The Democratic Party has committed the gravest of insults by permitting Rhee's Astroturf group to air the parent trigger film "Won't Back Down" at the Democratic National Convention. SHAME!
Check out my post on StudentsFirst's September 3 screening of the film at the convention.From: NY_I has left a comment on your post "Parent Trigger in Adelanto, CA":
And: Rhee has also advised Republican Governor Rick Scott:
see how she has advised Republican governor Rick Scott.
No surprised that DFER's Joe Williams, the charter school promoter, is there for the DNC screening of "Won't Back Down."
Below I have links to Schmidt and Strauss.
In particular for Valerie: It’s really about the principals
Yes it is about principals and on the whole you can't get much worse than NYC.
Three ed reforms parents should worry about most --
One of the great principals Carol Burris is at it again. What a voice for all of us ( and don't forget how Leo Casey attacked her.)
And Rita Solnet: ‘Won’t Back Down’: Realities the movie ignores
Substance and Strauss links below the break.
SUBSTANCE Reports on the latest from Chicago
Informational pickets continue with spirited line on Madison St. from Emmet school
CORE to host two major forums on CTU history — Winning CTU Strikes
UNO's Juan Rangal to be at City Club of Chicago August 29. Pickets planned?
North Side rally follows second day of informational pickets across Chicago
Huge meeting planned downtown next Wednesday in solidarity with CTU
The Chicago Teachers Solidarity Committee is inviting everyone to a major rally and meeting next Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at the Chicago Temple. It's called a "Town Hall Meeting" - Reunión de la Comunidad, Wednesday, . . .Brizard announces plans to open Scab Schools in August 20 letter to parents and teachers
VALERIE STRAUSS posts awesome stuff -- I can't keep up.
Three ed reforms parents should worry about most
A New York educator gives her list of three reforms that parents should worry about most in their children’s public schools.
Does it matter that an elite university lied to college rankers for years?
Since 2000, Emory University submitted false admissions data to
college rankers and other organizations that showed higher test scores
and class rankings than students actually had.
What new ACT college readiness scores really mean
The stagnant trend in ACT college readiness scores just released is yet another piece of evidence that test-driven K-12 education in the U.S. is a sweeping, expensive failure.
Analyzing the new PDK/Gallup poll on how Americans view public education
The 2012 PDK/Gallup poll on how Americans view public education shows
some major divisions as well as agreements. Here is education historian
Diane Ravitch’s analysis of what matters in the poll and what doesn’t.
Poll: Americans’ views on public education
The annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll on American views about public
education shows a big divide on issues including vouchers and evaluating
teachers based on student standardized test scores. But Americans
agree on issues including the need to make teacher preparation as strong
as in other professions, such as medicine and law.
Eight problems with Common Core Standards
A veteran educator lists eight things about the Common Core State Standards that he thinks will damage public education.
It’s really about the principals
Those seeking to improve schooling through efforts to increase teacher
effectiveness and build teacher capacity are realizing that such
efforts rely heavily on principal capacity and stability.
Broad Foundation’splan to expand influence in school reform
Here’s a memo from the Broad Foundation that lays out its plans to
expand its already considerable influence in public education. It
includes the creation of a “go to group” of Broad Academy graduates and
others who can drive Broad-supported reform policies.
The Broad Foundation memo
Here you can read the entire memo from the Broad Foundation that
spells out its strategy for expanding its influence in the world of
school reform.
‘Won’t Back Down’: Realities the movie ignores
“Won’t Back Down,” writes one movie-goer, depicts a story that is more
about good vs. evil than about the truth behind public schools today
and the movement to privatize them.
Ten things teachers, students should expect this year
What do most public teachers and students across the nation have to
look forward to as they head back for the 2012-13 school year? Here’s a
list — with suggestions on how to improve public education.
On Obama’s call to states to save teachers’ jobs
President notes that state and local budget cuts have helped kill
300,000 teaching and other jobs since 2009. But there’s an irony.
The big business of charter schools
If you are wondering why you should add charter schools to your
investment portfolios, here’s David Brain, head of a major investment
concern called Entertainment Properties Trust, to tell you.
The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.
What a whole lot to keep up with.
The day before the August 29 event Substance cited, there is another mass rally / town hall meeting at Trinity All Nations Church, in conjunction with Chicago P.E.A.C.E., as I mused, what kind of tone are Emanuel and Brizard setting as these rallies approach?
Norm, I guess you and the crew from GEM will need to make a movie exposing again the nonsensical gibberish that is in the move "Won't Back Down". The supporters/makers of the movie, "Waiting for Superman", were unable to convince the public to go "charter". Now they hope that using a teacher-mother team will pull on the heart-strings and create a nationwide demand for charter schools. It is pathetic and shameful that two movie stars who belong to a union would make this movie. Ahh, so many Faustian deals that are being made on a daily basis.
I truly hope that you, Julie, and the others make another powerful documentary movie that will shame the "Won't Back Down" supporters again.
Saw 'Won't Keel Over', about Bloomberg's vow to stay out of Ed politics for 30 days while tending a salad bar with Jamie Oliver. He only lasts two days, then starts dry heaving and convulsing.
It shows that Walcott did not injure his finger at a gym but while testing a teacher-firing trigger law with the wrong finger.
Bloomberg is hospitalized. Rhee visits him and fires a parade of teachers brought before his bed one at a time cheer him up. He is about to be released when he accidentally catches Ravitch on CNN and goes into cardiac arrest. During his near-death experience he sees
John White as a pantomime horse and Klein as a pickpocket in Dickensian England.
The bi-partisanship and the Rhee cementing of ties to ALEC continue:
Rhee's StudentFirst has bestowed Education Reformer of the Year on anti-immigrant Georgia State Senate Majority Leader, ALEC board treasurer Chip Rogers.
DREAMers Cite StudentsFirst for Endorsement of Anti-Immigrant ALEC Treas. Ga. Senator
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