Thursday, March 22, 2012

PEP Notes From March 21

We had tickets to a play last night so I didn't make it to the PEP which was focused on charter co-locations. Every co-loco turns more people into opponents of ed deform so in that cloud is a silver lining.

It took me a long time to realize the value of Twitter as a basic news source. So before and after the show I was able to follow the PEP and OWS stuff and the Million hoodie march for Trayvon Martin at Unions Square. (Interesting that on the way home around 9PM there was an announcement that the Q train was skipping Union Square due to a police investigation). See the video with Brian Jones posted on the Coalition for Public Education blog. Also see Jose Vilson and Miss Eyre at NYCEducator on this issue. (I'll do a separate post later).

Gotham tweeted on the PEP all night -- they are here:

On PEP agenda: Co-locations and a “restart”-related contract

And Patrick Sullivan did some too. Here are Patrick's and a few more under the #PEP321 hash tag.

Asked DOE general counsel to review law, see if MCS charter in violation of law requiring charters to serve Eng lang learners

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