Wednesday, November 3, 2010

TONY WINS!!!!!! We Beat Padavan - Others Take Heart!

They said it couldn't be done. 

Frank Padavan, 38 year Senate veteran and one of the principal authors of mayoral control and the principal Senate sponsor of the 2009 legislation extending it, was handily defeated by Tony Avella yesterday.  Tony made education a major issue in his campaign and received the backing of the UFT.  He has called for the dismissal of Chancellor Joel Klein and for a regime that would give greater voices to parents and teachers.

Tony Avella's path is one to be emulated.  With the City Council as a proving ground and with term limits there, we will have the opportunity to support proven candidates, known in their communities, available for election to the state legislature.  Those who behave like Bloomberg puppets, and other miscreants, can hopefully
be retired.

As the Bloomberg era comes to an end there will likely be a chance in the next few years to rewrite the education law as it applies to NYC.

Melvyn Meer


Anonymous said...

Congrats. Maybe this will be the start of something new. :)

Anonymous said...

With Avella in the minority in the "New" New York Senate, and considering the campaign he ran full of lies deceit and negative campaigning, It's unlikely he'll get any cooperation from the republican majority. as a matter of fact they might even go out of their way to "Inconvenience" him

Anonymous said...

Clearly from a loser Padavan supporter. One less pro mayoral control hack in the Senate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tony won't be able to get anything done as Anonymous above noted the democrats are in the minority, that's a fact. Get real what do you expect from a Senator in the minority. UFT lost a real friend in Padavan. Mulgrew will find that out soon enough

ed notes online said...

Sure, Padavan a "real" friend - to charters. He voted against even the fairly mild reforms of charters because it was too "resritictive." I mean, why should they have open meetings and PTA's while spending our public money?

I don't care what Tony "gets done." He will be a voice for us, sorely lacking at the state level.