Thursday, August 8, 2013

Former NY St Ed Comm David Milton Steiner Opines in NY Post as StudentsFirstNY Quotes Randi

I pledge allegiance to ed deform
After Cathie Black does Milton have any credibility left? This Milton is has less vision than the real one. What a NYSED Commish crew over last 18 years. From Dickie Boy Richard Mills through John King. These people are a joke.

Leonie posted this tidbit:
On disastrous scores StudentsFirstNY cites Randi in defense of the Common Core (!!)  & misquotes Diane in one of the silliest most incoherent pieces  I have EVER read.

And in the NYPost, David Milton Steiner (yes he is now using his middle name) says this is necessary pain (for whom?)  and writes: 
The new Common Core standards are even more demanding than the ones we contemplated, and could cause an even more precipitous drop in graduation….

Ideally, we would have more prep time, more Common Core-aligned materials available sooner, more professional support for teachers. But New York rightly makes the same decision that John Silber and his team made for Massachusetts: that only by moving the stake in the ground, right now can we ensure that we all get serious about reform.
John Silber was an intolerant anti-gay bigot.  Amazing that he would cite him as a hero.  I would put the stake elsewhere myself --

Leonie Haimson
Executive Director
Class Size Matters
 Oh, and let's celebrate Eva's great scores. We know how these stories usually end up.

1 comment:

reality-based educator said...

I didn't realize Milton Berle was still around and telling jokes...

In all seriousness, what has happened to the state investigation into Pearson and Steiner?