Sunday, March 18, 2012

Debate Monday: High Stakes 101 in Brooklyn

GEM's Janine Sopp sent this along. She has been a major player with the GEM high stakes testing committee, which has involved with the opt-out movement in the Change the Stakes campaign.

Hello All!

I hope this finds you well. Together with many others, I have been busy putting together a panel* on high-stakes testing that will take place at BNS on Mon March 19. It's being sponsored by the BNS/BCS (PS146) PAC and PS 29 and we are hoping for a full house of folks--from lots of schools and throughout the community.
I am sure you are learning about our event through the numerous listservs we are all connected to and have possibly been invited already.  I'd love to invite you to help spread the word on your listservs and with our posters in advance and also invite you and your organizations to bring information about the great work you are doing around these issues.  We will have 2 or more information tables for hand outs, books, petitions, dvds or any other literature you have to share, and if you would like to speak with visitors, this would be a great way to explain what you are doing.
Please let us know if you will attend or send someone, or can leave materials for us to display.  Also, let us know if you have any special requests.
I am attaching a jpeg here that is good for sharing electronically (to listserv, FB page, etc.) as well as 2 color posters and on b + w.

Since we are providing childcare and pizza for the children, we hope this makes it even easier for families to attend what we expect to be a timely, lively and informative panel.  (See details below)

All the best,
Janine Sopp

What does high stakes testing mean
for our children?
our teachers?
our schools?

MONDAY, MARCH 19 at 6:30pm
*Education reporter Meredith Kolodner (Daily News, InsideSchools) 
will moderate a panel discussion with distinguished guests: 
Shael Polakow-Suransky
Chief Accountability Officer of the NYC Dept. of Education

Sean Feeney
Principal of the Wheatley School and Author of the New York Principals APPR Position Paper

Elijah Hawkes
Former Principal of The James Baldwin Expeditionary Learning School

If interested in CHILDCARE and PIZZA (starting at 6 PM, $5 suggested donation), RSVP to
F or G to Carroll St. station, exit 2nd Place

1 comment:

Pete Zucker said...

You know, there is another borough that starts with a B.