Unity Caucus Chapter Leader at McKee HS in Staten Island:
For denying access to UFT mailboxes by ICE reps. They'll be baaaaack.
Written and edited by Norm Scott: EDUCATE! ORGANIZE!! MOBILIZE!!! Three pillars of The Resistance – providing information on current ed issues, organizing activities around fighting for public education in NYC and beyond and exposing the motives behind the education deformers. We link up with bands of resisters. Nothing will change unless WE ALL GET INVOLVED IN THE STRUGGLE!
You call everyone a hack if they support Randi. If you have a hack per week, it'll take around hundreds of thousands of years to get around to everybody. Hope your blog lasts that long.
NO. I call people hacks who stop the distribution of materials in the mailboxes. And I call Michael Mendel to let him know. He supports Randi and I don't consider him a hack like Desantis and Blasse and probably you.
No doubt that the Mendel reprimand will be brutal, and accompanied by an envelope of cash. The Unity machine rides again. Screw the members, but perks for Unity whores!
I am wondering whether or not Norm Scott, or whomever runs EdNotes, will remove the comment at 5:21.
Put the comment in the chapter's mailboxes, then remove it. That's also the Unity way, isn't it?
Yea Norm, take down that comment about the envelope with cash.
It was airline tickets.
It is illegal to remove election material from school mailboxes during an election period.
If this happened at my school the staff would go crazy and that chapter leader would be out of a job.
I believe that whoever tries to put out election related literature and finds it removed by the chapter leader or any member of the school administration should first contact the union itself. Then if nothing is done to rectify the situation they should go to the press and expose what goes on in our "union".
At the very least they should contact ICE/TJC or UTP and let them run an anti democratic scumbag list. Frank, we're watching you.
I like the "Scumbag list" idea. If these losers are willing to protect their best interest, rather than the members, they deserve to be on that list.
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