strengthen the
UFT contract to afford more protections for both probationary and
tenured UFT members, and be it further
Resolved, that the UFT will highlight the problems of abusive
administrators, through membership involvement, various forms of social
media, publications, etc., and be it further
Resolved, that the UFT will employ a multifaceted campaign to end the
reign of terror of abusive administrators. This campaign will include
the many tools and approaches that have previously been passed at
Delegate Assemblies including: taking all legal remedies, establishing
“swat teams” to go into schools with a history of abuse, assigning key
UFT personnel to monitor and regularly visit said schools, organizing
campaigns within and outside these schools to modify the behavior of
abusive administrators and if necessary to remove them from their
schools. And be it further
Resolved, that the UFT will re-establish a multi-caucus Principals in
Need of Improvement (PINI) committee to oversee this process.
Interim Resolution to Address the Rising Cost of Health Care
Whereas health costs have continued to rise, and
Whereas, the Municipal Labor Committee, including our own United
Federation of Teachers (UFT), agreed to find over $600 million in
savings to the City in exchange for past salary increases, and
Whereas, the Mayor and the Municipal Labor Committee(of which the
United Federation of Teachers is one of the largest parts) proposed a
plan to move retirees to a privatized Medicare Advantage plan, and
Whereas the proposal to move retirees to Medicare Advantage has
caused extreme consternation and anxiety for the 250,000 NYC public
service retirees (including UFT retirees) potentially affected due to
fears that “cost savings” would be accomplished by reducing access to
providers and procedures, and overall diminishing the quality and
quantity of health care they would receive, and
Whereas 65,000 retirees were so concerned they opted out of the new plan, and
Whereas, Judge Lyle Frank ruled on March 2, 2022 that the plan
could not go forward as presented, as it violated the City’s
Administrative Code 12-126, and
Whereas the Mayor and the Municipal Labor Committee agreed to
lobby the city council to amend the City’s Administrative Code 12-126 to
allow their Medicare Advantage plan to go forward, and
Whereas the proposed amendment to the Code would eliminate the
current benchmark, opening the door to changes that could hurt both
in-service and retired members, and
Whereas changing the Code would empower the city to push to
downgrade healthcare quality and access in future negotiations,
potentially increasing the financial burden and health risk for the
city’s entire workforce, which is two-thirds people of color and earn
incomes on average much lower than most UFT members, and
Whereas the MLC as representative of over 100 municipal unions
should advocate for better funding for health care that does not cause
union members, including UFT in-service members and retirees, grave
concerns, and
Whereas the UFT and New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) have a
long track record of supporting budget fairness in New York City and
New York State, such as NYSUT’s recent #FundOurFutureNY campaign.
Therefore, be it Resolved, that the UFT now stands in opposition
to revising Administrative Code 12-126, and urges the MLC to follow
suit, and be it further
Resolved, that the UFT in collaboration with NYSUT will look for
fair funding sources to help the City meet its health care obligations
to its employees and retired employees without reducing the quality or
quantity of medical service, and
Be it further resolved that the UFT consider sources including,
but not limited to: a progressive income tax for those with incomes
over $5 million; restoration of the Stock Transfer Tax which could gain
over to $12 billion of income to the state, or tax on the wealth of
billionaires, or closing the carried interest loophole, or a
pied-à-terre tax on luxury second homes in New York City, or
implementing an inheritance tax on the highest 1% of inheritances, or
repealing the corporate profit tax breaks implemented by President Trump
within New York State and restoring pre-2017 percentages, or
eliminating rebates for taxes on stock buybacks, or repealing tax
exemptions on luxury goods such as private planes and yachts, or
eliminate city property tax breaks for real estate billionaires and
Be it further resolved that the UFT
will take the lead urging the MLC to wage a full-scale campaign to push
the City and/or State to institute or restore these revenue sources,
which could be used to secure the continued stability of our members’
and retiree’s healthcare.