Thursday, October 17, 2013

PS 29Q Principal Resigns After Protests

The so-called “terror-driven reign” of a College Point principal is over. Jennifer Jones-Rogers resigned as head of P.S. 29 last week, education officials confirmed, after dozens in the community urged the city to fire her earlier this summer.... Queens Courier
The end of a long-running battle at the school after parents and teachers, with the support of State Senator Tony Avella. It is not impossible when people get organized.

South Bronx School has details:

BREAKING NEWS!!! PS 29Q Principal Jennifer Rogers Forced to Resign!!

SBS had retired UFT Chapter Leader Stephanie Flunory on his radio show tonight to discuss the upheaval at PS 29 in College Point, Queens.

Video I shot of August protest here.

Ed Notes coverage:
Video: State Senator Tony Avella Calls for Removal...
 PS 29 Parents Call Out Principal From Hell Jennife...

And Queens Courier:

John King's Uncommon Schools Charters Opt Out of RTTT Which Makes Their Teachers Exempt From King's Eval System

One more example of the deep corruption ed deform brings.

State Education Commissioner John King is overhauling New York's method of evaluating teachers — but Uncommon Schools don't have to follow the new state rules, as they have opted out of federal Race to the Top funds...  Daily New

And by the way, guess which charter also exempts itself? It starts with a U and ends with a T. (UFT Charter Exempt From Teacher Evaluation System or Race To The Top)

Charter school chain can ignore new state rules on teacher evaluations

The high-performing Uncommon Schools have opted out of receiving federal Race to the Top funds, meaning they are exempt from New York's new method of evaluating teachers. State Education Commissioner John King defended the decision, saying the schools have 'very extensive procedures' for assessing educators.

Newark Teachers Union Rally: Enuf is Enuf

The wonderful Newark Supe Cami Anderson is so adept at making friends. How funny to see the very union that made the deal with the devil last year (with Randi and Christie's guns at their heads) is now rallying because they claim Anderson is not keeping her side of the bargain -- DUHHHHHH! Just a smidgeon of history would show that the deformers NEVER keep their side of the bargain.

NEW Caucus called for a NO VOTE on the contract and Newark teachers actually saw what Randi and their union leaders had sold them they gave the majority of Ex Bd seats to NEW Caucus which lost the presidency by 9 votes.

Enuf Is Enuf Rally
All NPS Employees, the Time is Now!!!
Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 2013, 5 P.M.
Newark Board Of Education Meeting
Barringer High School

Video: PEP Oct 15 2013 - I Am Bergtraum

Some of the strongest voices at the PEP came from the Murry Bergtraum HS community in lower Manhattan as they fought the blatant handing over of this prime real estate to Eva Moskowitz who will now have bases in big high school buildings in every part of Manhattan (Brandeis, Graphic Arts, Washington Irving). One irony: Murry Bergtraum's daughter was appointed to the PEP by Bloomberg. I didn't stay around to watch her vote but she seemed to spend a good part of the presentation by Bergtraum students with her hand over her mouth. If she voted to install Success in the school named for her father --- well, I don't have the words.

I did a quick editing job on this to get as many people in -- led off by our pal and MOREista John Elfrank-Dana, chapter leader.

PEP Oct 15 2013 - I Am Bergtraum
"Voices of Students, Teachers, Parents defending their lower Manhattan HS from the Co-location of Success Charter wearing tee-shirts proudly proclaiming "I am Bergtraum.""

New Content at SusanOhanian.Org! Oct. 16, 2013

As usual Susan tosses a lot of good stuff on the table. Click the links to see Susan's often priceless commentary on each article.


It is worthwhile to read Bill Gates' infamous 2009 speech again. .  because it infects every other story about ed deform.

But don't miss Neil Gaiman's speech, which SHOULD inspire every attempt at education reform.


  Syracuse school district says disputed Henninger High School teacher ratings will stand
Paul Riede
Syracuse Post Standard

Read this article all the way through. It's outrageous all the way, but the punchline is a killer. And there is actually a bit of Good News added on. Plus some huge irony.

Bill Gates Explains Why Common Core was Created
Bill Gates


Government Open, Rockaway Theatre Co. is Back This Weekend With Final Perf of Boeing Boeing!

The cast of Boeing Boeing!
How does a small local theater based in Rockaway manage to put on such quality productions? Fort Tilden will be open and the postponed Boeing Boeing is on for this weekend. Three of the major roles are played by NYC teachers and the show is co-directed by another teacher. And key people running the theater are retired teachers.

I've seen it twice and will go back this weekend once again. Maybe twice.

Here are some highlights I taped. Great comic actor David Risely, on the left, played Felix in the Odd Couple where I did my only acting.

The announcement from RTC last night with details:
Dear Patrons and friends of RTC!!
The fort is open this weekend and we will be having the final 3 performances of  Boeing Boeing!! Come see this hilarious comedy....
Friday night October 18th @ 8pm
Saturday night October 19th @ 8pm
or Sunday October 2oth - 2pm matinee
Please call the hotline for reservations
go on website to make your reservations
THANK YOU for your continuing support!!!

And my piece in The Wave before the shutdown:

Take three beautiful stewardesses, mix them with a debonair boyfriend they all share, add in his nebishy best friend from Wisconsin and a live-in French maid - naturally since they are in Paris - and a sumptuous apartment with lots of doors - and for very good reason - and you end up with "Boeing, Boeing," the latest side-splitting comedy produced by the Rockaway Theatre Company.

The show is in its final weekend at the Post Theater in Fort Tilden. Don't miss the final opportunity to see our amazing local and imported talent (from Brooklyn). The production follows a long-line of fine plays directed by Peggy Page and Michael Wotypka, who also have the distinction of providing me with my acting debut – and denouement – in the Odd Couple two years ago.

**Keep in mind if the Government shutdown continues there will be no show because Fort Tilden will be closed. If it is rescheduled, The Wave will print the new dates and times.

See video highlights of Boeing, Boeing at:
And a few pics from their last peformance during the summer celebrating the end of Sandy and a new beginning for RTC.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Staten Island Democratic Club Calls for John King Resignation

Loretta Prisco introduced this resolution last night at her Staten Island Democratic club, a progressive club on SI. It was passed unanimously. I'm not big on the calls for King to resign. He is helping the movement against ed deform with every word he utters. I would focus on Merryl Tisch and put pressure on the Democrats in the State Assembly, in particular Shelly Silver. But any anti ed deform resos are always welcome.

Whereas, State Commissioner of Education John King has led an assault on public schools by initiating high stakes testing, forced co-locations of schools, closing of schools, the evaluation of teachers based on the  results of standardized tests,  advocating for charter schools at the expense of traditional public schools, and,

Whereas, State Commissioner John King has cancelled four town hall meetings at which parents and educators could seek information about high stakes testing,  common core, and inBloom, a system which would gather personal data on all children to then be made available to vendors, SIDA calls on the NYS Board of Regents including our representative Regent Cea to join the statewide move  to ask for John King's resignation.
Here's some more calls from a parent:

Quick action alert! For more information, go to

1. Send quick faxes to local electeds here: 

2. My quick letter is below. Feel free to copy/adapt it. It went to  17 regents (plus two extra addresses), and 6 officials (some with two different email addresses).

And, here's the fill form for Sheldon Silver:

To the Board of Regents,

After the sham of a town hall on October 10 in Poughkeepsie, in which parents and teachers weren't allowed the allotted time to ask questions and air their opinions, and after John King canceled his appearances at the four remaining town halls in NY State, I demand that King should resign his position as New York State Education Commissioner.

His calling concerned stakeholders "special interests" is laughable.

*New Yorkers deserve a COMPETENT leader who listens to and engages his or her constituents
*New Yorkers deserve a COMPETENT leader who can handle the concerns and dissenting opinions of educated involved New York parents.
*John King has let abusive testing and data sharing practices dominate the implementation of the Common Core Learning Standards.
*John King runs away from the public.
*John King calls concerned parents “special interest groups."
*John King is not competent to be the NYS Commissioner of Education; he hasn't had sufficient experience teaching in a classroom setting.

A copy of this letter is also going to my elected officials.

Edith Baltazar
Public School Parent
District 3, Manhattan

Why Are Some New Jersey Teachers Voting Tea Party Against Booker?

Dear Democrats,
Yes, you got that right. I am voting for Lonegan. Actually, I am voting against Newark Mayor Democrat Cory Booker. How did that happen? In my 39 year voting history, I have pulled the lever for two Republicans ... I am a Newark teacher teaching this year in a renew school. My man Booker is a supporter of charter schools. He advocates for Teach for America. He was instrumental in bringing to Newark Cami Anderson, who is busy dismantling the Newark Public Schools in concert with Christie and Cerf.
Ed deform has so poisoned the well for so many educators, some of them are doing something drastic -- voting Steve Lonegan against Corey Booker. It just shows you how far Obama/Duncan ed deform policies have moved the needle when Corey Booker's neo-liberalism has made it clear that a vote for him would not be in the interests of teachers or children.

Maybe the Democratic scare tactics are working the other way and have led to a sort of "fuck-it" attitude of "If I'm going to get fucked it might as well be from the tea party instead of being dicked around by supposed "friends."

Jersey resident and NYC teacher Reality Based Educator said he was voting Lonegan.

This video link (Booker touts Newark charter schools in new web was sent to me by a teacher in Newark who is incensed enough to vote Lonegan who practically believes in no government and is a complete apologist for the Republican mayhem. I know I couldn't vote for him -- or for Booker. Sometimes no vote is a vote. But Booker seems to inspire a degree of hatred.
Dear Democrats,

Yes, you got that right. I am voting for Lonegan. Actually, I am voting against Newark Mayor Democrat Cory Booker. How did that happen? In my 39 year voting history, I have pulled the lever for two Republicans; US Senator Clifford Case and Maplewood Mayor Robert Grasmere whose daughter Louise was my classmate. Do I support the Tea Party? No, I do not. On the vast majority of issues, one might classify me as a traditional Democrat who favors "liberty and justice for all." In my youth, I marched against the Vietnam War and picketed my local supermarket for the United Farm Workers Union. I addressed envelopes for George McGovern.

My father advised me as a child to always vote Democrat by saying, "If I am not for the Democrat, I stay home." So why is the child of generations of Democrats voting for Lonegan? The answer is Cory Booker. And what is my problem with Cory Booker? I am a Newark teacher teaching this year in a renew school. My man Booker is a supporter of charter schools. He advocates for Teach for America. He was instrumental in bringing to Newark Cami Anderson, who is busy dismantling the Newark Public Schools in concert with Christie and Cerf. He convinced Mark Zuckerberg to donate $100,000,000 to the Foundation for Newark's Future that no one seems to be able to account for.

Mr. Booker has done nothing to address the crime rate in Newark. Three people were shot and killed within recent weeks in walking distance of my school. At last count 72 people had been killed thus far in Newark this year. I do not understand what Cory Booker's Wirenet company does, but maybe that is because I am a dinosaur. Cory Booker has had potential conflicts of interest with his former law firm that is doing business with the City of Newark.

All in all, Mayor Booker is strong on the rhetoric and weak on substance. He strikes me as a shill for the Wall Street billionaires and Hollywood celebrities he courts. Sorry Mom and Dad! I am voting for Lonegan. Perhaps some of my fellow Democrats will see the light and join me.


A New Jersey Democrat

PEP Notes - Tish James Rocks the House

You have 77 days and the count-down has begun.... When you treat special needs children differently and when you discipline them and expel them that's separate and unequal... I urge you in anticipation of litigation to save all your emails (especially related to communication with Eva Moskowitz)... That is why I was elected (along with Bill de Blasio) ... that is our mandate... we gotta get back 12 years of this administration failing our children.... Tish James
While the fawning ed press gushes over charters, the PEP was packed with the real choice of the people: no charter co-locations,  anti Success Charter and Eva Moskowitz and schools representing thousands of people. But a more comprehensive report later.

I have over 2 hours of footage and will be putting pieces up. First up is Tish James who put a line in the sand about the end of the Bloomberg administration.

There were a lot of politicians who spoke - this was strong and emotional. Not the full speech but edited to make it more concise.

A few stills

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

UFT Charter Exempt From Teacher Evaluation System or Race To The Top

UFT CHARTER SCHOOL: Not participating ... NYSED Dept listing of Race To the Top participating and non-participating schools
Guess who is on the list of schools not participating in the teacher evaluation system? SurPRISE!


I am rendered speechless - for once. Oh, I'm sure there is a good explanation from the UFT as to why they fostered an eval system on teachers in public schools but not in a school they run.

Hitler Objects to Opt-Out Movement: High Stakes Standardized Testing in New York....the DOWNFALL!

Relentless standardized testing is the ONLY WAY to stop children from learning to think for themselves... Adolph Hitler
Truly as on target as you can get.

TONIGHT AT PEP: Call on Mayoral Candidates to Reverse Bloomberg “Lame Duck” Co-locations/Closings, Blast Lhota’s Charter-centric Message

I'll be there to tape it all. Many schools affected are organizing to be there.

Media Contacts:

Julian Vinocur. 203.313.2479.
Dan Morris. 917.952.8920.
Stuart Marques. 917.273.6194.
NY-GPS to Protest Outside PEP, Call on Mayoral Candidates to Reverse Bloomberg “Lame Duck” Co-locations/Closings, Blast Lhota’s Charter-centric Message

Hundreds of Outraged Parents, Students to March to Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) Meeting to Denounce Bloomberg’s “Lame-Duck” Co-locations
*4:45PM: Rally from PS 161, The Crown School (331 Crown St. BK, NY) to PEP, 5:30PM: Press Conference Outside PEP at (883 Classon Ave.BK, NY)*
WHO: New Yorkers for Great Public Schools (NY-GPS)Parents and students from affected schools, including: PS 161, Sojourner Truth and PSM811, South Shore Campus, Sound View Campus, University Neighborhood High School, IS 78,  IS 218, Seth Low Junior HS, PS 196, PS 171, PS 192.
WHAT: As the PEP holds the first of two meetings this month to push through 20+ controversial co-locations, parents and students of NY-GPS will rally against Bloomberg’s “lame-duck” proposals, calling on the mayoral candidates to reverse them, and criticizing Joe Lhota’s charter-centric message of doubling down on failed and divisive Bloomberg policies.

Participants will be tweeting during tonight's mayoral debate using #TaleOfTwoSchoolSystems and #ABC7Debate.

WHEN: Tuesday, October 15, 2013.
WHERE: 4:45PM: March From PS 161, The Crown School (331 Crown St. BK, NY) to PEP, 5:30PM: Press Conference Outside PEP at (883 Classon Ave. BK, NY)*

Did Mulgrew Sign On to Recent NYC Race to the Top Application?

NYC applied for a district RTTT grant, as revealed in Ed
Week. Did UFT sign onto this and if so, what does it contain? The statewide RTTT grant is supposed to contain funds for the data dashboards or “EngageNY portals” to be populated with data from
the inBloom cloud.

Given that the Newark Teachers Union recently scuttled the RTTT application (Newark TU Rejects RTTT as Randi/Del Grosso Contrac) and the requirement that unions sign on, this is a very pertinent question to ask the UFT leadership.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Citizens of the World Charter To Use Dead Souls To Bolster Enrollment in Effort to Stay Open

With the school threatened with closing due to low enrollment (as the so-called charter demand is once more exposed), Citizens of the World supporter Eric Grannis (the husband of Evil Moskowitz) is scouting local cemeteries for recruits.

State Ed Commissioner John King approved of the move. "The dead should not be excluded from the higher order skills gained from the Common Core."

The SUNY charter authorizing body also approved. "Once a charter we authorized has opened it assumes the properties of a black hole: public funds get sucked in but will never emerge due to the gravitational pull of the charter lobby."

James Merriman of the NY Charter School Center who has often said that if there's no demand for a charter, it will fail, said, "Until all the dead souls are given their right to choice the fat lady hasn't sung.  

For people not familiar with CWC they are LA-based. They came to NYC after being contacted by Eric Grannis, a long time charter supporter who is also married to Eva Moskwitz. Grannis has said he had been in contact with white, middle class parents in W'burg who had told him what they wanted in a school and that he then contacted CWC. The goal supposedly was to bring more diversity to charter schools, which many saw as a code word for bring more high achieving affluent kids to charters. Grannis supposedly has no official connection to CWC or the school.

James Merriman of the NY Charter School Ctr has often said that, if there's no demand for a charter, it will fail. Given there doesn't seem to be demand for this one, let's see if it's allowed to fail or if someone will pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Gail Robinson

The reality is that charters are being rapidly expanded in NYC where DOE thinks they can find space for them into a public school building, NOT where there is real demand.

Yet another way in which the co-location policies of the DOE are completely off the mark and are driving bad policies.

This is why Eva has to spend millions on ads and promotional flyers, Democracy prep in Harlem had to send mailers to parents as far south as Lower Manhattan, Girls Prep offered cash rewards to people who recruited more students to the school, and COTW is now hugely under enrolled.
This is NOT parent choice at work, or even the free market -- but reflects the overriding preferences of those running the city and their wealthy cronies to maximize and facilitate the corporate takeover of our schools.

Leonie Haimson

Carol Smashes King

The idea that a Commissioner would accuse parents and teacher of being a "special interest" is outrageous. That is not what leaders do... Carol Burris, NY State Principal of the Year, at The Answer Sheet, WAPO
The speakers from the audience at this forum were to a person better-informed, more coherent and independent-minded than anyone I've heard from in NYSED, Dr. King included. For him to accuse these citizens, as he did in his announcement canceling further such forums, of having been manipulated by anyone is not just an outrage; it makes you wonder whether he is able to listen to anyone at all. What kind of judge of character is this man? What are his capacities to evaluate a coherent statement from someone he might not agree with? He's mad not because parents were manipulated by vague "outside forces," but because they refused to be manipulated by him. You have rightly identified his utter failure to lead; he must resign.... Jeff Nichols, comment at The Answer Sheet
King’s statement insinuates that the Poughkeepsie parents are so weak and mindless that the opinions and beliefs they stated with such clarity and passion – much of it aimed at King’s and his fellow reformer’s beloved Common Core — were merely lines fed to them by unnamed “special interests, ” meaning, one assumes following reformer logic, the usual suspects, teacher unions. A problem: as Diane Ravitch has pointed out, much to the bewilderment and increasing rage of their members, both the NEA and the AFT strongly support the Common Core standards. Another way of interpreting King’s words: King perceives parents themselves as a “special interest” group – at least those who do not genuflecting before the Common Core.  RagingHorseblog... John King’s Astounding Statement Should Find Him Fired

The always amazing Carol savages King (apologies to the famous crooner, Carol King) who has been ripped all over the blogging world -- I won't chronicle the avalanche which you can pick up from my blog roll (see latest links in the afterburn). Burris writes at her usual spot over at Valerie Strauss at WAPO (will deformer Jeff Bezos tolerate this in the future?)
The New York State Education Department has lost its moral authority...  That loss was clearly on display at a recent New York State PTA-sponsored hearing on the Common Core in Poughkeepsie, New York.  By the last half hour of the evening, the audience was both boisterous and impassioned, angered because there was limited opportunity to speak. What little time remained for the audience was twice interrupted by Commissioner John King, who had held the floor for an hour and a half. The miffed King then reacted by cancelling upcoming scheduled forums.
The video of the meeting is here.

King, engaging in the standard ed deform response to criticism:
Unfortunately, the forums sponsored by the New York State PTA have been co-opted by special interests whose stated goal is to “dominate” the questions and manipulate the forum.”
Carol responds:
The people in the audience at the Poughkeepsie forum were teachers and parents.  The common “special interests” of both groups are children.
She then goes on to review King's career and his ties to billionaire NYS Regent head Merryl Tisch.
In the authoritarian world of the Uncommon Charter Schools as described so well by scholar Pedro Noguera here, the rule is “thy will be done.”  In the real and messy world of democracy it is different.  Leaders must listen deeply, learn and respond.  They must be willing to consider alternative courses, and even in loud crowds, hear truth. In teaching, we attempt to perfect the skill known as “monitor and adjust.”  You can only master that skill by truly engaging learners.
Read it all:

Jeff Nichols, a NYC parent comments:
What is so astounding about this is that the official statement is even more arrogant than the already offensive spontaneous performance King put in at the forum (threatening to shut it down when he didn't like how it was going). Anyone can muff a public appearance, but King's gross mis-characterization of parents and teachers as "manipulated" by "special interests" was issued with all due deliberation, and constitutes an abject failure of leadership and of simple humanity.

Afterburn: Updated links on King

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How Much Per Child Did Eva's Success Charters Spend on Ads to Create "Demand" While Not Filling All Seats?

Success Charter forced march over BklynBrModeled on Bataan Death march
According to DOE records, in 2011/2012 Upper West Success was only able to fill 164 of its authorized 188 Kindergarten and 1st grade seat (an estimated marketing cost of some $6000 per enrollee). We estimate that Eva spent over a million dollars on recruitment/marketing for Upper West Success alone in 2010/2011 school year. According to Eva, and to SUNY, her charter authorizer, this effort generated a wait list of 1400 kids, on top of 188 lottery "winners"... Noah Gotbaum
One more reason to go the the October 15 PEP meeting Tuesday to challenge the Moskowitz dominated charter lobby and punch holes in their forced Oct. 8 march over the Brooklyn Bridge.
The Success Charter Network, a chain of charter schools headed by former City Councilwoman Eva Moskowitz, spent an astonishing $1.6million in the 2009-2010 school year just for publicity and recruitment of new students, the group's most recent financial reports show. ... Juan Gonzales, Success Charter Network has been just that for Eva Moskowitz but not for public schools
Talk about inflating demand for your product...
The money went to everything you can imagine - bus stop ads, multiple mass mailings of glossy color brochures to tens of the thousands of homes, a small army of part-time workers going door-to-door to sign up applicants, high profile "school choice" fairs.
Community leaders and educators in Harlem and the South Bronx - where those first seven schools were located - say they have never encountered such a relentless and well-financed campaign aimed at convincing parents to desert the public schools. Many are stunned that the nonprofit Success network is able to spend so lavishly while regular city schools are being forced to cut their budgets.

Many neighborhood parents and community leaders say Moskowitz enjoys special treatment from education officials both in Albany and at Tweed. They say once she sets up in public school, she keeps insisting on more and more space for her programs.

Individual schools in the network spent another $245,000 on recruitment and marketing from money they got from the Department of Education.
The Success network even spent $72,000 last year on a videographer whose duties included filming protests against its schools.
Not just protests but every single hearing has a videographer and often a sound guy. And sometimes while I get pushed around by DOE security, these guys who are not press get special treatment.

And this from Noah Gotbaum:
Why did/does she need to spend all that money? Because the "huge" demand and "enormous" waiting lists claimed by Success, and by Citizens of the World, and by the charter lobby are, for the most part, fictitious. Either that, or the screening out and cream-skimming of applicants by Eva and other charters is so great that out of 1400 on the waitlist they were unable to find 20 kids THEY would be willing to accept.

We asked Success Charter how this could be and didn't receive an answer. Then we asked the DOE, and they directed us to SUNY. SUNY then directed us to Success Charter's Board of Directors. No response. So CEC3 FOILed for information on the lottery/matriculation/enrollment process.

That was 3 years ago.

We are still waiting.

I am hopeful that under Mayor deBlasio the waiting will end, and transparency, accountability and equity for our schools, will begin. I also hope that Bloomberg, the DOE and Success won't be allowed to destroy all the evidence before they leave office.

I'm looking through my hats to see which one I will eat if deBlasio gets Eva to pay rent.

Over Eva Invasion, Bergtraum ChLdr Warns of Security Dangers of Co-Location

John Elfrank-Dana is joined by fellow teachers, former students and others in opposing another Eva Moskowitz Success Academy land grab in lower Manhattan this time. He warns of the dangers of putting kindergarten kids in a high school, especially in a high traffic area that suffered the 9/11 attack and remains a target. The recent disappearance of an autistic child from a large high school, shows the dangers of colocation. (The mother of the still-missing 14-year-old autistic boy plans to sue the DOE. (WNYC, NY1, CBS, Times)





Saturday, October 12, 2013

NY State Ed Comm John King Enters Witness Protection Program

Commissioner John King faced a tough crowd while meeting with parents last night. (GS in Brief)

Reformy NY Education Commish gets taken to the woodshed by parents. .. The Chalkface

King has "suspended" the four remaining forums on Common Core after last night's town hall in Poughkeepsie (including Oct. 15 in Garden City).
Commissioner King Gets Spanked.
King gets the Cathy Black treatment.
Unbelievable that King spent an hour and 40 minutes talking about our children but didn't want his children mentioned for one minute. So what if they do Common Core--they don't get tested and their teachers don't get fired!
King loves to speak in front of friendly groups like E4E. Not this time.
It is interesting (unfortunate) that the NYS PTA is backing the commissioner, not the parents!  Just like the UFT!!  Certainly the people at the meeting are on our side.
I love the title of Chris Cerrone's blog post, "Reformy NY Education Commish gets taken to the woodshed by parents."
We need to do everything we can to fan the flames.
The word late last night via Facebook is that the remaining four NYS PTA town halls were "suspended"--presumably because of the Oct. 10 meeting! I know Long Island was ready to go with signs in hand and a strategy to get people signed up to speak and make the most of the allotted time. 

The video needs to go viral so that it will get NYC media attention; I was telling the LI parents there should be a press release about the fact that the Oct. 15 event was suspended and should link to the video.
Perdido St. School blog uses Danielson to meadure King 's rigor and excellence.

Friday, October 11, 2013

MORE Reflections on the Delegate Assembly

Wednesday was an interesting day in UFT-land, a lot of it related to MORE and its growing reputation at the school level and at the DA. And I should point out that the parent dominated Change the Stakes which co-sponsored the rally is also growing in reputation amongst parents.

There is no question that the Unity resolution on high stakes testing they rushed through the Oct. 7 Ex Bd meeting was designed to try to distract the delegates from the MORE/Change the Stakes rally against high stakes testing outside the DA and the MORE petition initiative. Unity people stood outside in front and across from the MORE rally with the unlabeled (purposely) Unity high stakes testing reso.

See James Eterno's report on the ICE blog and commentary from the other bloggers -- no time for links with my wife hounding me to do some work around the house.

MORE on the UFT’s New Position on State Tests + DA/Rally Report

Here are two short videos I shot on the fly outside the DA.

In this one Unity Ex Bd member Greg Lundahl tries to explain the Unity position as he stands across the way from the MORE/CTS rally. I challenge him to join in.

And the 2nd shows a few clips of the beginning and tail end of the rally -- I was inside distributing MORE Stuff in Your Mailbox for much of the rally. The gentleman on the right is Vincent Wosjnis who became a MORE hero when he challenged the Unity resolution. But more on Vincent and how be came to be involved with MORE in a follow-up post this weekend.

And take a look at this one about the next MORE meeting produced by Dan from the MORE Media team. Dan got involved this summer and has added immensely to the team that Mike Schirtzer has put together.

Video ad for October MORE meeting.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Reflections on the Common Core and High Stakes Testing from Change the Stakes Member(s)

Fred, you've got an oped here that needs to get wide circulation right now. One of the worst things Bloomberg has done is successfully portray the UFT as his opponent. Talk about convenient; you can score points by trashing the union while its leadership essentially does your bidding. The general public is oblivious to the fact that the union leadership not support teachers or parents or students in the face of the onslaught of destructive policies from the state. Your response to Mulgrew really brings this home.  ... Jeff, CTS
In defense of his controversial statement opposing the consequences of high-stakes testing, Michael Mulgrew, UFT President for Life, issued the following statement:
"I'm against the use of guns and rifles to kill people, but strongly believe we need to improve the design of Uzis and assault weapons. I wouldn't want to offend the NRA...  Fred Smith
The UFT loves the common bore. So does Bill Gates, Joel Klein, Dennis Walcott, Exon-Mobil. Here is some commentary by Rosalie Friend, a retired college teacher and a member of Change the Stakes.
Some parents in Change the Stakes raised questions about just what the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) meant for our students.   I am spelling out my own take on the CCSS after a career as a reading specialist.  I have tried to avoid being technical or using jargon, and I hope I have something to contribute to the discussion.
    When the Common Core State Standards were first unveiled, the International Reading Association was supporting them.   I liked the idea of deeper processing and critical thinking.  Still, I was not sure: if children were not meeting the NCLB standards, how would it help to set higher standards??  In math the claim was that they would cover fewer topics in greater depth each year.  US math curricula have been criticized as being a mile wide and an inch deep.
     Standard procedure in education requires that a new curriculum or major change in instruction must be field tested on a small sample of students and then on a large representative sample to determine whether it works as planned.  It should be modified until it works well enough to be used.  The CCSS were never field tested, leading many to feel that our children were being subjected to something untried, untested, and unknown.

    When I read the ELA standards for middle grades in depth, they did not sound unreasonable.  These were standards, not curricula.  They listed examples of materials that might be used, not required materials.  They espoused writing and critical thinking instead of exercises and workbooks.
    As I saw how the standards were being implemented, and read the comments of others, I liked the CCSS less and less.  There is a consensus that the primary grade standards are terrible inappropriate for the developmental stage of the children.  If we are to raise achievement of the older children, we must start by improving instruction in the early grades, but introducing tasks that are not developmentally appropriate, does not improve instruction.
     To me, the notion of "close reading," not linking what is read to prior knowledge, is insanity.  For the last 20 years cognitive psychology has been based on the idea that learning requires the mental construction of webs of linked memories.  If memories are not linked with other ideas and processes, they cannot be retrieved!!  If what is learned can't be retrieved for use in new situations, it is worthless.  This outlook was central whole career and my research, so I am horrified at the idea that David Coleman and his CCSS crew would have us set it aside.  When I speak to other reading faculty who did not specialize as much in this aspect of reading, they are also horrified by "close reading."
     The idea of having children do more thinking and more writing is very dear to my notions of progressive education, so when I see the new tests still using multiple choice questions, I am flabbergasted.  How can you test critical thinking using multiple choice tests?  Isn't the point of critical thinking to teach children to wrestle with real questions that don't have a single right answer?
     If you want to teach children to write well, you must have small enough classes so that teachers can critique children's compositions.  Especially in middle school and high school, if you have 145 students, you cannot read and critique a composition by every student every week.
     Another horrifying problem is that SMART and PARCC, the two consortia creating the common core exams, intend to use computers to grade essay questions.  I cannot believe that computers will be good judges of coherence and rhetoric.  I am sure that they will not be able to recognize and reward originality.
     Thus, I have concluded that I cannot in good faith, support the use of the Common Core State Standards as they are being implemented.
Mike Schirtzer from MORE commented:
As a student of psychology, especially Piaget, Gardner, and Chomsky- I have to say this is an amazing analysis!
I teach high school psych and we always look at the cognitive process, why thinking critically is better for development than rote memorization. It is clear the common core and standardized testing stands against all cognitive research of what is most effective for a sound education.
 Here's some comments from Fred Smith and others on Mulgrew's new baby spawned by the activities of MORE -- a reso calling for a moratorium on the impact of testing - until Tweed gets materials into the hands of teachers --- a grubby little reso they pushed at the DA yesterday -- but I won't get into those weeds and wait to show you some video.

Fred Smith, Change the Stakes:
Wrong, Michael.

You need a moratorium not on the high-stakes consequences of the tests--you need a moratorium on the tests themselves. How convenient it is to now call for a thoughtful examination of the 2014 exams. What about the core-aligned 2013 tests? What about the past year that was wasted fighting about them and getting nothing of educational value in return. Where's the call for an investigation of a massive "core-aligned" testing scam--the results of which can't be compared to testing that came before nor provide a meaningful baseline for whatever surprises are coming next.

Yes, the DOE is to blame for senseless test-related policies. But get real. Where's your outrage at Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch, Education Commissioner John King and all the other SED operatives who perpetrated the Common Core fraud on all of us on your ineffective watch.

How long did it take you to come up with this tortured formulation, this mealy-mouthed moratorium on the consequences of something that is inarguably a disaster. We need an indefinite moratorium on ill-conceived tests for which SED will never have its act together, Pal--period, end.

We need to exalt teachers and their professionalism, nurture and develop them, foster the natural overpowering alliance they should have with parents (that somehow the UFT never forges), and dismantle the current testing regimen that you would rather refine than replace with authentic assessment of student progress over the school year, as observed and judged by teachers.

This will never happen by calling for a moratorium on the consequences of testing -- but not for a moratorium on the cause--the costly, defective testing engine that has driven education over the cliff.

As we used to say, Michael--Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!

Fred Smith

Loretta Prisco
Yep, Fred, the only way to go. As long as those tests are given there will be abuses and an incredible amount of money spent that would be much better spent on lowering class size and resources for the classroom.  And Mulgrew must know that - as does every teacher.  The most damaging aspect is that our kids are being denied the education they deserve.  They only get one bite of the apple and for many it is too late.

 Jeff, Change the Stakes
Fred, you've got an oped here that needs to get wide circulation right now. One of the worst things Bloomberg has done is successfully portray the UFT as his opponent. Talk about convenient; you can score points by trashing the union while its leadership essentially does your bidding. The general public is oblivious to the fact that the union leadership not support teachers or parents or students in the face of the onslaught of destructive policies from the state. Your response to Mulgrew really brings this home.

ObamaCare IT: Race to the Top - of Incompetence

Reagan: Government is not the solution.Government is the problem.
Obama: My administration is doing everything possible to prove President Reagan was right.

Really, some of those tea party people are beginning to make sense. Almost. People involved in information technology know full well it never works right. Except the amateurs who designed the Obamacare system. 

They make the creators of ARIS look good.

Do you mean to tell me there was no way to test that sucker in a rigorous manner?

How about rationing? Stated beginning with A-L go odd numbered days - former confederate states don't bother. Like the gas rationing that ended the post Sandy crisis here after idiot Cuomo finally did what Christie did in Jersey? (If I had a choice of these guys for president it would not be Cuomo.)

Information Technology people know what a mess things can turn into. So for the people they put in charge of this mess to mess up so badly is almost inconceivable -- unless you've lived through the Obama/Duncan ed deform even bigger mess - and then it all makes sense. They have no clue because it is all so top down. 

Interviews with the IT people making excuse after excuse (we thought the biggest rush would be in November) makes one thing we need a Danielson rubric for how to run things for the Obama administration.

Let's call this ITTT - Incompetence to the Top.

In the midst of my teaching career, from 1984-1987, I earned an MA in computer science at Brooklyn College, an educational experience so different from my previous academic work -- actually it was almost trade school like but with some computer science theory. So I actually know - or knew- a little bit about that stuff. Ok, so it was before the web was invented by Al Gore, but I understand computer coding - or at least some rudimentary aspects.

I taught beginning programming at Brooklyn College in undergrad and grad school in the late 80s. In the first class I told them, "if your assignment is due on Tuesday burn this into your mind: get it done on Sunday because you may need days to get rid of the bugs. And so it was true. I learned that myself because in my entire history of schooling I was a last minute guy - day of or hour of it being due. Suddenly in my computer science classes due dates turned into something else entirely.

The late Jim Scoma, a junior high math teacher in Brooklyn and my programming pal who helped get me through so many of my classes, is the type of person needed to tackle this stuff. When I used to look at his coding I thought it would be complex. But in fact it was very simple -- he made sure it worked from the ground up. Build your system that way.

It's a good lesson. I hear rumors the architecture of the Obama care web is a mess and you can't just fix that easily, especially under the pressure they are feeling - thus put quick fixes. And imagine what this is costing.

Maybe I'll brew some tea.

More MORE: Making an impact at the DA

RIn all my years of activism one of the happiest moments I had was seeing James Eterno's face as he emerged from the Delegate Assembly yesterday. I was in the midst of trying to get people to take the MORE newsletter, MORE Stuff in Your Mail Bx" and get them to sign up to distribute in their school. I didn't have to work too hard as there were a batch of MOREistas over half my age - one may have been young enough to be my grandchild doing the same thing. I left it to them and went over to James: "It's happening. It's finally happening," he said. Read his report over at ICE.

UFT President Michael Mulgrew and his ruling Unity-New Action majority tried to have it both ways at last night's UFT Delegate Assembly.  Mulgrew and Staff Director Leroy Barr pushed a resolution to call for a moratorium on attaching high stakes to Common Core tests until we have curriculum and other supports in all schools. However, Barr and Mulgrew repeatedly emphasized the UFT's support for the Common Core State Standards and the high stakes tests for teachers and students that are attached to the standards.

This basically vacuous resolution to delay using tests to make high stakes decisions was motivated by President Mulgrew in his report and then by Staff Director Barr.  Their main argument is that we support Common Core and high stakes testing for students and teachers but there needs to be a moratorium in making the tests count for important decisions, such as rating teachers and students, until we have the proper materials in every school because it is unfair to students when some schools have new curriculum while others do not. 

These points in favor of a delay, while having some merit, were easily refuted by two opposition speakers because the resolution does not address the main disease, only one symptom.  First, Marjorie Stamberg tried to offer a substitute resolution but was denied by President Mulgrew, who repeatedly and rudely cut her off while she was speaking.  Marjorie persevered and the independent Delegate told the Delegates how poverty is the problem and the Common Core, as well as the tests attached to it, are the tools of corporations that are attempting to privatize education and break the unions.

Marjorie was followed by a Unity speaker who said something about how this resolution was part of solutions driven unionism and then Vincent W. from the Movement of Rank and File Educators rose from the room on the 19th floor (Delegate meetings are held on the 2nd floor of UFT HQ while overflow Delegates and visitors can watch on video from a room on the 19th floor) to shoot down the resolution.

Vincent's main argument is that the whole evaluation system is flawed.  He pointed out to "Brother Barr" that he taught for thirteen years without the Common Core and did just fine.  He then asked the UFT why their resolution did not go far enough to oppose the entire teacher evaluation system based on high stakes testing and Common Core.  He closed by stating that the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) had a petition for a moratorium on the whole evaluation system.  He received enthusiastic applause from more than a few Delegates.

His speech was followed by a Unity Delegate moving to close debate. The resolution carried in my opinion only because members of the ruling Unity Caucus sign a paper saying they will support the decisions of the caucus in union and public forums (the so called Unity loyalty oath).  However, there was little enthusiasm for the resolution and some real dissent in the hall.

The positions of the two parties within the UFT were crystal clear at the DA:  Unity-New Action support Common Core State Standards and the new teacher evaluation system so long as we have proper materials.  MORE and the vast majority of the UFT members oppose Common Core, high stakes testing, Danielson observations and the entire new evaluation system and want teachers to be evaluated  based on a solid research backed system that is voted on by teachers.

It is also worth noting that President Mulgrew didn't call on anyone in the section to his left during the discussion on evaluations, even though several Delegates wearing red MORE t-shirts were raising their cards to speak.  Since it was breast cancer awareness day and the UFT was encouraging people to wear pink, Mulgrew would only call on Delegates wearing pink.  Some MORE Delegates wore pink hats to get around his silly limit to democracy since MORE people were decked out in red to show solidarity and protest the entire high stakes testing based evaluation system before the DA. 

Unity-New Action may have won the vote but Unity needed their party discipline to have their way. On the other hand, MORE was organizing multiple Delegates who now want to distribute MORE literature to their schools.  MORE gained a great deal yesterday. 

Vincent W, Mike Shirtzer and many MORE members and supporters protest against unfair teacher evaluation system at DA

The MORE sign

Read More:


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Citizens of the World Charter Run By Eva's Husband May Close Due to Low Enrollment

Goodbye Eric (Grannis), good bye Eric
We're happy to see you go 
(even though we don't believe the State Ed Charter Suck-Up Center (CSUC) would ever close a charter even if it had 1 kid left.)
We have always said that so-called demand for charters is a mostly homg grown Charters can be beaten back when the community organizes. A UFT official told me at the DA today that Roy Mann MS in Brooklyn had a massive outpouring against an Eva invasion last night I believe. Contrary to Eva plastering the neigborhood with signs, the entire area was covered with notices to attend the hearing. The principal had to open a spillover room. Let's see how this one plays out. De Blasio would have at most a month to rescind the

Eric Grannis and pals trolled for rich people to send their kids to a "free at public expense" charter by courting the high rises in North Williamsburg, where the dough flows. But even though we know how cheap so many rich are but when it comes to their little darlin's going to school Eric's Citizens of the World just didn't seem to cut it. I taped a bunch of hearings around COTW and they found very few parent supporters in a sea of parents opposed. But would I be surprised to see the school kept open by hook or by crook? After all, "The school projected an enrollment of 126 students, but only 65 students were enrolled as of Oct. 1, documents show. Additionally, only three of its students lived in the neighborhood where the school is located, documents show."

Can't you just see the ultimate in chutzpa? Where they claim the poor kiddies should not have their school closed but were always perfectly happy to crow about how good it was to close schools.

GREENPOINT — A new elementary charter school that fought hard to attract kids from wealthy white families is in danger of closing after it has enrolled just half its projected number of students, DNAinfo New York has learned.
Citizens of the World charter school, which opened on Leonard Street this fall, must prove significant enrollment increases and submit a new budget plan by Oct. 20 to avoid probation and potential closure, a state official said.
The school projected an enrollment of 126 students, but only 65 students were enrolled as of Oct. 1, documents show. Additionally, only three of its students lived in the neighborhood where the school is located, documents show.
Citizens of the World representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Last year, a spokeswoman said the school provided an important "choice" for local parents and that a North Brooklyn group had asked the school to open.
Citizens of the World's enrollment is allowed to fluctuate 20 percent above or below its target if it remains financially stable, said Catherine Kramer, director of charter school information for the SUNY Charter Schools Institute.
"The school must, by Oct. 20, provide updated enrollment figures and a budget indicating the school can operate in a fiscally and educationally sound manner based on the enrollment figures as of Oct. 20," Kramer said, noting the school was already using a "corrective action plan" to which the school's board agreed.
"If the Institute does not find the school's plan sound, it may recommend the school be placed on probation... possibly as early as Oct. 28."
If placed on probation, the Citizens of the World would have to meet further requirements that Kramer did not specify. Its charter would be revoked if it failed to comply.