Sunday, February 23, 2014

How Do We Fight Bully Principals? Thursday, February 27, 5:00pm

Given all the discussion about how to take on bully principals like at the recently exposed "School of No" at PS 106 in the Rockaways, this workshop takes on increased importance. We'll be discussing situations with difficult principals as well as with more cooperative and mixed administrations.  ... MORE Chapter Organizing Committee
You can't do it alone. In a hostile atmosphere building allies within and outside the school community can give you weapons. The MORE Chapter Leader and delegate listserve is a valuable resource. But you also need to sit down with other people to brainstorm strategies and tactics, including the turncoats who support the principal.

I'm sorry I can't make this event as I have lots of ideas. I am hoping MORE begins to use this event as a springboard to find ways to provide a safe space for people in schools with abusive principals to take action.

The UFT not only does little, we hear way too many reports of the UFT actually backing principals with connections behind the scenes. Ask what the UFT in District 27, the Queens office and 52 Broadway did about PS 106 principal Marcella Sills for almost a decade. Since she became principal under Kathy Cashin and the UFT had an alliance with Cashin (ie, UFT charters given space by her).

Will MORE also take on the UFT's lack of support for chapter leaders under the gun in these schools? The buck can't stop at your own school organizing effort. A support group needs to meet regularly, not just at a once in a while training event. If you go to this push for this idea and don't just walk out learning what you need to know.

Overwhelmed by the challenges of organizing in your school?  Want to share ideas with other dedicated, creative chapter leaders and activists? 



Organize your chapter!

Overwhelmed by the challenges of organizing in your school?  Want to share ideas with other dedicated, creative chapter leaders and activists?

Come to a workshop on organizing your members to create a more active, involved union chapter.  Discuss organizing challenges with other chapter leaders and strategize creative solutions to build teacher and para power in your school!


What challenges are you facing in your school?
Take our Chapter Leader Survey 

New Date
Thursday, February 27, 5:00pm
TWU Local 100 Offices 195 Montague St., 3rd Fl., Rm C

Marcella Sills Was a Humanitarian by Being Absent and Late

The school ran so much better when she wasn't there. Maybe we can start a trend. Have bully and abusive principals just stay home. Let them collect their salaries. A cheap price to pay for improving the school community.

REVIVE UFT : Mulgrew Forms New Group to Ally With MORE, Causing Split in Unity

"Before we can move forward, we must resolve many outstanding issues from those dark years, starting with our working conditions, which are also our students’ learning conditions."... Michael Mulgrew
UFT President Mike Mulgrew is finding so much in common with the MORE caucus he has decided to build an alliance with MORE and is pushing for the rest of Unity Caucus to do the same. Facing internal resistance, Mulgrew has formed an organization, REVIVE UFT, which will run a joint slate with MORE in the 2016 UFT elections. Recognizing that MORE's Julie Cavanagh was the superior candidate in the 20013 elections, Mulgrew will step aside for her in 2016 and replace Andy Pallotta as Exec VP of NYSUT.

Photoshop Note: Thanks to the great Portelos.

Thanks to Chaz over at Chaz's School Daze
for reminding me that at one time I was actually funny - sort of. Chaz has been reporting on the PS 106 story -
Why Is Michelle Lloyd-Bey Still The District 27 Superintendent? - The continuing fallout of the reassignment and eventual removal of *"Leadership Academy Principal" *Marcella Sills has now spotlighted... 

And linked to some of my posts on Ed Notes and Norms Notes. I read this and can't believe I actually wrote this for The Wave.

Tweed Announces Closing of UFT: Will Be Replaced By Six Smaller Unions
Commentary By Norman Scott
Norman Scott Norman Scott Some Wave readers have told me that I should never use satire. But here goes, anyway.
The NYCDOE announced at the Tweed Courthouse that the UFT would be phased out over a 4-year period due to its failure to protect members. Six smaller unions will be opened, each headed by a potential successor to Randi Weingarten. Teachers will have a choice as to which union to join.
The announcement was made by Mayor Bloomberg and Joel Klein with a beaming Randi Weingarten at their side. "We know this closing may surprise some," said Bloomberg, "but we need a union that appears to be representing the members' interests while convincing them our reforms are best for them."
Each union will have a different theme.
Eyeglasses Are US will concentrate on frames with a separate enclosed mini-union focusing on lenses. A sunglass unit will open in 2010, in time for the next union election. "We're saving Armani for that time as it will bring in a lot of votes for Randi," said a UFT spokesperson.
A Dental Plan for You will be a theme-based union that will address issues teachers might have with brushing and flossing. All union members will get a free brush, some floss and a tube of toothpaste. Unity Caucus members will get teeth whitener in theirs.
GHI Joined at the HIP will provide guidance on how to take out loans to pay medical bills that will not be covered by the soon to be merged and privatized GHI and HIP. "Don't' worry," said a union spokesperson. "Randi Weingarten and Artie Pepper will be on the Board at HIP and will be able to find out the lowest interest rates."
Avoiding Grievances will address concerns of teachers who may feel the need to file a grievance. Special counseling will be offered at nominal expense until the urge disappears.
Collaborators UNITE is expected to attract teachers who want to work closely with their administrators. Special departments will be set up covering nodding correctly to express interest while keeping eyes wide open.
Meeting Efficacy will be a mini school to assure that those who choose this option can handle attending meetings and professional development without blinking once.
Head for the Hills will be for the 83 percent of Teach for America teachers who plan to do their 2 years and head for the hills. Special units on writing a book about their experiences and how to become Ed policy wonks will be set up.

What happened to that guy who wrote this? Well, I was inspired enough today to try satire once again.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Anti-testing groups form alliance to bring sanity to education policy

I'm proud to be a member of Change the Stakes, a partner in this national alliance.

Posted in facebook and The Washington Post Answer Sheet.

"The founding members of the alliance are the Center for Fair & Open Testing, or FairTest, as well as Parents Across America, United Opt Out, Network for Public Education, and Save Our Schools."
Anti-testing groups form alliance to bring sanity to education policy
With resistance to standardized test-obsessed school reform growing around the country, three dozen local, state and national organizations and individuals have now banded together in an alliance to expand efforts to bring sanity to education policy.
The alliance, which is called Testing Resistance and Reform Spring, will support a range of public education and mobilizing tactics — including boycotts, opt-out campaigns, rallies and legislation — in its effort to stop the high-stakes use of standardized tests, to reduce the number of standardized exams, and to replace multiple-choice tests with performance-based assessments and school work. The alliance will help activists in different parts of the country connect through a new Web site that offers resources for activists, including fact sheets and guides on how to hold events to get out their message.
The emergence of the alliance represents a maturing of the grassroots testing resistance that has been building for several years locally in states , including Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois.  Though many supporters of Barack Obama expected him to end the standardized testing obsession of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind when Obama was first elected president, many now say that the Obama administration has gone beyond the excesses of NCLB to inappropriately make high-stakes standardized tests the key measure of achievement by students, teachers, principals and schools.
Anti-testing groups form alliance to bring sanity to education policy

The coalition represents a maturing of the anti-testing movement.

Assessment experts say that standardized test scores are not a reliable or valid way to make high stakes decisions about the effectiveness of teachers or the achievement of students, but education policymakers have ignored these warnings for years. This has led to situations that are nothing short of preposterous, such as teachers being evaluated on the test scores of students they never had. Meanwhile, the emphasis on testing has led to an explosion of tests being given to kids; for example, fourth-graders in the Pittsburgh Public Schools have to take 33 standardized tests mandated by the district or state this school year. It is this reality that has fueled the resistance.
The founding members of the alliance are the Center for Fair & Open Testing, or FairTest, as well as Parents Across America, United Opt Out, Network for Public Education, and Save Our Schools.
Prominent educators, activists and bloggers who are partners in the alliance are:
Wayne Au, associate professor, University of Washington
Anthony Cody, teacher, blogger
Nikhil Goyal, student, activist
Jesse Hagopian, teacher, Garfield High School, Seattle, Washington
Deborah Meier
Diane Ravitch
Angela Valenzuela, professor, U-Texas, Austin
George Wood, superintendent, Federal Hocking Local Schools, Stewart, Ohio
Organizations that are alliance partners are:

Coalition for Essential Schools
K-12 News Network
National Latino/a Education Research and Policy (NLERAP)
Rethinking Schools

State and Local
Change the Stakes (New York)
Chicagoland Researchers and Advocates for Transformative Education (CReATE)
Citizens for Public Schools (Massachussetts)
Jefferson County Teachers Association (JCTA) (Kentucky) (North Carolina)
More Than a Score (Chicago)
New York State Allies for Public Education (NYSAPE)
Opt Out Orlando (Florida)
Parents United for Responsible Education (Chicago)
ReThinking Testing Midhudson Region (New York)
Social Equality Educators (Seattle)
Students 4 Our School (Denver)
SWside Parents Alliance (Chicago)
Teacher Activist Group – TAG Boston
Texas Center for Education Policy
Time Out from Testing (New York)
Youth Organizers for the Now Generation (YOUNG) (Boston)

In a Nutshell: Why Corporations Want Our Public Schools


Newark Teacher Reports on Ras Baraka Blogger Meeting

Thank you Ras Baraka and "May The Lord protect and defend you."... A Newark Teacher

It speaks volumes about Ras Baraka's true commitment to Newark's children that he has cast these educational tourists aside in favor of those who have made it their life's work to either teach children or understand the dynamics that shape their lives. That alone ought to be enough for the good people of Newark to cast their vote for Baraka.... Jersey Jazzman, Shocking: Baraka Consults Knowledgable People on Education
Pro-public education Newark mayoral candidate Ras Baraka held a unique meeting with bloggers this past week before unveiling his education plan. Jersey Jazzman was there with some excellent analysis:
Baraka  is currently in a two-man race for mayor of Newark; in my view, it's  probably the most interesting political contest in the country between  now and the mid-term Congressional elections (yes, this Jersey boy is  biased). Baraka's opponent, Shavar Jeffries, has become the de facto  choice of the North Jersey political machine -- the same Democrats who  have aligned themselves with Republican Governor Chris Christie.
Ed Notes was invited but since it would cost me a chunk of my pension check to drive over the bridges to get to Jersey,
Ed Notes sent its ace correspondent, a real Newark teacher, to the meeting.
An Exciting Week for a Minor Teacher Blogger

Norm forwarded me an e-mail invitation for education bloggers to meet with Ras Baraka! I submitted a blog sample and I was included in an impressive group that included Bob Braun and Jersey Jazzman. I hit Baraka with some tough questions. I wanted to know what he as mayor could do to end the State of New Jersey's stranglehold on the Newark Public Schools. I posited that getting rid of Cami Anderson would merely result in a replacement Christie puppet. I questioned the usefulness of attendance at Advisory Board meetings taking into consideration that the body is powerless. Baraka is a strident orator reminiscent of the Civil Rights leaders of my youth. His cadences and word choices are mesmerizing. He believes that if stakeholders in the Newark education community and beyond unite and push back, Newark will regain control of the schools and foster democracy. Baraka stated that he invited bloggers because of their support of the suspended principals and the 2 Cedar Street employee that eventually pressured the Star-Ledger to pick up the story. He was hopeful that we would carry his education message to the public. I was honored to be in the illustrious company of those who share my concerns. Thank you Ras Baraka and "May The Lord protect and defend you."

A Newark Teacher
I'll close with one more from Jersey Jazzman.
Bob Braun, who knows Jersey politics better than anyone, puts the mayoral race and Newarks' schools into context:

Newark’s voters won’t be able to stop Gov. Chris Christie’s plan to close and sell off the city’s neighborhood public schools and expand charters unless they elect Ras Baraka mayor. That is not an endorsement. That’s not even an opinion. That’s a fact. Baraka has turned the election into a referendum on Christie’s privatization policies and, if Baraka loses, the governor and his agent in Newark, Cami Anderson, will use his loss as a powerful argument to continue to bulldoze public schools in the city. Even if Baraka wins, it will just be the beginning of the effort to stop selling and closing Newark schools.
Why am I writing so much about Newark? Because as JJ points out this may be the current epicenter of the battle for public education. Baraka is much more clearly defined than de Blasio was in taking a stand for public ed and is opposed by the forces for ed deform. Watch enormous money pour into Newark to try to defeat Baraka. I may actually spend the big bucks to drive to Jersey one day to lend a hand.
Someone on JJ's blog asked what the teacher union is doing to help Baraka. Good point.

If you are watching the battle over tenure in California, and the cutting of pensions in Detroit, our own little spot of relative protection compared to others, even with de Blasio - who could always turn out to be a one term mayor - is not assured. The current agony over retroactive pay, in the overall context, may prove to be a minor player in the long run scheme of things. They want your high salaried jobs and your pensions. It may take longer here but the trend line is ominous, especially with the state of the union, where the dominant faction in New York State is probably going to take total control of NYSUT based in a large part on their claims that the current leadership is not sucking up enough to the anti-union blood sucking governor.
Be ever alert!

Attention education fighters:

Please support Newark families and their public schools and by sharing/tweeting these stories on FB, Twitter, etc.  
Support Ras Baraka for Mayor by including #BelieveInNewark and @RasJBaraka.

Bob Braun's Ledger: Newark is the next Wisconsin--only, this time, it's tenure AND bargaining under attack

Jersey Jazzman: Shocking: Baraka Consults Knowledgeable People About Education
TeacherBiz (S. Jersey teacher Ani McHugh) reports on Baraka's Ed Blueprint for Newark:

Helen Gym: Philly parent leader supports Ras Baraka for mayor

Defeat NJ Bullies: NJEA an embarrassment for NOT endorsing Ras Baraka

Newark Parents United: Endorses Ras Baraka for Mayor

Newark Student Union & NJ Communities United Endorse Ras Baraka for Mayor

Friday, February 21, 2014

Newark's Crooks: Cami Goes After ATRs - Wants Tenure Abolished - Asks Cerf for Ruling

Will this be CamiGate3 or 4? I'm losing count. The Three C's -- Cami, Cerf and Cristie -- are aiming a missile at Newark teachers. Hey [NTU leader] Joe Del Grosso and [AFT Pres] Randi Weingarten, how has that contract you raved about not even a year and a half ago worked out?

Bob Braun's Ledger has the gory story:
He [Del Grosso] said he believed Anderson, a former executive director of Teach for America (TFA), is invoking the rule to protect the jobs of many TFA graduates hired by the Newark schools. Under the program, recent college graduates with six weeks of training can be hired to teach, usually in inner-city schools. Although many drop out after an initial two-year term, they do provide schools with cheap, if untrained, labor.....
Cami asks state approval to ignore seniority in teacher layoff 
Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gee, I'm shocked, just shocked, gambling?

Well, let's not pile on over the horrendous policy pushed by our own unions that lead to them going over the cliff. Randi is not an idiot -- she knows full well what the results will be -- she may actually think they can buy time by giving up some rights.

One of my sources has indicated that senior teachers are already being pushed with inordinate demands in an effort to "find something" on them.
Chief among Anderson’s targets apparently are the so-called “employees without placement”—or hundreds of school employees who, for a variety of reasons, have not been assigned to specific schools. Many were caught up in so-called “renew” schools where employees must reapply and be rehired–or not–every year.
Here in NYC we saw how the UFT's signing on to allowing schools to close without placing the teachers has led to the ATR situation. The goal all along was to bring in TFA as replacements and then engage in a public relations and extralegal battle to protect them if layoffs should hit.
“She is totally ignoring not just the idea of tenure but the changes made in the tenure law just enacted. It’s an end run around the new law and frustrates its provisions.”
The new tenure law, pushed through at the height of Gov. Chris Christie’s anti-teacher and anti-union initiatives, gives teachers time to try to overcome poor evaluations in order to avoid the elimination of their tenure.
Not only does the “waiver or equivalency” provision ignore the new tenure law but it also trashes decades-old seniority rules that would allow teachers with seniority to “bump” more junior teachers in the face of what schools call “RIFS”—or reductions in force.
You know those millions the UFT has spent on those commercials? Did you see one word explaining tenure and defending ATRs? Maybe this explains the Revise (Rebury NYSUT) fear of Cuomo -- maybe the thug threatened them that he will go this route too.

Maybe there is some hope.
The plan has provoked stiff opposition from many community members and their cause has been picked by Ras Baraka, a mayoral candidate. His rival, Shavar Jeffries, has supported Anderson.
The controversy has become heated, especially after Anderson suspended five school principals after they criticized her plan and banned a parent leader from his children’s school for posting notices of a meeting that was viewed as critical of “One Newark.”
Earlier this week, a special legislative inquiry began into the way Anderson has handled “One Newark.” State Sen. Ronald Rice (D-Esssex), the co-chairman of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Public Schools, has said he would ask for subpoena power to conduct a full investigation of the plan.
Del Gross said he expected opposition to the plan when the Newark school board meets Feb. 25 and the state Board of Education  meets March 5.
He also said the union would seek a court injunction against the planned layoffs.
The mayoral race will be a key and it I were a Newark teacher I would get my ass onto any Raz Baraka unburned campaign bus I could. 

Chris Christie and Cami Anderson
 Full story here.

MORE: The Contract NYC Educators Deserve Video

Produced by Dan Lupkin for the MORE media team.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Self-Serving Manhattan Inst Research on Charter Co-Locos Exposed by Bruce Baker

The Manhattan Institute report provides little useful guidance for New York City with respect to the narrow question of whether the city should charge rent to charter operators.... Bruce Baker

How great to have people like Bruce Baker around to expose the sham ideologically tainted research being done by groups like the Manhattan Institute.

You can read Baker's and the MI report from
GLC Logo

Bruce Baker, (732) 932-7496, x8232,
Dan Quinn, (517) 203-2940,

Think Twice reviews NYC charter co-location report
Manhattan Institute report provides little useful guidance
EAST LANSING, Mich. (Feb. 20, 2014) – A recent report from the Manhattan Institute examined the potential impact of requiring co-located charter schools to pay rent in NYC.

The report reflects concerns of charter advocates and operators regarding potential policy changes under Bill de Blasio, New York's new mayor. A new academic review of the report finds numerous problems with the report's assumptions and with its poorly documented and oversimplified analyses.

Bruce Baker, Rutgers University, reviewed the brief for the Think Twice think tank review project, published by the National Education Policy Center (NEPC) with funding from the Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.

Should Charter Schools Pay Rent? Implications for Staffing and Growth, by Stephen Eide, claims that charging rent to co-located charters in NYC would have triggered an average budget deficit of 10.7 percent at those schools. The report also proposes that paying rent could cripple the co-located charters' growth in NYC.

Professor Baker finds that the report only presents a handful of poorly documented tables and graphs listing potential budget deficits, speculative layoffs, and average proficiency rates of co-located and non-co-located charter schools. However, the report's greatest weakness is in its assumption that there is no possible downside when resources are transferred from city schools to charter schools.

The report assumes that subsidies benefit charter schools and halting these subsidies harms charters and benefits no one.

More importantly, Baker finds that the report ignores the broader and more complex policy questions of what it takes to manage a balanced and equitable system of schooling options.

In conclusion, Baker states: "The Manhattan Institute report provides little useful guidance for New York City with respect to the narrow question of whether the city should charge rent to charter operators."

Find Bruce Baker's review on the Great Lakes Center website:
Find Should Charter Schools Pay Rent?, by Stephen Eide, on the web:
Think Twice, a project of the National Education Policy Center (NEPC), provides the public, policymakers, and the press with timely, academically sound reviews of selected publications. The project is made possible with support from the Great Lakes Center for Education Research and Practice.
This review is also found on the NEPC website:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

UFT/NYSUT NYSUT: History of Cozying Up to Anti-union Politicians is not new

How Revive NYSUT lies:
The tax cap was a terrible mistake. NYSUT waiting almost two full years, just two days prior to the expiration date, to file a lawsuit was irresponsible at best and did great harm. We will fight to get rid of the tax cap completely.  
Who was in charge of the NYSUT legislative program? Exec VP Andy Pallotta. Sure, he will NOW fight.

Andy Pallotta, NYSUT Exec VP, cozied up to the awful John Flanagan. Why is the Port Jefferson Station NYSUT local so vehement about opposing the Mulgrew/Pallotta coup and leading the opposition? While not entirely thrilled with the Iannuzzi performance over the last few years, they see the UFT coup as a worse option. The Flanagan story is one aspect -- see links below.

PJSTA was fine when Alan Lubin ran the political operation because they say he was effective (I don't always agree with that assessment). Pallotta has been totally ineffective, doing nothing to oppose the Cuomo property tax freeze which has crippled those locals that depend on that tax to fund education (the overwhelming majority in the state).

That has fueled the enormous pressure by these locals on Iannuzzi, who comes from one of those locals, to put curbs on the ineffective and incompetent Pallotta operation. That curb by Iannuzzi is what inflamed the UFT crowd -- Mulgrew and Weingarten because they controlled the VOTE COPE money since NYSUT was formed. How important an issue is this to the UFT? Al Shanker held the Pallotta position for over a decade as did Lubin, who at one pre-Randi point was viewed as a Shanker successor.

Andy Pallotta? A Bronx District 10 rep (not the head of the UFT Bronx as posted in some press reports) going from that position to replacing the likes of Shanker and Lubin? Clearly a case of the Peter Principle, now to be dubbed the "Andy" principle.

I and my fellow MOREistas do not excuse NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi's actions over his years in office (and his years as a NYSUT VP before that). But now that he seems to have grown a set - (well maybe not a complete set) -- he is being challenged by the same crew led by the Pallotta/Mulgrew/Weingarten team that is critical because Dick is not cozying up to Cuomo. Why is he not cozying up to Cuomo? Let's start with the Property tax. Is Revive (Rebury) NYSUT putting that issue on the table?

But this is not new. We've seen the UFT supporting the most awful politicians since I became active in the early 70s. To me the epitome came when the UFT wouldn't support fellow teacher Gene Prisco when he ran against right winger Vito Fascella for Congress, who ended up leaving in disgrace.

The PJSTA version of Fascella is Flanagan.

Check how Andy Pallotta cozied up to the awful John Flanagan on the PJSTA blog in these posts sent to me by the crew over there.
  • This post details the story about Flanagan complaining to NYSUT and the district about Dimino.
  • This post tells about Flanagan's top campaign contributor, Rhee's Students First.
  • This post is when we held a rally outside Flanagan's office and he cowardly hid inside his office (the one where the Suffolk PAC tried to undermine us).
  • This post quotes a great editorial about Flanagan that was behind a paywall.  It does a good job pointing out how he is attached to the reform agenda.
  • Finally, this post shows Pallotta cozying up to Flanagan and tells how he used VOTE COPE funds to contribute to Flanagan even though NYSUT voted not to endorse Flanagan.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

DOE and SCI Coverup in Investigation of PS 106 Principal Marcella Sills

Only for time cards??? What happened to a financial audit??? Why does [Supt] Lloyd-Bey get away w covering up for her??? This is pure corruption in D27... former PS 106 teacher.
I was just running out when the news broke on CBS. Time cards? She was late? The school ran better when she wasn't there.

The DOE covers up for thug principals who ruin the careers of teachers and run schools like banana republics.

No time for putting up links now - if you want background search ed notes for them.

Exposing Revive Jive: Lola Kelly, East Rochester TA Pres and NEA State Rep

I come not to praise the current leadership of NYSUT but also not to bury it -- Yet. ... EdNotes
Before you read this from Lola Kelly, president of East Rochester TA and statewide representative to the National Education Association, note that Michael Mulgrew supported giving John King the power to decide our fate on APPR and even praised his decision. 

Just one more contradiction in a sea of falsehoods being spread by the Revive - or Rebury NYSUT, as NYC Educator has dubbed them.
Also read our pal at

B-LoEdScene Why I Don't Love My Union Options
If you are keeping score at home, and truthfully I don't think many teachers here in the Empire State are, NYSUT is in the middle of a significant fission...
B-Lo doesn't have anything to praise Iannuzzi about, but I expect he will have even less praise for the Revive NYSUT Jive when he does his follow-up.

None of us love the alternatives here and our little team of 8 stalwarts running in this election currently as independents (MORE Jumps into NYSUT Fray) and Arthur Goldstein Runs for NYSUT VP Against Pallotta) certainly face some headwinds. Key issue for me: What will be sorted out post-election and how will that affect the future of NYSUT and the AFT?
February 17, 2014

Hello Friends!
I have noticed some inconsistencies in the course of the campaign for the NYSUT executive officers and members of the Board of Directors. Allow me to call them to your attention.

1. The $10,000 table at the Cuomo fundraiser: At the Unity Caucus Steering Committee meeting which followed the January meeting of the Board of Directors, there was much discussion about the reason for the contribution.

Andy Pallotta defended the contribution in pragmatic terms, essentially saying it is necessary to stay connected with elected officials who are as powerful as the Governor. That is a rationale I can accept.

However, here is the contradiction: Andy Pallotta and Michael Mulgrew each emphatically said in three separate speeches, that they did not want to go to the fundraiser, but then Dick wanted to buy a ticket, so Andy went and Michael sent a representative.

So which was it? A pragmatic move that was necessary to keep an open line to a Governor who has the power to help or hurt us, or tickets purchased to keep an eye on Dick?
Why was it necessary to buy a full table at a fundraiser for a governor who has been an enemy of public schools and public school students?

2. The number of Vice President positions: Concern about losing a Vice President who was from upstate New York, who would represent our interests, was clearly and repeatedly articulated at an E.D. 5 and 6 meeting, at which Lee Cutler was the invited speaker. Lee responded by saying that all officers represented members statewide, despite their personal home origins.

So here is the contradiction: All of the members of the Revive slate are from downstate. A number of individuals affiliated with the Revive slate are challenging the incumbents in upstate seats on the Board of Directors. Why didn’t any of them choose to run for a position among the Executive Officers, to ensure an upstate presence among that group?

Hopefully, if the downstate-based members of the Revive slate win, they too will represent all of the members.

3. Complaints about APPR: The campaign has, in part, been about discontent with our APPR plan. In some cases, members seem to indicate that NYSUT could have prevented the implementation of the system of teacher evaluation, as if similar, but even worse plans have not been put in place in states nationwide.

The contradiction: The Commissioner had the authority to impose the percent of our evaluation based on student test scores, and seemed to have been poised to mandate 50% until NYSUT convinced the Legislature to amend the Taylor Law with language that restricted the portion based on standardized test scores to 20% and mandated bargaining for the remainder of the evaluation. Our plan is envied by teachers in other states because many, if not most are burdened with a structure that consigns 50% of their evaluation to the test scores of their students. A few states use a 30% model.

How is NYSUT a failure? Surely any of the teachers in those other states would gladly accept our APPR system.
Thank you for the opportunity to call these inconsistencies to your attention.

- Lola Kelly

Monday, February 17, 2014

Christie Cover Story on Baraka Bus Fire

Here’s the problem. Greedy people don’t mess around. They try to get what they want and if some overly idealistic and uncooperative politician—someone, say, like Ras Baraka—tries to get in the way,  people could get hurt... Bob Braun's Ledger 
We were joking -- sort of -- earlier with our post that I labeled as "satire."

Christie Denies Blowing Up Baraka Campaign Bus - Satire

Bob Braun gets into some details that make we wonder.
 .....observers point out that three of the scandals threatening  the political career of Gov. Chris Christie involve major real estate development projects—in Fort Lee, Hoboken, and New Brunswick. It’s as if the feverish fantasies created by Christie’s people in the US Attorney’s office to snare local Democratic politicians with phony development projects have suddenly become realities–and real opportunities to make Christie’s pals a lot of money. Real estate developers with ties to charter school companies are buying up property in  the city.  Plans by Cami Anderson,  the state-appointed [Newark] schools superintendent, has virtually unlimited power to sell of school-owned property, as she did when she sold the 18th Avenue School  to the Pink Hula Hoop, a for-profit corporation with close ties to TEAM Charter Schools.
And don't forget CamiGate (AndersonGate: Cami Anderson Last Minute Newark School Closing).

Here is Christie's latest explanation for the bus fire.

I was walking by the bus with a cup of coffee and while adding a pack of sugar I tripped. While falling, I grabbed for something and accidentally twisted off the gas cap of the bus and coffee and sugar spilled in. When I hit ground -- with a thud, matches flew out of my pocket and ignited the bus. I heroically tried to put out the fire by covering the entire bus with my suit jacket but it was too late. I was lucky to escape with his life.

Now I hear he is in Puerto Rico with an alibi. 

SUPE Call: #ResistTFA

Help Us Get #ResistTFA Trending on Twitter!

Inline image 1
WHEN: Monday, February 17th
  • Get #ResistTFA trending to draw people to critiques of TFA
  • Reach as many potential TFA applicants and supporters
  • Simply Tweet why you do not support TFA, and make sure to add the #ResistTFA hashtag to your Tweet
  • Share any articles, blog posts, opinion pieces critiquing TFA
  • Share, Share, Share our event!

Follow us on Twitter: @SUPEnational

Also, we're running a photo campaign. We hope to eventually compile all these photos together to create a short video clip to share as a part of our campaign. Check out a few of these examples. And of course e-mail us your own! What could be better reason to take a selfie? 

Inline image 2

Inline image 3

Inline image 4

Inline image 5

"See" you tomorrow!

In Solidarity,

Students United for Public Education (SUPE)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Christie Denies Blowing Up Baraka Campaign Bus - Satire

Is the destruction of the campaign bus of a candidate who is an obvious threat to Christie BridgeGate, HobokenGate and CamiGate on steroids?

Can't you see thug Chris Christie, having his Newark school takeover tactics threatened by a Baraka win for mayor, joking: "Of course I was there. I bought some sugar, put it in gas tank and set the bus on fire."

The establishment, fearing a Baraka win, given his stand for teachers and parents, have pushed candidates who might split the vote out of the race, leaving a 2 man race. But why not go that little bit extra by burning Baraka's campaign bus?

Yesterday we read this:
Newark voters will decide–either Ras Baraka or Christie’s plan to close city’s public schools - Newark’s voters won’t be able to stop Gov. Chris Christie’s plan to close and sell off the city’s neighborhood public schools and expand charters unless ..
 Today this:

Newark mayoral candidate Baraka's campaign bus vandalized, set on fire

This story comes out soon after reading how Newark principal on leave Ras Baraka is a threat to the 3 C's: Christie/Cerf/Cami privatization plan in Newark.
One of our hero NYC principals posted this on facebook:

Jean Schutt McTavish
Jean Schutt McTavish10:07am Feb 16
Ras Baraka is a threat to the corrupt Jersey political power structure, so someone sent a message. One commenter said: "people HAVE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST >>>SHARE ! ! !....THIS IS THE 1960's ALL OVER AGAIN!"

Ras is a high school principal on a leave of absence. He ran a school AND was on the City Council. Ras understands better than most what the corporate take over of education looks like and feels like. Please share!
Timeline Photos
Ras Baraka Campaign Bus set on fire next to Baraka's Central Ward Headquarters (421 Central Ave, New...
A Newark teacher writes:
Chris Christie's dreams come true. Pressures on the Newark community pertaining to Anderson's One Newark plan have galvanized the opposition into action under the leadership of Councilman Ras Baraka on leave from his principalship at Central High to run his mayoral campaign. The status quo, which in this case is the leadership of Chris, Chris and Cami, is inspiring acts of violence against the Baraka campaign organization. Unable to win on the merits of their case, they have resorted to the tactics of street thugs.

Look for more soon from Ed Notes reporters on the scene (sort of) in Newark.

Newark mayoral candidate Baraka's campaign bus vandalized, set on fire

The campaign bus of Newark mayoral candidate Ras Baraka, pictured here at a gathering last year, was vandalized today, according to a campaign spokesman. (Saed Hindash/The Star-Ledger)
Erin O'Neill/The Star-Ledger By Erin O'Neill/The Star-Ledger
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on February 16, 2014 at 11:16 AM, updated February 16, 2014 at 11:24 AM

NEWARK — A campaign bus emblazoned with an image of Newark mayoral hopeful Ras Baraka was vandalized this morning, according to a campaign spokesman.
The bus, which was parked next to Baraka's Central Ward campaign headquarters, had been torn apart inside, according to Baraka's communication director Frank Baraff. Sugar was found in the gas tank and a small fire was set inside of the bus as well, Baraff said.
Last week, the mayoral race became a two-man fight after North Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr. and Central Ward Councilman Darrin Sharif bowed out of the contest.
Baraka will now only face former U.S. assistant attorney general Shavar Jeffries in the contest to take the seat left empty when Cory Booker won a seat in the U.S. Senate. The election is in May.
Capt. John Brown of the Newark Fire Department said emergency officials were called to the scene on Central Avenue around 7 a.m. this morning.
"Upon arrival we found a small fire on the bus," Brown said. "We extinguished the fire."
Brown said the Essex County Prosecutor's Office and the Newark arson squad were on scene investigating the incident.
Baraff said the "truth is we have no idea who did it."
In a statement, Jeffries said, "This is terrible. We do not condone this type of alleged behavior and hope that anyone involved in this potential arson is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We are happy that no one was hurt or injured."


Newark mayor's race: Baraka, Jeffries hold dueling events at city supermarkets

Newark mayor's race: Ramos officially drops out, backs Shavar Jeffries

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Left-Leaning CUNY PSC Leadership Sells Out to Mulgrew

Of course, the signatories know full well that Mulgrew and company have no such analysis and no such “willingness to organize the real power of the rank-and-file.” So a potentially good statement ends up cynically supporting the very people who would never have written such a statement!....PSC member in private email
While not surprised that the leadership of the supposedly progressive Professional Staff Congress (CUNY Profs) was taking this stand, it is still shocking to read it. To me it drips with behind the scenes cynicism as they play the power politic political game.
We believe that a new NYSUT leadership—one explicitly committed to building a fighting union—has the best chance of recovering the union’s power and charting a new course. We believe that the Revive NYSUT candidates recognize the scope and urgency of the austerity crisis, and that they will be unafraid to pursue a solution commensurate to the problem.... PSC Statement in support oft he Revive NYSUT slate (Pallotta, Mulgrew etc.)
WTF. The "new" NYSUT leadership they are supporting is in no way new. A presidential puppet controlled by the UFT as was established by Al Shanker 42 years ago. The minute the UFT's former puppet Iannuzzi started to stray off the reservation they suddenly needed a "new" leadership. Thus the PSC leaders fall into the category of political hacks, supporting the system that had not had an election in all its history and when given the chance to make a mark they choose to go with the old guard while branding it the new guard.

They are talking about an even more dominant UFT/Unity Caucus control of NYSUT than exists today -- that is the group that will build a "fighting union?"

How shabby of Barbara Bowen, Steve London, Mike Fabricant, and Arthurine DeSola. These are politically sophisticated people and know full well how the MulGarten theocracy operates and how the machine has operated for 50 years. Shame on them.

Their statement makes important political points and then falls flat when they get around to endorsing Revive NYSUT. Like blowing air into a balloon and having it blow up in your face.

A PSC member commented:

The PSC statement in support of the Revive NYSUT slate makes for sad reading. Given that the PSC leadership decided it couldn’t sit on the sidelines, and that the Mulgrew rat pack was going to win, the statement is probably the best it could produce. If one forgets the endorsement for a second, much of the statement rings true....
A union that has lost 35,000 members since the 2008 recession and whose current members are being pummeled by a testing regime designed to deepen economic inequality is a union in crisis. NYSUT should be in fighting mode, not conducting business as usual. Without either an analysis of why we are under attack or a willingness to organize the real power of the rank-and-file, the current leadership has been unable to offer the kind of response of which a union representing half a million teachers is capable.
The current leadership? You mean the current leadership that has actually taken a stand against Cuomo? The current leadership that has made the strongest statements yet heard on the common core and John King?

Read their statement below the break.

Face to Face With Finland's Education System

So I've been going to rehearsals almost every night for the Rockaway Theatre Company Production of "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". One of the young ladies who sings along with the men's chorus in the number "Brotherhood of Man" does a solo that will knock your socks off.

Recently I had an opportunity to chat with her. I overhead someone mention Finland and I asked her if she was of Finnish descent. "I'm from Finland," she said. Seeing she spoke perfect English - much better than me - I figured she came here as a little girl. "I'm only here 2 years she said. And she is probably in her mid twenties. I mentioned their education system is legendary and her ability to English so well is evidence.

What an eclectic and interesting cast. One of my fellow ensemble guys is from Pakistan. Many travel to get to this most out of the way theater imaginable for rehearsal night after night.

I've been part of the crew assisting the carpenter in building the set. Thursday we built the mailboxes. Friday we built the elevator and put up the windows over looking the Manhattan skyline which will be pained on the back wall. Every aspect of this who is on a professional level, mostly done by volunteers who put their lives into this theater. And is shows in the quality of the productions. A lot of people vie to get into these shows from all around the city. I'm waiting for a tap on my shoulder the next time I turn left instead of right but everyone is very encouraging.

Okay, I'm using today to post many of the drafts I began but haven't posted. So watch out for the onslaught.

Mills TA Calls on NYSUT to Lead Statewide Boycott of Grades 3-8 Assessment

While parents have been opting out, teacher organizations are beginning to revolt too. Can they pressure Iannuzzi to make this move? I'm guessing most likely not. When the Mulgrew pro-Cuomo team wins, NO CHANCE.

Before you read the resolution check this sample Common Core 1st Grade Question. I still can't figure out the answer. My first choice was none of the above since I didn't see 8+6. Can 10 + 4 be the right answer? Makes no sense to me. Give this test to the state legislature and the Regents.

From our friends at Parents and Educators Against Common Core Standards
"Here is a Common Core 1st grade math question from Pearson Education. You tell me how well Common Core is working. Remember brain research says that abstract thinking does not begin until age 12. What is a 6 year old going to do with this?"
How about a 69 year old?


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

WHEREAS, the New York State Grades 3-8 assessments have proven to be sub-standard, unreliable measurements of student achievement and learning; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Grades 3-8 assessments require unreasonable amounts of testing time (700 minutes each spring), not reflective of best practice pedagogy; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Grades 3-8 assessments interrupt valuable instruction/learning time which can never be replaced or retrieved; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Grades 3-8 assessment contents are not reviewable to use as a guides or supplements to instruction; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Grades 3-8 assessments require the excessive expenditure of tax dollars without providing commensurate educational value, quality test construction, content or design;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New York Mills Teachers Association calls upon the President of the New York State United Teachers, Richard Iannuzzi, to lead the NYSUT membership in a statewide boycott of the Spring 2014 New York State Grades 3-8 assessments.
 It's a busy posting day today. In between taking my first Zumba class and priming the Rockaway Theatre Company set for our upcoming production of "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying," there is a bunch of stuff coming. But where are you going to go today in the snow?

Saturday Special: Savaging Common Core - New Content at SusanOhanian.Org!

Here is Susan with some weekend reading for your idle hands. Much better than watching the olympics or snow fall. She comments on an article in the Wall St. Journal by NYC High School teacher James Samuelson, who writes about the pleasure of teaching to the test. Has he tried it with 4 year-olds? Susan takes him to task.

Some appetizers from Susan O:

Feds Put Pre-K into Race to the Top

Tote that bookbag!
Learn those skills!
Learn to be compliant
And swallow Global Economy pills!

NCLB Cartoons

Training 4-year-olds For the Global Economy

On February 4, 2014, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced on a call with U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius that . . . this year's Race to the Top funding will support President Obama's call to provide high-quality preschool for all 4-year-olds from low- and moderate-income families . . .--Press Release

The Eggplant is back. Actually there are 1 1/2 Eggplants in this mailing. Here's one.

Teachers Who Administer Common Core Tests to Receive Valentino Bags

The unintentional Eggplant is a Wall Street Journal opinion piece: The Pleasures of Teaching to the Test.

And some cartoons:
This one is special to me right now. I just read the 451-page Vermont RTTT Early Childhood Grant to which the Feds awarded $37 million, and I feel sick. Sick and very very angry. So I made this cartoon. And I'm working on an expose of what these people are up to but I've only read 64 pages of the grant's 693-page Appendix. My theory is they figured nobody would read the  Appendix. Anyway, here's a cartoon that is my reaction to Vermont's intentions:

Feds Put Pre-K into Race to the Top

And more:

Pre-K Skills for the Global Economy

Training 4-year-olds for the Global Economy

Rotten at the Core

But the 1% will still get wrinkles

Rotten to the Core

Teaching as a Career


The Pleasures Of 'Teaching To the Test'
Susan Ohanian


Did the New York State Language Arts test really pose a question about the tone of Andrew Carnegie's writing? This teacher uses it as an example of how great the test is.

 Colorado and PARCC. What will be left? Just the Students and the Chromebooks
Peg with Pen blog

I understand that the lack of pedagogical principle in the Common Core is beyond the grasp of most corporate politicos, but can't they grasp the destructive finances required by the technology?

How Common Core Devalues Great Literature
Anthony Esolen
Crisis Magazine

There is a necessary  alternative to Common Core, with its relentless, contemptible, soul-cramping, story-killing, pseudo-sophisticated, utilitarian focus.

A Voice of New Mexico
Carol Singletary
press conference

A New Mexico teacher speaks up--and does not hide her name.

Remarks of U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan: Seize the Day
Arne Duncan
speech at ASCD

If  the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sent me $100,000 for 'every English teacher who lamented the lack of close reading by students' before the arrival of the Common Core (as Arne claims), I'd still need to find $3.50 to buy a latte.

Come read with me and be my Drone
Susan Ohanian


With apologies to Christopher Marlowe.

To the editor
Stephen Krashen
Washington Post

Stephen Krashen does it in two sentences.

To the editor
Stephen Krashen, Professor Emeritus USC
Seattle Times

Another Krashen letter published!

To the editor
Stephen Krashen
New York Times

As this letter points out, the distance between policy and profit is gone.

 Educational Management Corporation: for-profit disaster school may soon give up the ghost
Danny Weil
Daily Censored

Education Management Corporation is one of the largest providers of post-secondary education in North America and they're being sued by the Feds. Take a look at who's connected with this for-profit education retail chain.

Designed to Distract: Parsing the Unintelligible Corporatese
Colin McEnroe
Hartford Courant

If you can read this deconstruction of educationese without laughing out loud, I'll be surprised.

Teachers Who Administer Common Core Tests to Receive Valentino Bags
Susan Ohanian

The Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association are pleased to announce that with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pearson,  inBloom, and the American Federation of Teachers, all teachers administering the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessments as part of the Common Core Standards Initiative will receive a Valentino Crocodile Studded Tote from  the Spring/Summer 2014 collection.
Order the CD of the resistance:
"No Child Left Behind? Bring Back the Joy."
To order online (and hear samples from the songs)
Other orders: Send $15 to
Susan Ohanian
P. O. Box 26
Charlotte, VT 05445

Norm in The Wave: A New Educational Landscape

A New Educational Landscape
By Norm Scott

My major problem in writing about education in this space recently? EIO – Education Information Overload. So many education issues, so little time – and space in this column to cover them. The most obvious change in the educational landscape has been a new mayor and chancellor, the Bill de Blasio/Carmen Farina team. Farina held just about every type job in her 40 plus years in the system. The most impressive? Spending a major chunk of her career actually teaching before starting her rise, thus giving heart to experienced teachers who have been denigrated by corporate education reformers (actually education deformers) who have declared the teaching profession dead over the past 12 years. Deformers have pushed the line you can substitute for experience with people with 6 weeks training. You know, get a little training, spend a few years so you can declare yourself an “expert” in education and go into educational leadership or policy. One of Farina’s first acts? Declaring that to become a principal one must be in the system for seven years. That alone issues a signal to educators that the Mickey Mouse games of the BloomKleinCott years may be over.

But let’s not leap onto the Farina bandwagon until we see some signs that she is about action not just words. Take our local Rockaway PS 106 scandal revealed in the – I have to gag before I write it – NY Post a few weeks ago. Farina sent in people to check it out and since then, nothing. Local educators who have been in touch are waiting to see what happens to Principal Marcella Sills and her protector, District 27 Superintendent Michelle Lloyd-Bey, who has been a constant presence in District 27 supporting every initiative of the Bloomberg years with gusto, from the closing of Far Rockaway HS on. If Lloyd-Bey and Sills are standing in September that will send a strong “same-old, same-old” message.

There are so many stories out there of incompetent and even cruel administrators, many of them graduates of the principal training Leadership Academy set up by former Chancellor Joel Klein. (Sills is a graduate.) It will take a lot of housecleaning to bring in people who know how to run a school and treat parents, teachers and students with respect. I’m in “wait and see” mode.

A couple of issues have risen to the surface. The common core, national standards imposed by the Obama administration tied to using test results to rate teachers, an end run around tenure. Open warfare has broken out about these standards. Many parents and teachers around NY State are in open revolt. The useless Board of Regents and the equally decrepit State Education Department have made so many errors around this issue they were forced to hold off on implementation. Early in the year there were celebratory articles in The Wave over the reappointment of our own Geraldine Chapey as a Regent. Talk about useless. Maybe it’s time to actually hold an election to replace a process that puts control of education into the hands of corrupt Albany politicians who choose the Regents.

People on the left opposed the common core/national curriculum for numerous reasons: increased testing, taking away local rights, the lack of real educator input, the knife to the throat implementation, are just a few. One of my reasons to oppose is based on who is pushing it and why – I’ll get into the weeds in a future column.

The corporate deformers, who are making billions on this initiative were never worried about the left. But suddenly the right wing woke up as to what was going on. If you look back over the first 4 years of the Obama administration you never heard Republicans, who savage Obama on just about everything, say one negative word on his education initiatives, especially the anti-teacher focused Race To The Top. Democrats like our slug of a Governor, Cuomo, have also been cheerleaders. But suddenly, the tea party wing and people like Glenn Beck have woken up to exactly what a national curriculum means. Southern states may no longer teach that the South won the Civil War or that dinosaurs used to hang out at the home sapiens camp sites looking for scraps. Now there is a national right wing movement to oppose the federal interference in state rights’ control of education. This has put liberals and the left - or “progressives” in a quandary. Some feel they must support the common core just because of the right wing assault. People in my wing are battling over whether to build alliances with the tea party on this issue. I tend toward the “alliance” wing. I just can’t wait to rally together with Glenn Beckians, which by the way may be happening on May 17 at a planned rally at the headquarters of Pearson, the billion dollar company cleaning up on the common core initiatives.

Norm blogs all too often at

Published in print and online Feb. 14, 2014: