Sunday, April 24, 2016

Haimson - A dispiriting night at the Panel for Educational Policy

What is so dispiriting is here are two, unique and successful schools, trying to do the right thing by their students against all odds, and provide them with an engaging, well-rounded education, and yet the DOE is trying to undermine them in the most unsubtle ways.  In the case of the Meyer Levin Performing Arts School, the administration is proposing to take away their performing arts rooms -- to give them to an oppressive charter school.  In the case of the progressive CPE1, by inserting a top-down, authoritarian principal who doesn’t believe in collaboration or progressive education.   These schools somehow survived the twelve ruthless years of Bloomberg and Klein’s reign of terror, and yet are being destroyed by de Blasio and Farina – despite the fact that these schools exemplify the supposed values of this supposedly progressive administration.... Leonie Haimson on PEP meeting
A dispiriting night at the Panel for Educational Policy; DOE continues to close struggling schools, co-locate charters and plans to destroy two terrific public schools 
Contrast this with what Mulgrew is saying as James reports at the ICE blog: IS MULGREW'S DESCRIPTION OF A HEALTHY NYC SCHOOL SYSTEM ACCURATE?

I wrote briefly about the April 20  PEP meeting (The "New" PEP Under di Blasio/Farina - New Boss, Same as....) Leonie has done a good job of touching on the important issues in the blog above where she posted the video of Meyer Levin students telling the truth about an invading charter - a video that had been suddenly removed from you tube but is now posted on vimeo.

Meyer Levin video from Class Size Matters on Vimeo.

With deBlasio facing rough waters how much longer will Farina be around? But if you are rooting for her to leave no matter who replaces her it won't get any better.

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