Thursday, March 21, 2013

Change the Stakes Open Letter to Walcott

Change the Stakes – an organization of parents and educators committed to replacing such tests with more meaningful forms of assessment – urges you to publicly pledge that scores from this year’s state English Language Arts (ELA) and math tests will not be used to penalize students, teachers or schools. The upcoming testing cycle represents an unprecedented grand experiment: the exams, and the standards on which they are based, are new and untested.  --- Letter to Walcott from CTS
----how excited I was to hear that NYC parents are mobilizing to take action against the testing-madness.... we don't want classrooms or schools to be "data-driven," we want them to be child-driven, learning-driven and data-informed. Good luck and let us know in Chicago how we can be supportive..... 
In cahoots, Bill (Ayers)
When people ask where is GEM at now I respond there are 2 branches: one is involved with MORE and the other has morphed into Change the Stakes, which is a true parent/educator/statistician (Fred Smith) grassroots partnership organization here in NYC, including elementary through college teachers and even principals. CTS works with other testing groups like Parent Voices and Time Out From Testing (TOFT), all of which were involved in organizing the great Pearson pineapple protest last May. Look for more action especially around the opt-out movement coming up. Imagine the day when thousands of parents refuse to have their kids take the tests being used to strangle public education?

One of the wonderful things for me to witness has been the excitement of the parents who formerly felt isolated and unempowered feeling the power of being part of an organized group like CTS with people with amazing talents.

The parents in CTS have taken the lead and put together this letter to Walcott. As a member of the listserve I was a non-participant in the process but able to watch it come together as a listserve lurker of the remarkable group of people involved. While GEM can take credit for doing an amazing number of things in the 2 years it was most active, the work of Change the Stakes is as high on the list as producing The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman.

Here is Diane Ravitch's post followed by the letter itself followed by an email received from Bill Ayers in Chicago.
Parents in NYC called on Chancellor Dennis Walcott to pledge not to use this year’s tests to punish students, teachers, or schools. 

Change the Stakes (, an activist group comprised of parents, teachers and teacher educators – argues that this year’s tests are so fundamentally flawed that the scores should not be used. Here’s our letter to the Chancellor:
By Change the Stakes
March 20, 2013

Dear Chancellor Walcott,

In four weeks, public school children across New York City will begin two weeks of intensive, high-stakes standardized testing. Change the Stakes – an organization of parents and educators committed to replacing such tests with more meaningful forms of assessment – urges you to publicly pledge that scores from this year’s state English Language Arts (ELA) and math tests will not be used to penalize students, teachers or schools. The upcoming testing cycle represents an unprecedented grand experiment: the exams, and the standards on which they are based, are new and untested.

Educators, parents and students alike are painfully aware that this is a “transitional year” in the state testing program. Two years ago, New York State adopted its own version of the new national education standards known as the “Common Core” and this year’s tests are the first to be aligned with them. Not only are the standards new and unproven, the heart of the program – the curriculum – is still being developed. Teachers haven’t been given sufficient time to transition students to the new learning standards, yet children are being tested on them next month anyway.

You yourself acknowledge the serious challenges inherent in using scores from the looming April 2013 exams to assess student performance – and presumably, by extension, the performance of teachers and schools. In a recent letter to parents, you state:

“In past years, decisions about summer school were made based on estimates of each student’s performance level on the State tests: 1, 2, 3, or 4. This year, because the tests are new, we cannot predict how the State will determine performance levels.”

If the purpose of your letter was to reassure parents, you did not succeed. As far as we can tell, the letter has had the opposite effect by setting off alarms among parents who weren’t already focused on the sweeping changes taking place. Another Department of Education (DOE) document developed for parents, Tips for Talking with Your Elementary School Child about the Common Core Standards & Changing State Tests, is even more disturbing: it says that young children should be told to expect school work and tests to be more difficult this year and that feelings of struggle, anxiety and nervousness are common reactions. These new pressures are likely to be particularly onerous for English Language Learners.

In short, the DOE has acknowledged the harmful nature of the abrupt transition to the Common Core – in a year when schools and families also endured a devastating hurricane, a bus strike and a mass elementary school shooting in a nearby community – and yet offers only platitudes about how to help children, parents and educators cope.

Given the poorly managed phase-in of the Common Core and the experimental nature of this year’s assessments, we call for you to immediately and publicly announce that:

§ All student promotion decisions will be made on the basis of a range of indicators, including a review of a substantive portfolio of work representative of a child’s academic progress throughout the year. 

§ Teachers will not be evaluated on the results of this year’s tests as the scores are not comparable to last year’s.

§ School Progress Reports, which are almost entirely based on student test scores, will be either suspended or significantly changed to incorporate additional evidence of student achievement. No schools will be closed using this year’s test scores.

§ Parents have a right to opt their children out of the tests, as Deputy Chancellor Shael Polakow-Suransky has publicly stated, and the DOE will put in writing procedures about how to do so. 

It is unacceptable for city students, teachers and schools to be judged by the results of these new exams, which are unpredictable by your own admission, especially when other means of assessment already exist. 

The time has come for the DOE to finally acknowledge and respond to the growing concerns among public school parents about high-stakes testing. The current direction of policies and practices MUST change.

The Members of Change the Stakes
Ayers' email:
You may know that Chicago Public Schools will announce any minute the schools they plan to close--it will be the largest school closing plan in history, and it represents an all-out assault on public education following a long and systematic pattern of abandonment and Jim Crow education. There will be a lot of talk of budgets and deficits to cover  this draconian and entirely unjustified move, but none of it the least bit convincing once you look at the evidence. Stay tuned and stay close.
We've also been in crazy-land over at Lane Tech H.S. The CPS chief banned the graphic memoir of the Iranian revolution, Persepolis, on the grounds that it was too graphic...and student demonstrations and parental outrage continue apace. A call to the Lab School, where our mayor sends his kids, turned up several copies in the library, a couple of them in French, and the book listed on one syllabus as required reading. Jim Crow curriculum at work---the mayor's kids get real literature, the "masses" get test-prep.

All of this is prelude to telling you how excited I was to hear that NYC parents are mobilizing to take action against the testing-madness. Reading about the dazzling boycott being organized is encouraging---another important indication that we are not alone and that a coherent resistance to the destruction of public education is coming together. Your boycott is such a clear and morally justified response to the education malpractice our children face in New York and Chicago and throughout the country. I hope parents can organize large numbers of families to participate in every school, and that you seize this moment to change the framework of the conversation---we don't want classrooms or schools to be "data-driven," we want them to be child-driven, learning-driven and data-informed.

Good luck and let us know in Chicago how we can be supportive. 
In cahoots, Bill

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MORE Pre-Break Happy Hour Downtown Thurs. 3/21 Manhattan (near W. Village Chelsea)

Come on out and bring friends and co-workers. Wonderful sangria, drinks and tapas are available at this great Spanish bar/ restaurant.
Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE)
Downtown Happy Hour
Want to learn MORE about MORE?
Meet some of the candidates running in the UFT election?
Meet other teachers in the area?
Build a stronger chapter?
Need a drink before Spring Break?
Join MORE at our first Downtown Happy Hour!
Thursday, March 21st @ 5PM
La Nacional Tapas Bar
(reservation made for back of bar)
(239 West 14th Street between 7th & 8th Ave

Video: PEP Rejected Call for Moratorium on School Closings, Phaseouts and Colocations

I finally had a chance to put this together from the March 11 PEP meeting. Given there is another one tonight focused on giving away entire swaths of the school system to Eva Moskowitz, it will be another busy night.

At the PEP, Queens Rep Dmytro Fedkowskisj and Mahattan's Patrick Sullivan presented the moratorium resolution. This video has their statements and their reading of the reso which lost by a vote of 8-3 with the Bronx rep joining them and the Brooklyn rep appointed by the spineless Marty Markowitz abstaining -- you can hear some audience members erupting in catcalls calling Markowitz a clown.

By the way, did you hear of the new PEP rule: Eva gets equal opportunity to choose a member of the PEP along with the borough presidents.

New PEP member, David Brown, represented Success Network in co-location suits

David also maintains an active pro bono practice. Recently, he has represented Success Academy Charter Schools in cases where plaintiffs sought to prevent the co-location of charter schools in school buildings owned by the New York City Department of Education. Also on the Board of Harlem Link Charter School, which hasn't exactly received stellar school grades/test scores despite a high attrition rate taking out low scoring kids.

By the way, the founder of Harlem link is the well-known ed deformer who went under the monicker of Kitchen Sink, who given some of the stories about Harlem Link has been rather quiet of late.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MORE Releases New Election Video Ad


For Immediate Release
Press Contact- James Eterno 

New York, NY, March 19, 2013: The Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE) is running in April's United Federation of Teachers officers' election. MORE is challenging the governing Unity caucus of President Michael Mulgrew. Unity has ruled the UFT for more than 50 years.
MORE believes that Unity co-signed on to government policies which are leading to the deterioration of our student's learning conditions; Mayoral control, privatization of schools, over reliance on high stakes exams, and evaluation schemes based on testing which does not take into account our children's socio-economic conditions, are just some of the harmful polices that Unity caucus has agreed to.

MORE's UFT Presidential candidate Julie Cavanagh states;
“For more than fifty years, one caucus and one caucus only, has led the UFT. In the last ten years, in a departure from the roots of our union's founding, the leadership has failed to organize and mobilize the membership at the time we have needed their leadership the most. The tidal wave of unprecedented attacks on our profession, our schools and our children will not stop with a new mayor. It is time for change. It is time we demand MORE from our union.” MORE believes that a democratic, member-driven union will better address the needs of students, parents, educators, and the communities we serve. 
The ballots will be mailed under American Arbitration Association letterhead on April 3, 2013. Voting begins immediately from that point until April 24, 2013.

Here is the link to our new commercial

Help us take our 2nd video viral. Share on your social media, blogs, and email to all your friends and family. Ask your UFT colleagues to check it out and share it too! The ballots will be sent out April 3rd by USPS. The time is now to expect MORE from our union. We have a choice for a new positive leadership of the UFT which will build a strong union movement along side parents, students, community groups, and other workers' groups.
In addition to running in the UFT elections, MORE organizes events ranging from educational forums and protests to social gatherings. For information about MORE visit

There are sort of 2 wings in MORE. One end stresses the concept of Positive Alternative Leadership (PAL); the other looks to go after the throats of Unity and New Action.

Guess which wing I am in?

I only know Mike Schirtzer, who bills himself as the lone registered Republican in MORE, for about 8 months. It's like I found a son. Jeez, is there anything Mike, Superman, can't or is not willing to do to promote MORE? Here is the first video he ever did, with lots of input from the MORE steering committee. I think I can truly think about retirement.

Pics: MOREs at NYCORE and More

The MORE table

International HS teachers from various schools plus Seku

International HS teachers from various schools minus Seku

Diana models remodeled MORE Tee. Coming soon: fringes
The always amazing Bree Picower, one of NYCORE's driving engines

The Change the Stakes crew: Lisa, Rosalie, Jane
Gloria, Kevin and Emily (Kevin needs to shrink)

Leia forgot to wear her MORE tee. We forgive her after this mayoral control presentation

Diana and Lauren present at Change the Stakes workshop

OK. Kevin lowers himself to meet Emily
MORE top officer candidates Marissa Torres and Brian Jones do MORE spiel

Monday, March 18, 2013

Karen Lewis Video at NYCORE: 30 Minutes of Wisdom

Rather than continuing an insider strategy that has netted so little for the rest of labor over the years, the CTU has entered into open opposition with the neoliberal wing of the [Democratic] party." --- Micah Uetricht from Strike for America: The CTU and the Democrats as quoted by Diane Ravitch.

This is an important development. And this is an essay you must read.-- Diane Ravitch
What a treat seeing Diane Ravitch signing on to the analysis that lays waste to the UFT/AFT strategy of never mentioning the word "neo-liberal" and placing the blame on Bloomberg and holding out hope to NYC teachers that once Bloomberg is gone all will be well with a Democrat in office. Sorry, Charlie. Ask Chicago and especially CORE teachers what neo-liberalism is and you will get an immediate response. Go ask the average Unity Caucus member what it means and you will get "duh."

If you viewed the video of Karen and Mulgrew at the UFT Friday night (Karen Lewis and Mike Mulgrew at Left Labor Project), this keynote at NYCORE from Saturday morning is a powerful treatise on organizing and teaching. You see how Karen was a TEACHER and these are the people we want running our TEACHER unions.

People who spend years interacting with students and parents. Leaders who know and understand what we do and can translate that into action to defend the teaching profession and public schools. She even gives some discipline tips (and I was thrilled since I used to do exactly the same thing -- tell the parents of the most difficult behavior problems what a pleasure it is to work with their children.) But most important -- and here is a lesson for MORE -- she talks about how CORE started in 2008 with 8 people studying the issues to try to understand what was happening to teachers and public education. "You need to understand your enemy in order to fight them." And the most fun --- mocking Rahm Emanuel and his stamping of his tiny little feet.

NYCORE Conference 2013 - Karen Lewis Keynote from Grassroots Education Movement on Vimeo.

Diane Ravitch just posted this which resonates with the issues raised by Karen. (Really, for long-time Ravitch watchers, how remarkable to see this coming from Diane.)

How CTU Confronted Antagonists in the Democratic Party

by dianerav
This is a stunning analysis of the relationship between labor unions and the Democratic Party.
It is a must-read.
Many in education have been baffled by the bipartisan consensus around Republican ideology. Micah Uetricht is not baffled. He says without hedging that "Democrats have swallowed the Right’s free market orthodoxy whole. Much of the party appears to have given up on education as a public project."
Teachers unions, he writes, have been unable to articulate a coherent response to their abandonment.
That is, until last September, when the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike. He writes:
"The union has been unafraid to identify the education reform agenda pushed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his party nationally as an attempt to exacerbate inequalities within the education system, strip teachers of power and erode their standards of living, and chip away at public education as an institution, and to call such Democrats enemies. Rather than continuing an insider strategy that has netted so little for the rest of labor over the years, the CTU has entered into open opposition with the neoliberal wing of the party."
This is an important development. And this is an essay you must read.

I wanted to share a comment my friend made on the Friday night video that cuts to the core of some of the things Karen is talking about that distinguishes the CORE/CTU from the Unity/UFT approach: the refusal to let the enemy divide us. Divide closing school teachers from safe school teachers. Divide ATRs from the rest. Divide rubber room teachers from the mainstream. Divide small schools from large schools. What Unity does is call people like me and opposition caucuses like MORE dividers because we do not go along with whatever the leadership decides, even if it takes us over the cliff (like running charter schools -- which helps legitimize them -- and worse, co-locating them and undermining the public schools they reside in).
Karen Lewis is amazing. I only saw the initial statement you put up on the blog, but one of the things she seemed to be doing was to actually put her three maxims into effect by the way she was relating to the entire group she was addressing--both MORE and Unity Caucus people (who else was there?).
1. Unite
2. Make yourself stronger
3. Build power

Even her later statements which made Unity squirm were probably meant to do that, especially after she manipulated Mulgrew into echoing her (in the parts of his statement that was videotaped), setting up the contradiction between what he says and what the union actually does. Especially given the missed opportunity of building unity with parents/students/community when it came to closing schools.

For example, the question of union officer salary: How can union leaders really represent (and unite) teachers if our salaries [and job security] are so different from theirs, not to mention members of other unions and parents?

So, what do we have to do to make ourselves strong and unite with others? Let's start working to eliminate whatever we can that divides us (including those of us sitting in the room). Not that we necessarily believe that Mulgrew himself can be "united", but there were many others in the room.
The MOREs in the room Friday night looked at each other and covered their mouths as Mulgrew said stuff echoing Karen that was so far from reality, we felt we were in a comic book.

Here is one more quote from the Micah Uetricht article:

the union has put forth its own vision of reform, both at the bargaining table and in the streets through their engagement in mass action, their September strike, and their formal policy recommendations. It is a vision that explicitly rejects the Democratic Party’s education agenda and offers a strong program to shore up public schools as a public good–stronger than any reform proposals by the two major national teachers unions.
 You mean Randi's "Share Your Lesson" doesn't quite cut it?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend Update: Happy Hunting

 Happy Hunting -- not a blog about MORE going after Unity. Or a show sponsored by the NRA.

Taking a nice break from the ed wars, what a treat this afternoon/evening attending the New York Theatre Company review, Happy Hunting, at the theater at St. Peter's church on 54th and Lexington. I only went because I took the car all day yesterday for the NYCORE conference and felt I owed my wife even if I expected to be bored to death. When I heard the usher tell someone the first act ran an hour and 40 minutes and I had to pee within 5 minutes of sitting down, I figured I was in trouble. Not wanting to step over the young Asian woman sitting next to me during the act -- she turned out to be a dancer studying with the choreographer -- I decided to grin and bear it. And it turned out to be a delightful show.

The NY Theatre Company terms their current 4 play series as "Musicals in Mufti", meaning they do not wear costumes or use sets and due to one week rehearsal times walk around with scripts in their hands. (There are only 3 performances of each play). There is some light choreography and some heavy duty singing by a fabulous cast. Happy Hunting was an Ethel Mermon vehicle in which she starred with Fernando Lamas and that turned into a disastrous relationship. Klea Blackhurst plays the Mermon role and you would think old Ethel was reincarnated. What a stage presence. All the actors sang and danced and acted and it was all so good.

Well, I got through Act 1 and raced to the bathroom. Act 2 was shorter and at no point did I dose -- an unusual event for me at a theater. Well, after a bathroom break and ready to leave, we realized there was a talk back event with all the actors and special guests so we went back in. And who were the special, special guests? Estelle Parsons who had been in the original show in 1956. And also a famed dancer and choreographer, Luigi, who sadly had to be helped onto the stage. But he is 88.

Well, we were treated to over a half hour of theater lore and stories. Even the actors were fascinated to learn new stories about the characters they were playing and about the original actors who first played their roles. The NY Theatre Company people had done tons of research on Happy Hunting and asked Parsons and Luigi many questions to clarify issues lost over the years.

So, what started out as an "owe you one" to my wife, turned into a fabulous afternoon, followed by a fine Beef Bourgignon at a French restaurant on 62nd and Lex.

We might take a shot at going to see Silk Stockings next weekend -- that is if my wife has it all together for the 25 sedar guests coming on the 25th. My bet is we are not going anywhere. But she can have the car all day Saturday and Sunday. I am not leaving the house given there is some basement and backyard work to do. We have had the construction guys here for 3 weeks with another 3 weeks to go - at least. Oy! The ed wars are a break.

Karen Lewis and Mike Mulgrew at Left Labor Project

The panel. Darn, wish I had cropped out that balding guy on the right.
Saturday, March 16, 7 AM.

Just racing off to NYCORE but I wanted to share some quick views of last night's LEFT Labor Project event at the UFT. Given the background and connections of some of the people in the LLP and the willingness of Mulgrew to host and support this event, I found the evening somewhat remarkable, especially given that this was right outside the Shanker hall. Did they turn that noted anti-Communist fighter's pictures to the wall?

Anyway, bringing Mulgrew together with Karen Lewis was a positive thing. The head of the LLP Larry Moskowitz (no, not a relation to evil), Lorraine Chavez, an organizer in Chicago who works with the CTU and CORE and the UFT's community Liason, Anthony Harmon made for an interesting mix.

[I had to leave before finishing this].

Sunday, March 17, 10 AM.
I return with some better perspectives after spending a full day at NYCORE and taping Karen's full 30 minute presentation (posted later). We had a MORE crew there - John A, Joan, Gloria, Pat, David, Seku, Brian and Megan. I want to do some more analysis of how this played out with them given the obvious differences between the CTU and UFT, though Karen didn't openly lay them out as I will below. On Friday night I had a crappy flip camera and taped both Karen and Mulgrew before running out of room on the camera before Mulgrew finished speaking. I'm sorry it did as the entire event was worth taping, especially the questions (people filled out cards). View what I managed to tape below.

So, here are the positives.
Mulgrew was approached by the Left Labor Project and offered full support of the UFT, including most importantly loads of refreshments, including beer and my top thing: pigs in the blankets.

Now some have pointed to the much-advertized appearance of Karen at NYCORE which has openly been supporting MORE and the reason for her trip to NYC as an operating factor to create some balance and not make it look like Karen was endorsing MORE. And I agree that this was a good thing -- Karen should not be placed in a position of getting involved in an internal election here in NYC. (I still haven't posted the brief twitter flame war between Julie and Randi over this issue -- Randi sort of endorsing Mulgrew and Julie hammering her for it.)

I have had very little personal contact with Mulgrew so I have no personal issues and few opinions, but I came off this event liking him better and shook his hand. He didn't try to compete with or outshine Karen (as Randi would have) and he gave a lot of space and credit to UFT community liaison Anthony Harmon. Before Friday I only knew Anthony as a nice guy but came away very impressed with him and to Mulgrew's credit the room and UFT resources he has given Anthony to work with. Also, there is a very good relationship between Karen and Mulgrew. That was obvious. I hear from my pals in Chicago this is not a surface thing but that they talk often.

But there are certainly some flash points that at times made me cringe in "sympathy" for all the Unity people in the room. The most obvious was when she said that CORE people upon winning gave up there perks. This with a room full of people with perks (sorry, that is not on the video). Karen spoke about how they fought and are fighting school closings with a major citywide fightback against closing schools  --- remember, Karen called on all Chi teachers to come out and support their colleagues in closing schools ---- it was double cringe time to see all the Unity people sitting there knowing full well they have only dealt with one school at at time and often just let schools go without a fight. This prompted Mulgrew to say that he reversed the UFT policy of not fighting at all and even supporting closing schools for many years. (Again not on the tape).

And then Karen went after charters -- she admonished us to not repeat exactly what she said -- she got enough hate mail -- and there she was sitting in a room with people who support the UFT charter and its co-location and undermining of the public schools they occupy.

Triple cringe time.

There is probably more to say but I need to debrief with the rest of the MOREs who were present. Note below the pics Valerie Strauss' piece on how the CTU is training people in the use of civil disobedience, something out of the realm of the UFT.

Robert Jackson and Karen

Gloria Brandman and Karen

Chicago school activists get trained in civil disobedience tactics

Chicago teachers on strike last fall.  (By John Gress/Reuters)
Chicago teachers on strike last fall. (By John Gress/Reuters)
Chicago Public Schools officials are considering closing as many as 129 public schools said to be under-enrolled — and activists are gearing up for a fight.

The Chicago Teachers Union is co-sponsoring “Citywide Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Trainings” to teach parents, teachers and others  protest techniques, including disruptions, occupations and arrests, according to a union press release. The trainings, the release said, are going to be led by political activist and scholar Lisa Fithian, who for decades has been a student, labor and community organizer on a range of issues. Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Jesse Sharkey will participate in one of the training sessions, which is also being sponsored by the Grassroots Education Movement, a group of community-based organizations from across the city. [NOT THE GEM HERE IN NYC AND NOT AFFILIATED].

Read full article here.

Friday, March 15, 2013

MORE Weekly Update #48 - March

Movement of Rank & File Educators

Weekly Update #46 - March 14th, 2013

MORE - The Social Justice Caucus of the UFT


NYCORE Conference 
Sat., March 16
8:45 AM - 6:00 PM
Vanguard HS
317 East 67th Street


Thurs., Mar. 21
5:00 PM
Cosi (55 Broad St.)

UFT Election Ballots!
Mailed to members homes
Beginning Wed., April 3

General Meetings
Sat., April 13
Sat., May 18
224 W. 29th St., 14th Fl.
 4th Annual
 Sat., March 16th, 2013

 Click Here to Register
 Read Workshop Descriptions!

Karen Lewis,
President of the Chicago's Teachers Union

Vanguard High School
317 East 67th Street
New York, NY 10065

8:45 AM - 6:00 PM


Come meet MORE's candidates. We will have election literature to distribute at your school.
Please bring all your friends and forward this email

Fri, March 15th

(District 19)

3:00 - 5:00 PM
Boulder Creek Steakhouse
355 Gateway Drive, Brooklyn
Exit 15 off the Belt Parkway

5:00 - 7:00 PM
Cannon's Blackthorn
Two for one drinks and a free buffet
49 N. Village Road, Rockville Centre
one block north of Sunrise Highway,
next to the LIRR station

Thurs., March 21st
5:00 - 7:00 PM
La Nacional Tapas Bar
239 W. 14th Street
(betw. 7th & 8th Ave)

MORE Takes on School Closings

Standing in solidarity with parents, students, and teachers in closings schools, MORE members took on the Panel for Educational Policy this week.  Read more about the protest and how our union leadership failed to mobilize.

Check out great videos of the speakers and hear MORE's James Eterno speak out against the closings on NY1
For more background on the PEP, check out Liza Featherstone's great analysis.


Please share MORE's campaign video...

Give to MORE for the Election Campaign

Please donate generously so we can prepare and distribute election materials citywide including leaflets, videos, mailings, buttons, etc.
Donate online, bring cash or a check made out to MORE to our March 9th meeting, or send a check to Movement of Rank & File Educators, 305 E. 140th St. #5A New York, NY 10454.

Please give generously.
The time for a change is NOW.

Spread the word

Volunteer to help distribute campaign literature at your school and schools nearby!

Reply to this email or check our website.

Copyright © 2013 MORE Caucus, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are excited about changing the UFT and signed up at a MORE meeting or our website,
Our mailing address is:
MORE Caucus
New York
New York, NY 10001

Add us to your address book
Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

Happy Hours + Karen Lewis in NYC, Julie and Brian at NYCORE Too

There are 2 chances to meet Karen Lewis this weekend. Tonight at the UFT she will be on a panel with Mulgrew and others. I pre-registered for that. And then tomorrow morning she is the keynote speaker at the NYCORE conference, which is still open despite over 650 people registered as of yesterday. I will be taping and attending all day where there is a fabulous collection of workshops.

MORE will be doing one headlined by Julie, Jack and Brian. I'll tape that too. MORE tee-shirts will be available for sale to help raise money for the MORE election campaign.

Here is the announcement from MORE with a list of upcoming Happy Hours, including 2 this afternoon, from 3-5PM in District 19 in East NY and 5-7 in south Nassau.

Want to learn MORE about MORE?
Meet some of the candidates running in the UFT election?
Meet other educators in the area?
Build a stronger chapter?
Help us win the UFT election?
Need a drink before Spring Break?
Please join us:
Friday, March 15 
3 – 5 PM:
Boulder Creek Steakhouse
355 Gateway Drive, Brooklyn,
Exit 15 off the Belt Parkway
Friday, March 15 
5 – 7 PM:
Cannon’s Blackthorn 
2 for 1 drinks and a free buffet
49 N. Village Road, Rockville Centre
one block north of Sunrise Highway, next to the LIRR station

And if you can't make any of these events, check out the MORE Happy Hour next Thurs, Mar. 21.
Thursday, March 21st 
5-7 Pm
La Nacional Tapas Bar
reservation made for back of bar
(239 West 14th Street between 7th & 8th Ave)
This Saturday 3/16 is the NYCORE Conference 
Featuring Chicago Teacher’s Union President Karen Lewis of the CORE caucus Pres. Lewis is an authority on social justice unionism and public education.
Our own UFT Presidential Candidate Julie Cavanagh will be hosting a workshop with many MORE of our candidates.

This conference is the premiere NYC event on education and social justice with incredible guest speakers.

Check out the line-up, there’s still time to register for all the amazing workshops

Unity Caucus Will Never Apologize...

... for bragging about closing rubber rooms when they didn't. Someone sent a graphic of a Unity button. Rubber room prisoner of war Francesco Portelos took the idea and ran with it. (Maybe if the Unity leadership can get him out of the rubber room they brag about closing down in their ads, he wouldn't have as much time to do these projects.

I'm not sure it this is an officially approved MORE ad but feel free to use it as you want. 

The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.

Principal Brian De Vale in Valentine's Day Message Praises Staff, Smashes Ed Deformers

Dear Staff, You're doing an amazing job. Too bad the union busting mayor and all his acolytes don't get it.
Having cast of the manacles of the Quality Review rubric, the framework for effective teaching... the NYS standards and every other guide, I have relied on my 27 years as a teacher, dean, supervisor and principal to conduct this formal observation... I use my many years in education as my guide.... I know a good school when I see it... Brian De Vale
Readers of this blog already know of Brian and his passionate defense of teacher and union rights that puts the Unity/UFT to shame. In this 3 page spread appearing in the March 2013 CSA News, he reports on his visits to teachers not with a "gotcha" mentality, but with heartfelt  and total support. It is not often I post an article from the CSA, but when they take a stand on issues that are in the interests of supervisors and teachers while the NY Teacher spends more time defending ed deform crap than defending their members......

Here is Brian's full 3 page spread. And do I love that Brian mentioned Kindergarten teacher Maria Carrigan who was my tech partner in crime for 5 years when we worked at the District 14 media center. And yes, for those few people out there who think I won't listen to a woman, I did everything Maria told me to do.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Video: Julie Debates E4E on Seniority...


...and presents a defense of seniority and LIFO Mulgrew and the UFT don't seem to want to touch in this March 3, 2011 TV debate, a fine birthday present for me. Julie makes the point that seniority is still the fairest method and adamantly defends the idea that experience really counts. The E4E person says teachers don't get better after 5 years. Watch her try to dance when the moderator talks about TFAers who leave after 2 or 3 years.

Julie's key point in this debate and in our movie is that tenure gives teachers the protection they need to advocate for their children. And since all levels above teachers are a much greater threat to children's interests and benefits, this makes total sense.

Then when the layoff question comes up and the moderator says some schools may lose a good chunk of their young staff, Julie points to the policies that give principals incentives to hire younger, cheaper teachers. And her defense of ATRs too. All of what Julie did here 2 years ago, when she was relatively new to union activism, is an impressive performance and gave many teachers out there hope that here was a voice that talks for them.

Meanwhile, E4E is left with bragging that Syndey got a quote in the Gotham piece on UFT retirees voting, another outrage by Gotham, going to these slugs for a quote (maybe funding is contingent on this?) instead of calling MORE for an opinion.

The Ultimate Sellout: New Action Election Flyer Doesn't Report That Mulgrew Heads Ticket

They tell you what they oppose in Unity policy without telling you that Mulgrew is running on the New Action and Unity line and that 10 of their candidates are running for the Exec Bd on the Unity line in addition to New Action, which guarantees them those seats. So if Unity said NO to the New Action claims, why are they running Mulgrew as their presidential candidate?

New Action was an enthusiastic supporter of the UFT charter school -- except for current MORE candidate for UFT Exec Bd James Eterno, who when he was with NA on the Exec Bd was the only one to vote against the UFT charter, for which he got yelled at by Randi.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

PEP Videos: Support for Moratorium on School Closings

I have a lot to say about the Panel for Educational Policy "close every school you can" March 11 meeting other than to say that many MOREs spoke, some UFT/Unity honchos were present. There were some pretty good feelings between MORE and Unity that night. Other than the fact that the UFT charter helped cause the closing of one school - my alma mater - and is joining its elementary charter by taking 21 rooms from JHS 292, whose parents and students and teachers protested vociferously. I interviewed the PTA president and will do a separate piece on that issue.

But let's focus on the love boat between MORE and the few Unity people who were there.

Below are the first batch of videos.

Friday: MORE Downtown Happy Hour, 5PM

Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE)
Downtown Happy Hour
Want to learn MORE about MORE?
Meet some of the candidates running in the UFT election?
Meet other teachers in the area?
Build a stronger chapter?
Need a drink before Spring Break?
Join MORE at our first Downtown Happy Hour!
Thursday, March 21st @ 5PM
La Nacional Tapas Bar
(reservation made for back of bar)
(239 West 14th Street between 7th & 8th Ave)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thurs, 11AM Press Conf on inBloom Threat to Student Privacy

The operating system for inBloom is being built by Wireless, now renamed Amplify, a subsidiary of NewsCorp owned by Rupert Murdoch and run by Joel Klein. [Note Randi Weingarten on Board of inBloom]
Leonie Haimson and crew to hold press conference Thurs, 11AM.

1.    This Thursday, March 14 at 11:15 AM we will be holding a press conference with public school parents concerned about the imminent threat to student privacy from the actions of NYS and NYC DOE. 

When: Thursday March 14 at 11:15 AM at Tweed.

As reported in Reuters, a company called inBloom Inc. is collecting the most private, sensitive, and personally identifiable student data from New York and other states,  storing it on a vulnerable “data cloud” and making it available to commercial vendors:

 “In operation just three months, the database already holds files on millions of children identified by name, address and sometimes social security number. Learning disabilities are documented, test scores recorded, attendance noted. In some cases, the database tracks student hobbies, career goals, attitudes toward school - even homework completion.

As the article makes clear, this company plans to share this information “with private companies selling educational products and services.  Entrepreneurs can't wait.”   We learned from a press release that one of these for-profit companies that the state has signed up to use this data is called Escholar

The operating system for inBloom is being built by Wireless, now renamed Amplify, a subsidiary of NewsCorp owned by Rupert Murdoch and run by Joel Klein.   I was quoted about Amplify’s new tablet on NPR four days ago.

Thousands of parents have emailed the State Education Department and DOE to protest this arrangement; hundreds have sent opt-out letters without response.  One parent was told by a staffer at SED that they were too busy collecting and transmitting the data to inBloom to respond to parent concerns. My question is this:  if this is really for the benefit of public schoolchildren, why do they refuse to notify their parents or ask for their consent?

Please let us know if you can attend our press conference, or would like to speak at it, by emailing us off list ASAP at
2.     Last week a new national organization called the Network for Public Education, headed by Diane Ravitch was announced, and I will be serving on its board. We will be working hard to preserve and strengthen public education from the onslaught of privatizers and profiteers that are out to plunder and dismantle it.  Please become a member, and/or subscribe to our newsletter on our website.  Some articles about this exciting new organization here and here.

And please forward this message to others who care.
Thanks, Leonie