Common Core Debate - Sarah Chambers, Michelle Gunderson vs Michael Mulgrew - Note how Mulgrew was set up at the mic to follow Sarah Chamber's speech. Not a coincidence. Another UFT leader, Leroy Barr (not included in this video) was set up at the mic following Mulgrew - also not a coincidence. Unity Caucus uses placeholders at strategic mics as a way to control the debate.
The battle between NYC and Chicago: Providing context for the common core debate at the AFT14 convention
The Chicago Teachers Union, (CTU), suffering almost 2 decades of ed deform based on testing regimens and corporate takeovers of education, has become one of the most militant voices in opposition. They view the common core standards as another plank in this takeover.
The New York City union, the UFT, has collaborated on many of the issues the CTU has opposed, including the common core. The UFT supports the CC but complains it was implemented poorly. They call for support (resolution 2) but with what they term "accountability."
UFT President Michael Mulgrew's speech during the debate has received wide notice for its "punch in the face" comment. Immediately preceding his speech, CTU's Sarah Chambers made a strong speech opposing the CC, pointing to the damage the rigid testing regimen that goes with it has done to the children of Chicago.
Following Mulgrew's response, I added CTU's Michelle Gunderson's words?
Norm Scott
Written and edited by Norm Scott: EDUCATE! ORGANIZE!! MOBILIZE!!! Three pillars of The Resistance – providing information on current ed issues, organizing activities around fighting for public education in NYC and beyond and exposing the motives behind the education deformers. We link up with bands of resisters. Nothing will change unless WE ALL GET INVOLVED IN THE STRUGGLE!
Showing posts with label #AFT14. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #AFT14. Show all posts
Friday, August 15, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Revised With Vichy Notes - #AFT 14 Video - Leo Casey At the Bat - Don't Let Tea Party Seduce You From Supporting Wonderful Common Core
No one seems to care why progressives are against the Common Core.
... Susan Ohanian
UPDATE: I'm reposting Leo's speech at the AFT where he brands common core opponents as tea party influenced after reading Susan Ohanian's comments on the Bobby Jindal/ John White battle in Louisiana. Leo comes down on the side of White, the ghoul of closing schools here in NYC under Joel Klein.
My posting of the Mulgrew "punch in the mouth" speech has caused a lot of comment, as much about the issue he chose to get "livid"" about. Certainly he is not angry about the numbers of discontinued teachers, or the political assault on teachers by principals who are members of the CSA, the UFT's pals.
One of the themes I have tried to prove over the years, even to most of my colleagues in the opposition movement, is that our union leaders are not on our side - that they are collaborators with a Vichy mentality - that they are in many ways hired hands - akin to agents - whose job is to manage the members and make sure the course of the union never veers towards the kind of militancy that might in any way threaten the power structure - a dirty deal for rank and file. And for those who say "sue them" for running their scams, I point out that the courts are part of that power structure, with judges coming from the same ranks.
Here are Susan's comments on the article in the AP, followed by my original post.
This may be worse than Mulgrew's speech. Immediately after his speech, Leo went right to the Mendacino vinyards to pick grapes.
UPDATE: I'm reposting Leo's speech at the AFT where he brands common core opponents as tea party influenced after reading Susan Ohanian's comments on the Bobby Jindal/ John White battle in Louisiana. Leo comes down on the side of White, the ghoul of closing schools here in NYC under Joel Klein.
My posting of the Mulgrew "punch in the mouth" speech has caused a lot of comment, as much about the issue he chose to get "livid"" about. Certainly he is not angry about the numbers of discontinued teachers, or the political assault on teachers by principals who are members of the CSA, the UFT's pals.
One of the themes I have tried to prove over the years, even to most of my colleagues in the opposition movement, is that our union leaders are not on our side - that they are collaborators with a Vichy mentality - that they are in many ways hired hands - akin to agents - whose job is to manage the members and make sure the course of the union never veers towards the kind of militancy that might in any way threaten the power structure - a dirty deal for rank and file. And for those who say "sue them" for running their scams, I point out that the courts are part of that power structure, with judges coming from the same ranks.
Here are Susan's comments on the article in the AP, followed by my original post.
Dispute over Common Core gets personal
Ohanian Comment: Governor Jindal's opposition to the Common Core is likely based in his eying a Presidential run in 2016. Conservative opposition to the Common Core was fed by an overreach by President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan when they equired states that wanted to apply for federal Race to the Top funds to either adopt the standards or adopt comparable ones that would be judged "college- and career-ready."
No one seems to care why progressives are against the Common Core.
by Melinda Deslatte, Associated Press
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) -- The clash over whether Louisiana's public schools should teach to the Common Core education standards has devolved into a bitter public feud that will have one-time political friends sitting on opposite sides of courtrooms.
Dueling lawsuits have been filed. An ethics complaint is in the works. Contracts are being audited. Accusations have been lodged of illegal behavior, ethical impropriety and political pandering.
And while the attacks grow more personal, major questions about the educational path of the state's public schools remain unanswered with students returning to classrooms in the next two weeks.
The upheaval started in June, when Gov. Bobby Jindal issued executive orders seeking to undermine use of Common Core and its associated testing.
The Common Core standards are grade-by-grade benchmarks of what students should learn in English and math. They have been adopted by more than 40 states and were once championed by Louisiana's Republican governor.
Supporters of the standards praise them as a better method for preparing students for college and careers after high school. Critics say the standards are untested, raise privacy concerns about data-sharing and damage state autonomy.
Jindal now opposes Common Core as a federal intrusion into local education, echoing the concerns raised by tea party groups around the nation.
But while the governor changed his mind on the standards, a majority of members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, or BESE, still support Common Core, along with Jindal's hand-picked state education superintendent, John White.
State lawmakers also refused to jettison Louisiana's use of the standards earlier this year.
When Jindal suspended the testing contracts, he said the education department didn't follow state procurement law and needed to seek competitive bids for the work. But he also said the move would help to get "Louisiana out of the Common Core."
White and BESE President Chas Roemer said the governor overstepped his legal authority.
Roemer accused Jindal of trying to govern by executive fiat and of changing his position on Common Core to bolster his support from conservative organizations for a possible 2016 presidential bid.
Education groups and business organizations that once were allied with Jindal accused him of political gamesmanship and misuse of his oversight of state contracts. Jindal's Division of Administration accused White, his department and BESE of refusing to follow state contracting laws and a pattern of possible contracting improprieties.
Seventeen state lawmakers who oppose Common Core - but who couldn't persuade their colleagues to shelve the standards - filed a lawsuit alleging the state education board and the education department didn't follow state law in enacting the standards.
Parents, teachers and organizations who support Common Core filed a lawsuit of their own, claiming Jindal's violated the Louisiana Constitution by meddling in education policy that should be decided by the Legislature and implemented by BESE. The education board has joined in that lawsuit, with even two of Jindal's board appointees agreeing to sue the governor.
Hearings for both lawsuits are scheduled for mid-August.
Outside the actions in District Court, Common Core opponents also say they intend to file an ethics complaint against White and several BESE members, raising questions about conflicts of interest and ties to organizations that they say hold "undue influence" in education policy.
BESE member and Common Core critic Jane Smith, the only Jindal appointee to vote against suing the governor, posted a message on Facebook talking of planned audits and alleging ethics violations in the Department of Education.
White issued a letter a few days later, saying he felt he was being personally attacked with suggestions of "unfounded malfeasance" within his office. He defended his support of Common Core and testing aligned with the standards, outlined how he's reimbursed for travel expenses and speeches to outside groups and said he's notified the ethics board of each transaction.
The nonpartisan Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana, a government watchdog organization, said the situation has reached a "crisis level" and blamed the governor for causing the educational chaos.
Whether the feud is rooted in education policy or politics, there doesn't appear to be a quick resolution on the horizon for those most affected by its consequences: Louisiana schoolchildren.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Melinda Deslatte covers the Louisiana Capitol for The Associated Press.
— Melinda Deslatte Associated Press
August 03, 2014
This may be worse than Mulgrew's speech. Immediately after his speech, Leo went right to the Mendacino vinyards to pick grapes.
AFT Convention 2014,
Bobby Jindal,
John White,
Leo Casey,
Michael Mulgrew
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Re Mulgrew #AFT14 "Punch" Video: What I Told NY Daily News Reporter Steven Rex Brown
Oh, those Martians, who made stops in Seattle and Los Angeles to pick up Gates and Broad before heading for Washington DC to pick up their pal Randi. Conspiracy theories? Who me when there are so few grounds?
I told Brown flat out that I full well knew that the Daily News has an agenda in its interest in the video - to paint Mulgrew and the union as thugs as part of its anti-union bias. He didn't contradict me or even pretend that wasn't the intention. I could tell by his questions how they were going to shape the story.I rarely trust reporters, particularly from the tabloids. So when Steven Rex Brown, who unfortunately works with that snake, Ben Chapman, asked me to call him today about the Mulgrew AFT video I posted, I did so because he wanted some context. And I gave him plenty of context, especially on this point of derision of CC critics by Mulgrew:
“I’ve heard the stories about how Eli Broad, Bill Gates, Joel Klein and a flying saucer full of Martians designed these things to brainwash us all,” said Mulgrew, mocking critics who deride Common Core as being imposed by billionaires and corporate bigwigs.
Oh, those Martians, who made stops in Seattle and Los Angeles to pick up Gates and Broad before heading for Washington DC to pick up their pal Randi. Conspiracy theories? Who me when there are so few grounds?
I told Brown how the UFT had accepted a million dollar donation from Broad for its charter school and how Broad backed the Al Shanker bio. And how Gates has funneled money to the AFT/UFT to support the common core. And oh that invite to the AFT 2010 convention. "Do you think Mulgrew looked sort of desperate in the video," I asked Brown? "Yes," he said. "Why do you think he might be desperate? Is it possible there is loads of money somehow involved and in danger?" I always start with "follow the money."
I told him:
"If you watch Mulgrew's defense of the common core you will see you guys are on the same side -- all the press supports the common core too. You should be cheering Mulgrew instead of attacking him."
I said my interest in posting the video is in defending the union and making it a better union by exposing the links of our union leaders to groups supporting the common core as a way to rally the rank and file to rise up and turn our union into a fighting union while his paper had nefarious reasons. As long as we were clear on where we each were coming from.
Remember the backdrop to Mulgrew's speech. The day before, Unity did a bum rush to push the Chicago people out of their seats near the microphones and reports of that left them with some egg on their faces. (Leroy Barr had pushed Sarah Chambers). And right before Mulgrew spoke it was Sarah and other CTU teachers who were very strong. So Mulgrew was doing this in some context.
Here is what I posted on July 13:
And this pic of Sarah in a Unity sandwich (though that may be NYSUT Pres Karen Magee, who is Unity clone) with hack Stuart Kaplan behind her, probably holding a bigger shot's spot or to call the question.Gloria in visitor's section just texted - Unity are positioning themselves now near mikes.... Common Core debate begins[Common Core] will die no matter what the AFT does because, frankly, it doesn’t matter.... RavitchUFT throw heavy hitters Mulgrew, Barr - while CORE uses their rank and file - who are more than capable of holding their own. This is not to say that others around the nation are on the Randi team. So far only Chicago people are opposing the AFT/UFT reso.UPDATE: See Chicago - reasons to oppose common core.
Anyway -
So when asked me how I felt about Mulgrew's demeanor I must have disappointed Brown when I said Mulgrew's demeanor is fine with me. I only wish he was like in defending teachers when instead his so-called anger (I forgot to tell Brown it was an act) was really being directed at classroom teachers who opposed the common fore.
I said I want that fighting spirit in a union leader (I certainly prefer Mulgrew's style to the insipid Randi's). But Mulgrew is using a phony fighting spirit on the side of the corporate interests who are pushing the common core instead of using it to defend classroom teachers. I urged him to watch the 2 classroom teachers who followed Mulgrew, Barr and Magee where they talked about the CC being tied to corporate interests, with the last speaker pointing out how it is copywrited.
Brown read back the quote he was going to use and it sounded good to me. I told him if it comes out that way (which I didn't believe it would - and it really didn't) I would get him a birthday present. I don't think so.
The Staten Island native’s fighting words left other teachers feeling insulted, however. “His style is not attacking the real enemies of teachers. He’s attacking the teachers trying to defend their children in the classroom!” said Norm Scott, a retired elementary school teacher living in Rockaway, Queens, who recorded the video and posted it to his Ed Notes blog.Brown had asked me about Mulgrew's demeanor, which I am fine with, not insulted. But the rest of the quote looks good to me.
Oh, and when I told him I had a lot more unpublished footage he said he would talk to people about buying it. "Sorry I said, not interested." Ah, the benefits of being a Tier 1 retiree.
More videos of heroic Chicago teachers who spoke before and after Mulgrew.
People are telling me that the streamed video of the AFT convention seems to be missing the Mulgrew speech. I don't want to accuse them of playing the Richard Nixon card and deleting it.
Another point. Someone asked me how it worked out that Mulgrew and Barr spoke right after another -- these guys are big shots - do they have to race to the mic and stand in line? Surrogate Unity Caucus slugs do that work for them - they grab a spot at the mics and move aside for the biggies when strategically it is time for them to speak.
#AFT14 Convention Video - Common Core Debate - Mulgrew is Going to Punch Someone in the Face
Has anyone speaking against the common core said they don't WANT standards? .... Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater? The baby is in the bath water... Pia Payne-Shannon, Minneapolis Teacher opposing common core in rousing speech at AFT conventionI extracted a 12 minute sliver from over an hour debate including the Mike Mulgrew "punch you in the face" line. Followed by Leroy Barr and new NYSUT President Karen Magee (see Randi's face as she qvells at her coup) - I didn't include all of Magee's - yada, yada, yada. I put in 2 speeches of a Chicago teacher and a rousing rebuttal from a Minneapolis teacher.
It was union leadership pushing common core vs classroom teachers opposing. I still have a load of great speeches, mostly from Chicago, which I'll put up tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Lee Sustar on #AFT14 Convention: Lots of Tough Talk - But Watch What They Do Randi Weingarten, "fighting forward" apparently means embracing the New York contract as a template for the entire union. The supposed benefits of the deal were hammered home throughout the convention. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose administration negotiated the agreement, spoke to delegates through a recorded video message, following a breathless introduction by UFT President Mulgrew.Lee Sustar does a comprehensive job in analyzing what went on at the recent AFT convention in LA, including behind the scenes reports (see my sidebar for my written and video reports - with more to come). I always look forward to sitting with Lee in the press section at these AFT conventions. His sharp eye and ear often clue me in to what is really going on. Lee writes in the Socialist Worker, the newspaper of the Internationalist Socialist's. A number of ISO members are NYC teachers, some of whom are involved with MORE.
Tellingly, actor Cynthia Nixon, who took to the podium as an education activist in New York, was the speaker to offer a more accurate assessment of the UFT contract. It was a deal, she said, that corporate education reformers would give their "eyeteeth" for. Moreover, Weingarten presented the de Blasio deal as part of a wider pro-teacher, pro-public education trend in the Democratic Party. Thus, the AFT has partnered with Democratic National Committee member Donna Brazile and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm to create Democrats for Public Education. .... Lee Sustar, The Socialist Worker
It is a long piece, but worth reading. Here is an excerpt describing the panel originally set up for Karen Lewis and newly elected LATU President Alex Caputo-Pearl - dubbed the militant wing of the AFT. Randi intervened and forced Mulgrew and others on the panel to dilute their message. (I will post the videos soon so you can see for yourself.)
THE CONVENTION proceedings were organized to marginalize critical voices. The Unity/Progressive Caucus control of the agenda kept delegates in the dark as to when the politicians' speechifying would stop, when convention business would resume and what issues would come to the floor.
Thus, the emerging militant wing of the AFT had to find other places to express its views, off the convention floor. Important discussions took place in such venues as the AFT human rights committee luncheon, which featured Karen Lewis and Chicago community activist Jitu Brown, and meetings of the AFT Peace and Justice Caucus and U.S. Labor Against the War.
The most widely anticipated side meeting, focused on social movement unionism, was sponsored by the CTU and United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), where the new Union Power slate had taken office less than two weeks earlier. Apparently concerned that CTU and UTLA might constitute a pole of attraction for militant teachers dissatisfied with the AFT leadership, union officials embraced the meeting themselves--and, as a result, added several more speakers, including Mary Cathryn Ricker of St. Paul and Mulgrew from New York City.
The room was crowded, with standing room only. As one attendee explained to others seated nearby, the UFT Unity Caucus had "ordered" its members to attend.
Because of the format--presentations by seven panelists, followed by "table talk" by delegates who then submitted questions--debate was limited. Weingarten herself stopped by to make comments from the podium, saying that she was so happy about that meeting that there were "tears in my eyes." It was unclear if the AFT president was moved by the content of discussion or the loyalty and discipline of her caucus.
Despite the restrictive format, the differences were clear. Karen Lewis described her union's efforts to mobilize members and reach out to the community to prepare for the strike, while UTLA President Alex Caputo-Pearl spoke about similar efforts underway in Los Angeles, which will include strike preparation in that city as well.
Mulgrew's version of social movement unionism was, in reality, organized labor's usual transactional politics with elected officials. Although the UFT president promoted his union's political outreach as the key to Bill de Blasio's victory in the mayor's race, the UFT actually backed one of de Blasio's rivals in the Democratic primary, declaring, "We don't pick winners, we make them." (The union more recently made amends with de Blasio by pouring $350,000 from its nonprofit arm into a de Blasio-controlled charity[21], in order to fund television ads backing the mayor's agenda.)
The UFT president also claimed credit for mobilizing against school closures, when in fact nearly all such initiatives were taken by groups like the Grassroots Education Movement and Occupy the DOE [22] [Department of Education]. Many activists from those groups went on to found the Movement of Rank-and-File Educators (MORE), which in part took inspiration from the CTU's CORE. In the 2013 UFT elections, MORE candidates captured about 40 percent of the vote [23], with Mulgrew's Unity machine increasingly reliant on retiree votes to pad its margin of victory.
Mulgrew also touted the new UFT contract's provision allowing teachers at 200 schools--around 20 percent of the total--to vote away decades of union rules and job protections. "You cannot touch your wages or seniority rights," Mulgrew said he told his union's members. "After that, I'm open."
By contrast, Lewis and Caputo-Pearl, while avoiding any direct criticism of the UFT or AFT leadership, made it clear that they see holding the line on such concessions as an imperative.
In her concluding comments, Lewis said that the CTU had for the past two years been sending members and staffers around the U.S. to help other locals. And Caputo-Pearl credited CORE with setting an example for his local to follow as it attempts to reverse years of decline in membership due to the proliferation of charter schools as well as concessions on wages and working conditions. He also alluded to the national network of teacher activists that is looking for a strategy on how to fight back [24]--something that the AFT and NEA leadership has been unable or unwilling to do.
The emerging militant network, however, remains small. Certainly, it doesn't figure in union electoral politics: Randi Weingarten and her slate won with only a symbolic challenge led by far-left union activists.
Even so, the sharpening of internal debate in the union is noteworthy. The AFT leadership can only go so far in raising militant rhetoric while abandoning decades of contract gains. And the militants will, sooner or later, have to move from opposing particular policies like Common Core to challenging the union leadership itself. As the attacks on teachers and public education continue to mount, the stakes in that struggle will only continue to grow.
ANALYSIS: LEE SUSTARWhat's behind the tough talk?Lee Sustar reports from Los Angeles on the recent convention of the AFT.
Monday, July 14, 2014
#AFT14 Video - LATU Caputo-Pearl Lays Out Vision of SJ Unionism - And it Includes the S and D Words
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Unity Loyalty Oath Precludes use of S and D words |
Newly Elected Los Angeles Teachers Union President Alex Caputo-Pearl lays out a vision for a social justice movement based union at AFT forum on Social Justice unionism as part of a panel with union presidents from NYC, Chicago, St. Paul, Houston and Philadelphia.
And holy crap - he actually utters the word "strike." And says there is no social justice unionism without a democratic union. I enjoyed watching the large number of Unity Caucus people's faces go blank.
(And oh when Karen Lewis followed up later talking about how the officers in the CTU took a big pay cut -- there must be a hundred Unity Caucus members who make more money than Karen.)
And lots of other stuff - with Mulgrew sitting 2 seats away. See if Mulgrew does any squirming while Alex speaks. I couldn't think of one thing the UFT does that matches what Alex says - Karen Lewis sits between them.
Their videos will be up in a few days - I'm sitting in the hotel bar with a few beers waiting for the shuttle to the airport and will be in no shape to edit videos.
Here's an article by Howard Blum on the forum and Alex' statement - and I saw stuff on the LA local news too. Way to get it going after 11 days in office.
#AFT14 CORRECTED - Randi says - AFT and NEA to Forge New Relationship - Short-Lived for Sure
Randi - we will forge a new relationship with NEA - introducing new President of NEA Lily Eskelsen Garcia.
Lily has two 3 year term limits and will be out of office in 6 years. (CORRECTED FROM EARLIER THANKS TO A COMMENT FROM A READER - SO MORE LONG-TERM THAN I THOUGHT).
Randi, who just won re-election with 97% of the vote of 2783 delegates, is in office for life - or as long as she wants it.
(For the record - Al Shanker died in office and his designated successor, Sandra Feldman, resigned shortly before she died.)
Everyone here knows that Mulgrew, who was featured very prominently at this convention, is the next AFT president (if he wants it) should Randi move on to something else.
Though some think the fast-rising St. Paul union leader, Mary Cathryn Ricker, who will step down after being elected today as AFT Exec VP, is a potential rival. Ricker ran today's press conference on due process, was added to the social justice panel along with Mulgrew on Sat. night and is being pushed by Randi all over the place. Both national teacher unions are headed by women in a profession with 75% women.
But then again, Mary seems awfully wholesome and nice. And we all know that mid-westerners are just too nice. So she is handicapped.
But this AFT convention, as I will point out in a follow-up, had one third of the delegates who showed up come from NYC. So if Mulgrew wants it he has it.
And if so, whoever Mulgrew and Randi choose to take over the UFT when that happens will be the next AFT president after that. The AFT is the closest thing we have in this nation to a monarchy.
Do we have an idea yet who will be the next NEA president in6years? Well actually we do - in the NEA they also pick a successor.
This fundamental difference will always keep the AFT and NEA apart.
By the way, Lily is making a great, funny speech. And she, unlike some we know, was a real classroom teacher for many years and rose through those ranks to get where she is today.
Lily has two 3 year term limits and will be out of office in 6 years. (CORRECTED FROM EARLIER THANKS TO A COMMENT FROM A READER - SO MORE LONG-TERM THAN I THOUGHT).
Randi, who just won re-election with 97% of the vote of 2783 delegates, is in office for life - or as long as she wants it.
(For the record - Al Shanker died in office and his designated successor, Sandra Feldman, resigned shortly before she died.)
Everyone here knows that Mulgrew, who was featured very prominently at this convention, is the next AFT president (if he wants it) should Randi move on to something else.
Though some think the fast-rising St. Paul union leader, Mary Cathryn Ricker, who will step down after being elected today as AFT Exec VP, is a potential rival. Ricker ran today's press conference on due process, was added to the social justice panel along with Mulgrew on Sat. night and is being pushed by Randi all over the place. Both national teacher unions are headed by women in a profession with 75% women.
But then again, Mary seems awfully wholesome and nice. And we all know that mid-westerners are just too nice. So she is handicapped.
But this AFT convention, as I will point out in a follow-up, had one third of the delegates who showed up come from NYC. So if Mulgrew wants it he has it.
And if so, whoever Mulgrew and Randi choose to take over the UFT when that happens will be the next AFT president after that. The AFT is the closest thing we have in this nation to a monarchy.
Do we have an idea yet who will be the next NEA president in
This fundamental difference will always keep the AFT and NEA apart.
By the way, Lily is making a great, funny speech. And she, unlike some we know, was a real classroom teacher for many years and rose through those ranks to get where she is today.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
#AFT Convention - I apologize to non-slugs in Unity Caucus - You Know Who You Are
Norman - let me ask you something about your writing. I know we can disagree on things, but why do you have to get nasty and refer to people as "the Unity slugs?" ... high level UFT official (who I respect and like.)------
Anthony Cody @AnthonyCody 3m
Hearing disturbing reports of pushing and shoving of dissident voices at #AFT14 @rweingarten please address
Susan DuFresne1 @GetUpStandUp2 21m
I didn't realize democracy at #AFT14 was a contact sport. @MSGunderson calls multiple elbowing fouls to voices of CC dissent. @coreteachers
.@AFTunion I teach my students to use their words and not push. Let's change floor culture of#aft14 today.@rweingarten can lead this.
.@aftunion@rweingarten Regarding today's floor debate. Time is now to change nature of convention culture. Call off goonish behavior...
......Selected tweets after pushing and shoving over seating at microphones during common core debate in committee (see AFT Convention Update: Chicago CC Reso Goes Down O...Posted Fri 5PM)I posed these together as part of my response to the "slug" question -- though I don't get why calling someone a slug is such a horrible thing - I'm not calling them a-holes or useless pieces of shit (UPOS).
Some of my readers claim I am insulting slugs.
But given I like and respect the person I feel he did have a point. I responded that I was not calling everyone in Unity "slugs" but was referring to a certain sub-set - as THE Unity slugs -- meaning the people in Unity who are slugs. He said I wasn't being clear and that to him it looked like a blanket condemnation. And I realized he was right - my language has been unclear. I actually have a more favorable view of the individuals in Unity than some of my colleagues and readers. Yes, there are slugs - my judgements of them are based on their behavior, not on their political stands.
Last night a few of us MOREistas ran into a Unity couple (actually on one of them is in Unity) at a bar and had a lot of fun drinking, talking, arguing. Then we kidnapped them and locked them in a closet so the Unity half couldn't vote today on Duncan and Common Core.
Not that I think there is much hope in moderating the behavior of Unity people.
Look at them twirling around the convention in LA -- their actions in controlling the mikes, for instance. Some of their lemming-like, same brain behavior that so enrages people in NYC at the DA and so enrage many of the CORE/CTU delegates to this and previous conventions. One COREista said to me after the Duncan debate this morning - "I think we got outmaneuvered but we are learning more each time." Another said to me the other day, "We are learning from what they do - we don't think that way (remember my "midwesterners are too nice" statement the other day - (except for Rahm)) - and I'm not sure we ever want to follow the Unity way.
So they fight back and lose many of the debates because they are not as ruthless as Unity is - after all, in totalitarian regimes winning by 75% (as they won the common core debate this morning) is not good enough. (I have a good story for you regarding Randi's appearance at the PSC lunch yesterday but don't know if I'll have time to get to it.)
Now to me behavior around microphones - mic etiquette - is where - at events counts for something. The people assigned to call the question at meeting after meeting - planned cutting off of debate - verges on slug-like behavior. What I often do is take photos of Unity people at mics so I can track their comments or calling the question. Here is one of someone familiar.
I tweeted
And there is a true slug - Steward Kaplan. A nasty slug at that. When I tried to take his photo while he was standing at the mic he told me I had to ask his permission - I said - this is livestreamed did they ask your permission? It is his choice to play this role in the mic game and is fair game -- many Unity people do not do this.
No matter to Kaplan. He doesn't want to see himself exposed. In fact even Randi made a public comment when I turned around and taped people (including all of Unity) standing up to support common core. "Norman is photographing everyone." Did she forget they were live streaming with her own cameras? Maybe they will have an 18 second tape malfunction to hide Unity pro common core votes when it all goes to hell and people like Stuart will leave little comments on the MORE blog about us always bringing up the past and why don't we look to the future?
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Kaplan can duck but can't hide |
I am mellowing. I enjoy Leo and have to say that his speech this morning in that sing-song voice had me laughing myself silly.
Ooops gotta go. Paul Egan, no slug in my book, is getting up to speak. A few
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Paul Egan |
#AFT14 Report - Common Core Debate - Epic Battle Between Chicago/CORE and UFT/Unity
The great Sarah Chambers nails them to the wall opposing Common Core .....
Watch it live:
Debate is beginning on common core. Randi is calling for extensive discussion so no one calls the question prematurely -- poor Unity people who are designated "call the questioners." Randi mentioned the jostling at the mics at the committee meeting, which we reported on (AFT Convention Update: Chicago CC Reso Goes Down O...Posted Fri 5PM),
I am taping off the screen. Leo Casey spoke before and to me he seemed to be branding the foes of CC as tea party people.
There's no way I can keep up in this space but this is the place where teachers can fight this battle out. No question Chicago will lose this one but will walk away with dignity.
Minneapolis teacher is backing Chicago. Attacking pro reso people for distorting debate as if opposed are against standards -- we are against corporate designed standards. You are not going to set our kids up.
Opponents are pinning CC to testing -- if you don't understand what is going on - SHAME ON YOU! Goes after Leroy Barr statement that children in California and NY should be learning the same thing. One of great speeches so far.
I'll do my best to get some video but you can find it online I'm sure. Don't miss this debate.
Gotta end this but with this..
Here is the Ravitch comment
Watch it live:
Gloria in visitor's section just texted - Unity are positioning themselves now near mikes.... Common Core debate begins
[Common Core] will die no matter what the AFT does because, frankly, it doesn’t matter.... Ravitch
UFT throw heavy hitters Mulgrew, Barr - while CORE uses their rank and file - who are more than capable of holding their own. This is not to say that others around the nation are on the Randi team. So far only Chicago people are opposing the AFT/UFT reso.UPDATE: See Chicago - reasons to oppose common core.
Debate is beginning on common core. Randi is calling for extensive discussion so no one calls the question prematurely -- poor Unity people who are designated "call the questioners." Randi mentioned the jostling at the mics at the committee meeting, which we reported on (AFT Convention Update: Chicago CC Reso Goes Down O...Posted Fri 5PM),
I am taping off the screen. Leo Casey spoke before and to me he seemed to be branding the foes of CC as tea party people.
There's no way I can keep up in this space but this is the place where teachers can fight this battle out. No question Chicago will lose this one but will walk away with dignity.
Minneapolis teacher is backing Chicago. Attacking pro reso people for distorting debate as if opposed are against standards -- we are against corporate designed standards. You are not going to set our kids up.
Opponents are pinning CC to testing -- if you don't understand what is going on - SHAME ON YOU! Goes after Leroy Barr statement that children in California and NY should be learning the same thing. One of great speeches so far.
I'll do my best to get some video but you can find it online I'm sure. Don't miss this debate.
Gotta end this but with this..
Here is the Ravitch comment
As for Common Core, I agree with CTU. Teachers don’t need scripts. They don’t need “standards” written by a committee that included not a single classroom teacher. They need class sizes they can manage. Their schools need equitable funding. They need tenure to protect them from political reprisals. They need due process and speedy resolution of complaints. They need respect. Common Core does nothing to alleviate the poverty in which nearly one-quarter of our children live. It does nothing to restore the art teachers, librarians, nurses and counselors who have been laid off. It does nothing to address the root causes of poor academic performance: poverty and segregation. It will die no matter what the AFT does because, frankly, it doesn’t matter.
#AFT14 Report - Tidbits
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Randi just said that there is some jockeying at the mics and she wants to make sure there is at least a 15 minute debate on the common core before someone calls the question -- watch the Unity crowd jockey at the mics at 14 minutes and 30 seconds... common core debate begins at 11:15AM.
But first ---
What better way to spend the day? I'm missing my brother-in-law's b-day celebration at his daughter's home in Pennsylvania - a tea-party home by the way -- and my wife is left to drive there all by herself - stay off the Jersey Turnpike today.
I just congratulated Howie Schoor on his move from Brooklyn to the Bronx UFT borough office to fix up one of the major catastrophes in the UFT organizational structure. He will be replaced by popular Brooklyn special rep Debbie Poulos. The leadership has to pay attention to basic services for members and this may be a sign -- hey, every bad situation they allow to fester only increases the move of people towards an opposition. I don't root for them to be incompetent - and maybe they are learning from Chicago where the old UPC totally fell apart, allowing CORE to get in the door.
What is AFT message on and to deformers?
Mike Honda, Congressman and public school teacher spoke - "like voices in a crowded theater they should - 'bad teachers.' Just show deformers reports on effects of poverty and they will get it." To me this is naive and dangerous and ignores the fact that leading deformers do get it and understand the effects of poverty - they have an agenda and it ain't to redress the effects of poverty -- and not being willing to go there diverts us from the real battle.
Here is the message we need to send to reformers: We will fight you on the beaches.... (video).
Debbie Lynch move to remove Duncan not considered an "in your face" act by CTU folk.
AFT and Arne Duncan - Where I agree with Mulgrew
Overheard yesterday during debate on improving conditions for college adjuncts: "Passing this reso will change the lives of thousands of people." Another example of magical thinking. Passing a reso at the AFT convention is pretty meaningless unless followed with action to back it up.
Which leads me to the upcoming debate in a few minutes re: Arne Duncan. When Mark Naison started a "Dump Duncan" campaign - pre-BATS - I didn't take part in it because as long as Obama is president we will get Arne clones - and most likely someone of color to sell ed deform to the communities.
At last night's SJ unionism remarkable discussion, Mulgrew said that he couldn't care less about what the convention does about Arne Duncan because it won't mean a hill of beans (I'm paraphrasing) - and I agree with him except for the behind the scenes reasons. We know that the AFT/UFT don't really want to call for Duncan's resignation because they want their little stool at the Democratic Party table. But Mulgew, whose skills at doing this kind of thing I increasingly appreciate, gets at a germ of truth -- it is a "feel good we are doing something" point and to me a waste of time and energy since it is Obama, not Duncan and even if Duncan left Obama would appoint someone as bad. I was in a minority last night in conversations with our friends (shout-out to Robert D. Skeels of Schools Matter who I've known online for years and met for first time last night). They seem to think the political battle is a good organizing tool.
OK - so much more to report but common core debate beginning and I'm going to open another blog post for that -- interesting that Randi just said that there is some jockeying at the mics and she wants to make sure there is at least a 15 minute debate on the common core before someone calls the question -- watch the Unity crowd jockey at the mics at 14 minutes and 30 seconds.
Randi just said that there is some jockeying at the mics and she wants to make sure there is at least a 15 minute debate on the common core before someone calls the question -- watch the Unity crowd jockey at the mics at 14 minutes and 30 seconds... common core debate begins at 11:15AM.
But first ---
What better way to spend the day? I'm missing my brother-in-law's b-day celebration at his daughter's home in Pennsylvania - a tea-party home by the way -- and my wife is left to drive there all by herself - stay off the Jersey Turnpike today.
I just congratulated Howie Schoor on his move from Brooklyn to the Bronx UFT borough office to fix up one of the major catastrophes in the UFT organizational structure. He will be replaced by popular Brooklyn special rep Debbie Poulos. The leadership has to pay attention to basic services for members and this may be a sign -- hey, every bad situation they allow to fester only increases the move of people towards an opposition. I don't root for them to be incompetent - and maybe they are learning from Chicago where the old UPC totally fell apart, allowing CORE to get in the door.
What is AFT message on and to deformers?
Mike Honda, Congressman and public school teacher spoke - "like voices in a crowded theater they should - 'bad teachers.' Just show deformers reports on effects of poverty and they will get it." To me this is naive and dangerous and ignores the fact that leading deformers do get it and understand the effects of poverty - they have an agenda and it ain't to redress the effects of poverty -- and not being willing to go there diverts us from the real battle.
Here is the message we need to send to reformers: We will fight you on the beaches.... (video).
Debbie Lynch move to remove Duncan not considered an "in your face" act by CTU folk.
Resolved that the AFT call for the resignation of US Secty of Ed Arne Duncan (as the NEA did) because of his anti-union, anti-teacher, anti-public school agenda.So there is some speculation on this. That former CTU president Debbie Lynch, making a comeback as an AFT Delegate as a college teacher, surprised people by calling for a special order of business late yesterday, and given that she was in another caucus (PACT) that lost to CORE in 2010 when she ran for CTU President for the 4th time, this was somehow payback to Karen Lewis. A way for Debbie to regain the spotlight. CTU people are telling me that this is in no way true and that CORE/CTU people are supporting Debbie's reso. After all, Chicago has had to bear Arne Duncan for over a dozen years and Debbie was the one during her 3 years as CTU President (01-04) who dealt most directly with Duncan.
AFT and Arne Duncan - Where I agree with Mulgrew
Overheard yesterday during debate on improving conditions for college adjuncts: "Passing this reso will change the lives of thousands of people." Another example of magical thinking. Passing a reso at the AFT convention is pretty meaningless unless followed with action to back it up.
Which leads me to the upcoming debate in a few minutes re: Arne Duncan. When Mark Naison started a "Dump Duncan" campaign - pre-BATS - I didn't take part in it because as long as Obama is president we will get Arne clones - and most likely someone of color to sell ed deform to the communities.
At last night's SJ unionism remarkable discussion, Mulgrew said that he couldn't care less about what the convention does about Arne Duncan because it won't mean a hill of beans (I'm paraphrasing) - and I agree with him except for the behind the scenes reasons. We know that the AFT/UFT don't really want to call for Duncan's resignation because they want their little stool at the Democratic Party table. But Mulgew, whose skills at doing this kind of thing I increasingly appreciate, gets at a germ of truth -- it is a "feel good we are doing something" point and to me a waste of time and energy since it is Obama, not Duncan and even if Duncan left Obama would appoint someone as bad. I was in a minority last night in conversations with our friends (shout-out to Robert D. Skeels of Schools Matter who I've known online for years and met for first time last night). They seem to think the political battle is a good organizing tool.
OK - so much more to report but common core debate beginning and I'm going to open another blog post for that -- interesting that Randi just said that there is some jockeying at the mics and she wants to make sure there is at least a 15 minute debate on the common core before someone calls the question -- watch the Unity crowd jockey at the mics at 14 minutes and 30 seconds.
#AFT14 Report: When Will the UFT/AFT Reclaim the Promise of a Democratic Union?
....independence of thought is a liability in Unity. The democracy is a sham and I pledge to challenge it as I also pledge to challenge misguided corporate reforms... Arthur Goldstein
AFT President Randi Weingarten kicked off the AFT national convention.... by outline a bold plan to both fight back and fight forward to reclaim the promise of America and create economic and educational opportunity for all.... AFT News Press ReleaseYou know I'm not all negative, having had some great conversations with so many people here and even with Unity folk -- we often get along great when we are away. And I even hear what some of them are saying. But you cannot watch some of the stuff I've seen and heard from Mulgrew and Randi that are so hypocritical and in some cases outright lies.
Who can disagree with the "Reclaim the Promise of America" theme of this convention? It is an attack on the people who have deformed not only education but the economy, the political structure and just about anything else that could be deformed. [And let me say here that my creation of the "ed deform" term has even made it her as part of some official events. Darn, I shoulda trademarked it.]
But behind it all is the fact that the very concept of a democratic society has been deformed and unless that is reclaimed - or claimed in the first place - there is no reclaiming any of the rest. Yet the slavish devotion of Randi, the AFT, the UFT and most of American labor to the deformed Democratic Party - see one Andrew Cuomo as exhibit #1 -- undermines the very nature of the "reclaim" theme.
But even worse, is the lack of democracy in the AFT/UFT Union Educational Industrial Complex (thanks to Lenny Isenberg for this one). Let's brand it UEIC - which can be morphed into YUCK!
At last night's social justice unionism SRO event with Mulgrew, Karen, Alex and others - which Randi just had to crash - I heard statements that had us MOREistas smacking our heads and rending our garments. I won't get into this astounding event that mixed dozens of Unity people with dozens of CORE and LATU people in one space. I have some video which will say it all (and I'll leave it to the readers to find the mis-truths and outright lies.)
Alex and Karen both said social justice unionism is not possible without starting out with a democratic union down to its roots. So at this point I'll let my pal Arthur Goldstein take over and address the point that Randi must first reclaim the promise of a democratic union that doesn't send a block of 800 votes with one brain or that doesn't have a 100% Executive Board endorsed by Unity Caucus.
Will Weingarten Pledge to Stand with Us in Supporting True Union Democracy? -
Ms. Weingarten sent me a pledge from the halls of the AFT Convention in L.A. today. The pledge concluded with these words: "While we're fighting for big things, no action is too small. We need you to do whatever you can. Commit to engage your colleagues in the fight. To build power at the ballot box. To share our work online and in person. To work hand in hand with the communities we serve."
I must know whether Ms. Weingarten is sincere and if her invitation applies to all. Will UFT Unity delegates be able to engage their colleagues and their communities if the views differ from those of Unity's leadership? The AFT can never truly represent the views of its rank and file in a democratic sense so long as UFT Unity, the tail that wags two dogs, both NYSUT and the AFT, is not truly democratic.
Some of the most committed and experienced individuals have faced a Unity lockout for years now because, put quite simply, they refuse to swear to vote the Unity line and adhere to all Unity policies in public.
How will I know whether our Union truly wishes to represent its rank and file and tolerate free discussion or whether it merely wishes to represent the views of a mysterious few in leadership positions whom largely seem out of touch with active members?
1. UFT Unity would need to discard loyalty oaths and palm cards (which instruct delegates how to vote), cutting the purse strings of a vast patronage system that provides lucrative employment in union offices, double pensions, fancy trips and other privileges only to those who sign away the right to vote their conscience or that of their constituency if they differ from the Unity party line.
2. The slate voting tied to a winner-take-all system in UFT elections would need to change. MORE received 40% of the high school vote in the last election. Yet, not a single MORE rep. is allowed to sit on the Executive Board. This is not democracy.
3. District Reps. would need to be elected. In the past, chapter leaders were allowed to pick their reps. Now, they are appointed, in a completely undemocratic way, and they are all Unity.
4. The UFT would need to allow more debate in which all sides are allowed equal time and the voice of critics, who are die-hard unionists, are not summarily dismissed or stifled. There would need to be far greater transparency as well. We deserve to know a lot more about how our representatives vote on each issue and we need to hold them accountable.
5. The U.F.T. should stop the charade of empowering retirees with greater voting power as a means to guarantee its stranglehold on elections.
If Unity cannot share power with those who have differing views, it is really no better than a bully on the playground. It intimidates its own caucus members to fall in line by threatening to withdraw lucrative benefits and access to the party. It bullies nonmembers by marginalizing them and failing to give them the representation they deserve.
As an educator, I favor free thought and expression. As it stands now, UFT Unity doesn't want its delegates to choose wisely, as advised by Roosevelt in the quote above; it simply wants them to rubber stamp leadership decisions. They don't need much of a brain to do that. And, it's a terrible shame; as an educator I hate to see intelligence go unrecognized. Yet, independence of thought is a liability in Unity. The democracy is a sham and I pledge to challenge it as I also pledge to challenge misguided corporate reforms.
NYC Educator,
Randi Weingarten
Saturday, July 12, 2014
#AFT14 Updated - Former Chicago TU Pres Debbie Lynch Calls for Arne Duncan Resignation
Lynch, who was CTU president from 2001-04 and ran and lost in '07 and '10 and is now a delegate from a college, made a special resolution calling for Duncan resignation. This came as a surprise to Randi and pretty much everyone in the house it seems since there was already a planned similar reso, as pointed out by Randi, that she knew about in advance. She suggested they be combined. They are finishing the committee nursing resos.
5PM. I think I reported earlier that word was out that the leadership would not openly oppose this -- as some have pointed out - the AFT never likes to look less militant than the NEA, which called for the end of Duncan's reign. And so it is
Lynch at mic captures the limelight. Needing a 2/3 vote to put on agenda tomorrow's calendar, it passes unanimously. Will be on agenda tomorrow.
Mulgrew got a lot of air time this afternoon, making a few speeches, showing a video introducing de Blasio and being praised to the sky by Cynthia Nixon and her partner, who works at Tweed now.
Lots going on in next few hours. There is the panel at 7PM with Caputo-Pearl, Lewis, Mulgrew and others. And a rally at Staples protesting their role in breaking postal workers.
5PM. I think I reported earlier that word was out that the leadership would not openly oppose this -- as some have pointed out - the AFT never likes to look less militant than the NEA, which called for the end of Duncan's reign. And so it is
Lynch at mic captures the limelight. Needing a 2/3 vote to put on agenda tomorrow's calendar, it passes unanimously. Will be on agenda tomorrow.
Mulgrew got a lot of air time this afternoon, making a few speeches, showing a video introducing de Blasio and being praised to the sky by Cynthia Nixon and her partner, who works at Tweed now.
Lots going on in next few hours. There is the panel at 7PM with Caputo-Pearl, Lewis, Mulgrew and others. And a rally at Staples protesting their role in breaking postal workers.
#AFT14 Report - Recaps and Trends
CTU is the outlier in this convention, battle-scarred and ready to fight. The NYC delegation has the numbers to vote them down. ... Diane Ravitch, On AFT Convention
..the UFT delegation votes in lockstep, regardless of how the individual members think, and thus the result is foregone... In the Bronx, we know that Gates money broke up our schools, created a mess, and then disappeared. We live the aftermath every day.... Jonathan HalabiSo lots happening on many fronts. I'm not getting into speakers I have no interest in. Some quickies - no chronological order.
Diane Ravitch has excellent report based AFT reports from Unity shill Peter Goodman -Diane goes as far as I've seen trashing them if you read between the lines. Peter Goodman: A Report from Inside the AFT Convention.
I'll try to get back with a close reading of this post later.
Peter Goodman regularly blogs about education in New York. He is close to the UFT leadership in New York City and thus has good sources. Here is his update from inside the AFT convention. Reading this, I conclude that the AFT will not call for Arne Duncan’s resignation. This is the first time in my memory that the AFT was less militant than its larger brethren and sisters in the NEA. It appears that there will be a floor debate about the Common Core. The Chicago Teachers Union is opposed to it. If my reading of the tea leaves is right, the New York City delegation is prepared to shoot that resolution down too. CTU is the outlier in this convention, battle-scarred and ready to fight. The NYC delegation has the numbers to vote them down.We reported that they already shot the CTU common core reso down yesterday. Great that Diane recognizes some realities - there are Diane bashers out there - not me - she continuously evolves but won't break all the eggs with unions like some people want - not her place to do that but I do feel she must not enable Randi by praising her when she plays political games. I see this post by Diane as one of her stronger pieces on the union.
LA Mayor Garcetti, a Vergara decison supporter, in a Bill Gates moment, is now speaking. UFB and WTF.
He is sick and tired of seeing teachers getting beat up - he's holding a truncheon behind his back.
Jeez they talked about another AFT dues increase - which you will see reflected in your union dues. Double Jeez - Detroit Fed of Teachers Keith Johnson rises to support dues increase. Let's just take it out of Detroit teacher pensions - You know I would not oppose a dues increase - not that I have a vote - but we know they are not accountable to anyone on how they spend the money.
Interesting how Randi controls things. 10-year old Chicago superstar, Asean Johnson, who keynoted at the NYCORE conference and also highlighted the May 17 SOS rally in NYC is the speaker. Many were looking forward to Karen Lewis speaking after him but she was given a very limited role after Asean to introduce someone else.
Karen looking much slimmer -- getting in shape to run for mayor against Rahm? -- looking increasingly more likely according to some observers. How that event would affect the union is leading to some speculation. Who would take over as CTU head? Betting is on Jesse Sharkey who would be excellent, though there will be red-baiting due to his being ISO. If anyone can deal with that issue, it is Jesse.
Interesting question: CTU contract expires June 2015. Mayoral election is Feb. 2015 with a runoff in May of no one gets majority. Imagine Karen and Rahm in runoff a month before CTU contract. Bette scenario - Karen wins and has to negotiate with Jesse. Oh, what fun.
Another interesting question: CORE must run again in May 2016. How much of a toll will assault on union with closing schools and layoffs take? What about a scenario where due to whatever, Karen doesn't run?
Obviously I'm speculating here because I am bored over Rules report.
Met an adult ed teacher from LA and connected him up to adult ed teacher from NYC.
Ran into Jonathan Halabi who is sitting in press section. [I felt we made some peace with each other after Julie and I from MORE met with some New Action people met back in November]. He is blogging and had some astute observations that seem more pertinent and directed than what I've been doing - here are a few with a link to his blog below.
On Arne Duncan, Jonathan told me UFT/AFT will not oppose - openly at least - meaning Unity is free to vote the way they want? Watch final vote to see if they are not opposing behind the scenes - see my last post [on Proposed Anti-Duncan Reso - Let the Members Decide].
There’s not a “Duncan Resign” resolution coming from the leadership to the floor. On the other hand, what will the AFT tops and UFT do if someone else brings one to the floor? Earlier this year NYSUT (New York State United Teachers) replaced most of their top leadership – largely because the previous year that leadership, confronted with a “John King Resign” resolution, animated by anger and frustration, said no. The UFT stepped aside, and the President and all but one VP were replaced. And the UFT walked away unscathed. So now it’s national, the AFT, and the anger is aimed at Duncan, not King, and if there is a “Dump Duncan” reso from the floor, maybe that’s a big if, but if there’s one, wouldn’t the UFT do the same thing, step aside and let the anger be directed towards passing a resolution that really doesn’t mean much anyway? Duncan has two years left. And the AFT’s voice would be a late addition to a fairly loud chorus.Jonathan brings up some points on AFT and international events below. I have a long blog post coming up on this point - Vera Pavone is back home slaving over a document we hope we can give out at the UFT history event Wed night. The other night I heard stories of how Randi continues AFT 60 year policy of trying to influence teacher unions - much more left than the AFT - around the world - away from militancy. Then I see that Peter Goodman chairs the AFT International committee and it is an AHA moment. Not much has changed since AFT and Vietnam. Back to Jonathan:
The AFT’s has a long history of taking pro-war positions, and only later modifying some of them (eg Viet Nam). When I was a delegate in 2010 in Seattle, the AFT pushed an Iran resolution that was clearly meant to encourage the hawks in DC. And this time? A Ukraine resolution. No real news, except that it barely squeaked out of committee – just a two vote margin.
Some good points on the competing Common Core resos from Chicago and AFT/UFT.
And here he nails them to the wall on the Gates money.
The Chicago Teachers Union resolution “Oppose the Common Core Standards” was defeated in committee. The AFT tops / UFT resolution “The Role of Standards in Public Education” was passed. These are counterposed.Halabi comes to the same place Ravitch did in her post.
The official resolution continues bad AFT policy from the past. In a section at the top, they laud the standards, in seven bullet points creating a slide show that looks like pure promotion (it would be interesting if this turns out to have been lifted). In another section at the top of the resolution, they say “some AFT members oppose and distrust…” Notice the weak argument, based on “some people.” But then in seven bullet points, they dwell on testing and implementation. This echoes a June 20 e-mail many of us received from Mulgrew: “Everyone recognizes that the Common Core, while the right direction for education, had a terrible rollout.” No. Not everyone.
“The AFT” it reads “will continue to support the promise of CCSS…” That’s the bottom line. And will support a shift away from “excessive testing” begging the question of which tests those are, and exactly how much high stakes testing and standardized testing the AFT is happy with.
There will be debate on the floor, but the UFT delegation votes in lockstep, regardless of how the individual members think, and thus the result is foregone.
And here he nails them to the wall on the Gates money.
That committee also rejected a resolution (California Federation of Teachers) to reject any more Bill Gates money. It’s hard to fathom how Ed Reform $$$ do not buy influence. In the Bronx, we know that Gates money broke up our schools, created a mess, and then disappeared. We live the aftermath every day.Finally, on Randi speech, voice, and continuous use of Badass term:
[Randi] completely appropriated the term “badass” to the point that, when she asked Badass Teachers to stand up, only a small numbers of those present did. I’m assuming embarrassment kept others in their seats. Weingarten’s writers have a voice problem. Her natural Rockland – big words, not all of them bungled, many of them used correctly - it’s not what you want for a long speech. But what to do? As she moved section to section, the voice, the register, they changed and shifted. A good speaker might pull it off, maybe to great effect. Here, many of us focused on the words, since the delivery jumped rapidly from awkward, to natural, and back again. Even the attempts at self-deprecation often seemed forced. And the audience seemed to cringe collectively at her “homey” moment.
Here is a link to his full post.
AFT 2014 Convention – Friday
AFT Convention 2014 Video: Randi Laugh Riot - on Proposed Anti-Duncan Reso - Let the Members Decide
Saturday, July 12, 2014
I have a stitch in my side from laughing after watching this video. OK. We can stop laughing now and watch the short segment I am putting up on the Duncan censure issue that I taped at Randi's press conference yesterday. (I have more video to post on the common core issue, also with her "let the members decide" - and I taped this moments before the Unity machine stepped on the Chicago CC reso.)
Randi's claims she is letting the members decide and her response to my question touching on how things really are done in the AFT/UFT Educational Industrial Complex (thanks to my new best friend Lenny Isenberg for this line) will give our usual readers a howl. Especially if you followed the antics yesterday of the UFT shock troops - led by Mulgrew - in stepping on the Chicago Common Core reso. (AFT Convention Update: Chicago CC Reso Goes Down Overwhelmingly in Committee)
And to my Unity pals who claim Mulgrew is "different" than Randi and his own man - well, you know.
Oh - and to some of my Chicago friends who also believe that crap being pushed on them by Mulgrew himself - that he has increasing differences with Randi - double "well."
And Randi's claim that she and I were separated at birth is absolutely true.
I have a stitch in my side from laughing after watching this video. OK. We can stop laughing now and watch the short segment I am putting up on the Duncan censure issue that I taped at Randi's press conference yesterday. (I have more video to post on the common core issue, also with her "let the members decide" - and I taped this moments before the Unity machine stepped on the Chicago CC reso.)
Randi's claims she is letting the members decide and her response to my question touching on how things really are done in the AFT/UFT Educational Industrial Complex (thanks to my new best friend Lenny Isenberg for this line) will give our usual readers a howl. Especially if you followed the antics yesterday of the UFT shock troops - led by Mulgrew - in stepping on the Chicago Common Core reso. (AFT Convention Update: Chicago CC Reso Goes Down Overwhelmingly in Committee)
And to my Unity pals who claim Mulgrew is "different" than Randi and his own man - well, you know.
Oh - and to some of my Chicago friends who also believe that crap being pushed on them by Mulgrew himself - that he has increasing differences with Randi - double "well."
And Randi's claim that she and I were separated at birth is absolutely true.
AFT Convention 2014,
Randi Weingarten
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