This [1199/SEIU de Blasio] endorsement is a direct slap to Thompson. The African American candidate getting all those rich white people to support him politically and financially doesn't get 1199's endorsement because those members know who Thompson will represent if he is elected mayor. ... Reality Based Educator
3-card monte scam
Better dead than red .... UFT policy since inception, c. 1960Until the past week I was betting on the UFT backing de Blasio given some reports from the inside. But recent days have seen a decided shift to Thompson so I'm willing to bet the farm based on certain smoke signals. Unless the SEIU endorsement makes the UFT hierarchy take a pause.
But if a UFT Thompson comes about look for an interesting battle between UFT and SEIU. (And where will DC37 come down?)
Peter Goodman's Ed in the Apple blog is a good bell-weather of where the UFT is heading, though you have to read between the lines.
De Blasio, also a public school parent, continued to attack Quinn, over her support for a third term, and called her the “Bloomberg Lite” candidate....Yes. we all hate Quinn. And I know the UFT people like de Blasio. But here's the clincher.
Is DiBlasio too far to the left? Will he “turn off” the middle of the road voters? Will he mobilize the business community to make an all-out effort for Lhota? (Lhota is about at the same level as Bloomberg was at this time in 2001)Left? The usual Unity hack scare tactic. ("Progressive" would not do, I guess.)
Is Goodman trying to frighten the members who might support de Blasio (remember the lack of support for Mark Green in 2001 that gave us 12 years of Bloomberg). As if the business community is not already supporting Lhota.
Don't forget that de Blasio is the only candidate to take on Moskowitz and the charter network head to head. The UFT is often too scaredy cat to go there. (They argue that criticizing charters will hurt their attempts to organize charter teachers -- interesting in that Karen Lewis slams charters and still organizes teachers with success and 80% of the teachers in an election where retirees don't vote chose Karen yesterday.)
Reality-Based Educator reporting at Perdido Street School:
Back to Goodman, who has an entire paragraph with a brief bio of Thompson, including this attempt to sugarcoat a guy who ran one of the worst campaigns in history against Bloomberg in 2009.De Blasio Gets 1199 SEIU Endorsement
Local 1199 SEIU, which represents 200,000 healthcare workers, will make the announcement official on Monday.
The decision -- which could provide de Blasio a surge of grassroots support -- is the most significant union endorsement yet in the race.
Officials at the union said that its 150-member executive board voted unanimously to support de Blasio -- the first time that has happened in any citywide race in more than 20 years. They also said they made their choice a month earlier than expected, with hopes it would prompt other unions to follow suit. This endorsement is a direct slap to Thompson. The African American candidate getting all those rich white people to support him politically and financially doesn't get 1199's endorsement because those members know who Thompson will represent if he is elected mayor.
Time and time again he rapped the Bloomberg administration and in the strongest terms said he would hire an experienced educator as chancellor. The audience applauded as he criticized Tweed, policies made by a staff without much school experience, and, “not a lot of diversity.”You mean rapping Bloomberg's policies is what got Bloomberg's next door neighbor and ed deformer supreme, Merryl Tisch, to be Thompson's campaign chairperson and D'Amato and his pals to support him with big money while Merryl's husband is backing Lhota?
Oh, give us a break. They're playing 3-card monte with us.
What about Thompson's time as President of the Board of Education before the fall? He was backed by Giuliani for President and during his tenure we saw the first case of a non educator getting a waiver to be Chancellor (Harold Levy), thus setting a precedent for the past 4 chancellors. NOW he wants an educator for Chancellor?
With many UFT members supporting de Blasio for what they see as a more progressive program (progressive = left in the old war hawk UFT), Goodman's comments opens up the whispering campaign UFT staffers and Unity hacks will be using to try to tame the members who support de Blasio, most of whom will ignore them anyway. Teachers who are clued in despise Tisch and her flunky John King. So go sell Thompson to them.
Only a big backlash internally -- watch the UFT Delegate Assembly this Wednesday for clear signs -- which Unity hacks get up to speak and whether they make the very same comments Goodman is making. Unity Caucus DA Speakers Bureau will be meeting a day or two before the DA to plot strategy. Message to Stuart Kaplan --- we'll be watching you.
I see the entire Thompson campaign with support from Merryl Tisch whose husband is supporting Lhota as a bogus campaign to put forth the weakest candidate so Lhota has a shot. Come on, D'Amato, even with his anti-Lhota comments?
Even anti-political people like me who believe every politician will sell us out may just vote de Blasio for spite.
What a trio of support: the UFT, Tisch and D'Amato. Hello Mayor Lohta.
Here are some more signs of UFT for Thompson:
Tells you everything you need to know about what kind of mayor Bill Thompson will be.
- Thompson is the only one written about in the update the UFT sends out:
Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson gave a speech today outlining his vision for the city’s public schools and slamming Mayor Bloomberg’s education policies. Among the goals cited by Thompson, a former head of the Board of Education, were expanding the city’s prekindergarten programs and the number of Community Learning Schools, an initiative that was launched by the UFT.See the movie opening next fall: Mark Green, Part 2.
And one more thing from Goodman's alternate reality:
I think the final endorsement will be driven by the “straw votes” at the borough meetings and the attitude of the delegates at the May 22nd meeting.Sure, Peter, the vote of the people who attended the borough meetings, which probably look like a Unity Caucus Delegate Assembly, will decide.
Oh, and watch the walking dead in New Action, which actually crowed about how they endorsed Bill Thompson last time and attacked MORE for not doing so despite the fact that MORE didn't even exist, brag that it is their influence over Mulgrew due to their support that got the endorsement for Thompson.
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New Action campaigning for Thompson |
UFT can back whoever they want. No one even cares any more. They've made themselves so irrelevant.
DeBlasio for me. Thompson will extend many of Bloomberg's policies. He's already hinted at that. UFT continues to prove to members that their only alternative is to demand to get out of paying union dues.
Members will see next year when ALL are formally observed, how arbitrary and how unfair and what a LIAR an administrator can be. And UFT will say, as my DR said, "The principal can do whatever they want." And members realize that hiring a private attorney is their only hope for justice.
You really think it's irrelevant? Granted not all 200,000 messengers will vote the same, but surely it can make some difference. Especially in a close race. I also hear more UFT members leaning towards de Blasio, as am I. The race is still young.
I think on the whole it will be irrelevant in terms of most teachers voting due to what the UFT tells them to. They didn't vote in UFT elections the way they were told. I think if they endorsed Quinn no one would vote for her. So they can't sell that. More important is the UFT phone banking etc. What Goodman is doing is laying out the line that could be used to people thinking di Blasio. I think the SEIU endorsement puts the UFT in a bit of a corner now and maybe we will see a shift back to di Blasio who I believe given Liu's problems is becoming the consensus candidate of the progressives even with his problems. But if elected he will end up being not much different. In my teaching life I have been through too many mayors from both parties who tried to use teachers as punching bags.
The UFT had not pushed voting in their own elections as they have been pushing voting in the fall elections. Their I Vote buttons, posters and ads are a prelude to the endorsement and the fall campaign.
DeBlasio is the clear choice...
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