Saturday, August 9, 2014

Gypsy Pics - One Last Time

Farmhands - only pic on this page I didn't take

I am a hoarder - never throw anything away - so I have these pics on my hard drive and want to delete them to make room. So, I just use Ed Notes as a dumping ground. What other purpose does it have?

I set up the camera and let it roll when I went backstage

The orchestra pit

Chowsie played by Nick

Baby June

Louise - growing up

Chinese restaurant scene

Baby June grownup

June and Louise sing about Mama getting married

Louise and Tacoma finale

Everything's Coming up Mama Roses

The Torreadoras

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Not this way

Who cares if she can play the trumpet?

Boy, they gotta gimmick

Go out and strip, girl

Cast party - Franky (right) and John with prop for Godspell

Catherine with gift for Director Susan

John after dancing

Vergara Update: Chetty, Chetty Gets Banged, Banged in Teachers College Refute

Over the last decade, teacher evaluation based on value-added models (VAMs) has become central to the public debate over education policy. In this commentary, we critique and deconstruct the arguments proposed by the authors of a highly publicized study that linked teacher value-added models to students’ long-run outcomes, Chetty et al. (2014, forthcoming), in their response to the American Statistical Association statement on VAMs. We draw on recent academic literature to support our counter-arguments along main points of contention: causality of VAM estimates, transparency of VAMs, effect of non-random sorting of students on VAM estimates and sensitivity of VAMs to model specification... TC Record
How nice to see Raj Chetty, who was a witness against the teachers in the California case, taken down. Do you think someone will call for him to lose tenure due to shoddy research?

Chetty is one of those hired hand research thugs from Harvard who "proved" that teacher quality based on VAM can affect a child's lifetime earnings. Of course their (purposely) shoddy work is coming apart at the seams.

As Ravitch wrote in June:
The American Statistical Association released a brief report on value-added assessment that was devastating to its advocates. ASA said it was not taking sides, but then set out some caveats that left VAM with no credibility. Can a school district judge teacher quality by the test scores of his or her students? ASA wrote this: “VAMs are generally based on standardized test scores, and do not directly measure potential teacher contributions toward other student outcomes.
I imagine hitman lawyer for Campbell Brown, David Boies, will be smart enough not to use Chetty in the NY case. Someone even suggested Chetty, given testimony along the lines of "if only California had better tenure laws as good as NY", be called for our side. But union lawyers have often proved to be dumber than dirt, so don't expect a rigorous defense of tenure. In fact, look for them to plead that they will figure out ways to help get rid of teachers, continuing a long tradition, as Eterno points out over at ICE, where our own union has helped weaken the tenure laws (LETTER TO PROTECT TENURE FROM PEOPLE WHO WEAKENED IT).
Like, does anyone think it is only 3 years when half the people get extended, sometimes for more than one year (I recently met a guy who was in his 7th year as a teacher and only got it by getting away from the witch who was his principal.

Read the report below the break.

Friday, August 8, 2014


Chicago's George Schmidt is one of the founders of CORE, involved in the CTU for decades and an activist against high stakes testing long before that issue came on anyone's radar -- he was fired as a teacher for publishing the horrible CASE tests - which were discontinued after his expose. His newspaper, Substance, has been a force in Chicago schools for almost 4 decades. I learned about the existence of CORE from its earliest days from reading Substance. And so did many Chicago teachers.

Next Wed, MORE will be holding a "Lessons of Chicago" event - for about the 4th time. Unless I bring it up, there is no mention that there was actually a widely distributed newspaper promoting CORE as one of the factors in their success, it has not come up before and probably won't again. George, though a leftist, is not always perceived as being on the politically correct side of the left.

There is even a reading list for the MORE event. I haven't read them, but I bet none of the readings even mention Substance and its role as one of the lessons caucuses should learn from Chicago. I'm not even sure if they mention the key lesson - the ground game CORE built that penetrated 75% or more of the schools - and even how they built that ground game. (See below George's statement for the resources for Weds.)
5. HISTORY AND HISTORY'S DISTORTIONS. As you know, I've long been rabid about people who distort history to fit their own prejudices or narratives. As the character says in The Wire: "If you got enough money, you can be any story you want." The problem is that working class people don't have the time to go around and gather different "viewpoints" to figure out where the truth is -- and to model what they do next. I have shared lots of examples of this. That's why I haven't (yet) reviewed all of the books and articles that have been published since the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012. Basically, each in its own way is trying to hijack a history that we helped make (beginning decades ago in some cases) and bend it for the working class leaders of the new century in one direction or another. I personally realize that the ruling class's control over "narrative" is more destructive, but having helped in a few major historical events, I know from experience how important it is that we tell our stories ourselves. So that's also what will continue into the future, just as we have throughout the past.

One of the most obnoxious and dangerous things about historiography is when people limit their sources to get the viewpoint they want. A writer who clips Catalyst and Chicago's corporate media to learn about the history of Chicago's resistance -- of which the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012 is a central part -- is distorting history, not writing it. A write who ignores the role of Substance in the resistance to corporate "reform" back in the 1990s and high stakes testing as early as 1997 and 1998 is also falsifying history. Boycotts of the poisonous tests didn't begin in Seattle in 2012 no matter now many people proclaim a sectarian version of reality. And there are many other examples...


I'll be talking with you as possible and see many of you next week.

George Schmidt, Editor 

Join us for a discussion with Annie Tan, CORE Activist
Wednesday, August 13th, 4pm-7pm
The Dark Horse, 17 Murray St. NYC
Near City Hall, Chambers St, WTC, $5 Drafts & Well Drinks

How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers, A Labor Notes book, available from MORE $15 solidarity price)

Strike for America, by Micah Utrecht available in hard copy or ebook from:
For a short introductions, please check out “Uncommon Core,” by Micah Utrecht or “Creating a New Model of a Social Union: CORE and the Chicago Teachers Union” by Robert Barlett at

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Re Mulgrew #AFT14 "Punch" Video: What I Told NY Daily News Reporter Steven Rex Brown

Oh, those Martians, who made stops in Seattle and Los Angeles to pick up Gates and Broad before heading for Washington DC to pick up their pal Randi. Conspiracy theories? Who me when there are so few grounds?
I told Brown flat out that I full well knew that the Daily News has an agenda in its interest in the video - to paint Mulgrew and the union as thugs as part of its anti-union bias. He didn't contradict me or even pretend that wasn't the intention. I could tell by his questions how they were going to shape the story.
I rarely trust reporters, particularly from the tabloids. So when Steven Rex Brown, who unfortunately works with that snake, Ben Chapman, asked me to call him today about the Mulgrew AFT video I posted, I did so because he wanted some context. And I gave him plenty of context, especially on this point of derision of CC critics by Mulgrew:
“I’ve heard the stories about how Eli Broad, Bill Gates, Joel Klein and a flying saucer full of Martians designed these things to brainwash us all,” said Mulgrew, mocking critics who deride Common Core as being imposed by billionaires and corporate bigwigs.
Oh, those Martians, who made stops in Seattle and Los Angeles to pick up Gates and Broad before heading for Washington DC to pick up their pal Randi. Conspiracy theories? Who me when there are so few grounds?

I told Brown how the UFT had accepted a million dollar donation from Broad for its charter school and how Broad backed the Al Shanker bio. And how Gates has funneled money to the AFT/UFT to support the common core. And oh that invite to the AFT 2010 convention.  "Do you think Mulgrew looked sort of desperate in the video," I asked Brown? "Yes," he said. "Why do you think he might be desperate? Is it possible there is loads of money somehow involved and in danger?" I always start with "follow the money."
I told Brown flat out that I full well knew that the Daily News has an agenda in its interest in the video - to paint Mulgrew and the union as thugs as part of its anti-union bias. He didn't contradict me or even pretend that wasn't the intention. I could tell by his questions how they were going to shape the story.

I told him:
"If you watch Mulgrew's defense of the common core you will see you guys are on the same side -- all the press supports the common core too. You should be cheering Mulgrew instead of attacking him."

I said my interest in posting the video is in defending the union and making it a better union by exposing the links of our union leaders to groups supporting the common core as a way to rally the rank and file to rise up and turn our union into a fighting union while his paper had nefarious reasons. As long as we were clear on where we each were coming from.

Remember the backdrop to Mulgrew's speech. The day before, Unity did a bum rush to push the Chicago people out of their seats near the microphones and reports of that left them with some egg on their faces. (Leroy Barr had pushed Sarah Chambers). And right before Mulgrew spoke it was Sarah and other CTU teachers who were very strong. So Mulgrew was doing this in some context.

Here is what I posted on July 13:
Gloria in visitor's section just texted - Unity are positioning themselves now near mikes....  Common Core debate begins
[Common Core] will die no matter what the AFT does because, frankly, it doesn’t matter.... Ravitch
UFT throw heavy hitters Mulgrew, Barr - while CORE uses their rank and file -  who are more than capable of holding their own. This is not to say that others around the nation are on the Randi team. So far only Chicago people are opposing the AFT/UFT reso.
UPDATE: See Chicago - reasons to oppose common core.
And this pic of Sarah in a Unity sandwich (though that may be NYSUT Pres Karen Magee, who is Unity clone) with hack Stuart Kaplan behind her, probably holding a bigger shot's spot or to call the question.
Anyway -
So when asked me how I felt about Mulgrew's demeanor I must have disappointed Brown when I said Mulgrew's demeanor is fine with me. I only wish he was like in defending teachers when instead his so-called anger (I forgot to tell Brown it was an act) was really being directed at classroom teachers who opposed the common fore.

I said I want that fighting spirit in a union leader (I certainly prefer Mulgrew's style to the insipid Randi's). But Mulgrew is using a phony fighting spirit on the side of the corporate interests who are pushing the common core instead of using it to defend classroom teachers. I urged him to watch the 2 classroom teachers who followed Mulgrew, Barr and Magee where they talked about the CC being tied to corporate interests, with the last speaker pointing out how it is copywrited.

Brown read back the quote he was going to use and it sounded good to me. I told him if it comes out that way (which I didn't believe it would - and it really didn't) I would get him a birthday present. I don't think so.
The Staten Island native’s fighting words left other teachers feeling insulted, however. “His style is not attacking the real enemies of teachers. He’s attacking the teachers trying to defend their children in the classroom!” said Norm Scott, a retired elementary school teacher living in Rockaway, Queens, who recorded the video and posted it to his Ed Notes blog.
 Brown had asked me about Mulgrew's demeanor, which I am fine with, not insulted. But the rest of the quote looks good to me.

Oh, and when I told him I had a lot more unpublished footage he said he would talk to people about buying it. "Sorry I said, not interested." Ah, the benefits of being a Tier 1 retiree.

More videos of heroic Chicago teachers who spoke before and after Mulgrew.

People are telling me that the streamed video of the AFT convention seems to be missing the Mulgrew speech. I don't want to accuse them of playing the Richard Nixon card and deleting it.

Another point. Someone asked me how it worked out that Mulgrew and Barr spoke right after another -- these guys are big shots - do they have to race to the mic and stand in line? Surrogate Unity Caucus slugs do that work for them - they grab a spot at the mics and move aside for the biggies when strategically it is time for them to speak.

#AFT14 Convention Video - Common Core Debate - Mulgrew is Going to Punch Someone in the Face

Has anyone speaking against the common core said they don't WANT standards? .... Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater? The baby is in the bath water... Pia Payne-Shannon, Minneapolis Teacher opposing common core in rousing speech at AFT convention
I extracted a 12 minute sliver from over an hour debate including the Mike Mulgrew "punch you in the face" line. Followed by Leroy Barr and new NYSUT President Karen Magee (see Randi's face as she qvells at her coup) - I didn't include all of Magee's - yada, yada, yada. I put in 2 speeches of a Chicago teacher and a rousing rebuttal from a Minneapolis teacher.

It was union leadership pushing common core vs classroom teachers opposing. I still have a load of great speeches, mostly from Chicago, which I'll put up tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

More Gypsy Pics and Vids

They just keep popping up on facebook and I can't resist posting. I may be pessimistic long-term, but optimistic short-term.

Here is a unique view of NYC teachers Steve Ryan and Kim Simek, video by Frank Verderame from the wings. They are both powerhouses, even though they often hang out with Mike Schirtzer.

I never got to take my pic with Caroline the cow. But Catherine is a pretty good substitute.

And Louisa too
John emerges from the front end of the cow to meet his pals

Common Core Math: Suicide Bombers + Ebola = HOLY CRAP!

The situation in the Middle East is a bit like World War I. Iraq is breaking apart, and its border with Syria exists only on maps. A Kurdistan is in formation. Jordan and Lebanon are endangered. The Israeli-Palestinian situation is threatening to produce real violence. Three Israeli youths have been kidnapped from the West Bank; another has been killed near the Syrian border. Egypt has returned to military rule. Libya teeters, Yemen is at war with itself and the once-modest Syrian uprising is the butterfly that flapped its wings to produce a hurricane.... Richard Cohen, The Enigmatic War.
Just imagine Boco Haram digging up bodies of Ebola victims and spreading fluids in all over the place - how about airplane rest rooms? Or better yet, someone working on developing an airborne version of Ebola - cough, cough? Are there people out there capable of doing this? You bet your bippy. They blow themselves up. Why not kill yourself with Ebola and create an epidemic that makes the death toll in a suicide bombing look like a play date?

And there is all that nuke stuff floating around, oh, like in Russia. Hey, if you give Ukranian pro-Russian resisters weapons to shoot down a plane flying at 70,000 feet, why not just add a few low-grade A-nuclear devices? Small stuff - you know, like the one used in Hiroshima.

With the Gaza situation creating thousands of potential suicide bombers an hour; with Boco Haram running wild in Nigeria - now infected with Ebola - is that just an accident? with stability coming unhinged worldwide - on this 100th anniversary of WWI - we are finding some of the same conditions that existed a century ago -- nations feeling they are surrounded and persecuted like Germany did then and Russia does now. China threatening its neighbors with whom we have similar mutual alliances to defend - as existed in 1914 and pulled almost every major European nation into a world war that no one seemed to want. Kim Il Un looks like a choir boy.

OK, so I am immersed in Barbara Tuchman's "Guns of August" WWI chronicle and after 150 pages, of background and dithering by all the powers even up to the final hours, the whimps have finally declared war -- and we get a good dose of the arrogance and errors that Winston Churchill - yes THAT Churchill - contributed to the mayhem to come. We have reached Aug. 4-5 1914 and the battle is about to begin - I'm in the chapter on how Turkey came in on the side of Germany - a major event and how Churchill and England screwed that up.

At the same time I am immersed in Veronica Roth's "Divergent" trilogy - an often awfully written series of young adult distopian novels about as bleak a future as one could imagine - ("Hunger Games" was much better written.)

And then there is the environment and global warming - and comets and meteors smashing into us - hey, it's been 65 million years since the dinosaurs were wiped out by a massive comet- even small stuff can cause mayhem, as we saw happen in Russia just a few years ago. Just imagine if a big one - say 3 miles -  suddenly appeared headed straight for earth within a year. Would ISIS still grab territory? Would Putin be worried about Ukraine? Hmmm - someone write a novel.

Nothing like spending a day watching 60 inches of water come up the stairs inside your house to make you pessimistic. I'm rebuilding my garden while keeping in mind what survived Sandy last time.

Given my simultaneous readings, my outlook for the world is rather bleak. No wonder billions are being spent on space and especially on the concentration on Mars - the 1% is happy to pay taxes on the space program, knowing full well doom is coming and there must be an escape plan for their descendents. I can just see it now: the Murdoch clan on Mars.

Richard Cohen in WAPO on The Enigmatic War.

This is a splendid time to remember the First World War. It started 100 years ago this week with the June 28 shooting of the Austrian archduke and his wife. By the end of the summer, much of Europe was engaged in a war that lasted about four years, toppled four empires, precipitated the communist revolution, created by fiat the modern Middle East, recognized Zionism, made the United States a world power and cost the lives of about 10 million fighting men. Historians are still trying to figure out what happened.
There are theories galore — and an equal amount of finger-pointing. Germany was to blame, many insist. No, it was Austria-Hungary or maybe Russia. On the other hand, it could have been Serbia — or the rigidity of mobilization plans, those damned railway schedules, the romantic insanity of nationalism run amok, the assured confidence that the crisis would pass (others had) or, in the minds of some, that the working men of Europe would never kill one another so that the capitalists and the upper classes would benefit. Little about the war made much sense.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Gypsy Finale - Joy and Sadness

The Sunday matinee was our last performance - 9 out of 10 were sold out. The cast party afterwards was also a howl as the little kids did their version of the grown-ups acting. An 8-year old doing the strippers had us in stitches.

Sadly, today we struck the set and started building the set for Godspell. When a show ends it is like a school year ending - relief with sadness over the breaking up of the team - maybe a reason so many teachers use their spare time to be involved in the Rockaway Theatre Company. Some experience withdrawal symptoms. I would too - but I have all the ed crap to fill in the gap.

Mr. Goldstone surrounded by admirers - the young lady - grownup baby June - is an awesome talent - and going into her sophomore year at Fort Hamilton HS

Selfie by Kim Simek - a teacher who could be a professional actor - she delivered a performance as Louise/Gypsy Rose Lee as good as it gets
The entire cast - aged 7 to 72 - I'm 2nd oldest

Some backstage fun.

A selfie with me by John Panipinto who starred in How to Succeed...

Steve and Catherine - anchors aweigh

The Gypsy strippers

Oh, those costumes

Kim coming backstage to cheers at finale in what she termed "the role of a lifetime"

Catherine with Matt and John - Caroline the cow - Matt plays the rear end

Joe Hagopian and date

Steve really wanted to play Gypsy Rose Lee
Joe and John face off - see that young lady in background? She played Agnes - 16 years old and a natural on stage - goes to Scholars Academy in Rockaway - there were 2 other students from the school in the show
John and Jess - a teacher - in her other role when she is not Tessie Tura, the stripper

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Charter School Unions: Will Teamsters Out-Organize the AFT and NEA?

Eighty teachers and guidance counselors at the Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School in Marlboro recently made history when they joined a union — but not the one you might think. They did not join the Massachusetts Teachers Association, which represents 110,000 public school educators across the commonwealth. Nor did they join the Massachusetts Federation of Teachers, which has 25,000 members. No, they joined Teamsters Local 170 in Worcester, a 4,000-member union of mostly truck and bus drivers and warehouse workers....  ----An intriguing story sent by Jeff Kaufman
The national teacher unions straddled the fence on ed deform - not opposing the charter movement where the end game is a death-knell to a viable public school system -  putting forth argument that ultimately they will organize charter school teachers. If a charter school teacher asked me whether to join the UFT, I would say, "sure, can't hurt." But...

Let's examine the AFT/UFT vision using NYC as an example. At one time the UFT had a monopoly on union membership in every school in the city. That in itself was a powerful tool, though one the union has refused to use very much over the past 40 years. I don't only mean a strike - but something like passive resistance to idiot paper work, slowdowns, etc.

Now they have lost a chunk to charters -- not an overwhelming chunk yet -- but more will be coming. With the new NY State charter support law - which the UFT laid down for when it was pushed by their pal, Cuomo -- there are estimates the UFT could lose 10,000 member over the next few years.

They think they can make up the difference by organizing charter teachers, with each school having its own contract, thus diluting the power of the union. (See the alliance with Steve Barr - Randi/Mulgrew Pal Steve Barr to Head Anti-Union DFER California).

But as the article indicates, the road to organizing is not a clear one for teacher unions.
In a press release from the union, two teachers explained why they chose to join the Teamsters. Like most charter schools, AMSA hires teachers to one-year contracts and does not offer seniority. The school did not, until now, have to wrestle with the union to fire employees. "A lot of key people, award-winning teachers, were let go. That decision cannot be made in five minutes in a back room so someone else can get the job. We need a process so that everyone can feel more protected," said Lino Alvarez, a computer science and Web design teacher at AMSA.  "We looked at other unions, but decided the Teamsters was the best union for us."
Of course, the MTA now has Barbara Madeloni as its leader and will make an intensive effort to organize charter school teachers.

I am all for organizing charter school teachers. But I also think the unions should take a position to reverse charterization by focusing on the crooked and incompetent schools and rather than having them closed (and often replaced by another shell charter) they be turned back into public schools.

Without reversals, the final result will be a total balkanization of public school systems. The ONLY way to preserve the concept of a public school system is to put a stake to the heart of as many charters as possible. Hey, no one thought we would get to the moon.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Norm in The Wave: Memo From the RTC: Gypsy Update – Why Do They Do It?

Gypsy high school gals having fun before going on
Tonight is the next to last performance as the show closes with the Sunday matinee. All sold out. Monday we strike the set and start putting up Godspell.

Published Friday, August 1, 2014

Memo From the RTC: Gypsy Update – Why Do They Do It?

By Norm Scott

After a 2nd sold-out weekend, Gypsy heads into the final stretch this weekend at the Post Theatre at Fort Tilden. (See the 2-minute highlight reel – Last Sunday was the annual Carol Jasper Memorial Matinee. Proceeds went to the North Shore Animal League, the largest No Kill animal shelter on the East Coast. A trailer with animals for adoption was parked outside the theater throughout the afternoon. (Photo- Caroline the cow made an appearance during intermission with her look-alike dog.)
Caroline the cow and twin

Luisa Boyaggi as Mama Rose kept topping herself, getting standing ovations. I was in the lighting booth as the show ended and even the pros up there erupted in applause. Luisa’s performance is so strong I want to make sure we don’t lose sight of the amazing job Kim Simek does as the abused older mousy-like daughter Louise, who transforms into Gypsy Rose Lee, the most famous stripper in history. Kim’s acting and singing and dancing rises to the heights. I was often backstage as Kim raced in for costume changes, often assisted by the jack of all trades Matt Smilardi, whose joy in doing whatever he does is a tension-buster.

Being backstage during a show with a cast of 50 is a learning experience for anyone who wants to get the full theater experience. Think of it. Kids from age 7-12, teens aged 13-17, a gaggle of twenty and thirty-somethings, and all age ranges right up to late 60s-early 70s – like me. People racing in and out over a period of 3 hours – the actors also have a schedule of cues to follow for the set changes. I was challenged just to remember when I had to bring out and then remove a small table with a phone on it. I almost walked out by mistake in front of the audience. That a show this complicated goes off with barely (a noticeable hitch) is a tribute to the remarkable training and timing enforced by Director Susan Corning and Stage Manager Nora Meyers.

I love the back-stage banter from the age mix, often about movies, TV shows, music and the theater. The knowledge and interest about the theater expressed by even the teens is astounding. I often feel like a cultural alien. People were pouring over a book brought in by Frank Verderame (stage crew hand and playwright) on the show’s history. I learned a lot about the real story behind Gypsy and discussions took place about the show business mother verging on abuse.

Open an RTC program and see the list of behind the scenes volunteers who make this operation so professional. Almost every performer has a job and in essence have few or no days off. (Many in the large group of teachers in the show at least have the summer free.) Why do they all do it? “Love of the theater” is often the response. I think it is more than that. It is love of the sense of the community. That sense is almost a form of addiction. A 2nd home to many people. I was chatting with the remarkable Danielle Fisher, who has been doing backstage work with the RTC since she was a 15-year old teenager, a decade ago. Danielle is now an artist and graphic designer and now uses her professional skills at the RTC. It took her a decade to actually appear onstage – her first show was “How to Succeed…” Working with the RTC over 10 years has had a major impact on her life.

The same has been true with many of the “kids” now in their twenties who got their start as teens or even younger children and keep coming back for more. This is due to the wonderful Young People’s Theatre Workshops run by the RTC, which begins on Sept. 13 (in sections – ages 6-11 and 12-17) run by Peggy Page. Frank Caiati and Susan Corning will be handing the acting end, with Richard Louis-Pierre and Jodee Timpone as musical directors. Gabrielle Mangano will be teaching dance. All offering professional level instruction, but most of all, bringing the sense of community to a new generation, many of whom we will be seeing on stage for the next decade.

After last Sunday’s show, Suzanne Riggs, who does everything and anything necessary at the RTC, invited the cast to her beautiful home for a pool party. When I went home about 10PM, a good chunk of the cast were frolicking in the pool, including John Panepinto and Matt Smilardi, the front and back end of Caroline the cow, unfortunately, not in costume.

(There may still be a few tickets available for the Friday night and Sunday matinee performances.)

Norm blogs on education and other issues at, often while wearing a cow costume.

Happy 100th Anniversary to World War One

Jeez, we haven't had a World War for 75 years. Our generation are just slackers. But the way things are going there is hope.

Yes, August 1 is a big day in these parts. It was known as The Great War for 2 decades - until WWII broke out on Sept. 1 1939.

I am celebrating by reading Barbara Tuchman's "The Guns of August." I had that book for about 40 years but lost it in Sandy. So I got a copy from the library. No one really wanted the war and Tuchman takes us through the last minute frantic negotiations before total insanity set in. I'm still on the night of August 1. Can't wait to get to August 2nd. I should really get a cake with a hundred candles.

I have 25 years to find a book to read when I celebrate the 100th anniversary of WWII in 2039 when I'll be 95 - if WWIII doesn't get me first.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Argentina Called Hedge Hog Paul Singer's Bluff

Many are bewildered as to why Argentina wouldn't come to some agreement in the eleventh hour, given the seemingly manageable amounts of debt in play. But the truth is that Argentina acted sensibly, especially given the limited maneuvering room it had to work with.  ... Foreign Policy

Paul Singer is singing in a high-pitched voice today after getting kicked in the balls by Argentina.

See my previous post on Argentina: Hedge Fund Vulture Hogs Default Argentina - And Public School Systems Too
where I suggested Singer could have made more money opening a chain of corrupt charter schools in Argentina.

Nice to see this piece from Foreign Policy, which is often a shill for US policy.

Of Course Argentina Defaulted

And you would have done the same thing too, if you had been in their shoes.

On July 30, Argentina defaulted on its outstanding debt. The technical default ends a long saga. It began in 2001 when the country failed to continue payments on nearly $100 billion worth of obligations, continued through its 2005 and 2010 restructurings of over 90 percent of these bonds, bled into ongoing lawsuits with "holdout creditors" including Elliott Management and Aurelius Capital Management, and culminated in the June 16 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to not hear Argentina's appeal of a 2012 ruling by New York Judge Thomas P. Griesa. This left in place a decision that not only bolstered the holdouts' rights to repayment, but also blocked Argentina and its U.S.-based banks from disbursing the next $539 million round of interest due on the restructured debt. Negotiations over the last month ended fruitlessly, leading to Wednesday's selective default, as defined by Standard & Poor's.

Many are bewildered as to why Argentina wouldn't come to some agreement in the eleventh hour, given the seemingly manageable amounts of debt in play. But the truth is that Argentina acted sensibly, especially given the limited maneuvering room it had to work with.

The Wave: The Amazing Susan Corning

When I saw Susan play the lead in Steel Magnolias back in 2006 - her first show in 30 years - I was blown away by her talent. A few years later I found myself in an RTC acting class - my first time when I was over 60 - with Susan. I was absolutely intimidated at the very idea of being on the same stage with Susan. But she made me feel - and makes everyone - feel so comfortable. She does anything and everything at the RTC. I can't think of many people I admire more than Susan Corning. And it was she who asked me if I wanted to be in Gypsy - and cast me in the perfect part as Mr. Goldstone. Oh how I look forward to the cast party Sunday night - there better be some pigs in the blanket.

Who’s Who

Susan Corning Rockaway Theatre Company 
By Dan Guarino

Susan Corning  
Susan Corning Tell us about yourself.
I was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1955. My mother was a registered nurse and my father was an aerospace engineer. I was an only child.
I would say my love of the theatre was a gift from my parents. They were very involved with a growing community theatre company, doing a little bit of everything; from acting, painting, costuming and producing productions. I was brought to most rehearsals and shows, and watched over and over how a show was put up, run, and broken down.

Randi/Mulgrew Pal Steve Barr to Head Anti-Union DFER California

Hmm.. Steve Barr of Green Dot charters and then the pretentiously named “Future is Now” charters was always a favorite of Michael Mulgrew and the UFT. Several of his charters were started in NYC w/ their enthusiastic agreement. Wonder if they’ll still love him so much.... Leonie Haimson

Of course they still love Steve Barr, who never changed his true anti-union stripes, but allowed MulGarten to straddle the ed deform fence.

Barr is one of those edu-industrial complex deformers who can't get a real job.

 Steve Barr to head DFER CA

Open letter to SUNY board - urging them to stop approving new charters until true accountability is achieved

An article about this letter was in today's Daily News. Excerpt: "We are being oversaturated with charter schools," said Tesa Wilson, president Community Education Council in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. "It's tax dollars being poured into a black hole with no accountability." 
It's time SUNY is held accountable for its reckless and politically motivated charter school approval process.

July 30, 2014


Dear Members of the SUNY Board of Trustees:

We, the undersigned members of the New York City (NYC) Council, oppose any further expansion of charter schools, urging you to hold off on authorizing new charter schools, until you address the lack of oversight and accountability in this rapidly growing sector.

Hedge Fund Vulture Hogs Default Argentina - And Public School Systems Too

Be greedy, fuck an entire country. I have an idea. Why doesn't Paul Singer start a charter school chain in Argentina - he could make more money than collecting on defaulted debt.

The hedge fund firm of billionaire Paul E. Singer has about 300 employees, yet it has managed to force Argentina, a nation of 41 million people, into a position where it now has to contemplate a humbling surrender. Argentina on Wednesday failed to make scheduled payments on its government bonds. The country has the money to pay the bonds. But a federal court in Manhattan has ruled that unless Argentina settles its debt dispute with Mr. Singer’s firm, Elliott Management, it is barred from paying its main bondholders......  Argentina Finds Relentless Foe in Paul Singer's Hedge Fund, NY Times, July 31
Argentina is refusing to pay the hedge fund simply because it believes that the HF will make an exorbitant (vulture like) return. The fact is that Argentina will not pay the HF any more than any other bondholder. The HF simply has a lower investment basis than other bondholders because they bought the bonds at significant discount to par. The HF's huge return will be not be caused by any payments coming from Argentina but by the original bondholders that sold them the bonds for pennies on the dollar... comment on above article
It's not easy to get 2 animals into one headline - sorry for insulting hogs and vultures. When I read this story Thursday morning, I automatically assumed Paul Singer was a big charter school backer.

And sure enough:
'Vulture-Fund Billionaire' Paul Singer is big charter backer
And then there is this from the Times piece:
“He doesn’t get into fights for the sake of fighting. He believes deeply in the rule of law and that free markets and free societies depend on enforcing it,” said a fellow hedge fund manager, Daniel S. Loeb.
Aha - Charter pusher Daniel Loeb - come on - I think there is only one hedge fund guy who puts on different suits so we think they are all different guys. 

If you follow the Argentina story carefully, you can see the corrupt US courts are in cahoots with these guys. Argentina defaulted in 2001 and it took years for the creditors to come to an agreement to take a cut in bond payments, which Argentina has been paying. So along comes the hedge hog spider to screw even these guys - after buying some of the debt on the cheap and now wanting full payment which will cripple an entire nation. 

How predictable - after all, these vulture hedge guys -- or the one guy who changes into different suits - are perfectly willing to drive public school systems into bankruptcy so they will be replaced by their corrupt charter industry pals who will make a bundle. 
Hey Paul, how do you say KIPP in Spanish?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

AFT Delegate Wants to See Opposition to Unity/Progressive Caucus Control

Hey Norm!
I was a delegate at AFT's last convention in Los Angeles.  I'm from a city of about 90000 people. Our union could only afford to send two delegates to the LA Convention, even though we were allowed to send up to 15; we'll probably be able to send four or five to Minnesota because the cost should be significantly less than LA.  I was shocked that NYC was able to send 800 delegates. Something has to change. 
I came across your page and I agree with your opinion that the Mulgrew/Weingarten/Unity crew basically rigged the convention.  Have you ever tried forming some opposition to them?  I know the BAMN Caucus opposed Unity but I had the feeling that their group is a little too radical for most members.  Regardless, I spoke with a lot delegates who were not from New York and they also felt that the Convention was rigged and wished there was more opposition to the Progressive/Unity Caucus than just the BAMN.  What are your thoughts?
I wish I had easy answers. Don't forget that the system Al Shanker set up puts Progressive Caucus (unlike Unity, an open caucus anyone can join) in such a dominant position, creating a viable opposition on the national level is very difficult. Witness that Karen Lewis and CORE are not in a position to lead a national opposition against Unity - Karen is a member of Progressive Caucus, which gives her a seat on the AFT Exec Council.

Thus, Chicago people from the ranks can go head to head with Unity in committee meetings and on the convention floor, this cannot happen on the leader to leader level.

With the groups meeting in Chicago this weekend, I am wondering if this issue will come up - the most I expect is some loose caucus will form that will do education at the next convention in Minneapolis in 2016 and not a caucus running against progressive. But one never knows as events may accelerate faster than we think.

Oh, yes! BAMN is too radical for most people -- which allowed Randi to get 97% of the vote and in essence distort what I think was about 20-25% who would oppose Progressive. Which I think, given that Unity was about 25-30% of the attendees plus NYSUT flunkies - say 40% - that's a pretty long hill to climb.

Today: Protest Campbell Brown on Colbert Show - 4:15

I'm glad they are doing this, though I have no doubt Colbert will have some fun with Brown. You know, I watched Brown when she was (briefly) on the Today show - and she made me cringe with her humorlessness and cluelessness. They couldn't wait to get rid of her.

Julian Vinocur,, 212-328-9268
Maria Bautista,, 347-622-9706
*** Media Advisory for July 31st, 4:15pm, Outside Colbert Report Studio Taping 513 West 54th St.***
Parents and Teachers to Protest Campbell Brown's Appearance On Colbert Report
Growing Outrage Over Brown's Refusal to Disclose Wall Street Backers, While Proclaiming to Speak for Parents
WHAT: On the heels of Campbell Brown filing a bogus lawsuit attacking teachers, public school parents and teachers will protest her appearance outside tonight's taping of the Colbert Report.
Parents and teachers will expose the Real Campbell Brown: a right-wing, out-of-touch elitist, with no background in education who is running a political campaign funded by Wall Street donors.
Participants will be tweeting from #WhoFundsCampbell & #Questions4Campbell
WHO: Parents and teachers, members of the Alliance for Quality Education and New York Communities for Change.
WHERE: Outside Colbert Report studio on 513 West 54th St, NY, NY (between 54th st. and 10th ave.).
WHEN: Today, at 4:15pm. Thursday, July 31st, 2014.
# # #

Takin' the Rockaway Ferry to See "Piece of My Heart" - and a Met Game with Old Pals

Thurs, July 31, 1PM

Go see a great show - was available on TDF.

Bathing Beauty sea sirens at RTC pool party looking to drag guys into water - they all happen to play strippers in Gypsy.
I am just back from the theater where Tony had me build a ladder for the upcoming Godspell. When the actors fall off during the show, my name is on the ladder.

I've had a fun few days. After taping the Sunday Gypsy performance I went to the cast party at the home of one of the volunteers and had a wonderful time -- as you can see from the pic above - hanging with RTC people is a very different environment from what I am used to. Many of them are teachers, but... their major interest is in the theater, not union politics. A great break for me.

This morning I chatted with Arthur Goldstein who is heading to Chicago tomorrow for the national conference of what I'll term - alternate teacher unionism. I'm not going because I chose to go to the AFT convention as my one trip this summer - mainly because so few MOREistas went there and so many are going to Chicago. We have a great group going and can't wait for reports.

Yesterday we took the fabulous, soon to be defunct, Rockaway ferry to 34 St, a restaurant week lunch at a fancy French place on 9th Ave and 44th (I would have preferred Shake Shack), and the matinee of a great show, Piece of My Heart at the interesting Signature theater on 42nd and 10th Av.

I'm not a big musical fan - though being in 2 musicals at the RTC has given me a new appreciation - but after reading about Burt Burns in a NY Times article 2 weeks ago, I wanted to see the new play about him that opened recently.I loved every minute of it -- while they didn't do his most famous Motown songs, they did do Shake It Up Baby and closed with Piece of My Heart, which Joplin made famous. Monday night I took my wife's cousin Danny to the Met game because he wanted to see City Field. Ed Beller got the tickets for Ellen Fox and James and Camille Eterno, who took an evening off from their new baby. Ed was a New Action guy - see - ICE/MORE and New Action can have a fun night out together.

Contemplating the lunch bill at French restaurant
Ellen, Ed, Camille and James - Camille keeps looking younger with every kid she has.
The game was bad - they lost 6-0. (I am a Yankee - first and Mets - second fan and root for both.) On the way home Danny, who is 27, wanted to talk about Israel. Oy!
Dan took this to prove I was there
And some pics from the ferry -