Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Media Advisory - DWC Challenge to Steiner-Black Waiver To Be Heard By Albany Judge on Thu, 12/23



To:                      Deny Waiver Coalition      
December 22, 2010

Challenge to Steiner-Black Waiver To Be Heard By Albany Judge

Parents traveling from New York City on Thursday to witness proceedings


Attorneys Norman Siegel and Herbert Teitelbaum will appear before Judge Gerald Connolly in the Albany County Supreme Court on behalf of 13 parent Petitioners and one teacher to challenge New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner's granting of a waiver to Cathleen Black so she may assume the office of Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education.  Siegel and Teitelbaum will be joined by two other lawyers representing additional New York City public school parents who are also challenging the Steiner waiver.

The Petitioners, including New York State Assemblymember Hakeem Jeffries (D-Brooklyn / District 57) and members of the Deny Waiver Coalition, have contended that Ms. Black does not have the qualifications necessary under New York State law to oversee the educational system that serves their children and, furthermore, that Commissioner Steiner misinterpreted State law and exceeded his authority in granting the waiver to Ms. Black.

Three separate Article 78 petitions challenging the waiver have been filed on behalf of a diverse group of public school parents as well as one teacher, and all three will be heard.


Thursday, December 23rd, 2010,  9:30 AM  


Supreme Court - Albany County, 16 Eagle Street, Albany, NY
Enter through back entrance on Lodge Street; front entrance closed due to construction.
Park at Crowne Plaza Hotel parking lot on Lodge & State Streets.


Norman Siegel (Attorney)           347-907-0867
Herbert Teitelbaum (Attorney)  518-441-9412
Mona Davids                                   917-340-8987
Noah E. Gotbaum                           917-658-3213
Lupé Todd (for Asm. Jeffries)      917-202-0116

Visit the Deny Waiver Coalition website:

The DENY WAIVER COALITION ("DWC") is an association of public school parents and educators as well as concerned community leaders opposed to granting a waiver of employment qualifications to Ms. Cathleen Black, the proposed Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education.  The DWC also supports improvements to the Chancellor selection process.

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OwensRallyMona Davids Speaks At Lawsuit Press Conference


Anonymous said...

Where is the mighty Mulgrew?

I thought the UFT loved the courts.

Backroom deals???

Anonymous said...

Mulgrew is hidding and keeping a low profile. That is part of the deal with his best friend Bloomberg. Both-- want Black to be the next chancellor.

Anonymous said...

to norman siegel, Herbert Teitelbaum, the parents, and those involved in DWC.

I support your effort. It is time for the law to weigh in on the side of justice. May this be a vindication for all who believe in the judicial system that a just decision will be made on 12.23.10.

Supporting all your effort,
Zulma E. Villalba