Friday, February 7, 2025

ABC - Able, Buttkicking, Creative Running To Win Against Unity - Attend Feb. 11 Meet the Candidates - Arthur on How ABC Will Run the UFT

 There were people who did not believe ABC could organize a slate for the election. Come to the Feb. 11 meet the candidates to find out.

ABC is following up on its successful zoom organizing events with a meet the candidates event this Tuesday at 7PM. Last Tuesday over 100 people attended the elementary school zoom focused on issues specifically related to that oft neglected division.
Today's piece by Arthur delves into some detail on how ABC would run the union. It is an important piece and here are a few excerpts.
  • ABC knows union power comes from members. It’s imperative we work toward member empowerment. We’re in this together. We stand together, we fight together, and we win together. Our first message is for Michael Mulgrew:
  • We don’t work for union leaders—union leaders work for us.

  • When ABC wins, we will no longer use our citywide union power as a vehicle to demean health insurance. Moving backward will no longer be a priority for the United Federation of Teachers (let alone something we seek to drag our brother and sister unionists into). As far as we’re concerned, organizing to make things worse is anti-union.
  • When members call UFT, they don’t want to press buttons and hope to get connected to someone. Nor do they want to be on hold for 20 minutes. ABC believes it’s our job to be responsive to member needs. Like you, we hate hearing, “Your call is important to us,” particularly when a non-response indicates otherwise. When you call UFT, you will speak to a living, breathing person, not a pre-recorded, computer-driven robot.  
  • ABC will actively support legislation that retains the health care members have been promised in retirement. There are currently bills to protect retirees in both city and state legislatures. We will not only lobby for their passage, but we will also support the organizations that brought them. We will do the same for legislation that protects in service members.
  • When ABC wins, UFT boots on the ground will mean members actually showing up to work for and demand what we want and need. These days, it amounts to a dozen paid staffers showing up here or there. Years of Unity indifference to members have resulted in years of member indifference to union. That won’t happen immediately, but needs to change.
  • For really important issues, like money and health care, we will show up en masse and let people know who we are and what we demand. We will grow our union into the activist organization we need to be. Again, when papers talk of the “powerful teachers union,” it needs to mean something.
  • We will use union resources, including COPE, union lawyers, and UFT boots on the ground to support our causes.
  • The caucus model has failed us, and continues to fail us.

  • Unity has misled and betrayed us for years. They do this as though it’s their birthright, and barely bother to hide it anymore. They think they own our union hall, and if anyone else finds their way in, they build literal walls around them.
  • We’ve had 60 years of minority rule and outlandish palace intrigue. ABC has a better vision.
  • We are not a caucus, and will not demand loyalty to caucus. We represent UFT members, not some pre-determined philosophy that may or may not be representative. Member voice will guide us as we move forward.
  • We are not indulging in some last-gasp attempt to rationalize our existence. We are not a stalking horse for some mysterious, arcane philosophy. We don’t require an elite and self-indulgent steering committee controlling everything and everyone. We formed our platform by surveying members, and we’ll continue doing that as we move forward.
  • As UFT members, we’re looking to wake up the sleeping giant that is our great union, the United Federation of Teachers. That means empowerment and inclusion, not lip service and ignoring those who elected and worked with us.

Read the entire piece

Monday, February 3, 2025

Elementary School Organizing Zoom Call for A BETTER CONTRACT, Tuesday, February 4 at 7 PM

Elementary school has been a relative strength for Unity Caucus in UFT elections. In 2022, UFC received about 33%, and that was its highest percentage in a long time and while the numbers didn't change for the oppo since 2016, Unity dropped by over 1000. ABC is trying a different approach for the elementary schools and trying to create a network in new outposts. An elementary committee has been formed and is holding an event. If you are in an elementary school or know someone register here:

A special shout out to our hardworking Elementary School educators!

You’re invited to our ES Organizing Zoom Call to join us in the fight for A BETTER CONTRACT.  It will take place on Tuesday, February 4 at 7 PM, via Zoom.

To register use the QR code or go to:

We will discuss the critical issues in elementary schools today, including working conditions such as micromanagement, over-testing, the freedom to teach, scripted curriculum, being paid for our time and more!

With 2025 kicking into high gear, it’s time to get back to it! Our union proud, union strong, grassroots movement of working educators and retirees continues to grow and capture the imagination and heart of our beloved union.

Tell all of your colleagues, also. We hope to see you there! 


My analysis from the 2022 elections is relevant:

we missed a big opportunity as Unity dropped under 5k and we didn't even match 2016. I thought UFC had more outreach in elementary but if we did the GOTV didn't work. I got indications early on with the lack of contention in UFC by the caucuses for Elem Ex bd positions that there was not a sense of winning and when we struggled with petitions early on in that division, I pretty much gave up on winning this division.
34K elem ballots were sent out -- a lot of places to mine in the future. The oppos has a lot of work to do in elementary school. My suggestion: Choose a few key districts where UFC people have decent elem numbers and expand their networks with a local outreach program. Otherwise 2025 will be the same.

So there is a need for a new strategy to tap into those 34k potential voters. I do not believe the oppo can win whether one or two slates without reaching deep into the elementary schools where the bulk of teachers are.

In this chart note the 20 year drop in Unity votes.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Elections Count: Fix Para Pay Win Forces Mulgrew to Call for Non-Pensionable 10K Bonus

The dire need of paras who need a living wage is primal here. Then add working 2 or 3 jobs just to make ends meet. We organize to see this concept of a plan come to fruition but can also recognize it’s a band aid over the hemorrhaging.
Take the money and vote them out! -- Paras react to UFT/Unity 10K bonus plan
Expect this proposed concept of a plan to be the first motion in the February DA. Mulgrew will act like he’s looking around the room and magically call on John Kamps to motivate it...

Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025

Clearly, in response to the big Fix Para Pay win in the chapter election last June, fear has gripped Mulgrew and the Unity Caucus as they desperately try to move the 27K para unit away from voting for the ABC slate, aligned with the Fix Para Pay group, by offering a package of goodies to paras. 

You see, elections do have consequences because we know from decades of history of Unity not fighting to fix para pay, we wouldn't otherwise be seeing this move. Will paras be fooled less than two years after the most recent contract neglected to fix para pay or even make an attempt to do so? The joke is the Unity criticism of the 3% pattern bargaining which they used to browbeat people into voting for the 2023 contract. 

Of course some Unity trolls are on the attack, claiming the election had nothing to do with the UFT blitz of offering goodies. Sure.

While I have supported legal initiatives to improve conditions, the bottom line is that only the contract protects us. An example I often refer to was a city council law that reduced class size below the contract for grades 1-3 in the early 90s but was scrapped by Bloomberg. And the current class size state law which is not being enforced. At the time I railed against the reliance on city council as only temporary solutions. People will point to the contract not being enforced but when it comes to salary and class size, there is compliance.

Of course the 10k will not be pensionable as we've seen the UFT increasingly rely on non-pensionable bonuses as a way to buy votes.

Unity has shown a pattern since losing the retiree and para elections so badly by reversing themselves try to win back these units, both large blocks of UFT members whose votes will be crucial to Unity's winning the election this May. 

One of the funniest things retirees received yesterday from Mulgrew was this missive:

We are increasing your optional rider reimbursement by $60 - but he leaves out that they raised the monthly charge for the optional rider by $30 which comes to $360 a year - so he thinks people are so stupid not to notice that he is giving back $60 while we pay $300 more?

Marie Waunsnock of Fix Para Pay in their press release exposes the Unity gameplan:

“This isn’t a victory—it’s a distraction,” said Marie Wausnock, UFT Paraprofessional Executive Board Member and founder of Fix Para Pay. “If the city has money now, why didn’t we get real raises in our contract? Why were paras shut out of negotiations? We won’t be silenced with one-time bonuses that do nothing for our future.”

The so-called solution:
    •    Is not guaranteed—the bill hasn’t been written, introduced, or passed.
    •    Was made without consulting elected para representatives.
    •    Fails to address ongoing issues like inadequate pensions, LODI access, and fair longevity pay.

“This is a pattern,” Wausnock added. “Mulgrew ignored retirees until they voted out his handpicked candidate. He ignored members struggling with healthcare costs until it became a liability. Now, he’s scrambling to buy para votes after years of neglect.”
LODI - Line of Duty Injury protection is a prime aim of the paras. 

ABC is running a strong slate of paras for the UFT election. Meet some of them and the rest of the slate on Feb. 11. You can RSVP, here.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

UFT Election Winning Strategy - As Simple as ABC - Go Where the Votes Are and Meet the Candidates on Feb. 11

When bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robs banks he answered: Because that's where the money is.

I apply the same logic in response regarding UFT elections. I don't put down getting votes from anywhere -- The aim is to win and for those who don't realize --
If you really want to win go where the votes are. 
Otherwise you are running not to win, but to make a point. 
Now I do see people turning their noses up at some voters -- like Unity defectors or the non-lock step ideologues or heaven forbid, the potential 30-35% UFT Trump voters.  If you turn up your nose at potential voters, you don't want to win.

Saturday, Jan. 26, 2025
Many critics who attack me for daring to think outside the box, assume that if two slates run in the UFT election, it is impossible to beat Unity. 
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Sherlock Holmes
So let's look at how to to turn the impossible into the improbable into the possible: A win for ABC.
It may seem "improbable" for ABC to win, but I believe a win is impossible for ARISE in a 3-slate race. Thus, only a vote for ABC can turn the improbable into the possible and Sherlock says that must be the truth. 

Elementary, my dear Watson.

And on Feb. 11 you can meet the ABC candidates.
Unity Must Go in order to win
I've been accused of changing positions in mid-stream. I have always been in favor of one slate to challenge Unity. I also believed that we can't win unless we weaken Unity at its core -- in the schools where they have an army of chapter leaders and influencers, especially in the elementary schools where there are 36 thousand potential voters and Unity always wins big. (66% in 2022).

Going back to the late 90s and looking at a weak and ineffectual opposition back then, I decided that winning over people in Unity would be essential to winning an election and I initially aimed Ed Notes at appealing to Unity people who wanted change in the union. And I did get an audience. But the minute I made even the mildest criticism of the new leadership under Randi, I lost them. So I switched into full-blown oppo mode.  Now I see the first real opportunity for a permanent break in Unity at the in-service level to go along with the break in the retiree and para chapters.
In the past elections, winning a sliver, the high schools and maybe the middle schools was the realistic goal. But conditions have changed and I'm not interested in slivers. The idea of winning the entire enchilada is what has gotten people so excited. They seem to take winning for granted. I don't take anything for granted.
And conditions have certainly changed since the 2022 elections when every voice of the opposition was involved in United for Change.
I change due to changing conditions. And the numbers for UFC were not great. Somehow people think that the current version of UFC, a weakened ARISE - with 3 caucuses involved - two of which are no stronger than they were in 2022 - would win if they were the only ones running because the third caucus, RA, seems so much stronger based on its big win last June. My claim is that RA as an organizing group of 11, is not really stronger than it was in 2022 and in terms of a general UFT election it has the same limited direct outreach. RA won 63% due to the influx of voters, many from Unity, and many coming from Marianne's supporters. Many Unity voters may just drift back in a general election.
As a member of the RA org committee of 11, I was the lone dissenter from joining this coalition and urged RA to stay neutral, and could play a mediator role. MORE and New Action needed RA to be part of the coalition as a way to sell a winning strategy because both of them, which aim at the in-service people, understand they have failed to attract a wide enough following with in-service people to win without the retirees. My position has been that the oppo have opposed the impact of retirees on elections for decades but now are switching course in mid-stream and that to win an election loaded with retirees would be destabilizing and further alienate the in-service where a majority are on Tier 6. How do they feel about being led by people who are on Tier 1, as ARISE is offering?

I try not to stick with a pattern of a losing strategy. In 2022 I believed in all caucuses and non-caucuses should get together in United for Change. And the outcomes of that effort was disappointing, to the point I have been willing to look at alternate ideas. I am still for one slate, but not the same kind of election management under caucus guidance, like UFC was. Instead I believe in one slate under a broad based and group of individuals capable of growth from the ground up, whether people are in a caucus or not --- but not to allow a small group of people to make the basic decisions -- call it a steering committee -- instead to open up the process to the broader based UFT membership. In other words, we don't just want your vote in May, we want you involved from the ground up in the entire process.
So let's go back to the opening question: where are the votes? 
Certainly retirees where 39% return ballots and the recent flip from Unity in the RTC election is major. Clearly, many former Unity voters flipped over the Medicare issue and voted for RA. Will that flip hold for a general election? While those former Unity voters may have been pissed off enough at Mulgrew and Tom Murphy's role to vote them out, are they willing to turn over the entire union to a group consisting of RA, New Action and MORE, with MORE being the dominant player in this group? Frankly, I don't think so.

But given another alternative that includes a number of people who have left Unity, these voters may feel they have another place to go rather than go back to Unity. It's as simple as ABC.

Where else can we find votes? Remember the Para election where Fix Para Pay won 75% in an admittedly low turnout vote in a para chapter that has 27k potential voters? Unity has noticed and is suddenly showing interest in making paras welcome, though fixing their pay is not on their agenda. But there is a group that is very committed to fighting for para pay and to fight for other things issues they want - like ILOD - Injury in Line of Duty protection and other issues beyond pay like some prep time. Can the para unit be energized to vote in this election and where are those votes likely to go? It's as simple as ABC.

Now how about the disaffected anti-Mulgrew Unity Caucus people? I don't mean the full-time staff who are clinging to their jobs, but the rank and file Unity people who are often chapter leaders, some with after school jobs? How many potential votes do they offer? The important issue in this case is can they bring their staffs and other Unity friends along with them, which could add up to thousands of votes? While there's no way to tell since most Unity are silent (though sending private encouragement), there are underground indications of a growing revolt, that if it catches on, will make a major dent in the Unity votes. And we have been seeing an erosion of Unity votes over the past elections. But Unity voters will not go to a MORE tinged group. It's as simple as ABC.

How about retirees? The assumption since June was that the same massive vote would go to Retiree Advocate. But they've aligned with MORE, leading to these comments on my last blog post:
John Q Teacher: I thought that RA was Mariannes's baby? Why would she abandon it and secretly endorse ABC? I'm confused. I really wish she would speak publicly about where she stands on who she is supporting.  
Anon: This shit is just too complicated to follow. I was a retiree. I will vote for whoever Marianne recommends. Stick that up your ass, Mr. Mulgrew.
Marianne has clearly leaned toward ABC, and made reference to ABC in public comments, sparking the Unity attacks on her. So where will her followers go? It's as simple as ABC.

Now, let's look at the vast unknown -- the 80% of working UFT members who don't vote. This is the territory that both Unity and the caucuses, following the same formula in every election, have not been able to mine. Why would they be more successful this time? 
Can a new campaign paradigm make a dent in the 80% non-voters? Here I won't claim It's as simple as ABC because it hasn't been successful before, so let's call this an interesting premise, that if proven correct, will make it as simple as ABC.
What are these new tactics? I ain't saying just yet as many ideas are still in process, but turnouts for ABC events have been very promising. And email lists are growing. I will get deeper into the unique experience I've had working with ABC in future posts.
ABC has a chance to win in a 3 way race by draining Unity votes and winning new voters in the schools and old voters from the retirees. Whether it works or not, we will learn a lot.

For my money, a vote for any group other then ABC is a wasted vote.

Everyone is invited to run with ABC. Sign up here.



Wednesday, January 22, 2025

DA Chaos - Unity Goes Red-Scare Wilding In Dual Attacks on MORE Caucus and Arise - And also Aims Dart at Marianne

Mr. Welch: Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?...

Paranoia has struck deep into the hearts of our ostensible leaders. After suffering major losses in two elections, they are losing their shit all over the place....It's Witch Hunt Time for Unity!Get out your tin foil hats!   .... Arthur Goldstein

Al Shanker was a member of the Young Socialists.  The Unity red-baiting critique on the flier distributed at the Jan. 2025 DA saying “ARISE=DSA” is their usual tactic. That said, where was Unity’s outrage over outside influence when Bill Gates funded the E4E caucus? Or his failed interference that led to the mass closing of schools? Mulgrew’s got no problem with them.  But, a caucus that cares about working people? That simply won’t do for Mulgrew... Current NYC Teacher comment

The attack on DSA with current members elected to various offices is a naked political play to move the UFT to the right and to distract from the real issues - but also to pump up Unity Caucus members who might be straying

What a joke that leaflet was, though some are not taking it as a joke, but a genuine threat. Shanker and the founders of the UFT all came out of the Socialist party and a particular wing - the right wing anti-communist Social Democrats USA - SDUSA - the Max Schachtman acolytes -- Check the link to wikipedia for the full story. But here's an interesting rub:
Yetta Barsh Shachtman (1915–1996) was married to Max Shachtman and also held Marxist views. Barsh worked as the secretary of Albert Shanker, the president of the United Federation of Teachers.[33] The money she earned from this job allowed Shachtman to focus on his political work.[34] While working for Shanker, Barsh was responsible for the hiring of Sandra Feldman [35]
Yes. Future UFT President Sandra Feldman was recruited out of the Socialist Party into the UFT after one year of teaching. How's that for "outside" interference? And I'd bet Shanker was also recruited from somewhere.
Teaming this leaflet with the reso on outside interference that Unity sneaked into the New Motion period,  their usual manner of dishonesty, where Mulgrew makes believe he is looking around the audience and "accidentally" chooses the Unity CL of Murrow HS who acts like the reso wasn't planted by the leadership. Described by Arthur as:  
a very formally worded resolution about “union interference.” At first I thought I was mishearing, but I was not. The woman who brought the resolution refused to name which insidious forces were interfering. I’d bet she was talking about my friend Marianne Pizzitola and her group, NYC Retirees.
 Here is the reso (wow - got my scanner to work).

Some assumed it was aimed mainly at Marianne because her advocacy for retirees in the UFT was the difference maker in the big RTC win for RA. My guess is that without Marianne, RA would have garnered maybe 42-45% and Marianne helped bump that to 63%. So this was aimed at her and I suspect Unity will use some shenanigans in the election to attack A Better Contract, which she seems to be leaning to supporting. And coming from inside the UFT machine, they are most worried about ABC. 
So it was a surprise to see them also come out with a vicious Unity leaflet right out of the box and attack the MORE dominated ARISE, along with NAC, heavily loaded with retirees and RA, totally loaded with retirees, the group of caucuses running under the ARISE banner in the election, in such a vicious manner - so early in the election. I would have expected them to do it shortly before the ballots are sent out -- well, I guess they will again then.
Accompanying  the outsider reso with the Unity leaflet attacking DSA and MORE as somehow infiltrating the UFT, caused MORE's Peter Lamphere to see red and he called a point of order that Mulgrew shut down. Peter pointed out that every member of MORE was a member of the UFT, not an outsider.

Hell, I was a member of DSA for years, though less enamored now, as were UFT leadership types like Leo Casey, and the UFT has actually backed some DSA candidates and incumbents. In fact a strong candidate for mayor, 

Zohran Mamdani

is in DSA. Imagine the UFT, given a choice between Cuomo and Mamdani, will back Cuomo because of their 65 year history of vicious anti-communism and red-baiting. 
Some of you may remember the red-baiting sneak postcard attack on the ICE/TJC Presidential candidate Kit Wainer in the 2007 election. Here are some Ed Notes posts from those days if you want to dig deeper. I have a list of 60 years of their history of red-baiting to share at some point.

Let me point out that despite the red-baiting attack by Unity - and I will give some credit to someone from New Action being critical of that attack, New Action still ran candidates on the Unity slate and won exec bd seats on the Unity line, and ran Weingarten as their presidential candidate. Talk about baggage.

I guess you can see the outside interference in the reso when accompanied with the Unity flyer as an attack on DSA and MORE. Some retiree groups who have personally benefited from the work Marianne has done are sniping at her for being too bossy and I even heard one tell me she is not really an organizer, just someone who goes to court. Really? 
I responded she has saved every one of us thousands of dollars and how is she not an organizer when she has tens of thousands of followers in multi municipal unions? I point to the retired fire fighter in my yoga class who high fives me about her. One leftist told me that Marianne has out organized the left and the Dem party and its subservient AFT/UFT/NYSUT by reaching deep into the working class and bringing people from many unions together, a leftist dream since the 30s. Marianne may have done something so unique in this country that people should do theses on her work.
I and many others knew this red-scare attack on MORE was going to come at some point. I would say knowing this attack was coming was a major reason the ABC faction wanted to run in the election without caucus attachment -- we argued with the caucuses that if we wanted to win we must try to minimize caucus baggage. RA won in June by focusing on one key issue. Unity did try to attach RA and Marianne to MORE but it didn't work.
For RA to tie itself to MORE and New Action, whose history includes a dozen years of supporting Unity and having key leaders being on the UFT payroll - in fact running Mulgrew as their presidential candidate in 2010 and 2013, so directly, is a mistake and will hurt the brand. 
But expect Unity to try to smear ABC the same way given that ABC is open to all points of view, so why not pick out one person and smear everyone? One reason ABC advocated individuals and not caucuses run in this election was to undermine these attacks, though stopping them entirely is not possible. And they tried the same tactic in the RTC election by trying to link Marianne to MORE and it clearly didn't work because RA was very careful to stick to the key issue and in fact we decided to reject any comments on our listserve that dealt with the middle east.

But the attack on DSA is so weird given the history -- DSA is an offbranch of the Socialist Party UFT leaders came from. UFT has endorsed DSA electeds who are incumbents (AOC, Bowman, and a number of state senators.

Rather than let it die, the scuzzy Unity Caucus blog doubled down, using the 50's era "card-carrying" phrase. Here they do line up with the analysis that the outside interference refers to DSA but I still think that is cover for the attack on Marianne. Who are they kidding? Do they have a bigger fear of DSA or Marianne? No one has been fearing DSA recently, especially after the Trump election.

Unity Caucus

Each month the Unity Caucus shares a flyer at our union's Delegates Assembly. Last week was no different - we shared a flyer that seemed to cause a stir. A new coalition named ARISE announced that they would be running in the UFT election this coming Spring. ARISE includes 3 caucuses: New Action Caucus, Retiree Advocate and MORE. The flyer called out the fact that this new coalition is just a rebranding of MORE, in an attempt to hide their own problematic political baggage. When you start to look past the slick website and the new logo, it's clear to anyone paying attention that MORE is the driving force behind ARISE.

So what happened at the Delegates Assembly last week and why does it matter?

A veteran delegate rose to speak against a resolution written to oppose the fact that organizations outside of the UFT are trying to influence the outcome of the UFT Spring election. No one objects to working with and being aligned with organizations outside of the UFT. The issue is that there is documentation (Politico Article: Democratic Socialists look to take over New York’s powerful labor unions | DSA Memo linked in politico article) showing that there is an outside organization ( the NYC DSA) actively strategizing to use the UFT as a tool for its own political objectives [see flyer below]. To flip something that this same delegate said at the DA: JWe are all card-carrying members of the UFT and unashamedly proud of it!

Jeez - card carrying Unityites. I'm a bit embarrassed for them.

Then they added the text of the leaflet from the DA.  The post has a total of 5 likes from Unity hacks. This tack will not get them votes, for sure. The Trump voters in the UFT, possibly 30-35%, hate Mulgrew and Unity to a great extent as being too attached to the Dem Party and still end up being shat on - see Obama Race to the Top (or Bottom). ABC talks about no longer taking this attachment for granted.
Given the option of Unity, a group attached to MORE or non-sectarian ABC, which way do you think they will go?

I will close with this comment from the son of a UFT retiree, an active member of DSA:

“This is fundamentally anti-worker hypocrisy. DSA advocates for powerful unions and a better world, membership to this organization among UFT members should be welcomed. Socialists have been the bedrock of the labor movement since its inception, anticommunism has been used to kneecap American labor with laws like the Taft-Hartley act. It is dishonest and rabidly anti-worker, Michael Mulgrew should be deeply ashamed of this idiotic red baiting.”

Mulgrew has proven time and again he has no shame.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

ABC, To me, Seems Like One Two Three, Join ABC Member Assembly, Tue, 1/14 at 7 PM; Join the ABC election slate

Amongst all the furor over the two slate situation and the angst it seems to engender, I keep wondering why I find the endeavor with ABC so energizing. Here's one reason:

You're invited: Join our UFT Member Assembly via Zoom on Tue, 1/14 at 7 PM; Join the ABC election slate

We will speak about the erosion of our healthcare benefits and what we need to do to stop it.

300 registered so far. Join the crowd.

The turnouts for ABC have been excellent due to networking ability to extend its reach, an original intent of coming together in the first place: To attempt to reach deep into the schools to break the 80% non-voting active members (39% of retirees vote). 
I'm not opposed to caucuses but for this election especially I feel their model of organizing will not win. I've said it time and again - the ability of the current caucuses to reach deeper than the surface into schools has not been successful as reflected in the most recent UFT election two years ago and the fact that over decades they have shown little growth, massive turnover and some shrinkage. New Action is 30 years old with roots back to the 60s and MORE, the hot new thing when it went public 13 years ago after over a year and a half of behind closed doors negotiations, are stagnant.
When people ask how is ABC different from other groups running --- look at the outcomes so far in terms of attracting attention and supporters because ABC was free of restraints to act and did not get bogged down in caucus negotiations fed through a narrow group of steering committee members who are a gate though which decisions are made.

Look, since my diagnosis, I no longer am looking at living to 125. So I don't have time to watch the slow drip of caucus negotiations. When ABC began to meet in earnest in August with members of all caucuses in the room, I wanted the campaign to start in September but caucus issues kept delaying us until early November when the caucuses exited ABC and what was left of ABC said: Enough - and came out of the box publicly in mid-November, declaring it was running, while the caucuses spent the next 6 weeks deliberating in secret and made their first public announcement as the XMAS vacation was about to start.
This is the basis of my analysis as to why a caucus dominated election will not win. What has been accomplished since New Action left their 10 year alliance with Unity in 2016 when they joined with MORE to win the 7 hs exec bd seats, and again with UFC in 2022 -- the holy grail of oppo election politics -- winning 7 out of 100 exec bd seats? That is no longer good enough.

Don't get me wrong. I was an avid participator over decades as a member of MORE and before that ICE in elections from 2004-2022. I just don't want to do that again.

Now, with the big retiree and para wins in the chapter elections, everyone's hopes for a big win have been raised. I think a win would only be possible by building new alliances and not just count on those results to carry the day.

A key to this election would be to reach out to the 80% of in service teachers who rarely vote and the current caucuses with actives in previous elections did not have enough outreach into enough schools to beat Unity. Of course everyone was thinking of the ace in the hole -- the retiree vote. But with Tier 6 being such a catastrophe for over half the working UFT members, there are issues beyond health care, though for both retirees and actives, healthcare is still a top level concern. 

Which reminds me: ABC is doing a healthcare zoom tonight.

You're invited: Join our UFT Member Assembly via Zoom on Tue, 1/14 at 7 PM; Join the ABC election slate

We will speak about the erosion of our healthcare benefits and what we need to do to stop it.

Hey folks! Last month, we covered the ABCs of PAY. This month, our focus is on HEALTHCARE.

Whether you're a UFT Retiree or an In-Service member, our premium-free healthcare is at risk, while our existing coverage continues to erode and we pay more and more out-of-pocket.

Let’s come together to discuss the current threats and challenges facing our union, and talk about what we need to do to protect and expand our premium-free healthcare for the future.

Tuesday, January 14th at 7 PM.

Register here:

Join us! Let’s work towards A BETTER CONTRACT that protects and improves our healthcare. Everyone is welcome.

Register for Member Assembly

Run With ABC in the 2025 UFT Geneal Election – Slate Signups Still Open!

We want you (yes, YOU!) to join us in the upcoming UFT General Election.

We're inviting all UFT members, no matter your political views or caucus affiliation, to be part of ABC’s non-partisan grassroots movement. We’re all about demanding A Better Contract — both with the City of New York and our union leadership.

We're looking for candidates for UFT officer positions, Executive Board, NYSUT Representatives, and AFT Delegates. Read the UFT 2025 election notice to learn more about these positions and qualifications.

Do you want to read our platform, first? Click here.

Our officer and executive board spots are 90% filled with some of these positions still available. Still, we most definitely want to run a full slate, so sign up today.

Head over to to sign up, and we'll be in touch soon with more details.

Sign up for the ABC Slate

Thanks so much. We’re looking forward to connecting with you soon and getting back to work on transforming our UFT.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to get more involved, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create a stronger, more equitable future.

Stay updated with us at:

To run on the ABC slate for the 2025 election, go to:

To join our organizing work groups, go to:

Download, share and print a flyer to post at your school/work site:

And follow us at:

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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Caucuses Don't Win Elections - People Do, A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS - January ABC-UFT Blast — opportunities to organize for A BETTER CONTRACT

My husband just heard from a retired teacher friend who expressed how much he liked yesterday's ABC webinar -and how strongly he feels about its bread and butter platform.... UFT Retiree and delegate 

I will delve further into the somewhat remarkable Sunday night ABC retiree meeting for which 540 people registered and almost 300 showed up. Over two hours into the meeting, there were still many people still there. It became clear that there was a gang there to troll and even disrupt to try to force ABC into an alliance with the caucuses.  Marianne attended the meeting and here she delves into some of the issues, though I must say, I don't have agreement on Samuel Gompers. There are lots of flaws that have been exposed. Note this:  

During World War I, Gompers and the AFL energetically supported the war effort, attempting to avert strikes and boost morale while raising wage rates and expanding membership. He strongly opposed the antiwar labor groups, especially the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). 

So Gompers was tamping down the labor movement during the war while the capitalists made enormous profits. Not a great look. Think of Shanker's support for the Vietnam war and how he made sure the UFT sat on the sidelines. So I don't think unions should never get into issues beyond the union. And Gompers did use his support for the War to affect the unions in a negative way -- bread and butter by the wayside.

Major labor victories came in the generation after him by industrial unions highly influenced by left wing, including communists. But even the left were able to organize workers by sticking to bread and butter issues. They fell when their Stalinist roots came out when Stalin made his dirty deal with Hitler in 1939 -- I believe that opened them up to witch hunts -- the communist dominated Teacher Union in the UFT, which had great influence, began to wain after that, some proof that Marianne's thesis is on target. The rise of the UFT took another 20 years but their success was bread and butter. Before they even existed the HS night school teachers went on the first teacher strike for more pay and won double their salary after a very short strike - a lesson that resonated.

But her points that the caucuses that have fought Unity over the decades have failed to win more than the high school exec bd seats, except for the one lauded 1985 victory for the HS VP - and that opportunity is long gone since they changed the rules in 1994 - are right on.

ABC is not a caucus with their often arcane mechanisms and controls but a more free-flowing group of individuals, many from caucuses and some independents with nothing set in stone. 

This concept bothers the caucus control freaks who ask who is in control and who is making decisions and how are decisions being made. They can't conceive of nor have faith in the ability of people to come together for a common interest and somehow function. I find that once you're in the cocoon of a caucus, you lose some level of creative problem solving as there is always a hierarchy that runs the joint and lots of people on the periphery with an attitude of go along and get along. There is a stifling of sorts that I often found suffocating, except for ICE of course which ran on a more open free-wheeling basis, which drove the structuralists, many of my friends on the left who seem to require a sense of control -- and I also find people with a dim view of the rank and file and the ability to organize them -- caucuses haven't been able to over decades so they make excuses -- the people in my school are too busy, etc and never take responsibility. The roots of the caucuses uneasiness with ABC lie in this attitude.

I would ask you to list the things the caucuses have done so far this year as we approach the halfway mark of the school year? Hand out leaflets at the DA? I exempt RA, which is not a normal caucus with 11 people making decisions, which has been the most active group at the DA and in charge of the RTC meetings -- a busy plate.

I read an interesting review in the NYT Sunday about the late David Graeber, one of the founders of Occupy. 

Graeber had a bullish view of human potential unfettered from constraint. He emphasized the possibility of “democratic improvisation,” which would take place “outside of the control of states, in which diverse sorts of people with different traditions and experiences are obliged to figure out some way to deal with one another.”

I agree with him and have a bullish view of people and believe in the possibility of reaching them. And if we don't manage to do that, at least we will have tried.

Caucuses Don't Win Elections - People Do


 Here is part 2 of the Marianne video:


January ABC-UFT Blast — upcoming opportunities to organize for A BETTER CONTRACT

Join us via Zoom for the ABC Retiree Organizing Committee meeting on Sun,1/5 at 7 PM. Also, join the UFT Member Assembly on Tue,1/14 at 7 PM. And still a chance to sign up for our election slate!

Dear UFT Members,

Happy New Year! From everyone at A Better Contract (ABC),we hope you had a restful break well-spent with family and friends. With 2025 kicking into high gear, it’s time to get back to it! Our union proud, union strong, grassroots movement of working educators and retirees continues to grow and capture the imagination and heart of our beloved union.

Here are some things we have happening during the next couple of weeks

ABC UFT Member Assembly on HEALTHCARE – Date Changed to Tuesday, January 14 @ 7 pm

At last month’s ABC Member Assembly, we discussed the ABCs of PAY. This month, we’ll be discussing the ABCs of HEALTHCARE.

Whether you’re a UFT Retiree or UFT In-Service member, our premium-free healthcare is under assault. Let’s meet to discuss the current risks and challenges facing our union, and to discuss what needs to be done to protect and expand premium-free healthcare long into the future.

We had tentatively scheduled it for January 7th, however, we’ve moved it for Tuesday, January 14th at 7 PM.

Join us! Let’s organize for A BETTER CONTRACT that protects and improves our healthcare. All are welcome.


Run With ABC in the UFT General Election – Slate Signups Open Now!

We want you (yes, YOU!) to run with ABC in the upcoming UFT General Election.

We are asking all UFT members, regardless of political inclination or caucus affiliation, to participate in ABC’s non-partisan grassroots movement of UFT members demanding A Better Contract — both with the City of New York and with our union leadership.

We are actively fielding candidates for UFT officer positions, Executive Board, NYSUT Representatives and AFT Delegates.

Go to to sign up, and we will be in-touch very soon with more information.


Thanks so much. We’re looking forward to connecting with you soon and getting back to work on transforming our UFT.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to get more involved, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create a stronger, more equitable future.

Stay updated with us at:

To run on the ABC slate for the 2025 election, go to:

To join our organizing work groups, go to:

Download, share and print a flyer to post at your school/work site:

And follow us at:

The Wire: Powered by Educators of NYC
Urgent Call To Action: Tell City and union bosses to — Get Out of Our Pockets! End Retiree Copays, Pass Intro 1096
We are witnessing the systematic erosion of the healthcare benefits of NYC retirees and active city workers while costs are being transferred to us — at a time that the cost of living is skyrocketing…
Read more

Disclaimer: This is the official website of the “ A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT” slate. It is not an official site of The United Federation of Teachers. The site title describes a group of dues-paying UFT members organizing for a better contract with NYC and our union leadership. Information shared by us should not be considered officially from the UFTorganization.

Thanks for reading A BETTER CONTRACT - UFT MEMBERS! This post is public so feel free to share it.
